~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty-one
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Additional Acknowledgement: I want to thank a reader for their feedback and I think I’ve covered the omission. Thank you.

Chapter Thirty one

Faith was happily humming an obscure tune from the previous evening as she made her bed and wondered how the girls were getting on in New York! Then there was her daughter, she wondered about her, but never quite got an answer to her question. That poor man looked lost without Grace.  However her daughter hadn’t seemed to notice that in the last couple of months. Judy chose that moment to knock on her door.

“Faith there’s a call from New York. It’s Jace’s mother, she asked for you.” Judy spoke quickly for the tone of the woman on the other end of the line sounded upset.

“Okay, Judy. Thank you, I’ll go take it in the study now. Is Jake awake?” Faith asked concerned that Alison Bardley wanted to speak to her.

“Well, let’s put it this way, Jake is out of bed and showered, but awake… that’s still debatable. I’ll put the call through and see you at breakfast.” Judy replied as she left the room.

Faith hurriedly smoothed down the bedclothes, swiftly proceeded down the stairs and entered the study. It looked quite comforting as the suns rays entered by the patio window and dappled the furniture in the golden hue that made it very welcoming. Sitting in the chair at the huge desk, Faith picked up the receiver of the phone and said hello.

“Faith is that you?” an anxious voice asked.

“Yes. Yes, is that you Alison? Is anything wrong?” Faith enquired. Intuitively she knew there was, or Jace’s mother wouldn’t be calling her, at least not this early in the morning anyway.

“Faith, it’s Lisa.”

“What do you mean its Lisa? Alison, is she sick again? I told Jace the girls shouldn’t travel yet, but no, the young think they know best….” Faith trailed off and regretted every word as Alison uttered the next words.

“Faith, Lisa was abducted today and… and… well… we don’t know anymore just yet! It’s…well I thought you should know. Catherine will no doubt call soon enough, but I didn’t want you to find out from a newspaper or the TV newscast.” Alison's words filled with pain and despair at the situation.

“Is there anything I can do?” Faith whispered back, unsure what to say or what she could do.

“Perhaps you can keep Jake from school today. I’ll get Catherine to call you both a little later. I don’t know what else to say Faith.”

Alison’s voice cracked as tears finally gave way under the strain.

“I’ll do that! Tell them we love them and they are in our thoughts.” Faith finished finally, her heart going out to the family so far away.

“Yes, I’ll do that Faith. Take care of Jake please, it would be the final straw if anything happened to him too.”  Alison expressed softly.

“Elena is okay isn’t she?” Faith asked. Although, Alison surely would have mentioned it had anything been wrong she was sure, but she needed to know.

“Yes! Our granddaughter is playing happily with her doting grandfather. Sometimes you wish you were eighteen months old again and don’t understand what’s going on.” Alison stated wistfully saying goodbye quickly as the detective looked in her direction.

Faith replaced the receiver and wished she didn’t have to be the bearer of this news. What ever had those two young people done to deserve all this anguish in their lives? Gathering her strength of purpose, she exited the study and went towards the kitchen. Where a young man was going to be gutted. She would phone Colin and tell him the boy would need him that was certain. And her daughter, well… her daughter needed to be home and she better come too. Grace was far too independent for her own good sometimes and her husband was lost without her!

Opening the door to the kitchen she took a deep breath and went inside to two smiling faces.


Delaney had asked all the questions he possibly could from the grandparents and the housekeeper. Now he needed to speak to Jace Warriorson and have her version of the events and find out if there was anything distinctive about the child that might help them out.

The doctor was due any time to check over the woman and the baby. They needed to confirm that there were no immediate side or after effects of the drug that had been administered to Jace. The baby was to have a general check up, as they did not know what went on when the mother was unconscious. They might obtain a lead if they could identify the drug that was used and perhaps that would lead to where it came from. It was a long shot, but a possibility and you had to take any morsel offered in these cases.

Catherine Warriorson chose that moment to exit her bedroom, leaving Jace to clean up before she had to face the police questions and the expected lengthy wait ahead of them. Walking into the room stiffly, her posture one of years of practised control, she glanced around the lounge and smiled briefly at Jason and Alison. Her eyes then strayed to the detective. But… then she noticed an old woman sitting in one of the easy chairs looking over one of the children's storybooks. With deliberate strides she closed the gap between herself and this stranger, 'who the fuck was this in her home, it wasn't a circus, yet anyway!'

The aggression in her stance was apparent to anyone who knew her well. Unfortunately none of them did know her that well. As she towered over the smiling woman, "I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of an introduction… And what are you doing in my home?" Her tone cold and ice blue eyes looked at her with a glacial stare.

Daphne Allen had heard stories about this woman and had read stories about her also. This was however, the first time she had come face-to-face with the legendary Catherine Devonshire, or at least legendary in this City and this building. Jace had warned her that Catherine could be intimidating. The young woman had also informed her, if she were to succeed with Catherine, to look her straight in the eye and answer any question she asked truthfully and she would have no problems with her partner. Taking a calming breath, she continued to smile sweetly at the tall dark haired woman

“My name is Daphne Allen. I live in the block, level twelve and I’m a friend of Jace’s. I helped her to the apartment because; I felt she needed a friendly shoulder to cry on until a member of the family arrived. You’ve arrived, so I guess I will go.” Daphne spoke in a quiet tone, her New York accent barely decipherable. She moved out of the chair, but the tall woman had now forgotten about her.

Catherine remained impassive and continued to give her a searching glare her eyes narrowing until it looked like she was squinting. “Thank you for your concern for Jace. We appreciate it.” Catherine finally managed to say and then turned to Jace’s parents.

“I think Jace would like to see you both. She needs some moral support!”

Jason and Alison looked at her gratefully and went towards the bedroom Catherine had recently exited.

Jason as he passed within a few inches of Catherine on his way to the bedroom spoke quietly for her ears only. “What about moral support for you?”

Catherine gave him a reluctant smile and her ice blue eyes warmed at his concern. Placing a hand briefly on his shoulder she replied, “Jason, I know where to come. Thank you.” Her words stilted, but held warmth that she rarely showed to anyone but Jace, Grace or the children.

He nodded his head and left her to the detective and his questions.

Delaney looked at the tall woman, who literally commanded the area she was in and it was hard not to do exactly what she said when she commanded something to be done. “Ms. Warriorson, perhaps you could answer some questions for me? Then I’ll leave you until we need you to do a telecast to make an appeal for the release of your child.”

Catherine quirked her eyebrows to her forehead in distaste at that request, “Detective, I have no intention of subjecting myself, my wife or our family to that kind of media merry go round. If you will allow me a few moments to arrange some beverages and check on the wellbeing of my younger daughter, then we will talk in my study. I have something that might have a bearing on the case.”

Delaney merely nodded his head and went to sit in the chair that the old woman had vacated. She had slipped out of the apartment silently after brief introduction to Catherine Warriorson. He was sure he’d seen the tall stunning woman before, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember why and her name wasn’t familiar…. It would come to him and if it didn’t, he would have her checked out at the station.

Catherine went into the kitchen area and saw Stephanie keeping Elena occupied. Her housekeeper looked almost as exhausted, as Jace had appeared to be.
“Hey, how’s my little one?” Catherine asked softly as she came towards them both and bent down so that her face was close to the child’s and Elena could touch her.

Stephanie smiled weakly at her boss and moved away towards the kettle. “Do you need tea Catherine?”

“Thanks. Would you find out what the detective drinks and have a tray made up for the study. I’d like to be alone with Elena for a few moments Stephanie… if you don’t mind?” Catherine knew she didn’t need to ask, but the other woman had been a solid rock according to Jace during all the turmoil of the recent hours.

“Certainly. I’ll go and talk to the detective. Give me a shout when you need me.” Stephanie looked sympathetically at the raven head bent down as the small hands had made their way into her hair tugging for attention.

Catherine was now engrossed in the child before her and smiled weakly. Her heart was heavy and all she wanted to do was hug the child to her and cry for Lisa and wish the day could start all over again and she could prevent the events ever happening.

“Hey, little one mama wants to keep her hair.” Placing her own much larger hands around the child’s and releasing them from her hair gently. Reaching for the restraining straps of the chair the child was held in she unclipped them and she lifted her daughter out and high into the air making the child giggle and ask for more, well as far as Catherine could tell… it was more.

A few minutes later she was cradling the child to her and softly singing a song that her mother had sung to her years before when she was a child and needed comfort.

Hush now child hush.
Let the wind rush on by,
See the sun light up the sky,
Today will see a happy smile.
Hush now child hush.
Everyday the sea comes home,
Mama is going to sing this tune,
Papa will be coming soon.
Hush now child hush.
When the darkness brings the night,
We will see the sky so bright,
Stars will shine and bring delight.
Hush now child hush.
Sleep will come tonight for sure,
Let me sing this lullaby,
For all the children under every sky.
Hush now child hush.
You are sleeping, as you should,
As I look upon your face,
Thank you for being a precious gift.
Hush now child hush.

Catherine felt… rather than saw her daughter asleep on her chest as she finished the song; it had always soothed her as a child. Although, the little one didn’t really know what was happening, they did say children felt things both good and bad even if the understanding wasn’t there. Perhaps they did, but if they didn’t, what the hell, it had made her feel better if only for a short time.

Walking with gentleness to the child’s shared bedroom, she gave a stifled sob as she saw Blackie and Lisa’s original rag doll lying on the bed waiting for their young mistress to return.

Placing Elena in her large crib for her own safety, she smoothed down the covers and placed a tender kiss on the forehead of the child who did not move at the touch. Sitting down heavily on Lisa’s bed, she picked up the toy dog and began pulling at its ears absently. Then she traced a gentle finger over the rag doll and a single tear dropped onto the surface of its worn dress.

“I’ll bring her home for her to play with you both again, I promise.” Catherine stood up and felt her legs shake, but she recovered quickly and as quietly as she had entered the room, she left it and went back to the lounge and the detective.


Jake was crying. He had his head on the neck of his beloved horse Rosie and he couldn’t help the tears that fell. He’d tried taking in a deep breath and holding it like you do when you have hiccups, but it didn’t work. He’d shut his eyes and tried to stem the flow squeezing so tightly shut he felt a pain at the back of his eyes. Nothing had worked though and he didn’t want to go back into the house and face Faith and Judy until he had some control. He wished now he’d been able to go and then Lisa wouldn’t have been kidnapped because he would have prevented it. He was sure he could have! Lisa had always been the talkative one and she was sometimes way too friendly to strangers, but no one had really wanted to hurt her. He didn’t want to think about it, at least not if someone had hurt her and she never came home again. His tears still cascaded down his face and his hazel eyes looked out into the stall of the stable with pain in them much like that of a wounded animal.

Colin had been given the news and had returned immediately from one of his field trips to check on the new horses, which he had grazing about three miles away. Vaulting with practised ease from the large bay mare that was one of his favourites on the ranch, he knew where Jake would be. Faith had told him that Jake had gone deathly white at the news, but didn’t utter a word and then he’d bolted from the house. They hadn’t been able to stop him.

Walking quietly towards the stables, he saw the boy holding onto the neck of his horse. It was as if the horse knew he needed comfort and she was gently nuzzling him as he cried into her mane.


Jake stiffened as he heard Colin speak to him, but he didn’t want Colin to see him crying. He was a man now. He shouldn’t be crying. He needed to be strong for his family. Removing his hands from around Rosie's neck, he scrubbed a fist across his eyes and turned with a gulp of air to look at the tall man who was in the open doorway of the stable.

“Yeah, Colin it’s me.”

“Jake, Faith told me what’s happened. She is worried about you.” Colin stated quietly not wanting the boy to feel any more discomfort than he already was.

“I…I didn’t want to worry her, but I needed to be alone.” Jake replied stoically and Colin was certain at just that moment the boy had the look of Catherine about him.

Giving the teenager a look of gentle understanding, he crossed over to the stall and stood within a foot of the boy.

“Would you still like to be alone son?”

Jake would have given anything to say ‘yes’ at that moment, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. Once again, his eyes flooded with tears as he closed the gap between the tall man and himself and was held in a comforting hold by Colin.

“I never, ever told her I loved her Colin and I do… I do. She was just so irritating that was all!” The boy sobbed into his checked padded shirt.

Smoothing a hand over the dark hair of the boy Colin had to hold back his own tears at not only the abduction of such a beautiful innocent child, but the pain that was being inflicted on a secondary level and that affected far more people than could be imagined.

“Jake don’t worry. Everything will be alright and you will get the chance to tell Lisa you love her.”

Jake turned red-rimmed eyes to Colin and in complete trust in the man said. “Will I really Colin, do you promise?” hazel eyes beseeched the man who was comforting him to say the one word he wanted to hear, nothing else was acceptable.

“Yeah… yeah, Jake I do promise. We will get her back. After all when Lisa gets talking they might pay us to take her back. What do you think?” Colin tried to lighten the conversation, although in his heart he felt the dead weight this kind of occurrence brought about.

Jake looked at him again and gave a weak smile, “I’d better get back inside and make sure Grandma and Judy are okay. You know what women are like, they over react don’t they?”

Colin smiled wryly at the boy as he released him and saw him puff out his chest in importance, well… that was a good sign anyway for now. Only time would tell if the promise he had just given materialised, but he’d gone on a gut instinct that Catherine would not let any lasting harm come to her children. Regardless of the odds stacked against Catherine nothing short of death would prevent the woman following her way, eventually leading to victory!

“Yes, well with the women in this household it’s hard to say exactly what they think, but they will surely enjoy your company and Catherine or Jace will probably call soon.”

“Will Grace come home now Colin?” The boy asked innocently, not seeing the tall man stiffen at the mention of his wife.

“I think she will Jake, no I’m sure she will. Let’s go and see if Judy has made tea shall we? And I’ll call Grace as we drink it.” Colin said, unsure if his wife would respond. However, that was a slightly unfair thought as Grace had always put the family and Catherine first. It was his welfare that she tended to ignore from time to time.

Walking side by side the two of them made their way towards the ranch house and the anxiously waiting family inside the building.


Catherine flicked a cool glance at the detective as he looked over the elegant study with its fine art on the walls and the unobtrusive sculptures in various positions in the room. The dark oak desk had pride of place in the centre of the room with all the newest technology laid out to best effect either on its surface or on the side table to the left.

“You have questions for me detective?”

Delaney looked at the woman who looked poised and calm, showing none of the emotional trauma that most parents did at the abduction of a child. Then again this child wasn’t hers’ in the biological sense anyway! The grandparents had explained that the child was basically in her care and that an adoption process was currently being carried out. “Yes, but you mentioned that you might have something for me?”

Catherine put her hand in her pocket and pulled out the letter, which she passed over to the detective. He looked at the letter and then at her, his mind becoming totally focused on the case in hand.

Delaney looked at the letter and read its contents a couple of times and then glanced at the woman her face impassive. “I’ll need your fingerprints and anyone else who you know touched the letter to eliminate you all. Let’s hope the person who left it has been remiss in its’ handling shall we? You realise that your family needs protection, or do you think it was coincidence?”

Catherine snorted in derision at the detective. “I think not detective. Rather a convenient coincidence if it is wouldn’t you say? As to the protection, I will personally organise all the necessary protection my family require. Now, the important issue is my missing daughter. What exactly do you need from my wife and I?”

“Talk me through what she’s like, her habits, food likes and dislikes etc. Everything that you can remember about the child that might help in locating her.” Delaney requested quietly, seeing the woman flinch and now appreciated the iron willed control she was adopting.

Half and hour later Delaney had pages full of the child’s habits and just about anything there was to know about the little girl. The woman had been very precise in her descriptions and facts, as if she was reading it from a book. “I think that about covers everything I need at the moment. Would you reconsider the telecast Ms. Warriorson, it might help?” Normally he could cajole the parents into this appeal if they hesitated, but this woman didn’t hesitate. She categorically refused.

“No! That’s my decision detective. You will have to abide by it, I believe.” Catherine was weary. She felt as if the whole world was caving in around her. All she wanted to do was sink into Jace’s arms and find some comfort for her pain.

“Yes, that’s true Ms. Warriorson. Would you allow one of our psychologists that has experience in this field to come over to talk with you and your family? It might help with the initial trauma.” Delaney inquired politely, something told him that handling this woman with kid gloves was the right thing to do; he really needed to check out who she was.

Catherine inclined her head and accepted that proposal. It could do no harm and might actually help them understand the situation if one could ever understand the abduction of a child. In her heart of hearts, she hoped it had something to do with Hudson. At least then she knew whom she was dealing with, but a total unknown quantity was something else again and that would lead to possibilities unimaginable. “Will you need to see my wife?”

Delaney shook his head at the question, "I think you and the others have provided enough information for now, perhaps another time. We will need the doctor to check her over and take a blood sample to try and trace the drug used. She and you… well she certainly might need a sedative to help her sleep. I’m certain the doctor will prescribe what is necessary for her."

Catherine gave him a cool look as he’d inferred that she might need help to sleep! Help to sleep? She had that already in the package of a petite blonde Californian who had pledged to hold her every night and chase the demons away! Yes! She had help. “I will speak to Jace. When will you have more news for us Detective?”

Delaney looked at her and decided to answer her truthfully. “There wasn’t a ransom demand and this letter indicates that there won’t be one! Consequently we can only hope that someone sees Lisa and reports it to the police. We have the picture of your daughter out on the streets now. This type of case has happened before and the odds aren’t good.”

Catherine released a heavy sigh and looked at the man quizzically. “Well, as you are being honest with me Detective, exactly what odds do you give us? And in your experience, how many children do you actually bring back home from this type of ‘case’ as you call it?”

Delaney looked down at his brown well-polished shoes and shuffled around for a few seconds debating his answer. Then he looked directly into those searing ice blue eyes and told her, “ A million to one and I’ve never had anyone returned to the family… alive!” He didn’t wait to see the reaction to his declaration. He simply muttered a goodbye and he would be in touch, and then left the room.

Catherine scrapped back her chair and it tumbled over, the shock of the answer had disrupted her equilibrium cracking the fragile control she had kept on her emotions. She wasn’t sure if this time she was capable of meeting this challenge.

The door to the study opened and Jace walked in quickly taking in the overturned chair and the deathly pale features of her partner.

“Catherine? Catherine are you okay?”

Catherine wasn’t sure, she felt disorientated and desperately in need of a shoulder to cry on and as if her soul had called out to her partner, Jace walked into the room. “I don’t know Jace. I just want our Princess back home safe!” The voice bleak and searching for an answer from her partner, an answer she knew wasn’t available at the moment and might never be!

Jace rushed over to her partner, the woman who had always been strong no matter the circumstances. This situation was different, this was a child she had come to love and who belonged to her in every way except by blood. To Catherine that wasn’t a necessity. The child was hers and she was bleeding inside with the horror of unknown circumstances her daughter was now suffering and that she couldn’t do anything about.

“I’m here Catherine, I’m here.” Jace pulled her partner into her arms and the raven-haired head rested with weary gratitude on the smaller woman’s shoulder.

“I…I just want her back with us Jace. I will pay anything, do anything to have her back safe with us.” Catherine tearfully replied her tears soaking the fabric of the shirt that Jace wore.

“Darling we will get her back, you know that Catherine! She knows that too! Lisa will be waiting for us. We have to be strong now and together we can bring her back home and we will be one happy family again.” Jace spoke softly to her partner. It was a rare sight indeed that Catherine required any solace, but Jace was ready, willing and able to give whatever she needed regardless of her own wrecked emotions.

Catherine buried her head further into Jace’s shoulder as she felt the soothing of her partner’s hand stroking her hair in a calming effect. Jace led Catherine over to the large easy chair in the corner of the study and pushed her gently down into it, kneeling down in front of her distraught partner. Taking Catherine’s face between her hands she waited patiently for the ice blue eyes to focus in her direction or at least the right eye anyway, the left would always do what it wanted to do.

Eventually Catherine glanced into the warm comforting gaze of the green eyes of the woman she loved and ones she knew loved her wholeheartedly. Catherine’s expression one of embarrassment and to Jace entirely endearing it made her feel very protective over her partner.

“Are you ready to tell me what happened between you and the detective Catherine?”

Catherine tried to glance away, but Jace was insistent as she moved the chin back towards her and their eyes met again. “ Please Catherine, no secrets. I need the truth as much as you do, NO! More than you do, our daughter was in my care and I feel responsible.” Jace related sorrowfully and to Catherine the words tore at her heart for she could feel the pain the admission caused her partner.

“The detective doesn’t give us much hope that we will see Lisa again.” Catherine replied, but left out the implication that if they did, it would be at the mortuary. She wasn’t inclined to say anything about the letter just yet either.

Jace sucked in a sharp breath, exhaling as if in agony, “ NO! No, that can’t be Catherine. He’s wrong, I know he’s wrong!”

Catherine shuddered at her own emotional turmoil and wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and wait for it to be all over. Yet, that wasn’t the way to handle this either. There was another way… a more direct way and she was going to do it and succeed too!

“Yes, Jace. He’s wrong because we are going to do just what you said, we will bring her home, whatever it takes.” Catherine had asserted herself and her strong will power was now taking back possession of her emotions… she was gaining control again and she would need to be in complete control.

Jace rested her forehead on her partners and they stayed silently linked for several minutes. Finally Jace spoke softly. “We need to check on Elena and mom and dad are waiting for us. Let’s go join them darling, perhaps together we will feel a little better.”

Catherine locked her gaze with Jace’s and she gave her a weak smile. “Yes, that’s a good idea. Elena was asleep about an hour ago and she looked real tired. I think she will sleep a while longer.” Catherine responded absently her mind was now on the problem at hand and she had a solution that was both impressive, but ludicrous and it might just work!

Jace placed a tender kiss on the lips of her partner and was stunned when Catherine responded with a fierce passion it was so aggressive and primitive in nature that Jace wasn’t sure it was her partner that she shared the kiss with. Pulling away abruptly Jace looked into her ice blue eyes for an explanation, but could see nothing but emptiness within. It sent a wave of fear through her body. This wasn’t the Catherine she loved, this was another woman altogether and one she’d never met or ever wanted to meet. “Darling come on let us go, I think you need some tea.” Jace stood up and gently pulled Catherine towards her and the taller woman responded in body, but her mind was definitely elsewhere.

They exited the study to wait for further news from the police.


Serena Dusterly looked at her plain serviceable watch and sighed as she watched the TV indicate on the late news that another child had been kidnapped. Although this time the child was obviously from a wealthy neighbourhood as the newscast was being fed from an elegant apartment block in one of the wealthiest areas of New York City.

Pursing her lips together, she considered what the authorities would do with this case. At least they couldn’t push it under any carpet as they had done before, for sure as hell, the parents would want some answers! Although with the current way the police handled cases of this description, answers would be far and few between. Looking closely at the TV set she saw one of the officers obviously part of the team to investigate, ‘Delaney!’

Pulling herself out of the deep velour armchair that had seen better days, but was very comfortable and her favourite when she watched the TV or had some thinking to do. “Well, sorry youngster, but with that inadequate excuse for a detective on the case, you’re going to be gone a long time. So your mom and pop had better be resigned to losing you forever.”

Walking over to the small kitchenette she opened the refrigerator and drew out a cold bottle of Corona and levering the cap off. She drank from the bottle and relished the cold sharp taste as it went down her throat. Flicking off the light switch, she went down the hall passing several framed certificates for bravery and finally a diploma and a photo showing her in the forefront of the group smiling as she settled in for the group session on the passing out parade.

Serena turned into her bedroom and as she did so she saw the photo and looked with a wry smile closely at all the laughing faces. Yeah, it had been a good day when she’d finished her training in the FBI as a profiler… and it had been good for six years. Then her clear grey eyes swung to the wall on the other side of her bedroom door and looked at the frame that held a newspaper story and the end of her career. Her eyes clouded in pain as she recalled that case and muttered as she entered her bedroom, ‘least I forget.’

The bedroom door closed and the light from the small window leading to the kitchenette shed a beam of hazy light upon the frame that held the newspaper cutting.

Jessie Collins, a ten-year-old was abducted under similar circumstances to the previous five in the city in the last two years. Police say that ineptitude by the FBI profiler on the case, Agent Dusterly has severely impeded their progress to capture the perpetrator. All her leads have been dead ends and provided nothing except to level comments leading to the character assassination of fellow officials. Dusterly was verbally attacked at a recent press conference after one of the abducted children was found bound, gagged and abused, then thrown onto a waste dump on the outskirts of the city.
Dusterly quit this morning under extreme pressure from city officials and removal of support from her agency with her outspoken views.
Police are now working with another agent and are happy to report progress and are confident of an arrest in the very near future.

Attached to the bottom of the frame were clippings of new abductions in the city over the last two years, after the original newspaper article had been published.

As the moon was overshadowed by a dark cloud passing in the night sky it extinguished the light on the frame as it went into the darkness of the hall and kept it’s dark secrets and disappointments.


Grace Montgomery had taken the messages from her husband stating it was important she contact him, but had been so tired after a long day going over new funding for several projects on the North Island, she decided to take a nap before making the call. The nap turned into a long sleep. She had finally awakened at six a.m., with the prospect of not only another gruelling day with the lawyers, but an irate husband to contend with!

Going over to the bathroom in the hotel room, which she had booked for its easy access to the city of Auckland rather than the amenities, which were few. However, the place was comfortable and clean and that’s all she needed. A few minutes later she opened her door and picked up the newspaper that had been left at her door, went over to the small desk and dialled her home. “Might as well get this part of the day over at least” she spoke to the empty room as her hands tapped gently on the scuffed, but polished surface of the top of the furniture she was seated at.

“Montgomery.” Colin’s voice sounded ragged and upset. Oh! God, she should have called last night.

“Colin, it’s Grace, Darling what’s wrong?” her voice taking on a higher pitch at the sound of pain she heard in that one word from her husband.

“Grace? Grace, I left you urgent messages, you never called.” Colin had been worried all night. He had waited for his wife to call and he was now tired, upset and relieved now that she was finally at the other end of the line.

“I’m sorry Colin, but I was tired and I took a nap and I’ve only just awaken. What’s the matter darling?” Grace heard his sharp intake of breath as she asked him once again what the problem was.

“Our little Princess is gone!” the statement stark and chilling to Grace. What the hell did that mean?

“Colin what do you mean? Is she dead? Was there an accident? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?” Grace got up from her seat and paced about the small room, or paced as much as the phone cord would allow her.

Colin heard the distress and anger, which wasn’t directed at him, but more toward Grace, for not returning the call earlier.

“She’s been abducted in New York. They don’t know many details Grace, but someone has taken her and…well I…I don’t know what to say to them or the boy! Will you come home please Grace?” Colin whispered into the instrument, his voice broke with emotion.

Grace could picture her tough looking husband with tears slowly falling; he was such a compassionate man. “I’ll call Frank and have him bring me home by helicopter.” Grace wanted to cry herself, but something stopped her. She had calls to make and a very important one that she should have made last evening. Catherine would wonder why she was silent at this grave time in their lives and her only defence would be that she was tired... some excuse that!

“I’ll liase with the airport for your flight arrival and advise your mother and Jake, he will be happier if you’re here too.” Colin said quietly his emotions raw but knowing that Grace was coming home would help, she always had that positive ambience that defied the odds and they all needed that, never more so than now!

“Darling, I have to go and make the arrangements. Please hug Jake for me; he’s going to need as much support as Catherine and Jace. At least Elena is too young to understand that must be about the only thing that is good out of all this.” Grace stated finally.

“Grace I love you, be careful on your journey home.” Colin said softly. He replaced the receiver and went on his way to the main house and the sleepless residents contained within.

Grace numbly picked up the local newspaper and her eyes went to a half page report on the left-hand column.

‘Serial abductor strikes again in New York; rumours indicate that the latest victim is a resident of New Zealand. Reports have yet to confirm the identity of the victim.’

Grace closed her eyes and kept them closed for several seconds unable to contemplate the horror of the situation. You read about this kind of thing happening to others, no that was true, it had happened to Jace, but the motive was evident from the beginning of the abduction. This was different. This was their Princess, who had done nothing in this lifetime to warrant the cruelty and sordid experience of the event. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, we will all pray for you and hope deep in our hearts that you will be returned to us and that we can wipe away the bad memories with our love. For you are deeply loved Princess. I hope you never forget that, wherever the scum has taken you!

Making her second call, she waited several minutes for the connection and the sound of the burring tone that indicated it was ringing at the other end. The call connections were suddenly made and Grace licked her lips nervously as she waited for a response from the other end.

“Devonshire residence. How may I help you?” a woman’s voice enquired politely, the voice unfamiliar to Grace.

“May I speak to Ms. Devonshire or Ms. Warriorson?” Grace asked hurriedly forgetting to add her own name.

“Who’s calling please?” the polite voice asked and waited for Grace to reply.

“Grace…Grace Montgomery. I’m a friend of the family.” Grace explained.

Muffled voices were heard in the background, but Grace couldn’t make out what was being said. Then she heard a faint click on the line and silence for a few seconds, making Grace think that her call had been disconnected.

“Grace? Grace is that you?” Jace asked shakily.

“Jace? Yes, Jace it’s me. What’s happening? I’ve only just heard. Dear God, Jace is it really true?” words tumbled out of her mouth and she heard a soft murmur of pain at the other end.

“Yes, Grace it’s true, someone has kidnapped Lisa. The police are conducting several enquiries in the area, but…but….” Words failed the blonde as she hung her head at the multitude of scenarios their little girl could be subjected to.

“Jace I know, I know how you must be feeling. I’m in Auckland, but I’m going home to be with our boy. He will need the support I think! How are you?” Graces asked. Her concern for her friends now taking over, she needed to be strong for them, her sixth sense was telling her that this time even Catherine could flounder and needed the moral support.

“I’m not too bad Grace. Although, Catherine is taking it hard she‘s hardly spoken in the last few hours, I think she’s planning something and by her expression it doesn’t look like a plan the police will approve.” Jace tried to explain the cold completely closed look in those vibrant ice blue eyes that had always held warmth whenever they looked at her… but not now. No, now, they held an intent that didn’t involve her. She knew she had to break through, Catherine’s sanity might be lost if she didn’t and that wasn’t an option in this life, or any other come to that.

“Is Catherine in the apartment Jace? Would you like me to speak to her?” Grace asked tentatively, she didn’t want to interfere with Jace’s own remarkable powers of persuasion with her friend.

“Grace if you can bring back my taciturn wife, then please try. At this moment, I would welcome any help. She’s drifting away from me again Grace and I’m powerless to stop her. She’s so focused on getting Lisa back.” Jace admitted reluctantly.

“Then go seek out the stoic one, and let’s see what I can do. Jace know that we love you here. Whatever you need we will be there for you all, no matter what the outcome.” Grace's her voice raised an octave, the sincerity of the statement not falling on deaf ears.

“I know. And you don’t know how much that means to me, no to us! Believe me, it keeps the hope alive and while we have hope Grace, there is always a chance that we will see our little girl soon.” Jace said quietly and placed the receiver on the desk as she went in search of her partner.

Catherine was standing gazing emotionlessly out of the large picture window onto the peaceful and calm scene below, where she could just make out the swans and ducks. Her lips tightened at the sight… if it hadn’t been for those bloody ducks then her daughter would be here now and none of this would be happening… and whose fault was it, hers! She cursed herself for having bought an apartment that overlooked the park; a major attraction for child perverts who wanted to track down their prey. Her mind chaotic and melancholy, she hadn’t heard Jace enter the room or come up beside her, until green eyes starred intently up at her and she turned her face slightly so that her right eye could take in the presence of her partner. ‘God… I failed you again Jace! How can you let me near your child and want me to adopt her; the authorities were right I’m not a suitable person.’

Jace looked up into ice blue eyes that turned to her as she starred at Catherine to capture her attention and was distressed by the pain and anguish she saw mirrored within the deep recesses. ‘Why do you torture yourself so Catherine? When did you become the criminal in this crime? You are a victim here, just as much as our daughter! Why can’t you see that?’ Words she wanted to say to her partner, but at the moment they would fall on deaf ears and that wouldn’t help either of them… no… it perhaps would even turn Catherine further inside.

“Have we any more news?” Catherine gave Jace a long look and asked grimly.

Jace shook her head, “No, but Grace is on the phone. She asked to speak to you.”

“I can’t speak to her now Jace. You take the call and I’ll talk to her another time.” Catherine responded in a stilted tone.

Jace lifted her right hand and traced a gentle finger down Catherine’s scarred left cheek and saw her partner recoil from the touch reminding Jace of someone that had been burned and wanted to shy away from the heat source. It cut her deeply at the action, but she refused to stop her gentle caress. This wasn’t going to destroy them it was going to strengthen them, just as all the other obstacles had done in the past. “I think she’d prefer to hear your voice Catherine. She’s worried about you.”

“I can’t Jace!” She said flatly.

“Yes, you can! I will not tell her you refuse to speak to her. Knowing Grace, she would get the first flight out and hound you personally. Do you want that?” Jace retorted angrily.

“I don’t want Grace travelling long distances. It might threaten the baby and what about Jake, he needs her now.” Catherine said bleakly.

“Exactly darling. So please go talk and perhaps you can make each other feel a little easier.” Jace smiled up into the serious profile and her hands moved around Catherine’s waist as she hugged her briefly in understanding. Removing her hands to allow her partner to move towards the study, Jace placed a tender kiss on the lips of her partner who returned the gesture with a gentleness that was the complete opposite of the last kiss they had shared.

Catherine turned on her heal and headed for the study and the call.

Jace looked at the retreating figure and heard her parents talking in the kitchen. Elena was the centre of attention and certainly keeping her mother occupied. Walking over to the door, she glanced inside and saw her father sitting quietly watching his wife play with Elena, who was giggling at being tickled on her fat tummy. Stephanie was making coffee and generally chatting about the weather of all things. However, conversation was one sided, almost as if the woman needed to talk to keep her mind from the current problems in the household. Jace entered the kitchen and gave a bright smile that didn’t reach her eyes, but she couldn’t let her daughter feel the pain that she was feeling. That would only upset her; children seemed to feel the pain of their parents.

Catherine picked up the phone in the study and exhaled a deep breath as she spoke. “Grace?”

Grace heard the hesitation in the voice of her friend and she wanted nothing more than to be there with her and help her through another traumatic episode in her life. ‘Damn that woman was paying dearly for something that happened in another life that was for sure!’

“Yes, Catherine it’s me. How are you doing my friend?”

Catherine sank into the chair at the desk and cradled her head in her hand as she spoke. Grace had always seemed to have the answer in the past, would she now? “I’m okay. It’s not me that’s been abducted Grace, our daughter has and I’m getting her back!”

Grace felt a pain in her chest when Catherine had said ‘our daughter’ for they had shared responsibility for the two orphans at the early stages. Although Jace was now the main significant other in the child’s rearing, Grace felt that she and Colin would always feel that the children belonged to them also!

“I know you are Catherine and you will I know you will! Listen to me Catherine whatever you do don’t let this create a rift between you and Jace. Let her carry some of the burden of this with you. She’s your wife, the children’s mother and she loves you and wants to help! Let her help Catherine. Don’t shut her out. You need each other’s strength and the love you share brings that strength that we all need that now, all of us, even Lisa. No! More so Lisa. She’s relying on you both to find her and together you can. Will you do that Catherine?”

Catherine heard the plea and knew in her heart that Grace was right. Grace had always been right in just about every conversation they had ever had and yet…! “I’ll consider it!” the words tersely spoken and Grace shuddered at the sound. Conceivably Jace was right and her friend had indeed gone a path no one could follow.

“That’s not good enough!” Grace barked at the instrument in her hand.

“Good enough? How do you know what’s good enough for me, Jace or for my daughter? Go to Hell Grace!” Catherine shouted her anger and frustration at her present situation now focused on the person at the end of the line.

Grace felt the surge of energy that Catherine exuded and even though she was hurt at the words of her friend, she knew that it was Catherine’s way and better for her to relieve her frustration on this call than on Jace. “Perhaps you’re right Catherine and nothing I say will prevent you going off on your own and generating god knows what! But I love you and I love your family and I know you and you need her guidance Catherine. So, please consider it?”

Tears fell down both women’s cheeks as they considered the words.

“I need to go Catherine. I want Frank to fly me home immediately before he leaves on other business.” Grace stated desperately.

The mention of something familiar brought Catherine back to the conversation in hand. “Frank will cancel whatever he has planned for you Grace; you are an extension of me and he knows it!”

“Thank you Catherine. Please consider what I said. Take care and know we are here for you no matter what. I love you.” Grace replied softly.

Catherine glanced down at the instrument in her hand and knew her friend’s words to be heartfelt. “I know you do Grace. And I love you too. Please kiss my boy for me and tell him… tell him that we will be home soon. We will ALL be home soon.”

“That I can do Catherine. Talk to you soon. Bye.” Grace cut the connection and Catherine with fixed eyes on the inanimate object in her hand sat and stared at it for several minutes. Once again not hearing Jace quietly enter the room.

Jace saw, what to her was, a dejected woman who was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders alone.

“You’re not alone Catherine, I’m here.” Jace whispered into the silent room and red rimmed ice blue eyes looked into her anguished green ones.

“I know Jace. You’ve always been here.” Catherine responded equally as quietly.

Jace walked over to the tall forlorn figure and wrapped her arms around the slumped shoulders, pulled the dark head into her chest and sighed as Catherine place her arms around Jace’s waist.

“Together Catherine we will win, believe it darling.”

“I believe in YOU, Jace and the power of our love. NOTHING can beat that, nothing!”

The words were expressed with a force; they shook Jace to the core. Her woman was now fighting the dark forces again, but this time she was going to let her help, and whatever action they took could only lead to a consequence for good!

Continued in Part 22

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