~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Eleven
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements: See Part One

Part 11

Chapter Twenty-one:

Jace watched as the aircraft flew higher taking away her family and friends that now pulled away over the horizon. Wiping a tear away Jace turned towards her three children and Faith. It was always difficult to say goodbye. Especially when there was such a distance between them, several thousand miles in fact. At least there was one consolation, in three weeks time they would be going to New York. Jace thought it might be a good idea, if she and the children spent the final week of the two-week visit in California with her parents. Catherine had looked at the childishly expectant expression on Jace's face and swallowed down her initial negative reaction to the request and merely pulled her into a warm embrace and said "anything for you".

"Hey, how about we go into town and have lunch at 'Sharkie's', my treat?" Jace smiled at her laughing brood. Even Faith gave her a wide grin of approval at the idea and the choice of venue. The place itself looked quite sparsely decorated and indeed it was in some of the alcoves. However, the food was superb, having the best fish dishes in town. They all loved fish, even Elena. It was a good choice.

"Yeah, that's cool Jace. Will Catherine be back to eat with us too?" Lisa said and skipped around the fenced area for people who were just visiting the airport and placed her small hand in Jace's right one.

Jace gave Lisa an affectionate glance and clasped the smaller hand in hers gently. Jake looked towards them as he pushed Elena in her stroller as they all walked towards the car park area and the Landrover that Faith had driven down. John Cruisal had driven the other vehicle, as they had needed to carry everyone to the airport. He had left for the ranch as soon as he had dropped the passengers at the airport and removed their luggage for the airport personnel to handle. That had annoyed Lucy, but she had at least managed to persuade Jace to allow Cruisal to be the driver. However, even that had taken a temper tantrum and lots of tears. Fortunately, Catherine wasn't around, so at least, they didn't have to convince her.

"Darling, Catherine had to go to Christchurch to see her doctor, she told you yesterday remember? So, she can't have lunch, but she'll be home tonight and she called this morning to say that she would try and be back before you went to bed." Jace smiled at the children and her own anxiety and fears over her partners fresh health concerns were effectively dissipated for a little while.

It hadn't taken a rocket scientist to realise that Catherine was struggling with her shirt as she dressed hurriedly to meet up with Jason and Jake. "You okay?" Jace had asked her, a knot of concern slowly tightening in her chest as she saw the flash of pain over her partner's face.

"Yes, of course. Whatever gave you idea something is wrong?" Catherine gave a smile that for anyone else would give the distinct impression that nothing was amiss and it was a figment of the imagination.

"You forget partner, I live with you. I saw you wince in pain, and if you lie to me, well there's no knowing what might happen to you. So let's share this new brave front that has come over you, please Catherine?" Jace looked at Catherine from her position leaning on her side watching the expressions flitting across her face. "Don't even think about it Catherine."

"Would I lie to you?" Catherine gave her a downcast look and gingerly sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Unfortunately in this circumstance, I do believe you would." Jace gave her a wry smile.

"Okay, okay Bardley, I was going to tell you sometime soon anyway! I've been having a few shooting pains in the left shoulder. It is quite painful at times and stops the movement a little, no big deal." Catherine locked her ice blue gaze on the green slightly misty eyes of the woman who had come to mean the essence of life in such a short space of time to her.

Jace shot up from the bed and placed her hands around Catherine's still featured face and shook her head. "Catherine when did it start? Why didn't you say something sooner? Are you mad to keep it a secret?" Jace could have continued indefinitely, but she saw the sadness appear in those very expressive eyes locked on hers.

"Jace, I know what you're saying, but listen please. I just wanted to spend the holidays with my family and not go for a prodding session at the hospital. Can you understand that?" Catherine asked her softly.

Jace saw the hesitation in Catherine's face, "Yes, I can understand that; so what are you going to do about it now?"

Catherine rested her forehead on her partners and as their breath mingled she replied quietly. "I sent e-mail to the surgeon in Christchurch. I hope to have a reply when I get back later today. What would you say about we finish this discussion along with the more important one later. Is that alright with you Jace?"

Jace gave her a rueful smile and nodded her head. "Will you be okay, out there today? I mean do you need to maybe cover up more than that old shirt you have?"

Catherine laughed softly, "Jace if you hadn't noticed it's warm out there and I think this old shirt brings back some good memories, wouldn't you say?"

Jace recalled the number of times she'd 'helped' Catherine remove it, so it sure did, her face tinted slightly as she chuckled. "Yes, your right, sorry to worry so much."

Catherine pulled Jace into a warm embrace her hold gentle and loving, "Never, ever, stop worrying Jace. Where ever would I be without you in my life to pick up my pieces?"

Jace smiled up at her and heard the soft footfalls of two people on the stairs. "I guess that's your cue to take a hike, huh?"

"Yes, I guess it is; I love you Jace Bardley, always and forever." Catherine kissed her gently and released her embrace and moved away from the bed.

"Forever Catherine." Jace repeated as she followed Catherine's tall form out of the room and then gave a heavy sigh.

The doctor had agreed to see her immediately after New Years Day. She would need to stay overnight for tests. So, she had taken the train out early the day before having politely made excuses that she had a check up that she couldn't re-arrange because of her business schedule. Most had been sympathetic except one, and Lucy had smirked 'I told you so' that Catherine put everything on hold for business, even her own family. Normally Frank would have picked her up with the helicopter, but she needed him to fly the others to Auckland today and therefore the train was the only option other than a chauffeur.

Jace had sorely wanted to be with her, however; they still had visitors, which had stopped her from being with Catherine for the tests. Catherine refused to allow them both to abandon their family and friends as this holiday visit came to an end.

Catherine had seemed unconcerned when she'd called that morning to confirm she would be home around dinner. Catherine was not known for long conversations with anyone, they were few and far between.

Settling them down in an alcove nearest the garden, which had a small play area for children and even ones as young as Elena wouldn't be in any danger.

"Can we go play until the food arrives Jace?" Lisa asked hopefully.

Jace looked at the expectant face of the child and grinned, "sure why not, what would you like to eat?"

"I would like a swordfish Jace." The child answered her selection always amused them because she asked the same question everytime she sat down to eat it, 'where was the sword'? Never failed to amuse them all. Especially Catherine, who had one day been in a particularly wacky mood and selected a sword from the cocktail drinks sticks and asked the waiter to put it on the fish just as it was presented to the child. That had effectively stopped Lisa in her tracks for all of a minute. Then she had commented on the fact that it was plastic and bright green. You couldn't please some people Catherine had remarked and hugged the child to her as they all laughed at the situation.

"I'll take Elena Jace, so may I have the tiger prawns with lots of fries?" Jake gave her a dashing smile.

She laughed at his selection. "Yes, go ahead, but Jake, she's going to want you to push her high on that swing. Remember she wriggles around like a fish herself and she might slip, okay?"

"No problemo Jace. Come on Elena, let's go play." Jake took hold of his sister's hands and they walked slowly towards the playground area, in full sight of the watching adults.

"Jake adores Elena." Faith pointed out and smiled her eyes gentle as she watched them outside.

"Yes, who could figure it really? You would have thought Lisa might be more taken with her, but no, our Jake is definitely smitten; mind you I think it's wonderful." Jace gave her children a fond glance and then went back to her perusal of the menu.

"Yeah, it is and you wouldn't think they all had different parents looking at them together." Faith watched the blonde opposite her in a thoughtful regard.

Jace looked up and caught the glance from Faith. "You trying to make a point tactfully or would you just like to get to the point directly?"

Faith smiled at the younger woman, she had never seen her lose her temper, raise her voice or be anything other than supportive, compassionate and loving around her family and friends and even strangers. "Will the powers that be allow you to adopt them?"

Jace gave Faith a long even look and her green eyes darkened at the question. It was one she had asked numerous times of her partner, who had tried and failed to convince her that things were progressing well in that direction. "Catherine is convinced they will; she's engaged the best lawyers, but they haven't managed to achieve the approval of the government department that sanctions the adoption papers. I hope in the future we can, but certain circumstances are not in our favour right now!"

Faith looked at the blonde and she saw the tears welling up that indicated her discomfort with the subject and her own inadequacy over the situation. "Does it matter in the end, you have given them a super home and a loving family atmosphere. What more could you hope to gain by a piece of paper?"

"Faith, you say the nicest things, but Catherine worries that the authorities might deem her unfit or us both unfit and remove them from our care." Jace explained quietly.

"Because you're living together?" Faith hadn't particularly liked this element of the relationship between the two women when she had first arrived at Destiny. But, her daughter had swiftly pointed out it wasn't her business and she needed to adopt a more open mind. Well, she'd certainly attained that attribute especially after the kidnapping and her views on life had taken a rapid turn about.  If the love these two women shared could be bottled, they would make a fortune and Faith wouldn't mind a small bottle of her own just to see her through the next twenty years or so.

"That's the classic question and I guess under normal circumstances and in other countries sure that would be the reason, but not here. Catherine's background and her conviction for drugs unfortunately is the key factor. She is still only seen as a temporary resident and that puts a hold to any adoption for the time being."

"Will she attain a full residency again?" Faith asked. She had wondered about that particular problem, but her knowledge of what was right and wrong in the political field wasn't that clear.

"We all hope so, but......" Jace didn't finish her eyes taking another look at the menu.

"Catherine's not going to get it back is she?" Faith asked the woman gently.

Jace looked up and the tears that had been threatening now fell slowly down her cheeks. "I don't think she will, and it is so unfair Faith. She loves this country and it will break her heart when they pass her over again."

Faith smiled weakly at the young woman who was little more than a child herself and who had taken on not only the responsibility of three children, but also the dubious and yet unfailing accountability for her partner's spirit and life. "I hope my country takes a closer look behind the scenes before it makes that decision Jace, for all of you."

"Thanks Faith. Come on, enough of this, let's order the food, I'm starving." The blonde chuckled.

Faith laughed along with this effervescent woman. She was totally endearing and it wasn't surprising the tall dark partner Jace shared her life with never let her out of her sight when they were together. Faith sometimes wondered if Catherine didn't have eyes in the back of her head when it came to watching over Jace. At least it was the look of love that always shone out of those often-cold ice blue eyes when they alighted on the blonde; that would always be enough to convince anyone of Catherine's intent with regards to Jace's well being.


"Why didn't you speak sooner of this Mrs. Warriorson?" Charles Forsythe, her consultant surgeon asked in his brittle, best
professional voice.

Catherine raised her eyebrows at the words and gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I was busy, it didn't appear to be much of a problem at first."

"That at first would be?" He asked as he looked down at the test results, his face giving away nothing.

"Perhaps a month ago maybe two, wasn't counting, it wasn't important." Catherine spoke in a monosyllabic tone.

Charles Forsythe gave a long piercing glance out of his own, cold grey eyes and tugged on his short goatee beard. "You do not consider your health important Mrs. Warriorson, would that be the general consensus at home from your family too?"

Catherine looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap; okay so she was trying to cover up, and it wasn't working with this man. "No! My family would be upset if there was a major problem."

"I'm pleased to hear that at least. So, would you care to retract your previous statement and relate to me again when you first noticed the pain?" The doctor looked at her averted profile; sometimes you had to wonder at the stupidity of intelligent people when it came down to health issues.

Catherine looked back at him and gave him a wry look. "Six months ago, I was abroad at the time something seemed to snap is probably the only way to describe it. I didn't think much of it at the time. Other things came up and it kind of lost any real significance."

"Thank you for at least finally being truthful. Yes, you have a problem. No, it will not cause you permanent disability. Although, leaving it any longer, we may not have been so fortunate. None the less, we need to perform an operation as soon as possible to correct the problem and I would judge a couple of months of physio and you should be back to strength again." The doctor explained in a fast controlled voice.

Catherine swallowed hard. Hell, she had to go to New York soon and then the ceremony, Jesus why did things like this happen to her. "What would you say, if I postponed the surgery for three months?"

Charles Forsythe laughed at the remark. "I would ask you to leave and find yourself another surgeon. Plus, you would lose the use of the left shoulder in that time, however, it is your choice."

Catherine placed a hand under her chin and stroked it in concentration. "I actually thought you might say that, so when did you propose?"

"If I had the choice I would say tomorrow, but I don't for one minute think you're going to let me have that option? So I suggest three days time. That will give you the opportunity to clear up a few matters at home." The doctor saw her flinch at the time scale.  He smiled at the expression.

"That's kind of cutting it short, how long will the surgery take or should I say how long will I be in the hospital?" Catherine asked him maybe she could salvage her plans with Jace, maybe!

"Looking at your file and how well you heal, I would say a week maximum, but then you will need the physio work. I can obviously suggest someone to help you with that as before, perhaps Ms O'Neil would take up the post again. I heard that you and she were quite friendly at one point."

Catherine glared at the doctor, pity he was bloody good at this type of surgery or she would have gone to either the States or England to have the operation after that comment, it was tempting.

"Actually, Ms. O'Neil and I parted less than friends shall we say. I will arrange that part of the recuperation myself, obviously under guidance." Catherine answered and challenged him to refute that prospect.

"Perhaps that will be as well; you will of course not be in a position to do any strenuous exercise for a couple of months." The doctor saw her raise her eyebrow at the remark and he smiled.

"I'm sure your.....family will understand." Charles Forsythe gave her a knowing smile, he knew about the rumours and found it quite amusing how people had continued to speculate months after the original stories had emerged.

Catherine refused to answer that one and stood up from her seat opposite him. "Okay, I'll be back in three days. E-mail me the details and time you want me here. I might need an adjoining room, I assume that isn't a problem?"

Charles smiled at her. She was someone that you hated to have as a patient, but she had the one powerful asset all hospitals loved, money!

"No problem at all, let me know. I will see you in three days Mrs Warriorson, goodbye until then."

"Yes, three days doctor and thank you," her words spoken quietly and with little warmth.

Catherine walked out of the hospital minutes later and made her way towards the centre of town. It was a wonderful day for a walk and she needed to think, this was putting all her plans in jeopardy. Mind you, she couldn't blame the bloody surgeon. He was only doing his job and she'd been the foolish one here. If she had only acted on the pain earlier, it would be over and done with, and things wouldn't be interfering with her life again. Her fault as usual, perhaps one day she just might use some of that intelligence she possessed and make a good call in her own personal life for once. Jace might just forgive her, but she was definitely going to be mad.


Chapter Twenty-two:

Jace had been mad, that was an understatement and now sitting on the porch watching a beautiful sky that had the light hues of blue, pink and Catherine was sure she discerned purple within its' depths. Having a beautiful sky to look out onto without Jace to share it was hard, and it cut Catherine in more places than she cared to admit to herself, never mind anyone else.

Elena was finally sleeping fitfully, her teeth causing the baby to be fractious and upset her tears never far away. It made Catherine smile a lot like her mother, but for different reasons. Jace had left the screaming baby in what she called Catherine's 'capable hands' and gave her an exasperated look and went to assure the two older children had gone to bed. Making sure that Jake wasn't on the computer and Lisa didn't have her head stuck in the giant doll's house she adored. It was after all, school in the morning.  Catherine had been to tired to complete the story she was telling them, at least Jace had generously allowed her that reprieve.

To complete Jace's annoyance with her partner, she had informed Catherine that she needed to talk to Faith and the sooner the better! Leaving the statement as blank as that, giving Catherine no possible indication of why?

Faith chose that moment to arrive on the porch and she held two enormous mugs and Catherine turned to her in question. "Where did those come from?"

"I bought them today in town, I have watched you drink gallons of tea from that mug of yours, but it's usually not enough. So, I thought one a little larger might be of more help." The older woman smiled at the dark pensive looking figure sitting in one of the wicker chairs and she placed the steaming mugs of tea on the small table between two chairs and casually sat in the vacant one.

"That was very thoughtful Faith, I appreciate the gesture and I do kind of enjoy my tea." She gave Grace's mother a rueful look and snatched up the mug placed next to her and drank from it, relishing the taste and settled herself back in the chair.

Faith had been talking to Judy when a rather volatile conversation had taken place with the owner of the property and her partner within ten minutes of Catherine coming home. Although, now they knew that Catherine was going back into the hospital and it had been her own fault. Or, Jace had muttered words to that effect angrily as she stomped off to see the elder children. Both Judy and herself had been somewhat surprised at Jace and the altercation that had taken place. To say it was unusual would be putting it mildly. Now looking at the averted profile of the tall raven-haired woman, she could see Catherine was clearly upset and looked somewhat ashen as well.

"Yes, I noticed. I bought four of them just in case of breakage's and if Jace finally gets a mug she can call her own, perhaps she wont keep inadvertently drinking other's coffee placed on the table." Faith chuckled at her comment. The blonde had a habit that was just so unconscious it was hard not to laugh everytime she 'stole' someone's coffee. Perhaps, Grace had a trick that she hadn't yet informed Judy about that little practice.

Catherine turned to the older woman and smiled. "Yes, Jace doesn't realise it you know, and it is kind of amusing, but I'm glad I don't drink coffee in a morning or we would be fighting I would hazard."

"Yes." A simple word that conveyed more than its simplicity.

Catherine looked directly into Faith's brown eyes, which reminded her of Grace. Catherine brought the mug of tea up for another drink and held in her hand in a cradling action and moved her glance to the baby and watched the even breathing of the child and noted the pink cheeks that the teething was causing the child. "Elena looked worn out this evening." Catherine remarked absently, her mind running over Jace's anger and finding it difficult to come up with a suitable response. She had lied to her partner; that was the immovable object that Jace was particularly upset about, but Catherine had unconsciously made the decision months ago.  It was a mistake!

"Yeah, she had a great time playing at 'Sharkies' over lunch. Jake makes sure she enjoys herself to the full and then she woke from a short nap screaming. Jace hasn't had any peace all afternoon, the child was inconsolable for hours--it happens." Faith said watching the guarded expression change to one of understanding.

"Yes, Elena can scream the house down if she isn't happy, that's for sure. I obviously wasn't aware of the situation when I came home and Jace never mentioned it." Catherine said softly. It did put a few pieces of the puzzle in the picture with Jace's unusual attitude to her earlier.

"No, well Jace probably thought you had enough on your mind and it looks like she was right. She told us you have to have more surgery?" Faith tentatively asked.

Catherine expelled a deep breath and it blew the hair that had fallen over her forehead up in the hair for a second. "Yes, unfortunately so, it simply has not come at the time I would want but.........I have to rethink some plans that's all."

Faith gave the younger woman a concerned glance; it surprised her. She had never felt anything other than grudging respect for Catherine Warriorson. She always seemed in control and remote to everyone except her immediate family and her daughter Grace.

"Is it a dangerous operation?"

Catherine smiled and rose out of the chair and went over to lean against the railing of the porch her hands clutching the tea mug.

"No, well, not really, but all surgery as an element of risk regardless of what it is even the simplest of procedures. I have an excellent surgeon. And I will be home within the week; as always it is the recuperation that takes the time."

"Yeah, that is the truth." Faith watched the back of the woman she was definitely tense and Faith knew there was only one person who could change that.

"Jace wanted me to talk to you Faith. Unfortunately she failed to allow me the pleasure of knowing exactly why?" Catherine spoke in a measured voice.

"Ah, well, today I told Jace I was leaving at the weekend to go home." Faith informed her and watched the tall woman spin round and deposit the remains of her tea on the decking in her haste.

"Why?" Catherine asked she hadn't expected this at all.

"I feel I have outstayed my welcome Catherine. You have been kind enough to allow me to stay on the property for over eight months. It's time to go home and pick up my old life." Faith explained she was in truth surprised at the reaction from the tall woman she looked upset!

"I........is it something we've done or haven't done? Or.....I guess I never thought about you going back home." Catherine answered lamely; she didn't know what to say. Of course Faith would want to go home. She had only come to help Grace and then there was the wedding; they as a family would mean nothing to Faith, even if the woman had taken over as a surrogate grandparent to the kids--all of them.

"No! No, nothing you or Jace have done. I thought that perhaps you would like to have the house to yourselves and just have the family around. It can't be much fun having strangers in the house all the time." Faith had tears in her eyes as she spoke. In all honesty leaving this place was the furthest thing from her mind. It had become a sanctuary for her since her husband's death and she was actually getting to know her daughter, she loved them all, particularly the baby who had captured her heart from day one. Judy and she had become friends and she would miss her trips into town for the line dancing they indulged in twice a week. She thought that Judy might miss the friendship as much as she would. Jace who had become a third daughter to her, they had often talked as a mother-daughter does and something Faith had rarely experienced with her independent daughters. This woman before her was the only enigma and one she hadn't been able to fathom at all and that made the decision possible, what did this woman think of her in her home?

"Stranger? Faith do you believe that you're a stranger in my home?" Catherine was flabbergasted. She knew that Faith had a few issues with her and Jace's relationship in the early months, so they'd tried to respect that, and eventually believed it hadn't seemed to be a problem, or according to Grace it hadn't. Then again, when did Grace know much about her own mother?

Faith saw the puzzled expression cross over Catherine's face. She could understand why Jace watched her partner's profile with a dreamy expression; she was a very beautiful woman and her features created their own image for anyone looking closely. "Don't you?" Faith passed the ball back into Catherine's court.

"Actually no! I perhaps haven't taken the time that I obviously should to acknowledge your place in my household Faith; you're my children's grandmother. I think Jace would be devastated if you left her also. She enjoys your quiet support, being so many thousands of miles from her own mother; it helps in more ways than you know." Catherine tried to explain her voice uncertain.

"Would you want me to stay? Where would I live?" Faith asked her quietly. She was overcome with Catherine's view of her in the family's life.

"I would want you to stay if that's what you want Faith. It comes down to what you want to do? Is there something wrong with the room you have?" Catherine was perplexed; Faith had actually the largest guestroom in the house, the only other rooms larger were the apartment space for the housekeeper.

"The room is beautiful Catherine. My daughter is obviously talented in that area."

Catherine smiled at that comment acknowledging that Grace had decided on the decoration of the house.

"I would like to stay Catherine, I love the family and I need it in my life." The woman admitted and drank the last of her tea out of the enormous mug.

Catherine laughed, "Not sure if you can cope with the prospect of teenagers in the near future, but we could sure use the help and experience you have Faith. I for one have a very hard time understanding the children at times, especially Elena."

"Elena, why she's a softy Catherine. You need to be firm that's all!" Faith smiled at the baby fast asleep in the travel crib. She never saw the expression of self-disgust that passed over Catherine's face at the innocent comment.

"Yes, it's very strange, but everyone says that." Turning away from the railing she gave Faith the first ever all encompassing smile that made the stoic features shine like a beacon in the dark recesses of the night.

"I'll go and see Judy and book our trip into town next week then, perhaps you would inform Jace for me?" Faith saw the indecisive look cross the face.

"Yes, I will and my home is your home Faith; for however long you wish to make it so. I'm glad you decided to stay." Catherine walked towards the kitchen doorway her mug hanging loosely in her hands.

"Before you go in to talk to Judy, would you please keep an eye on Elena for a short time, I have a friend to appease."

"The invitation sounds pretty good to me Catherine, thanks. Sure go ahead to Jace. I will see to Elena." Faith stood up herself and watched the woman enter the house, now that was unexpected, that woman had more facets to her character than a three-dimensional puzzle. Faith gently picked up the travel crib and went into the kitchen area herself.


Jace had decided to go into their bedroom and think about Catherine. Sometimes being in the same room with her had a way of shredding her resolve and she needed to resolve this attitude that Catherine persisted with about keeping secrets. She had accused her partner of deceit and that hadn't been the case. It was purely an oversight at first from Catherine, then a notion she had in her head that it was a way of protecting Jace.

Catherine was so complex Jace wondered if she needed a degree in C. X. Devonshire Warriorson studies, wouldn't that be

Throwing herself unceremoniously on the bed, Jace allowed a tear to track down her cheek at the frustration of her partner. 'You don't know how you hurt me Catherine with this solitary plane you still reach for when there is pain in your life. I'm here for Zeus's sake. I'll always been here for you! I need you to understand that, we can't go forward until you do, we can't go anywhere at all!' her tears flowed all the more at her dejected thoughts.

Now there was the added problem of Catherine going into the hospital with Faith leaving at the same time. Jace wouldn't be in a position to go with Catherine again! The children needed to have someone they viewed as family at home and Grace wasn't here; now, Faith would be gone too. Jace couldn't leave the children to Judy that would be so unfair on the woman who was becoming more and more invaluable to them in the household and as a friend too. If they weren't lucky in some situations at least they appeared to choose the right friend's around them.

Catherine walked silently into the room and saw her partner crying sprawled out on the bed. Her back turned away from the door so Jace hadn't seen or heard her enter. It very nearly made Catherine turn and run from the anguish she was causing the woman she loved, nearly but not quite. If she had to face the wrath of Jace Bardley, she would do so and there was never a better time.

Clearing her voice Catherine spoke tenderly to the blonde. "I talked to Faith."

Jace heard the voice, she gulped back more tears and scrubbed her face with her right hand and then turned her tear stained face to Catherine.

"What did she say?"

"She wanted to go home. I never realised I hadn't said the words Jace, I apologise for that oversight on my part and.......if it hurt you in any way." Catherine realised her obtuse attitude might well have caused her partner pain.

Jace raised her red rimmed swollen green eyes to Catherine's ice blue ones that held sincere apology in them. "Is she still going home?"

"No, no she agreed to stay," the words quietly spoken.

"Was that because of the surgery and then she's leaving again or you just bullied her into staying a while longer." Jace knew she was being unfair, but today she couldn't help it. Her nerves were shredded and Catherine was taking the brunt of the force of her negative emotions.

Catherine sat down at the edge of the bed and flinched inwardly as Jace moved a little further away from her, that was a first!

"No! Faith doesn't want to leave Jace. She is family. Why should she?" Catherine's own voice was ragged, did Jace think that she wanted to get rid of Faith from the property.

"You think she's family?" Jace saw the pained expression on Catherine's face and knew she was responsible.

"Yes, she's the children's grandmother. What kind of person do you take me for that I would want to see her leave?" Catherine retorted irately.

Jace moved closer to Catherine, they were within inches of each other as touching was a normal pre-requisite with them. But, today it was different for them both. There was something wrong with their relationship and if they didn't face it and destroy the problem for good, they couldn't move on. "I'm pleased you think like that and I'm glad Faith has decided not to leave us." Jace eventually responded, her eyes looked down at the bedclothes and she traced the pattern with her fingertips.

"I don't want you to leave me either Jace?" Catherine said. It was so softly spoken that Jace wasn't sure she'd heard the words, they sounded so unsure and filled with fear.

Jace looked up and not only had she heard the fear, but Catherine's face was white and her eyes looked haunted and shocked. It would be so easy to put her hand up to the face she loved and wipe away the doubt. Not this time, they had to work it out, passion and sex wasn't going to do that for them, it might help the process, but not solve the issues.

"I don't want to leave you either Catherine, but are you going to give me choices or are you going to continue in bearing your pain alone. We are supposed to be partners Catherine. If you can't share the bad times what type of person does that make me? I want it all Catherine, the hurt, pain, shadows, disappointments and loneliness that you experience. Why not let me in Catherine?"

"I only want the best for you Jace, the dreams and happiness that I can help you achieve. What is the point in us both experiencing the dark?" Catherine said, her voice searing Jace in its intensity.

"You think that life should be only happiness? For god's sake Catherine, that isn't life! That's living a mockery of life without some of the pain and bitterness that we experience. How ever can we learn to appreciate the good things that happen to us? Are you telling me that if you had the power you would let me and our children only feel good and you take all our pain?" Jace's heart bleed as she spoke the woman had this idealistic world that she wanted to transplant them in, but that wouldn't work! For any of them and particularly her, life was cruel and the only way she knew how to deal with the cruelties was by the lessons of life and that included the bad too!

"Yes, I would. I would take the pain for you all if I could." Catherine stood up and walked over to the window. Her eyes looked at the still relatively light sky it was beautiful, but she didn't see that at this moment, she saw nothing at all, everything was changing.

"If I told you I wanted to take your pain Catherine what then?" Jace watched the tall back stiffen at the comment.

"I would say you were a fool, but a brave fool that I love." Catherine said quietly her eyes starring unseeingly out of the window.

Jace move off the bed and silently padded towards the window. "Will you allow this fool to come inside that wall you've been building again, but this time please give me the key to the secret entrance."

Catherine turned startled eyes to her smaller companion. "I.......I......it's hard to allow Jace as much as I love you. I can't see you hurt, it would break my heart, don't you know that?"

Jace took the step that brought her head to her taller partners shoulder. "Yes, it might break your heart, but would you prefer that to never having the chance to share all our experiences, the good and bad Catherine. We can restore the broken heart together if it happens!"

Catherine lifted her hand and brought it to fleetingly touch the smooth side of Jace's cheek, it felt so good to touch her. Catherine missed Jace in ways that could never be explained and why should they ever be it was after all her soul that was weeping at the loss. "I will never keep things from you again Jace, I promise you!" Catherine spoke her voice broke at the words as the first tears wove their way down her cheeks.

Jace reached up and smoothed the tears away and she gave her partner a smile filled with compassion and love. "I know Catherine, until the next time, and then what do we do? Can you keep this promise Catherine? Because I'm not sure if the next time I can let it go so easily?"

Catherine bent her head and kissed Jace's forehead tenderly, "I will Jace, whatever you need from me, ask me. Will you trust in me again?"

Jace once again was consumed with the plea from this woman who could make her forget by a word or a touch and together it was a potent mixture. "I've always trusted in you, but you have to reciprocate Catherine, will you trust in me?"

"Yes, Jace, with all my secrets." Catherine had hesitated and Jace began to feel as if she sat on the abyss and at any moment she would fall into its' dark depths and yet, with those words hadn't she done just that!

"Good, there will only ever be one thing that you need to remember Catherine, I love you and I will never hurt you. However, sometimes what one perceives as hurt is in fact a learning curve that without it they can't move on, and we need to move on Catherine." Jace spoke with warmth, but her eyes were deadly serious and Catherine wasn't too sure that she had picked up the message being conveyed.

Catherine placed her arms around the blonde's shoulders and looked deep into the green depths. They held for her the only home she wanted, the only sanctuary she would ever crave, the only love that would make her feel whole. "Will you move on with me Jace, you and I together? I need you in my life."

"Darling, you have just given me the key to your secret entrance. I couldn't live without you in my life. So, come on let's go and see what our youngest daughter is up to, shall we?" Jace placed a light kiss on Catherine's lips. Now wasn't the time for the passion that could and would flare if they wanted. Now was a time to reflect on the words they had spoken to each other, both the good and bad, they would work it through together.

Catherine knew that Jace was still emotionally upset at the events of the day in total, not just her part in it. She herself wasn't too sure if she had the stamina to go another round with her partner or anyone else for that matter.

"I need a shower Jace and I'll be down presently."

Jace pulled away from Catherine's arms and gazed up into her quiet sombre features. "Sure, how about I have Judy prepare you a light meal I suspect you haven't eaten much today by the pallor of your skin."

Catherine pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen over her eyes; she really needed to get her hair cut. "Yes, I could murder an omelette. Will you join me?" It was a strangely tentative enquiry and it made Jace look closely at her partner.

"When have you know me refuse an invitation like that, especially when the person asking is very beautiful, enticingly sensual and the sexiest thing on two legs that has ever come into my life." Jace walked away laughing towards the door.

"Jace! For god's sake you're walking away from me?" Catherine couldn't believe the woman would say the words and not at least kiss her.

"Oh, yeah, Catherine. You need a shower and......we can discuss this later." She opened the door and left without a backward glance.

The blonde could be so infuriating and yet paybacks could be so......so very appealing. Catherine walked into the bathroom, her heart easier if not totally at ease.

Continued in Part 12

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