~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Six
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Eight:

Rita Tuscany had never worked with someone like Constance Waverly before in her lifetime, and she never wanted to again! In the month she had worked for the woman, it was clear why Clare had left her in the office. If she carried on at home in the same way she was here, she was definitely not surprised her friend had left that area too.

Constance was like the demon in the office. She worked at a break neck speed that had every single executive and anyone else come to that in a state of frenzy when she was in the building, which was pretty much everyday. Her executive meetings never ended on a good note. They almost always ended up with some backstabbing going on and the arguments that prevailed were becoming legendary. Worse thing was the new VP for New York covering America would arrive next week. The way things were going in the office, he wouldn’t last a week with all the ill feeling in the building.

Constance was a lost soul that was the only thing you could say. Previously she had been focused, professional and totally in control. Now, she was objectionable, ill advised and didn’t give a damn. That wasn’t the worse of it either; her drinking even though she was trying to be discreet was evident…well, certainly to Rita who had to on occasion pour several gallons of coffee for the woman when she had to talk to Ms Devonshire. Damn Clare for leaving the woman, but she also had her complete respect too!

“Ms. Waverly, you have a call from Ms. Devonshire on line two. Shall I say you’re in a meeting?” Rita asked her supervisor, seeing the glass of whisky on her desk. Not only that, there was a bottle of pills sitting there as well. ‘Shit! When did she take up that particular mix?’

Constance Waverly looked tiredly at her PA and for a moment lost the plot. What the hell did the woman want? Then as quickly, she recalled the name that would bring her to her senses, the owner herself, Ms. Devonshire. “No, patch it through Rita.” The slurring of the words caused a frown on Rita face, but she dare not say too much. The woman had already threatened her with dismissal if she said anything about the drink; now, it was pills also.

“Constance?” Catherine demanded, as it had been a lengthy delay before she had been put through to her Corporate President. Not only that, but Rita was now acting as PA to Constance. So, where the hell was Clare?

“Yes.” Constance needed to focus on the job, for that was all she had left. Clare was gone and had finally said two days ago - she wouldn’t be coming back!

“Good. So, are you ready to relinquish control to Lee Western? Might give you some time to spend on your private life for a change.” Catherine asked in a friendly manner.

“Yeah, I’m ready. I need to have the few odd hours I can call my own again.” Constance responded briefly. What the hell she was going to do with them now though, she didn’t know.

“I’ve heard some disturbing reports Constance that things are shall we say a little fraught in New York, care to share?”  Catherine asked quickly as she didn’t have much time to talk. The family was about ready to leave for the airport. They were going home a week early. Everyone wanted to go home…strange how her partner had that effect on them all in some way or other.

“Fraught? Whoever told you that? Far from it. Western will have a wonderful time here. Hell, he has it easy. He still has me on site if he gets into any difficulties.” Constance lied as she opened the draw to her desk, fished out the half empty bottle of whisky and poured a generous measure in the glass.

“Pleased to hear it Constance. Oh, and you keep your job. Good call by the way, and Eduardo is staying.” Catherine replied.

“Glad everything has been resolved. At least I wouldn’t have the problem of trying to recruit another VP.” Constance felt relief, but also a sadness that she couldn’t explain.

“I have to go. We are going home earlier than planned, seems Jace has a hold over all of us…for we miss her, and we all want to see her.” Catherine chuckled and heard only a hollow reply from the other end.

“I’m please for you Catherine. Give Jace my regards. She is a very special woman,” her voice heavy.

Catherine looked at Lisa, who was tapping her feet on the wooden floor of the hall looking expectantly at her. But there was something in Constance’s voice that needed further inspection. “I have to go Constance. I’ll catch up with you in a couple of days.” With that she severed the connection and wondered if that had been the right decision. Shaking her head she smiled at her oldest daughter, picked up her computer and briefcase, and then followed the small redhead out of the door of her old London home. Now, it was time to go home properly. And the only home she knew now, had a blonde Californian waiting for her. That was all she wanted, nothing else was more important than that to her.

Constance replaced the receiver and looked down at it. “Yeah, go home Catherine to the ‘wife’. At least you have something to go home too. Me, what have I to go home too? Nothing, zilch, nada, zero…please Clare come back to me…please…!” Constance reached for the pills and the virtually empty bottle of whisky. Placing several pills on the desk, she gulped down more whisky as they were swallowed. Looking out of the window of her office, her eyes were dulling of the pain from the effects of the alcohol and drugs she was now taking more and more frequently.


Jace had been thankful of the call that Grace had made to inform her that Catherine was on her way home……one week early also. It made Jace smile at the shortened holiday. She was distressed also that no matter what she did, she wouldn’t arrive back at the ranch in time for her to there when they arrived. Another major mistake, but hopefully, this time Catherine might be more understanding. Looking at her watch, she noticed the time, if she were lucky her appointment would enable her to catch the next train out which would at least enable her to be home tonight and see the family she sorely missed.


Catherine had been looking over the notes she had taken on the problems that still plagued the operation in Europe. Hell, it hadn’t been a good nine months there. However, Eduardo had amazingly charmed the pants of all their major connections. And it was only the smaller ones that had been lost in the fray and with all of Gareth’s unsavoury connections; she wasn’t too worried about that at all!

Constance had been right, Eduardo wanted his own head in the business not be a second fiddle to the owner. She had finally accepted that he wasn’t Gareth. Eventually she had agreed that he could control it all as originally planned. When she thought about the decision, it would give her more time with her family. And if they had another baby well, she was going to need it. Jace had been right to continue with the seminar and what she was doing was very admirable.

Admittedly, it meant that they didn’t agree on things from time to time, but what the hell! They would both live. If there had been more Jace’s around when she was younger, maybe, just maybe, she might have given up earlier! Then again, would she have met Jace if things had changed so much, she highly doubted it? Yet, in the back of her mind, she knew she would have met Jace eventually. After all her father had owned UCP and she was pretty certain she would have continued with her fathers business and still have taken over her father-in-laws publishing house. It was all meant to be whichever way they went, but some things were harder to come by than others. And that had been the road that she had taken to reach Jace, the hard one!

Constance had been a little strange on their last conversation. However, it was always a difficult role and didn’t she know it! Still the woman was intelligent enough and had the common sense to get the job done. Strange though, about the whereabouts of Clare? Every time she had telephoned in the last month it had been Rita who answered. Perhaps Clare was ill? Next time she really did need to ask the question, but for now, the key was getting home.

She really needed the sleep badly. It would be hilarious to many to find out that she could no longer sleep properly, unless a certain blonde was either in her arms or certainly within inches of her in the bed. Jace was going to give her a hard time about the dark circles around her eyes. But with luck, she could reciprocate, although Jace and sleep never did appear to have a problem.

Looking around the cabin, she surveyed her family.

Lisa was engrossed in an animated conversation with Judy. Well one could tell the movement of her arms and the facial expressions the child gave certainly animated it.

Faith was being bored to death by Jake and his conversation on soccer how it far outweighed rugby as a major sport. Faith as always was very attentive and asked very informed questions. She was going to make a great grandmother for real.

Elena was playing in her pen that had been erected in the cabin and Dave the steward was trying to prize the empty bottle of juice from her hands. Walking over to the warring pair she smiled at Dave “Let me.”

The man smiled at her and moved away to watch the exchange of his employer and the small child. He wasn’t sure which one of them was the more formidable.

Looking directly at her daughter who changed her expression from cross to a satisfied smile. “Elena let Dave have your bottle and you can have a nice drink of tea, what do you say little one?” Catherine placed her hands on the bottle and the green and blue eyes vied for its release.

Dave watched fascinated as the woman who ran a multi-million business was being challenged by a fifteen-month-old…it was different!

“Elena, give me the bottle now!” Catherine expounded, her voice using the steel edge that Jace had said might work with their daughter. Moments later the child released the bottle and looked at the tall playmate with a tearful expression in her green eyes.

“There you go Dave, it’s all in the tone.” Catherine explained and silently thanked god for a particular blonde who had finally taught her how to deal with children without hurting them.

“Thanks. Would you like tea also, Ms. Devonshire?”

“Yes, and I think the rest of them would probably enjoy some coffee or juice and did you get those cookies and ice cream I mentioned?”

“Certainly did, and I also took the liberty of getting some pastries for you and the young one.” Dave looked at the bottle in his hand as he said it.

“Thanks Dave. That was very thoughtful and believe me, I and the little one will eat them, especially if they’re hot and full of dripping butter.” Catherine hadn’t had the French pastry for years and yet she loved it!

“Anytime, but does the little one like them also?” Dave asked as he headed for the small kitchen.

“Don’t know, but we are going to find out that’s for sure.” Catherine picked up Elena from the pen and went to sit down with her. If she couldn’t see Jace’s eyes, she could at least see a mirror image and that would have to do for now. Soon, very soon they would all be together again and that was all that mattered.


The house was quiet. The lights had been left on in the hall. It was warm and if Catherine could judge by the expressions on everyone’s face, they were all glad to be back home!

Even Judy who had settled down at the ranch with an ease that had surprised the ex-school teacher, who had run away from her own personal problems, but who had by some miracle found this special haven and been welcomed like one of the family. Having also come to terms with her problems, which were now, just things of the past.

Faith had Elena in her arms, shouting a garbled mama at the top of her voice. Catherine held out her arms for the distressed child. Who looked at her and gulped back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Colin had explained that Jace was due home within the hour. Grace had told him to leave the explanation as simple as possible. He’d certainly done as his wife insisted, especially when he’d seen the crestfallen expression on Catherine’s face.

Jake walked into the kitchen and within seconds, he was back his face wreathed in smiles. “We have a feast prepared ladies.” He bowed his head gallantly and opened the door for them to look inside at the array of snacks. The coffeepot prepared and the teapot standing waiting. The line up of mugs and glasses ready for them to just heat up the water and they had a meal all prepared.

Catherine grinned at the boy, he had grown not only in stature, but also in the way he treated people. His courtesy was incredible in one so young. This new gesture of his just making her laugh at its playful respect of being the only male with several females for the last three weeks.

Within the hour they had all been fed. Faith had taken the two girls to be bathed and then brought back down to sit with Catherine waiting for Jace, who wouldn’t surely be late tonight, not their first night home!

Jake had rushed off to spend a couple of hours on the computer, talking to some of his friends on the email and chat rooms he frequented with permission.

Rio had been ecstatic at the arrival of his female buddies. He had missed being chased around the room by the smaller female and he certainly enjoyed the attention from the taller one. Catherine and the two girls chased him around the room and finally all of them exhausted flopped onto the carpeted floor.

Elena climbed onto her tall playmates chest and putting her head down, she closed her green eyes and stuck her thumb in her mouth as she quickly fell asleep, causing Catherine to smile indulgently. Until she felt the redhead on her left shoulder and she turned and saw that Lisa was asleep too! Rio had taken the hint and lay at her feet with both his eyes closed.

‘Well, if you can’t beat them, join them!’ Catherine thought and shut her eyes. She would just close them, but not sleep. Then she would put the kids to bed when Jace arrived.


Jace had caught her train and although she was slightly later than expected as she’d caught a taxi in town to the ranch, she hoped that she was home before her family. That thought sank like a stone in water as she saw the bags and the outer clothes strewn around, all except Catherine’s which were neatly hung up and her shoes in their regimented position. Jace smiled at the mess the others had apparently caused and she for the first time in three weeks felt whole again, they were home!

Then she spied Jake walking down the stairs, “Jake, my god have you grown another foot in three weeks?” Jace chuckled at the red staining his cheeks he was now around five foot ten inches and he was going to tower over Catherine eventually, she was sure of it.

“Don’t be silly Jace, maybe a couple of inches, but you’re so small any change is big to you.” The boy joked and was given a playful push and then hugged in a tight embrace.

“Glad your back Jake. I’ve missed you all so much.” Jace bit back the tears that she felt sting her eyes at the sheer delight of seeing the boy. Lord knows what she was going to be like when she saw the girls and then Catherine.

“We missed you too Jace. It wasn’t the same without you! Catherine used to be so grouchy in the evenings when she was alone with Faith and Judy, they went out a lot without her.” The boy chuckled as he recalled them saying that they would never, ever, go on another trip like this without Jace to keep Catherine company.

“Well, she can be quite difficult at times as we both know. So, Jake where are the girls?” Jace asked curiously.

“Last time I heard, they were making loud noises in the lounge. And I do mean loud, but it’s been kinda quiet for the last half hour or so,” the boy responded.

“How was Catherine with you all? It wasn’t all business for her was it?” Jace asked him although, everytime she’d called Catherine had been there.

“She’s been great Jace. Catherine went everywhere she could with us. I know she told the corporate people that she could only be contacted in the morning, and then she would always be home by lunchtime. The girls made her tired though, they can be a handful.” Jake responded recalling several occasions when Catherine had been literally played off her feet.

Jace gave him a wistful look, she had missed so much and for what reason? Someone else had needed her. But, didn’t her family have first priority with their need of her? Yes!

“Loud noises and Catherine. Very interesting, now that did spark the imagination.” Jace chuckled and she went towards the lounge door,

Jake went towards the kitchen saying he’d like another snack and then was going back to talk to Ian his best friend.

Jace opened the door silently to the lounge and was amazed at the sight before her. There laid out in the centre of the room was her partner and two daughters held securely on part of the tall woman’s body. It was an enchanting and quite possibly, one of the loveliest sights she would ever visualise of the three most important females in her life………her sleeping beauties.

Walking silently into the room Rio opened one eye and watched the familiar figure approach them. His tail thumped several times on the carpet, dampening the sound. Kneeling down next to the right side of Catherine, she tenderly pushed back a tendril of dark hair that had fallen over her face. There was for all to see the love, warmth, tenderness and solid protection about the position her partner had taken holding the children. It would be inconceivable to see Catherine deprived of any of the children because of red tape.

Jace was glad that she’d had some interesting talks with Grace, especially the one two weeks ago. That had been enlightening and she hoped various actions she’d taken recently would help her partner attain one of her dreams. Catherine had so few, but Jace wanted to make all she did have come true for her.

Bending her head she placed a light kiss on Catherine’s brow and as if in a fairy story Catherine blinked her closed eyelids several times, her ice blue eyes trying to focus on the reason for her waking up.

“Hi Catherine.” Jace spoke softly and watched the slow smile she loved drift over her partner’s face at her nearness. ‘Hades, how she’d missed this woman.’ the very thought sent her heart racing at the sudden jolt that simple expression had caused in her body.

“Hi Jace, thought I was dreaming, but I’m not am I?” Catherine’s voice husky with the remnants of sleep. Her smile gained intensity and the ice blue eyes held a look of pure love as she gazed at Jace. It had been too long without that face before her, far too long!

“I’m not a dream darling. You look extremely comfortable here on the floor.” Jace smiled lovingly at her children and stroked the dark hair on Elena’s head and placed a kiss on the top of her head, but the child never moved at the action. Then she leaned over Catherine and repeated the exercise with Lisa who also never stirred. ‘Guess I only have the wake up magic on one female hereabouts,’ chuckling softly as she thought about it.

Catherine watched totally absorbed as Jace kissed the children and she could smell the faint traces of perfume that still lingered on her partner. It aroused her senses to a higher pitch as she pictured holding the small blonde in her arms again. Then her mind went down a totally different path as she considered asking Jace to adopt the children and all the necessary action it would require to do so. Hell, they were committed to each other. This was the real thing, no playacting. They had both wanted, no! Needed the permanence of the relationship as it stood today.

As Jace pulled away Catherine had the opportunity to snake her right free arm around Jace’s waist and tenderly brought her head down to within a fraction of an inch from her mouth. “If you weren’t already married, I’d ask you to marry me.” Catherine’s lips captured the hovering ones above hers in a loving welcome. Neither wanted to break, but the requirement of breathing became a necessity.

Jace was breathless as she spoke. “You would huh? Do you know what my answer would be?” Jace placed a teasing kiss on the full lips that she had missed so much.

“What would your answer be?” Catherine responded her ice blue eyes locked with the green ones she’d thought about all the time she had been away.

“I’d have to say sorry, because I’m hopelessly in love with my wife. I’ve missed her desperately and all I want is to hold her in my arms again and show her how much she means to me. And that I never want to experience this loss again.” Jace never released the gaze that held hers, a shy smile flashing over her face.

“Come here!” Catherine was far to moved by the words her partner had just spoken and she placed the blonde head down on her right shoulder. Jace found herself lying next to Catherine on the carpeted floor, but nestled in the hold she knew would protect her forever. “I’m getting used to this carpet at close quarters.”

Jace snuggled further into the broad shoulder, a smile of supreme happiness on her face giving the impression that she was glowing. “Everyone will think we’re crazy sleeping on the floor,” chuckling as she could well picture Judy and Faith’s faces if they walked in.

“Ah, well. They don’t have three beautiful females in their arms now do they? One of which is my wife, who I’ve missed so much, I’m surprised I didn’t catch the next plane home, so that I could hold her in my arms again.” Catherine spoke quietly and placed her lips on the blonde head.

“Then that makes us two very happily married women then, doesn’t it?” Jace answered feeling the effects of her own long day as she yawned, unable to stop the action. “Sorry, I wasn’t here when you arrived home Catherine.”

“You’re home now that’s all that matters, so how is the good Reverend?” Catherine asked assuming her partner had been doing her good deeds for the day in town.

“Last time I saw him he was fine. I went to Christchurch darling. I caught the train back this afternoon. Finding a taxi in town that would come out to the ranch was difficult.” Jace explained and felt Catherine’s body stiffen.

“Is there a problem?” Catherine asked holding her breath.

“I thought I’d see the lawyers about pressurising Peter to sign the papers about the adoption for Elena. Then I had a long chat with the authorities about adopting our other two children. Seems I’m going to have to consider a change of passport.” Jace said matter of factly and was rewarded and pleasantly surprised, as were the two sleeping children as Catherine shot up dislodging them as she looked at Jace with a lost for words, but a smile of pure adoration on her face.

“Jace!” Lisa exclaimed and with no heed for the discomfort she caused to Catherine she jumped all over her narrowly avoiding Elena, who was so tired she started to cry at the intrusion to her sleep.

Jace laughed happily and picked up her elder daughter once they had both stood up, leaving Catherine to soothe the grumpy younger child.
“Great to see you Princess, did you have a good time?”

“Great Jace, it was cool. We saw lots of places and we have loads of photo’s and the video and presents and we saw the changing of the guard and the Queens palace and….” Jace hugged the child tighter at her exuberance.

“How about you tell me everything tomorrow and show me all your goodies then? I bet you’re tired?” Jace was watching her younger daughter being comforted by her partner out of the corner of her eye.

“Yeah okay. Can I go and get a drink of milk please, to go to bed with, I promise to be careful?” Lisa asked Jace, although her eyes shot over to Catherine who just smiled at her smugly.

Jace saw the look and arched an eyebrow. “She’s getting good co-ordination these days aren’t you slugger?” Catherine offered by way of explanation and saw the child scowl at her with the mention of the nickname.

“Yeah, I haven’t dropped anything for ages and anyway Rio helps me too.” the child said and went towards the door and Rio joined his smaller mistress and followed her out, leaving the two adults to watch her with indulgent smiles.

“How does Rio help her Catherine?” Jace asked suspiciously, holding out her arms for her grumpy daughter, who gave her mother a watery smile as she was given a welcome home kiss too!

“Seeing is believing Jace. When she comes back in the room watch for yourself.” Catherine said enigmatically and looked at the blonde head peer at her daughter. The happiness at having her child in her arms evident to anyone that looked. It was the mother daughter picture that Catherine would hold in her heart along with her imaginary ones she had of Jace at the birth of the child.

“Elena have you been a good girl?” Jace asked the child not expecting anything from her daughter except garbled sounds, what she heard this time shocked her.

“Mama good,” the child responded and was held out at arms length. Was this her child? Had she missed one of the most important times of a child’s upbringing, the first words?

“She called me Mama, Catherine. She’s talking?” Her voice excited and emotional at the same time.

Catherine grinned, “Yes, she certainly is. I told you so before we went away, but you didn’t believe me. Now darling, you know for sure.” Catherine’s eyes brimmed with laughter at the tearful expression in Jace’s eyes, damn water works everytime, without fail. This woman would be a godsend in a drought.

Several minutes later the door to the lounge opened and Lisa walked in her head held high and she clasped the glass to her with confidence. Only this time Rio was close beside her and if Jace wasn’t mistaken he was behaving as if he was a sheepdog and keeping the child to a narrow path and concentrating entirely on her task. It was working no way was Lisa going to fall over the dog. The dog was going to make certain of that!

“Catherine she’s…well she looks so confident.” Jace gasped watching her elder daughter with pride.

“Yes, that she does Love. And I think if she keeps this up, Rio will let her go solo soon.” Catherine said quietly, watching Lisa and Rio at their respective tasks.

“Why is the dog doing that Catherine? How did you train him to help her?” Jace asked in wonder.

“I didn’t, he can sense the need and she was willing to participate and hey, what do you know they work well as a team. She loves him and I don’t know why at times, but Rio loves her too! Can’t knock help from a loved one now, can we?” Catherine smiled slowly her own eyes warmed and reflected the wonder of the statement Jace had made earlier about the adoption, a point in fact no less.

Jace looked deep into the ice blue eyes and watched as the right eye focused completely on her and the left tried but failed every time. But only fractionally, you would never know that she couldn’t see out of it.

“Time for beds all of you. It’s been a long day and you all look tired.” Jace said and smiled at the wicked look she received from Catherine, shaking her head at her partner and placing Elena on the floor, but taking her hand.

Catherine whispered into her ear as she captured Lisa’s hand and then they clasped their own together as they made for the stairs. “Join me?” the voice enticing and the low growl made Jace’s knees weak at the thought of what those two words could potentially mean.

Sending a sensual smile to her partner Jace answered in the only way she could. “Try and stop me darling,” and heard the soft chuckle as they went to settle the children first.

Coming home had some advantages. Oh yes, and what advantages.


The Spiros’s watched the figure approach the villa. True to the American’s word, the person who was going to help them had arrived a month after their original discussion.

Althea had returned to Athens and would be arriving back on the island at the weekend, only three days away. By then, they would know what this particular party could bring to the table. And the game, as they say would be afoot, a scene from any Sherlock Holmes Mystery, which Fatama read reverently, for she loved all murder mysteries. They were much more exciting than the romance novels.

George watched the figure approach and a small smile played around his lips. ‘Looked like a tourist and probably wasn’t going to be any use to them, but if Mama said she would be, then he would bend to mama’s will. One day though, his mother was going to go too far and then he didn’t know what he would do. But…he wasn’t as strong as Althea and she had even caved in at the pressure. Still with Althea, she had a brilliant mind and she would find a way for them to keep out of jail!’

The door was opened by the resident maid and shown into the enclosed balcony area that Fatama loved over the rest of the villa, it was her sanctuary and one she was sure she would die at peace in.

The maid showed the visitor into the area and George inclined his head in welcome and waited for his mother to introduce the person who was going to help them rid the island once and for all of the family Xianthos.

Fatama Spiros smiled a welcome and held out her frail hand as the visitor came forward. “So, we finally meet, Ms. Hudson spoke highly of you.”

“Thank you, I’m sure we will all gain something from this experience,” the visitor said quietly.

“George, please come over here and meet our esteemed guest.” Fatama implored her son.

George came forward and held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

His hand was taken and the visitor smiled wryly at him. “Thanks you too. Now to business.”

Fatama smiled at the words, this would be over before anyone even knew it happened. “So, we call you by the name Ms Hudson gave or you want another one?” Fatama motioned the visitor to sit as the sun gained its highest position in the sky.

The visitor smiled, “You may call me….”


Catherine looked out over the ranch drive. It was the same dream that woke her in the middle of the night, or should she say the early hours of the morning, as it was now only three o'clock. The one that showed her death and Jace obviously in mourning, but something about it wasn’t quite what it seemed, there was something missing. She needed to know what that was.

Her eyes roamed the scenery before her. With the brightness of a full moon, she could see the drive and the foreman’s house, which now was more than that. Not only did it house the new Operations Director of Destiny holdings but her best friend too! It was going to be so damn good to see another new life born here and live on the property. Not only one, but perhaps two if Jace had anything to do with it. And she’d briefly mentioned that she had news in that area, but Catherine had been interested in action and not words at the time, so it could wait until tomorrow.

Letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction that she was home, she turned suddenly and was entranced at the green gaze levelled at her! “I’m sorry darling. I thought you were asleep.” Catherine apologised softly.

“Hey, you’ve been away three weeks and I get you back and what do I find, but you slink away without my knowledge. Now if I didn’t know better, a girl could get a complex that she wasn’t quite up to standard here.” Jace smirked at the look of surprise the words brought to Catherine’s features.

“You will never, ever, not be up to standard Jace. For god’s sake, you take my breath away every minute of the day.” Catherine responded and padded back to the bed and quickly regained her position in the bed and pulled the smaller woman on top of her.

“Well, thank you darling. You, of course know the feeling is mutual?” Jace responded, her lips starting a delicate trail over the collarbone of her lover, the scent of Catherine driving Jace to distraction, it was so very intoxicating.

Catherine placed her lips on the blonde head that was sending her pulse rate through the roof. “I love you Jace.” the words a low growl as her body responded to the sensual caress of her partner.

Jace looked up at the words, her own face flushed at the emotions her lover’s body created within her as it always had. Without words, Jace moved her body slowly and ardently up her lovers until she saw the arousal of her partner close up. It was a sexually charged moment and without hesitation, she placed her lips on Catherine’s and they began an exploration that literally took them to the moon and back by the time they had feasted themselves on each other’s bodies.

Continued in Part 7

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