~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Seven
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com
Disclaimer and Acknowledgements: See Part One
Part 7
Chapter Fourteen:
The hustle and bustle of a house that was not only holding the bride to be, but also the whole event also was to say the least hectic. Faith was running around calling after the caterers who had arrived promptly at six a.m. as requested. The owner of the local caterers had received several caustic comments from Faith Thornton in the past few months, although she wasn't a relative of Ms. Warriorson, who you definitely did not piss off in any way; this woman was equally as formidable and Grace had always been a good ally in that household. How she had kept her sense of humour had often intrigued the locals. Having both a mother and Ms. Warriorson in the household to contend with, well everyone thought that Grace had become a saint over night and they were going to make sure that her wedding went of without a hitch.
Judy was watching the rather fraught antics of Faith and she smiled at her friend, in both understanding and the hilarity of the situation. It was now close to seven, the rest of the family not to mention the guests would no doubt start surfacing. It was as well that they had decided to open up the dining room for breakfast. Judy didn't quite see Catherine Warriorson relishing the situation in the kitchen and trying to have a quiet mug of tea to start her day. If Catherine didn't get her tea, then they would be in for a very difficult day indeed.
Moving past one of the numerous or so it seemed catering personnel, she went towards the dining room and heard voices and smiled. 'Yep, you couldn't keep that woman away from her tea.'
"Good morning?" Judy smiled as she walked briskly into the room and saw Catherine trying to secure Elena into her high chair as Susan watched with an indulgent smile on her face.
"Good morning Judy, how are things going?" Susan asked she had been given a short synopsis of the events leading to the wedding at mid-day today.
"I think its going well, but if you looked at Faith well, I wouldn't or you might get the wrong impression." Judy chuckled and was given an understanding look from Catherine, who was still struggling to put Elena into the chair and who seemed to want to fight any attempt to secure her in the contraption.
Susan resumed her watchful eye over her ex-employer, the mirth never far from her eyes as she watched the struggle between the baby and the adult. "Would you like me to help?" Susan finally asked as Judy left to bring in the tea and coffee.
Catherine gave Susan a pathetic look of thanks at the offer. "Jace usually takes care of this, she has the touch and I obviously don't."
Susan walked over and placed a hand gently on the baby's forehead. "Hey little one, do you want to have some breakfast?" Her soft gentle tone calming the baby who continued to watched her with green interested eyes. Susan swiftly, but firmly placed the harness about the child and clicked the clasps into place. The baby was secure and waiting patiently for her breakfast or that was how it seemed to Catherine.
"Hell! She never moved so much as an eyelash with you Susan?" Catherine retorted her voice held a niggling annoyance. Elena giggled as Susan gave her a small piece of buttered toast to suck on as the child had only two teeth and they did nothing, but chew on fingers usually Catherine's or Jake's and not food at the moment.
"I have the touch Catherine, perhaps you should ask Jace to give you some tips? You are far too gentle with the baby, she needs a firm hand also Catherine, and it won't hurt her." Susan replied and smiled at the crestfallen expression on the face opposite her.
"I couldn't do that Susan, she looks at me with Jace's eyes, I couldn't hurt her in any way. Tea, I need tea that's what's wrong with me." Catherine exclaimed, giving a heavy sigh as Judy walked in with the prerequisite item.
"Looks like you need this Catherine?" Judy put down the pot of tea next to Catherine and poured a cup of coffee for Susan, then placed the carafe on the side table on a hot plate.
"How well you have come to know me Judy. How long has it been?" Catherine quirked an eyebrow at the young housekeeper, but also gladly had been acting as tutor to the children when the family travelled. It was working out to be not only an excellent arrangement but also one they desperately needed if Catherine wanted to keep the family together when she went abroad.
"Nine months almost ten and it's flown by." Judy smiled and went on her way to collect the cooked breakfast selection.
Susan was looking at Catherine with a speculative glance and shook her grey peppered head at the interested look she received back.
"What?" Catherine finally said as she sipped her tea.
"Being firm with a child isn't hurting them Catherine. What gave you that idea?" Susan continued her earlier conversation she had been disturbed at Catherine's assumption that being firm meant that it would cause the child pain.
Catherine shot Susan a glare hoping to silence the question, but she knew better, Susan never gave up; she would just try another angle.
"My aunt was firm it hurt, I don't want any child of mine experiencing that!" There was bitterness of old wounds reflected in her voice.
"How old were you Catherine?" Susan asked her gently, knowing the battle would always be worth the effort with Catherine when she finally released her pain. Jace had arrived at the dining room doorway and was waiting for her partner's answer to the question. She knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop on the conversation, but Jace also knew that Catherine would clam up immediately when she arrived and perhaps this was a conversation only someone like Susan could broach.
"Old? I was eleven when Papa dropped us on Constantia three months after Mothers' death. Lucas didn't know that Constantia only put up with us because we were her younger sisters off spring; she never loved us!" Catherine said her mind pulling up images she'd have rather kept in the dark recesses of her mind that's where they belonged.
"Eleven, quite the young woman I suspect and still grieving over your mother, and then your father leaving could not have helped." Susan said gently.
"Yes, Papa leaving wasn't good. It was devastating. We loved him. Why didn't he know that Susan?" Catherine's voice choked on the words and she drank heavily from her mug. Jace had to put a hand to her mouth to stifle a cry of anguish for the child her partner was describing, as well as the perceived hurt of long ago.
"He did Catherine, but he couldn't deal with your mother's death, it happens. He thought he had found you a safe place to grow up and with someone who loved your mother also; someone who could give you love as she did." Susan explained, her limited knowledge of the situation and the rare conversations she'd had with Catherine's father helped her to assimilate the information that she was receiving.
"Constantia loved mother yes, she never loved us, well me! She did love Lucas, but then he never caused any trouble, he was just happy loving Lucas." Catherine placed a hand to her forehead and braced it there as if to ward of the memories.
"I see, perhaps you were wrong and she loved you too, but the situation was never right to express it to you. By all accounts, even from what you say, you became a little wild. Is she still alive?" Susan asked and her heart cried silent tears for the unhappy child that had turned into a very lonely woman. Although, she was beginning to turn that around with her current life and family, it was evident there were still scars that needed healing.
"Yes. I believe so." Catherine said after a few moments.
"Why not bury the hatchet as they say, and go and see her, take the family; be a family Catherine!" Susan said with quite determination in her tone.
Jace smiled at Susan's choice of words how very apt.
"I'll think about it." Catherine answered, to her the conversation closed.
Susan knew this particular subject matter was over, but she had tried and she thought that maybe, just maybe, she might have broken through, who knew.
Jace expelled several breaths and then breezed into the room "Hi everyone. Good morning." Walking over to Catherine, she kissed her on the cheek and went over to Susan and did the same, whispering into her ear. "Thank you for loving her." The older woman looked up at the words and smiled and nodded her head.
Closing in on her daughter, she gave her a bright smile and tousled the short spiky dark hair. "Hi darling, what's Catherine feeding you with today huh?" Getting a peeved look from Catherine at the words.
"Anyone would think I give her chocolates all day." Catherine bit out agitated at the reference, but more from the earlier conversation, as it had rattled her profoundly.
"You spoil her rotten Catherine, as you do all the children, just as well I'm here to keep a watch over you, or they would all be spoiled, fat and uncontrollable." Jace laughed at the pout she was receiving from Catherine.
"No, they wouldn't Jace. And you know it! I dislike chocolate as well you know, but someone not so very far away happens to have a store cupboard full of it, or doesn't that count?" Catherine changed her tone to a bantering one, after all it was a time for happiness today, and bloody bad memories could take a back seat for certain.
Jace pulled a face and placed a kiss on her daughter's cheek removing the soggy finger of toast, and presenting her with another before she start wailing for a replacement. "Well, whose fault is that? You bought it all for me. Every month, I think I've killed the problem and what do I find, you have miraculously filled it up again, I think I've put on twenty pounds in the last couple of months alone." Jace sat at Catherine's right hand side.
Catherine gave Jace a long look and smiled rakishly at her taking in the toned body before her. "I have very good memories that are associated with a chocolate cupboard in a certain apartment in LA, so please let me continue that small chore. Besides Jace, I wouldn't care if you put on hundred pounds, just so long as you're here with me."
Jace returned the stare and forgot for a moment that they had a guest. "Well if you put it like that lover, how can I refuse?" Her voice low and enticingly seductive, giving Catherine reason to grind her teeth at the fact, that they had company.
Grace chose that moment to come into the room and heard the last comment and Catherine placing Jace's fingers to her lips. "Oh god give me strength, when will you two give it a rest," her voice chastising, but her chuckle deposing any kind of censures.
"Well, I think it's wonderful to see Grace and wait until you are doing the same." Susan interposed, laughing at the pink stained cheeks of the two women they were discussing.
"Okay! Carry on. You two might just be giving me some much needed pointers, who knows." Grace laughed and collected a coffee and poured one for Jace, for some reason the small blonde had a one-track mind and it was focused on a tall raven-haired woman next to her.
"Thanks Grace," Jace acknowledged the coffee set in front of her, although Grace wasn't too sure what she was being thanked for.
"Grace when have you needed any pointers?" Catherine decided to join in the conversation.
"The day you changed all the rules." Grace said enigmatically.
"Which day would that be dear?" Susan asked interested, she knew about the two of them yesterday in fact she'd seen the two of them laughing like schoolgirls, trying to locate the correct bottle of wine for their indulgences. Although by then it was the thirdand she doubted either of them would have a clue what they were drinking.
"Ah, now Susan that's a strange tale, as its surrounds a stormy night and an unwelcome visitor, who just happened to steal our Catherine's heart that night." Grace smiled at what she could see as great ways to spend her last breakfast as a single woman, oh, yeah-great fun.
"Don't be ridiculous Grace!" Catherine said dismissively.
Jace looked at Grace and gave her a grin and then turned to Catherine. "It never happened like that?" Jace asked innocently. There were times when it was so good to be with friends and have innocent fun at a friend's expense. Unfortunately, she doubted that Catherine would think like that; but, Catherine had a lot to learn about letting friends into her life, however, she was a very fast learner and how!
Catherine looked at the three women and then at the baby who was happily sucking to death the finger of toast. 'Do you want to change places Elena?' Catherine considered that a much better position than the one she was currently in. "Well, it didn't happen quite like that."
"No?" Grace continued to tease Catherine knowing that Jace was happy with the situation at least for now. Jace could become very quickly defensive for Catherine, if she felt it was getting out of hand.
"No! In fact the rule changing as you call it came before that, when I couldn't keep my mind on the Reverend's conversation, because I was thinking of green eyes that I'd left to suffer in the storm." The statement was a surprise that was certain, especially for all three women in the room. Catherine's quiet, yet completely honest adaptation of her life changing experience had never been revealed to any of them before.
Several minutes later no one had spoken. "Does the cat have everyone's tongue?" Catherine asked the still astonished people.
"Cat got our tongue, fuc.......' Jace looked at Grace who quickly stopped her use of words not suitable for a baby's ears. "I always wanted to know what got that particular ball rolling and now I find out it was the great Bardley herself, and she wasn't even in the room, way to go Jace." Grace chuckled and got up to pour herself a much-needed second coffee.
"Is that true?" Jace turned to Catherine and grasped her hand as if she needed the contact to gauge the truth.
"Yes, I was thinking how gutsy you were talking back to me on the ridge and how insipid Adamson and the rest looked in your wake; what's a girl to think." Catherine shrugged her shoulders in a gesture of nonchalance at her comment.
"I know what I think." Jace gazed deep into the ice blues of her partner.
"What do you think?" Catherine asked as she gently played with the fingers in her hold.
"I love you, I've always loved you!" Jace reached over and placed her lips on her partners in a gentle affirmation of her love.
Catherine looked down at the table at the show of affection and then looked back at the three pairs of eyes that were looking at her, no strike that, four pairs even Elena was getting in on the act. "Pleased to hear it. Now shall we have breakfast or not."
A crescendo of noise greeted them as the door was pushed wide on it's hinges and in rushed Lisa in her nightgown, with Jake running close behind, at least he'd changed into sweats and a T-shirt.
"Okay, what's wrong with you two?" Catherine asked her voice resigned but happily so.
"She wouldn't change Catherine, and do I really have to wear that bow tie?" The boy asked in an offended tone.
"Right, let's get this into perspective shall we, good morning is the start. 'She's' the cats mother Jake. Lisa why didn't you change? Yes, Jake you do!" Catherine said with quiet authority and smiled as Judy came back with food. 'Oh the joy of children at breakfast.'
Susan smiled not understanding the reference to the cat's mother but that would probably be one of Catherine's English sayings and selected her food, 'You're a fast learner Catherine, a very fast learner.'
Chapter Fifteen:
Jason and Alison Bardley were watching their youngest daughter talking animatedly with one of the younger ranch hands, he was quite handsome too, had that James Dean look about him and he couldn't be that much older than their recently turned eighteen year old child.
"Lucy looks like she's enjoying the company." Jason said in a cautious tone to his wife. He'd never worried about Lucy in quite the way he had Jace. She had always appeared more worldly wise than her elder sister for some absurd reason.
"Yeah, wasn't that the young man who drove the vehicle yesterday" Alison asked knowing that she was right; who could have missed him, he certainly could turn any head that was for sure.
Jason squinted his eyes at the sun and looked at the man in closer detail or as close as you could from this distance. "Sure looks like him."
"Well, she always did go for the blonde types and knowing our daughter she will probably have him eating out of her hand in no time." Alison smiled; it wasn't the fact that her daughter was particularly beautiful. Although, she was in their eyes it was more she could talk people into a relationship, it was a family trait that had obviously originated from Jason. Alison had decided years ago, especially when the girls had started to talk that it was better to try and exist in that plane than be outside it! Her thoughts then drifted to Catherine Devonshire and how she coped with the Bardley effect. Jace was a good conversationalist and her compassion for people and their sometimes-unusual circumstances could either irritate the hell out of someone, or they became enchanted by it. Quite obviously Catherine was enchanted and although she might not say that much, it was clearly apparent that they had a conversation system all of their own and words had no place in it, strangely enough it suited her eldest child.
"Yes, I believe you're right as always darling. What do you think about our granddaughter?" Jason had fallen asleep as soon as his head at hit the pillow last night, so they hadn't managed to have a private conversation until now.
"Jason you had better not let your daughter hear you say that, we have two granddaughters and a grandson now remember?" Alison chastised him and then gave him a knowing smile.
"Okay. Okay, what do you think about Elena then?" He looked suitably chastised; he liked his two elder grandchildren as well. They were so different and yet you'd think Lisa was really a chip off the old Jace Bardley block. As for the boy, well if he wasn't Catherine's son, he should have been; they had the same set of expressions.
"She looks like Jace in lots of ways, and yet if I didn't know better I would swear she had a look of Catherine also. I know it crazy, but even Jace didn't deny that!" Alison had to laugh at her completely absurd notion.
"You know Alison, I thought the same thing. She doesn't look one bit like that sorry excuse of a husband Jace married, that is certain." Jason said his voice taking on a deeper timbre at the thought of his ex-son in law.
"Jason really, you can't say that! Jace would be upset. Anyway the man wasn't that bad, he did love Jace and it might have worked out." Alison reflected, although her words didn't sound that convincing.
Jason snorted "Worked! No way on gods green earth would that have worked. She was a zombie when she married that ineffectual excuse for a man, and he used that to get her to marry him, we both know that. Jace was very much a fool. She was lucky she didn't pay the final price." He said his voice carrying over the silence of the porch.
"Jason behave, she must have thought something about him if she married him and what price would that be exactly?" Alison questioned, not entirely happy at her husband's stance on the subject.
"Jace loved him and she broke all our hearts......that was the price." A voice they immediately recognised and wished they hadn't responded from the door of the kitchen.
Both turned and came face to face with Catherine Devonshire, her visage still and closed, showing nothing of her emotional state.
"Sorry Catherine, we didn't realise you were there." Jason said in an embarrassed tone.
"No, I guess you didn't and you're right Alison, Jace would be upset, possibly more than you will ever know. Adamson is the father of her child, how can she not have loved him, even if it was only as a very dear friend." Catherine moved closer to them and looked out to where she could see Lucy and the ranch hand John Cruisal. 'They looked a little too friendly,' she thought.
"Jace left him when she came to her senses; we know she loves you more." Jason countered, not really knowing how to answer the quiet astute comments from this usually stoic and silent woman at his side.
"Yes, she did. Yes, I certainly believe she does love me more, and long may that last." Catherine gave him a smile but it never reached her eyes they were effectively closed and cold to him.
"Catherine, Elena looks like you and that was a surprise." Alison thought changing the subject matter might help, her husband was struggling and that was unusual.
"Yes, when she was born Jace described her to me and I thought she said it to make me happy. When I could see for myself, I must admit she does have the Devonshire look by some strange coincidence. I would have been happy for her to be just healthy and with the bonus of my mother's name, that would have been enough but....." Catherine warmed to the subject of their youngest daughter.
"She's still sceptical and I did too try to convince her!" Jace chose that moment to appear and closed in on her partner and parents and put her arms around Catherine's waist and laid her head on her back.
"I did too!" Catherine using Jace's expression in an about turn of the conversation then swiftly changed her position so that Jace was held in her arms and she could look into the expressive green eyes.
Both parents laughed at the light banter and they looked indulgently at their daughter, at least it was better than seeing the deadly serious look in those ice blue eyes. "Well, glad we have that one worked out."
"One day this woman is going to believe me that Elena is her daughter too." Jace said her eyes sparkling with laughter, but to Catherine she heard the serious undertone in the voice.
"Perhaps." Catherine said quietly and released her hold on Jace. "I need to go over and check on Colin see you shortly." She kissed Jace on the forehead and went quickly down the steps and her feet crunched on the gravel drive as she strode purposely towards the foreman's ranch house.
Jace watched as Catherine diverted her steps towards the paddock and her sister, "Typical Catherine and so predictable." Jace said softly.
Jason raised his eyebrows and looked at his daughter. "What do you mean by that little comment Jace?"
Jace looked at her father and gave him a small wry smile. "My partner there is looking out for Lucy's interests, I guess I'm going to have to enlighten her that my sister can handle most situations. Especially, those involving her love life."
"Yeah, well he's a good looking young man that's for sure." Alison said and watched the tall woman approach the young couple, which were oblivious to the arrival.
"Yes, he is, would you believe I was jealous of him yesterday, he got to spend some time with Catherine alone, when I couldn't." Jace said absently.
"Well, I can see why that would be dear, but looking at what you have I think I'd prefer the real thing than a boy, just my opinion." Alison said and turned crimson and looked down at the drive.
"Mother really! Gosh, Dad can't you control your woman." Jace laughed and got between the two of them and placed an arm either side of them and gave then a hug. "I love you both very much."
"Control women? Me Jace? When has that ever been possible, unless you can give me a tip or two?" His eyes wandered to the tall woman and wondered what she was saying to the younger folks.
"Dad! Catherine doesn't come under the control aspect believe me, but I know a trick or two." Jace smiled at her mother's snort of censure at the conversation.
"Come on you two, let's go and see what my kids are up too; also we have a wedding to attend in a couple of hours and the last time I looked, my eldest daughter was still playing with her toys in her nightgown."
All three walked off towards the entrance to the house leaving Catherine to her own devices.
Colin was watching the friendly verbal sparing that was going on close to the paddock and now low and behold Catherine had entered the arena. He would have loved to listen to the conversation, but doubted either of the youngsters were intimidated by the tall woman, although maybe Cruisal might be, he was after all besotted with the owner.
He looked over at his grey suit and all the necessary trimmings; thank god Faith hadn't insisted on a hat, because he definitely would have balked at wearing a top hat and it was at the ranch not in some fancy city church.
He had looked over the arrangements that had been set out in the grassed area behind the main house. It had a white pagoda style trellis and the platform to go with it, along with a red carpet that stretched from the patio door of the study through the chairs that were positioned either side of the carpet to the foot of the platform. All around the platform were the most wonderful display of colours from the numerous flowers that were arranged to enhance the effect. All that was needed was the bride, groom, reverend and the guests and hell, they had a wedding, which would be happening in little over two hours. He was nervous, but it was a happy feeling, not the type that has your gut tied in knots for days. He wanted this like he'd never wanted anything else in the world before. In two hours, Grace was going to be his; they would forge a partnership together that he hoped never wavered.
He continued his observation of Catherine, who looked a little disturbed and it was now clear she wasn't happy about the association but why that was he was at a loss to decide. He knew with certainty that she had no designs on the boy herself, well Jace would see to that and he doubted it would even cross Catherine's mind she had it so full of Jace, the children or her business, that another distraction was unlikely, impossible also, he thought. He considered making his way out in the open for some fresh air, but there again, he wasn't going to get involved, not today anyway or for the next month either. He was officially on holiday from today and he was going to keep it that way! Catherine could fight her own battles today, she was equal to the task he was certain. He laughed at that thought and went over to check up on all the travel documents one last time, just for his peace of mind, he told himself.
Grace plucked at the sleeves of the faultless dress she wore; it was fifteen minutes before the ceremony. She'd watched the selected guests arrive and had breathed a deep sigh of relief when the Reverend Stott arrived. Not that she thought he might not, but one could never tell at this stage in the game, and here things never sort of quite went as you would predict them. A knocking on her door brought her attention back to the room, which she had used for the years she'd been resident here at 'Destiny'. She would miss it; it was home!
"Come in." Grace said quietly, it was probably her mother again fussing over the last minute creases in the bloody dress.
Catherine walked into the room and looked at her friend her eyebrows shot up reaching her forehead both of them. "What? Never seen a woman in a wedding dress before?" Grace asked perplexed at the expression from her friend.
Catherine came closer and gave her a wide infectious grin. "Not one who looks like you do that's for certain Thornton, you're beautiful."
Grace laughed at her friend's choice of words, but also the awed inflection to them. "Give a girl a break Catherine, beautiful is not me, but I must admit I clean up pretty good wouldn't you say?"
Catherine lifted her friend's chin gently with her left hand and smiled into the brown eyes of her friend. "Yes, you do, and in my eyes Grace, you will always be beautiful. You make me proud to have you have as a friend. I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me in the past and for the future as well. Because, I think you and I have lots more mileage in our relationship, which will not end with this marriage or mine either."
Grace dashed away a tear at the comment. "Yeah, Jace told me she'd asked you and that you practically snapped her hand off, rather clever of you I must say Catherine. I'm pleased and you're right you and I have a way to go together yet. I think after all your mother told you to listen to me, right?"
Catherine gave her a rueful look and shook her head at the last comment. "I don't think I've ever thanked you properly for your unquestioning friendship and support especially in those early dark days after the accident. I wanted you to know..." Catherine was stopped as Grace stood up next to her and placed a well-manicured finger over her lips.
"Stop that Catherine, you and I will never need to say the words, it just will always be! For you, Jace, the children, always I think that's part of my destiny, you just have to live with it, that's all." Grace responded her tone croaky with unshed tears. "Where is the future Mrs...... what are you going to call yourselves by the way?" Grace looked at her friend it was an interesting question.
Catherine chuckled at her question. It removed the need to say what she thought about Grace's previous statement, there would be another time and place for that conversation. "God only knows; I think she's rounding up Jake, he went missing a few minutes ago still bemoaning the bow tie I think. Some how Devonshire would fit the bill, but I'm not sure Jace would be happy with it, then again Warriorson is my name here, but is that fair to Adam's memory? I think Jace and Catherine might be the solution, works for me anyway."
"Yeah, Jace and Catherine sounds a pretty solid combination to me, now come here give me a hug and let's get this circus on the road." Grace smiled at her friend who gladly hugged the best friend she had outside of Jace.
Eventually the two women looked at each other with tears in their eyes, "Better go and get seated Catherine or Jace will kill me. Anyways, if my mother found out you crushed her perfect dress, well god help you." Grace laughed at the very thought of her mother in direct confrontation with Catherine it was a glorious, if unlikely possibility.
"Yeah, sorry, I'd better go and Grace you look the perfect bride, Colin better be good to you or he has me to contend with not to mention your mother." Catherine smiled and went out of the room as her friend replied.
"Get out of here Catherine and don't you dare laugh when I walk up the aisle." Catherine popped her head back in at that remark and gave Grace a devilish smile and then shut the door.
"God give me strength from women like that." Grace sat down and waited for Jake, he was going to lead her up the aisle if they could find him, now that would be fun. She wondered if the kid has any straw in his hair, for he had probably been hiding in the barn knowing Jake.
Catherine walked with poise towards her seat next to Jace; she was incredibly the last one to arrive and the look she received from Jace as she sat beside her told her it wasn't the best decision she'd made that day. "Sorry." Catherine murmured in Jace's ear and was immediately clutched by the jacket lapels by Elena who was squirming uncontrollably on Jace's knee.
"Excellent, you're sorry, take Elena please and keep her still at least until I make sure that Lisa is holding the wedding dress properly and Jake is doing his duty by Grace." Jace sounded fraught and tense, handing the child over to her partner.
"No problem Jace that's fine." Catherine gave her a wary look and pulled the baby into her arms and held her on her knee, her silk skirt in Royal blue that matched the jacket not exactly a fitting place for a baby, but what else could she do!
Jace quickly departed to the patio door entrance and went inside, the ceremony five minutes away.
"Lisa are you ready?" Jace asked her daughter and saw the redhead look at her and gave her a big smile. The child looked marvellous in a light blue silk dress that matched in style the one Grace was wearing, her hair in braids and held on top of her head by a headband in blue primroses.
"Yeah, I am Jace. But Jake isn't, he keeps fiddling with that tie thing round his neck." Lisa looked at her brother and saw the answering scowl.
"That's enough Lisa. Jake do you or don't you want to look handsome for all the girls out there today?" Jace asked the boy in a diplomatic tone. He looked handsome anyway in the grey suit and light blue silk bow tie that was being tugged un-mercilessly to death around his neck.
"There aren't any girls out there except her." He jabbed his finger in Lisa's direction.
"Now, that's not polite Jake, and my sister certainly would be hurt at that remark also." Jace smiled at the obviously nervous child.
"Lucy is a woman not a girl Jace." Jake stated and a tinge of red appeared on his face as he looked at Jace, but it had effectively stopped him pulling at the offending tie.
"Yes, I guess she is, but even so, it's always worth looking good at anytime Jake, what do you say?" Jace noticed how he reacted to her sister's name, a possible crush no less.
Grace chose that moment to enter with her mother in full sail behind her fussing over the dress. Grace seeing Jace in the room gave her a long-suffering glance. "Hi Jace, come to see me before I go and do something every girl dreams of?"
"You look wonderful Grace, really you do and Colin will be so proud. I think he's going to wonder who the woman walking up the aisle to greet him is." Jace said sincerely, Grace had a glow about her and the dress in a simple white silk off the shoulder design certainly enhanced the image.
"Thank you Jace, want to swap places, I think the nerves are finally surfacing." Grace smiled at her and walked towards the window and her next destination.
"Only if I can swap the person standing at the foot of the platform as well." Jace replied wistfully.
Grace laughed and patted her shoulder, which was encased in an emerald green Chinese style silk dress that came to her knees it was a tight fitting creation but suited the blonde to perfection. "That could be arranged," was the drawled reply, as Grace knew who the replacement would be for sure.
"Well, my deed is done, Lisa here will help you with the dress going down the aisle and Jake here will take you by the hand and give you away, how does that sound?" Jace smiled at them all and watched the thrill and excitement pass over Lisa's face, as a proud bearing started taking shape in Jake at the simple words.
"Couldn't wish for anymore, thanks for taking care of everything Jace. You know we couldn't have done it without you, right Mom?" Grace turned to her mother.
"Yes, Grace, without Jace you wouldn't be standing here that's for sure, you would have eloped or something equally as drastic." Faith said dryly, but came over and hugged Jace and together they left Grace to the final couple of minutes before the music called the pace of the event.
"Guess it's just us now kids, what do you think about that?" Grace smiled at them her own emotions in turmoil and saw the differing expression cross their faces.
"You're going to be fine Grace." Jake said to her in a quiet solemn tone that belied his age, was he really only eleven?
"Thanks Jake." She then turned as the music started, "Think that's our cue, shall we?" Grace offered her gloved hand to Jake and she turned and grinned at her only bridesmaid, they both looked stunning and what a hell of a way they had all travelled in such a short space of time. Funny how crazy life could be, but how wonderful too!
They stepped out into the bright sunshine and the waiting guests and her future husband.
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