~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Thirty

Sally Clauser had watched Althea Spiros arrive at the villa and led into the building by Sarah and within ten minutes Sarah had arrived back to her visitor. Sally had smiled at the older woman and sat down on the long padded bench and motioned for Sarah to join her, who did so without a second bidding.

“You have another visitor? Is it someone you know well?” Sally decided to find out as much as possible from this friendly woman at her side, seeing Ms. Spiros arrive had been a shock, but not altogether unexpected! The woman certainly wasn’t that receptive to the plans for the demise of Constantia Xianthos.

“Oh, she’s here to see Consty. To be honest, I do not know her at all, Lukas does and I think Consty has met her before. She’s the daughter of Fatama Spiros, who I believe you know?” Sarah might look dumb and foolish, but after a talk with Lukas and his mention of a scene with Althea Spiros when Catherine left the island, she had made some discreet enquiries of her own. No one was going to hurt Consty, not if she had anything to do with it!

Sally was taken aback by the comment and looked shrewdly at the woman at her side and saw the innocent eyes looking at her waiting for the answer to her question. Sally decided that she would answer, but cautiously. “Yes. I have met her and the son. The daughter unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of meeting.”

Sarah heard what she thought was the truth and smiled at her new friend.

“Lukas thinks that Althea has news about a plan to hurt Consty, but I do not think anyone holds a grudge. She is a wonderful person and has brought much prosperity to many on the Island since her return." The words rang out proudly from Sarah as she leaned back and basked in the sunrays.

Sally watched the woman beside her with a satisfied smile. She had found out exactly what she wanted and it had been so easy too. This woman was far too gullible. Perhaps as she appeared to care for the soon to be dead woman it might be fitting if she followed her on her fatal journey. What did it matter if two died, it might have more impact to bring Devonshire here? Mmm what an appealing thought, chuckling softly as the plan began to form in her mind eye.

“You find something funny Sally?” Sarah asked puzzled at the younger woman’s merriment, she hadn’t said anything funny as far as she was concerned.

“No! No… Sarah, I was appreciating the view it made me recall a summer when I was a child.” Sally said quickly and then began to fabricate a story from a fictitious childhood and had Sarah laughing with her in no time.


Catherine had left early for the office and Jace was now about to leave the apartment and take the two children for a walk in the park and feed the ducks for an hour, until her mother came by and they would all go to the zoo for the day?

Calling a quick goodbye to Stephanie, she left the apartment with Elena in the pushchair and Lisa skipping along the corridor, pressing the elevator button.

Jace was waiting with an excited Lisa by her side chatting aimlessly on about the animals in the zoo and how they could teach Elena more new animal words. Just as the elevator opened Jace remembered that she hadn’t picked up the bread for the ducks. “Oh! Lisa, I’ve forgotten the bread. We will have to wait for the next elevator. Stay here with Elena will you, I need to go back for the bread.”

Lisa looked at the elevator and smiled, “That’s okay Jace. I will go get the bread and you can take the elevator now and I will meet you downstairs, won’t be a minute.” Lisa skipped off towards the door of the apartment before Jace had time to answer her and laughed at her elder daughter. It wasn’t a bad idea and the building was secure so Lisa couldn’t really come to any harm between the apartment and the lobby.

Then again the elevator could malfunction, but that was a long shot and the child was very responsible.” No Lisa, we will wait for you here. Don’t take too long, okay?” Jace saw the petulant child’s glance as she thought that Jace didn’t trust her.

Jace pushed the chair up and down the corridor to soothe the restless Elena, who wanted out of her restraints. Talking softly to the child as she did so.

Within a few minute Lisa was running down the corridor with a large brown bag presumably filled with the bread for the ducks. The child had a wide grin on her face.

“All set Lisa?” Jace asked with a grin of her own and the previous expression that Jace had witnessed on the child’s face had disappeared. Lisa never held any bad feelings for long against anyone, as far as Jace could remember.

The elevator arrived shortly after Jace pressed the button for the second time. The speed of the machine was slow today. Maybe it was due a service and she had been really pleased that she hadn’t let Lisa come down in the elevator on her own.

Pushing the stroller inside first with Lisa following behind her, she saw, but took little notice at first of the shadowy figure in the corner as she manoeuvred the pushchair to face the doors, watching Lisa safely inside. Her back was now turned to the other person in the elevator and before Jace had time to turn around and see whom it was, she suddenly felt dizzy and disorientated and then she fell unceremoniously to the floor.

“Mom? Mom what’s the matter?” Lisa cried in distress as she went towards her mother to try and help her, but as she reached the slumped form a hand reached out to her and a small syringe was inserted into the child’s arm. Within seconds Lisa was in the same position as Jace slumped on the floor.

The shadowy figure removed her hood and smiled at the ease, of which she had managed to attain her goal of the day, just as well she had too! She had gambled the situation by sending a note to Catherine Devonshire. Calmly and confidently she pressed the next floor button and checked the corridor ensuring it was empty and pushed the woman out of the elevator and then deposited the pushchair next to the slumped figure. The child inside was looking around her with startled eyes, tears just visible behind dark eyelashes fanning green eyes.

The woman looked them over and tipped her head. "It might be your turn yet kid." She then pressed the button to allow the elevator to move forward to the next level, where she picked up the child and cradled her close to her chest; it looked a very loving scene a mother tenderly holding their child in sleep.

As the elevator stopped in the Lobby a thin man got out and came over to speak to the concierge. “Henry, you have to find out who leaves their rubbish in the elevator and all over the floor it’s disgusting.” The thin man said and walked out into the morning sunshine with an appalled expression on his face.


Jace found herself coming round to the sounds of crying and she tried to make her feeble thoughts make sense, but she couldn’t everything was a haze. Trying desperately to shake off the clouds in her head she focused eventually on where she was, or rather the place she was in!

Her green eyes saw a corridor, but what was she doing sitting on the floor? Then she heard the anguished cries of a child and looked towards the red blotchy face of her daughter and Jace struggled forward to touch the child’s face gently. Her head felt like it was bursting, but she didn’t know why or what had happened to her.

“Its okay Darling, Mommy’s here; it’s fine, were fine.” Jace placed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead and it appeared to placate the child.

Jace looked about her and then down at her watch, and it was half an hour later than she thought suddenly her mind started to work in earnest and one word screamed at her LISA! Shaking at the thought and where the child was, it could be simple… she may have gone for help the first thing she should do is call Stephanie and see if Lisa was there.

Jace moved quickly towards an internal floor phone on the far wall, her eyes never leaving Elena as she did so and dialled the number her hands shaking… her mind becoming numbing as she thought of every possible predicament, except the one she wanted the most and that was her daughter safe and sound in the apartment.

“Stephanie, its Jace is Lisa with you?” Jace’s voice reedy and anxious as she spoke.

“No, Jace she was with you, wasn’t she?” Stephanie having heard the anxiety in the other woman’s voice felt her own voice wobble with emotion on the final words.

“Stephanie can you walk down the stairs to level sixteen and I’ll come up this way and we check all the corridors on our way, it’s important and I’ll explain when I see you.” Jace found the words difficult to say. She knew without doubt that Lisa wouldn’t have left her, unless she had gone for help or someone had made her leave.

“Okay, will see you at some stage along the way Jace, I’ll go now.” Stephanie responded and replaced her receiver at her end, then quickly went out of the apartment to start her task.

Jace bent down and kissed her daughter and couldn’t help the tears that traced her cheeks. God help them all if something bad had happened to Lisa, Catherine would go berserk. Leaving the pushchair behind, Jace picked Elena up and went about her task as if the very devil was at her heals to the next flight of stairs and her search for her missing daughter.


 “James, look calm down. Kelsey isn’t that bad. A little unorthodox perhaps and possibly rough in comparison to the people you normally associate with, but he’s a damn fine police officer and I need him on this.” Catherine had listened to the man for ten minutes extolling the faults of the detective and it was becoming tedious.

“Look Catherine he’s insolent, rough isn’t the word I’d use for him. I want him out of my office now!” James shouted at the woman at the other end. He’d tried to call her yesterday, but been unable to track her down; now that he had, she was less than helpful.

“James, look let me call him directly myself and talk to him. Then I will call you back and we can come to some arrangement. How does that sound to you?” Catherine looked at the door as it opened and Rita walked in with a steaming mug of tea the aroma brightened her spirits. Smiling at her to come forward with her favourite beverage she raised grateful eyes to the woman and saw her place a pristine white envelope on the desk along with the tea. Rita then turned and left the room. Catherine looked far from happy with her caller and it was best to retreat, as Rita had found in the past.

“Fine, but if he doesn’t change his overbearing attitude, I’ll personally kick him out on his ass!” James stated aggressively and it brought a smile to Catherine’s face as she could picture the usually happy featured man with an angry look about him.

“Point taken James, now that we have that settled, how is everything else at your end?” Catherine picked up her tea and put the call onto the intercom now that it was less personal.

“We have had several of the major studios interested in using some of our smaller sound stages, which helps with certain parts of their budgets. I’ve also been talking to Alan Randal about a new documentary series and he seems keen to develop the idea as director. One thing though, it’s about foreign industrialists of this century who made empires here and stayed, but still remained predominately true to their original roots.” James spoke, his mind now on something that did make him happy.

“Sounds an interesting facet James. Anyone in mind so far?” Catherine asked her mind preoccupied as she picked up the white envelope that was addressed to her personally, but didn’t have any postmark or details of where it came from. She found her letter opener and slid the knife over the top of the envelope and plucked out the thin sheet of single paper inside.

Catherine was diverted back to the conversation as she heard a sharp indrawn breath from James just before he answered her. “Your father would be top of my list.”

Catherine dropped the sheet of paper on her desk and retrieved her tea at the words, what should she say about that. “How do you intend to relay the story and who will need to participate?” softly spoken words, but James knew that it was important he got this part right, or he couldn’t hope to portray Stewart Devonshire in the documentary.

James smiled at his end as he outlined that he would use archive materials generally, but he hoped she would participate or at least allow people who had known him do so. “I’m in your hands as they say.”

“That you are James Thompson, that you are. And you expect my full co-operation without a murmur?” she asked him quietly, her thoughts gathering momentum as she considered the implication of her fathers life being part of a documentary.

“Something like that yes, but we will obviously respect your privacy and that of your families.” James stated equally quietly. He knew of her furious obsession with her privacy, although he doubted she would ever see it quite the way she had in the past.

“I’ll give you one hour of my time in my office in New York, so make sure you have all the questions ready. You will not receive a second chance at the session when you are ready to go with the project,” her voice clipped and unemotional.

“I will do that, you can trust me Catherine.” James answered and felt like he’d won a medal.

“I know that, that’s the reason I’m allowing it. Otherwise you could just go to hell.” Catherine replied and picked up the letter she had deposited on her desk.

“On that note then I will talk to you again soon, have a good day Catherine.” James smiled into the receiver as he heard her reply with a goodbye the line then disconnected at her end. He suddenly had reason to celebrate. But, who with, that was the question?

Catherine shook her head at the happy tone of voice James had finished with as the call came to an end. She smiled wryly; some people were easy to please. Looking down at the letter in her hands the smile froze on her face as she read the contents and the letter fluttered out of lifeless hands onto the desk.

Ice blue eyes looked unfocused at the letter sitting patiently on the desktop and she shook her head vigorously at the contents. It was a bloody hoax letter surely? Turning the letter over so she could read it again she was unable to stop the single tear that fell from her left blind eye, damn the weakness there!

Ms. Devonshire,
When you receive this one of your daughters will have been removed from the safety of your home and will never be returned to you!
I would request that you do not help the local police, or use other associations to locate her. She is now dead in your eyes and you will never see her again. Should you not take notice of this message, we will make sure that the rest of your family is suitably disposed of. We have methods that are quite effective and untraceable.
I know you are an intelligent woman, so to put it in clear terms, if you so much as lift a finger to help in the retrieval of your daughter: First your…friend Jace Warriorson will die. Then your younger daughter… Elena. I believe you call her, will be next.
Might I make a suggestion, leave the country and take your family with you. They are not safe here. I will personally make sure of that!
Forty-eight hours enough for you?
A concerned friend



Catherine had her hands around the mug half filled with tea and she threw it at the wall in sheer frustrated anger. Her screamed words “Fuck you!” could be heard down the executive corridor. Her hand immediately dialled the short code to her apartment

Rita outside the door wasn’t sure what to do, so she went over to the room that she knew Ms. Waverly and Mr. Bardley were having a conference in. Knocking, but opening the door in her haste, she looked at the two surprised faces that had turned to see who had come into the room in such hurriedness. "I’m sorry, but I think we have a problem." Rita then related the noises she heard from the owner’s office.

Constance got up immediately and went towards the door. “Constance perhaps, I should go. It might be a family matter.” Jason Bardley said and noticed the hesitation in the young woman who had without thought gone to aid her boss.

Constance looked at him, thinking about it for a moment and nodded her head as he walked by her and pressed a gentle hand on her shoulder in understanding.

“You will let us know if we can help?” Constance stated glancing over at Rita who was looking worried.

“Yes, of course I will.” Jason went towards the door and didn’t even knock, he just went inside and what he saw nearly broke his heart as he found the tall normally completely controlled woman sobbing into her hands. The mug shattered by the wall lay on the floor near the door. For some inexplicable reason it brought to mind a similar scene when he’d gone to comfort his daughter after she’d read all the tabloids about Catherine that dark morning three years ago. Now it looked like the dark morning had descended again, but in New York and on his daughter’s partner’s life.

Catherine looked up at the intrusion and was about to shout at the violator of her privacy, but seeing Jason just brought more tears.

“Catherine what’s the matter? Is it Jace? The children, or…?”

Catherine gulped back a sob her face bleak, “Read this Jason tell me it’s just some sick bastard who refuses to give me any peace.”

Jason took the note from her and read it and sat down heavily in the chair opposite her. “Do you believe it?” he asked in disbelief.

"I have to believe any threat that comes over my desk now Jason. I'm
target practice for any joker out there these days." Catherine stated
through her tears, her hand pushed the button again which would connect to the apartment directly. It had been unanswered on the numerous times she'd tried to call after reading the letter for the first time.

“Have you spoken to Jace about this?” Jason hoped it was some sick joke, for he wasn’t sure what this woman was capable of and if he was any judge, it could be murder itself.

The phone rang and was picked up by a breathless housekeeper. “Stephanie, its Catherine is Jace there?” Catherine tried to keep her emotions in check as she asked for her partner.

“Oh! Catherine, Catherine you need to be here! Lisa isn’t in the building and we think she’s been kidnapped. The police are on their way.  Jace wont stop looking, she’s like a demented woman.” Stephanie said it was clear from her tone that she was crying.

“I’m coming home right now Stephanie! Where is Elena?” Catherine asked as fear firmly entrenched in her gut so strongly she wanted to be sick.

“She’s with me here playing in her pen.” The housekeeper replied.

“Keep a close eye on her Stephanie don’t answer the door to anyone unless it’s Jace or me; not even the police got me?” Her words firm her indomitable character coming to the fore to level out her emotions.

“I will, see you soon.” The phone went dead and Catherine looked at Jason, who with tears falling stared back at her.

Catherine looked at the now silent instrument on her desk that brought the message she had dreaded. Turning, her anguished haunted eyes to her father-in-law, who himself looked ashen at the new development.

“They have my little girl Jason! And no one gets my children! I will fight to the death for them and this fucking note won’t stop me; you can count on that! I promised Jace nothing would happen to the children because of me. And I damn well am going to keep that promise.” Catherine wiped away her tears savagely and put the note carefully back in the envelope and placed it in her pocket. The police would need it as evidence.

“Lets go Jason, I have Jace to comfort and my little girl to find and no one is going to stop me!” She picked up her jacket and walked out of the door leaving her father-in-law to try and catch up. He shook his head to the waiting two women in the outer office and indicated he would call later to explain.

Both stepped into the elevator and within minutes were being taken by the chauffeur to the apartment and the tragic events being played out there.


Lieutenant Delaney had been given the assignment as another routine investigation into a possible kidnapping…… another one! It was going to end up in one of three ways: the kid had run away purposely, got lost in the city by accident, or had been kidnapped. Usually it was the first point and that often ended with the kid returning home some days later or never at all. You couldn’t do much about it these days, too many outlets to get lost in. Getting lost in this city… well the kid would turn up in a few hours usually nothing more than scared. The kidnapping issue could be a multitude of reasons, not all to do with ransom money. Unfortunately in this day and age, perverts seemed to feast on the young, especially in the big cities where resources got choked on the vast problems associated with inner city crimes.

His sergeant, called Anderson had been given the address and they were going through traffic at a sedate speed. For some reason, Anderson never used his light or the siren and generally had a leisurely pace about him. But his powers of deduction were second to none in this type of case, so Delaney put up with the tortoise pace. As they slowed down Delaney looked at the street and noticed it was in the most expensive, well perhaps the most exclusive part of the city. ‘Oh, shit! That means it could be a genuine kidnapping.’ Looking towards Anderson who had a grim profile as he drove, well he always had a grim profile just the way he looked.

“Andy, did we get any details on the name of the child?”

Anderson nodded briefly concentrating on the heavy traffic; he really hated driving in this city. He had been born in the country and this traffic always stressed him.

“Yeah, a Lisa Simon lives in the ‘Eleganca’ apartment hi-rise block. Parents are well to do I suspect, if they live there. You can’t get a broom cupboard in that place for under a million dollars.” He heard Delaney puff out a held breath and knew what he was thinking, this might be an honest to goodness kidnapping and he could do without that.

“Any more on the kid?” Delaney asked now interested in the case, especially as he was pulling up at the apartment hi-rise.

“Despatch said she is nine, redhead; someone drugged the mother and the child wasn’t seen again after they got on the elevator. Her mother is still waiting in the lobby by all accounts.” Anderson replied factually. He stopped the car and Delaney got out quickly and wrapped his old overcoat around him as the breeze whipped around him. Although it was a reasonable day near these elegant old apartment blocks, the wind kind of took a hold on occasion.

“Let’s get going then Anderson.” Delaney barked as Anderson got out, locked the door and followed the short man through the revolving door into another world.

There were several people milling around, including the original officer that had taken the call. On seeing a superior, he excused himself form the people he was talking to and went over to them. “Sir, will you be handling the case?” the young officer asked as Delaney removed his badge to show the man.

“Yeah. What have you got for me?” Delaney glanced around the lobby and saw a young woman sitting on a long sofa crying and the elderly lady trying to comfort her. Then there was the concierge, who looked like he’d been shot; then again the shock of having this kind of thing happen in a building like this was rare. Several others fluttered around obviously for the sensational factor… you get them everywhere!

“The child’s name is Lisa Simon. She is nine, a foreigner visiting with her parents. She has red hair four-foot tall and very thin. Although, she is said to be quite boisterous and would probably have given a fight before she was taken. Unless she knew the party in question that is, which is not impossible, but improbable according to her mother. It appears that as they entered the elevator, someone drugged the mother and left her on another level. There is no trace of the child. There was a guy who did get off the elevator and complained about some rubbish, but that’s all. We are trying to locate the man, but he’s a sales executive and is on his way to Boston. The airport authorities have been advised to detain him for questioning on arrival. The mother and the housekeeper have checked all the floors, but to no avail. The child appears to have disappeared, but all indications are she probably did not disappear on her own. After all the Mother was drugged.” The officer responded in a moderate tone, it was a distressing situation, but not uncommon.

“I see. Is that the mother?” Delaney pointed towards the blonde woman crying on the sofa.

“Yes. A Mrs. Warriorson, she’s rather distraught. We haven’t had much from her, but we believe the husband is on the way home.” The officer said calmly turning his attention to the blonde woman.

“I’d better go talk to her. Officer Blake, go with Anderson and check the corridors again and I mean everywhere. If she’s a playful little girl she might be hiding; or who ever drugged the Mother, might have left the child in some unlikely area of the building.” Delaney motioned for Anderson to come back and he did so quickly.

“Get me some more men. We need to make contact with everyone who lives in the building. If necessary, a search warrant to check every single damn apartment… even the empty ones!” Delaney stated directly, dismissing the man and walked over to the distraught woman. She didn’t look old enough to have a nine-year-old daughter.


Colin had decided to take Jake into town to watch a movie and then promised a pizza supper. Faith had been grateful to her son-in-law as she and Judy were planning to cancel their dancing evening. That afternoon Colin had asked if it was okay to take the boy. He would ensure he wasn’t too late, as Jake had to attend school in the morning.

Now sitting waiting for the pizza to be delivered to the table they discussed several topics, but mainly Jake’s passion for football.

“Colin do you think Catherine will let me go to England with three of the other boys and a couple of the Dads, in the summer?” Jake asked his friend, but deep down he regarded Colin as his new dad and he knew he could talk to Colin about some of his hopes. Yes, he knew that Catherine would be interested. Also, she would make it happen… whatever he wanted, but he wanted to do some things without her help. They loved him, he knew that, and he certainly loved them and his sisters. Though sometimes he wished he had a father to go talk to in the evenings and he knew that he could with Colin, but he wasn’t always around. Now that he and Grace were expecting their own baby, he doubted that Colin would have much time for him soon.

Colin looked at the pensive expression of the boy. He was certain he could read him fairly well by now. It was something else that Jake wasn’t saying that worried him.

“Catherine may well let you go if the reason is sound but… Jake you know she’s very protective and it might not be as easy as it seems.” The older man tried to explain and saw the look of confusion cross the young mans features.

“If a couple of the other boys dads are coming along, won’t that be okay? I will be safe with them and I don’t get in trouble Colin.” The boy asked earnestly.

Colin gave him a smile and shook his head. “Son, if you didn’t get in trouble at some stage, you wouldn’t be a teenager. There again, your sister makes up for you both I think. The young one… well she’s something else again.” Chuckling as he thought about the small girl with the red hair who captured everyone’s heart once you knew her.

“Yeah, I know. Lisa is a bit much at times, but you know what I mean Colin. I wouldn’t get into any bad trouble. Do you think if I ask and then if she’s not sure I go and ask Jace and persuade her to ask Catherine?” Jake smirked at the thought.

“How do you know that it would be Catherine who disagrees and not Jace? How would you work your little ploy then?” Colin leant his chin on his hand on the table looking at the boy for an explanation.

Jake gave him a confident look. “It works both ways Colin with those two, trust me.”

Colin laughed and didn’t reply as their pizza was placed on the table, once the waiter had gone he responded. “Jake you say that you don’t get in trouble… but son, if they found out you played that kind of game with them, then I think you might be grounded for a month. No… More like a year knowing Catherine!”

“Oh, I wasn’t being mean or anything Colin. It’s just what happens between them.” He looked out of the window of the diner and a wistful expression passed over his face.

“Penny for them Jake?” Colin asked quietly, watching the changes in the boy’s expression.

He turned to Colin and smiled, “I’m glad they brought us to live with them Colin. I never saw anyone love another person as they love each other, and how you all love us even though we are not related in anyway!”

Colin gave the boy a long serious glance and then smiled wryly. “Tell you what Jake, don’t use all the other ploys on your parents just tell them how much you love them and I’m sure they will grant you anything you want… within reason that is. Come on lets eat.”

Jake looked at him and laughed softly as he considered what Colin had said, ‘Yeah, I just have to say I love you and with them I know everything will be alright, because they love me too!’ The boy picked up a large slice of pizza and bit into it with relish as they continued their conversation about the poor performance of the local soccer team.


Delaney had finally managed to persuade Jace Warriorson to leave the lobby and go back to her apartment accompanied by the old woman called Daphne Allen. He had felt a certain amount of compassion for the small blonde. It was evident that the child was well loved and the circumstances did lead more towards abduction rather than anything else.

He looked about the lobby and saw a car draw up.  A tall beautiful woman exited the vehicle and walked purposefully forward at such a speed you would think she must have been running, when in fact she was walking swiftly. Following in her wake, was an apparently upset older man, possibly in his late fifties early sixties. As the woman exited the revolving door she stopped momentarily at the concierge desk.

“Henry, is Jace in the apartment?”

Henry looked up at her with compassionate eyes and nodded. She was about to turn when he said something to her that the detective was unable to hear. The tall dark haired woman turned on her heels and came towards him. He was then pierced with a glacial look from ice blue eyes of the stoic tall exquisite woman.

“Henry tells me you are the detective in charge?” Catherine stated her voice cold and polite and showing none of the turmoil she actually felt in the circumstances.

“Yes, that’s right. And you would be?” Delaney asked politely. She obviously wasn’t the father, maybe some other relative… her accent indicated that she wasn’t American either.

“Me?’ Catherine looked at him now as if he was a bug she wanted to squash under her shoe. ‘My daughter is kidnapped and you ask me that? I‘m Catherine De…Warriorson.” Her tone harsh in the quiet surroundings of the plush lobby as all eyes had diverted to them.

“That’s strange. A Jace Warriorson appears to think she’s the child’s mother too! Care to clear that up for me?” Delaney didn’t like the arrogant woman before him. He couldn’t see any compassion in her nature, so maybe the kid did just want to leave home.

“My wife and I share equal responsibility for our children. Is that enlightening enough?” Catherine was exasperated and didn’t much care for the man in front of her. Perhaps she would use her influence and replace him.

Delaney looked at the tall woman and gave her a sharp look out of his murky blue eyes, a desultory look on his face. ‘Could be some idiot who has a grudge against gays too! Jesus, this didn’t look like an open and shut case. Damn! And I wanted to get home early tonight for the ball game.’

“Yeah that will do for now Ms. Warriorson. Perhaps if we go to your apartment, we can go over the details.”

Catherine nodded her head reluctantly and then turned quickly away from him and went towards her father-in-law, who was talking to Alison, his wife. She had arrived only a few minutes before expecting to spend the day with Jace and the children. All four of them entered the elevator silently and the journey to the twentieth floor was one of the longest Catherine had ever taken in her life. She felt like she had when she thought that Jace had finished with her and she saw no hope of ever salvaging the relationship. Only this time, she had the means to do something and no one was going to take her Princess away, not now… not ever!


Sally Clauser was pacing the small parlour that Fatama Spiros used to conduct any business interest she had to do in private. “We need to neutralise your daughter Fatama. She obviously isn’t committed to our plans in quite the way you thought!”

Fatama Spiros noted the foreigner’s caustic comment, her mind in turmoil. She had hoped that her only daughter would not do this, but it had always been a possibility. Sighing heavily, she looked at the back of the pacing woman. ‘This was the type of woman I had hoped Althea would be. But alas, she has more of her father’s blood in her than mine. Such a pity.’

“Neutralise can have many meanings Miss Clauser. What do you propose?

Sally stopped her pacing and shrewdly glanced at the old woman. Her mind was now engaged in the most appropriate manner to deal with this slight bug in the system.

Neither woman spoke for several minutes. Each had their own thoughts, but with one central subject, Althea Spiros. Eventually Sally sat down after continuing pacing during her period of thought.

“I suggest we change the plan to kill the two women as we agreed, but perhaps in a slightly different way. Obviously we leave Althea and George in the dark.” A sharp tap of the cane on the floor interrupted Sally, by Fatama.

“My son is not a party to Althea’s deception. He will do as his mother wishes. You will not touch my son Miss Clauser, not for any reason. Do you hear me?” The voice was sharp and harsh carrying around the room like an echo.

Sally looked at the agitation of the old woman, at the inference that her only son might be following in Althea’s deception… interesting and very useful.

“Yeah, whatever. But if he joins your daughter’s side, it will be up to you to neutralise it effectively. Shall I finish my train of thought on this subject?”

“Go ahead. We are after all, talking about my daughters life.” Fatama responded and with her dark hawk like features turned to the other woman in concentration.

“No! No! Fatama you have it wrong. It is not your daughters life we talking about… it is her death!” Sally’s laughter cackled in the room.

It reminded Fatama of a laugh similar to a witch in the old movies. ‘Was this woman a new witch of the century, or just a very old witch come to plague the new century? Whatever it was, she certainly fitted the bill. She had no compassion at all and frankly, that’s just the way I wanted it. The Xianthos family will rue the day they ever crossed paths with the Spiros family all those centuries ago.’

“Then please, I being their mother have a vested interest in knowing what you have planned for one of my children.” Fatama gave the woman who had stopped beside her no more than a cursory look and let her continue. Her child had known her fate should she not do her bidding; so, it would not be a surprise to Althea when she died by whatever means this foreigner chose. Her only hope was that is was quick.


Catherine placed her key in the lock and opened the apartment door; she had been surprised, but pleased that a police officer had been stationed outside her door. He looked them all over with professional interest for future reference.

The sound of sobbing could be heard distinctly. As much as Catherine wanted to remain emotionally in control the sound of her partner’s heart wrenching sobs brought tears to her eyes, which refused to be thwarted. They trailed down her cheeks as she went inside and looking briefly towards her in-laws. In silent understanding they nodded and she then turned to the detective. “I have to…I need to…that is…!” words failed her as she left him to think what the hell he wanted and she went towards their bedroom.

Delaney looked at the retreating back of the tall woman and had been somewhat taken aback by the emotional breakdown that threatened her.

“No problem, take your time,” he muttered. He turned towards the grandparents of the child. Perhaps he could get some more background information that might help them.

Catherine quietly entered the master bedroom and saw Jace sprawled out on the bed. The angle looked somewhat uncomfortable, but understandably not noticeable to the woman so obviously in pain crying on the bed. Walking silently over to the large bed, she settled herself down on the side and placed a gentle hand on Jace’s shoulder, trying not to scare her with any sudden movement.

Jace shuddered at the touch and she turned tear-filled, red-rimmed eyes full of pain towards her partner. She had known it was Catherine immediately when the woman had entered the room. She had so wanted to control herself… even if only a little. However, she hadn’t been able to at all! “I’m so sorry Catherine. It’s all my fault….” Words failed her and she began to sob again. This time Catherine took the small blonde into her arms and cradled her against her chest as her own tears streamed down her face. The situation was tragic enough, but to have her partner so… so heart broken and at the moment, she could do nothing but hold her. It brought a profound sadness to Catherine that she had never felt in her life before.

“Jace, no! No, it’s not your fault! Darling, listen to me! It isn’t your fault. Please believe me, it’s not your fault.” Catherine pleaded softly into Jace’s ear and crooned soothing words to her for what seemed like hours, when it was only minutes. She held Jace closely until the woman in her arms finally exhaled a shuddering breath. Finally, her sobbing subsided to silent tears gushing down her already drenched cheeks, her eyes puffy and red at the ravages of the emotional upset.

Eventually, Jace looked up into haunted ice blue eyes, which had already seen so much in their short lifetime. Now there was more pain and tragedy to be countered. Gazing into her partner’s face, she saw the strength there, which brought her to some semblance of normality. If one could ever be normal when something happened beyond your control to a child, even if that child wasn’t one of your own flesh and blood, she was still there’s.

“Catherine someone has our little girl. What are we going to do?” Jace uttered the words in a frail voice.

Catherine gathered in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, as her arms tenderly held the woman who meant the world to her. “I think it will be okay… No! I know it will be okay Jace.  Lisa…Lisa knows we will find her, she knows that….” A sob she couldn’t prevent escaped her lips and this time Jace looked up concerned for the partner, who she relied on to be the strength… but really…… she had to find her strength from someone too. So, it had to be shared, this responsibility, just like all the others they had agreed to share. She couldn’t be the weak link. Together they had to be strong for each other!

“Darling, Lisa will always know we love her and will move heaven and earth to find her. She knows Catherine and we will, we will together!” Jace spoke with words filled with compassion, love and understanding of their need.

“I will find her Jace, no one touches you, or our children. It is a promise I made to myself and one I will never default on ever, only death will prevent me and I’m not sure it would!” Catherine spoke softly and with such conviction it hurt Jace in a profound way, for her partner was taking on the full responsibility again…… And she didn’t know how to counter that.

“Catherine, we will find her together and if we don’t….” Catherine placed a finger on her lips as she said the words.

“No! No that is unacceptable. I will spend the rest of my life looking for Lisa, Jace. She‘s just lost. That’s all, lost and I’ll find her.”

Jace looked up into ice blue eyes that were distant and belonged to someone else. The gap had opened between them and for the first time since she had met Catherine Warriorson it was as if she’d gone back totally to being that stranger that people talked about, but never met.

“Catherine hold me and make me feel that it’s all a nightmare and that when I leave our room Lisa will be playing with Elena and getting into some scrape or another. Please Catherine.” Jace tried emotional blackmail to bring her partner back to her.

Catherine, whose mind had descended to depths so far unfathomable, pulled Jace closer to her, kissed the top of her head and placed her chin on the blonde hair. “I’ve got you Jace. I have you and our children, all of our children!”

Jace settled into the warm loving hold of her partner, but knew in her heart that Catherine had removed a part of herself to find their child. And that part would never come back until Lisa was back in her arms. The feeling was wonderful in that Catherine felt like that, but terrifying in that what would Catherine do if they never got Lisa back, ever? The image was far too scary to reveal! “And I have you Catherine… never forget that ever!”

Catherine nuzzled the blonde hair and felt a little peace with the familiar smell of her partner’s hair and general aroma. “I never will Jace. I love you.”

Jace smiled weakly up at her partner, “I know and I love you also, and we will get Lisa back. Because together… together Catherine, we can defeat all the evil that comes our way. We just have to remember that… together!”

Catherine smiled into the honey color strands as she cradled her partner close to her, “I know Darling.  Together we can defeat all the odds and we will… I know it!”

Continued in Part 21

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