~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Eight
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:See Part One

Part 8

Chapter Sixteen:

The marquee that Faith had arranged with Catherine's permission on the green area close to the paddock was now flowing with guests and the catering personnel, not to mention the four-piece band that Catherine had personally arranged. For her, it had been something she had wanted at her own ceremony to Jace, but the band had other engagements, failing that, she had asked them to play at Grace and Colin's wedding. Fortunately for her, the band members all came from the South Island and she had personally agreed to fund whatever travel arrangements they required to get to their home's that evening as it was after all Christmas Eve. The band 'Infinity' had been duly signed up for the afternoon celebrations, the fact that it was her favourite group was hardly the point, or not to her anyway. Jace had laughed at her when she'd mentioned the band playing and Catherine had personally taken great delight, in tickling her partner to stop the wicked laughter at her expense.

The wedding went ahead without a hitch. To say that Colin's expression when he saw Grace arrive beside him was to say the least astonished, as her appearance would be stating the obvious. Neither had shown nerves when the vows had been spoken, it was very clear to all assembled, they had eyes only for each other. The congratulations shortly after the ceremony had been rather laborious for the children, but eventually Jake had been given permission to take off the dreaded tie and he became once more at ease with the situation. Lisa was enthralled by the day and not only that her new grandparents had taken her in tow and she was happily dragging either or both around to be introduced to the other guests that she did know and Lisa knew them all!

Catherine was patiently trying to wipe away the signs of dribble her youngest daughter had deposited on her pale blue silk tunic style blouse. Alison and James Thompson, who between them had rescued Catherine when the child had become somewhat vocal in her attempts to keep all the attentions on her, were now trying to entertain Elena. Catherine was to say the least upset and her temper was certainly surfacing.

"Catherine give her to me, I'll take her for a while, she likes to be the centre of attention." Alison had smiled shyly at her, they had had little contact and although, Alison had been given all the inside information you could possibly get about the owner of Destiny, it was still an intimidating prospect to meet her face to face.

"Yeah, Catherine let Alison take her for a short time and I'll help." James gave her a huge smile, and Catherine was certain his face would split if he kept that up.

Holding up her hands with the baby in them who chuckled in delight at the treat of flying in the air, Catherine gave them both a nod of her head in thanks and handed over the energetic baby. 'Hope they had better luck.' She thought, and then went over to the makeshift water fountain that had been installed for the event, trying to remove the offending mark off her clothes.

Jason Bardley chose that moment to track her down and he watched her trying to clean up her expensive, but understated clothes! She was certainly a very beautiful woman and in clothes like the ones she was wearing, they enhanced the effect, no doubt about it. "I see our granddaughter has made her mark on you?" he asked her quietly.

Catherine turned to the man and she gave him a quiet reserved glance. "Yes, Elena has a habit of making her mark," her voice reflective.

"She certainly is a handful, Jace was never quite that inexhaustible as Elena appears. What about you, were you that energetic as a child?" Jason continued to trade glance for glance with this woman, who he was sure, must have warmth under all that ice she exuded to people, especially those she didn't know or care for, he wasn't sure yet where he came into the picture, or which category she had pegged him into.

"Me? No, I wasn't energetic far from it, quiet as a mouse.' Catherine gave him a thoughtful look. "Perhaps Adamson was and he lost it along the way, who knows." Catherine said her voice held sarcasm.

"Could be, although Jace would never agree to that, she thinks you're the other parent in both body and spirit, Adamson doesn't come into the equation at all for my little girl." Jason gave her a long look of his own trying to guess how that would affect her.

Catherine tossed her raven hair back and she gave him a half smile. "Jace is a dreamer," her eyes constantly scanning the marquee interior for the site of her partner.

Jason watched her closed features scan the area and he knew the second it had reached his goal as a faint smile registered on her face and her eyes glowed at the sight before her. "I guess so, but she was never one easily persuaded away from her dreams."

Catherine turned her gaze back to Jason Bardley and gave him a thorough inspection if he didn't know better he thought she was looking him over as she would some horse flesh, but then what did he know perhaps she was. "Yes, Jace has many dreams; I'm very happy she chose to come back and allowed me to share them with her."

"Do you hate my little girl for marrying Adamson?" Jason had wondered about that particular question when Jace had gone through with the marriage, he was certain that the reputation of Devonshire would not take the slight well, but Warriorson was another entity. He had always hoped that they could somehow get back together. His hope had materialised, but he always doubted a woman as closed off as this one before him would find it hard to forgive. Hell, she'd admitted that Jace had broken her heart that morning on the porch, so maybe she did feel some negative emotion to their daughter no matter how much she loved her.

Catherine's expression had a subtle change from cold to glacial as he said those words. She then laughed hollowly and pierced him with a cool regard. "Got to hand it to you Jason, you certainly know how to press all the buttons, did they give you classes in college in California?"

"Never went to college Catherine, didn't have the money, my parents died when I was fifteen. I had two younger brothers to keep. So, I kind of skipped school and went to work early." Jason informed her casually, as if it was a normal topic of discussion between them.

Catherine turned her head in interest, so he wasn't the typical middle class American she had perceived him to be. "Go on." She said quietly.

"I worked for fruit farmers and then decided to try my hand in the towns see what work I could get. Went to LA and worked as gopher for a small publishing house,' Catherine quirked her eyebrow in question. "Names don't matter Catherine, it's long gone now, bought out by people like you, or your father then I guess." Jason gave her a wry smile and she inclined her head in acknowledgement of the statement.

Catherine looked at him and pointed to a couple of chairs at a small round table to their left that was empty. "Do you want a drink?" She asked as a waiter passed by them with a fully laden tray.

"Can you take it?' He saw her heckles rise slightly, but she gave him a smile.

"Yes, well that was an experience, I'm not going to take a chance on again in the near future. I'll have a beer, you?" Catherine stopped the waiter and pointed to the beer.

"Make that two." Jason was given a large glass of beer and he drank a long draught and put it on the table in front of him.

"Jace never mentioned your background?" Catherine said quietly, watching the man being washed by long ago memories.

"No, I doubt you and she talk about anyone else, but the important things between yourself and the family, I would think?" Jason looked out over the area and saw his wife making her way towards Jace and Lucy with Lisa in tow.

"You're right. We don't, but we have discussed her family in depth." Catherine was surprised that Jace hadn't mentioned how her father had worked for his business, but then again it wasn't the best subject between then, it had separated them once before.

"Jace wouldn't consider it important! Then again it's hardly the best topic for you and she to talk about is it?" Jason gave her an understanding smile as a cloud passed over her eyes at the comment.

"I've never had to struggle for my money Jason, it has always been there, my Papa made the money and he eventually left it to me his only living relative. I doubt I would do so well given the same circumstances." Catherine looked away her voice tinged with a critical depreciation of her own skills should the situation have been reversed.

Jason saw the face take on a sad expression, her tone of voice not lost on him. "Oh, I think you would have done remarkably well Catherine, you have the strength of purpose that never gives up, that's all it takes. A little luck also, of course, but you have that a plenty in my little girl, she's a good luck token for you never forget that."

Catherine smiled genuinely at him for the first time since the disastrous words of the morning. "Between you and me, Jace would hate you to call her a little girl and a lucky charm, but Jason I'll not forget it, believe me!"

"So, you never answered my original question do you hate my little girl?" Jason was sure he knew the answer to that.

"Yes, I do!" Catherine answered her face serious but her eyes if he'd known her long enough held a teasing look.

Jason was astounded he hadn't expected that at all. "You do?" He whispered and drank heavily from the beer in front of him.

"Oh, yes. How many people have you lived with that are so good it makes you feel inadequate next to them; she's just......I can't explain your daughter. Yes, I hate her, but it's a good hate that is so much a part of the love I have for her that it's integral to my feelings for her. They will always protect and cherish her, trust me on that one." Catherine chuckled at the change in his face.

"Well, that's all I wanted to know." Jason said his voice wavered and he gave her a grin that reminded her of Jace.

"Look over there Jason, what do you see?" Catherine asked him her eyes pinpointed on her partner and the others with her.

"I see my wife, two daughters and a granddaughter, no two granddaughters, hell that didn't take long." Jason laughed as he saw Alison and James wandering off to a table and the company of Susan, Faith and Judy.

"Do you want to know what I see?" Catherine continued to keep her eyes on Jace at all times.

"No, what?" he looked over at the scene of the five women.

"I see the past, present and future, all of it represents what love has come, to mean, to me!" Catherine spoke in a quiet awed voice.

"Catherine you have taken the words right out of my mouth. How about another drink?" Jason was warming to this woman, maybe she wasn't as cold as he'd thought after this morning; you just had to find the subject matter to crack the visage. That was easy, it was his little girl and he was proud of her, it was a sure sign that Jace had the staying power that could make or break you in life. He now knew that she had it in abundance. He was no longer worried about her life with this woman; it was fine with him.

"Can't hurt thanks I'll have another beer."

They then discussed how he'd taken those first tentative steps to owning his own business.


"Mom, what do you think Catherine and Dad are talking about?" Jace asked her face anxiously turned in the direction of her partner's sitting talking to her father. They had been like that for over half an hour.

"Your father wanted to have a chat with Catherine. Is there a problem with that?" Alison Bardley looked at the anxious expression on her daughter's face and smiled. She then grinned at Lucy who was scanning the various tables for something, or was it someone?

"No problem, but I kind of have the feeling this morning that things didn't go too well earlier?" Jace ventured and saw her mother give her a nod.

"Hey, it didn't go too well with me either. Can't you keep your pet pitbull on a leash Jace?" Lucy joined the conversation of her least favourite person in the building. She had been embarrassed at some of Catherine's comments and a warning from the owner wasn't exactly going to be ignored by a lowly ranch hand. She'd been having fun too. What the hell did it matter that he was only ranch hand?

"What do you mean Lucy?" Jace had asked Catherine about her encounter with Lucy and Cruisal, but Catherine had used her powers of seduction to take her mind off the question and it for some strange reason never managed to get answered.

"Oh, come on, you know, Don't tell me the body beautiful over there, who can't keep her eyes off you, hasn't told you she tactfully, if you can call it that, told John, he wasn't to get involved directly with the guests. That he had a job to do, and she didn't want anything interfering with his work, or it could have severe consequences. I can't believe she didn't tell you, or does she keep secrets from you like all good lovers do? Catherine's a snob Jace. That's what they call them in England, people who think they come from a better class or are fabulously wealthy." Lucy was cutting and her tone annoyed in the extreme.

Jace was upset at her sister's tone and the implied words behind some of her statement; Catherine never kept things from her.......well. "Lucy Catherine was probably only looking after your interests. She takes a keen involvement in family matters. It's important to her that her family does not get hurt." Jace said, her voice attempting to convince Lucy that was the reason.

"She might be your family Jace, but she's certainly not mine. You're not married are you, for god's sake what gives her the right?" Lucy wasn't mollified by Jace's comment.

"No, we're not married yet! Catherine owns the property Lucy, if she wants to talk to her men, she will, and her word is paramount here." Jace pointed out.

"Well, thank god you're not married to that despot, for sure as hell she'll turn you into a snivelling suppliant within weeks." Lucy suddenly turned her gaze towards the entrance to the marquee and saw what she'd been looking for, John Cruisal. "Excuse me folks, I have a ranch hand to seduce and sure as hell, I'm going to do it too!" Lucy walked away before her mother could say a word.

"Hades, Mom, what's wrong with her?" Jace said with feeling.

"Ah, takes after your father for the temper I think Jace. But to be fair, it was a little overbearing of Catherine to take a stand, when she doesn't really know your sister or how she can handle herself." Alison saw the dejected look on her elder daughter's face; thank god Lisa and Elena had been taken to get something to eat by Faith, and she wouldn't want the children to see her daughter so unhappy.

"Catherine would be upset if she knew you all thought that about her. Is that the problem with her and Dad too?" Jace asked her face clearly distressed at the turn of the conversation.

"Your father thinks Catherine doesn't like him, he wanted to find out how much or if it was true. Looking at them and the beers they are consuming together, I think that's no longer an issue. How about we go over and join them. Weddings have a tendency to bring out the best and worse in a family Jace, and were not even the bride or groom's family!" Alison said as she placed a hand in Jace's arm and dragged her towards the pair that was totally engrossed in a deep conversation.

"Jason, how many beers have you downed since I've been gone?" Alison said her voice had a happy lilt.

"Why? Wondering how many you need to down to catch up?" Jason smiled at his wife and snaked a hand around her waist.

"Too right Jason, come on let's you and I go and get some drinks for this table." Alison smiled at Jason and dragged him off towards the bar.

Catherine smiled at Jace and looked over at her departing parents. "Something I said?" Catherine said her tone teasing, but she quickly changed it to one of concern as she saw the tears in her partner's eyes. "Jace? What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Something wrong? No, how on earth could it!" Her voice held bitterness that Catherine had only ever heard once before and that was a meeting she hoped she never had to experience again even in her memories.

Catherine wasn't sure what to say, so she gently guided Jace towards the vacant chair next to her and moved her chair closer so that they were inches away from each other, their breaths mingling. "Tell me, please?"

Jace looked at the concern in the still features before her and she gently extended a hand and touched the faint scars on her left cheek drawing her own comfort from the touch. "My sister thinks you're a snob, my mom thinks your overbearing and my Dadm thinks you don't like him. How's that for starters?" Jace looked down at the table and refused to keep eye contact with Catherine, even when she was forced to do so when Catherine lifted her chin to meet her eyes.

"Well.....I guess I just need to know what the most important member of that family thinks about me?" Catherine waited for her answer, her free hand shaking under the table, 'god I've made a mess of this family reunion thing.'

Jace gathered her wits over the remark and took a deep breath and gazed into the ice blue ones that held an anxiety she herself had felt only minutes before. "I love you." Jace saw the pain of the moment disappear and lights begin to shine again.

"I think I've got your father covered; I'll work on your mother and your sister well, it might take a little time, I was a little hard on Cruisal." Catherine spluttered out her emotions strained, but now soothingly calmed by Jace's words of love.

Jace chuckled and her own expression cleared. "You're way too much Catherine at times. I'm not surprised we have trouble with you." Her hand was taken and the fingertips kissed in a hunger that Catherine was hard pressed not to continue in a more intimate fashion.

"Not for you Jace, you can ask me anything and I'll do it!" Catherine responded and pulled her petite blonde into a loving hold.

"Well, in that case you already promised the children a Christmas Eve story and as you're the only one who knows about the dragon......." Jace gave her a saucy smile.

"I knew it! I get the message Bardley, no more drinks for me, and I have parent duty this evening correct?" Catherine smiled widely and placed her forehead against her partners.

"Yes, I'm going to help you build some of those bridges with my folks and you're going to watch me get drunk today. What do you think of that?" Jace smiled at her and their eyes locked in quiet appreciation of their love for each other.

"I think I might enjoy the fall out later." Catherine replied enigmatically as Jace's parents returned with the drinks.

"Mmm, how did I know you were going to say that?" Jace replied and sat forward with her back resting on Catherine's chest her eyes fixed on her mother, this was going to be a piece of cake, well her mother anyway.


Catherine was watching Jace dance with Colin, neither of them had a right foot between them, but it was fun to watch. Elena was asleep in her travelling crib at her side, Jake was talking with a couple of the resident ranch hands close to Lucy and John Cruisal, and Lisa was dancing with Judy. All in all, it was going reasonably well for her after the initial shock of Jace's earlier comments. Alison, Jace's mother was won over or she hoped so. Lucy was another thing and she hadn't had the opportunity to talk to the young woman, but there was time yet, a week no less. They didn't go home until the third of January, so there was definitely time for a rectifying chat.

"Hi, Catherine." Grace said loudly, her voice carrying so that others in their vicinity looked over and smiled at the bride.

"Hi, Grace. I see you've taken up where we left off yesterday?" Catherine smiled at her friend as she sat down heavily next to her.

"Yep, we're not leaving until tomorrow at six a.m. Soo......I'm enjoying myself. I see you got sentry duty today, huh?" her voice echoing her silent laughter.

"Yes, so it would appear." Catherine tenderly stroked back a tendril of hair that had fallen over Elena's face in sleep; it was the only time the child was truly still.

"You know something Catherine, that child is more like yours than Jace's." Grace said and placed a gentle finger of her own over the baby's cheek.

"Don't talk rubbish Grace, I didn't give birth to her!" Catherine put a hand to Grace's forehead to check for a fever. Grace swatted the hand away and gave her a grin.

"I never said that! Although are you sure? No, don't answer that I don't want to know. She's like you Catherine, and don't ever give up on your children, no matter what happens, do you hear me?" Grace said her voice slurred, but adamant.

Catherine gave her a long look and shrugged her shoulders. "Yes, of course, when would I?" Her voice resigned where on earth did Grace come up with these gems?

"Circumstances Catherine have a way of interfering, so don't forget that please, or it will be the death of you." Grace tilted her head to one side and spoke directly to her ice blue eyes.

Catherine saw the serious expression behind what she thought was a drunken comment from her friend. 'Thanks a lot Grace!'

"Hey, you two how about we change partners and go for a dance." Jace said dragging Colin in her wake.

Catherine smiled and looked at her lover. "Yes, I'm game, but what about the baby."

"Oh, forgot about that Catherine, guess it's you and me Grace." With that Jace dragged Grace to the dance floor and left the other two in their wake.

"I guess that leaves us here to talk." Colin said quietly, although he'd had a few drinks, he wasn't about to be overly friendly with his boss.

"No! You and me here and now, guess we can find the room to dance Colin, give them something to talk about," which, they did.


Lucy was swaying with the music to the band. They seemed to have a wealth of romantic music in their repertoire. She had been ecstatic when she saw Jace and her parents take on Catherine shortly after she'd left. She could now indulge in one of her more enjoyable pastimes, flirting with the boys.

John Cruisal was astounded that Lucy had ignored the owner, but then again, she had an ally in Jace her sister, that would make it easy he thought. Then again, it gave him a closer contact to Catherine and that's all he wanted. This was going to be so cool, Lucy wasn't complaining, and she was at least reasonably attractive, where was the harm in the situation?

"Have you heard of this band before John?" Lucy asked him as she continued to look at the cute bass player of the band.

"Yeah, they are very popular and are going to America in the New Year to try and make it over there." John liked them, but hadn't ever bought one of their singles or CD's; it was way too smooth for his collection.

It was one of the last songs the band would play as it was now seven in the evening and they had actually stayed longer than Catherine had contracted for at their own request.

"Well, folks we know that a certain party, who shall remain nameless likes our work and we hope that others do also, and for her we have a special song that we've written because we couldn't help her out in the New Year. This is for you!" The lead singer of the band announced and Catherine looked down at her table embarrassed.

The guitar intro started and with it lyrics Catherine had never heard before.

I will hold you close, hear your heart beat with mine, and feel our breath mingle together as one, our body's tangle in love. You're mine forever!

When you look at me, I smile and wonder why. As your eyes lock with mine, there will always be time. Because you gave to me unconditionally your love, my soul sings songs for only you.

I will hold you close, hear your heart beat with mine, and feel our breath mingle together as one, our body's tangle in love. You're mine forever!

Never has a day gone by since that first sight of you, that my heart hasn't stopped pounding heavily in it's cage. Don't walk away, stay, and please stay! Where would my heart rest if you left, it needs you so?

I will hold you close, hear your heat beat next to mine, and feel our breath mingle together as one, our body's tangle in love. You're mine forever!

Let love surround you, let my kisses enthral you; let my heart meet with yours. When my eyes look into yours let it lock, never to move away. Let my body take you places you've never been before, be mine!

I will hold you close, hear your heart beat next to mine, and feel our breath mingle together as one, our body's tangle in love. You're mine forever!

Don't talk of love, feel it, experience it, voice it with touch, you're mine let if be forever you know it, I do! I breath you in don't expel me be mine until eternity ends! There is only our love and that belongs to you and I.

Catherine had Elena close to her asleep on her lap; the baby had woken and wanted comfort earlier. "I guess that's what I think of your mother little one, hope she thinks the same." Catherine said quietly only the baby privy to the conversation contents or so she thought.

"I think the same Catherine." Jace said quietly as she sat as close as possible to her partner and their youngest child.

"I thought you were dancing with someone." Catherine said, although she knew damn well the person Jace was with, as she had watched her change partners on numerous occasions. At one stage Catherine had nearly walked onto the dance floor to stop a particularly amorous situation that was developing as one of Grace's cousin's tried to kiss Jace. Fortunately, Jace had repelled the border and Catherine had settled back in her chair, her pensive eyes the only mirror to her jealousy of Jace's dancing partners.

"Yeah, I was, then this song came on that I was sure had a significance to someone close to me, and I found I wanted to be with that person, what you going to do about that?" Jace gave her a green-eyed glance that made Catherine take a deep breath.

"I missed you too!" Catherine finally said as she got her own breath back from the heady glance she had from Jace.

Jace put her arms around her partner and it encompassed the baby too, "Would you like for me to tell you a story Catherine?"

Catherine smiled and gave the small snub nose next to her lips a brief kiss. "Sure, anytime I love your voice."

"Good, because this is about a dark time and how the image of love transcended everything and brought something unique and wonderful into the world." Jace saw the puzzlement on her lover's face today was the day she was going to learn about how their daughter was conceived.

"A fairy story Jace? I'm all ears." Catherine responded and rested the blonde's head on her shoulder.

'No fairy story Catherine, just a belief in the strength of love.' Jace started her story, "There was once a young Californian who was in love with a beautiful English woman, but misunderstandings separated them......"


There are times in one's life that are simply impossible to understand; Jace's story as she called it was one of those times for Catherine.

'I always knew that you loved me and I never gave up hoping that the marriage was a sham, a hoax. Something I would wake up one day and find was a nightmare and yet! Here we are with a daughter and you tell me the most wonderful tale that makes me want so very much to believe. I love her Jace, as much as if she was mine, but she's more than mine, she's ours! In all my life, I could never want so very much to have that a fact, a certainty. The final piece that makes up the puzzle of this life of ours, if I could change anything in life, I wouldn't change a thing! How could I? There are so many things that have happened that have derived from a simple action, a word, a need that I want only to spend what I have of this world with you and our family.  This love I have for you encompasses all of our children, those that are born to us and those that have been given to us for safekeeping; nothing can come between that feeling for you and for them! Nothing, I swear on my life!'

Catherine looked over at Elena as she laid her gently to sleep in Lisa's bedroom, having spent the last half-hour story telling to their two eldest very tired children, although, neither of the youngsters would admit they were worn-out or exhausted in the least.

Jace was still partying and was happy; she had been whisked away by her father before Catherine had time to talk about Jace's story about Elena's conception, but it didn't matter there would always be another tomorrow, as Grace continually used the expression 'always', wasn't that the truth.

Catherine moved away from the crib and walked over to the open window it was a beautiful night and the stars shone brightly overhead. It was going to be Christmas tomorrow and she loved the day and what it meant to her. And what she was hoping to convey to her family.

Turning she walked silently out of the room along the corridor into her own bedroom and walked over to the view from her window. Smiling at the sight of the people enjoying themselves and the strains of music softly permeating the air. She heard the door open and turned to see who had walked into the room.

"Hey." Jace smiled, as she looked at the tall-relaxed stance of her partner.

"Hey, yourself Jace." Catherine responded, her smile lighting up the otherwise sombre features.

"I was kind of wondering if a certain friend of mine would like to take me for a dance, what do you think?" Jace pulled her tongue out a little, which caused Catherine to take a deep breath.

"Love to, but I have parent duty tonight remember?" Catherine smiled and went forward and pulled the small blonde into a tight hug.

"Yeah, I know, so I have a solution. Faith is willing to take over for the rest of the night subject to you making sure that her daughter goes to bed at a reasonable time." Jace smiled sweetly at her partner.

Catherine tipped her head in a gesture suggesting she was thinking about the problem. "I think I could manage that, especially as I saw Grace and Colin leaving the party for his house a good hour ago, absolutely no problem." Catherine smirked and dropped her head to kiss the inviting lips before her.

"I love you Catherine, god it hurts to think how much." Jace gave her an expression of such deep devotion.

"Don't think about it Jace just feel it." Catherine proceeded to kiss her partner to show her exactly what it meant. Their movements getting closer and closer to the bed as they finally reached the edge and sank down into the comfortable depths before them.

"I thought we were going to dance?" Jace mumbled between kisses.

"Yes, we are but my form of dancing isn't suitable for a public floor show, are you game?" The low sultry tones of her lover assailed Jace's hearing as her dress was unzipped and hands stroked her back in anticipation of the answer.

"Oh, try and stop me Catherine try and stop me! This is my dance darling, so, it's my turn first." With that, she embraced her partner, caressed her, the kisses were never-ending; having learned what pleasured her when she smiled and nuzzled her love, she nibbled every part of her dance partners body, which arched and moaned. With hands and tongue she brought her tall raven-haired lover to a precipice where she trembled, waiting for low sounds from her throat to subside, then continue to play her more slowly, extending the pleasure they found, each in the other.

"Mm-hmmm, ohhh Jace, yes, yo....ur dance....JJJace." Catherine moaned, gloriously happy.

With this, Jace pulled her lover deeper into the embrace and was lost for what could certainly be the rest of the evening and more!

Continued in Part 9

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