~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty-two
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Thirty-two

Constance inserted her key in the apartment door and sighed heavily, another disaster to befall her boss and her own tears had been shed by the bucket load when the news of Lisa’s abduction had been relayed to them that afternoon. All she wanted to do now was have a stiff drink, but she doubted that there would be any booze in the apartment. Between Catherine and Rita, they had made sure her residence was an alcohol free zone. It was now seven in the evening and she had spent the rest of the day with Enricho Garcia and Lee Western on projects to align the American operations. Having heard the news and finally composing herself, she had drunk gallons of coffee, which Rita had supplied acknowledging the requirement of Constance’s battle not to go out and hit the bottle or worse the drugs!

The door opened and she went inside shutting it quietly behind her and was once again amazed at how homely the apartment looked in all the fresh pastel shades that Catherine had chosen to redecorate with. As she placed her heavy briefcase on the floor next to the coat stand, she could hear the faint sounds of pans being placed on the stove and the aroma of cooking in the air; whatever it was smelt delicious and she was hungry. The fact that she had an unknown visitor didn’t appear to register in her mind. It was just so nice to come home to someone and all her heart hoped was that it was the woman who invaded her dreams at night and her thoughts during the day.

Then her caution finally installed itself and she shouted out to the person in the kitchen. “Hello, who’s there?”

Silence preceded the statement and Constance gave a puzzled look towards the kitchen door that was only slightly ajar and therefore she was unable to see inside.

The door slowly opened wider and from within the other room the persona Constance would have wished to be in the apartment waiting for her looked sheepishly at her with a crooked shy smile.

“Hello, Constance. I know this is an invasion of your privacy and I should have called but….” She was stopped from saying any more as a look of astonishment and then happiness cross her ex-lovers face.

“Never! Never would your presence in my home be an invasion of my privacy Clare. I’ve missed you!” Came the plaintive response from Constance as she moved a step closer to stand within inches of the woman she loved. Her whole life suddenly gained focus and the trials of the day momentarily forgotten with the joy of seeing the lovely young woman in her home again.

“I made you something to eat. You always seem to miss your meals as I recall.” Clare looked into the brown eyes of the woman she loved and saw pain etched there and experience that hadn’t been there when they had last been together.

“Yes… yes, that’s true. Some things never change Clare! Yet I’ve changed inside Clare and if you would allow me to prove that to you, this time, I promise to find another way to reach the top of the world.” Constance remembered Clare’s pleas and her own arrogance and ignorance of her lover’s needs. She had been so selfish.

“You remembered?” Clare whispered as she moved a step closer so that if she put out her hand she could touch the face of the woman she loved… would always love.

“Remembered Clare! I remember everything about you! Everything you showed me! Everything you gave to me! Everything you taught me!” Her voice trembled with the emotion of seeing Clare again.

Clare’s eyes sparkled with unshed tears as Constance made her emotive comment. “What did I teach you?” The woman asked desperately needing to know the answer.

“You taught me all about love. What it was to be loved, give love and receive love. You taught me that life was more than work! Clare you taught me that my life wasn’t worth living, unless I shared my hopes and dreams with someone. You taught me to live!” Constance confessed and waited in trepidation for Clare’s reaction.

Clare’s face beamed at the remarks and this time she did move that fraction closer. Placing her warm hands around the chilled face of the woman, who in those words had confirmed as nothing else could, that the love they shared was alive and well, and it only needed a spark to rekindle it.

“I love you Constance Waverly and I want to come home.”

Constance for the first time in what seemed like years, felt as if she had control of her life again. The surge of excitement that simple expression made in her body invigorated her to such an extent that she wrapped strong arms around Clare and placed a kiss of passion on the waiting lips close to hers. Continuing the kisses over eyelids and cheeks and the small nose and every possible surface of her face murmuring, “I love you,” as she did so.

“Constance the food, it will be ruined.” Clare finally gasped out as her own passion steadily rose to meet the ardour of the woman in her arms.

“You are the only food I want Clare, will ever need. How about we take this reunion to bed and I prove to you just how much I love you and have missed you?” Constance refused to waste any of this second chance she had been given and there was now going to be time for all the words, explanations and pain that they had inflicted on each other, but for now, holding this woman was the only important thing.

“Take me to bed Constance and show me!” the food now firmly in the background. What did it matter, they could always eat later… much later.

Constance picked up her lover and was thrilled at the feeling she had when Clare whispered words of love into her ear as she headed for the bedroom and the reaffirmation of their love for each other.


“I wasn’t aware that you were friendly with the enemy Althea?” Sally Clauser said in a snide voice.

Althea jumped not only at the comment, but that this woman had once again caught her unawares. She was quite good at that.

“I’m not!”

“So, it wasn’t you at the Xianthos villa the other morning, when I was having tea with Sarah Rogers? Then we better explain to mama that her beloved dead husband must have been having an affair at the same time as your conception for you certainly have a double.” Sally said acidly and watched the younger woman pale.

“That’s a disgusting suggestion, my father was in love with my mother and he wouldn’t have done a thing like that!” Althea retorted heatedly as her face turning a bright red in anger.

Sally laughed maliciously and watched the woman grow more and more furious at her laughter. Serve the bitch right for double crossing them; true justice shall be metered out in good time.

“IF that’s the case, what were you doing visiting the cripple?”

Althea hated this woman with every fibre of her being and wanted nothing more than to see her get her just desserts, but would she? “I wanted to see the woman for myself before we killed her.”

Sally gave her a cold impersonal glance at those words. “Pull the other one Althea. What would be the point of that now?”

“I’m not like you! I need to know if what I’m doing is right!” Althea turned haunted eyes to the woman now starring intently at her.

Sally cackled and finally spoke, “Right! How the fuck can murder be right in your eyes? Your mother’s sure. Me, well hell yes, but you and that pathetic excuse of a brother you have… NO SIR! Althea Spiros you are definitely not a chip off your mother’s block as they say. And never will be, but let me tell you one thing for certain, you’re dead if you tell anyone of this plan of ours, or betray us in anyway, got me?”

Althea looked into the dark depths of the cold ruthless eyes and felt the terror this woman could strike into your heart with a glance. ‘Oh God! Was this nightmare ever going to end?’ Her mind played over and over again.

“I understand.”

“Excellent. So with that particular point taken care of, how about we get our plans into action?” Sally placed a firm hand on Althea’s shoulder and she shrugged it off and stood several feet away.

Sally saw the look of distaste on the Greeks face and she smiled wickedly, ‘How I like the ones that run away. The chase can be so very satisfying.’

Sally turned to look out onto the bright blue of the Aegean Sea and mussed on her next step. Everything would work out now. Soon she would have Catherine Devonshire at her mercy and pleading for her life.


Delaney was sitting in Captain Travis’ office waiting for his superior to arrive from a meeting with his upper echelon chiefs once the details of the newest case had hit his desk.

Captain Travis had been brought in six months ago after Edwards the previous Captain had taken early retirement. Although, word in the station had said he was pushed into it after poor results, especially with the serial kidnapper case.

Captain Dan Travis a short stocky man with an intelligent mind and very methodical in his dealings with situations and case loads, walked into the small office at the corner of the station and looked at the man who was sitting relaxed in one of his visitors chairs.

“Lieutenant Delaney, I see you are on time? Any news on the current case?” Travis’s voice brisk with a no non-sense intonation.

Delaney looked at the Captain and attempted to get up, but was waved down by Travis who went to sit at his desk. His shrewed hazel eyes continuing to observe the older man, who was according to the records, fifty, but he looked closer to sixty.

“Yes sir. I always like to be on time for the Captain. As to any further progress on the Simon girl, well unfortunately… no. All attempts so far to find any clues on who had abducted the young girl had drawn blanks. I have contacted Daniel’s for his input and of course made a request for a psychiatrist to see the parents.” Delaney stated calmly.

Travis stroked his firm chin and felt the day’s stubble already growing and he’d only shaved two hours ago, must need a new razor. “As you know this might not be quite what the others have been, with the letter Ms. Warriorson gave to you and considering who Ms. Warriorson is in the community. I might also add the powerful friends the woman has. Take it from me Delaney, this will not get shoved under the carpet as the other twelve have been allowed to do!"

Delaney was annoyed at the inference, “Captain are you implying that we don’t put hundred percent effort into each and every one of these cases? I personally have been on this serial kidnappers back for over five years. I can assure you that we haven’t screwed up.”

“Delaney, I implied nothing of the sort. Merely that we will need to take care in what we say to Ms. Warriorson and keep her apprised of the situation at all times.” Travis watched the man calm down, but it had rattled him and that brought a thoughtful expression to his face… interesting!

“Why should we do things differently for her than we have for the other parents. Surely we should treat her the same.” Delaney rasped sarcastically.

Travis pondered the remark and then answered quietly. “If I thought for one moment that you didn’t give all those suffering parents equal information at each stage of the case, then Delaney I’d take your badge and kick your ass of the force today! As it is, I expect you will consider this conversation when handling her. You of course have been told all the facts about the woman I take it?”

Delaney looked down at the polished shoes he wore and then glanced back in the direction of the captain. “No, only the information I was originally given. Obviously she’s wealthy, but that’s it. I know she’s gay also. That came out in conversation and might have a bearing on why her kid was targeted.”

Travis gave him a careful glance and cleared his throat. “Ms. Warriorson isn’t what she’s usually called in this city. Do you recall a shooting at the Xianthos building a year or so ago?” Delaney nodded his head.

“Sure Kelsey was the officer in charge and he and the owner a Ms. Devonshire have been pally ever since. He has even been doing some research for her on his leave of absence at the moment.” Delaney spoke scathingly about his fellow officer. He hated the fact the Kelsey was making extra cash out of his position. Why not let the little upstart get in trouble at the station, it could be called bribery.

“I’m totally aware of the research that Detective Kelsey is undertaking for Ms. Devonshire, however, that is a different issue. Ms. Warriorson’s other name in the city of New York and the business world is Devonshire!” Travis watched, as Delaney looked at him astonished.

“That bitch is Devonshire? So that’s why she likes to take over the situation.” Delaney finished lamely.

“Delaney, if I ever hear you call the woman that in my hearing or anywhere at all I will personally take you down for it. Ms. Devonshire is a patron of the city. She is a friend of the State Governor and from what I gather, she’s happy to call up her contacts and have your and my careers shot to hell on a whim. I want details of all the cases in the last five years and where the hell is the original profiler on this case?” Travis bit out savagely.

Delaney pulled a face at the mention of Agent Dusterly. “That would be Agent Serena Dusterly. She quit the FBI when things didn’t go well and one of the children ended up in the waste dump outside the city. She was trouble with a capital T Captain. Ask anyone, especially Doctor Rosnova, they hated each other.”

“Then I will speak to Doctor Rosnova, but I want to speak to Dusterly as well… you are to find her for me!” Travis demanding voice stated.

“I don’t need to find the useless excuse for a Fed; she works freelance using her profiling skills if you can call it a skill with her, on would be candidates for high profile jobs in the business community.” Delaney dismissed the woman derisively.

“I’ll be the judge of how skilled Ms. Dusterly is or was, leave that to me. As for Ms. Warriorson and her family, make sure she’s told everything… and Delaney, I mean even if you think it’s not important; let her be the judge of that. I will be visiting Ms. Dusterly and then Ms. Warriorson and her family later today, I hope you have something for me by the time I arrive there.” Travis waved his hand towards the door in a dismissive gesture.

Delaney got up from the visitor’s seat and made his way to the door and just before opening it he stated quietly. “I want the bastard whose doing this to kids as much as anyone Captain. It’s been on my case load for years and I want it badly!” He opened the door and went out towards his own desk. He’d better warn Rosnova that Dusterly had been mentioned and then ask her to go and see the Warriorson… or should it be the Devonshire family? What the hell did a name matter anyway?

Travis called his duty Sergeant into his office, he needed to see Serena Dusterly and what better time than now!


Chapter Thirty-three

Catherine watched over Jace as she fitfully slept in her arms. They hadn’t slept the previous night. Although, Jace had reluctantly agreed to have a nap she would only do so if Catherine joined her. Now holding this very special woman in her arms, it was evident that her partner was suffering in ways that she didn’t reveal and had held her pain inside especially with her parents and Elena.

This was a time when her feverish mind wanted to play tricks on her. She could even believe for a few split seconds that Lisa was playing happily with Elena in the next room… but… that wasn’t the case! No Lisa was in the hands of someone who could bring untold nightmares to the child. And had already succeeded in doing so by the abduction alone, then what next? Why did they take her? What reason if not for a ransom? Was it a sadistic pervert who preyed on young children? Was it a sick person whose mind thought her daughter was hers? Was it child slavery? Jesus H. Christ! The options were numerous, to Catherine each and everyone indicated that her daughter might never come home safe and well. If she did come home would she be so mentally brutalised by the ordeal, that she couldn’t be their happy go lucky Princess, with the quick wit and the wonderful compassion she had for others.

Feeling the tears begin to fall, she wiped a weary hand across her eyes to try to stop the waterfall. Was living with Jace rubbing off on her? She hadn’t cried this much in years, or ever, if she really considered the question.

There was only one thing for this situation; she needed to find someone as callous as the person who had kidnapped Lisa and hope that they could use their corrupt connections to hunt out the pervert… Perhaps then, they could have Lisa back, but who? Who did she know that corrupt?

Whispering to the quiet room that couldn’t be called silent as Jace gave small snores and tiny sobs as her dreams became nightmares, which were only calming when Catherine held the woman closer and she murmured loving words quietly into her ear, “Who could find a pervert like this? There must be someone in the world as evil and corrupt who could track this person? Evil and corrupt the key words. Evil and corrupt?”

“Darling, there is only one person you know that’s evil and corrupt.” Jace sleepily replied having been brought out of her fitful sleep by the harsh words being spoken by her partner.

“Who?” Catherine looked down into the sleep filled eyes of her partner.

“Catherine there is only one person and that’s Clarissa Hudson. Who else do you know that’s evil and corrupt?” Jace answered quietly. Although, she was still in a sleep filled haze, she saw the expression of puzzlement on her partner’s face replaced suddenly by a dawning of understanding.

“Jace, that’s about the most preposterously wonderful answer you have ever come up with for an impossible situation. Do you know how much I love you for that?”

“Hades Catherine, I hope you love me for more than that. However, if you want to hold me close and lull me to sleep for a little while longer, that I can appreciate.” Smiling at the excitement she saw in Catherine’s ice blue eyes.

“My love, you have just given me a brilliant idea and any time.” Holding the small blonde securely into her warm body, she contemplated what Jace said.

‘Clarissa Hudson! She hated the woman, but if she could find Lisa then there might be some merit in just having the woman put away in prison for the rest of her life rather than kill her. However, that particular option was still open on that question. Clarissa Hudson how the tide turns! Now, how had James and Kelsey got on with finding her that would be the next thing!


Dusterly hadn’t wanted to see Captain Travis, but he’d been insistent and that he felt that she could help. Was she going to turn away the opportunity to find out why he thought that?

So here they were trading niceties in her apartment and it was exasperating in the extreme. “Captain, I’m sure you wanted to ask me specific questions. So, please go ahead and put us both out of our miseries with the pleasantries.” Serena insisted candidly.

Travis smiled at her forthright attitude. He liked that in a person and particularly one that had the career background she had. “Quite right Ms. Dusterly, time is marching on. You know of course, there has been another abduction?”

She nodded her head.

“This is a little different in that it is the same MO as the others, but we never received a letter to warn off the parents as we have this time.” Travis saw a light shine in the woman’s eyes at the news.

Serena was interested and she knew she shouldn’t be as her natural instincts kicked in. “I’m sure you have a suitably qualified profiler to help you with this case. I quit if you read the records. There was a little debate about my particular views. I’m sure those views still hold firm in your department, not to mention the FBI.”

“I’ve read all the reports; admittedly you claimed some very wild theories at the time. I’m sure you had a grounding for them. What do you make of receiving a letter in this instance?” Travis chose to ignore the woman’s words for the moment.

Serena looked at the man and gave an exaggerated sigh. “Travis did anyone ever tell you to back off and you actually did so?”

Travis smiled his expression could be termed moderately handsome when he did so, “Actually lots have asked, but to date, no. I’ve never backed off if I thought the final solution was worth it. What about you?”

Serena gave him a quick look that told him he’d hit a nerve. “ I think we both know that I have backed off a situation to my cost and the cost of others.”

“In that case, how about you make amends and answer some of my questions. I was thinking that perhaps you might accompany me to see the relatives of the kidnapped child? Ahh… purely as a very interested bystander. You interested?” Travis saw the immediate light that reflected back at him out of clear intelligent eyes.

“Sure, I’ve got nothing on today.” Serena glanced towards him, her voice nonchalant. Her stomach was churning. This was her chance, her second chance of capturing the bastard that was using the system for his or her own ends. Yeah! She was going to nail the bastard and she just hoped that her chance came soon.

“Show me the letter please.” Serena requested and Travis smiled his brilliant white teeth gleamed in the room and it reminded Serena of an Ad on the TV for toothpaste. Smiling she took the letter from his hand and read it.


Kelsey was finally getting into bed in the hotel room that he’d booked for the week. His mind now fuddled by booze and the pleasant company of a would be actress he’d picked up in the bar that night. Hell! He might ask for a transfer to this city if you could just drop the odd comment about a studio and before you know it some young starlet was hanging onto every last word you said. He looked over at the young woman that was coming towards him stark naked and she was something else! A vision of perfection, her body and her face and all she wanted was a walk on part in some obscure series that UCP was airing and it sounded intelligent as well!

“Darling you look good enough to eat.” Kelsey commented as the young woman closed the gap between them and settled into his arms. He began a quick session of kissing her neck, but captured her breasts just as quickly in his haste to have the woman.

The phone rang at that moment.

Kelsey cursed into the nipple of the young woman that he had been suckling. “Damn that phone!”

The young woman looked at him as the phone continued to ring and she gave him a look that said silence the sound. Kelsey released his lips on the woman’s breast and hastily picked up the receiver. “Yeah! What do you want?”

Catherine Warriorson under normal circumstances would have torn a strip of anyone who answered her in that fashion. Instead she grimaced at the comment and ploughed ahead. “Kelsey is that you?”

Kelsey knew immediately who was at the end of the line and he went ramrod straight on the bed. “Yes, Ms. Devonshire?”

“What have you on Hudson?” Catherine asked, her voice sharp and devoid of emotion.

“She went to Australia, beyond that nothing else.” Kelsey answered, his body stiff and waiting.

“I want chapter and verse on where she went. You have twenty four hours to find her… after that Kelsey, you pay the bills.” Catherine growled distinctly to ensure there was no misunderstanding.

“But that’s … that’s impossible!” Kelsey spluttered.

“Nothing is impossible Kelsey.  Move your arse and do as I say, or you pick up the tab.” Catherine snapped back.

“I could quit and go back to New York.” Kelsey replied in indignation.

“Certainly you could… by all means do that. My daughter has been abducted and I could use someone I know here at this time.” Catherine reasoned stubbornly, her voice low.

Kelsey swallowed hard. So, that was the reason for the change in attitude. “Leave it with me and download the information on what you have so far Ms. Devonshire. I’m sorry… truly sorry about your daughter.”

Catherine took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly before answering. “Yes. I’m sure you are, but that doesn’t bring my little girl back. Kelsey do what you have to do to get the information, I’ll cover it.”

Kelsey looked at the now dead receiver he needed some help on this one. Who better to assist than Catherine’s friend Thompson?

“Lover what about us?” the woman lay flat and waiting naked on his bed asked seductively.

Kelsey glanced at the woman and shook his head. “Sorry! My boss needs help and I need to be somewhere else.”

The woman looked at him in disgust. “What about my interview with the casting directors at UCP?”

Kelsey gazed at the woman and her focused attitude it could be commended, but his was far more commendable in his eyes. “Lady don’t worry about that, I’m going to be very close to the President of the studio in less than an hour. You will have no problem.”

The young woman gave him a speculative glance and replied, “Oh! So, you’re bisexual? You will need to be good to get to Thompson. He hasn’t been around with anyone since his lover died. Kelsey if you’re giving me the brush off, Thompson does a classier departure from what I’ve heard… he does it with flower’s; just for future reference!” The woman laughed caustically as she went back into the bathroom.

Kelsey looked at her retreating back and pondered what she’d said.
‘Fuck! That was why the man seemed so… so tidy!’

Kelsey went to his clothes, chose what he needed and cursed the woman, who was holding up the shower. Damn these women who spent an hour in the bathroom!


Jace looked at the room overlooking the park. She couldn’t help feeling that if she had gone back for the bread for the ducks none of this would have happened. Her sigh hadn’t been lost on the one person who felt it was her fault alone the current circumstances.

Suddenly warm hands settled around Jace’s waist and each woman felt the connection through touch that words could never convey adequately.

“Have you found her?”

Catherine smiled wryly, “No… but Kelsey will. For now love, it is just a waiting game.”

Jace wasn’t sure what was going on, but she looked into the ice blue eyes and everything she felt was secondary to the vibrations she felt from her partner.

“You think Hudson is going to help if you do track her down?”

Catherine looked out onto the park before she answered and then she gave Jace a calm determined look. “Jace, what I have to offer Hudson, she would be a lunatic to refuse.”

Jace glanced up into the cool ice blues she loved and saw the steel settle behind the gaze brooking no obstruction.

“Catherine what are you offering her?” Jace was still as she waited for an explanation, not sure she really wanted to hear it.

Catherine’s eyes narrowed at the question and she hesitated momentarily and then gave a small tight smile. “If it’s the choice between seeing Lisa home safe and anything I can possibly offer her, she can have it gladly.”

Jace sucked in a sharp breathe, “What if she wants you, like the time before?” her green eyes closed in remembered pain.

Catherine laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion from her partner, or was it so absurd? Her laughter ceased as she saw the pain cross her partner’s face at the possibility. “Jace she wouldn’t want a wreck like me now. Remember darling, old Hudson likes the beautiful things not some old battle scarred, has been, who’s seen better days. That and I belong heart and soul to you; she’d have a fight to get me from your warm loving clutches now wouldn’t she darling?” A small wicked smile worked over the impassive features.

Jace shuddered at the thought and gave a tight smile of her own, but it never quite made it to her eyes. “You my love are no has been, battle scarred maybe, most definitely in my clutches, but you are still the most desirable woman I’ve ever met in my life… always will be and I do believe that Hudson will probably still feel the same and want you too.”

“Ah, but she has a major deficiency Jace.” Catherine answered seriously.

Jace looked up into the wave of sincerity shining out of those beloved eyes searching her face. “I hope you’re going to enlighten me Catherine?”

Catherine bent her head and placed a tiny kiss on each corner of her mouth and spoke a mere fraction of an inch from claiming the lips totally. “You promised to love me all my tomorrows. So, how she can ever have a chance to compete with that! Unless you plan to share?”

Jace looked up her heart swelling at the words that lifted her spirits a little from the hellhole they languished in. She couldn’t resist the full lips hovering so close to hers as she placed hers firmly and possessively in a searing kiss of ownership. Eventually they came up for air as the doorbell rang. “Does that answer your question Catherine?”

Breathlessly Catherine wiped the smug smile from her face as she turned to answer the door. “Oh, yes! That certainly answered that question and I had no doubts, not even a infinitesimal one.” The raven-haired woman state as she walled away towards the hall and the impatient ringing of the doorbell.


“George exactly why have been feuding with the Xianthos family for centuries?” Althea asked cautiously. She knew a little background but not the original reason and if she was going to die for something, she might as well know exactly what for!

George Spiros smiled at his younger sister; she never ever did listen to all the stories mama would relate to them when they were young. She would find an excuse to go swimming or play with her friends. However, he had listened and found it interesting. Although he never suspected that they would lead to the events that were transpiring now. “Althea if mama only knew!” He remarked smiling as he sat down on one of the comfortable reclining seats on the private stretch of beach that belonged to the family.

Althea smiled winningly at her brother and pushed her sunglasses onto the bridge of her nose to shut out the glaring sunlight and settled into the recliner, basking in the sun’s rays. Her bikini covering little of her body, but as it was a very well formed body and no one else about but her brother and it served its purpose.

“George I’m all ears and darling brother, she’s not likely to find out is she, unless you tell her.”

George Spiros sank into his recliner smiling at her as he began his history lesson.

“It all began at the time of the ancient gods. You know before Zeus was replaced and people began to worship other forms of gods. Our original ancestor called Andreas Spiros and his best friend Mikolas Xianthos came upon this island quite by chance as they fished from the neighbouring island of Costalanti, where they had both been brought up. They made claim to the Island via Athens and Mikolas being the educated one was despatched to claim the Island in both names. He duly did so and was surprised at the ease with which the transaction took place. As he waited in Athens, Andreas began to place the foundations for the villa they would initially share until such time as they had families of their own.” George stopped for a moment and picked up his cold orange juice and drank thirstily from it. He expected Althea to comment, he was not disappointed.

“So, which villa was first ours or Xianthos?” Althea was interested in the story, now that it had a more personal meaning for her.

“This one… but patience Althea, let me tell the story and you might understand.” George settled back in the recliner and began again.

“Mikolas was having a meal at the inn where he had a room and was shaken out of his day dreaming about his plans for the Island when a commotion in the inn made him look up into the face of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. There are mosaics in both villas’ pertaining to the beauty of Delia Scorpos, the woman with the long ebony hair and the cerulean eyes. Anyway, Mikolas was disturbed that no one went to her aid and he did so and ended up with a broken nose and some nasty bruises for his pains. He was never the stronger one like Andreas, but together they made a team that was hard to break. The next day having finally ventured out of his room, he was walking out of the door to the inn when the same woman called him over. She explained her predicament… the people called her a gypsy because she had the gift of prophecy and used it to make money to live. Mikolas was smitten by the young woman and asked if she wanted to travel with him to the Island that was to be named Xianspiros after the two friends. Of course she agreed and three weeks later they left Athens together and had decided to marry as a security for the young woman. As they travelled to the small Island, Mikolas was smitten, but Delia appeared not to return his love.

Once back on the island, Mikolas and Andreas began in earnest to build the villa. During this time several other families had been allowed to set up home and farm on the few hectares of land that were fertile. Others would fish from the bay area and the surrounding sea that held a veritable wealth of fish and sea creatures. As the first Villa was built, it was clear the two friends were becoming estranged and the reason was none other than the age-old jealousy of two men in love with the same woman.

Delia for her part looked after both men equally well… But, she too was falling in love with the taller and stronger Andreas, who would take the time to make her laugh and bring her flowers, and generally making her happy in the new island, while her ‘husband’ would be too busy with the nurturing of the small thriving economy. There came a time when Mikolas found the two of them together and both pleaded with him to release her from her marriage vows. As with all situations, jealousy within men can be channelled in many ways and the only way he would allow it, was if Delia gave him a child and Andreas the rights to the Island, except for the villa and a small package of land he could farm.” George stopped once again as he heard a sharp intake of breath from his sister.

“I never heard that this was a love story George. Mama always made it sound so… so depressing.” Althea spoke absently, but she had removed her sunglasses and was starring out over the sea and wondering what had been going on in the young lover’s minds at that proposal.

“I assume you want me to continue?” George smiled wryly at his sister, who had always been a sucker for a good romance, but she always wanted the requisite happy ending. Althea nodded vigorously as she drank from her own glass of orange juice.

“Eventually the young lovers agreed to the arrangement, for they couldn’t convince Mikolas to relinquish his hold over Delia any other way. A year later a son was born. He had the dark hair and cerulean eyes of his mother, but the stature and intelligence of his father, which would be a potent, mix in later years. As the Island prospered, so did Mikolas Xianthos. However, when his son was five years old, he was taken ill and his mother was called from her home with Andreas; they did not think the child would live. Delia knew in her heart that she could not leave her son alone again and told Andreas that she would go back and live with Mikolas and bring up their son together. Andreas was beside himself with grief at having lost the love of his life and became a broken man… planning the downfall of the man he had once called best friend. For had he not gained everything and he had lost everything? Andreas eventually married a girl from his home village and brought her back to live on the Island. They produced a son, but the man was always bitter at the loss of his first love.

When the family was picnicking in their favourite spot two years later, there was a mystery accident. Delia who had foreseen a tragedy, but could not understand who it affected. Rushed towards the crumbling rocks and pushed Mikolas away from the edge, but caused herself to overbalance and fall from the cliff edge to her death. Mikolas was beside himself with grief, but took solace in the child that Delia had given to his life. When Andreas heard about the tragedy, he was so grief stricken he took his boat out and wasn’t seen again. Although, he had been heard muttering that he was going to find his love, that she would be waiting for him and that he was sorry… so sorry, it was never meant for her!” George finished quietly and waited for a response from his sister, who had been remarkably quiet for her.

Althea finally turned towards her brother and wiped away the tears she had shed at the ending of the story. “So, how does that make a feud everyone lost didn’t they?”

“Sister dear, you know we Greeks loves our tragedy… and the assumption that Andreas had gone to his watery grave to be with the woman he loved, caused a terrible bitterness in the wife he left behind. That bitterness, of course was passed onto the son and the rest, well… as they say is history.” George spoke quietly and watched his sister take in the information before she replied.

“I think Delia loved them both and she wouldn’t have wanted this feud to continue has it has over the centuries.” Her voice softly murmured
and was only heard because George strained to hear her.

“Althea never let mama hear you say that. This feud is her life!”

“My brother, I love mama, but do you not think it is time to close up the wounds and forget the past.” Althea looked directly into the brown eyes of her brother and cocked her head to one side waiting.

He took his time and moved out of the recliner and stood in the direct path of the sunlight that warmed Althea’s skin. The obstruction of his body brought a chill to her over heated flesh. “Althea when did you become such an optimist? Mama lives for the past. It is too late for her to change.”

“Is it too late for us George, you and I? Do we have to be tainted by the tragedy of the past? Can’t we have a life that we can bring up children without knowing that we have helped to commit a crime? Is it too late my brother?” Althea asked, her voice full of emotion.

“Too late? Perhaps. Then again, perhaps not, so far we haven’t done anything, but talk about a crime, talking and actually doing is two separate things. Too late? We will find out soon Althea, very soon.”
George placed a kiss on her forehead and headed towards the steps that would take him up to the villa.

“I know you loved them both Delia and I hope that Constantia and I can work together and complete this vicious circle so that all the hate is finally laid to rest as it should have been all those years ago.” Althea whispered to the gently lapping sea that was creeping closer as the tide had turned. Perhaps for both families, the tide had turned here also, but for the good… not the bad. She could at least hope.


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