~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Thirteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:  See Part One

Part 13

Chapter Twenty-five:

“So what are you planning to do?” Grace asked her friend as they happily watched the children from the porch. It was a wonderful sunny day, and the sky was a pale blue similar to Lisa’s eye colour, with no clouds at all on the horizon and both women were exceptionally happy.

Catherine shaded her eyes at the sun’s rays, which partially blocked her view of Jake swinging Elena high off the ground. Maybe the kid was going to be a pilot when she grew up because she certainly loved to be in the air.

“Haven’t thought about it?” Catherine shrugged her shoulders and reached over the tabletop to retrieve her sunglasses.

Grace gave her a startled look and couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face, ‘No way!’ “Come on tell me that this is Catherine Warriorson; the Catherine Warriorson, who is so hopelessly in love with Jace Bardley, that she would pull rabbits out of a black hat for the woman?” Grace watched the flicker of amusement flash in the ice blue eyes before the dark lenses shielded them.

“Rabbits out of black hats Grace! Whatever will you come up with next?” Catherine smiled at her friend and then continued her observation of the children a tender smile played around her lips as she saw Lisa spin her cycle close up to Jake and Elena and was chastised accordingly by Jake who had to wipe the dust from his legs.

“I know you Catherine, you’re up to something for sure.” Grace persisted and was caught gently by the arm and eyes she couldn’t see but she felt that power nonetheless gazed into her brown ones.

“Fine, believe what you want but fairs fair Grace. What have you planned?” Catherine retorted and watched fascinated as her friend turned red. “That good huh?” Catherine chuckled and released her arm and propped her arm on the table and rested her chin on the raised arm and continued to look at her friend and wait for the answer.

“Well, it’s like this Catherine, we’ve been married for almost two months and I booked us a room in this splendid hotel in Christchurch. More of a guesthouse really, traditional furnishings going back to the eighteenth century and the most gorgeous four-poster bed that you could imagine! Thought it might be romantic, what do you think?” Grace didn’t really care for the opinion, but as they were discussing the subject.

Catherine laughed out loud and Grace looked at her astonished at the outburst she thought it was a good idea. “What? What’s so funny for god’s sake?” Grace spluttered out.

“Nothing, absolutely nothing Grace. Trust me on that one! I think it’s a wonderful idea really I do and quite romantic. Didn’t know you had it in you. Colin does know you plan to go away for the weekend I assume?” Catherine spoke softly this time she knew that Grace was annoyed with her for laughing. But she hadn’t thought of Grace as romantic in anyway, it seemed so out of character, strange what love does to you.

“Well, I told him that I needed to go to Christchurch on trust buisness and did he want to come with me?” Grace smiled at her friend but the smile didn’t reach her eyes as she waited for more sarcasm from Catherine.

“I wasn’t aware the trust fund paid for romantic weekends away. Shame on you Grace. I thought I could rely on you to put the funds to good work. Reverend joining you by any chance?” Catherine laughed loudly at the final thought and watched with her eyes mirth filled at the angry and completely vexed expression on Grace’s face as she scrapped back her chair and stood over Catherine who was still laughing happily.

“I can’t believe you said that Catherine. Hell, I’d never do a thing like that and you know it. What do you take me for and to mention the Reverend also. What kind of warped mind do you have anyway?” Grace angrily replied her brown eyes flashing that same anger.

Catherine chuckled a little more, and then stood up herself and they looked at each other. Taking off her sunglasses Grace saw the teasing in the ice blue eyes of her friend.

“There are times when I hate you Catherine!” Grace finally conceded her friends play-acting on the subject.

“Only times Grace? And there I was thinking it might be all the time. Come here give me a hug and go and talk to that handsome devil you call a husband who is I'm sure waiting patiently for you at the stables as it is lunchtime.” Catherine teased her some more, and this time Grace just laughed softly herself.

“How did you know that?” Grace supplied the required hug asking as she headed for the steps of the porch.

“Grace, I know exactly what happens on this ranch. Surely you haven’t forgotten that? You haven’t been away from me that long have you?” Catherine smirked and the devilish glint returned to her eyes.

“Well, I surely hope you haven’t got cameras in the bedrooms too!” laughing and running down the steps and making her way towards the stables and her husband talking to the children on her way there.

‘Hell, of an idea Grace. Why haven’t I thought of that?’ Catherine shook her head at the devious thought for the fun of it, smiling as she replaced her sunglasses, leaning on the railings of the porch contemplating the conversation she had just had with Grace.


Faith smiled at the blonde head that was looking through her ‘Catherine Chocolate’ cupboard. “She’s done it again Faith. She has filled the cupboard up once more. How does she do that without me knowing?” Jace smiled ruefully as she wondered where her partner stashed away the goodies before filling up the cupboard in the kitchen.

Faith gave her a smile; this small woman was the ideal daughter. Everything you could want, and she was compassionate, kind, loving, warm and didn’t appear to have a devious bone in her body. Not only that she simply cared about people and that would be any people Faith suspected. Her own daughters as much as she loved them didn’t need her. At least that was how she perceived it anyway, too independent! Since the death of her husband, Faith had wanted to be needed and this wonderful American had immediately when they met, allowed a friendship to blossom and literally brought her into the family nest.

She was now the proud surrogate grandmother to three marvellous children. A little unruly on the discipline side at times, well Lisa anyway and Elena was adorable and it was evident she was going to end up as precocious as her elder sister, if she wasn’t already. Jake on the other hand was both courteous and kind. He was quiet, though at times far to quiet. But, he obviously loved the girls, especially the little one who he had taken to immediately after she had been brought back from the hospital. He was also very courageous of heart and that reminded her of Jace’s partner, Catherine Warriorson, or Devonshire, or whatever you wanted to call her. Had she not been told differently she would have placed her month’s pension on Jake being Catherine’s biological son and not a child from a special needs programme?

“Shall I show you what else Catherine has been up to?” Faith opened the cupboard next to Jace’s and her eyes popped out at the sight before her.

The cupboard had been neatly partitioned into three sections. All were brimming with goodies of every description, with a neat label having been placed on each shelf to indicate whose goodies they were.

‘Jake’s Energy Store’ as it was called to Jace’s amusement was full of his favourite chocolate bars, ‘Snicker’s and Mars’. It also contained the thick chunky ‘Cadbury’s’ bars that he loved to munch on over a soccer match on TV.

Looking at the next partition called ‘Lisa’s Treasure Trove’. Her partner had a sense of humour however strange at times. Inside were packets of fruit gums, chocolate buttons and small candy pellets that she often saw Lisa feeding to her dolls and soft toy’s. Although, at the end of the day nothing was to be seen of them, so one assumed the child ate them also, at some stage.

Then to Jace’s complete surprise she looked up at Faith and gave her a rueful grin the next shelf was called ‘Faith’s Continental Obsession’. “Oh, no Faith, she’s got you pegged too?”

The older woman grinned this time and it reminded Jace of her friend who was talking to Catherine on the porch. Several small boxes in beautiful wrappings tied with differing coloured ribbons were neatly stacked on the shelf awaiting consumption.

“There is one missing you know?” Faith advised the younger woman with a smile.

Jace looked at her quizzically and shook her head, which was missing?

“Catherine hasn’t provided a shelf for Elena yet?”

Jace chuckled, of course her youngest daughter might feel left out but at the moment, she shared the same cupboard as her mother.

“I think my daughter takes after Catherine, Faith. Because she only eats milk biscuits and she throws chocolate ones back at us. I have never seen her eat any chocolate sweets at all. Now, if we talk about bread and savoury snack items and the odd pastry........well that’s another matter all together. I’m not sure how, but she and Catherine have similar tastes. As you know, Catherine will rarely eat chocolate.” Smiling at the memory of the faces Catherine pulled when Jace indulged in eating several chocolates while watching a movie on the sofa together. ‘Guess Elena will have her own shelf full of biscuits and things when she’s older if I know Catherine’.

“Have you ever come across a woman like this Faith? She is so.....don’t know how to explain it.  I think I’m going out to see her......anyway its time to get the children in for lunch. Are you going into town to meet Judy or are you staying for lunch?” Jace asked the older woman.

“I said I’d meet Judy. She was arranging some travel plans for her visit home next week. I think she wants some advice on clothes too. But why she wants an old woman’s views is beyond me.” Faith laughed self-consciously and walked towards the hall.

“She trusts your judgement Faith. You are her friend, that’s good enough don’t you think?” Jace watched Faith slowly open the door.

“Yes, that’s a good sufficient reason, see you later Jace.” Faith smiled and left the blonde in the centre of the kitchen.

Jace watched Grace rush towards the stables for her rendezvous with her husband. Jace gave a gentle smile at her pace. She was so pleased that everything had worked out for Grace and Colin and in three weeks time she was going to get that holiday she dreamed of with a certain tall raven-haired owner of the property and the keeper of her heart.


 “Grace wouldn’t take us to Christchurch with her Catherine. And I asked nicely like you showed me.” Lisa said quietly, as she sat opposite the woman. They were alone for a few moments as Jace had taken Elena to the crib in the lounge for her nap and Jake had decided to practice some soccer techniques on the lawn outside the patio.

“Well, she has only just been married darling. Sometimes people who are newly weds want some time alone, that’s all.” Catherine said and smiled at the child, motioning her to come closer and sit on her lap.

Lisa needed no second bidding and launched herself at the tall woman who laughed at the action. “When you get married will you want time alone too?” Lisa asked her and frowned slightly at her own question.

“Yes, Lisa, I will want time alone also. Which is why Jace and I are going away together for a month as we told you when we talked about the ceremony.” Catherine explained and smiled at the redhead lying on her shoulder.

“But........but does that mean when you get back you will keep going away without us? Grace and Colin have been away on holiday too!” The child asked, her face anxious at the thought that they might no longer be wanted.

“Lisa, No! Never, will we go away on a long holiday without you. I promise. Maybe from time to time we might have the odd weekend away, but only if you approve, okay?” Catherine had been disturbed at the association the child made with her comment and kissed the top of head.

“Cool Catherine, I like that idea and it’s okay. We will let you and Jace go without us sometimes. Will you bring us back presents when you go without us though, so we can pretend we went with you?” Lisa smiled into the shirtfront her face was turned into.

“Absolutely Princess, every time.” Catherine chuckled and as she stood up from the chair. She held the thin child in her arms and swung her about a couple of times, making her laugh.

“Hey you two cut it out, or one, if not both of you will be sick.” Jace smiled as she came into the kitchen.

“Jace, we wont be sick will we Catherine? We do this all the time, don’t we?” The child laughingly protested and was gently put back down and momentarily rocked at the action, finally creating her equilibrium.

“Not a chance of that Princess. Anytime you need a pilot you just call on me okay?” Catherine ruffled the child’s hair as she headed out to her cycle, were Catherine was sure one day they were going to hear screams, when she did finally tumble from the machine with the speeds she went.

“You’re worse than the children, do you know that?” Jace smiled at Catherine, her green eyes full of warmth at the natural affinity that Catherine had developed with the children. For some strange reason Lisa always without fail went to her partner when she was upset or worried. Any other time Jace was the confidant, which fortunately was most of the time.

“Me? How can you say that Jace? Now, have I been sick? Have I ever not gone to bed when you asked?’ Catherine smirked at the words and saw Jace raise her eyebrows. “Have I ever fallen off my bike? Have I ever......” she trailed off has her lips were captured by the blonde who was giggling at her explanation.

“Your incorrigible! Sometimes I wonder how you manage to keep all those executives of yours frightened of your shadow. They obviously haven’t ever seen the woman behind the name have they?” Jace giggled some more and was pulled unceremoniously onto Catherine’s lap as she sat down in the chair she had previously vacated.

Catherine growled and pinched the earlobe of her favourite blonde with her teeth before replying. “You want my executives to see this side of me? Jace, however would I run a corporation if all I did all day was swing beautiful women in my arms in my office? Mind you that is a rather tempting thought.” Catherine smiled into the evocative smelling neck within reach of her lips and decided to sample the delights exposed to her.

“No! If I so much as hear that you have been swinging any beautiful women in your arms in the office, I will personally see that you have a punishment to fit the crime.” Jace was feeling decidedly giddy at the attention of those lips she loved on the delicate skin at her throat.

Catherine’s chuckle rumbled as her lips glided up Jace’s throat in a sensual exploration that defeated all coherencies from her partner. “Now, what sort of punishment would you deduce would fit that crime my love?”

“I....Catherine we.....I, who the Hades cares!” Jace captured the dark head and pulled it to her so that they locked lips in a ferociously passionate kiss they both breathed heavily for several seconds after it ended.

“How would you like to see my etchings Jace Bardley?” Catherine wolfishly smiled and placed another fleeting kiss on the blonde lips as she easily lifted her precious cargo much as she’d done with Lisa earlier. But this time she didn’t swing the woman in her arms, she walked to the door, pushed it open and proceeded up the stairs.

Jace, with green eyes smouldering with desire didn’t need to reply. Her arms securely wrapped around the neck of her partner, she tenderly with mounting passion kissed the collarbone exposed to her from the open shirt and gave her answer in actions opposed to words.

Moments later in the bedroom, their aflame passion blazed hotter than the summer sun. Their hot-blooded lovemaking on fire with intense sensual and explosive lusty pleasure caused eruption upon eruption, until finally, temporarily satisfied, and with smoulding remnants of gratifying orgasms to both their delight, they lay in each other’s arms smiling and pleased, then drifted happily into a peaceful sleep.


Catherine drummed her fingers on the desk in the study and became irritated that the call she’d made earlier hadn’t been returned. They had said it might be an hour and it was only a half-hour since she’d made the call. Today! It had to be today, and at precisely the time she had stipulated, no earlier or later, but exactly on time.

Catherine walked over to the bookcase on the left of her desk and removed a slim volume of poetry from the shelf and smiled it was book of poems dedicated to love, how appropriate! Turning over several pages she came across one and smiled at the words.

‘Love Be It Good Or Bad’

Random love is not for me, it will never set you free.

Freedom with no love at all, is never what it’s meant to be.

Hit and miss love is very rare, you may never get a spare.

Accidental love can bring you pain, let it be and try again.

Sporadic love is not for me, I want it all or not at all.

Faithful love is the best; it makes you feel you’ve hit the crest.

Devoted love can never lie, its there to keep your tears dry.

Loyal love is life itself, I want to feel that for myself.

Constant love will never let you down, especially when you’re ten feet off the ground.

Unwavering love is what you get from me and that will be around unquestioningly.

Remember nothing matters in this world except the love I have for you and will until the day that dawns that I can never hold you close.

Not sure what to make of the poem, Catherine shook her head and placed the slim volume on her desk and tapped her fingers once more on the desk, then the phone rang and she picked it up.

“Yes, Warriorson speaking.” Catherine responded to the question at the other end of the line.

“We can arrange the sequence of events as you requested, but unfortunately, there will be an extra charge. I’m sorry about that, but policy you know.” The man at the end of the line said apologetically.

“No problem with that. Money is not the issue here. But are you giving me a guarantee here, because I’ll accept nothing else.” Catherine stated. She couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her face at the acceptance of her proposal by the man.

“Yes, cast iron guarantee Mrs Warriorson, you can have my job if it isn’t,” the man said confidently.

“Pleased to hear it, because that’s what’s going to happen if you fail. Thanks, send me the bill.” Catherine finished her call and slammed her hand down on the desk in triumph.

Jace chose that moment to enter the room having heard the resounding thud on a desk, as she was about to go up the stairs to check on Lisa in the bath. “Anything I should be careful of in here?” Jace smiled as she saw the beaming expression on her partners face, nope, no problem in here.

“No! Far from it lover, I just had a good phone call that’s all and what are you about to do now may I ask?” Catherine moved around her desk and pulled the blonde into her arms in a warm comfortable embrace.

“Just checking on Lisa, you know how she is. I think everyone gets a bath when she does including ‘Blackie’ and he’s getting to look a little bedraggled of late.” Jace laughed at the numerous dolls that shared Lisa’s bath, but at least the child loved the chore. She was a real pampered one for sure.

“How about I do that and you go and sit with Faith, Jake and Elena, it will do you good. I noticed that you were kind of looking tired of late and I want you to be very fit my darling when we have our holiday. What do you say?” Catherine smiled directly into the green eyes with her ice blue ones filled with love and tender concern.

Jace eyed her suspiciously, “you want to get rid of me Catherine?” her eyes smiling happily into Catherine’s. With all the preparations for the commitment ceremony and the party not to mention the guests and making sure everything was okay with the children when they went away, Catherine wasn’t far short of the mark when she said she needed a rest; they both did!

“Never, but humour an old woman okay.” Catherine winked at her and kissed her slowly drawing out the kiss, as she held Jace’s lower lip between hers, she could feel the increasing tempo of her partner’s heart at the sensual contact.

Once free, Jace gave a sign of pure happiness and shook her head. “You will never ever be an old woman, you’re much to vital. I love you and please, I don’t want the bathroom floor covered in water when you two have finished okay?” Jace touched the grey hair at the side of Catherine’s hair. She placed a gentle kiss on either side of her face as she left the study and went towards the rest of the family in the lounge.

“Okay boss, anything you say boss and Jace?’ Catherine stopped the blonde, who was grinning at the parting words in her tracks as she made her way out of the door. ‘I love you too.” Grinning she switched of the table lamp on the desk and went towards the door and into the hall. Her next destination--one pampered and incredibly beautiful red headed daughter who was about to experience the luxury of flying out of the bath in record time.


It was close to midnight and everyone except Catherine and Jace were in bed. Catherine had persuaded her partner to watch a really old soppy movie, ‘Random Harvest’ with Greer Garson and Ronald Coleman. Jace had been sceptical at first saying that she was tired, but had been convinced that the rewards would far out match anything she had known previously if she watched the movie with Catherine.

Jace wasn’t sure if it was the words or the pleading expression or the arms that wrapped around her in a warm cocoon that had convinced her. But, she stayed and miracle of all miracles she had watched the old black and white movie and even cried in parts and turned her face into Catherine’s shoulder at the end her tears cursing down her cheeks.

“Jace it was a happy ending, why are you crying?” Catherine chuckled although truth be known, she had a lump in her throat too.

“Oh, Catherine it was so close to them losing everything and yet what a beautiful ending.” Jace said indistinctly held close to her partner’s chest.

Catherine looked down at the blonde head resting on her chest and she momentarily gave into a sad thought and then it cleared quickly and she bent down and kissed the silky blonde hair that always smelt of herbs to her, very fresh.

“Tell you what darling it happens in real life too, look at us?”

Jace moved her head up quickly and looked at her partner, she hadn’t expected that at all. Green eyes captured the ice blues above her and she saw the clear devoted love she knew that this woman held for her and tears started anew.

“Yes, my love, it certainly did, and that was far too close for comfort. In the future can we keep if for the movies?” Jace lifted her head slightly and kissed the lips that gave a rueful smile.

“With you totally on that one lover, absolutely, keep it in the movies.” Catherine returned the tender kiss and her ears pricked up at the sound of a vehicle outside the house. “We have visitors Jace.” Catherine released her captive and looked at the time it was one minute to midnight, excellent timing. She might even give the company a bonus!

Jace looked at her astonished and walked towards the patio window of the lounge and looked out. “Catherine who the Hades wants to visit at midnight? How did they get through the security more to the point”?

“How about you take my hand and come and see for yourself.” Catherine smiled at the anxious profile, as Jace sounded worried at the perceived possible threat.

“What? What do you mean Catherine? Do you know who these people are?” Jace asked confounded at the intrusion, but taking the proffered hand nonetheless.

“Hope so, or we need to sack our security guard who is responsible for the property tonight.” Catherine chuckled softly as she led Jace out towards the main door. As they reached it, she stopped prior to opening the door.

“Close your eyes Jace, this is for you. Please trust me.” Catherine whispered into her ear and watched the look of surprise cross her face.

“I trust you with my life Catherine, a surprise huh?” Jace gave her a wry smile and duly closed her eyes as Catherine opened the door and led her carefully outside onto the porch.

“Give me a second darling and I’ll be back.” Catherine said as she released Jace’s hand she had been holding gently, and walked towards the man who gave her a package, then swiftly departed to the second vehicle that was waiting for him. Having watched the vehicle turn and head out towards the drive gates, she grinned and turned back to her waiting partner. Jace was giving a good impression, even if a false one of patience, as she listened for Catherine to return to her. Catherine smiled tenderly at the blonde who had her head cocked to one side listening intently, ‘that’s my Jace, never miss a thing even if you can’t see it.’

Running up the steps of the porch she placed her hands around the face of her lover and kissed the lips that waited with a gentleness that made Jace gasp, but which offered Catherine further temptation as she explored her mouth to her satisfaction. “You can open your eyes now.”

Jace did so with eager anticipation and she blinked several times her eyes getting accustomed to the meagre light of the porch. She looked directly at her lover and smiled. “You’re a very beautiful sight my love.”

Catherine laughed and shook her head and pointed to the drive.

Jace gasped and clung onto Catherine’s arm as she saw the brand new Range Rover executive model completely covered with a green bow the same colour as her eyes. The vehicle was complete with personal number plates ‘Jace 1’ and in a metallic blue that reminded Jace of Catherine’s eyes when they glowed with passion. “Catherine.....why?” Jace whispered, her mind not really understanding the gesture and at this time of night.

“Happy Valentines Jace. I love you.” Catherine said simply and watched the tears well up in her eyes and she smiled at the certain action of her partner, as you could almost set a clock by her.

“Catherine you’re wonderful!” Jace exclaimed and jumped up and clasped her arms around the happy taller woman, who hugged her as they exchanged a kiss so filled with the love they felt for each other, it was hard to release their lips for the mundane task of talking.

“Thanks.” Catherine said bashfully and then handed Jace a small package in the shape of a heart and wrapped in bright red paper and covered with a silk ribbon two shades at least darker than the wrapping.

“What’s this?” Jace asked astonished. There was more?

“Open it.” Catherine said. Her smile seemed to be permanently fixed at the moment, which was so rare.

Jace so wanted to capture the scene on film, but it was impossible; yet she knew that it was a moment she was capturing forever in her memory.

Jace looked at Catherine’s face and she saw the indulgent look she was being given by her lover. Opening the package carefully she was completely taken by the small heart shaped velvet box. As she opened the clasp, a choked sob filled her throat as she saw a golden key and a heart held on a gold chain inside. When Jace removed them from the box, she was shocked at the weight. They were solid gold and as she placed the key inside the heart it opened and she herself and Catherine on one side with the children on the other. “It’s incredible Catherine it’s .....!” Jace started to cry in earnest as she held the solid gold heart and key to her own heart.

Catherine knew that this was Jace....the woman who became emotional at the most incredible times, but who held her heart and the children’s. Just as portrayed in the object in her hand and only she had the key that released the true meaning of love to their world; she held their hearts within hers. “I love you darling that’s enough, more than enough for me.”

Jace eventually released her strangle hold on Catherine. She gave her a watery smile as she contemplated the vehicle and the gold heart and key she had been given. “What do I say to you Catherine? I have nothing to offer you like this; I never will!” She whispered softly, her voice caught at the emotion she felt.

Catherine placed a hand under her chin and she looked seriously into the green eyes she would worship to the end of her days. “Offer me Jace? Can you imagine just for a second please? What happiness you have given me. What you have created in my life so that our children can also reap the rewards of our love? I want nothing more than you Jace. You are priceless and irreplaceable. I love you!” Catherine this time succumbed to her own tears as she tried to explain the emotion she felt.

Jace stroked away the trail of her partner’s tears and gave her a watery smile. Then pulled her dark head towards hers and their foreheads touched in loving appreciation of each other. “I’ll never be in a position to explain the feelings I have for you adequately Catherine. Know this......every waking hour and even the ones asleep, I will find ways of telling you how I feel. I love you too!”

Catherine blinked back the tears. She held her precious blonde Californian in her arms and defied anyone to break them apart. As she held the smaller woman tight, she heard words that made her smile.

“You, me and bed Catherine; what do you say? I think I have a way of showing you how much I love you.” Jace tugged at the arm around her and she saw the passion flare in the eyes above her.

“You and me that’s all I need lover, the bed is....” Catherine swept Jace up in her arms and went through the main door and kissing her lover as she went through it.....other words were irrelevant.

As they entered their bedroom Jace was finally released from the searing kiss and she whispered softly into Catherine’s ear.

The bed was covered with red silk heart shaped cushions and a bottle of champagne was waiting in a bucket at the side of the bed, perhaps a little warm now but what the Hades! This was a night of love and although, Jace might never have the money to buy things as Catherine could, she knew that sometimes, the feelings are equal in stature without the need for vast monetary wealth. To her, it was all in the giving, and anyone in love could give his or her heart. It was something that was freely given, and worth more than all the money in the world if the right person received it. She knew she certainly had that right person beside her, always and forever.

“Happy Valentines!” Jace whispered happily into Catherine’s ear and was rewarded with a smile that would have melted the Fox glacier that night.

Catherine set her gently down upon the bed and stretched out beside her.  Cradling her head in the crook of her elbow, she hungrily claimed her mouth again and again, tasting her sweetness, deepening the kiss until Jace made helpless little whimpering sounds in her throat. The sinking stab of her tongue sent tiny shock waves through both of them.  Never in her wildest dream had she imagined a kiss could be this way. Even though they had kissed passionately many times, before, this was different. I was deeper, more out of pure love than desire. They both felt the impact everywhere—in their lips, their breasts, their loins. It was if she was releasing her with her tongue.  Uttering a hoarse cry, Jace opened wider to her, wanting more, returning the slow, sensual strokes with her own.

“God, how I want you, Jace,” she rasped huskily as she broke away slightly. “I cannot help myself. I desire you too much to wait any longer,” she moaned, as she dropped a kiss upon the waiting lips.

“I crave you so, Catherine, please make love to me.” Reaching up, she tugged her dark head down to hers. Burrowing her fingers in her thick, glossy hair, she shyly brushed her lips over her open mouth and murmured, “Now, darling!”

Catherine’s expression unfathomable, she gave a slight nod.  Her half closed eyes were the ice blue of a deep sky as she reached for the ties of the wrapper Jace had worn while watching the movie with her earlier. The pale green folds of the garment fell away, baring every inch of her creamy loveliness from her chin to her toes.

The breath caught in her throat as she looked down at the keeper of her heart.  Neither a scar nor a blemish marred her ivory skin, from the high, full curves of her coral-covered breasts to her creamy-white thighs. “Sweet Christ,” she breathed, wanting Jace more than she had ever wanted her before.

“My love?” She asked huskily, searching her face.  “Why are you staring at me that way Catherine? Do you not like what you see?”

“Like what I see? Jace, do you know how beautiful you are to me? You are beyond words to me darling. Each time I see you, feel you close to me, my heart becomes so full of the wonderment of these feelings and emotions we share, I can barely stand it. I have such a deep longing for you always, which can only be temporarily quenched.”  Leaning down she dropped a soft kiss upon her right breast. Her heart leaped beneath her lips before her hand gently covered its fullness as if for the first time.

A shiver of delight ran through Jace at the brush of her lips.  Glancing down, she grew weak at the sight of her dark head lodged against the creamy pallor of her bosom. She shivered again as the raven rose of her lips covered her body with burning sweltering kisses. Drawing Catherine’s hair unto her hands, she eagerly caressed her thick, dark strands.  Her hand drifting almost dreamily though her hair, she completely responded to the maelstrom of emotions swirling through her.

She marvelled at the way her body was responding beneath her hot, damp mouth and caressing tongue. Jace moaned, thrilled to the exciting pulse that throbbed and flutter in her loins as her desire reached almost uncontrollable proportions as Catherine caressed the silky skin of her inner thighs, and traced ever-widening circles upon her sleek, flat mid section until her fingertips brushed lower. She felt breathless and dizzy, perhaps even a little fiery with her needs of her raven-haired lover.

She moaned softly with longing.  Her breathing quickened.  Beside herself, she tossed her head on the feather pillows, her fingers burrowing deeper into her black hair, her grip tightening as her passion mounted.  She wondered. When? Now? How much longer? Soon? Never? Oh, when—Oh, God?

The uncertainty of it all grew almost unbearable.  Doubt fanned her desire to fever pitch until she was whispering Catherine’s name over and over like a chant or a magic spell, willing her on lustfully!  She sensed release was lovingly close. “Oh, Catherine, I cannot stand it any longer,” she whimpered.

“A moment more darling.  You shall have what you crave very soon, I promise you,” she whispered stroking the willingness of the young woman below her.  She was damp and ready for deeper loving, and this knowledge spurred her passion.  Her light, unfaltering caresses drove them both to waves of eruptions and over into a stream of unfathomable release and finally.....satisfaction. ‘For awhile’ that is.....

They devoted the rest of the early morning to showing each other how much love they had stored up for this wonderful day dedicated to celebrating love.

Continued in Part 14

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