~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
Part Eight
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:     See Part One

Part 8

Chapter Thirteen

Jace watched Lisa rush over to her as she alighted from the jeep and noticed Jake walking several paces behind, obviously not wanting to show too much enthusiasm for the event. Smiling she knew that if things went wrong from here on in, there could be nothing to take away the memories of the last couple of days and the love she and her baby had been showered with.

Lisa ran full tilt at Jace and would have bowled her over, baby and all, if Grace hadn't seen the impending tornado arriving and quickly shot out of the driver's side of the vehicle to Jace's aid. "Whoa Lisa, take it easy, do you want to see your baby sister or not?" Grace chastised her gently as she held the child by the shoulders.

Lisa grinned at Grace and hugged her tight and laughed merrily. "Yes, but it's great aunt Grace, we have a sister, I can show her all my dolls and things," the child continued in her excited chatterbox fashion. There simply was no stopping the enthusiasm of this child, and who would want to anyway.

"Go steady, or I get to set my mother on you!" Grace chuckled as she saw the child's eyes widen at the threat. Her mother was fine in small doses, but she did chastise the children for the most trivial things, must have been living with a policeman all those years.

Lisa tentatively smiled at Jace and looked in eager anticipation at the bundle held tightly. Jace laughed at the expression on the child's face and gently lowered the baby down for Lisa to get a glance at the child. "We need to get her in Lisa, it's cold out here."

Lisa looked up at her and Jace was rewarded with a shy grin and nodded her head. "Got to go back Jake, our sister might get cold," Lisa, informed the boy when he finally caught her up.

Jake looked at the women and he shook his head in exasperation. "Women!" he muttered and held out his hand to Grace for Jace's valise.

"Thanks Jake." Grace said as she handed the valise to the boy. One day they would find out what really was eating into this child, but for now he was turning into a very thoughtful young man.

Jace smiled at the boy and he smiled back shyly, and then walked on in front of them with the valise in tow. "You know if I didn't know better I would swear he was Catherine's son!" Jace looked at Grace for her reaction.

"Mmmmm I've thought that myself in the last couple of months, he has certainly taken some of her mannerisms to heart. That boy worships her that's for sure." Grace laughed at the thought and she locked the jeep as Jace, Lisa and herself all walked along slowly to the house, their feet crunching on the impacted snow on the drive.

"He's not the only one Grace, I know I do too!" Jace said in a quiet voice and wasn't sure if Grace had heard her.

Grace looked across at Jace, Lisa had one of each of their hands held tightly with a beam of happiness on her face, but otherwise oblivious to the conversation going on around her. "I know exactly what you mean, guess our Catherine has her own fan club here on 'Destiny', wonder if she realises it?" Grace shook her head as she said the words.

"Knowing what we both do about her, no! But we could always embarrass her one-day with lots of fan mail for the fun of it.  Now that's worth thinking about." Jace chuckled and looked gently down at her baby and smiled inwardly. 'I know one day Elena you are going to think exactly the same as we do.'

"Great Jace! What a brilliant idea; we'd have those beautiful stoic features of hers red as a beetroot in no time." Grace laughed and Lisa looked at the two adults either side of her.

"Is something funny?" Lisa asked innocently, her boots kicking some of the snow in her wake.

Grace looked at her speculatively and gravely asked the child, "What do you think of Catherine, Lisa?" Both Grace and Jace looked at the girl in anticipation.

A dreamy expression came over her face as she replied. "Catherine is beautiful, I want to do things like her when I grow up."

Jace looked at the child and wondered exactly what she thought Catherine did for a living. "What would that be Lisa, what does Catherine do?"

Lisa looked at her and gave her a scrunched up face. "You know what she does Jace, she helps people!"

Grace smiled at the child and then back to Jace, who had a tear in her eyes. 'Oh god no! She's going to start the waterworks again!'

"How does she help people Lisa?" Jace asked her gently, her tears soaking her cheeks.

"She looks after me and Jake, she looks after you! She's going to look after your baby. Catherine isn't very well because she helped some people when she was away. She'd look after Grace also, if Grace wanted!" Lisa spoke with the innocence of childish logic.

This time Grace felt her own tears begin to surface and she was pleased to see the steps of the front of the house appear, thank god for small mercies. "Hey Jace, we're home!" Grace vaulted up the stairs as fast as her injured leg would let her and opened the door.

"Yes," the whispered reply from Jace revealed her pleasure, but also her sadness of knowing Catherine wasn't. They all moved inside the house.

Hudson was peeved she'd spent good money making all her plans and now that idiot with a hair trigger for a brain had pre-empted her actions. 'Fucking useless some people turned out to be, only good thing to come out of that fiasco was the demise of Paul Strong, that had definitely been a bonus!' Pacing her apartment and wondering how she was going to salvage her original intentions, she kicked over her coffee table and it crashed against the wall and the left end of it broke away. Picking up the piece of wood now divorced from the whole object, she twirled it in her hands viciously.

"Of course, how forgetful of me. I have one more ace to play, and that will be so unexpected it will be delightful."  Hudson spoke quietly to the empty room and chuckled at her devious thought.

Going over to her cell phone she dialled a number she knew very well, very well indeed! 'There is always merit in cultivating the right kind of bed partners', she thought as she waited for the call to be picked up.

"Hello?" the male voice asked at the other end.

"Darling, how nice to hear your voice, how did you enjoy the trip abroad?" Hudson spoke as sweetly as she knew how.

"Clarissa Hudson? Clarissa is that you?" a distinctly German accented voice replied.

"Yes darling, how very clever of you. I was wondering if you could do me a favour?" Hudson continued to twirl her wooden projectile around.

"Sure! Anytime, you know me?" The males voice responded positively.

"Yes I do, and I'm banking on your support." She laughed softly at the stupidity of the man; did they always think with their brains between their legs?

"I'm all ears Hudson, how can I help?" the man answered knowing that he could have his pound of flesh, quite literally, once he knew what she wanted.

"I need you to send......" Hudson advised her playmate of her request.

Catherine had been sorely tempted after the massage by Danni to go to the apartment and sleep! It was becoming almost impossible for her to function with any degree of sensibility. But she needed to see Constance if only briefly, to make sure for herself that her VP would live; it was okay hearing it third hand but..........first hand was always her way and fatigue or no fatigue she was going to do just that!

Rio was once again frowned upon in a hospital but Catherine caused merry hell to get her point across on that subject. "What do blind people have to do in this world, trip over every bloody thing to get to their destination because of some stupid bloody rulebook, isn't it bad enough we have to be subjected to rules by sighted people anyway! Surely it would cause you more work if I fall, when I could have my dog guide me? After all that's what the dog is trained for, not for pooping in every damn corner of the building!" To say Catherine was outraged at that time would be putting it mildly.

Danni watched in fascination, first at Catherine's tirade, then as the tall woman's getting redder and redder in the face; it was her hand on Catherine's arm that stilled her frustrated ranting for a few moments. "Let me explain the situation Catherine, please?" Danni pleaded with the angry woman.

"Do it!" was the angry retort as Catherine fiddled with Rio's harness, waiting for Danni to tell her the outcome, although there would only be one outcome as far as she was concerned.

Ten minutes later they were in the elevator making their way to the tenth floor and the intensive care unit.

"What did you say to them?" Catherine asked shortly.

"Me?" Danni replied wryly, noting the tension on her patient's face.

"Yes, who the bloody else do you think I know in this elevator?" By this time Catherine was way beyond control and she knew it but couldn't seem to help herself. Jace would have been totally unhappy with her behaviour and her language. Just as well she was a few thousand miles away.

Danni realised that she had gone too far. Her perception with this woman had obviously gone awry. She couldn't see her in a purely work related way anymore and it was severely clouding her professional judgement; that had to stop! "Sorry Catherine, I simply told them who you were and why you needed to be in the hospital."

"Is that all? I told them that to start with, why didn't they believe me?" Catherine dismissed the answer out of hand in a sarcastic tone.

Danni didn't know what to say; the receptionist had explained the rules for the ICU, and was adamant that the woman would just have to wait until her friend came out of the unit if she insisted on having the dog with her. She was sorry but it was the rules and they couldn't be broken. When Danni had requested a private minute with the senior administrator, it was a done deal. Danni had explained exactly who Catherine was! It wasn't a question of the hospital letting her in because their rules were out of the dark ages, it was purely that she had said this was Catherine Devonshire and not Warriorson, as simple as that; money and power talks. "You used the wrong name," Danni finally admitted.

"What the hell are you talking about, the wrong name? I used Catherine Warr........, Jesus, don't tell me you said Devonshire and the doors opened miraculously?" Catherine's voice was full of scorn.

"Yep, as simple as that!" Danni said and stoked Rio's head for something to do other than fidget incessantly and upset the already severely overwrought woman beside her.

Catherine gave a shrug and a snort as she considered the words. "I wonder what they would have said if I'd admitted to being gay too, make me pay for a wing on their fucking hospital just to see a friend?"

Danni looked at her and a small smile passed her lips, 'Catherine really was quite something when she became roused in anger, I wonder what she's like roused in passion?' "Could be, I never volunteered your help financially though."

Catherine retorted shortly. "You didn't need too Danni, now the bloody vultures know I'm on-site, they will try and bleed me dry!"

Danni didn't say anything else as the elevator stopped at the tenth floor, with the doors opened for them to exit.

Jace looked at the peaceful setting of the lounge, Grace cradled Jace's daughter in her arms, her face showing her genuine happiness at having the child there. Jake who was watching a cartoon on the big screen TV and laughing every few minutes at the antics of the character; Lisa was sitting cuddled up to Jace with her rag doll and Blacky the brown soft toy that Jake had bought her, falling asleep slowly, then there was Grace's mother Faith!

When Jace had arrived, Faith had swiftly taken her baby from her and brought her into the warm environment of the kitchen, clucked over the child, saying she was frozen and that the child could get a chill, taking so long to get inside. Grace had given Jace an apologetic look and then did the formal introductions.

"Jace, I'd like you to meet my mother Faith," Grace said and looked at the two of them with interest.

Jace held out a hand and said "Hi Faith." cheerfully.

Faith sniffed at the young woman, looked at her hand and eventually took it in a strong handshake that had Jace nursing her hand for a few seconds after the event. "Jace is it, well, now you have a little one to feed you'd better get yourself all warmed up and rested," the words stilted and very polite. Jace had a feeling the woman was nervous about her welcome here, and that maybe Jace was someone who could literally see her out of the door at the blink of an eye. 'Funny thing was if she really thought about it, she could.'

"Thanks Faith, I hope you like it here, I could do with the advice, my Mom is to far away to help I'm afraid." Jace smiled at the older woman and waited for the response.

Faith fairly beamed at that, she pushed Jace into a chair and went over to Judy and said something to her and then came back.  "Now that's an offer I'm not going to refuse, my own daughters can't be bothered to give me grandchildren, so don't you worry my dear; I'll gladly help you here!"

Grace almost spat out the coffee she had just sipped at the comment and then grinned disbelievingly at Jace. 'Way to go Jace,' and was about to bring her hand up for a high five; it was rare her mother responded to another person, so the Bardley effect had hit home again!

Faith was fussing over her baby and looked at her own daughter with nothing short of affectionate annoyance. There was only one person missing from the cosy family atmosphere as far as Jace was concerned and she was thousands of miles away, to busy to appreciate this scene. 'You know something Catherine, there is going to be a day when all the good things you have done in this life are going to come forward and way out shadow the bad ones you continually say haunt you! If you don't believe that, I will for both of us Catherine, and in this I'm the stronger one. Come back home to me my love, come back home soon.' Jace got up from her chair and gently lay Lisa down into it's depths, she then went over to the window and looked out and saw the snow banked up against the drive and the twinkling stars that were so very bright tonight, her thoughts miles away.

Grace chose that moment to interrupt her obvious distant gaze. "Are you tired?"

"A little, but I need to stay up a while longer." Jace replied without turning her head from the scene in front of her.

"Okay Jace, she is coming back to you!" Grace stated quietly but with conviction.

Turning slowly, she faced the greatest friend she and Catherine had, outside their own relationship and smiled at her wistfully.  "Yep, that much I hope for every day that passes with her gone. She is the sun, moon and stars for me Grace; without her I'm like the lost mariner! I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, wouldn't you say?"

Grace looked at her friend and put a gentle arm around her shoulders. "You know something Jace, maybe if you didn't cry on her so much she wouldn't go away so often, have you thought of that?" Grace tried to alleviate the younger woman's oncoming depression. 'I hope one day someone thinks half about me that you have just admitted to, romantic yeah, but who wouldn't have that over loneliness any day of the week. No contest.'

"Grace! Really, I know I cry but it's not that much! Is it?" Jace turned a mildly annoyed expression on her face.

"No, but didn't you tell me you threw a cup of water at her too? Maybe she wants some dry land for a change." Grace said innocently and poked Jace gently in the ribs.

Both women laughed at the thought and Jace looked at her friend and hugged her tight. " I'll buy her an umbrella. Don't go away again Grace she needs you! We all need you, all of us." Jace pleaded as she laid her head on the comforting shoulder of her friend.

"Well, that's something to consider for sure. I'm never far away if I'm in your thoughts Jace, always remember that." Grace said as she looked seriously into the green eyes of her friend.

Jace looked at her friend and realised perhaps for the first time how much Catherine loved this very complex yet, simplistic woman. She was always there for you no matter the problem, she had the answer, she was just Grace. "You sound like a guardian angel?"

"Christ! Jace don't say that; my mother is religious and I can tell you she has stories about me that would make the Arch Angel Gabriel blush." Grace laughed heartily at the thought.

"Well, in that case perhaps I might get her to trade a story or two." Jace laughed at the faint stain of red on her friend's neck.

"Don't go there, Jace I beg you!" Grace pleaded with her as they went back into the throng of the room and considered taking Lisa to bed.

Catherine would have walked into the room immediately but was forestalled by Danni who knocked at the door and waited.

Catherine quirked an eyebrow at her physio and waited impatiently.

A soft almost incoherent voice told them to enter.

Moving briskly by Danni and threading her way into the room with Rio, she was greeted by a voice she vaguely recognised. "Ms Devonshire?"

"Yes!" Catherine answered abruptly and then wished she hadn't. The person she had addressed immediately took a defensive stance, or at least the negative vibrations she received from the woman's close proximity related that to her senses.

"I wasn't expecting you?" Clare Fallon said quietly.

"Ms Fallon?" Catherine looked in the direction of the voice without focus.

"Yes! Constance is sleeping at the moment, if that's why you're here?" The tentative and very subdued reply echoed around the silent room.

"I'm.........I really wish this hadn't happened." Catherine in a very defeated tone replied, her body was at exhaustion's edge.

"Yeah, I know. It wasn't your fault," the young woman said with conviction.

"If I thought that was true Clare I would feel way happier than I am at the moment." Catherine almost sagged at the heavy burden of bitter disappointment at her so-called senior security staff that she was holding inside.

"The doctor said she would wake up tomorrow, do you mind if I stay off work until then?" Clare asked the tall woman who had always been considered the next best thing to Satan in the organisation.

Catherine winced at the words. She wondered if she was viewed as nothing more than being a demon in nature, with little or no compassion. Hell, after today's revelations, who knew anymore whether or not she was, she certainly didn't. "How about you take whatever time you need to be here for Constance, and Clare you need to be there for yourself too! The things you have experienced need to be aired in anyway you feel happiest with, and if that isn't the way people want it, you tell them to come and talk it over with me, okay?"

Clare looked at the woman and noticed for the first time that she had a dog attached to a harness and that her eyes didn't focus. 'She's blind?'

Danni had seen the shock in Clare's eyes, when she suddenly became aware of Catherine's disability.

"You're blind?" Clare pronounced indistinctly.

Catherine shuffled her feet a little on the floor and Danni smirked, it reminded her of Jake when he was uncomfortable. "Yes, yes I am! I thought Paul would have informed the senior staff?" Catherine was a little, no, a lot self-conscious about this turn of events.

"He never talked about you, he said you had suffered enough. Obviously you have suffered more than we all knew." Clare couldn't help the sob that went with her words.

Catherine gathered what little she had left of her strength; her eyes were already smarting from the pain of having to keep the tears back. "He was a good friend," she managed to clear her throat swiftly.

"Constance will want to see you when she wakes." Clare said matter of factly through her tears.

"Then you call me and I'll be here." Catherine answered immediately.

"Yes, thanks." Clare smiled weakly at the woman who had the reputation to send most of the senior executive's into the bathroom in fear and trepidation. Yet that was not the persona reflecting here in this room.

"Clare, get some sleep if you can, I know how hard that is at this time, but if you want to help her when she wakes, it will be the best thing you could do, trust me?" Catherine said as she walked towards the door.

"I'll consider that, but you don't know what it feels like, --this loneliness! Clare said bleakly.

Turning swiftly much to the amazement of Danni and Clare she knelt down and hugged the woman to her, "I know, trust me?  We are going to get through this together, anything else is unacceptable, right?"

Clare sobbed into her broad shoulder for a few minutes, and then responded softly. "Yes, together?"

Catherine smiled gently at the women she could remember vaguely from her visit, not so far back, but before events began to rear up and destroy her old lifestyle, it hurt to think of it. "You have that right!" She backed off and just as she was about to leave the room Clare softly asked her if Constance had any family she should inform?

Catherine frowned a little as she tried to recall this woman's personal profile. "No, no she's alone, unless she has someone here now?"

Clare smiled slowly, "She does, and she has me!"

Catherine walked towards the door that Danni had opened for her, a smile playing around her lips. "Glad to hear it." Catherine said as she left the room, a small smile tugging at her lips at the young woman's admittance.

Jace watched the snowdrift over the drive, smiling at the sight, it was beautiful and something out of a picture postcard. Her glance drifted to her daughter who was sleeping soundly at the moment in the crib next to the bed she shared with Catherine.

'I love you Catherine, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, that is the most important thing to remember, I have your heart and I'm going to keep it safe no matter the problems you endure.' Jace thought as she looked at the white ground from her window view.

Looking over to the dressing table that held Catherine's toiletries, she wanted to find out exactly what perfume Catherine used.  It had intrigued her for months or had it been a year plus, maybe it had at that! Going over the skin care creams and the make-up she used, although in low volume, when she came upon a bottle that was surely the perfume essence of the woman she could smell in every room that she entered. Picking up the bottle she saw nothing significant to highlight the name of the perfume.  Opening the bottle she put her nose to the top of the bottle and drew in a large breath of the scent. It was lavender water, no doubt about it, no doubt at all, but that wasn't Catherine, no way!

Jace walked away from the table and sat heavily down on the bed. It was lonely, so very lonely without her in the room, in the bed, in her life! Getting up from the bed almost immediately, far too restless to settle down for the night. Jace went towards the compact disc player that had been left on. Instinctively putting her hand out to turn the machine off which Catherine had obviously forgotten in her haste over the events that had transpired, she stopped, why not listen to what Catherine had been listening to before she'd left; it might help to bring her closer. Jace looked at the digital display it was on repeat, novel but so typical of Catherine.

Jace touched the play button and went back over to the bed, sat down heavily, listening to the last recording her lover had heard in their room. It was an obscure band that Catherine seemed to enjoy immensely, their sound largely based in soft rock.

There isn't a night, or a day that I don't think of you!

I watch you sleep, help keep you awake.

I miss you darling; I miss your mind, your body and soul.

Into the night, you are my light,

You make the shadows retreat, my demons go deep.

I miss you darling; I miss your mind, your body and soul.

When you walk beside me I know I'll never be alone.

When the sun shines through your smile, I bask in the rays down to the blood of my soul.

I miss you darling; I miss your mind, your body and soul.

When your heart braves my darkness, you entice the brightness within.

As you sleep in my arms, you whisper my name.

You give me your love and my heart weaves a welcome that is never undone.

I miss you darling; I miss your mind, your body and soul.

Jace hugged 'Taz' to her as she heard the words and laid her head on the pillow and smelt the perfume that was Catherine. "I miss you too Catherine." Jace saw the waking movements of her daughter and knew that feeding time wasn't far away. 'Be safe, be careful and most importantly come home to us, whatever home you deem that to be Catherine!'

With that Jace picked up her daughter and once again looked in awe at the tiny bundle she had in her arms.

Catherine hadn't noticed how the apartment she had left six years ago felt when she arrived back half an hour ago. Her body was in final shutdown and unless she got into bed soon she was going to be asleep standing up. All her body ached from her head to her feet; she couldn't remember feeling this bad, not even when she'd been recovering from the accident.

Danni watched the defeated slump of Catherine's shoulders and knew it was pointless to ask her any questions; just let her get some sleep and tomorrow was another day, hopefully a little easier. Hearing the breaking of an object hitting the floor and a curse following it, she came out of her musings to find Catherine standing silently and gazing directly in front of her, her eyes looking out of dark, sunken sockets as the fatigue took its toll on her body.

"You okay Catherine?" Danni asked, making her way to the broken object and picking the pieces up with her hands.

"Yes. What did I break?" Catherine asked tightly.

Danni hesitated; the piece had the look of something old. "It's a vase, a porcelain vase, quite beautiful, in white with gold characters adorning it."

Catherine wiped a hand across her eyes and the sadness that had been a part of her since they'd started this journey was tangible in the air. "A wedding present; it's one of the few things I have that belonged to that phase of my life." Catherine put out her hand to Danni for the pieces.

"Maybe I should just put them in a container Catherine, there are some sharp pieces that could cut you, if you're not careful."  Danni tried to explain. 'What on earth could she possibly gain by handling the shards now?'

The hand remained outstretched demanding the pieces; Danni placed them carefully in the outstretched palm. "Thanks.' Catherine holding the pieces in one hand and the harness to Rio in the other, she wearily trudged to the door at the end of the corridor and turned to Danni her eyebrow raised, 'Would you open the door for me please Danni?"

Danni walked up to join her, and opened the Georgian style door to allow Catherine to enter. Danni gasped as she noted the King-sized four-poster bed adorned with peach-laced filmy curtains, the bed coverings were in translucent colours of the rainbow, giving a shimmering effect. It was a staggering sight; if Catherine had used this room for seduction purposes, she had the right setting clearly. The rest of the room became almost insignificant in comparison and yet, from what Danni could see there were some beautiful pieces of furniture scattered around the room. A far cry from her room at 'Destiny', that was almost functional, although she didn't know what it was like now that the token American had taken up residence in it. "It's beautiful." Danni couldn't help exclaim from her position at the door.

"Is it? I've been away a long time, I don't remember it that well." Catherine said absently, as she walked further into the room.

"Sorry to ask Catherine, but where shall I bunk down?" Danni's voice held anticipation; Catherine sat down heavily on the inviting bed, and placed her precious broken vase on the counterpane.

Catherine looked up at her and a small smile crept onto her face. "Ah, the apartment has another four bedrooms, chose whichever you want, Susan will have made sure that all are prepared."

Danni sighed, Catherine quirked an eyebrow in her direction at the sound. "Something wrong?"

"No, nothings wrong. Will you need anything else or are you finished for the day?" Danni quickly replied, her sigh one of frustrated longing. That bed was sure inviting and if the woman who sat on it was in there too, well what more could you want in life.

"I need you to feed Rio and then you can let him back in the room for me. Otherwise no, I need to get some sleep, it's going to be a long week ahead." Catherine stroked the dog's ears as she spoke and then swiftly released the harness from him with practised ease handing it towards Danni, who then had to enter the room fully to collect it.

Danni's hand briefly touched Catherine's and she could feel the strength in her hand and it was like a physical pain when she let go. "That wasn't an invitation to my bed Danni. I wouldn't want there to be any misunderstandings while you're in my home. The only person who will ever get that invitation now is several thousand miles away, nursing our new baby." Catherine's voice held a note of finality about it, tinged with undisguised disgust at the thought of sharing her bed with anyone else but Jace.

"I would....... I wouldn't presume......."she trailed off, knowing she was talking rubbish; given any opportunity she would get into bed with this woman, career or no career.

"Good. Susan my housekeeper will be over first thing in the morning; don't upset her, she's invaluable to me here." Catherine turned away and stroked the broken pieces of the vase on her bed.

Danni turned bright red at the accusation and turned with Rio trotting behind her, she went to feed him as instructed, closing the door behind her.

Catherine heard the closing of the door and gently picked up a shard of the vase and her head shook in sorrow. 'Why? Why do you keep haunting me so? When will it stop?' her mind shouted to the darkness she felt drawing her in. Collecting the pieces, she turned to the table she recalled by the bedside and placed them on the clear surface. Kicking off her shoes and shedding her clothes, she didn't have the strength to do any more than crawl under the covers and lay her head heavily down on the pillow.

As she closed her eyes and felt the final dregs of strength drain away, her last thoughts as she accepted the inevitable nightmares she would endure. 'Don't forget your promise Jace, you promised to love me all my tomorrows. I think I'm going to need that love, even if you have to project it thousands of miles, my soul will feel it! Just as I hope your soul will feel the love I project to you, every hour that I breath.'

Half an hour later the door was opened slowly and Rio entered and sat at his mistress's right hand side of the bed; he would watch the physical shadows for her.

Continued In Part 9

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