~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
Part Seventeen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:   See Part One

Part 17

Chapter Thirty

Jace hadn't been sure that she had heard correctly, but she was as close to being certain in this dingy and echoing cavern. 'One of the men had been dispatched with the leader to collect an important package, what sort of package could that be? It was also several hours ago she was certain, although time didn't have any clarity here.' Jace tried to get her thoughts in order, her whole body was freezing and if she moved she suspected that her legs would splinter into fragments for they appeared to be icicles to her senses; her hands didn't fair much better either. Being tied up for over twenty-four hours was going to be a problem, or maybe not, depending on the circumstances of the end of this encounter. Jace felt as if rigor mortise had already set in and she was still alive! At least she thought she that was the case, appearances could be deceptive. That brought about a slight chuckle and the attention of her kidnapper.

"What are you happy about?" The man muttered moving closer to her position.

"Nothing really, just wondering what the weather was like outside?" Jace decided that being polite might be better for her than confrontational.

"It's snowing as always at this time of the year, and it's going to get colder. So, I hope you're one of those with plenty of body heat, you're going to need it," the man informed her sourly.

"Actually I usually have an electric blanket of some description or other to help me with that problem. What about you?" Jace smiled un-consciously as she realised that hers just happened to be six foot, dark and way too sexy to be called any kind of blanket at all!

"Never used one, my ex-wife said I was a furnace all year round," he stated and then glanced around the area she was held in. "You got lucky last night, she was going to do something nasty to you and it would have been nasty; she's an evil bitch that one."

"I wouldn't call her pawing me being lucky, but I guess that depends on taste really doesn't it." Jace saw that the man was eyeing her with frank appraisal. 'I wonder.'

"I heard her say that you prefer women anyway so it wouldn't be a problem," the man continued his appraisal.

"Does she know everything, she certainly doesn't know me! I just haven't found the right man, unless he's in the same place I am at the moment." Jace wondered if this was her chance to get free of the bindings and maybe, just maybe, get an advantage.

The man came closer to Jace, she stopped herself from having a very expressive expression at his personal hygiene, and a girl just had to do what she had to do! "I could show a girl a good time, never had anyone complain." he boasted.

'So, why is it the ex-wife?' Jace wondered and then smiled one of her powerful beguiling smiles she used when she needed something badly.

"Maybe I'm missing out then."

The man leaned in closer to her and his lips pressed hungrily on hers, it was a mind over matter situation with her stomach again, she couldn't afford to be sick again, not yet anyway.

Jace murmured something to the man, who released her lips and gave her a confident smile. "What?"

"I could get more comfortable if you released my hands and feet; it's not exactly the best sort of seduction experience I've been through." Jace smiled at him and saw him look at her suspiciously; he thought about the situation and then shook his head.

"No, you might do something stupid like run away," he said and moved slightly away from her.

"I might, but then again if you're as good a lover as you say you are, why would I?" Jace used flattery as her final weapon. He could take her anyway if he had the intelligence, but she doubted he did, just the muscle.

The man considered her words and grunted. "Not exactly the place to go out alone anyway, you'd get lost or fall over a ravine or something." he went to untie her feet and she wriggled her ankles in blessed relief, the circulation going back to the area making it a pins and needles situation. Then came the hands, she shook them and smiled at the man, if for nothing else but a brief respite from the bindings.

"Thanks." Jace smiled at him and he bent back closer to her and carried on his assault of her mouth, before his hands appeared to become attached to an octopus and went everywhere. Jace was going to have to do something soon or she was going to regret her little venture into seduction. A noise from the entrance of the cave mercifully stopped the mans advances; thank god she'd had a thick coat on or she might be worse for wear.

The man scrambled up from his position over Jace and momentarily forgot about her as he went towards the entrance. He waved to who ever it was that was coming, well it had been several hours since the other two had left and the light was fading.  The man walked quickly back into the cave and went towards the banked down fire and reset it. Jace silently watched him and hoped he wouldn't remember her unbound hands and feet.


Detective Armstrong watched the tall blind Catherine Warriorson sit patiently on a wooden bench at the deserted farm. She appeared to be relaxed and gave no indication of the dangerous situation she was in. To the onlooker it would seem as if she was resting quietly and absorbing the crisp wintry day. They had waited for over two hours and no one had arrived and neither had a message been left. Well, as far as he could tell, if there was a note, they were at a disadvantage, as Warriorson wouldn't see it!

The woman herself had taken the bench seat and waited, and appeared to be almost a statue on the bench. He suspected that she must be freezing, he was and he'd been pacing for most of the two hours waiting time, she had motionlessly sat there. His superiors had nearly taken his badge when he'd gone back that morning to advise them of the new situation. They hadn't wanted Warriorson anywhere near the kidnappers, it was too dangerous and she was blind; didn't he know that! What the hell could be gained by sending a blind wealthy woman into their hands?

Armstrong waited for them to finish and then instructed them on the conversation he'd had with Warriorson. It would have been pointless to ignore her wishes, all that would have happened is that she would have made herself an easy target and then they would have no chance. As it was, a wire would be suspected and he doubted that it would remain on her person longer than a few minutes after they came for her. But it had been an option and sometimes items get overlooked. Only he had an ace up his sleeve, she'd agreed to swallow a micro transmitter that would dissolve in her body in the space of twenty four hours, it was experimental and the effects on the recipient hadn't been disclosed fully, but it was another option. Warriorson had calmly held out her hand for the micro and swallowed it then and there. She didn't say a word, her face a mask entirely devoid of any emotion, that feature had impressed him.

Finally he was pulled from his revere as a cloudy of white was revealed to the right of her position, two snow bikes noisily but speedily pulled up in front of Catherine Warriorson. One of the bikers stepped off the machine and began a conversation with her.

"You came?" The German's voice held a touch of surprise.

"Yes. You have something I want back!" Catherine curled her lip in a sneer. She didn't need to see Katia Schmidt to see the ugly bitch smile at her remark. Catherine already knew what Katia looked like and her expression. Oh yeah, she had first handexperience.

"I bet you're wired too?" Closing the distance between them Katia put her large hands on Catherine's shoulders and made a slow and deliberate exploration of her body that had nothing to do with finding a wire.

"You always had a beautiful body Catherine and this time it's going to be mine before I have the satisfaction of killing you!"

"Get on with it, will you? The cops won't be far away you stupid bitch," the man on the snow bike shouted at his leader.

Katia turned away reluctantly from her task and snarled at the man. "When I want an opinion from you, I'll ask. Got me?"

The man looked down at his bike and revved up the machine, saying nothing to her remark. Katia went back to her task but this time found the wire and effectively removed it by tugging at the bra that held it in place. Catherine could feel the woman's body tremble at her perceived power over her. "It's strange but if I didn't know better I'd say you could see me Catherine Devonshire. You have the most startling eyes I've ever seen on a woman. Pity that I can't save them after you're gone, but we all have a price to pay in this life." Pulling Catherine roughly towards the machine being revved by the man, Katia make sure she mounted the bike and wouldn't fall off.

They moved away quickly once Katia was on her own bike.

Armstrong watched the situation in fascination, the hostage hadn't lost control at all; even the manhandling of her person by one of the kidnappers hadn't caused her to even bat an eyelid at the assault and there was no doubt that the rough treatment had been an assault. The wire had been found as they suspected and now it was up to micro to track her. Looking at the small instrument panel he held in the palm of his hand he watched the signal remain strong and once they were ten miles away he called for support. They would keep that distance and hope to god that she wasn't going to be removed from the country and that the micro dissolved before they had a chance to apprehend the suspect's.

His vehicle arrived from over the left mountainside it was time to close in on the trap and hopefully before anything tragic happened.


Constance watched Clare pouring over the papers and the scheme they had to nail Cuthbert, and Tito too if that proved the situation. Clare became so involved in the subject matter it was a passion for her, her eyes glowed with her interest.

"Have you all the available information ready Clare?" Constance said quietly and was rewarded with a large infectious grin from her friend.

"Constance he can't possibly be anything but guilty with this information. We have detective Kelsey with the banking records, and he's also bringing with him one of the informants involved in the payoff. They've agreed to spill in front of Gareth for some leniency when they go to court. I don't think Ms Devonshire will mind too much if we apprehend who was responsible out of this will she?" Clare suddenly realised that Ms Devonshire might have something to say in the matter; Devonshire could be quite vocal if necessary on a subject.

Constance looked at the worry that flashed over Clare's features and she put a gentle hand on her arm, "No, I hardly think that Catherine will worry too much at this stage of the game, after all she's used to trade off positions, she will understand perfectly."

Clare's face cleared and she looked seriously at her friend. "If Gareth is guilty but decided to name Tito as an accomplice and he's not guilty what do we do?"

"That my friend is for the courts to deliberate. We will bring the facts to the table, but the verdict is up to them." Constance saw the facts and had doubts herself about Tito. However, Paul had been adamant and Catherine had backed-up Paul's gut feeling on Tito, that he wasn't involved and not guilty in this situation. "I think we can help him out there with some fabricated information if Gareth decides to be the creep he obviously is; and I think he will take anyone he can with him when he falls.  Hopefully that might help Tito, but it will then be up to him. What do you think?"

Clare looked at the information in front of her and a sad smile crossed her lips. "Paul said he wasn't guilty and I think deep down with the facts we have Celeste would have reached that conclusion also; she knew him better than either of us. I agree, we have some rigging of our own to do and catch Gareth at his own game."

Constance saw the tears welling in her friend's eyes at the mention of her friend, Celeste had been one of Clare's closest friends at the office and she hadn't really expressed any mourning over her friend, although she'd gone to the funeral. "How about you come over here for a hug? I think you could do with one," she smiled at the younger woman as she held out her arms to the young woman for the much-needed embrace.

Clare didn't hesitate. The two women held each other in comfort and support, nothing was said for sometime. Gently smoothing her hand across Clare's hair in an absent motion. "I heard from Danni this morning."

Clare raised slightly red-rimmed eyes to her friend, "You did? What did she say?"

"She was waiting for her flight to New Zealand, said she was sorry and that she wished that it hadn't finished in the way it had."  Constance hesitated about the rest of the message.

"Was that all?" Clare knew Constance was holding something back, with the hesitation in her voice.

"Well, you know Danni and her fanciful mind," Constance laughed softly.

"Tell me?" Clare turned fully to face Constance and they were within inches of each other.

"She.......well she......" Constance stumbled over the words as Clare moved in closer to her and captured her lips in a sweet kiss that had Constance's heart hammering in her chest.

"I know what she thinks, and I know what I want, do you?" Clare asked breathlessly hoping she'd called this right.

Constance gave her a wide grin, her pleasure at the younger woman's advance taking her by surprise, but what a surprise, smiling and pulling Clare closer, "Yeah, I know what I want also!" She proceeded to show the younger woman exactly what that was; all other issues were truly pushed into the background at that instant, if only for a few minutes.


Catherine was shoved persistently in the back as she unsuccessfully tried to walk towards the entrance of the cave. It wouldn't have been so bad, except without Rio she was almost helpless in this type of terrain and proved it as she fell for the third time in as many minutes. Her need for restraint was beginning to weight heavily against her growing anger and frustration.

"For gods' sake man give the woman a hand; she can't see where the hell she's going. She'll fall over the fucking edge before Katia has any fun with her. Anyway we need the ransom she told us would come with the bitch," the man who had been left behind in the cave with Jace shouted at his accomplice in crime.

The other man shouted a stream of obscene language and roughly grabbed Catherine's arm in a painful locking hold that had her wincing at the action.

'I'll get you back you bloody poor specimen of a human, or is it a dog? No! I have more respect for dogs than to put you in that category. Paybacks are a bitch!' Catherine thought as she was finally pulled to her destination.

Catherine could feel the heat from the fire that she could vaguely see with the shimmering colours, but she couldn't see anything else. This was going to be a nightmare, how the hell did she think she could get Jace out of here. Where was Jace?

"Katia where is Jace, I want to hear her voice?" Catherine spoke but her tone tinged with quiet menace.

"She's still alive! A little worse for wear but then I had to keep warm somehow during last evenings cold snap, she makes a fine feet warmer." Katia smiled at the blind woman in front of her and wished just for a second that she wasn't blind and she could see the expression in those ice blue eyes of hers at the horror of the implied situation.

Although Catherine wanted to get her hands around Katia's throat, she knew that finding out where Jace was located in this god awful place had precedence over her need to kill the foul vermin in front of her. For now! "Where is she?"

"Oh, the ever attentive lover. What a shame you're never going to experience that again," having seen no visible change to Catherine's grim expression, Katia lost interest. "Your friend is in the corner to your left, give Catherine a wave Jace Bardley, I'm sure the blind bitch will appreciate it." Katia laughed the echoing sound creating a devilish image in Catherine's mind.

Jace didn't wave; it would have given away the fact that she was now boundless. The man who had been in the cave with her was told to bring Jace closer to the fire and the conversation. When he moved in on his captive he noticed that he'd forgotten to tie her back up, he gave Jace a look of censure at the situation and she gave a nod of agreement. 'If he wouldn't say anything, she certainly wasn't going to look the gift horse in the mouth, no sir,' she thought as the kidnapper pushed her forward towards the fire.

Katia was preoccupied with Catherine; her hands roaming over the tall woman's chest in fascination, it was so easy and Catherine was being so very meek about the whole scenario. 'Hudson had been right, Catherine Devonshire would do and put up with anything for the blonde.'

Jace saw her lover at close quarters and gave a small sob at the sight of her friend who had obviously suffered in the last month; her face was ravaged and her body looked like it hadn't had a decent meal since she'd left, now this! They needed a holiday and eternity wasn't what she'd had in mind, not for a long, long time. "I'm here Catherine." Jace let a smile briefly frame her features as Catherine's whole stance responded to her voice; she looked as if she became several inches taller and her face relaxed a little of it's tension.

"You have me, what's next Katia?" Catherine asked the only question she could. She surmised the men obviously expected some form of payment, but had concluded the setting before them hadn't been the deal at all; a possible pinprick in the balloon?

"Ah, Catherine you make everything so easy, not like the last time we met, you had more passion. Such a pity you've fallen so hard for the blonde and she's sapped your energy, you were so very vital." Katia traced her forefinger over Catherine's lips and bent her head to taste the lipstick Catherine wore.

Jace watched the action of the woman now referred to as Katia, 'this was the woman who had nearly killed Catherine in prison and who had killed her friend Maria. All this time I've been thinking that Maria was the ghost that would haunt us, but it's really not a ghost that haunts us it's a shadow of the past-Katia Schmidt!' Her stomach churned as she watched the blatant display of lust being placed unwillingly upon on her lover. This could not go on!

One of the men got restless as he approached the three women. "We want our money, before you do anymore. Carl and I want to leave now, you can deal with the two bitches, after all that's what you came for?"

Katia turned on the man her eyes cold and dark a primitive emotion stalking the depths; she walked closer to him and beckoned the other man over. "You want out Carl?" Katia purred.

"Sure, you can handle the blind woman, she's pretty useless without help, and you sure can handle the blonde she's only a slip of a girl and she'd bound too!" Carl muttered and came shoulder to shoulder with the other man.

Katia gave them a long glance and smiled ferally and turned to her satchel and pulled something out. Turning swiftly she shot each of them at point blank range in the head. They didn't have time to blink never mind move. They slumped to the floor and Jace screamed at the blood that smattered over Catherine and her as the walls of the cave turned crimson. "Takes care of that payment." Katia turned to a shocked Jace and pushed her roughly on the floor of the cave, her body collapsing in a heap at the unexpected action, she was inches from one of the dead men.

Catherine moved her head in a listening mode the police were close by, she could hear the sirens, and she knew this was it! It was now or never, the bitch was going to die for everyone she had killed.

Jace seeing the opportunity to trip Katia as she moved towards Catherine extending her left leg placing it so Katia couldn't avoid the limb; after all, she wasn't expecting Jace to be free of her bindings. The airflow change around Catherine indicated the out of balance movement and she leapt forward to the shadow that closed in on her. Katia was falling towards Catherine she was taken totally unawares by Jace's action. How the hell could the captive move so freely, she hadn't expected that?

Catherine suddenly grappled with Katia, who managed to pull them both to the ground in a fierce struggle. Catherine's unexpected arm lock on Katia arm jarred the gun loose causing it to slide across the cave floor out of the heavier woman's reach. Several moments later Catherine managed to get her hands around Katia's throat; this time she wasn't going to be let go until Katia was dead. OH! No, not this time!

Jace heard the sirens of the police and rushed forward as fast as the lack of circulation in the legs allowed her, to the entrance and she motioned frantically as the police vehicles arrived on the scene, within seconds police swarmed the area and Jace was being led to safety. "No! I have to go back Catherine is still in there!"

Armstrong had seen the determined expression on the blonde's face and again realised the futility of arguing with strong-minded women. "Let her go," he then took her elbow and guided her back inside the cavern.

Catherine had a death hold on Katia, the larger woman might appear stronger but Catherine was fitter, she had at least Danni to thank for that advantage. Katia was breathing shallowly, it was so close now, and soon it would be over. No more bloody shadows to haunt her from her past, this was it; this was the end. "No!" an anguished voice she recognised in her sub-conscious called out to her.

"Let her go Ms Warriorson, it would be senseless to kill her. You would go to prison, is it worth it?" Armstrong spoke immediately after Jace, who was trying to coax her lover to let go.

"She deserves to die and I'm going to see to it that this time she does." Catherine's voice held nothing but hatred for the woman.

"Don't you dare Catherine! Do you hear me? I will not let you do that! Your mine remember, you promised me your tomorrows, I want them all not in twenty years time when they let you out of prison, you promised me!" Jace beseeched her lover with tears falling heavily down her cheeks.

"I promised every tomorrow?" Catherine whispered in a haze, her sensibilities finally kicking in over her anger and hate.

"Yes! And I want them all!" Jace went close to her friend and pulled at her shoulder, Catherine turned to look at Jace and a slow smile of recognition appeared.

"You'll love me through them all?" a quiet voice almost ethereal questioned.

"Yes! Let her go and you and I will go home to our family. It's over, you won!"

Catherine released the half-unconscious Katia and moved away from her prone body to sit down heavily on the cavern floor.

Jace moved closer to her as the police held onto Katia and dragged her up and out of the cave. Armstrong looked at the two emotionally drained women and went on his haunches to speak to them. "Let me have the pleasure of taking you both home ladies. I think tonight we can all celebrate." A shot was heard outside the cave and Armstrong moved swiftly and ran outside to check the situation.

He saw the body of Katia Schmidt lying in a pool of her own blood. The police marksman who had shot her was being relieved of his gun as per the regulations. "She looked like she had a gun and was going to use it. It was almost as if she wanted me to kill her," the officer tried to explain. Armstrong shook his head and kicked the woman's body over. She had a small pistol in her hands and she would in all likelihood have used it on his men, everything was going to be fine.

Walking inside Armstrong saw two women wrapped tightly together; rocking away the tension of the past few days, or in their cases maybe it was more like months. He walked over to the couple; it was time to take them home, which was without a doubt, definitely the best place for them!


The ranch was well lit as they had the police escort back home.

Catherine held Jace close in her arms; the blonde had remarkably fallen asleep on her shoulder. Catherine had closed her eyes wearily on the whole situation, there was only one more event to take place to finish this nightmare and they could get on with their lives as a family. 'Hopefully Constance had arranged everything they had discussed. Something just didn't add up, there was a piece of the puzzle missing; bloody damned if I know what though. Katia surely wouldn't have had the resources to set up a kidnapping, not when she'd only recently been released from prison? Then again, what do I know about her background, she might be independently wealthy, a rich kid gone wrong and Katia Schmidt had gone wrong in a big way. Still that was something to check up on in the future, more than likely Gareth had arranged it all. It would be like the stupid bastard to try and get his own back on her, although what had been so wrong in what she had suggested?' Glancing down at Jace she let a tender smile trace her lips as she placed them on her hair. It needed a wash by the texture and smell, but she was alive and by all that was holy, that was all that mattered in this world!

Armstrong looked over at her and cleared his throat to catch her attention, he didn't want to surprise her in anyway, and she'd had enough of those he suspected. "Ms Warriorson, we are pulling into the drive of the ranch house now, it may be prudent to wake Ms Bardley."

Catherine smiled briefly at the detective. "Thanks, I'm sure she will want to be awake for all the fuss." Catherine's words held a touch of humour in them.

The door to the main house opened and Grace looked out followed by Colin; they rushed down the steps of the porch and waited expectantly for the vehicle to glide to a halt. The door was swiftly wrenched open by Grace who watched Jace sleepily extract herself from Catherine and push herself out of the door into Grace's comforting hug.

Catherine listened to the welcome and was surprised at how numb she felt at the end of the day. Armstrong looked at her and spoke again.

"I'm glad everything turned out well without tragedy Ms Warriorson. Maybe in a couple of days, you can come by the station and we can fill out the reports and put this situation into the garbage can where it belongs. Is that agreeable with you?"

Catherine turned her head towards the owner of the voice. "Sure, but I will need those few days; I don't think I've slept properly in over a month. Anyway we have a micro transmitter to check out, I don't exactly care for it to remain in residence indefinitely should it fail to dissolve."

Armstrong chuckled softly, "Yeah, I forgot about that gadget, but it sure saved the day don't you think?"

"Maybe, maybe not, I thought I was doing okay under the circumstances." Catherine had felt a little proud of herself. If it had gone all the way, Katia would still be dead and she would have paid the bitch back for Maria in full!

"Well, I'm glad it worked, I think your friend would have had something to say had you committed that offence. Wouldn't you Ms Bardley?" Armstrong noticed the blonde had put her head back in the vehicle to check out why her friend hadn't got out.

"Yes, I would and I think I did too," smiling at the detective she mouthed her thanks and tugged on Catherine's hand, "Come on hero, let's get you some hero's tea."

"I'll see you again detective." Catherine succumbed to Jace's insistent tugging with a wry smile as she left the vehicle.

"I certainly hope you do one day Ms Warriorson indeed I do!" He motioned for the driver to leave as the party moved back into the house.


Catherine moved slowly out of the bathroom having showered quickly, they had spent the last couple of hours with Grace, Colin, Faith and Judy going over the day's events, and their eventual release and the death of Katia. Jace had decided to leave the gathering an hour earlier than Catherine to check on Lisa and see her daughter, also for a much-needed shower of her own.  On entering the bedroom Catherine heard the slight breathing of Jace and the baby, both apparently asleep, well it had been a long couple of days for everyone.

Walking silently over to the crib placed on Jace's side of the bed for convenience if the baby woke up suddenly, she heard a change in the baby's breathing and a small almost inaudible chuckle displaced the silence in the room. Catherine listened to the sound of their daughter with fascination and moved closer, unable to see her, but her mind drew pictures in the blank spaces for her, it made her smile tenderly. "I promised to bring her back to you Elena and I never break a promise." Catherine spoke softly to the baby not wanting to wake Jace; she'd had an ordeal and a half in the last few days. Jace's joy at having heard that Jake was alive and was going to be released from the hospital within the next two days, was muted by the death of Otaga, he'd only been a boy himself, couldn't have been more than twenty. Gently caressing the downy head of hair, Elena gave a sigh and sleep reclaimed her.

Jace had woken when Catherine had finished her shower but watched in sensual pleasure as her lover walked naked towards the bed and had stopped to talk to their daughter. Even if she did need feeding up a little, Catherine still had the most beautiful body that Jace would ever see in her life and she wasn't interested in viewing anyone else's. "I'm pleased you keep your promises Catherine, so come to bed and let me hold you, that's about all I'm capable of at the moment. You promised me all your tomorrows as I keep reminding you and I have a few to catch up on!" Jace whispered looking at the startled expression on her lover's face, which turned into a brilliant smile at her words.

"Yes, and I think you promised to love me through them all, sounds like a good deal to me." Catherine moved towards the bed and slid gracefully in next to Jace, and was immediately covered by the younger woman's body.

"Am I a transaction to you Catherine?" Jace asked sleepily into her warm shoulder, this beat the Hades out of that cold cavern she was in last night.

"The best my darling, without doubt the most wonderful transaction that has ever or will ever walk into my life." Catherine responded hoarsely into her hair, which now smelt of fresh herbs.

"A lifelong transaction........?" Jace mumbled as she fell into a deep sleep unable to hear the resulting answer.

"Oh, yes Jace, lifelong is just the start of it." Catherine whispered into her hair and kissed it gently as her own eyes closed in much needed sleep, knowing this time her dreams might haunt her, but she had her light beside her to keep the demons at bay.


Grace watched Colin as he lay sleeping. He looked at least ten years younger in sleep, it was amazing how that often happened to people, the tension of the day completely erased as if by magic. Leaning forward slightly Grace traced a featherlight touch over Colin's cheek and eventually came to rest lightly on his lips. Her heart beat racing as she recalled the conversation they'd had that last evening when the main house had settled down for the night.

"You know I think they're going to be safe now Colin, after all the woman's dead and I can't see anyone trying that trick again in the near future can you?" Grace watched Colin going over the security panel in the bedroom.

Colin turned and gave her a grin as he saw her reclining relaxed on the bed naked. "I've realised that with Catherine and Jace you cannot be to careful, so let me continue with this routine for my own peace of mind at least." He turned back to his task, although his thoughts were definitely with the inviting woman on the bed rather than on some damn security panel.

Grace smiled at his broad back and recalled a promise she wanted Catherine to keep. "I wondered if you might like to marry me Colin?" 'He had better say yes or I've just made the biggest fool of myself this side of the Pacific Ocean, he loves me doesn't he?'

Colin straightened up over the panel and his back went ramrod straight at her question. Grace watched the reaction in fascination and a little trepidation, he might not want that complete commitment yet; it was still early in their relationship after all. "Did I hear you correctly Grace, you asked me to marry you?" Colin whispered and turned towards her, his face flushed.

Grace gave him a tentative smile and held out her hand to him. "Yes, as a matter of fact you did." Colin grasped the hand as if it was a lifeline and he was struggling in waters way out of his depth.

He settled down on the bed with her pulled gently into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "In all my life Grace I have never met such a forward woman as you, what am I to do with you?" his voice choked with an emotion Grace was unable to pinpoint.

"Well, that's easy, you can marry me and then you can get used to a forward woman for the rest of your life what do you say?" Grace turned towards him so that the front of her body was resting on top of his.

"If I say yes, can I name the wedding date?" Colin chuckled at her surprised expression.

"Well, I guess." Grace said quietly, she was kind of hoping it would be fairly soon and not in about two years time, which was a possibility if Colin named the day.

His grey eyes locked with her brown and the lines around his eyes crinkled as he smiled at her and then captured her lips in a passion filled kiss. Eventually he released her and held her to him in a loving hold, "There will never be anyone else in my life that can make me feel how you make me feel Grace, I'm going to thank god for that fact everyday I live.  You are the love of my life Grace; if you will do me the honour of marrying me I would be the happiness man in the world. So the answer is yes."

Grace gave him a stunning smile and wrapped her arms around his neck for another long embrace, only being released when they needed to breath. "When?" Grace asked him breathlessly.

"Well, I was kinda thinking that, two or maybe three......."  Grace groaned in frustration at his words and he looked at her quizzically. "You want to say something Grace?"

Grace shook her head and buried it deep in his shoulder. "No, would that be any particular season?" she finished on a forlorn note.

Colin smiled at her tone; he knew exactly what she thought. "Well, if you'd let me finish before drawing your own conclusions Ms No It All,' he tweaked her nose playfully. "I was thinking about Christmas Eve, this year," he watched her struggle out of his shoulder and face him, spluttering in her haste to answer him.

"I thought...that is I.... this year?" Grace squeaked out.

"Yes this year Grace, no way am I going to let you get away from me again, never again." He spoke the words from his heart.

"I love you Colin and yeah Christmas Eve here?" Grace breathed into his neck, her heart beating fast.

"We need to clear that with Catherine, but I guess for you she will sanction anything if it makes you happy." Colin chuckled at her face, which started to blush at his compliment of Catherine's feelings towards her.

Slowly she crawled up to face him, "I think she would do the same for you too Colin, now how about we seal this promise with more than a kiss."

"Anytime my love, anytime at all." And proceeded to do just that.

Well now to inform Catherine and Jace and then her mother, oh that should be fun. Grace had visions of her mother taking over the whole event, 'On reflection why not, it's not exactly my forte and knowing Jace, I bet she'd love to help out my mother with all the shopping. I can always use the trust fund business as a good reason to stay in the background. Wonder if they will catch on; that would only leave Colin and his plans, well he could always ask Catherine, with luck she might take the hint herself.'  Grace chuckled at the thought and saw one grey eye focusing on her as she leaned in to kiss his lips and take up where they left off last night.


Constance had arrived at the Xianthos New York building an hour before the meeting was scheduled to take place; she wanted to make sure everything was in order. She had no need to worry, both Clare and Rita had been in the building at the crack of dawn and made sure everything was in order and exactly as they had planned. Walking over slowly to the chair at the head of the large conference table, she was surprised when the door opened and Enricho entered. He really was a striking man and it wasn't a surprise that many of the women in the building had started a fan club on his arrival. She smiled as she recalled her own jealousy when Clare had mentioned him that day; and it made her feel a little foolish in light of their present relationship.

"Enricho I wasn't expecting you, how are you?" Constance asked him politely.

"Constance you look well, what do they feed the women executives in Xianthos? You remind me of how Catherine rallied round after her accident." Enricho smiled genuinely at the woman he had replaced temporarily as VP in the building.

"Oh, I guess it's the water we drink. How are things going here?" Constance gave him a smile back. Maybe, he wasn't so bad, and he couldn't help it if all the ladies fell for him now, could he?

"Everything will be fine here until your return, I guarantee it!" He walked towards the window and looked out on the milling street below.

"Pleased to hear it, but the unexpected often happens Enricho. Don't forget that, I never will again." Constance replied simply.

"Yes, sorry about that, but I will try. Catherine told me that you would assume Paul's role in the organisation when you are fully recovered. I wish you every success." The South American held out his hand as a goodwill gesture.

"Thanks. Obviously, it won't be official until I return to work full time, and I'm looking forward to the challenge." She took his hand and smiled. Then the door opened and in walked Rita and Clare, they both looked embarrassed at the intrusion.

"Sorry, we thought you wouldn't be here until later, we will come back." Clare said quickly, not looking at either of them, but towards the floor, having noticed their linked hands.

"No, that's okay, I'm early. Come in please! We can talk before our two suspicious characters arrive." Constance gave the two women a reassuring nod.

"Well, I must go and see to other business, ladies I wish you well in your endeavours today. Let me know if you need my help."  Enricho smiled graciously at them and left the room.

"I tell you he has one hell of a smile. He almost makes me swoon just looking at him, wonder what he's like in bed." Rita said softly only Clare could hear.

"You could always ask his wife that." Clare supplied and grinned when she saw Rita's face; obviously that wasn't common knowledge, or if it was, people were going to ignore it if they got the chance with the man.

"Don't you find him absolutely gorgeous though Clare?" Rita continued but this time Constance heard the question and she waited for Clare's answer also.

Clare looked down at her feet again but then just as suddenly; she looked up and smiled directly at Constance. " Actually no!  I've found someone who is irreplaceable in my heart. Enricho can't hold a candle to that person."

"Hey, I didn't realise you were seeing anyone, is it someone I know?" Rita asked her and then heard the phone in the other room and excused herself to answer it.

Constance moved closer to Clare and looked at her tenderly. "Thanks for the compliment."

"I meant every word of it Constance. If you want me to prove it I certainly will." Clare gave her an equally serious look.

Constance held out her hand and touched the younger woman's face, "No, I think I get the message loud and clear."

"Good, because I'll never change my mind," Clare told her adamantly.

Constance heard the phone being replaced, "We will talk later, okay?"

"Sure." Clare gave her a brief smile and then walked over to the window as Rita announced that detective Kelsey was on his way up with the informant.

Constance looked at Clare's back, as a brief sadness over took her at the true meaning of today; it could mean the destruction of two men, the ongoing effect on several other lives and all for what? Greed, power, who knew? One thing for certain, she was going to take down the bastard that had effectively destroyed lives wantonly and could and probably had been instrumental in the present problems Ms Devonshire was experiencing at her home. There really weren't choices here, just the hard cold facts.  They had a vicious murderer to uncover, and uncover they would!


Jace watched Catherine sleep; she looked so young! Her facial scars now faint traces appeared to disappear as her face relaxed. She was so very beautiful and yet it had been once again a close run situation that might have deprived Jace of Catherine for good this time. Not wanting to disturb her sleep, she slowly moved away, from Catherine, who turned slightly at the release of her body from its captivity under Jace's hands.

Jace silently padded towards the crib a few feet away from their bed, Elena was awake, but staring at the mobile that was hanging above her crib which had lots of floating Warner Brothers cartoon characters and of course, her own favourite right there in the middle-'Taz'. Catherine had sent it from America, one of her many packages for the children in the four weeks she'd been away. Lisa was still singing the praises of her new doll, that could walk, talk, sleep and eat. Although her rag doll that she had brought with her had remained a silent onlooker along with Blacky the soft toy dog, as she played for hours with her new doll. Jake's present had been the most up to-date handheld computer games machine that was on the market, Jace suspected in the world not just in the States. The boy would probably be using up batteries as if they were going out of date in the hospital, as Grace had taken it along to him yesterday. This was one visit today that she didn't care if anyone laughed or made a joke when the water works started, she deserved to shed those tears; their boy was a hero!

"Well Elena, let's get you changed so we can go downstairs to feed you and let your mom here sleep a little more. I think she deserves it, don't you?" Jace smiled at her daughter who was gurgling happily away, kicking her feet at the swirling objects above her.

Jace gently extracted her baby out of the crib and went into the bathroom; today was going to be special. They had all the ingredients to make it a memorable day for everyone, even down to a family visit to Jake at the hospital later this morning.

Jace set up the small bath and placed warm water inside at the temperature that Faith had finally convinced her was how her daughter enjoyed bathing. Chuckling at Grace's mom's ease at taking over the proud grandparent role, she knew now where Grace gained much of her generosity of spirit, even if Grace may never have realised it herself. Placing her now unclothed daughter in the water, she watched as the child let out a small murmur of disapproval and then a smile came across her face as the baby realised it was a past time she enjoyed. Several minutes later with Jace liberally covered with water. She realized her kid was going to be a real terror in a pool when she was older, that was for sure. Jace towelled her dry, replaced her diaper and put on a clean set of cute, cuddly clothes.

Catherine awoke to the sounds of splashing and laughter from Jace coming from the direction of the adjoining bathroom. Words were being spoken but Catherine was unable to decipher them as the tone was to low. Placing a hand over her eyes, she then touched her fingers down the faint traces of scars on the left-hand side of her face. 'If only.' Catherine's thoughts were wistful. What she wouldn't give to see Jace bathing her daughter and the expressions on the baby's face as the different experiences were enjoyed or not for the first time. The simple act of changing a diaper or watching the baby feed contentedly, these were all normal everyday experiences that Catherine would never see or for the moment couldn't. Yet, with everything that had happened to her and Jace since that unexpected meeting over sixteen months ago, she should be thanking god that she was alive and not just blind! Closing her eyes, she blinked back her tears of frustration and her thoughts drifted to her deceased friend Paul. Once again she was responsible for someone else's death, this reminded her of her guilt over Maria. Now, Maria could become a pleasant memory with no guilt attached, Katia the perpetrator was now dead and all the guilty feelings she'd had inthe past twelve years could be buried with her. Hopefully, the resolution to her problems in New York would restore her sense of balance then she could endeavour to do the same with her guilty feelings over Paul and remember all the happier times.  Perhaps she'd ask Jace to convince James Thompson, Paul's partner to accompany Susan to their home for the Christmas festivities and celebrate with them here. After all Paul had become family in the last year, and that honour should be extended tohis partner. Yes, that was a sound idea; she would broach that with Jace.

The door to the bathroom opened and Jace walked into the main bedroom quietly. She was dressed in a long thick robe that insulated her from any cold chill in the room or the house generally if she ventured outside their room. Elena was cradled into her shoulder and clothed in a clean diaper and dainty playsuit in forest green to match her eyes. Jace expected Catherine to still be sleeping; she had been all but wiped out last night, a simple breeze would have knocked her over, or that was the impression the woman had given. Not that a breeze might dare to try that with her lover, she was pretty darn sure that Catherine would have choice words about it. Smiling at her thoughts, she made her way towards the door. At this time in the morning, only Judy, Faith and Rio would be moving around in the kitchen. These days Colin arrived late every morning for some strange reason; it would be amusing to hear Catherine's comments on that event.

"You sneaking out on me Jace Bardley?" Catherine spoke quietly and propped her naked body up on the bed on her left hand.

Startled, Jace turned abruptly and Elena gave out a cry of protest at the sudden movement. "I........that is I....... Hades, Catherine you surprised me I thought you were still sleeping?"

Catherine smiled, her eyes tracking towards Jace's voice and she starred directly into the green eyes of her lover; not that Catherine could say for certain she was doing that, but her senses implied to her that she was. "When you leave my side I know. It's as if a part of my body leaves with you; then again, I guess that's accurate as you are the keeper of my heart and soul," Catherine replied equably.

Jace watched her friend and lover as the potent words made her blood curse through her veins rapidly as she, moistening her now dry lips with the tip of her tongue, 'Hades, Catherine knew exactly how to press her buttons with the greatest of ease.' "I guess you want me to come back to bed, huh?"

Catherine raised her left eyebrow in affirmation. "Anytime now would be fine with me." Catherine held out her open arms to illustrate her request.

Jace moved back towards the bed and asked, "Have you forgotten Elena?"

"No! How could I forget such a wonderful miracle as Elena? You could come here and I'll show you exactly how much I've missed you both." Catherine's voice low and sultry, Jace didn't need any further convincing, not that she'd needed convincing anyway.

Easing herself onto the bed and climbing onto Catherine's lap, the younger woman snuggling up to her chest as Catherine placed her arms around Jace and the baby, very much like the last time the three had been together in the hospital. Jace purred in exquisite pleasure, this was the feeling she'd had missing in the long weeks of their separation, the comfort and beating heart of her lover in time with hers. "I love you Catherine."

Catherine sighed in happiness and rested her chin on top of Jace's head as her fingers gently stoked the baby's head. "Pleased about that, because if you didn't I would have to entice you to love me."

Jace laughed softly, "Care to share how you would tackle that particular task?" Jace carefully placed Catherine's restless hands around the baby to cradle her, which enable Jace to release her hands so that they could follow a restless pattern all their own on, slowly down Catherine's lithe thighs, noting the muscle tension as her hands flirted with the skin.

Catherine growled in pleasure at the pressure of Jace's hands on her lower body. She realised that Jace had made sure that her hands couldn't reciprocate, sneaky! "Oh, with you it's easy all I have to do is show you my many assets and you fall into my arms with ease."

Jace turned slightly to see the cheeky grin crossed her face. "You sure about that?" Placing her lips at the corner of Catherine's in a chaste kiss.

"Absolutely, I have many, many assets and I can think of one or two that you might find particularly attractive. What do you think?" Catherine gazed at the shadow before her, its proximity enticingly close.

Jace turned fully now so she was straddled chest to chest with Catherine, and the baby at her back held safely in Catherine's hands. "You have the most beautiful eyes that make me want to drown in them everytime you gaze in my direction. Then there's your body, wow! One day, I'm going to map it like you wouldn't believe, there would be no part of it left to my imagination, it will all be reality. Mind you there's always your money!" Jace couldn't help the chuckle that passed her lips at the last comment.  Catherine's face had taken on an affronted expression, which Jace immediately eased with a passionate kiss.

Catherine was eventually released and both women were breathing heavily, "I think our daughter would appreciate some attention about now, for sure as hell Jace, I can't take much more of your assault with her held in my arms. You trying to kill me, or just drive me insane?"

Jace placed her forehead to Catherine's. "Those were the furthest things from my mind; you and I are going to live to fulfil this passion time after time my love. Do you have a problem with that?"

Catherine rubbed her nose with Jace's and kissed her, the expression a simple, but effective confession of her love. "Never have a problem with that lover, you can fulfil your passion with me anytime you want. Although, about now, I guess we need to feed Elena and have breakfast before we go and see Jake." Her own frustration now a little under control; they had time, yes, all the time in the world.


Gareth Cuthbert had for some time now been plotting his revenge on the 'Evil Bitch' who had moved him out of his lucrative operation in Europe. He's been skimming the company's profits for the last five years, just as he had paid numerous associates to keep the authorities at bay, while he pursued his continued thieving and extremely lucrative illegal enterprises. The move to Africa had been a crucial blow to his plans and his operating style. Pretty boy Eduardo wouldn't have ever have found anything out of the ordinary in his dealings; he didn't have the necessary background or much less the inclination. He hadn't bargained on Waverly. He actually hated the woman. When she had been given the plum role in New York, the post he thought he should have succeeded, that was the final straw. Devonshire was now paying heavily for what must seem to her a logical business decision and she'd never know about it. Strong and some of the Senior Executive's in New York hadn't exactly gone down well with the market, pity the shooter hadn't taken out Waverly also, near thing though, but there was always another day. Now the bitch Waverly was delving into places she shouldn't; he would do what he needed to do to curtail her activities. He had been provided with some interesting information on his arrival in the States; seems Miss Rising Star Waverly was screwing her PA, a pretty thing by all accounts. The private detective had been following Waverly for three months and had even bugged her apartment when she'd been in the hospital. Unfortunately, only the bedroom had the listening device, but that had been enough to give him some ammunition. Devonshire by the time he was finished with his scheme, wouldn't know what hit her, and she would need him to take over; after all he knew the business well and had some powerful underground contacts.

Gareth Cuthbert looked at the faces of the people round the conference table, to say he was surprised at the ensemble would be putting it mildly.

"Constance, how are you?" He held his hand out for the customary acknowledgement, but his words held no warmth.

Taking his sweaty hand in her hand Constance briefly held it in a shake and released it quickly, wanting to run her own palm across her neat skirt at the moisture she could feel retained there. "I'm doing well Gareth, I see that the African problems still exist?"

He eyes her warily and shook his head, "You know as well as I, that it would never be easy to turn it around!"

"That is not exactly what you indicated at a very verbal meeting over a year ago Gareth. So, perhaps you admit defeat on that particular point?" Constance wanted to see the demise of the pompous arrogant excuse for a man now, she actually disliked him intensely, and she always had.

He studied her and didn't answer her loaded question; he didn't need to answer to her, as she was on the same level in the chain of command as he. "Well, unless there have been some pretty wondrous flights up the corporate ladder, I'm surprised to see your PA in the room and who the hell are those three?" Gareth pointed to the seated personnel he had no knowledge of.

Constance smiled cautiously at him and motioned for him to take a seat. "Those questions will be answered forthwith; but Gareth tell me please, have you heard any more rumours of trouble that could blight Xianthos in the near future?" All eyes turned to him, surprised at Constance's immediate attack, that hadn't been part of the plan.

"No! Why do you ask me, haven't you got enough spies out there of your own?" He laughed cockily at her.

"As you know I've been out of action for a few weeks; Tito you haven't heard anything have you?" Constance turned to the Asian VP, who shook his head confirming her statement. "Enricho is busy at the moment, something has come up in South America, he's fielding the problem, he may be back later, but he hasn't heard anything either. Eduardo is travelling in Europe at the moment and sends his regrets, although, I did receive an interesting message from him this morning before I came into the office, but I will deal with that a little later. So that leaves you?" Constance gave him a smile that didn't even get close to be conveyed in eye contact.

"I see, well the answer is a big fat no! Although, Devonshire obviously needs to watch her back!" Gareth looked down at his fingernails nonchalantly.

"Oh, why do you surmise that Gareth?" Constance watched every move the man made; he was a very confident and smooth character.

"Well, Constance if you spent more time listening to things that went around you, instead of playing with your PA, you might have noticed that Devonshire isn't too well liked in certain circles." Gareth smirked at the rising colour in the cheeks of Clare Fallon. Rita looked at her new ally and gave her a friendly squeeze of the hand under the table. Constance never gave away any emotion at the personal remark, but did raise her eyebrow a little at the suggestion that there was possible mutiny in the ranks.

"Which circles would you be refereeing to Gareth? You wouldn't happen to be one of them I take it?" Constance looked directly at him, her eyes now conveying the disgust they both knew they had for each other.

"That would be telling, now wouldn't it Constance; and I am not a telltale." Gareth looked towards Tito. "Ask Tito? I bet he's heard the gossip also. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't involved, now that Strong isn't here to cover his back against the big bad Ms Devonshire; he only survived his post because of Paul and now........" Gareth gave Tito a disgusting smirk.

Tito raised his small statue from the chair in anger at the words. "You have no right to cast aspirations on my Character Cuthbert, after all you have placed several of your own paid people in primary roles in all of the main offices around the world and we want to ask why?"

Constance smiled at the small man, exactly what she had in mind.

Gareth faced him across the table, his face blood red, who was this bloody Oriental telling him that he had spies in the camp, even if it was true. "Take your face out of your arse Tito and get some god damn balls; it's common knowledge that all senior VP's have friends in other strategic operations within a corporation." He sat back done heavily and grasped the coffee urn and poured himself a black coffee into the mug setting in front of him, then slamming the urn back down heavily on the conference table.

"I don't! Do you Constance?" Tito asked the woman heading the table conference.

"No, never felt the need, always went by my own efforts not stabbing others in the back!" Constance spit out at the shuffling  Cuthbert only two chairs away from her.

"God damn women don't know what the bloody hell business is all about, make your contacts, screw them and get what you can before you move on to other things, simple. But, oh no, the fucking women executives get antsy when you do that. No sir, we can't have that sort of behaviour anymore, just like the racial bloody problems, so fucking scared of tabloid feedback we got to call a black anything but!" He snorted in anger and looked at the dusky features of the woman at the head of the table. His expression challenged her to retaliate his obvious slight at her ethnic origins.

"I thought this corporation was owned by a 'god damn woman' as you called it. I also believe its doing better under that particular woman's control then at any other time in its existence?" Constance calmly replied; but what she really wanted to do was punch the bastard right between his deceitful lying eyes.

"Ah, she's no saint. Catherine Devonshire would screw anyone if it meant the deal was going to go through; you can't possibly paint her with the same brush as you others." Gareth spit out and a dribble of coffee went down his chin.

"Perhaps in the past she did some things that today she might be a little shall we say embarrassed about, but not now! Call it how you will Gareth, however, fucking arseholes like you aren't worth the time of day and certainly shouldn't be in charge of any part of this Corporation. Maybe that is one recommendation that Tito and I can make to Catherine at the next VP meeting," Constance gave Tito a brief smile.

"You talk crap Constance. Who's going to take notice of you? You couldn't even manage your own security in this building; it was so inept, it was laughable. Catherine will most likely shove you to the bottom of the totem pole and leave you there to rot.  And Tito, god help us is so weak kneed, he couldn't get Catherine to back him to go to a get a drink never mind take any notice of a VP removal. That leaves you with whom exactly? The womaniser Eduardo, well, guess he can't use his charms on her, I believe she's on the same side you are, such a pity too; she's got one hell of a body on her. Then we have the gopher Enricho, do I need to say more!" Gareth pointed out all the deficiencies in the so-called team they had running Xianthos.

Tito looked down at the table, he didn't like what Gareth said, it hit home, the plain truth being, and he had looked chicken a year ago. But now he was here to fight for his freedom, and this piece of British trash had just insulted him enough to do exactly that!

Constance looked at her own interlocking hands and a smile of pure devilment came across her features, making her eyes sparkle. "So that would leave you? Are you interested in taking over the corporation now that Paul is no longer with us? Do you think that's an option here and if Ms Devonshire was no longer around? Do you believe that would give you complete control over Xianthos? Would that not be some great motive for you Gareth?"

Gareth looked at her a strange gleam in his eyes. "Motive? Motive for what exactly Constance."

"Well, if you had theoretically speaking that is, arranged for an accident to happen here at Xianthos, knowing all the facts as you do; not only eliminating the President of the Corporation and several of his senior executives in the process, but effectively driving the owner of the Corporation out of hiding to answer to the growing market pressures of a supposedly sinking ship, which would leave her wide open to both personal and professional attack. Wouldn't she then want to consolidate her position and put people in positions that she could trust and stabilise the ship? Then, say something tragic happens to her, and low and behold, the most senior member of her staff baring Tito, as everyone knows he himself hasn't exactly made corporate friends, but you have in the Corporation. Would I be correct in my assumptions so far?" Constance saw the rapt expressions of her colleagues.

Gareth got up from his chair and went over to the window; he had his hands behind his back and watched the milling people and traffic below him. "Sounds plausible, but could you prove it?" He turned back to the group with a sneer.

"Yes!" Constance replied simply and watched his face change to an ashen colour.

"What!" He shouted enraged at the woman.

"Oh, you wanted to know who the others around the table were didn't you? Well, let me introduce you, Rita Tuscany, she's been working for both Catherine and myself for the past month digging up every piece of dirt in this place on you Gareth, from the toilet cleaner to the highest senior staff member in the building!"

Gareth glared at the woman and muttered something under his breath.

Constance saw Rita bow in his direction with a giant beam of a smile on her face she was enjoying this immensely.

"Then we have detective Kelsey here, he's been instrumental in tracking down the person who paid for the shooting here at Xianthos. Now, wouldn't you like to have words with Gareth detective?"

Gareth turned white at the mention of a detective; he stood his ground at the window.

"Sure would Ms Waverly, whenever were done here, we have lots of questions and all with a fifty year minimum sentence attached to them." Kelsey knew the man was on the ropes, but it was what he intended to do or who he drew into the discussion which would turn the tide.

"I will be happy to help you in any questions, but seriously detective I've been on the African continent for some months now, arranging a shooting incident here would have been a little difficult, surely?" Gareth smiled charmingly at the detective who gave him a bland look back.

"I believe you answered your own question Mr Cuthbert. Didn't you say you had allies in all of the main offices, I cannot believe you wouldn't have here and as Ms Tuscany has already discovered it isn't just one ally, it's a whole army." Detective Kelsey had been amazed at Rita Tuscany's information, but certainly it helped to stack all the cards in their favour.

"That is for business purposes only, not murder!" Gareth spit out at the detective. Frustrated that all his options were being burned in front of him, "What about him?" Gareth pointed to Tito.

"What about Mr Yashimo, have you any incriminating evidence that can be attributed to him?" Kelsey smiled at the man. 'Slime pure unadulterated slime.' Kelsey thought as he watched both men.

"He used his password to access confidential information from the main computer here about Ms Devonshire." Gareth stated as if that let him off the hook.

"Oh, we know about that Gareth, Tito got in by accident, it's all been rectified at this end. How did you know it was a big security rift and we didn't advise anyone not even the VP's?" Constance said quietly, knowing that Tito would be looking at her in astonishment.

"Well.....he told me himself." Gareth said desperately, all eyes turned to Tito, who shook his head and gave Constance a brief nod acknowledging her support.

"Ah, but forgive my manners Gareth there is another person at the table you haven't met, talked to possibly, but never have seen face to face, old friends maybe? This is Mr Ransome, he was instrumental in the plans for the shooter in the building; and in fact he's on your payroll I believe?" Constance saw the red stain of anger and frustration move up Gareth's neck and face.

"Go to hell Constance! Where is your proof?" Gareth then had to look at Clare Fallon as she held out a stack of papers, the evidence so to speak.

"You're not telling me that your little tart here has the evidence that could send me to prison? Don't make me laugh Constance." Gareth laughed maniacally at the calm face of Clare Fallon, she moved closer to him and Constance got up and put a restraining hand on her elbow which Clare shook off, as she went forward towards the VP.

"If you care to read the contents perhaps you will be in a position to refute the accusation, but I doubt it! If its proven that you started this whole tragic mess, then I'm going to be in court to see you go to prison for the longest sentence that any judge can give you!" Clare threw the contents of her folder at the man, who looked at them in disgust.

Clare moved away from him and sat down heavily in her chair; all her fight released on a very sorry individual. He really wasn't worth all this energy.

Gareth looked around the room and tried to think of something to say, but couldn't. 'He had one last chance; he hadn't done this without prompting. But he hadn't had any personal contact with that person. He didn't even know if it was a man or woman.  Why did this bitch support Tito; he thought he'd covered all his angles; Jesus what should he do now?'

Detective Kelsey stood up at the table and looked at the accused man, "I think it's time we went down to the station and you told us your story in light of the current facts Mr Cuthbert?" Gareth looked at the detective. He doubted that he had much chance of redeeming himself under the present circumstances.

Turning back towards the window his shoulders slumped, he walked back towards the table and in a surprise move picked up a chair and threw it at the window and saw it crack but not break. Everyone moved quickly in shock.

Detective Kelsey now realizing the intent of the enraged man, immediately ran forward, attempting to tackle the VP who had jumped at the windowpane causing it to crack a little more. Grabbing his ankles Kelsey tried to wrestle him down to the floor as he shouted out for assistance. Tito moved his small frame forward and tried to hold the larger man down. Tito received a swift kick in the chest and rolled away in pain, that left the much lighter Kelsey struggling, his hold was forcibly released as Gareth gave him a roundhouse kick on the chin; the blood from the impact splattering on the cream carpeted floor.

"You haven't heard the last of this you know! There is still someone out there who is far more powerful than any of you can imagine. There is no safe place for Devonshire or her family, none at all!" With that Gareth threw his powerful frame back towards the weakened window, this time the glass gave way under the sustained pressure and the man flew through and plummeted the thirty floors to his ultimate death.

Constance looked over at the gaping hole in the window, the direct evidence of the guilty Vice President having jumped from 'her' building; was this nightmare of death ever going to end.

Clare was comforting Rita who had broken down at the man's drastic plunge to his death. It had not been expected at all!

Detective Kelsey was rubbing his jaw from the impact of the kick from Cuthbert and sat down on the floor to talk to Tito, who was still breathing heavily at his own injuries from Gareth.

Enricho with security rushed into the boardroom; seeing the hole that once was the large window overlooking the street below; he motioned the security personnel to talk to the detective as he headed for Constance. He put a hand on her chin and raised her face to his, "He jumped?" the shock evident in his question.

"Yes," Constance looked directly into those deep brown eyes. He really was a quite stunning specimen of a man; wonder what his wife thought about all the attention he had at work, or maybe she didn't know?

"The police have arrived below, they want to take some statements, but I told them Detective Kelsey was present during the suicidal incidence; they will discuss this with him first. Did he confess?" Enricho asked her and gave her a lopsided smile.

"Well, it didn't go the way we originally planned, however, we received a result quicker than we anticipated. He didn't exactly confess, but actions speak louder than words Enricho. With his final actions, I think he answered ours, didn't he?" Constance glanced across at Clare; who had taken Rita out of the room and was returning with a full coffee pot.

"Yes he did! You will have to inform Catherine; she will not want to hear this on the news." Enricho looked around at the mess once more then left the room.

Constance watched him leave and then turned to the detective and Tito, "The police are in the outer reception area wanting information, would you help me out here Detective Kelsey? I'm afraid my energy source is quite wiped out today, but tomorrow I will respond to anything that remains unanswered."

"No problem Ms Waverly, I think we got the result we wanted! Well, maybe not the final end result but justice is often served in the strangest of circumstance, and I think it was well served here today." Kelsey smiled at the woman, who had shown him why they say she was the next figurehead of Xianthos.

"Constance, I would like to help the detective with all his enquires. In light of what has been said and my own sense of pride, it is something I have to do; I will follow up the situation and get back to you tomorrow." Tito raised himself to his small stature and walked after the detective, who had gone out of the room in search of his colleagues.

She looked around the now silent room, where only Clare and she remained, "I guess that leaves the two of us; hell of a way to have a meeting, huh?" Constance smiled weakly at her friend.

Clare met her eyes and returned the smile with a sad one of her own. "You need to rest, I have your pills here and some fresh coffee. How about you take these and then call Ms Devonshire?"

"You know something Clare do you read minds, or is it just mine you have an uncanny knowledge of?" Constance reached out for the proffered pills and then the coffee to down them.

"Oh, maybe it's because I care about you!" Clare sat back down in the seat nearest to Constance's position.

"I'm sorry Clare," Constance said flatly.

"Sorry for what exactly, you can't blame yourself for what Gareth did surely?" Clare looked at her with surprised eyes.

Reaching over to stroke her cheek, she smiled again and this time it held warm affection. "No, no I'd never be sorry for that piece of......." Clare help up a hand and then grasped Constance's at her cheek and turned it to her lips, in a tender caress. "Okay, enough of him, I'm sorry that people know about us," Constance finished lamely.

"I'm not!" Clare gave her a defiant look and considered that maybe Constance was!

Constance laughed at the sheer happiness that simple comment had on her heart. "Then I'm not either; do you think we need to wait before you move in with me and we make it very official?"

Clare pushed herself up out of the seat and wrapped her arms around the other woman and held on in a warm hug. "Let's do that tomorrow shall we? Today, I think we could both do with some rest," and kissed her briefly before, making her way towards the door. "You have a call to make."

Constance couldn't stop the grin that eliminated all the previous events of the day, that young woman had just made every single moment worth the effort. "Yes, I'll catch up with you shortly."

The door closed behind Constance as she went over to the conference phone and asked the person answering to place a call to Ms Devonshire at her home in New Zealand. This was a call she was going to enjoy, even if she did have to add Gareth's warning to it, Catherine would handle the situation; she always did!

Concluded in Part 18

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