~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Fourteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:See Part One

Part 14

Chapter Twenty-Six:

Catherine looked out onto the rush-hour traffic and the multitude of people, which from her vantage point thirty stories up looked like scuttling mice. Her smile came and went as she turned at the knock on her door, half expecting Constance, but was intrigued when Clare Fallon walked in tentatively.

“What can I do for you Clare?” Catherine smiled at the young woman, who had changed very little from her first sight of her, in what must now be two years.

“Constance is going to be late. She had an early breakfast appointment with Steven Collins, who is taking over as the head of new talent. The meeting unfortunately, is running slightly longer than expected.” Clare spoke quietly and watched as Catherine returned to her chair.

“No problem Clare. Plus, the needs of the business come first. And as I’ve been duly informed by my partner, I only come to the office to gossip.” Catherine chuckled as she recalled that comment Jace made at Christmas.

“Is there anything I can do for you Ms Devonshire?” Clare smiled briefly at the statement, but didn’t think it was wise to comment on the situation. Ms Devonshire could still be volatile and you didn’t need to have that possibility looming on your horizon.

“Tea would be welcome Clare, that is if Rita is in the office?” Catherine enjoyed the tea that Rita could brew, as she had learned the art from her English mother.

“Rita was transferred to Sales when you went back home.  Will you require her services again?” Clare had disagreed with Constance when she’d decided to send Rita back to the executive level citing a waste of resources as the reason, but she was in charge now.

Catherine pondered that question, “I’ll discuss it with Constance, but I’d appreciate the tea if you can find me a decent brew.”

Clare smiled and nodded and left the woman alone in the room.

Catherine removed a piece of paper from her jacket pocket. Reading the dog-eared sheet, her smile became tender as she thought not only of the words but the person who had written them. Laying her head on the back of the chair, she closed her eyes as she recalled the first time she’d been given the paper.


“Ms Devonshire are you ready for your tea yet?” Dave, the steward on her personal flight asked. He noticed that she had paused in her tapping on her laptop computer as she stood briefly to stretch, he suspected, aching muscles.

“Thanks Dave that would be ideal.  I could use a break.” Catherine gave him a genuine smile of thanks and her eyes flashed around the aircraft cabin. Her smile changed to tenderness as it dropped to the sleeping form of Jace. The small woman could sleep anywhere and in any position, Catherine was sure of it!

“Ms Bardley is still sleeping. Guess she was tired, but we have another four hours to LA so I suppose it’s as good a pastime as any.” Dave smiled as he looked over at the small blonde who had an arm tucked under her head. He placed a blanket over her body, which was settled remarkably comfortably looking over three seats.

“Yes, Jace can pretty much sleep anywhere.  I suppose three seats and her size would help the situation.” Catherine answered softy as her gaze clung unashamedly on her partner who looked so peaceful in slumber.

“Do you think she will want anything or.....?” Dave asked before he left to make the tea.

“No! Leave her Dave. I’d say she would be the better for the rest. We still have another four-hour flight when we reach LA.  New York beckons, and I’m afraid I’m already cutting the visit short.” Catherine replied.

Dave was amazed at how forthcoming his employer had become. In the eight years he had been working for her privately, she rarely talked but now.....well he guessed that someone not so far away from them had been very influential in that respect.

“Yes, we were expecting you to stay for at least two weeks, must be pretty important if you need to be back.” Dave shrugged and went towards the gallery not hearing the quietly spoken reply to his comment.

“Oh! Yes, the best, the very best.  I’m getting married.” Catherine smiled wryly at her sentimentality and continued to watch her blonde saviour.

Within minutes Dave was back bearing a large mug of tea and some plain whole-wheat biscuits. He knew that Ms Bardley enjoyed the chocolate ones, but his employer was definitely the plain type. It amused him when they travelled with the children on board because Ms Bardley would try in vein to get Ms Devonshire to indulge, even using the children to tempt her. Fortunately, she had an ally in the baby, who only seemed to like milk biscuits and that always brought some nice gentle bantering from the couple.

As he placed the mug and biscuits next to her, he also offered her an envelope and inclined his head in the direction of Jace. “Ms Bardley said, when you finally had tea to let you have this. She said you would understand.” Dave saw the quizzical expression and released his hold on the envelope as she fingered it, fascinated at what Jace had left for her. Dave smiled and said he would be forward with the pilots if she needed him.  He left the cabin area as Catherine smiling her understanding and nodded her approval.

Catherine looked over at Jace and smiled again. Then slit open the envelope and out tumbled two sheets of paper, one was a note from Jace the other looked like a poem. Catherine smiled slowly as she realised this was probably the poem they had discussed a few days before.


You really shouldn’t work so hard but I knew that at some stage you would give in to that insatiable need for tea! I thought you might like a little light reading as you drink and relax, Sorry, it’s a little dog eared. Guess who got hold of it before we left? Yeah, the terror herself!

I love you,

Catherine chuckled as she pictured Jace trying to retrieve her masterpiece from their daughter as she put the note on the table. Picked up her mug of tea, she began reading Jace’s newest composition. In light of their recent conversation over her writing, it was now even more special to Catherine.


Moments are all we have, some are happy some are sad.
All the moments spent with you create wondrous feelings that remain strong.

Watching our life within an hourglass, moments that reveal our past.
Wonderful times that we have shared are moments infinitely precious we preserve.

Tears that are sometimes shed leave glimpses of moments yet unsaid.
Moments we produce with love are multiplied a thousand fold to behold.

Are you willing to place within my hands the moments that are left for us to live?
When memories fade, our bodies fail; remember all the moments that we have made.

Moments that we share will forever bind our hearts as nothing else before.
The love that beats within us both creates the final moments of our soul.

In the beginning we are alone, yet the moment that we met bound us body and soul.
The only thing that will ever hold true is the moment that says I love you.

Catherine wiped away a tear as she read the poem for the third time. As she finished the tea, she moved out of her seat and went across to the sleeping form of her partner and sat opposite Jace; watching her breath evenly in peaceful repose. “I love you Jace Bardley and you and I will create so many wonderful moments. That my dear Jace, I do promise you!” Catherine said softly, and once again glanced down at the paper held protectively in her hands.

“I love you too, Catherine Warriorson. I’m going to hold you to that particular promise.” Jace said sleepily. She had been about to wake when she heard the soft footfalls of her partner come closer. She was now sure glad that she had kept her eyes closed those few seconds more. That was some promise her partner had agreed to, and had touched her heart deeply!

Catherine looked at her a wry smile crossed her face, “You always know just the right time to wake up and catch me unawares my love.” Bending forward to push the blonde lock of hair that had strayed over her forehead.

“I know, just a gift I have darling. And I love it when you blush also.” Jace smiled and captured the hand that had moved gently against her hair and put the fingers to her lips.

“I wasn’t blushing Jace; but, I love the poem and I adore you!” Catherine said breathlessly, as she found her heartbeat racing at the gentle kisses she was being given.

“Glad you like it, it’s all yours. As I said before, you have the contract to all my work. You are my inspiration darling.” Jace tugged Catherine towards her and she fell into the younger woman and rested easily on top of the smaller form as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“You know something Catherine? I’ve often wondered what all the hype was about when they talk about the mile high club.” Jace smiled and kissed the astonished older woman before she had time to answer.

“Jace.....you can’t seriously be thinking, what I think, you’re thinking?” Catherine finally sputtered out; she loved this woman and loved every second of making love with her but......

“You chicken Catherine?” Jace bantered and teased Catherine’s mouth apart with her tongue and lost herself in the passionate exploration of her lover’s sensual mouth.

Catherine finally moved an inch away from those exciting lips and smiled at her with devious intent. “Absolutely not! Now, if you want mile high, you get mile high. But, I’m not going to be responsible for the looks you get from Dave when he hears you scream.” Catherine placed her lips on Jace’s beginning her own sexually charged exploration. Not just Jace’s lips, but her face, neck, shoulders and as she reached the hollow between her breasts, Catherine received her answer in no uncertain terms.

“Let him hear me scream Catherine. Oh, please let him hear me scream.” Jace lost herself in finding a part of the body that was exposed to her touch as they slid into a very creative sensual trip around each other’s bodies. The shrieking was not the prerogative of one person alone that day,  the cries of pleasure were shared by both of them.


Catherine smirked as she thought about the expression on a certain steward’s face when they had finally called him to bring in fresh beverages. Jace had the countenance of someone that had been without doubt ravished, but in a completely wonderful and dreamy way. Catherine had tried, but failed to wipe the satisfied grin off her face when the man entered the cabin. At no time did Dave mention anything. His expression as he looked at them both was enough for Catherine to chuckle softly when he’d left the cabin. Jace had merely smiled at her and snuggled down on her right shoulder and closed her eyes to experience the memories of the previous hour.

Clare chose that instant to knock and re-enter with a large mug of tea and the aroma was definitely enticing. “Ah, so you found someone who could make tea Clare?”

Clare gave her a smile and placed the tea tray down. Not only did it hold a mug of tea, but also a large teapot was sitting in the middle along with a milk and sugar bowl. ‘The English really did strange things to tea.’ Clare thought, as she saw the happy look cross briefly over Ms Devonshire’s face at the sight before her.

“I hijacked Rita for a few minutes. She said you should enjoy this.”

“The lady needs a raise Clare, no strike that, you both need a raise.” Catherine smiled at the tinge of colour that crossed the woman’s face at the comment.

“Thanks, do you need anything else?” Clare asked quietly before she headed for the door.

“I’m taking it for granted that we haven’t any security problems these days?” Catherine asked her perfunctorily and placed milk in the mug of tea that she poured. Catherine knew there was one of the beauties of having a long flight, the ability to check on the information that was often wearisome in a normal day. She had tediously checked all the logs of the entire operation for the last two months.

“We have had the odd skirmish, but that’s common to all businesses. I’m not aware of anything out of the ordinary. However, you would have to check with security and Constance for any great detail.” Clare informed her with confidence.

“Excellent. Well, I won’t keep you Clare, and thank you for the tea.” As Clare made her way to the door Catherine remembered a promise she’d made.

“Clare are you busy this evening?”

Clare turned around in surprise. “Not exactly, Constance is busy with the personal records at the moment. So we usually have a quite night in.” The younger woman’s expression resigned at her current personal predicament.

“I thought as much. So, well, would you like to have dinner this evening with Jace and I? I know Jace will welcome the company. She knows very few people here in New York and I think I owe you a decent meal and some conversation. I am responsible for Constance’s preoccupation of late.” Catherine replied her left eyebrow hitting her forehead in anticipation of an answer.

Clare was perplexed. It was okay having the odd private conversation with Ms Devonshire, but to actually go out to dinner with her!

“I’m not sure, well Constance might want some help and .....I really.....well.”

Catherine lifted her hand and looked at the woman sternly. “Okay, I’m ordering you to dinner with us this evening. We will pick you up at your apartment block at seven. If Constance is lucky, we will bring her back a take out. Any problems with that?”

Clare wasn’t sure what to make of this. She would need to talk to Constance and not wanting to enrage the woman who looked at her with a stoic expression; she nodded her head and went out the door.

Catherine smiled briefly at the woman’s timidity with her as she picked up the mug of tea and drank thirstily from it. Oh! Now, it might turn out to be a wonderful day!


“You could have called!” Jace looked at Catherine who sat at the edge of the bed looking sheepishly at her.

They had about thirty minutes to shower and dress before the car was due to pick them up for their dinner engagement.

Catherine had arrived at the apartment only ten minutes before. Not having explained what plans she had or when she was due home, Jace had opted for a take out and told Stephanie to go home for the evening. Now she looked at the downcast face of her partner, who had as usual, forgotten everything but work.

“I’m sorry I was catching up with things and it got late and well you know how it is?” Catherine pleaded her ice blue eyes full of apology.

“No! No, I don’t know how it is. But, one things for sure, I’m going to teach you a lesson in how to treat a lady you want to enjoy the company of as a dinner guest.” Jace turned her back and stifled a giggle at the disturbed look that crossed Catherine’s face at her comment.

“You are?” Catherine squeaked out.

“Yep, sure am, and it starts now! I’m going to take the shower first and take as long as I want. You can either go cool your heals someplace while I get dressed, or use another bathroom.” Jace knew that Catherine would hate that suggestion. The shower she might just deal with, but the pleasure Catherine received from watching her partner dress would sorely irritate her.

“Oh, come on Jace that’s unfair you know I.....” Jace turned to her using her best-disinterested look.

“You what Catherine?” Jace wanted to laugh at the endearing pout that came over her partner at the loss of a treat. She was so like the children it was incredible.

“Nothing. I guess you’re right as usual.” Catherine said slowly her disappointment clear in her tone. Moving off the bed she went towards the wardrobe and selected a black slim line simply cut dress and matching underwear, her actions slow and sorry looking to the onlooker.

Jace sighed as she saw the positively childish reaction to her words and had to laugh. This brought up Catherine’s head as she looked at the blonde in enquiry.

“Come here Catherine.”

That request was something Catherine wasn’t going to ignore. She closed the gap between them to only an inch apart. Her eyes taking on a definite warm haze. You could almost see the tail wagging behind her in hopeful anticipation.

“I’m sorry Jace.”

Jace reached up and placed her hands around Catherine’s face and tilted her head down so that she could touch her lips on her partners in a gentle kiss of forgiveness.

“I know. That is one of the reasons about you that I love Catherine. Believe it or not, you really don’t always act like the adult you are do you? There are positively times the child inside pops out just to irritate the Hades out of me I suspect. Still, you’re mine and I have a suggestion to our immediate problem.”

Catherine knew that Jace had forgiven her. The kiss alone told her that without the words. However, Catherine did not like the comparison. Jace’s compassion had saved her again.

“I love you!”

“Yes, I know. Let us share the shower but.....we can’t play okay?” Jace smiled at the expression of disappointment that crossed Catherine’s face.

“Not even a little?” Catherine whimpered pleadingly, her voice low and far too enticing for Jace not to respond.

Placing her arms around her partner, she smiled as Catherine’s lips descended and they moved slowly towards the bathroom together.

“Okay, maybe a little. Just remember it was your idea going out to dinner.” Jace’s voice husky with passion.

“Yes, I remember. We might just be a little late, Clare will understand.” Catherine captured the sweet lips of her lover as they entered the shower together.


Clare was nervous about the dinner. It wasn’t everyday a member of the Corporation received a personal invitation to dine with the recluse Catherine Devonshire and her secretive partner Jace Bardley. Her tension increased as the time drew near, as she had paced around the apartment for over an hour waiting. The wait hadn’t helped her nerves settle at the prospect of the dinner. Clare had heard rumours about Ms Jace Bardley, but no one at Xianthos in New York had ever seen the woman who shared the very private life of the owner. All that was said was you didn’t upset the woman or the wrath of Devonshire was even more ferocious than if you had tried to murder the woman herself. Or, so they said! Clare had always been taught to have an open mind about things and Constance had been pleased at the dinner invitation that Clare had been offered.

True to form Catherine Devonshire had kept her promise to Constance. Constance had been intrigued at the opportunity that Clare was going to have on being the first employee outside of the late Paul Strong to have that privilege.


Looking down at her watch Clare was surprised to find that it was now ten p.m. and they had only just finished the meal and she had promised Constance a take out, it was getting late to eat.

“You have somewhere else you’d rather be?” Catherine quirked her eyebrow at the young woman, who had been a very pleasant dinner companion when Jace had eventually found subjects that the other woman enjoyed. Jace could always be relied upon to make the most timid person in her company at ease. That certainly was what had happened in the last couple of hours.

“No! You see, I promised Constance food. When she is working, she forgets everything. I was just trying to gauge the time.” Clare answered and smiled apologetically at the two opposite her.

Jace laughed loudly at the comment and winked at Catherine who looked at her in silent feigned menace.

“You know Clare, I can certainly appreciate that comment. Would you believe, I myself have had first hand experience of just that recently.” Jace patted the warm thigh of her partner under the table and was rewarded when Catherine’s larger hand enclosed hers and held onto it, playing with her fingers under the table.

Clare glanced at them and saw the warmth and love that flowed out of Jace Bardley towards her employer. Clearly showing without a doubt, she had captured the heart of Catherine Devonshire. It was easy to see that the relaxed stance that Catherine had emitted during the meal proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the feeling was mutual.

“Yes, these executive types want to rule the world I think. They believe the only way is by working every single waking hour.” Clare smiled, although, her voice had a touch of annoyance to it.

Catherine heard the intonation and looked down at her wineglass and with her free hand played with the stem of the glass as she considered the remark.

“Some of us already know we rule the world Clare. We have taken a different way to reach it that’s all.” Jace answered and turned her gaze towards the restaurant window her thoughts obviously miles away if her expression was anything to go by.

Catherine and Clare both looked at each other in surprise at the remark and Catherine turned to face the averted profile of her partner.

“Are you going to enlighten us Jace? Or, do we have to guess? You know how irritated I get at that particular game.”

Jace shook her head briefly and smiled slowly at Catherine and saw the softening of her often-expressionless face as she saw the faint lines appear around her eyes and the eyes sparkle with warmth. Jace touched a fingertip to the lines on Catherine’s left-hand cheek as she gently traced the texture and then proceeded to gradually trace her fingertip across the scars still in evidence.

“We have company Jace.” Catherine whispered into her ear and saw the embarrassed pink flood her cheeks.

“I was thinking about loving someone so much, that the feeling is like ruling the world; or at least that is how it feels to me.” Jace finished off starry-eyed.

Clare looked at the dreamy blonde and smiled at her in understanding. “Yes, I agree with you Jace, just have to convince our partners that’s all.”

Catherine looked at the two younger women and exhaled, “Romantics!”

Jace chuckled and gave Clare a conspiratorial glance. “Yes, I think you’re right Clare. So, how about we ask for a meal from here. Have it boxed for Constance and we all go and find out if she wants to join us for coffee?’ Jace saw the eyebrow rise at the mention of coffee. “Okay, you can have tea!” Jace looked at her partner and grinned. She was just so predictable in something’s.

“Jace this is a prestigious restaurant. They don’t do box meals or carry outs here!” Catherine tried to point out to the blonde at her side.

Jace gave Catherine a determined look and stood up from her seat, “Give me a minute”. With that she shot off in the direction of the Maitre De. Catherine shook her head and motioned for their waiter and the bill.


Constance was delving into the wonderful meal that had been given to her as Clare made the coffee and the tea. “Catherine, they let you have a meal in a box? How on earth did you manage that, the place is above that or so I thought?”

Catherine sitting on the sofa with Jace at her side leaned forward as she spoke. “Actually, it wasn’t me. The whole episode has quite put a new light on the term take out; Jace here is responsible.”

Jace shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa as Catherine tried to explain how the blonde had argued for over five minutes with the Maitre De then the Manager before whispering something into his ear and within a short space of time—hell, they had a meal in a box.

“Must admit, I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. The manager even walked out to the car with the box as well. He even thanked her to add to the mystery!”

Constance looked at the petite blonde, who to be honest, had been a surprise to her. Clare had walked into the apartment with her boss and her partner. The woman had not look the type to hold the darker woman or at first sight, that would be the impression. Yet, first impressions could be deceptive as the blonde certainly had the tall raven-haired woman totally captivated. Everywhere the blonde was, Catherine Devonshire’s eyes went. The look she gave the woman was certainly nothing short of obsessive possession.

“So, what did you say to make that clown Fredricho for him to break one of his cardinal rules? I’m amazed and impressed.” Constance smiled at the smaller woman, who was looking gratefully at the coffee placed in front of her.

Catherine shrugged her shoulders as Clare leaned against the kitchen door and turned interested eyes to Jace, who hadn’t as yet, seen fit to tell them that piece of the puzzle.

“Oh, nothing much really.” Jace finally answered and felt three pairs of eyes on her as she sipped her coffee.

“Jace you can do better than that. We really want to know. Constance is a frequent visitor of the place, takes all our major business clients there, isn’t that right Constance?” Catherine smiled at her partner, who was embarrassed at the regard from the three of them.

“Yeah, that’s right. You need to have a gold card before he will even let you in the door. AND that, is before you tip him to get a good table.” Constance replied seriously. She didn’t like the man, but it was a common practice in the excellent restaurants and this was one of the top three in town, if not the top.

Catherine watched fascinated as Jace looked down at the coffee cup held in her hand and a faint tinge of pink crossed her cheeks as she considered her return comment.

“What about it Jace? Are you going to spill the beans or do we just put it down to the Bardley charm?”

Jace looked up into her partner’s face that held a devilish glint in the eye. “I never realised there was such a thing as the Bardley charm?” Jace answered honestly and heard the happy sound of laughter ring out from Catherine.

Catherine looked at the other two in the apartment and they both smiled at her. “Would you say Ms Bardley here has charm Clare? Constance?”

Clare moved further into the room and patted Jace on the shoulder. “Oh, sure she does, if she can make men go done like ninepins. She certainly did that tonight with the manager of the restaurant.”

Constance looked at the blonde and winked at her embarrassment. “Well, I don’t know about the men, but from what I’ve seen, she certainly can charm a certain employer of mine around her little finger. I think that’s a major feat. One I wish she would give me lessons in.”

Jace smiled at her gratefully as Catherine had to be patted on the back to stop from choking on her tea at the last comment.

“Do you want to continue working long hours Constance?” Catherine said her tone half-serious.

Jace placed a hand on Catherine’s shoulder, “Time to go darling, you three need to go to bed. You all have work tomorrow. Whereas, I can stay here all night debating this, as I have the luxury of staying in bed should I choose to do so.”

Catherine turned her head and saw the sultry smile cross her partner’s lips. She was tempted to erase that smile with her lips, but it really wasn’t the place; home sounded really good about now. “Yes, Jace is right. It is almost one a.m. Thanks for the company and the drinks Clare. Perhaps soon we can all go out, assuming our intrepid workaholic here can find some decent replacements.”

Constance shook her head at the banter over her lack of perceived ability to find the correct personnel.

“Thanks for the dinner I enjoyed it and it was a pleasure to finally meet the woman behind the myth, Jace.” Clare said sincerely.

Jace looked at Catherine when Clare’s statement finally permeated her brain.

“Later Jace.” Catherine whispered into her ear as they exited the apartment and said their goodnights. Catherine’s car was waiting at the curb to take them to home.


Jace had her eyes shut as Catherine exited the bathroom; or at least, one eye for the other was watching the sleek provocative tall body move towards the bed. Catherine swiftly and with little disturbance to Jace in the bed lay next to her; it was amazing how she did that considering her body size. “You’ve forgotten something.” Jace mumbled and was rewarded by a wide grin, Catherine had obviously thought she was asleep.

“Ah, of course the light.” Catherine leaned over and switched off the bedside lamp and then stretched her body sensuously, causing Jace to catch her breath.

“Well, I was talking more about you holding me, but I think I might just do this instead.” Jace chuckled as she saw the look of stunned happiness on Catherine’s face as Jace moved her smaller body over to cover the tall frame of her partner.

“Anytime!” Catherine grinned and pressed her lips to Jace’s throat and heard the growl that told Catherine her partner was far from tired.

“Catherine don’t you think that people like me can rule the world even if we are romantics?” Jace asked her as she felt her heart beat race at the tender touch of Catherine’s lips on her skin.

Catherine stopped her personal attention to Jace’s body and gently lifted up the blonde head, then pulled her easily up her taller frame so that they were face to face. “Jace you have ruled my world from the first day I met you. I think that if you want to rule the rest of the world then my darling nothing will stop you.” Smiling directly into the green eyes she adored.

“So, you really don’t scoff at romantics then?” Jace asked her and placed a gentle kiss on the full lips close to hers.

“If I did Jace I’d have to berate myself also. Because sure as hell, I can think of nothing so wonderful as the romance I have for you in my heart and soul. You place a sense of magic in my life that the greatest magicians and illusionists in the world can’t match. But then again, you are no illusion and I’m certainly no magician. All I want is you in my life, all of my life.” Catherine responded her own lips making willing prisoners of her lover’s.

“Catherine if you rule my world, I’ll be happy to limit myself to ruling yours.” Jace said breathlessly as the kisses they shared threatened to swamp them with an insatiable desire to fulfil the mounting need within their bodies.

“As ruler of your kingdom your majesty, what is your greatest desire?” Catherine gave one of her devilish grins that usually meant nothing but.....good for Jace.

“You are Catherine, so please I’m more than willing to surrender to your royal decrees and I mean all of them!” Jace started slowly trail of kisses down Catherine’s throat and moved down in a very fluid motion to test out what it meant to be the willing captive of her heart.

“I love you Jace and keep doing what your doing and this particular ruler will never leave your bed!” Catherine rasped out as she saw the blonde head reach her breasts, damn right on that one.

“Never fear darling you won’t even get the chance, ever!” Jace purred.  She decided that they had talked enough. Now was the time for action. And she knew all about action, as she torched a trail of kisses round and around Catherine’s breasts to the dark rose nipples, favouring each with yet another sensual flicker of her tongue.

Catherine felt so light-hearted, so weightless—so extraordinarily helpless to deny her even a solitary kiss, a single caress! In truth, if she were not holding her, caressing her, she imagined she would have floated up, up, and drifted away, like a soap bubble borne on the breeze. Slowly Jace strengthen her kisses with tenderer nibbling causing a heartfelt moan to escape the raven-haired woman’s lips. Her body was incredibly sensitive to her slightest touch. She wanted Jace to touch her more intimately, yet at the same time, even her lightest caress was an exquisite torture, a pleasure beyond her enduring. In truth, she seemed quiet unable to stop smiling.

“Hmmmm, that feels wonderful,” she huskily whispered. Wiggling with ease and pleasure, she could feel moist, velvety lips muzzling the bends of her knees, then nibbling gently up her inner thigh and burrowing deeper into the softness of the excitement stirring from deep within her. Catherine surrendered to this powerful impulse, and allowed the sensation to gush through her body in wave after wave of pleasure. Finally pulling her lover into a full embrace, and several deep devouring kisses, she conferred upon Jace some exploits and similar actions of her own. The execution of these activities continued until finally content, they happily lay entwined in each other’s arms as the sun raised its first beams of morning light.


Constance paced the office space of her PA, Catherine was later than normal and she needed to see her. The information wasn’t pleasant, but the news would be she thought anyway.

“Do you want me to get coffee Constance?” Clare asked for the third time in the last half-hour. They had received a call early this morning before they left for work and Constance had been on edge ever since she had heard the news. Not that Clare had been given any details, but it had certainly hyped up her lover and how!

“NO! For the last time, I don’t need coffee. I just need our very late Chairwoman to present herself in the building, THAT”S ALL!” Constance shouted out in a harsh tone and went back into her own office to pace in there.

“I see!” Clare whispered to the now empty space that had held seconds ago a pacing tiger and an angry one at that! Clare looked over at the timepiece on the wall and noted that it was ten-thirty.  Ms Devonshire usually arrived in the office at eight in the morning if she was in town. Maybe there was a problem?

Ten minutes later the elevator stopped on the floor and out walked a very upset Chairwoman Of The Board. By the sound of her erratic pace she was very, very upset. Rounding on the young woman as soon as she saw her Catherine shouted at her. “Get me Ms Waverly and the head of security in my office NOW!” Catherine turned on her heals and unlocked her office and slammed the door loudly.

If Clare wasn’t mistaken the whole building shook at that one.

Constance heard the raised voice and re-entered Clare’s office space, “What was that about?”

“Ms Devonshire is here and she’s very upset. She wants you and the head of security in her office. NOW, I think was the term.” Clare told her politely and watched the scowl she had had all morning disappear and be replaced by a puzzled look. ‘It’s going to be one of those days.’ Clare thought as she saw the retreating back of Constance headed for Ms Devonshire office, and then she turned and looked at Clare.

“Hold the call to security until I find out what’s wrong. If I’m not out of here in ten minutes get Alex Gregory up here pronto.” Constance knocked briefly on the door and went inside.

Clare gave the closed door a thoughtful look and picked up her internal phone and making a discreet call to Rita. Her services in the tea-making department might be the only thing that would calm down Ms Devonshire and one to reception. Having made the call to reception, she quickly diverted her calls to another PA and went down to the lobby.

It was easy to make out the blonde; two security men and none of them looked happy were flanking her. Although, Jace Bardley looked the more relaxed of the three of them. Clare walked over to them as she smiled at Connie, her friend on reception and smiled broadly as she entered the fray.

“Hi, Ms Bardley have we a problem?” Clare asked easily, smiling as Jace smiled back at her and came forward to shake her hand in welcome.

“Not really a possible, over-reaction I think. Although, between you and I, the person over-reacting is Catherine.” Jace said quietly to Clare alone. Smiling as she recalled her partner’s reaction to the security people not allowing Jace to follow Catherine into the building without all the adequate screening they had been trained to carry out in the building.

Catherine had nearly blown a fuse at the refused entry. She had said she would personally vouch for her visitor and did they know who she was! That had Jace smiling and she even chuckled much to Catherine’s annoyance when one of them said he didn’t care if she was the Queen of England, her friend would still have to go through all the screening. Catherine had given Jace one last disgusted look, especially as she was still chuckling and walked over to the elevator and stormed inside it, her face like thunder.

“So it’s a security problem I assume identity etc.?” Clare said quietly to one of the security personnel.

“Yes! We’re only doing our job Ms Fallon. We would be out on our ears if we didn’t follow the precise instructions given by our superiors,” one of them said formally.

“Sure, I know that Ken. Shall we start the procedure, the sooner we do, and the sooner we can solve the problem.

Jace smiled at Clare, “At last, someone thinking positively.”

By the time the security check had been carried out both men realised that perhaps there might be some repercussions. They did not relish that possibility at all. Handing over a grade ‘A’ security pass to the small blonde, they apologised for the delay and left her to Ms Fallon.

“I think that we can now join the debate going on upstairs, what do you think?” Clare laughed softly and headed for the last bank of elevators with a chuckling blonde at her side.

“Yep, Catherine is now incredibly upset and only a decent cup of tea is going to calm that situation.” Jace shook her head at the thought.

“I have that under control, I know how that works.” Clare laughed and they entered the elevator for the top floor.

Within a couple of minutes they were outside the door and heard raised voices and both women looked at each other and smiled. Clare knocked and opened the door at the bark that bid her enter.

“WHAT!” Catherine said her face filled with fury, her eyes flashing fire.

“You have a visitor Ms Devonshire.” Clare answered and watched the look of annoyance pass over her face.

“Don’t talk rubbish girl, I have no appointments. Tell them to go to hell!” Catherine responded sharply, not giving a damn about anything, but the fact that Jace was stuck in the lobby alone, and the bloody security wouldn’t let her in.

The door opened further as Jace popped her blonde head around the door. “I take offence to that remark Catherine.” Jace replied annoyed with her partner and her voice held a quiet aggression of her own.

Catherine turned white as she realised what she’d said and whom she had actually made the remark. “I never meant..... Jace..... what I was trying to say was.....oh bloody hell!” Catherine sat down heavily in her chair.

Jace nodded at the other two in the room and they left. As Clare passed her Jace whispered to send in the tea as soon as it got here. Clare nodded her understanding.

Constance looked at the closed door and the turned to Clare. “How did you do that?”

Clare grinned. “Easy, have you ever known her to get that angry and with reception as well?”

“To be honest, I don’t know her that well. So, I wouldn’t know. How do you?” Constance asked intrigued.

A slight shadow passed over Clare’s face before she answered. “Celeste used to tell us snippets about her. Not anything that you could call juicy gossip, just about her personality. She always said Ms Devonshire never let anything rattle her. Even in some of the more volatile meetings she had mastered the accomplishment of being expressionless. I think we both have seen that Constance. So, I figured it had to be something that was more important to her than losing face here in her company. The only thing I could think of was....” Clare saw the dawning recognition on Constance’s face.

“Jace Bardley.” Constance said and clapped Clare on the back.

“Yes, exactly. It made sense to me. So, I checked it out and now it’s not a problem.” Clare laughed and saw Rita poke her head around her office space with a laden tray of tea.

“Take it in Rita. I’m sure you will be the only employee today that might bring a ghost of a smile to her face.” Constance gave Rita a rueful look and went towards her office door.

“Clare have you thought of trying out for one of the VP postings?”

Clare smiled wryly at her lover, “Will it mean leaving New York?”

Constance glanced her way and gave her a long thoughtful look. “Possibly, but the benefits package would be greatly enhanced and the pays substantially much better than you have now.”

“Guess it would mean long hours as well. If you want to rule the world.” Clare said softly and smiled at her friend’s searching look at the words.

“Long hours yes, it is part of the workload. But rule the world?” Constance asked her in query.

Clare went across to be within inches of her lover and gave her a smile. “Thanks, but no thanks I have a much more pleasurable and exciting way of ruling the world. I think I might have my work cut out for me in convincing someone else of that. However, I’m going to do it, that is a promise Constance.”

Constance didn’t understand Clare. One minute she was solving the biggest business problem of the day. The next she talked in riddles. Just as well, she loved the woman, or they could be in real trouble. “Okay, I’m sure later you can explain that to me, but let’s get on with the rest of the day shall we?”

“It will be my pleasure to enlighten you Ms Waverly. Did you tell Ms Devonshire what was bugging you earlier?” Clare asked innocently and saw Constance’s face drop, obviously not.

“Shit, I’m going to have to go face her again.” Constance exclaimed exasperated.

“Take my advice, have a coffee, read over some important files, and then go see her. By then, hopefully, Ms Bardley will have used her charm on our leader and all will be well.” Clare said confidently.

“If it’s not, what then?” Constance sighed as she said the words. There was no guarantee that Jace Bardley would calm her down, not with her last tirade.

“Do you fancy the rest of the day off?” Clare smiled and winked at her.

“Go do some work Clare, and I.....I‘ll have coffee too.” Constance had wanted to say something else. Oh well, it would have to be in her head. ‘I love you Clare.’ Smiling for the first time today she went inside and started on her in basket.


Jace walked further into the room and went over to the window and looked out over the bustling street below it was quite a scene, Catherine might not gossip but I bet she spent time just watching the world go by.

Catherine had her head down as Jace walked into the office and went over to the window without a further word, had she over reacted, maybe!

A knock on the door preceded any further conversation between the two of them as Rita walked in confidently with her laden tray, her smile removing some of the tension from the office. “Thought you might like tea?” Rita said cheerfully and looked towards the strange petite blonde who had her back to them at the window.

“Thanks, Rita. What would I do here without you making sure I had some decent tea?” Catherine replied. She liked this jovial capable woman in some ways, it reminded her of Grace’s easy attitude.

“No problem. I brought a jug of coffee also.  Your visitor might not care for tea. Or I could come back with something else?” Rita wasn’t stupid, she could feel the negative vibrations in the room and that was unusual.

“Jace, coffee fine with you?” Catherine asked tentatively and waited with baited breath for the answer, her eyes on the back of her partner watching for any movement.

Jace smiled at the unsure posture being taken by Catherine especially in her business stronghold. It didn’t do to let other people have an advantage over Catherine. Turning swiftly to face both women Jace smiled sweetly at them and winked at Catherine bringing a pink tinge to the white face. Rita had noticed the interaction and couldn’t wait to talk to Clare about this. She was the only one though; it didn’t do to gossip about the owner. Besides that, she kind of liked Ms Devonshire.

“Yes, Catherine I think coffee sounds quite pleasant about now. So, you must be ‘the’ Rita?” Jace smiled at the other woman and held out her hand in acknowledgement.

“Well, I’m not sure about that, but if you mean the ‘tea’ Rita than sure I’d answer to that.” Rita laughed self-consciously at the friendly blonde.

Catherine decided she’d been remiss to a degree anyway. “Rita Tuscany I’d like to introduce you to Jace Bardley, a close friend.”

Jace raised her own eyebrows at that description. It was laughable, but probably quite factual if you thought about it.

“You’re Ms Bardley?” Rita said in awe, her smile almost covering her face.

“Yes.” Jace answered and looked at the silent question in her eyes.

“I’m really sorry, but we’ve heard so much about you, it’s such a surprise really. Do you need me for anything else Ms Devonshire?” Rita sounded less than coherent to Catherine as she went towards the door.

“No, thanks for the tea Rita. I’ll see you later.” Catherine answered and was amused by the puzzled expression on her partner’s face. Rita left the room with a brief goodbye and went to see Clare. They really needed to talk!

Catherine rose from her seat and was pushed back gently by a hand on her shoulder, “I’ll pour tea, and you can tell me what all the hysterics were about earlier when I get my coffee, deal?” Jace said quietly.

Catherine looked down at her polished desk and then gave Jace what looked like a puppy dog expression out of her ice blue eyes. “Sure anything for you.”

“Yep, it certainly better be. By the way, the next time you tell someone to go to hell make sure you are not heard okay?” Jace looked at the sudden clouding in her eyes. Jace couldn’t help herself she leant down and placed a tender kiss on those lips that had only hours earlier brought her to a pinnacle of delight she’d never experienced before. Now, all she could think of, was that her love for Catherine was only getting stronger and deeper with each passing breath she took.

“I’m sorry but, I.....didn’t like leaving you there.” Catherine replied softly.

“I know my love, but look at it this way--your security works!” Jace smiled at her and their foreheads touched in a comforting warm connection.

“Yes, it does. I love you Jace!” Catherine moved a fraction so that her lips could capture her partners and reaffirm their closeness and love.

“I love you too. That is never going to change. Come on Catherine, you owe me, why do people call me a myth here?” Jace asked her intrigued at the title.

Catherine smiled and looked deep into the green orbs she loved to distraction. “You tell me how you got Fredricho to do a boxed meal and I’ll tell you why you’re a myth here.”

Jace laughed as she poured the steaming tea and then her coffee. Her smile captivated Catherine, who was happy to just watch Jace in whatever she did, as it was enough, to just have her close!

It was as Jace wrote about, ‘moments’ that was all this life was about; the moments they shared together!

Continued in Part 15

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