~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
Part Seven
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:    See Part One

Part 7

Chapter Twelve

Danni O'Neil arrived at the hospital to pick up Catherine, she had arranged to pick up Catherine's bags from the Ranch and was a little earlier than she had expected. 'Oh well, I can see the baby first hand and at least that will be something to talk to Catherine about on the journey to LA.' After asking which room Jace Bardley was in, she went towards the elevators that would take her to the token American's room.

Eventually locating the room, she knocked gently on the door and then opened it slowly, not wanting to disturb a tender moment, although she knew that in her heart she was quite happy to do so.

Catherine placed her head on one side in a questioning stance as the door opened. "Hi Catherine, I see the family is sleeping?"  Danni spoke quietly as she noticed mother and child asleep in Catherine's arms.

"Hello Danni. Yes, they are both very tired, it's been a long day for them." Catherine responded softly, gently tracing her fingers over Jace's hands that held 'their' daughter.

"You look about ready to fall asleep yourself. If you don't mind me saying you look like shit." Danni had seen the dark circles around Catherine's eyes and her pale face, the strain evident in every feature.

"Thanks for the compliment, I knew there must be a good reason for me to ask you to go travelling the world with me!" Catherine replied sarcastically.

"Any time, and it's my body really that your interested in Catherine, we just haven't reached that stage yet." Danni cheekily replied.

"Humph, I don't think so!" Catherine said under her breath, Danni was unable to hear it.

"Did you say something?" Danni asked, as she got closer to the women and baby.

"No!" Catherine moved a little and knew that shortly she would have to release her precious bundles.

"She's a cute one? What is our token American going to call her?" Danni couldn't help but use the nickname she had for Jace.

"Elena." Catherine said refusing to respond to the nickname, she was far too tired to participate in any verbal sparring from the 'Irish Spitfire'.

"Pretty name, for a pretty lady." Danni said softly, noticing the stress building in Catherine.

"Does she look like her mother?" Catherine wanted to know, it was important to her and Jace would have been prejudice when she'd described their daughter's features earlier.

Danni smiled at the question, talk about the concerned father figure. "Well, she does have her nose,' Catherine smiled at that.  "She has a scrunched up face, that I would say definitely belongs to her mother!" Catherine shook her head in Danni's direction the rebuke obvious to the onlooker but given in silence. "Okay, she's got dark hair though, almost the colour of yours." Danni watched a grin form on the previously sad countenance"

"That's what Jace said, I thought she was joking, but....... Guess not huh?" Catherine still maintained the grin and she gently place a light kiss on Jace's head.

Danni's heart wrenched at the sight of the woman she wanted so entranced by another, but it was a very tender scene nonetheless.

"Yeah, maybe the baby's father was dark?" Danni wasn't prepared for the explosion from Catherine.

"NO! He definitely didn't have dark hair." Catherine was upset at the mention of Peter Adamson, he wasn't part of this, and he never could be in her mind. Jace was hers, she had always been from the first day, now Elena was part of the powerful equation and they couldn't be separated.

Jace must have felt the emotional upheaval in her lover as she opened her eyes and looked at Catherine and saw the anger in her face, then she looked over to see the other party in the room, it was Danni O'Neil of all people! "Hey, you okay?" she whispered into Catherine's ear.

Catherine brightened at the gentle voice of her lover, which soothed her immediately. "Yes, I'm fine, why?"

Jace watched Catherine quietly for a few moments before answering.

"No reason" she replied to her lover gently. "Nice to see you Danni." Jace finally acknowledged the other woman.

Danni smiled at her sweetly. "Congratulations Jace, she's a cute one."

"Thanks." Jace bit back a possible angry retort. 'Why did this woman continue to get under her skin, she knew she had nothing to worry about with Catherine, nothing at all.'

"Now that we have decided MY daughter is cute, it's time for her to be put back in her crib and you, my love, need to get some more rest." Catherine scolded her lover gently, her smile robbing the words of any hurt perceived.

"Your daughter? Are you going to feed and change her?" Jace laughed softly into Catherine's neck. Forgetting for a moment that Danni watched them jealously.

Catherine gave a heartfelt sigh and smiled into Jace's hair, her lips brushing the top tenderly. "No, I think a plane ride awaits me but don't let her get to big before I take up part of that task okay?"

"No worries on that front, you're only going to be gone a week at the most." Jace jovially informed her, knowing that Catherine hated goodbyes.

"Yes! A week at the most, I promise." Catherine spoke so softly that Danni wasn't able to hear their conversation. "Danni can you give us a few minutes alone please?" Catherine finally remembered Danni being in the room with them.

Not expecting any opposition to the remark, she waited for the woman to leave; Danni almost didn't, and she hated being dismissed. Glancing briefly at Jace and then at Catherine, "I'll see you later Jace." She opened the door of the room and left.

"Has she finally gone?" Catherine turned to Jace, her patience sorely tempted at the presence of the other woman.

A chuckle erupted from the young blonde as she snuggled down into Catherine's shoulder. "Yes she has!"

"Good! Now how about our daughter? Are you going to put her in the crib?" Catherine asked hopefully, she wanted Jace to herself for the last few minutes.

Jace knew what she was being asked and gently laid their child in the crib and pulled the small blanket over her; she looked content with her lot in life. Suddenly Catherine had a small blonde bundle thrust on her lap and they fell backwards onto the bed, Jace giggling and hugging her lover tightly. "I love you Catherine."

"I love you too Jace, this reminds me of the first time you seduced me." Catherine gave her a grin that erased some of the lines of strain previously on her face.

"The first time huh? Can you remember the last time?" Jace asked an enquiring grin marked her pale but happy visage.

"Well........last night as I recall, talk about tiring an old woman out." Catherine sniggered.

"You haven't exactly objected on any of the occasions if I recall?" Jace placed her lips on Catherine's in a soft kiss of promise.

Surfacing from the kiss Catherine managed to struggle with what she hoped were appropriate words. "Why the hell would I object, you have a wonderful body and I get to see it in my minds eye everytime you come to me and even when you're no where near me too!"

Jace giggled and the kiss they shared this time was far from soft, it crusaded past passion and went onto the unfathomable heights of ecstasy. Catherine growled low in her throat as her body responded to Jace, it really was far too much and she had to leave soon!

"If this wasn't a hospital bed and we didn't have a chaperone outside the door waiting for you, we could perhaps take this further but.........!" Jace gasped into her lover's neck, her breathing ragged and laboured.

"Mmmm." Catherine couldn't think of any words that would best describe this feeling. Her lips successfully locked on tender skin at the base of a delicate collarbone and the murmur she heard at the pressure was enough to send her over the edge, but control slipped in place at the final moment and she broke away from the embrace. "You are incredible Jace Bardley, I'm going to miss you like crazy."

"The feeling is mutual believe me." Jace gasped after the assault on her person by this beautiful woman in her arms, or was she in Catherine's arms, hard to judge.

"I have to go, our Irish friend will be champing at the bit."

"Yes, I know, just as long as her champing is left to a bit and not anywhere near you!" Jace couldn't help the jealous spark ignite for a moment.

Catherine raised her eyebrows and a smirk appeared on her face. "Oh, do I detect a hint of jealousy in that remark." Catherine laughed softly.

"Not a hint no! Full blown yes!' Jace smiled into her lover's neck. "I will miss you, please come home soon and keep safe."

"I will endeavour my love to do just that for you! I will come back have no fear!" Catherine kissed her soundly and then gently disengaged from their embrace.

"I love you Catherine, get some sleep on that flight, okay?" Jace still gripped one of Catherine's hands, not wanting to let go, something was telling her this would be the last time they would be together in this way. She ignored it as foolish.

"I love you too Jace, kiss Elena when she wakes for me and I'll be back sooner than you know." Catherine brought the hand that clasped hers to her lips and kissed each knuckle and gently released the hand and headed for the door.

"This time if you're going to be a heroine, will you please look after yourself particularly the body parts?" Jace said from her relaxed position on the bed.

Catherine turned but unable to see Jace's face could only picture the mischief in the face of her lover. "Why? Do you know someone who coverts them?" Catherine asked her tone relaxed and happy.

"Yes me!" Jace laughed and blew a kiss at Catherine although she couldn't see it as the tall woman opened the door and left her alone in the room.

Jace looked at her daughter sleeping soundly in the crib at her side. 'I have a nagging feeling telling me that things are going to go wrong Elena, I hope not, I pray not! You will know your other mother, and I'm going to see that you get the chance to love her just as I do!'

Jace placed her head on the pillow and inhaled deeply the scent of Catherine on the bed, it was a fresh cologne smell, she still hadn't figured out exactly what though. All she knew was that it reminded her of Catherine and anything that did that was A-one in her book. Closing her eyes she dreamed of a tall, dark and beautiful woman who quite literally swept her off her feet, moved her in a monumental way, and made her heart sing.

Clare Fallon held the hand of her boss Constance Waverly and considered the present situation that she was in at the moment.  Her smile wavered as she looked at the even breathing of Constance as the doctor had taken her off the critical list an hour earlier. She appeared to be responding to the treatment. Her gunshot wounds had grazed her lung but otherwise all other major organs had missed the splayed bullets that had entered her chest and stomach. A total of six had been fired at her and three had lodged in various parts of her anatomy, fortunately all had been operable and removed. The doctors cautiously predicted that Constance would make a full recovery; time would be the great healer.

Catherine was on her way to New York, a call from her travelling companion in-flight to LA had confirmed that she was in the air. Her estimated time of arrival at the office possibly around two p.m. or a little later in the afternoon. The media had yet to pick up on that piece of news, they would want their pound of flesh from her that was for sure.

Clare had personally taken it upon herself to speak to James Thompson, Paul Strong's partner and Celeste's husband, not to mention relatives of the other's that had died, it had seemed cowardly on her part to leave it to the police.

Now looking at the woman asleep in the hospital bed, she wondered if there was anyone to call for her too? Although they had developed a good working relationship and recently a friendship outside the office, at no time had Constance mentioned relatives; either she would wait another day and then get Ms Devonshire to clear that matter up, unless she awoke of course and then she could ask her directly.

Wearily she placed her head on the bed close to her friend's hand, knowing that she would probably wake if there were any movement. It wasn't comfortable but at least she could shut her eyes and hopefully the scene of the carnage wouldn't haunt her dreams but somehow she didn't think she was going to be so lucky. Closing her eyes she tried not to think about the events of the day, it was over! They had to move on with life.

Catherine managed to sleep for a couple of hours, with the seat reclined and the help of a couple of painkillers Danni had brought with her. Catherine's head had been pounding when they finally arrived at their accommodations in first class. It hadn't taken long for Danni to notice the continuing pallor and she persuaded Catherine to relax for a couple of hours, there was nothing more she could do anyway!

Waking from the deep, drug induced sleep Catherine looked around her and noticed that Danni was chatting amiably with a woman three rows down from their seats, she looked happy enough, so Catherine used the time to contemplate her actions when she finally arrived in New York.

'I've got to calm the market first! That takes priority over everything else! Did I really just think that? I'm insane; it's the old Catherine rearing her head. First priority must be to clear up the security issues. How the bloody hell did someone get a gun in the building in the first place? I need to find out who was responsible for the killings and why? My gut feeling says its more than some zealous nutcase; I just know it! Finally, I will have to replace my people, now that's a feat in itself, and who the hell would want to work in those roles now? Oh, yeah I forgot it's America, there will always be someone waiting in the wings, there's always someone!' Her musings ceased as Danni noticed her roused state and settled herself back down in the seat beside her.

"How are you feeling now Catherine?" Danni asked with genuine concern in her voice.

"Tired I suppose, but at least the headaches gone for now, no doubt it will be back." Catherine gave an exasperated sigh her head turned to the window, watching the fragments of light that she could see out of her right eye.

"Well, a couple of hours sleep isn't exactly enough, but it's a start and when we get to LA, you can rest up there for a few hours until the next flight." Danni said, not having been made aware of the itinerary of the journey.

Catherine turned her head back to the woman and a wry expression crossed her face. "Ah, that's not going to happen!"

Danni looked at her quizzically. "Why not?" Danni asked totally absorbed by the nearest of Catherine's body in such close confines.

"As soon as we set down, there will be no formalities, we will transfer immediately to the Xianthos private jet waiting to take us directly to New York. Sorry, another four hour journey." Catherine didn't give any indication that she was sorry in the slightest.

"I see, oh well, you can sleep on the way there then." Danni pointed out practically.

"No! I have some business associates on board who will update me on the details of the shooting and I believe there is a police member on board also. All work I'm afraid." Catherine turned back to face the window, her mind was having difficulty functioning at any level at the moment, she was really tired and there was no way she was going to sleep properly for sometime, maybe not until she was back in own bed with Jace next to her.

"What about me?" Danni stated annoyed at the way Catherine was talking to her, as if she wasn't important in any of this.

"What about you?" Catherine appeared bored with the conversation.

"Do I help you with the investigations you're going to do? Or just sit it out until you need an arm to take you to unfamiliar places?" Danni's voice raised an octave in irritation.

"Actually, I forgot about you! But you can join in some of the meetings, I wouldn't mind knowing how they look outwardly when certain topics are discussed." Catherine deemed those answer enough and shut her eyes.

"Great!" Danni sound far from great but she decided that a confrontation wasn't the best thing to do at this time; picking up the in-flight magazine she scanned the pages for a video selection, at least she had a choice, not like the suckers in the economy seats. Thank god for rich clients.

Jace was upset!

Pacing around her room albeit slowly because of the recent birth of her daughter, she was ready to murder the next person who came in the room to offer her a drink, food or some inane platitude or conversation. 'What the Hades had Catherine said to them before she left?' Elena was sleeping fortunately as soon as she fed the baby she slept and seemed happy to stay that way for sometime. Like mother, like daughter, would be something Catherine would say when she found out that snippet of news. Catherine had often teased her about her ability to sleep on a clothesline as she called it. Heck, I love to sleep and can sleep almost anywhere!' That brought a smile to her face for the first time since she had awakened this morning without the possibility of seeing Catherine, and it was now three in the afternoon. Jace noticed the door opening and was ready this time.

"No, I don't want to eat, drink, read, write or anything else you can dream up! So, will you please leave me alone?" Jace's irritated voice echoed round the room and the outside corridor, as her visitor merely put their head round the door at the tirade.

"Well, I guess that about sums up what you don't want, how about what you do?" Grace chuckled as she saw the red appear on Jace's face, recognising the visitor to late!

"Oh Grace, I'm so sorry." Jace apologised sincerely. Grace limped further into the room and held out her arms for the smaller woman to rush into a much-needed hug.

"I'm pleased to see you too Jace, now come on show me this new bundle of life that you have brought into the world." Grace smiled at her friend and couldn't help her hand going up to Jace's cheeks and clearing away the moisture that had fallen. "You never fail me on this Jace." Grace laughed at her friend's embarrassed expression.

"You must be the only other one I cry so much over, other than Catherine that is, and I swear I drown her on occasions." Jace gave a sheepish grin and walked over to the crib, with Grace following closely behind.

Gently taking out her daughter swaddled in a soft blue check blanket, she held out the small life to her friend. Grace gingerly placed her hands under the child's back and cradled her to her chest and moved towards the window for a better look at her face. "She's beautiful Jace and so like you!"

Jace laughed softly, "Why is that I wonder, because she's still asleep or could it be the expression she's projecting at the moment?"

Grace looked up and her brown eyes reflected her genuine happiness for her friend and her new baby. "A little of both I guess, but what colour eyes does she have?" As if on cue the baby opened one of her eyes and tried to focus unsuccessfully. "If I didn't know better that movement was straight out of Catherine Warriorson's book." Grace looked in amazement at the baby as she once again tried to open her eyes and focus.

"Yeah I noticed that, she must have been getting lessons in the womb." Jace replied happy for the first time since she had awakened this morning and realised that Catherine was gone; the hollow feeling she had at the thought still hadn't diminished, if anything it was getting worse.

Both women watched the child look around the room, although it would be several days before Elena would have the ability to focus correctly. The child's green eyes looked into Grace's face peering at her in an owl like appearance. "Green eyes, just like her mom." Grace said and laughed at the pout she was given by the baby.

"Yeah, she's definitely been taking lessons from Catherine, that pout is a Warriorson trait if ever there was one!" Jace smiled at her daughter.

"Wonder if she'll get the eyebrow action too?" Grace looked at her friend in question. Jace returned the look and gave her a weary smile.

"Depends on how much she sees it in action I guess." Jace looked out of the window of her hospital room.

"You sound depressed Jace? And with your outburst when I came into the room well that alone speaks for itself. What's the score my friend?" Grace asked her gently.

"I.....I get the feeling that she's not going to come back to me!" Jace answered the question and ended with a choked sob.

Grace looked at the healthy child in her arms and the healthy if a little pale mother and shook her head. "No way Jace, that woman loves you to distraction. You know that?"

"I know what she feels now, but she's going back to it all Grace, all that it entails and she left her family once before, we know that also!" Jace clearly upset at her own agonizing thoughts.

Grace tenderly put the child back in her crib, the baby oblivious to the emotion turmoil her parent was going through. "There is absolutely nothing in this world, or in any other if it comes to that, which will stop Catherine Devonshire-Warriorson from coming home to you! I stake my reputation on it!" Grace smiled at the smaller woman as she put an arm around her in comfort.

"I guess you think I'm over-reacting huh?" Jace locked her anxious green eyes onto brown, seeing the twinkle behind the brown ones she added, " I suppose you still have a reputation Grace?"

Grace raised her own eyebrows at that question and laughed out loud; the baby kicked her legs in the air obviously startled at he resonation of sound. "Sorry. Of course I have a reputation my dear Ms Bardley, not everyone gets the opportunity to sleep ith the boss, and she's far to choosy." Her laugh now toned down to a low rumble.

"Ah, but she's not my boss and never was." Jace smirked and put a gentle hand down to soothe her daughter.

"Now that's debatable from what Paul told me....." Grace stopped abruptly at the mention of their deceased friend. Both women ooked at each other and tears cursed silently down both their cheeks.

"I can't believe he's gone Grace, it was such a waste. Why?" Jace whispered to her friend through her tears.

"Yeah, I know, when she told me I don't think it registered until about an hour later; he was such a fine man. Catherine will miss him, he was irreplaceable to her and not just because of Xianthos." Grace softly spoke into the very quiet room. The only noises a low gurgle from the baby and the muted sobs from both women.

"It might be her reason to stay away Grace." Jace inevitably went back to her original fears.

This time Grace gave her a wry look. "Maybe, but it might just be that home will be in New York and not 'Destiny'; according to the newspapers she has some beautiful houses and apartments scattered around the globe." Grace tried to alleviate Jace's fears, but were they really so unfounded? In many ways, it was a similar circumstance when Catherine's father had died and left her everything; now Paul's death had landed it firmly back into her lap! Who did she have earmarked as heir apparent this time around? Quite possibly no one!

"Yeah I read that too! Did you know that she has a beach house in the Seychelles? What I wouldn't give to go walking barefoot in the sand with her on one of those beaches." Jace smiled at the image of golden sands and a tall beautiful woman at her side.

"Have you considered it for a honeymoon?" Grace playfully suggested.

"Grace! We haven't discussed anything like that, it....that's....well it's..." Jace spluttered at Grace's suggestion. Although given half a chance she would take it, if Catherine did propose.

"Okay, okay I get the drift. If she ever does, at least you have a place to go, now that's worth thinking about and possibly arrange to mention it in passing Jace." Grace gave her a smirk and felt the blonde punch her playfully on the arm.

"Yeah, I'll take that suggestion on advisement." Jace smiled and traced a tender touch over her daughter's face. Her own expression one of awe that this miracle of life was hers and she would take care of it, no matter what the fates had to offer her in the future. She sure as Hades hoped that the fates had Catherine as part and parcel of the package for her future. "When can I get out of here Grace?"

Grace solemnly looked her straight in the eyes and then laughed wickedly. "How about now! That's the reason I'm here; the hospital wants to get rid of you, and they think you will be better at home."

"Zeus Grace, you could have told me earlier, you have a wicked sense of humour my friend." Jace tried to sound upset but couldn't, she was going home.

"Well, you should have known that, hell I've been living with Catherine for six years now, some of her 'off the wall humour' was bound to take up residence at some time. Thankfully, I'm more compassionate than she is." Grace went over to the bedside cabinet and helped to get Jace's things together for the journey home.

"She does have a weird sense of humour Grace. I don't understand it at times." Jace said absently, collecting some of her belongings and depositing them in the valise she had brought with her.

"I'll second that! Do you know she laughs at Jerry Lewis movies? That I can never understand. Would you believe it?" Grace looked at the blonde, as Jace gathered her daughter up from the crib.

"Jerry Lewis? You're joking right?" Grace nodded her head, "I think we need to bring her into the modern world of comedy, what do you think of Jim Carrey, Grace?" Jace chuckled softly, shaking her head at the childhood memories of Jerry Lewis movies and went about dressing her daughter for the outside world.

"Liked him in Mask, what do you think about........" They continued the conversation until the doctor came into discharge Jace officially and distribute some basic instructions on her care and that of her baby.

They left the building for 'Destiny' and the rest of the family.

Catherine was looking out over the busy New York Street from her office on the top floor of her building. Danni had taken Rio for a walk; he sorely needed it after being cramped into two aircraft in the space of twenty-four hours. Fortunately on the Xianthos jet, he had free range of the main cabin.

Building security sucked!

Shares of the company had plummeted by ten percent in a day!

The relatives of some of the dead were being particularly odorous about the benefits they would get from the tragic happening in the building!

Nothing was known about the shooter other than he was said to hate 'Jackson', the author who was signing up that day to thenpublishing house.

About the only good thing she'd heard since she arrived two hours ago was that Constance Waverly was off the critical list and was recovering. Catherine needed to see Constance and intended to leave for the hospital as soon as she had cleared up the security problems.

Drumming her hands on the side of the window, her intercom bussed and she went over to her desk and pressed sharply.  "Yes?" Catherine answered crisply.

"Mr Marcom and Mr Stanford are here to see you Ms Devonshire." Rita Tuscany informed her, she had been elevated rather quickly from her post as PA to the Sales and Marketing manager to secretary for Ms Devonshire while she was temporary overseeing the complete operation.

"Show them in Rita." Catherine resumed her seat at her desk and heard the knock on the door and the hinges squeak marginally as the door opened.

Catherine saw the shapes of three people enter the room, one came close to her desk and placed something on her desk, by the aroma it was clearly tea and as she felt around it was a mug too! Smiling briefly she then saw the other two shapes stand shifting slightly in front of her. "Thanks for the tea Rita, I appreciate it!" The woman smiled at her temporary boss a gesture that couldn't be seen.

"You're welcome." Rita turned away from Catherine's desk apparently stumbling and placed a hand on Marcom's shoulder,  "Excuse me Mr Marcom, something in my shoe obviously." Smiling sweetly at him, she left the room and closed the door behind her.

Catherine silently applauded the gesture from a very astute woman. Being blind and not knowing the parties in front of her that well, it would have been a considerable disadvantage to distinguish them and she didn't need any disadvantage in this particular interview. "Gentlemen, what can of worms do we have here?" Catherine looked at them, but was unable to see anything other than their shape, making her feel more and more frustrated and angry; at least she knew the name of each shape in her peripheral vision.

"It wasn't our fault, we didn't know!" Marcom was first to speak, hoping that the fact she was blind had diminished her ability to handle the details successfully; she would need them he figured.

"So you speak for both I take it?" Catherine locked her sightless gaze on the man who had spoken.

"Yeah, well sorta." He didn't like her eyes, he never had. Even blind he could swear she saw into your very soul with a piercing glance.

"Mr Marcom there is no sort of! There are only the facts, you do or you don't? Mr Stanford perhaps you can enlighten me?"  Catherine turned her gaze to the other shape in her office, he actually shifted around even more than the other, 'must be nerves, I wonder why?' her mind supplied sarcastically.

"Ma'am, we have obviously not ensured we have enough measures in the building to counteract this particular type of threat, which is being rectified as we speak." Stanford spoke slowly and precisely. Marcom gave him an angry look.

"Ah, so at least we have one of you prepared to accept the truth, what ever that maybe. YOUR security in MY building and to serve MY employees is to put it in a nutshell, and gentlemen the nuts I want to put it in are just across the desk from me, and I might add I want to take a vigorous sledge hammer too! Are to be blunt fucked up, am I right?" Catherine coldly stated, waiting for any reaction.

She could feel the tension and the anger about to spill from at least one of them, Marcom she suspected. Waiting for a response that wasn't forthcoming, she gave them both one of her best icy stare, and the fact that she couldn't focus did little to impair the impact. "Which language do you want me to speak in to get a fucking answer gentlemen? People are dead, and I want to know how someone could get in my bloody building and take out my best people and you two shuffle about my office and whine as if you're teenagers caught with your pants around your knees for the first time!" Catherine's wrath exploded, she was exhausted, unhappy and pissed off with her supposedly expert security team.

"Ma'am, yes the system is faulty." Stanford finally responded inadequately, he hung his head in shame, her accusations finally producing a direct hit.

This time Catherine laughed loudly and it wasn't a happy laugh either, something between maniacal and demonic came to mind, unpleasant, definitely unpleasant. "Stanford that is a pathetic explanation, but let me ask exactly how faulty?"

Marcom intercepted the question and answered. "We have no specified check on the auxiliary operations once they have completed the first months service."

"Now what exactly does that mean?" Catherine cocked her head to the side and listened intently, she already knew precisely what that meant. Both men appeared to be breathing heavily, their nervousness palpable.

"After the preliminary months initiation in the building, we only check security passes of the external employees, vehicles and other equipment are not checked on a regular basis beyond that time frame." Stanford informed her factually, ignoring Marcom's look of disgust.

"I see, so anyone who knows how you handle security in the building could after a month quite literally walk in and plant a bloody nuclear bomb on the site and you wouldn't know or even check for it?" Catherine realised this was complacency gone to hell in a basket. Her tired mind was reeling from the absolutely incompetence of her senior people in this field.

"Yes." Stanford replied. He was working out who might offer him a job after all this became public, maybe as a public maintenance and cleansing operative if he was lucky!

"Marcom, is this correct?" Catherine asked the man originally all blustery and self-confident on entering her office, he was now remarkably silent.

"Yes. But we have done something about it!" He tried to make the situation less abysmal.

"I find your attention to detail quite touching in light of the fact that ten people are dead, and three are lying in the hospital injured. Not to mention the others in the room at the time who will need counselling for trauma." Catherine smiled grimly and tapped her fingers on the folders on her desk.

"We have never had a problem in all the years I've been in charge of facilities in the building." Marcom informed her politely, he could feel the sweat forming on his brow and wanted to mop it but considered that move inappropriate.

"Perhaps. Well, you just raked up your worse nightmare Marcom because, things like this can't be swept under any carpet. You and Stanford between you, not to mention myself, as I'm your employer god help me, are totally responsible for the deaths of our colleagues. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Catherine shouted viciously at them both.

"We didn't kill them, there was a shooter, and he did it!" Marcom pointed out angry at what he considered to be an irrational accusation.

"We allowed that shooter in because we became complacent and negligent; we helped to pull the trigger each in our own way. I hope you both can sleep at night, because sure as hell I won't from now on!' Catherine waived her hand at them. "Go to personnel and get your final paper, please don't expect any compensation for sacking you out of hand, believe me I might want to sue you in the long run. Get the hell out of my office and building before I shoot you myself." Catherine got up from her seat and stood menacingly watching the shadows leave without further words.

Striding over to the window, she wasn't surprised at the remorse she felt for just about every action she had ever taken in this company. Catherine heard a soft knock at the door and moments later felt a wet nose nudge her right leg. "Ah Rio, how you doing boy?" she touched the dogs ears in a gentle way and continued that until she felt hands on her back slowly easing the tension, moving up to her shoulders and gradually easing the knots out. "Thanks Danni."

"My pleasure, come on sit down so I can do this properly, then we will go to the hospital, and then you can get some rest okay?" Danni sighed at the totally weary body almost collapsing in her arms, the fatigue and stress finally taking its toll.

"Yes, good idea." Catherine was being led to her seat and she didn't have the energy to protest, then again what was there to protest, Danni was her physio, this was part of the deal.

Continued In Part 8

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