~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Twelve
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:    See Part One

Part 12

Chapter Twenty-three

Jace turned her head away from her view over the drive and watched her sleep. The doctor was entirely confident that the surgery had been a success. If Catherine followed the physiotherapy programmes that had been mapped out for her, it should never cause her a problem again. Well her partner was definitely going to keep that part of the recuperation process in line. Jace had been given the instructions on how to help her partner without the need for a professional except for twice a week at the local hospital. For Jace, it was a two-fold benefit taking on the role; she could ensure that Catherine did indeed follow the course programme and together they would achieve the goals set. Then, there was the part of Jace that had become jealous as soon as anyone mentioned physiotherapy within a mile of her. She remembered the havoc that had been created the last time Catherine had to use 'professional' help. Jace was going to ensure that Catherine enjoyed their sessions in every way possible!

Turning back to the view over the drive it was relatively quiet; the horses had all been released for exercise in the adjoining fields.  Even Tralargon was munching happily in the paddock, sharing it in equanimity with Rosie, Jake's small mare and Diamond, Lisa's precious little pony. It was looking over at it a very strange mixture and it made you smile when you looked at them all together. It reminded her of the riders of each of the animals, they were all different, and yet they fit together as if nature had intended them to! Jace wondered if Elena would join the happy trio at some stage, probably as she doubted her daughter would want to be left out of any activity if the others were involved. Chuckling Jace couldn't imagine which animal Catherine or Colin would chose for their very active child, whatever it was it would surely need to have fastenings to secure the child on the back, mind you she might end up a bare back rider, anything was possible.

"Would you care to share what you find so funny outside the window?" Catherine spoke quietly, her voice still held the remnants of sleep.

"Hey, didn't realise you were awake. How do you feel?" Jace smiled brightly and walked away from the window and sat carefully on the edge of the bed, her position ensuring that she didn't disturb Catherine's position in the bed.

"Only just have woken, do I get a kiss?" Catherine smiled at Jace; strapped up on her left hand side to prevent any sudden movements of her shoulder had severely decreased her mobility. She was in a certain amount of pain only taking the painkillers at night to ease her into sleep.

Jace smiled and duly complied, "There's something to be said for you being all trussed up like a turkey Catherine," chuckling at the image that comment produced.

Catherine raised her left eyebrow. "A turkey? Really Jace, I probably look like lots of things but a turkey surely not?" The comment did make her smile though.

"How do you feel Catherine?" Jace placed a gentle hand on the side of her face and watched in satisfaction as the action caused her partner to lean into it.

"Must be getting old if I need to sleep half the day, huh?" Catherine gave Jace a disconsolate look.

Jace grinned at her and placed her right hand in both of hers and gently caressed it. "Catherine, you've been home exactly two days and already you want to climb Fox Glacier, please at least accept that you might need a little extra rest, before you know it you will be climbing the glacier."

Catherine looked down at the gentle ministrations her partner was applying. It was very soothing to her. Besides, it helped to keep her frustrations at bay. It brought it home to her more and more what a fool she'd been in those months of her accident for not allowing Jace to re-enter her life.

"Will that be part of the therapy climbing Fox?"

Jace looked at the scars on her left profile. They were so faint now; it was only at close quarters that you could actually see them.  They didn't detract from her beauty but to the people who didn't love Catherine that would be another facet that gave her the big bad image that constantly surrounded her. "Catherine you know I hate heights, that's why I wont let you get me on a horse, far too high off the ground for me. Incidentally you asked why I was chuckling earlier right?"

"Yes." Catherine smiled as she heard the subtle shift in conversation away from Jace's aversion to riding.

"I was kind of wondering what type of animal you or Colin would chose to teach our daughter to ride, let's face it, the three of you have fairly different tastes at the moment." Jace smiled and put Catherine's right hand to her lips and kissed the palm tenderly.

"Type of animal? A pony probably like Lisa, but I would leave that choice to Colin, he's the best judge." Catherine explained placidly.

"What if she decided not to learn to ride, you know like her mother?" Jace watched the concentrated look pass over her partner's face as the thought was digested.

"I respect that just as I respect her mother's choice on the matter. Although I still haven't lost hope that one day we might have that ride out on the hills together." Catherine answered seriously her smile flashed her understanding of her partners aversion to the pursuit.

"Is that one of your dreams Catherine?" Jace asked. They had never really discussed what dreams Catherine had; it had always been focused on what she wanted, if they ever vaguely closed in on the subject it always changed immediately by Catherine herself.

Looking at her younger partner, she was tempted to ignore the question, as she'd done in the past but not now, Catherine fervently hoped she'd learnt her lesson in deception. "Well, I have always wanted to see you on a black stallion as tall and proud as Tralargon but tamed at your gentle hands riding like the wind beside me." Catherine gave Jace a shy glance it was a pipe dream, but what a wonderful one to her anyway.

Jace inwardly winced at the softly spoken words and her heart wanted to accomplish the dream but her head defied her in a big way. "Sometimes dreams can come true Catherine."

Catherine retrieved her right hand and stroked a finger down the blonde's cheek. "Yes, I know. While we have dreams, we have hope Jace, that can be as much part of the dream as eventually achieving the reality."

"There are times Warriorson when you make me want to cry. Please continue to hope Catherine." Jace whispered into her ear.

"Of course I will. If I can't get one green-eyed beauty to ride with me, I have a second chance with Elena. There is always hope Jace, always!"

Jace swallowed the lump that came at the back of her throat and she stood up and looked down at the reclining figure in the bed. "The children will be home soon from school, about ready to get out of bed and face them?"

"Oh! Yes, you forget I have a very beautiful aide who makes getting out of bed as pleasurable almost as getting into it." Catherine smirked as pink tinged the cheeks of her partner.

"You are bad Catherine, but I love you and always will." Jace smiled and went over to the bathroom to run a shallow bath, Catherine wasn't wrong in her comment though, not wrong at all!


"Jace, she's sleeping." Lisa whispered in what could be possibly described as a whisper when in fact it was more like a normal tone.

Jace looked over at Catherine, she was sitting in the large high backed chair with a pillow supporting her shoulder and had her eyes closed to the events happening in the room, in repose she looked peaceful and content. "Could be Lisa." her tender smile hovered as she watched the woman in quiet observation.

"Does she hurt like the last time Jace? I don't want her to hurt like that. She cried you know, at night." The child said solemnly and went over to sit on Jace's knee. Together they watched the older woman sleep.

Jace gave Lisa a concerned glance and then transferred it to her partner, who didn't look in pain at the moment anyway. "Why do you say she cried Lisa, who told you that?" If anything Catherine would have gone out of her way to make sure the children never saw her suffer in any way.

"Jake used to be upset at school and Grace asked him one day why when the school called her." Lisa informed her quietly as she snuggled into Jace's neck in comfort.

"What has Jake to do with this?" Jake was currently playing on the patio area with Elena the boy was trying to teach her to walk unaided.

"He heard her cry at night Jace. He wanted to help but he was scared. She used to get mad at Grace all the time when she was hurt before. It upset him. Catherine wont get mad at you will she Jace?" Lisa placed a warm wet kiss on Jace's cheek in sympathy.

Jace clutched the child to her in comfort. "What? That big tamed tiger over there?" Jace pointed to her sleeping partner, her heart aching at the images she had in her mind with this little revelation.

"Big tiger's have sharp nails Jace. I saw it in a book at school." the child pointed out innocently.

"Well, Lisa, we'd better insist Catherine cut her nails way short then, huh?" Jace smiled into the blue innocent eyes of the redheaded child. This child was so adorable.

They both looked at the slumbering form feet away from them, each with their own thoughts. 'Wonder if Grace ever told you about Jake Catherine. I doubt it knowing Grace; she would have shouldered your pain as well as his. You got lucky my darling with her, real lucky.' Jace eventually released the child and asked her to go and find Judy; Catherine would probably love some tea when she woke. Lisa gladly rushed out of the room to her task. She loved being helpful even if they ended up picking up most of the pieces of smashed china the child seemed to have a habit of dropping.

Jace moved over to Catherine's chair and sat on the edge of the arm, pushing a stray lock of raven hair away from her forehead as she watched the woman sleep.

"My nails are short." A soft whisper shocked Jace. She nearly fell off the arm of the chair and had to support herself quickly.

"Hey, careful Jace can't have you breaking an arm. What would we do then?" Catherine smiled at the surprise on the face of her partner.

"What.........I mean how much......... Catherine exactly how much of the conversation did you hear?" Jace spluttered as she carefully peered at the expressions appearing on her partner's face.

Catherine hesitated and then smiled. "Well this large member of the cat family isn't going to use her sharp nails on anyone in this household that's certain."

Jace didn't realise that she held a breath and gradually she expelled it and turned Catherine's slightly averted profile towards her.  "Oh I'll never ever let you have sharp nails Catherine, wouldn't exactly help our relationship would it?"

Catherine smirked at the remark, talk about double meanings! "Fine with me, never could type a decent message with long nails anyway."

Jace wanted to explain about Jake and Catherine's apparent loss of control and the child's distress; but would it serve any purpose other than embarrass Catherine as well as Jake.

"Lisa has ventured out to get tea for you. I thought maybe we could have a story hour from the children for a change. What do you think?"

Catherine had seen all the expressions cross Jace's face, sure she'd heard it all and her partner had seen fit to forget a crucial part of the conversation and keep her in ignorance. 'Jace there comes a time when there is no reason, none whatsoever to inflict un-necessary pain on the ones we love, I hope you remember this situation if I ever happen to forget my promise to you. Our life together depends on it.'

"Are you sure we will get tea, if our little klutz is in charge?" Her grin and eyes attesting to her teasing of their eldest daughter.

"Hey, you promised to help her out on that particular problem, not me remember?" Jace smiled back and kissed the full lips close to her own. She kind of liked this feeling of power and possession she had over Catherine in this condition, it wouldn't last long, so she was going to make sure she used it to the full.

"It's been busy around here recently but........" the patio door was pushed open and in rushed Jake a giggling child held aloft in his arms, the boy was certainly tall, he didn't even look eleven anymore.

"She did it! She did it Jace!" The boy proclaimed breathlessly.

Jace laughed at the boy's face. It held such exhilaration and achievement and he kissed the baby and she giggled even more. "Show us Jake." Jace answered him and watched as he placed Elena on the floor and gently disengaged his hands and rushed around the wobbling baby to stand a foot or two away from her and gently coaxed her forward.

Elena eyed him and her green eyes lit up with laughter as she continued to giggle. Both her parents looked on as the boy continued his patient coaxing of the baby. Then she stepped forward on wobbly legs and Jace was tempted to move from her position to support the child, but was held steadfast by a strong hand that clutched hers gently. The boy whooped with joy as she finally took the three steps forward on her own and then toppled into him. Just at that moment the door to the lounge opened and Lisa walked in with one of the enormous mugs that Faith had purchased.

Lisa wasn't sure what the noise was about, but her attention to her task shaken she failed to notice the small plastic brick that was on the floor and she stepped onto it and lost her balance momentarily. Unfortunately, that was all that was needed for the child to drop the mug and see it shatter in several pieces as the beige liquid ran into the carpet. The child looked up expecting to be chastised for her accident. "I'm sorry Jace, really I am. It was an accident!" The child exclaimed loudly and tears threatened to fall and did fall when she saw that Catherine was starring at her, as well as the stain the liquid was making.

Jace walked over to the child and pulled her into a hug, "Don't worry darling, Jake's excitement obviously distracted you. I'll go and see if I can clear up the stain and find another mug for Catherine."

"Will Catherine be mad at me Jace?" Lisa whispered her eyes peeking a look at Catherine from behind Jace's comforting hug.

"No Lisa, she's one big pussy cat that is very, very timid, now go over and see what Jake and Elena can do." Jace pushed the child forward and watched her tentatively go closer to Catherine.

Catherine watched Lisa approach her the child was rarely afraid of anything. "Lisa, Faith bought four of those mugs just to see how long they would last, now we know huh, not very long at all."

Lisa smiled at her tall guardian, "You're not mad at me Catherine? I've made an awful mess on the floor, I'm really sorry."

"Well, between you and I, I was going to have renovations started on the house soon. So what if we have to replace another floor covering, Aunt Grace is going to be busy, that's all." Catherine chuckled as she watched the uncertainty disappear and a grin appeared. "Come on Jake show Lisa and me again how Elena can walk." Catherine held out her right hand to Lisa, who perched herself up on the arm of the chair and she clasped hold of the offered hand.

"I won't hurt you will I Catherine, holding your hand?" The child asked fearfully.

"Lisa that's what hands are for, when they can have someone they love hold them, no way will it hurt me and Lisa, no more tears okay, if you don't I wont. How is that for a deal?" Catherine looked deep into the blue eyes that went to hers in trust.

Lisa smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah Catherine you don't cry and I wont, I promise." the child held the hand tighter as they watched Jake and Elena with their party trick.


Chapter: Twenty-four

Judy looked at the silent and still profile of her employer as she sat on the porch watching Jace and the children at the paddock area. Rio, her old guide dog was at her feet and she absently stroked his ears. Jace was holding Elena on the railing and for once the child was remaining relatively still and her laughing indicated like nothing else could that she was enjoying the spectacle of Jake and Lisa ride around the area, showing off no doubt.

It had been three weeks since Catherine had the surgery to correct her problem left shoulder and she was due to leave next week for New York and a much shorter business trip than they had planned. Grace was due back at the weekend and that would help because Jace had decided that the children should remain in school and not go with them as they were only planning to be away for a week at the most.

"I've brought you tea Catherine." Judy said in a voice that brought her the woman's attention but didn't startle her.

Catherine moved her gaze towards the housekeeper and smiled her thanks as Judy put the large mug on the wicker table close to her. Although everything was progressing well after the surgery it was clear that mobility was far from normal as the woman shifted in the chair and quickly took up the welcome beverage in her right hand.

"Thanks, I was watching the children. It would appear that they all enjoy horses." She continued her stroking of Rio's ears that seemed happy to let his tall mistress continue the ministration.

"Jace doesn't I assume she's never ridden on the property since I've been here anyway?" Judy asked with genuine interest, the couple seemed to share most things except this love of horses.

"Oh! No, Jace doesn't like horses or rather she can tolerate them at a distance as she's doing at the moment but........if the animal comes within a foot of her she's like a nervous filly herself, very amusing." Catherine smiled as she recalled Jace's reaction to being inches away from Tralargon one morning early in their renewed relationship. The blonde had become very nervous and eventually managed to find a decent distance between her and the horse and feel comfortable.

"Well it looks like all the children haven't that fear, which is perhaps fortunate as the property is primarily noted for its horse stock.  Even the baby looks happy enough, she's laughing at them all."

Judy smiled as she looked over at the family either outside the paddock or in.

"Yes, it is now. It wasn't originally; the previous owners had sheep, I think. Some of the fields had fruit trees it was rather run down when we took over. Now it is one of the largest properties on the island. We're proud of that distinction and its taken hard work by lots of people to accomplish it, especially Colin, and would you believe Grace? She's not a horse person either, cars are her speciality." Catherine laughed as she recalled her friend's passion for fast vehicles.

"What's Jace's passion.........other than you of course?" Judy wasn't sure which one of them blushed first at her words.

"Yes, well Jace writes poetry and very well, mind you I guess.........I would say that." Catherine smiled briefly and turned her gaze back to her partner who was now walking slowly back towards the house with the baby tottering along with her. Elena was greatly improved on her legs, but not yet ready to torment them with running off on her own. However, that was sure to come!

"Has she had any published?" Judy wasn't exactly surprised, but the woman had kept that a secret.

"Funny, I'm not sure and that's ironic especially with the business I run external of the property." Catherine concentrated her gaze on Jace and watched as the blonde acknowledged the gaze and smiled back at her, waved one hand and held onto their daughter with the other. Catherine waved her right hand and then reclaimed her tea.

"Looks like coffee wouldn't be refused, I'll go and make a fresh pot." Judy turned back to the kitchen leaving the tall woman to her own thoughts.

Catherine watched as Elena, who was not only getting steadier on her feet, she was sure the baby was getting fat too! Not that it would matter to her if the child remained fat for the rest of her life. She would still love her and with the amount she ate it would take some exercise to keep the weight down on the child.

Jace bounced her daughter up the stairs, which brought a fit of giggles from the child that had both of her parents laughing along with the child. "Come on Elena, Catherine wants a kiss before I put you down for a nap, unless Catherine wants a nap too?" Jace grinned at the expression that crossed Catherine's face.

"I'll have the kiss, but refrain from the nap thanks." Catherine told her quietly.

"Spoilsport and I thought I might get a chance to tuck you both into bed." Jace smiled impishly at her partner.

"Will you be joining me if I do?" Catherine countered.

Jace gave her a look that told its own story 'if only', "you always forget the children Catherine."

"Actually I don't, but we always have family and friends who love to take over, what's a girl to think?" Catherine smiled and winked her eye at the blonde who shook her head at the comment.

"Well, I think that I will take our terror to bed and see you shortly." Jace brought the baby closer and Catherine leaned over and kissed the child on the cheek and one tiny chubby hand grasped, pulling her hair.

"Jesus, Jace get the child under control!" Catherine said her eyes smarting at the lock the child had on her hair.

Jace disengaged Elena's hand from the tangle of hair and bent close to her partner. "Oh did baby hurt you darling?" Jace pouted as she teased the surprised woman.

"Not as bad as I'm going to hurt you if you don't remove that smart look off your face." Catherine said childishly.

"Ah, temper, temper Catherine." Moving slightly away, she deposited a kiss on top of the raven hair and went on her way with the baby.

Catherine looked at the retreating backs and shook her head. The kid had a grip that was another thing they had to look out for now. Think I'd better get my haircut short and disappoint the little terror. Then again Jace would be really mad at that, as she loved to run her fingers through the dark tresses. Perhaps we won't get it cut, can't give Jace any excuse for not touching me, no way! Catherine smirked inwardly and then glanced back at the two elder children and smiled tenderly at their happy profiles.


Catherine was seated on the edge of the bed, she watched as Jace finished up in the bathroom and turned towards her, there was no denying the young woman in front of her was far more beautiful than the first time Catherine had seen her naked. Jace had been eager, unsure and passionate, today she was tender, confident and simply magnificent!

"Going to share that smirk with me Catherine?" Jace asked her smiling as she closed in on the gap between the bathroom and the bed.

Catherine continued to look directly at the body that moved towards her in what could only be described as mesmerised sensuality. "No I want to keep it all to myself."

Jace finally came to a halt at the foot of the bed and tipped her head from side to side as she considered the answer. "You have to be joking when was the last time you could stop yourself explaining in very erotic words and actions exactly why you smirk when you look at me naked?" If Catherine wanted to play, well she was certainly game.

"Jace, really!" Catherine mildly chastised her, then chuckled at the words.

"Catherine, what's the score? Or do I have to tickle you to find out, huh?" Jace laughed at the sudden look of horror that passed over her partner's features.

"Now Jace surely you wouldn't do that to a sick woman?" Catherine pointed out practically and moved further onto the bed, her own body glowing with the moonlight that shone on the bed.

"Sick woman my ass! I know what you can do and what I can do to you. Kind of difficult to refute that Catherine, when I'm your part time physio." Jace laughed at the look she received from her partner.

"Okay, I want to talk to you about something Jace, before you make good on any threats." Catherine said seriously, but Jace noticed the gleam in her eyes, which meant the woman, was up to something.

"Go ahead. Do you mind if I sit next to you while we talk?" Jace didn't wait for the answer she knew what it would be and quickly deposited herself astride of the tall woman who gave her an ecstatic smile at the action.

"Next to me huh?" Catherine pointed out cheerfully, more like sit on top of would be appropriate.

"Picky, picky Catherine, come on, get on with the talk. I have other things that I want your mouth to do other than talk to me." Jace informed her and kissed her at the base of her throat to indicate her impatience at the delay in the upcoming necking action.

Catherine's pulse almost set a record as it tried in vain to settle after the words and onslaught by her partner. Her own body might not be in a condition to reciprocate all actions, but she sure knew how to reciprocate that particular practice. "When was the last time you wrote anything, I mean your poetry or short stories?"

Jace looked at her puzzled, what the Hades was Catherine up to; here they were both nude, well almost. Catherine only had a thin cotton shirt covering her at the moment and she wanted to talk about her writing? There were times when the knocks on the head Catherine had sustained in the last year or so must have something to do with her erratic change of subjects or was she loosing her touch? "Am I perhaps talking to the same Catherine Warriorson who takes great delight in taking me to bed at the slightest opportunity and ravishing me until I scream her name in pleasure? Or have I lost touch with reality here?" Jace smiled and bent closer to her partner and placed a hand on her chest to test if Catherine still had a beating heart. Yeah, she did and it was going at a tremendous rate too! So, no lost touch here then.

Catherine laughed out loud at that comment and then glanced sheepishly at her partner. " I thought I'd ask as it came to me all of a sudden and you know what happens if you forget that type of thing it keeps you up all night thinking about what it could have been." Catherine said her voice controlled which was a damn sight more than the rest of her body that was giving up the fight.

"Tell you a secret Catherine, you tell me if it keeps you up all night and I'll join you. But, I can assure you I will keep you occupied with far more interesting things that you will remember rather than forget, how does that sound?" Jace gave Catherine a smirk of her own.

Catherine put her right hand around Jace's face and stroked the lines around her eyes tenderly. "Wouldn't want you to lose any beauty sleep Jace." The words spoken softly made Jace shiver as she saw the need in the ice blue eyes below her.

"So, you still find me beautiful, I was beginning to wonder?" Jace smiled and her eyes gazed longingly into the ice blue ones.

Catherine locked their gazes and she pulled Jace down towards her and kissed the lips that beckoned her. "You are beautiful, alluring, exquisite, ravishing and intoxicating and I could go on all night about what I see when I look at you but........"

Jace held her breath who was the poet here she asked herself, "But?"

"When was the last time you wrote a story or poem?" Jace tumbled out of Catherine's hold as she laughed softly.

"You never ever give up do you?" The younger woman chuckled as she eventually composed herself and turned to look at her partner with happiness sparkling in her eyes.

"On you no! I love you far too much to ever give up on anything that's important to you." Catherine replied her voice although holding merriment had the element of seriousness about it.

"I wrote a poem yesterday, but we have never had the time alone to really go over it together as we usually do. What is so important about it anyway?" Jace was intrigued and watched Catherine as she carefully chose words to answer Jace.

"I see. I've never asked you this before Jace, but have you ever been published?" Catherine saw the look of surprise cross her face that kind of answered that one.

"No, never submitted anything." Jace answered truthfully.

"Why not? You had contacts with some of the most prestigious publishing houses in LA, but you never sent any in, even for an opinion?" Catherine had at first been surprised at Jace's hobby. Then she admired the young woman's talent, as the poems were rather good. It was perhaps selfish of Catherine but she wanted the poems to be theirs and no one else's. Now with Judy asking the publishing question, she wanted to help Jace achieve that if it was a dream of hers. She certainly had the resources to make that dream come true.

Jace lay back on the bed next to Catherine and thought about what she said. "Yes, at first I thought about it. Then work took over my life and I didn't write for ages, years really. There wasn't the inspiration you see that I knew I needed to write a piece that to me would be good enough for myself not just a publisher, can you understand that?"

Catherine turned to face Jace and gave her a reassuring smile. "Yes, I understand the need for inspiration Jace. So, if you're now writing, what was your inspiration?"

"Catherine has anyone ever called into question your intelligence even for a moment?" Jace watched as Catherine frowned and she shook her head.

"Well, my love I'm afraid that's going to happen about now. Don't you know yet that you're my inspiration! From the first day I met you and will be until the day I die! Everything I write is because of you or about you. If I didn't have you, there would never be another word written by my hands." Jace said the words quietly but her voice held a conviction that brought tears to Catherine's eyes.

"So, if I offered you a contract from Xianthos for all your works what would you say?" Catherine asked her voice shaking at the words Jace had just imparted to her.

"I'd say sorry........someone already has that contract." Jace replied mysteriously.

"I'm sorry, Jace I thought you said........who?" Catherine asked puzzled and her frown showed heavily on her face.

Jace laughed and rolled over to gently straddle her partner once again, their thighs tingling at the touch. "That contract belongs to Catherine Warriorson and always will. It can't be broken."

Catherine looked up at Jace; her expression held a humbled look that Jace thought would set off her own tears. "I didn't......I don't know what........."

"No, I know you don't Darling, and that's the true gift. You never asked for it and it's freely given from me to you with love. What else is there to say about it? Although, I'm kinda hoping that this answered your question?" Jace gave her a dazzling smile.

Catherine was speechless and her eyes conveyed that to Jace. "Great just what I asked earlier. I can sure think of better ways of engaging your mouth than in talking Catherine, how about we start right now with this." Jace placed her lips on Catherine's in a kiss that sent shivers down both their bodies at its intensity.

"Yes, I could certainly......" Jace kissed her again this time the pace became more frenzied.

"Enough Catherine! I'm in charge and tonight you can keep quiet, or at least.......do I really need to draw a picture for you?" Jace gave another smirk and was immediately crushed onto Catherine's right hand side.

"No pictures, but by all means use your hands to illustrate, I will be as mute as possible." With that Catherine brought her lips down the side of Jace's neck and continued the trail to the base of her throat, feasting on the beating pulse under her touch, wonder if this was how a vampire felt with its prey?

Jace managed a small groan before her mouth decided to go on an adventure of its own and Catherine's breasts looked the nearest port of call, seconds later hearing Catherine groan, she knew that she'd called that one right. This was going to be fun, and very satisfying! Wonder if Catherine could keep quiet at the height of passion? That was a mystery just waiting to be solved and tonight... they would most definitely solve it.

Continued in Part 13

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