~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Six
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:  See Part One

Part 6

Chapter Twelve:

Jace wandered onto the porch and spied her two favourite women, and smiled at the warmth of their friendship, and the loud laughter that had originally caught her attention, when she'd come looking for her invisible partner. Obviously, now well inebriated by the amount of alcohol they had apparently consumed, if the three bottles on the small wicker table they had pulled up towards them was any indication. Walking quietly over to them, she saw Grace give her a wide grin and a wink of her eye, but the heightened colour in her cheeks gave the game away, Grace was potentially drunk! Catherine's back was turned towards her and she was certain that her partner wasn't aware of her approach. "So, this is where you hide when you want to be the shrinking violet at a party, huh, Catherine?" Jace smiled at Grace, who held her hand to her mouth to stop the loud laugh she wanted to expend at Catherine's sudden guilty expression that only Grace could see.

Catherine moved quickly, too quickly, and had to hold onto the chair as it careered towards the decking of the porch with a loud clatter. She looked up from her observation of the overturned chair and gave Jace a weak smile, her eyes having trouble focusing on her with any precision. "I'm not a shrinking violet Jace!" Catherine finally responded and her voice held a childish petulance about it.

"No? Could have fooled me; what do I tell all our guests this evening for dinner, the hostess and our bride to be are both drunk and unable to attend tonight? That about cover it ladies?" Jace watched both of the women with a serious expression on her face that was proving to be difficult to hold onto. This was a rare, priceless opportunity for her to get back some teasing points of her own against these two jokers.

"Well, I'm not dr....unk!" Catherine slurred on the last word.

"Same here Jace, could eat dinner anytime, wanna tell me when and where?" Grace answered, she appeared to be speaking in her normal tone, but her question clearly proved that she wasn't in total control.

"Mmmm so, how many glasses have you consumed would you say? I'll give you a clue, a number over six might be a good starting point." Jace remained serious in tone and demeanour and Catherine turned to Grace and they shook heads at each other.

"No, Jace, no.... I've only had......about...... well, maybe seven......maybe?" Catherine finally allowed and looked at her partner with a huge smile plastered on her face. It was the time when you never quite had the camera handy for those shots that had to be captured at that very moment, or the image was lost in time.

"Grace?" Jace wasn't going to let her friend off the hook either, although Jace's own estimation would have topped nine glasses.

"Me Jace? Oh, well, I guess we shared as friends do you know, seven too, I think?" Grace looked at the chair that was laid on its side and she reached down and tried to right it. Only creating more havoc as her chair moved forward and she slid ungraciously onto the decking with a loud thump!

Jace turned her back to them both and stifled a giggle this was too much, and way too entertaining! Slowly turning back to the women she saw Catherine bending her tall frame towards her friend and heaving her up onto her feet; it wasn't elegant, but they did stand or should she say, the "swayed there together,' as partners in crime.

"YOU had more than me Grace." Catherine burst out suddenly.

"NO, I didn't!" Grace blurted out affronted at the claim.

"Yes, you did you stupid cow, you had a couple of drinks with the others before I asked you to have a drink with me." Catherine retorted aggressively.

"Who you calling a stupid cow? You are not exactly a prize part of the herd yourself you know, have you looked in the mirror recently?" Grace looked at her friend with a matching fire burning in her eyes.

Jace saw the sudden changing of their body language; and she decided that perhaps, it was time she intervened in their little dispute, which could and did look as if, it was going to escalate into something both would regret later. "Okay, time out children. Catherine, I suggest you and Grace agree that you have both had enough to drink and need to go sleep it off for an hour or so. Does that sound reasonable to the both of you?"

Catherine and Grace looked at each other and turned back towards her. "Were not children!" They both said in unison, looking at Jace with a childish quizzical look.

"No problem! Bad choice of words, I'm sorry, okay? Ladies, please your beds are waiting and you will both be refreshed for your dinner, what do you say?" Jace decided this was worse than trying to get the children to eat their greens. As amusing as the current situation was, Jace had the children and the guests to consider, not mentioning Faith, that is, if she got wind of this particular episode. Fortunately, she had taken Alison into town to buy something suitable for the wedding. Alison hadn't had the time, working as she did and at least knowing Faith, they would be gone until dinner at least.

Both inebriated women looked at each other and then nodded at Jace, mollified at her apology.

Grace moved forward towards the door to the kitchen, then Jace took hold of her arm and led her towards the door of the main entrance. It was quicker to their destination, and less people to see the inebriated state they were actually in. Although, Jace suspected that last bottle would have been quite something to watch them retrieve from the kitchen, never mind open.

Grace went through the door and stumbled towards the stairs, Jace had to hold her breath and hope she didn't fall. Catherine was still standing in the same position where she had been left. The tall swaying woman looked at the door but did not make an attempt to move in any direction, much less towards the door. "Give me a minute, I'll be back." Jace ran towards the kitchen entrance and went inside, a minute later she was back, having sent Judy out to watch over Grace as she headed towards her room. Judy had chuckled at the request and had swiftly gone on her errand.

"So, Catherine what about you?" Jace watched Catherine's eyes try to focus. It reminded her of when the tall woman had been blind, but she wasn't physically blind this afternoon; blind drunk might be the description. But, she wasn't that bad, thank god!  Jace had never seen Catherine consume more than a couple of glasses of wine, three at the most and that was rarely, still it was enlightening and if she had to admit quite entertaining, also!

"Me? Me.....I'm good to go, Jace." Catherine said her head brought up in attention as if she was in the army and about to salute.

It was patently obvious she was far from that to Jace, as she put a hand to her chin and stopped herself from laughing at her partner. "Shall we?" Jace held out her hand to Catherine.

Catherine swayed slightly and then clutched the hand that was held out before her. Before Jace could react she was held in a tight hug close to Catherine's chest. Catherine bent her head to the blonde one and breathed in her fragrance. "I love you Jace, do you love me?" the voice husky, and said in a ridiculously pitiful tone to boot.

Jace struggled to breath in the tight hold, but managed to extricate herself enough to look up at the glazed eyes above her. "Yes, I love you Catherine, now come on let's get you into bed."

"Now that's an off.....er I'm not going to refuse....I have you too?" Catherine stole a kiss as she looked into those beautiful green eyes.

"Well, we have guests and children Catherine, I think one of us should be here just in case they need anything. Don't you think that would be a good idea?" Jace whispered and had to smile as a look of complete despair crossed Catherine's features.

"I want you!" Catherine replied huskily, burying her head in Jace's neck and began to nuzzle her exposed skin.

Jace heard the opening of a door and knew that someone else had arrived on the porch, she wasn't in a position to see the new entrant but she hoped it wasn't one of her family. Hades, why did things like this happen? "Now Catherine, let's get you to bed and have a sleep before dinner, please." Jace pleaded as she whispered into her lover's ear.

"Need any help?" Jason Bardley said quietly from his position at the door to the kitchen, he hadn't realised until he was on the decking that Jace and Catherine were on the porch. He also realised that maybe his little girl might need help with the tall woman, who, obviously was the worse for wear with alcohol.

Jace cringed at the comment, not the actual content, but who actually had spoken the words, 'Hades why did it have to be you Dad?' "I'm okay dad, she's going to bed for an hour or so before dinner. Isn't that correct Catherine?"

Catherine looked up from her tasty meandering over Jace's neck and looked at the intruder as best she could in her current inebriated state and shook her head. "Only if you come with me."

Jace had the manoeuvrability to turn and face her father and did so the pink staining her cheeks.

"Well Dad, I think that about sums up my little problem here,' shaking her own head in resignation. "Sure, please give me a hand Dad." Jace changed tactics, she had the children to consider and Catherine was definitely in no state to consider herself, much less them. 'She thought I was foolish this morning. God knows what she thinks this action is!'

Jason Bardley walked over to the two women and gave his daughter a smile. "Does she do this often?" He took Catherine's right arm and felt her resistance, as they began to lead her reluctantly towards the main door.

"No, first time I've ever seen it. Kind of different, and I'm sure she will be suitably chastened by the event later; now that will be something Dad." Jace laughed, placing a hand to Catherine's cheek and gave her a smile, which held only tenderness, Catherine responded by walking without further comment or agitation.

Several minutes later, they had her sprawled out on the bed. Jason backed towards the door chuckling softly. He waved his hand at his daughter, quickly exiting the room.

Catherine gave Jace a look of longing that nearly had the blonde weakening and climbing onto the bed with her lover. Jace watched as Catherine closed her eyes and within a short space of time, she was sleeping or nearly so a few words uttered as she eventually slipped into a deep sleep. "Love you Jace, you don't know long.....I."

Jace sat at the edge of the bed and stroked back the stray hair that had fallen over her face, "Sure, I do Catherine, and our love is forever." Whispering into her ear as she placed a tender kiss on her cheek, then pulled a blanket over her and moved to leave the room, giving her a second look and a wry smile. 'Lord how I love you, Catherine.'


Everyone except Colin was present at the dinner that evening; he had been banned by Faith, who was looking at her rather pale daughter with concern.

"Grace are you sure you're feeling well, you don't look it?" Faith said all eyes turned to Grace at her mother's remark.

"Yes, Mother, I'm quite well. Great actually, how about you Catherine?" Grace looked at her friend with bloodshot eyes and noted that Catherine's had pretty much the same look.

"Me?" Catherine was surprised at the attention, it had been bad enough that she had only just managed to wake up and get the shortest shower in history to arrive at dinner on time. That had only been because Grace had stumbled in and woke her up. Jace hadn't awakened her; which had surprised her and if, she was honest, worried her some also. The fact that she hadn't had the opportunity to say more than hello to Jace since her arrival in the dining room had also irked her somewhat. She'd kill Grace when the woman came back from her honeymoon; that so called friend had got her drunk!

"Yeah, Catherine to the best of my knowledge, you're the only Catherine in the room?" Jace quipped and Lisa laughed out loud and Jake chuckled at the white-faced profile of their guardian.

Catherine gave the children one of her thunderous looks and they stifled any further laughter at her expense. "I'm well." She finally muttered and looked down at the first course of the meal.

Jason Bardley decided that Catherine Devonshire or whatever she wanted to call herself was a prime target for some fun. "I've got a cure for a hangovers that works every time."

Catherine turned to him and gave him a glacial look out of her rather bloodshot ice blue eyes, "I appreciate the sentiment Jason, but I haven't got a hangover." She said shortly.

"No? Wasn't the impression I got when you looked at the wine being served tonight? Besides that, when someone can't manage to retire to their room without aid, well sure strikes me of being the worse for wear?" Jason persisted a grin that Catherine was sure she'd seen Jace use many a time covering his face.

'What the hell did he mean, she couldn't get to her room unaided?' The raven-haired woman thought, but attempted to stay serene.

Alison Bardley nudged her husband in the ribs and whispered to him, "You shouldn't say that Jason, what will Catherine think about us." Jason looked at his wife and smiled.

"Wine! Yes, right, the wine. Grace over to you." Catherine passed that particular hot potato over to her friend, she seriously didn't want to think about wine, it made her feel sick, although she knew that a toast tonight was definitely required.

Grace looked at her friend and gave her a weak grimace and then turned to the rest of the diners and gave an even weaker smile. "Oh! Well wine, yes Catherine hates to look at the wine, she just drinks it."

Jace laughed at that comment as did most round the table that knew of the two women's happy hour or two together.

Lisa piped up, "She doesn't Grace, she chooses the wine carefully. She only likes certain ones, you know that!" All eyes turned to the innocent child and Jace decided it was time she stopped not only her father, but also anyone else who wanted to take pot shots at her lover. Catherine's face showed her consternation at her father's statement about retiring to her room; oh, well, that she would answer later.

"Catherine and Grace decided to have a few drinks together as old friends do at this very special time in anyone lives, perhaps they didn't eat enough at lunch and it went to their heads, but now their fine, right?" Jace looked first at Catherine, who gave her a smile that warmed her whole body, then to Grace who looked pathetically grateful.

Catherine looked at Grace as Grace turned her glance towards Catherine and they gave each other a small smile. "Yes that's right and let's toast to Grace and Colin and a splendid day tomorrow." Catherine held up her glass of wine and gave Grace an encouraging look, as she picked hers up with a shaky hand.

All the diners, including the children who were drinking apple juice toasted Grace and the dinner resumed with various stories and getting to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere.

When the dinner was over, everyone retired to the lounge and they all began to mingle, even the children until Catherine escorted them to bed. Catherine felt bad enough that she'd lost control and didn't have a clue how she'd managed to end up on the bed; that was a stupid and foolish thing to happen. 'What had she implied to Jace yesterday that the woman was a child, well with that stunt this afternoon, she certainly put herself firmly in that category herself!' She was sure that Jace had something to say about that situation but so far Jace had been entirely supportive and her face gave away no indication that she was going to blow up at any time, the woman was far too easy on her. Sure as hell, she would have had something to say if the roles had been reversed!

Walking back into the room Catherine looked for Jace as she always did on entering a room, even when she knew Jace wasn't there it never mattered, it had become second nature to her. Jace was talking animatedly with her sister and although Lucy was taller and had chestnut hair, she did have the same nose and the same smile that Jace had, it made her smile as she thought of the same smile on Elena. Catherine walked over to the only area of the room that wasn't occupied, close to the window and she looked out at the numerous shining stars that always made her smile, they looked so fascinating to her.

"Penny for them?" Jace had seen her partner come back into the room and watched as she edged her way to a free space, as only Catherine would do in a crowd. Her partner was at times very protective over her personal space and tonight it looked like she was going to be awkward in the conversation stakes.

Catherine looked down at the flashing green eyes that held warm affection and love; she placed a hand on Jace's cheek and stroked it giving her a responding smile back. "I was looking at the stars." She stated simply.

"So, how do they look?" Jace leaned into the gentle caress of her lover, it was a touch she delighted in and Catherine knew it.

"Fascinating as always but.... not as fascinating as you." Catherine shrugged her shoulders at the words, giving Jace a wry look.

Jace saw the slight shift of her partner, usually she only said romantic comments when they were alone, yet if she thought about it Catherine would view the lounge and her single presence at her side as close as being alone as they could get in a crowded room. "Do you know what you remind me of?"

Catherine looked deep into the green eyes she loved and gave her a quizzical look. "No, although maybe, I have an inkling after today. Why did you leave me to sleep, I could have missed dinner altogether if Grace hadn't decided to drop by?"

"I was busy with my mother and Elena, then Faith was throwing one of her famous, everything is going wrong routines and before I knew it, you had arrived in the room and I suddenly realised the time, I'm sorry." Jace gave a small pout that indicated her apology was sincere.

"How is it that you're saying sorry to me, when it should be I who sure as hell should be on my knees asking you to forgive me for that particular deviation this afternoon." Catherine looked out towards the stars and her face held a serious expression.

"No way Catherine you and Grace have a history that made this afternoon special for you both. I'm glad it happened, you both needed it! That's all in the past now, okay? Although, if either of you work together to make me blush for a practical joke in the future, you might get it thrown back at you; just remember that!" Jace chuckled and was engulfed in a hug that was unexpected, but sorely welcome. She knew Catherine wasn't the overly affectionate type in full view of complete strangers or casual acquaintances, but this was family, all of it and Catherine had to acknowledge that at some stage.

"So what do I remind you of?" Catherine asked her softly.

"You are one of the most alluring and yet enigmatic people I know, yet I love you to distraction and I think of the moon. Dumb huh? I know, but you remind me of the moon, I see pieces of you and then suddenly, I get the full charisma of Catherine Warriorson, just as you get the beauty of a full moon. Darling you are impossible to hold in that state and yet I know I have you here in my heart, no matter if I have the quarter, half or full moon you will always have my heart and soul forever." Jace looked at the still profile before her and she suddenly saw the light in Catherine's eyes; along with the glow that she knew only she could instil it was worth simply everything that life had to offer her.

"Catherine we are having a discussion about media exposure in the lives of private citizens and thought you might like you join in?" James Thompson spoke directly at the couple yards from him and looked at her in expectation.

Catherine gave Jace a slow concentrated glimpse into her heart with an expressive ice blue gaze that conveyed her emotions over Jace's admission. "Sure, I have something to say." She touched her lover's hand in a gentle show of appreciative affection and walked over to the group.

Jace smiled as she watched the retreating back of her partner. 'Yeah I bet you do have something to say on that particular subject.' Turning, she saw Grace standing attentively at the edge of a group which held Faith, and her mother, Alison, Grace's sister, as they were all was engrossed in a discussion with Jace's father and sister.

"Grace?" Jace said and saw the woman turn towards her and gave her a grin. Walking over to Jace, she placed a hand on her arm.

"Thanks, don't think I could have taken anymore of the wedding plans tonight. I tell you Jace, I'll be glad when it's over. I could sure do with Colin by my side at the moment, I miss him!" Grace said in a sheepish voice, her face strained.

"You feeling okay?" Jace said quietly and looked at her friend in compassion.

"Yeah, I guess, I have a headache and I wouldn't doubt a certain close friend of ours isn't nursing one too. Otherwise, I'm fine and it was worth it." Grace gave her a smile that added weight to her admission.

"Yes, she'll not admit it, but I suspect you're right. I'm glad she let herself go. It is very rare." Jace said. her expression understanding.

"Rare! Jace it was a miracle, although, we shouldn't have drunk quite the volume we did, I'm glad too. I think just the odd occasional letting down the barriers, is what she needed. But, she would never accept that." Grace said quietly, her gaze wandered over to their tall friend who was indulging in what was for Catherine, an animated conversation.

"Well, she's going to have to face my Dad at some stage alone, he had to help me to get her to our room." Jace chuckled and watched the grin appear on Grace's face.

"She's going to be so......so embarrassed at that one, Jace. Does she know?" Grace asked her keen sense of humour open to all sorts of possibilities with that gem.

"She does now! And knowing my father, he will milk it for all its worth, and who can blame him." Jace laughed.

"Not me, I'd go for it definitely. Almost worth delaying the honeymoon for that particular encounter." Grace smiled, and then winked at Catherine, who had turned at their laughter.

"She hates your doing that you know?" Jace chuckled at the consternation on Catherine's face.

"I know that's why I do it! Hell, the woman gets her way on most things, but she can't stop my eye action. now can she?"

"Guess not, she's got some pretty special eye action's of her own." Jace answered and smiled as she saw the ever-faithful left eyebrow go up in response to part of the conversation she was having.

"Well, shall we go and rescue her or leave her to the rather dry conversation she got herself into?" Grace smirked at Jace.

"Let us......rescue her; you forget Grace, I have to live with her." Jace replied and started to walk towards her partner.

"Yeah! I know, thank god she found you in time." Grace followed closely behind her friend.

'I'm glad I found her in time too.' Jace went close to Catherine and put her hand through her partner's arm and joined the
conversation, receiving a smile of welcome at her presence.


Chapter Thirteen:

Colin was talking to several of the ranch hands, which had decided that his last night as a bachelor, wasn't going to be left to his own devices; they had heard that he had been banned from seeing Grace that day. Women, and their silly traditions.

They had all brought over beer, deciding that hard liquor wasn't exactly conducive to Colin getting to his wedding in a fit state and as they had met his mother-in-law to be, also. They didn't want her harassing them for overindulging with the groom.

"Where you going on your honeymoon Colin, you've been rather secretive about the whole thing?" Seth Lantry asked. He had worked with Colin for the six years, all the time that Colin had worked at Destiny.

"Now why would I go telling you boy's. I'd never have a minutes peace knowing you all had that information?" Colin laughed as he took a healthy swig out of his bottle of beer.

"Oh, come on spoil sport, didn't you get one of Mrs Warriorson's properties as a hideaway? We read that she had lots of them scattered around the world." Mat Renfrew gave him a knowing smile. Everyone on the ranch knew the owner had a special relationship with the ranch Forman and Grace was closer to the owner than a sister, they all thought.

Colin looked a little embarrassed at the question. "She offered and I accepted. But, NO, you're not going to have that particular information, even Grace doesn't know our destination yet. She thinks she does, but she doesn't." Colin smiled as he recalled their discussion over dinner about the honeymoon retreat. He'd simply agreed with every thing Grace had said and then promptly did nothing about it because the plans had been made and settled. It was going to be a surprise for his wife, because she deserved it, and he knew that it was difficult to keep things from Grace. Catherine had been the ace in the hole, she'd literally taken the whole thing in hand, and he had been presented with the tickets and the information yesterday and then she had just walked off as if it was a regular occurrence.

"Wow! How did you manage to keep that a secret? Hell, those women at the house know everything, even young Lisa." One of the ranch hands said in awe. They all loved the small redhead, but she couldn't keep her mouth closed even if her life depended on it they suspected.

"Not Ms. Warriorson, she's the soul of discretion and I don't even think Jace knows." Colin smiled at that last comment. Catherine was good at keeping secrets, and he was willing to stake his last paycheck that the petite blonde hadn't a clue about her parents arriving.

John Cruisal looked over at Colin over the rim of his beer. "Mrs. Warriorson doesn't say much at all. I was with her today and she's kind of quiet." The young man reflected on his journey of that day with the owner.

"Well boy, some women don't need words." Seth said and chucked the youngster under the chin in a friendly way.

"Yeah, looking like she does, why does she need to speak, what wouldn't I give........?" Mat agreed with his co-worker.

"Hey, enough of that Mrs. Warriorson isn't the talkative type." Colin intervened.

"I agree with Mat, she is absolutely stunning and if I got the chance....." John trailed off his eyes had a far away look.

"You haven't a chance boy, if you hadn't noticed, she is taken." Seth laughed at the blush that stained the boy's cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah I know, but she once must have looked at men..... Maybe she will again, I for one will wait and see." John said his confidence causing the other men in the room to give him a look of indulgent affection.

"Don't wait around too long boy. You might find you are past your 'sell' by date with other women." Mat inferred, his remark bringing loud laughter from the rest from the group.

"Ah, but I can still have other women while I wait. Where is the harm in that?" smirked the youth bringing out the arrogance of the remark.

Mat put his hand on the boy's shoulder "Let's get you another beer Romeo."

Colin looked at the young man and smiled Catherine would be irritated by the young mans arrogance and attitude, but she wasn't likely to find out, it was all talk anyway!

"Colin, come on man, let's get a few more beers down you and did you hear about Grace and Mrs. Warriorson this afternoon, both blind drunk or, so I was told......." The man continued to feed Colin with news of his fiancé and he chuckled, as he thought of the two of them drinking more than normal. Although, he suspected that Grace would handle the tolerance level far better than Catherine he hoped that Grace was feeling okay she always had a headache if she drank more than a couple of beers or glasses of wine.


Catherine was nursing a headache, as she closed up the house for the night and set all the necessary alarms externally. It would be just her luck to have something happen at the eleventh hour and that she could certainly do without.

Walking around the desk in the study, she saw the spine of a book slightly protruding from the heavy wooden bookcase. 'Maybe the kids hadn't put it back correctly.' She place her hand on the book and began to push it back in place, then stopped and withdrew the volume intrigued as to the title.

Catherine sat down in the sofa close to the bookcase and examined the book, it was certainly old and she suspected one of Adam's original collection, although her own tastes and that of the children were now vying for space in the room. Soon perhaps, they would have to consider a library on it's own not sharing a room with her office.  That was certainly something she needed to talk to Jace about, the renovation of the house.

The children had been allocated rooms on an ad hoc basis when they first arrived; but now that the situation was permanent, and with Elena needing her own room soon, they really needed to consider extending the main building. Catherine had been thinking about the addition of a guest wing, and then converting some of the original guest's rooms into larger living areas for each of the children. It appeared an excellent idea to her, and she wouldn't be unhappy about having the extra space the room Jake currently occupied being added to her and Jace's bedroom. Maybe even a sitting area of some sort. Still she would need to discuss that with Jace, who might have her own ideas on the subject, together they would find a solution to the renovations, on that she was sure.

Turning the volume over in her hands, she saw the title and a wry smile flashed over her still face. 'Interpretation of Dreams.' By A.L.T. World. Catherine chuckled at the name of the author 'hell some people sure used the weirdest pen names.'

"Well A.L.T. World, I don't need to read your book to know what my dreams will be interpreted into, she's called Jace and that's all I'll ever need to know for sure." Catherine whispered into the empty room and stood up and replaced the book back in the case, turning to switch off the desk lamp and finally the room light and closed the door. 'Well, the good dreams at any rate.'  Catherine's thoughts reminded her reluctantly.

The hall light she left on as they always did, just as a precaution if either of the children came down the stairs for anything in the night. Although, she'd never known it yet; but, there was always the first time and Catherine knew the house could have a scary feel to it in the darkness and she wanted the children to feel only safe in the house. That had been difficult to achieve after the kidnapping six months ago, but everyone appeared to be more relaxed now. She was eternally grateful for that or they might have had to move 'home'

altogether. Catherine wasn't sure she could do that and it gave her a sense of weakness that hadn't happened to her before or she hoped ever would again.

Swiftly taking the stairs two at a time, she quickly checked up on Lisa whose door was slightly open, peering in she saw the small redhead wrapped in a sheet to ward off the early morning chill of the summer season. The child looked like a mummy and Catherine had to stifle a laugh as she considered that would be the only way to stop the child talking. Catherine saw the bear, on the floor at the edge of the bed, obviously throw out with the child's movements in the bed. Walking silently into the room Catherine picked up the ragamuffin bear and deposited it next to Lisa gently, who immediately wrapped her arm around the soft toy as if, uncannily aware of Catherine's presence in the room. She stood taking that reaction as a good sign to remove herself from the room before the child did wake, and she did so silently.

Walking towards her own room, passing Jake's although his door was closed and she was in two minds over peeking inside; it might wake him and she was loath to do that Jace would kill her. Still Jace hadn't done it yet, and who knew, the boy might be having a nightmare, so she opened the door quietly even if the hinge did creak a little. Inside she saw that the boy was half out of his sheet and half in, his legs wound around it like a contortionist. He looked relaxed in sleep and her mind went over what her son would have looked like at this age. That was something she had to leave in the past this habit to compare Jake to her son it was insensitive to him and it also kept torturing her about what could have been. Or could it she had never been there for her son in the early days, would things have been so different had he lived? No, she doubted it, it could have little benefit this continued recall, and it only gave pain.

Shaking her head of the thoughts she closed the door and went over to her room and opened it as quietly as she could. One thing for sure,

There was no way did she want to wake Elena or she could be up for another hour or more playing with the baby. Certainly Jace should not have to take that task upon herself, even if Catherine had a headache. They had decided that from tomorrow Elena would be moved temporarily into Lisa's room and then after the guests left she would take up residence in Jace's old room next door to Lisa. It was time for that change, the baby was old enough now and slept pretty much through the night anyway.

Creeping towards the bathroom, she noticed that Jace looked deeply asleep and she wasn't surprised about that, after last nights marathon and the exhilaration and excitement over the arrival of her family, it had to take it's toll at some stage and tomorrow was going to be a long day.

"Why do you take so long to come to bed?" a muffled voice spoke tiredly from the comfort of the king-sized bed.

"Sorry, I found a book and I kind of started to thinking." Catherine responded softly, closing in on the bathroom door.

"Catherine come here." Jace said and propped her head on her hand as she looked at the puzzled expression on her lover's face.

Catherine moved quickly to her side. "Anything wrong?" She whispered and pushed back a strand of blonde hair from her lover's face as she gingerly sat on the edge of the bed.

"No, but by the time you've finished in there, I'm going to be asleep and I wanted to say goodnight." Jace gave her a warm smile and watched a matching smile pass over Catherine's face.

"Oh!" Catherine was taken aback at the words, but pleasantly so.

Placing her hands over Catherine's Jace pulled the tall woman into her arms. "I love you Catherine. I want to say that to you every waking minute of my life, if I could say it to you in my dreams. I would certainly do that also." Jace placed her lips on her lover's and gave her a heartfelt kiss that had Catherine's body responding immediately.

"Say it in your dreams Jace, because I'll hear them, believe me, I will hear them!" Catherine spoke with quiet conviction.

Jace looked at her keenly. "I do believe you would Catherine. Yes, I think you actually do." Jace stroked a hand down the left scarred cheek and relished the movement of the dark head the touched invoked beneath her hand. "Go and get cleaned up, or you will be asleep here in your clothes."

Catherine held Jace's gaze in a piercing one from her ice blue eyes. "I would sleep anywhere and in any condition if you were by my side."

"I will be Catherine, but you know how I prefer you to sleep beside me?" Jace gave a tired smirk and settled back down into the bed her eyes trying desperately to clear away the sleep, but to no avail it was working it's magic on her no matter how much she wanted to stay awake.

Catherine gave a low chuckle and stood up and towered over her partner. "Yes! I do, no clothes at all, right?"

"Right.' Jace mumbled as she gradually released her hold on her wakefulness, 'what was the book about?"

Catherine smiled as she turned away towards her original destination.

"Interpretation of Dreams."

"Dreams huh? What's in your dreams Catherine?" The voice heavily laden with sleep and Catherine knew that the woman who had asked the question would not hear her answer.

"You are!" Catherine turned replying softly to her now deeply sleeping lover, it really didn't matter if she heard or not because it was something that would always be the good dreams. 'Jace Bardley you are simply my dream of the present, future and whatever makes up forever, what else do I need to dream about?'

Closing the door behind her in the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of the moon and tonight it was full, she smiled and went on wit her final task for the night.

Continued in Part 7

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