~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Seven
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Nine:

“What do you think?” Jace looked at the pensive profile of her partner as they sat at the table of an Italian restaurant in Christchurch. Both women attempting to look at the menu, but were failing miserably.

“About the menu, looks okay to me.” Catherine answered absently. Then raised her head as she heard the audible sigh from her partner.

“What!” Catherine asked the blonde who now had an irritated look on her face.

“Catherine not the menu, but what the doctor said!” Jace muttered and then glanced back at the menu as the waiter descended on them with a smiling face.

“Ladies have you had time to consider your choices?” the waiter wasn’t any more than twenty if he was a day. He looked Jace over speculatively as he asked the question.

Catherine looked at the waiter and watched where his eyes were surveying. She wasn’t pleased at his giving Jace the once over. “I’ll have the chicken pasta for the main dish. Want to share a salad and some garlic foccia bread for a starter Jace?” Catherine smiled at the blonde opposite her. She knew without reservation her partner was oblivious to the man’s attraction to her.

“Sure and I’ll have your house special pizza for my main course.” Jace wanted to laugh at Catherine’s face.

“Madam, which size?” the waiter gave her his full attention and smiled engagingly at her.

“Why the large size of course.” Jace answered and virtually choked on her sip of mineral water at Catherine’s astonished expression not to mention the waiters.

He eyed her and went away muttering something under his breath.

“Wonder what he said?” Jace asked innocently.

“Probably glad he didn’t ask you on a date. You would have taken his months salary check on the first meal he asked you out on." Catherine answered her tone serious, but her eyes twinkling with laughter.

“Oh, Catherine that’s not true. I only eat what I need.” Jace pulled a face at her companion and saw the laughter take over her face as she smiled brightly at her.

“I wondered where all our food went……it’s what you need huh? Pull the other leg Jace. You love to eat, that’s all there is to it.” Catherine replied and looked at her partner.

“So, what do you think?” Jace asked the woman in front of her. No way was she going to allow her to wriggle out of answering the important question.

“I think we should be happy with the children we have.” Catherine answered quietly.

“Catherine…no! We can do this together. Look! It doesn’t matter to me, why should it to you?” Jace gave her a look of encouragement and put her hand gently on top of Catherine’s as she traced a pattern on the linen tablecloth.

“Because I don’t want you to have to leave me that length of time again. We agreed, right?” Catherine finally stated, the hand on hers soothing the churning nerves the doctor had created in system.

“Catherine, I will go in the hospital for tests. Then we get to chose a suitable donor, have the implant carried out. It won’t take that long.” Jace entreated her.

“Why do we have to do this Jace? We have three wonderful kids. Why do we need another one?” Catherine asked quietly. Fortunately the restaurant was relatively quiet, but then again it was only noon and lunch rush hadn’t started.

“You said yes Catherine. Did you lie to me?” Jace asked her earnestly.

Catherine looked down at the table and contemplated the pattern of the linen for a couple of minutes.

“No, no I didn’t lie to you. I just don’t want you in America on your own that’s all. What if it coincides with a business meeting I have, or something else? What do I do then?”

Jace watched the worry pass over her partners face. Yes, she had been upset that they couldn’t do the process here, but she was American after all, had Catherine forgotten?

“Darling, I’m American remember? I can look after myself if necessary. I know the treatment is in Boston, but Hades Catherine, New York isn’t that far away.” Jace tried to convince the raven-haired woman before her.

Catherine was about to reply when their first course arrived. Catherine gave Jace a rueful smile, knowing the blonde would probably eat far more of the foccia bread than the salad and still eat the pizza as well! Contemplating her partner’s plea, she was loath to disagree at her logic. If Jace wanted something, Catherine was willing to brave the elements themselves to give it to her.

“Okay.” Catherine said and grinned as Jace took a bit of the foccia bread and the garlic spurted out and ran down her chin.

“Guess I need to take a piece myself or I won’t be coming anywhere near you for the next week,” Catherine responded, her tone teasing.

“I love you Catherine, but keep the jokes between you and Grace please?” Her smile wide as she acknowledged that Catherine had literally agreed to the programme and would do what she had to do to be there as well.

“Hey, Grace is pretty much going to keep you company my love, if you are pregnant in the next month or so.” Catherine smiled at Jace with loving affection.

“Guarantee it Catherine. What do you want this time around green eyes or blue?” Jace laughed and retrieved another piece of foccia bread and helped herself to salad as she saw the astonished look on Catherine’s face.

“I can chose?” her voice awed at the possibility.

“Sure you’re paying for the privilege.” Jace replied jovially, that was something Catherine did understand entirely.

Catherine shook her head, “Doesn’t matter to me, as long as you and the child are healthy, that’s all I care about. That is all I will ever care about Jace.”

Jace looked over at Catherine and saw the serious expression. And once again had that look of wonder in her eyes as she thanked the gods that this woman had taken that chance to love her. She would never regret it. Never! “Oh, I plan on giving you a healthy child Catherine. You’re are obviously not tired enough with the children we have.”

“What do you mean by that?” Catherine choked on the salad she had in her mouth.

“Well, lets say for a woman your age and the fact that you have three children, who have you running after them, not to mention a busy business schedule, you always have time to teach me some rather energetic things in bed at night.” Her eyes brimming with merriment as she teased her partner.

“Tell you what Jace, anytime you’re not up for it let me know and I’ll find a suitable replacement,” Catherine bantered back, knowing that Jace would respond with a jealous comment.

“NO WAY! You will not take anyone else to your bed, got me? I have your tomorrows. All of them remember?” Jace snapped back.

Catherine laughed at the comment and placed her hand soothingly on the blonde’s on the table. “Yes, Darling. I know and would you believe I totally agree. Hell! Who would want a wreck like me in their bed huh?”

Jace let out a breath at the comment. Saw the love shining out of the ice blue eyes opposite her, “I would want you no matter the condition Catherine and your mine anyway so it’s a foregone conclusion.”

“Love you Jace,” Catherine said softly and released her hand and tackled the salad again.

Jace smiled at her and tucked into the remains of the foccia bread with relish. Everything was going wonderfully well, this was what living was all about!


Detective Kelsey had been surprised at the request from the head of Xianthos to investigate privately if necessary the demise of Clarissa Hudson. He knew what the reports said; she’d been killed tragically with a friend in a boating accident several months ago. It was simple, cut and dried or was it? Catherine Devonshire wouldn’t have asked him the question if she didn’t feel that it needed investigating. She was that kind of woman. He had a great respect of the stoic vibrant woman. Even more, of her choice of employees, that team of Waverly and Fallon had done wonders to get the bastard Cuthbert to confess, even if it was only by default.

Looking over the desk in the office, he was tempted once again to give up his badge and go and work for the woman. He was considering it. She had offered him a job that was so far removed from his current role, yet it still protected people. She didn’t need him really, anyone competent would do for that job, it was cushy in the extreme.

Well, Hawaii here he came.


Rita Tuscany had, had enough? It was one thing working for a workaholic. But combined with alcohol and pills, it was like working for a devil. And she wasn’t going to anymore! It was six thirty in the evening when she got up from her desk. Fortunately, it was Friday, and most people had gone home as soon as possible for the weekend. Walking over to the door leading to the President’s office she knocked. Not waiting wait for an answer, she walked inside expecting to be given a tirade of abuse. Instead she saw the woman at the large window overlooking the street below.

“Ms. Waverly will you need me anymore tonight?” Rita asked quietly, not receiving an immediate answer from the statue at the window.

“Ms. Waverly are you okay?” Rita asked concerned at the lack of response.

Constance must have heard the words finally for her body moved slightly. “Rita, what will you be doing this weekend?”

Rita was flabbergasted at the question. “Well, I have laundry, who doesn’t in this day and age? Then I plan on going out with friends tonight.  Saturday my boyfriend is due back from LA, he’s a computer technical whiz, goes all over the country.”

“Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned.” Constance responded her voice controlled.

“Yeah, I guess. What will you be doing?” Rita decided to ask for politeness not really expecting her to answer.

“Me? Oh I plan on…hell I don’t know. Nothing seems to be important these days.” Constance replied so low it was hard to make out the words spoken.

“What was important to you before?” Rita asked, although she knew, or was pretty sure she knew.

“I had everything Rita, everything! The job I coveted and knew I could do. And I found someone that I loved.”

“So, what’s changed?” Rita asked quietly.

“I still have the job. But what’s a job if you don’t have anyone to share the rewards of it with?  I lost the love Rita; remember never to lose the love. We can replace just about everything else in life, but we can’t replace someone who loves us.” Her words desolate and brought a lump to Rita’s throat.

“Can you retrieve the love?” Rita was sorry for the woman. Sometimes you had to give up the emotional side of your life to be successful. Here was a prime example.

“No! No, I highly doubt it. But I miss it Rita. I miss it every second that I live.” Constance turned finally towards Rita, her eyes were red rimmed from crying and her face was the image you had in your mind of despair.

“Goodnight Ms. Waverly, have…have a good weekend.” Rita closed the door and a single tear dropped as she retrieved her purse and left the office. ‘Damn you Joe for being away I could do with a hug about now.’


Chapter Ten:

Elena looked at her tall sister and held out her hands for support. They were trying to scale the building they lived in. It was rather large and the steps they took were enormous.

Jace watched Elena being held by Lisa, enabling her to mount the steps of the porch. It was a great sight and she wished Catherine had been there. She was still taking calls from various parts of the world, which for the past week had been keeping her partner up until way into the early hours of the morning. Jace knew deep down that Catherine was going to have to go away again. Things didn’t appear to look good. Although Catherine never mentioned any details, it was in the grim set of her face when she did finally get into bed. Her partner only became relaxed when she put her arms around her and brought her head onto her smaller shoulder.

“Hey you two, how you doing?”

Jace watched both of her daughters. It made her think back to when she had no one in her life and had felt alone in the world. That feeling had been with her before she split with Catherine that first time. It had been hard to envisage who would be the person that would eventually release all the love she had to give.

“Mama.” Elena giggled excitedly at seeing her mother. She rushed towards the chair that Jace was seated in and held out her arms for a hug.

“She’s getting pretty good now Jace. I hardly have to hold her at all.” Lisa said proudly of her younger sister. Although, she could be hard work when she didn’t get her own way.

“Great! So, what do you have planned for tonight?” Jace asked Lisa.

It was the carrot topped little girls turn to choose the story to read this evening. It would be her privilege to start it as well.

Elena was now crawling up her legs, so she put out her hands and helped the child onto her lap as she waited for the big sloppy kiss, she was sure would happen next. As if on cue, there was the kiss from her daughter.

“I want us to read a new Jake and Lisa story tonight.” Lisa said and Jace gave her an amused look.

“Have you talked to Catherine about that?” Jace asked her daughter, who was leaning against the railing and watching the foals play in the paddock.

“No. Catherine said to choose, so I have.” Lisa pointed out the simple logic; except in this case there was only the logic of Catherine, as she had made the original story up.

“Can I just say one thing Princess? Ask Catherine first, before you surprise her with that request, okay?” Jace stated quietly and waited for the child to respond. Unfortunately, she responded in typical Lisa fashion and was through the main door heading for the study before Jace could stop her.

“Oh, well Catherine needed a break.” Jace smiled at the door that close behind the child.

“Well little one, it’s just you and me. Want to go for a walk with Rio?”

Kissing the top of her child’s head, and whistling gently for Rio, the dog shot out from under the porch, which was his hiding place when he wanted to avoid the playful Lisa and the trio went on their way.

Knocking on the door, but not waiting for a reply, Lisa burst into the study and was pierced immediately by cold ice blue eyes from the figure seated in her chair at the desk. The voice from the intercom was angry and frustrated. Catherine put her finger to her lips and motioned for Lisa to come forward and the child scrambled up onto her lap.

“I know what you think Enricho, but surely that’s an exaggeration?” Catherine answered the man when he had finally finished his speech.

“Catherine she’s not acting within protocol. The reports from New York are getting worse by the day. Poor Western doesn’t know what to do,” her South American VP stated firmly.

“Western not up to the role? Or is it that Constance isn’t up to hers?” Catherine asked diplomatically and placed a soft kiss on the head of her daughter, who for once was waiting patiently.

“Don’t know enough about Western, but Constance isn’t no!” the man said emphatically.

“Okay. As a point of interest where is Ms. Fallon, Constance’s original PA?” Catherine smiled as Lisa played with the locket around her neck and looked at the photos inside.

“Not exactly sure,” he answered.

“Don’t believe you. Try again.” Catherine knew that he would know all that was going on. They all did, if it was interesting gossip.

“When Constance came back from her meeting with Western in London, Clare resigned and left town. I think she went to California has relatives there, or so the reliable grapevine says.

“Interesting. That would have been a bitter blow for Constance.” Catherine replied. Her mind drifting over exactly what that would have done to her. Well, it had once.

“I also heard they were close friends outside the office. She must be feeling kinda low, but that should not be a factor here this is business.” The man, although compassionate to the woman’s problems, the company had first claim on her in office hours as it did them all.

“Catherine can I talk yet?” Lisa asked quietly and Catherine grinned at her.

“My daughter, Enricho needs my attention on some problem or other. How about I talk to Constance and try and solve the problems, she appears to be creating with the staff.” Catherine chuckled at the man’s sudden silence.

“Oh sure, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise that your daughter was there. Must be late, sorry.” The man waffled.

“Lisa, say hi to Enricho. He helped me when I was hurt abroad that time.” Catherine stated simply.

“Hi Enricho. Thank you for helping Catherine. She was hurt bad wasn’t she?” The child said as Catherine hugged the small youngster.

“Yes, she was hurt bad Lisa. But, she is much better now.” The man said. Catherine could hear the smile in his voice.

“Well, enough of that…will my compromise do Enricho?” Catherine had many more calls to make, not to mention the most important one to Constance.

“Sure, but you may have to go and see her personally. I think talking about it won’t give the required result.” He said goodbye to them both and ended the call.

“Now princess, what can I do for you today?” Catherine smiled at the child who had grown a little taller, but not much. She certainly wasn’t going to be as tall as Jace at this rate, but still, wonderful things came in small packages!

“I want us to read a new Jake and Lisa Salt story. Can we Catherine? Jace said I had to ask you and not surprise you tonight.” Lisa said quietly and waited for her answer.

Catherine frowned. Now how did one answer that? “Can I think about it Lisa. You know I have to make them up and it depends if my mind is busy with the office, but if I can’t, how about next week? I promise to start a new story for you and maybe then we can have a new one about the dragon too!”

Lisa whooped with joy and put her arms around the woman and kissed her cheek and rested her head close whispering in her ear. “I love you Catherine.”

Catherine grinned and felt the love she had for this child well up in her heart. “Well, I love you too Lisa. So how about you let me make some more calls and I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”

“Yep.” The child moved off her lap and went towards the patio door in the room, “I’ll go with the others on the field.” She left the smiling woman who stood up and stretched her shoulder muscles. Then went over to the patio window to see what Lisa meant.

Catherine’s eyes misted slightly as she saw her partner walking along with Elena holding one hand and Rio happily ambling alongside them both. Trying to catch them was Lisa, who was shouting for them to wait up for her. Jace turned back and smiled at the running child, then lifted her eyes up so that they looked at the patio window where she stood. Catherine waved and received a wave back and an even bigger smile from Jace. Her heart was filled with love as she watched her family for another few minutes. Then she sighed and turned back towards her chair. Back to business…she knew that a call to Constance was apparently top priority.


Constance had been unavailable when she had made the original call. Rita had said she would get the woman to call her back. That had been five hours ago and she wanted to go to bed. Not only was she tired, but also her time with Jace had been restricted with all the problems that had transpired this week. All she wanted to do was hold her partner and make gentle love to her and see all the problems fade. Yet, all she seemed to do at the moment was fall into bed exhausted and Jace had to provide comfort instead.

The business phone line rang.

“Devonshire!” Catherine barked out as it was nearly midnight and she wasn’t happy.

“Ms. Devonshire, this is Rita Tuscany here,” came the tentative voice at the other end of the line.

“Rita, where is she?” Catherine snapped angrily.

“That’s just it, I don’t know! She went out after a meeting. Said she would be back within the hour, but she hasn’t returned. I’ve tried her cell, her pager and her home number but…” Rita trailed of.

“Okay. I get the message Rita. Would you do something for me, go around to her place and find out if she’s there? If she is, tell her I’m leaving on a flight to New York tomorrow. And she had better be in the office when I get there.” Catharine retorted.

“What if she isn’t?” Rita asked now concerned for her boss.

“Then you can’t tell her, but I will still be on the next flight out tomorrow. I’ll link in for the flight from LA to New York. Will you inform my housekeeper at the apartment to get the tea ready? I’m going to need it I think.” Catherine wasn’t happy at all and now she had to break the news to Jace.


Jace watched her partner trudge wearily into the room. Instead of going straight into the bathroom as always, she went over to the window and looked out silently for a few minutes. Something was wrong, again!

“Well, my love if you stand there any longer, I’ll think someone turned you to stone.” Jace said teasing the morose looking woman.

Catherine turned and a faint smile crossed her lips as she completed the distance between the window and her lover. “Might be a better prospect than the one I have lined up.”

“Care to explain to me Catherine?” Jace smiled warmly at her partner and placed her hands around the beloved face as Catherine walked across the room and sat down heavily on the bed.

“I have to go to New York in the morning. I have a problem.” Catherine stated bleakly.

Jace saw the bleakness mirror out of her eyes. “Well, I figured you had a few problems actually with all the late nights recently, but something tells me you’re surprised at this new one.”

Catherine looked deep into the green eyes she adored. “Don’t ever leave me Jace!” her voice hoarse with emotion.

Jace saw the uncertainty that she tried so hard to bury. But occasionally it surfaced and it usually meant that someone else was hurting too. “I’ll never leave you, your mine remember?” her voice soft and loving as she placed a tender kiss on her lips in affirmation of her promise.

“Yours without a doubt. I’m definitely yours. Clare left Constance and she’s been falling apart from all accounts. Now she’s just walked out of the office and no one can trace her.”

“Oh? I’m so sorry that had to happen. They looked happy together the last time we saw them. I could have sworn that Clare was in love with Constance.” Jace whispered and held the dark head to her chest as Catherine lay on the bed beside her.

“Yes, I must admit I thought it was too. However, you can’t always tell and in this case obviously Clare didn’t love her enough.” Catherine stated absently and was surprised when Jace lifted her head and looked at her closely.

“That’s not true you know Catherine. If anything were wrong, it would have been all the hours that Constance was working. Lets face it, that is how many relationships breakdown with that kind of pressure?” Jace pointed out carefully.

Catherine looked at her seriously. “Are you trying to tell me something here Jace?”

Green eyes that penetrated Catherine’s soul watched her silently for a few seconds. “Yes. I think I am. Are you listening?” Jace responded equally seriously.

“I wasn’t. Now I am. Can we talk about this after my trip to New York?” Catherine knew that Jace would wait; in her heart she just knew it.

“Yep lover. When WE arrive back we will talk about it.” Jace replied and watched the wonder appear on the tired face.

“You’re coming with me?”

“I certainly am darling. It is a good opportunity for me to make that trip to Boston while you work out your problems in New York. Don’t forget…you promised you would make an effort and travel to Boston to discuss the donor okay?” Jace watched Catherine relax and she smiled.

“I love you.” Catherine took her small blonde into her arms and they exchanged a kiss that sent them to greet the stars outside the room.

“You know you’re over dressed.” Jace laughed softly as her lips trailed a path down her partner’s neck.

“I know. Any suggestions?” Catherine laughed throatily.

“Oh, yeah!” and Jace proceeded to provide the necessary suggestions and help as well!


Rita pressed the bell one last time, waited for several minutes and was about to leave, when she heard the key turn in the lock.

Ms. Waverly’s dark head peered out. She was obviously stoned.

“What do you want Rita? Don’t I get any privacy from that damn place?” Constance spat out her breath reeking of whisky.

“I have a message for you from Ms. Devonshire.” Rita wanted nothing more than to leave.

“What does the bitch from hell want now?” Constance slurred the words.

“She will be on the next flight out tomorrow. Wants to see you in the office when she gets here.” Rita answered quietly, but distinctly.

“Well, she can kiss my ass, because I’m doing other things. Get out of here Rita and get a life.” The Corporate President replied, and then slammed the door in her face.

Rita looked at it and decided against a further confrontation.

Walking away she shook her head sadly. The woman was toast. She no longer had the presence of mind to be the President. In fact, be employed at all. Ms. Devonshire would more than likely cut her free. What would happen to her then? Should she call Clare? Now that was a question and a half.

Continued in Part 8

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