~ All Our Tomorrows ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty-two
© February 2001
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Forty-four

“Think it’s the right decision?” Jason asked Constance Waverly who was looking remarkably relaxed and it was only eight a.m. on a Monday morning too.

He had taken the afternoon flight to New York from LA, arriving at midnight. Alison had taken it upon herself to stay with Lucy until they had settled everything with the college authorities. Although there probably wouldn’t be too much of a problem as it was supposed to be one semester only. Jason expected them to arrive in New York towards the end of the week and Lucy could start work on the following Monday morning bright and early. He smirked as he could imagine his youngest daughter’s face when she was told that the mail workers started at six a.m., still, she wanted the opportunity, and who was he to deny it to her.

“Yes Jason it has wonderful prospects. I think it will be a very profitable addition to the Xianthos Corporation. Have you informed Catherine yet?” Constance smiled as she wondered what the owner would make of the newest acquisition at least in part, to the portfolio.

“No, not yet. I wanted to run it by you first then basically tell her after the event, she did say she would leave the decision making to the Executive Team and me. Why bother her with something that isn’t even going to make a dent in the bank balance.” Jason walked over opening the door to his office as he grinned at Rita Tuscany, who had arrived at her desk moments earlier. She wasn’t officially due in the office until eight thirty, although she generally turned up half an hour early to check the mail.

“Morning Mr. Bardley, is there anything I can get you?” Rita gave him a cheerful grin. She enjoyed working for the new president; the pay was pretty good too, especially considering she was getting married shortly.

“Morning Rita. Actually yes, would you contact all those on the Executive Team have them in the conference room at nine sharp.” Jason smiled at Rita and then turned back to Constance in his office.

“Nine okay with you Constance?”

“Yes, I’m not due to leave for my flight to London until later this afternoon.” Constance stated quietly.

“Then nine it is. When you’ve arranged that for me I’d love one of your special brews.” Jason winked at her leaving his PA smiling, as he shut the door behind him.

“Jason has anyone ever told you how charming you are? If Rita wasn’t head over heals in love with her fiancée I would hazard a guess she’d have a crush on you.” Constance teased softly as she saw the man colour up slightly.

“That’s ridiculous! She’s a lovely young woman and very helpful. Now don’t go starting those kind of rumours Ms. Waverly, whatever would my wife say?” Jason played along with the tease smiling broadly at her.

“Yes she is very helpful. Well, I will go and check over what I need Clare to do for me when I’m away, I’ll see you at nine.” Constance deposited the folder she had been reading on his desk and left the room.

Jason looked around the sparsely furnished office that had been Catherine’s whenever she had been in the building; he was struck by the opulence and comfortable one of her Father’s. This austere and businesslike room obviously reflected that the woman hadn’t cared to take her Father’s office. It would also seem she didn’t have his need to surround herself with familiar things. There hadn’t even been the odd photo of family on her desk. It was just a desk, efficiently run as he surmised she ran most things outside of Jace. That brought a tender smile to his lips as he pictured the stoic Catherine Warriorson trying to bring efficiency into her family life. It just wasn’t going to happen with Jace and the children. Chuckling he placed a call to personnel, he needed to have Lucy approved for temporary mailroom duty a week from today.

* * * * * * * * * *

Catherine watched Jace and the children on the beach. She had to strain her good eye to do so but managed, startled when Constantia bid her good morning.

“Why good morning Aunt, I’m sorry I wasn’t aware that you had entered the room.” Catherine smiled at her Aunt who had settled her chair as close to the balcony railing as she could, to see what had fascinated her niece so much she lost all her other senses.

“I see your family are enjoying their holiday.” Constantia said, she laughed inwardly at her nieces pre-occupation, her sister would have been so happy to see this.

“Yes, yes they are. Thank you for your hospitality Constantia it must be difficult to have children around, after so many years of it being just the three of you.” Catherine turned her blue gaze back to the frolics of her family on the beach.

“On the contrary Catherine I love to hear children enjoying themselves, for too long now the villa has not had that particular joy within its walls.” Her Aunt replied softly as they went quiet for a few minutes.

“Has it been difficult for you to have children around?” Catherine turned in surprise at the question from her Aunt, contemplating her answer before she spoke.

“Yes. At first it was difficult to have two strangers in my home. I’d lived a solitary life for so long, the closest to a friend I had was Grace and god only knows how she put up with me for so long. However, it was hard to adjust. I was fortunate it came at a time in my life that I had met Jace, she turned my life upside down, therefore a couple of children were not going to be any more surprising.” Catherine smiled as she recalled her early days with the children, especially the time when Jace had left and she had to fend for herself with them.

“Now you have three children.” Her Aunt remarked gently.

“Oh yes, now we have three children and what a child Elena is turning out to be, I can’t believe she’s Jace’s daughter at times. She tends to have more of my arrogant personality traits than she does her mother’s more benevolent ones. Guess it must be living with me, I’m rubbing off on her early.” Catherine chuckled as she brought up an image of the scowling Elena, her tantrums that had them both at the end of their tether on occasion it was worth it though.

“Yes, I have seen the faces she pulls. Would you care to share tea with me? Perhaps if you wouldn’t mind I could show you some family photographs?”  Constantia asked tentatively, not sure if her niece would be receptive to the sharing of old memories.

“Family photo’s? Sure. Would you mind if I call the family over to see them?” Catherine decided that as her family had only a sketchy knowledge of her background, now that was tarnished to a degree, perhaps seeing old photographs might help a little to balance things out.

“Yes of course, that would be wonderful. I will have Lukas bring the books into the family room, we can have a snack over tea for the children.” Constantia wheeled her chair towards the door at such a speed that Catherine was sure it had horsepower.

Chuckling softly she turned her gaze back to the family antics, setting a glow within her that brought a tender expression to her features. Who would have thought it, that she could ever have reached such a pinnacle in her life! Others took family life for granted and never saw how fortunate they were; she wouldn’t ever do that again. No, this time she was ready for the responsibility having a long-term partner in life and children who depended on you brought with it. She was committed; nothing else in her life had felt so certain. For today and all the rest of her tomorrows she was going to be there for them, make them happy and keep them as safe as she could. No half measures this time; they would have the full impact of Catherine Xianthos-Devonshire-Warriorson’s love for them all. Her eyes alighted on the blonde head of her partner as her heart soared; emerald eyes from the beach below suddenly ensnared her.

“I love you too Jace.” Catherine whispered moving towards the small gate that led to steps to the beach below, her chance to say that person to person, to the woman below.

* * * * * * * * * *

“We’ve spent a fortune is she really worth it?” The large burly man asked his leader who was steadily watching the progress of the American woman who potentially could help them achieve their goals.

“Yes! She has assets that are more than monetary. She knows people who might aid our cause, she was particularly adamant that there was someone who could be exhorted out of millions of dollars. That is enough to try to save her.” The smaller man said seriously, his eyes flicked from the man back to the woman in the bed.

“If she dies we will have wasted our much depleted income on her, what then?”

“Then we get a bounty for her from the authorities, our contacts say that a private individual has agreed to a handsome sum in reward, if she is brought to the authorities dead or alive.”

“Then why not do that now, rather than waste our time and resources on her?” The large man asked puzzled why they should go to so much trouble for one unknown woman.

“All in good time Gustaf, all in good time.” The other man smiled at his right hand man, walked past him to check on the plans for the next terrorist raid.

“All in good time! What is that supposed to mean….” the man muttered as he followed the leader out of the door.

The pale-featured woman was sleeping in a drugged state, the drugs she had been given powerful enough to keep an elephant asleep for a week.

Only time would tell if she would be useful to them alive or dead, either way they would win. The woman was merely a source of income, other than that she was worthless to them.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jason sat back in his chair gazing at the keys that he held in his hands; he turned them over, inspecting the ornate pattern on the two keys that opened the drawers in the large desk in Stewart Devonshire’s office.

He was so immersed in his own thoughts that he failed to hear the light tap on his door as Constance opened it walking in, smiling at his pre-occupation.

“Ahem…” She coughed into the silent room to draw his attention, away from the thoughts that looked puzzling to her.

Jason quickly looked up and gave Constance a quirky smile. “Lost in thought again, you will be thinking I’m too long in the tooth for the role of chairman.”

Constance smiled at him and sat down in the chair he had indicated as he spoke to her. “No, but the expression on your face looked as if you were trying to figure something out. Care to share? I might be able to help?”

“Yes, well it is a puzzle but not one I can answer, perhaps only Catherine can.” Jason replied absently as Constance drew up her chair closer to the desk replying.

“Really. How so?”

“Have you ever been inside her Father’s old office?” Jason asked. He knew of course that she hadn’t been employed in New York when Catherine’s father had been heading the operation, although she might have met him along the way.

“No, can’t say I have. In fact has anyone since he died? I recall Paul saying that it was the one office in the building he didn’t have a key to, only Catherine or Security under extreme measures could enter.” Constance said intrigued now at his question.

“I see. Well, it wasn’t an extreme situation, more curious. I went inside late last week." The man informed her watching for her reaction.

Constance raised an eyebrow in surprise. “You did? How?”

“I found a key in this desk drawer my curiosity was peaked. I looked around, tried what was the only door that hadn’t been replaced with one of the new locking systems, amazingly it fit.” Jason explained quietly.

“Did you find anything interesting?” The woman sat back wondering what the room would be like. Would it be like this utilitarian office that his daughter had used?

“It reflected the man I think, not that I knew him of course. But what I’ve heard, also read about him and his habits.”

“Anything else?” There was more Constance was sure of it.

He rubbed his chin, felt the bristle starting to take root again. Alison had always warned him that if he didn’t shave twice a day he would have a beard by the end of the day. An exaggeration of course, but he knew it would be easy to grow if he wanted facial hair at any time.

“There were some photo’s, a diary and a steel box. I don’t think Catherine knows about them or they wouldn’t have been left behind.” Jason said his thoughts now back to the steel box and it’s contents.

“Photo’s, wow! I bet they are interesting along with a diary and not to mention a mysterious steel box. Quite a find Jason, have you sent her the items?”

“Not yet, I was going to call her, tell her about them. She might not be happy that I’ve invaded the privacy of her late Father’s office.” Jason replied a little bleakly, he didn’t want to upset Catherine and it might do just that. Perhaps he should speak to Jace first but then that would be hiding behind his eldest daughter, he didn’t want that either.

“Well, from what I remember of the gossip, and it was only gossip I might add that went on at the time of her father’s death, and her taking up the reigns here, she had no time for him at all. Didn’t appear to like her father, therefore I don’t think she will particularly care now, do you?” Constance tried to see it from Catherine’s often black and white approach to a problem.

Jason shook his head at the words, “perhaps Constance. But that was several years ago. If you hadn’t noticed recently, family has taken on a totally different light with Catherine. Maybe her Father has also been taken back into her life in a more receptive way?”

“Well, the only way to find out is if you ask her.”

“I know, I think I’ll make that call now. Are you ready to leave for London?” Jason placed his hand on the intercom button to ask Rita to make the connection for him.

“Yes, Eduardo is looking forward to my visit, he say’s he has good news. Actually he sounds like the old Eduardo full of beans and I’m pleased about that. He must have finally found the night life, also the ladies of London.” Constance grinned as she recalled the VP for Europe and his rakish ways.

“Oh, Mr. Forencio is a ladies man?” Jason chuckled; he had heard many things about the different VP’s around the globe that hadn’t come out in recent discussions.

“Well…let’s just say this Jason, if there is a very pretty woman who takes his eye he will be the man for the chase.” Smiling Constance stood up ready to leave. She had looked briefly at her watch it was time for lunch. Having arranged a table at the small restaurant two blocks away, for her and Clare to have a final hour alone before she went travelling around Europe, Africa and Asia on business for three weeks.

“Don’t know about you but a pretty woman turns my head too, as old as I am.” Jason laughed and then turned embarrassed eyes towards the woman who smirked at his comment.

“I quite agree with you on that one Jason. I’ll check in with you before I leave. Good luck with your call to Catherine.” The woman left him slightly open mouthed as she closed the door behind him.

“Me and my big mouth.” Then laughed at the absurd thought, well she was bound to like a pretty woman wasn’t she! Pressing the intercom finally he asked Rita to make the connection for him.

* * * * * * * * * *

Grace looked at her husband and his bowed head as he picked up the tea she had made for them. He had told her the events of the Danni O’Neil episode, although she had been upset that Danni had been allowed to stay the night here in her home with her husband alone. She felt a sense of sorrow at her demise; the woman had not been that bad, she had been so young. Things certainly turned out unexpectedly in life.

“I’m not happy about her staying here Colin, I trust you implicitly but why not let her stay in the main house with my mother and Judy? Surely that would have been a more obvious choice?” Grace asked softly as she turned questioning brown eyes to the grey troubled ones of her husband, who had decided to sit opposite her in his retelling of the events rather than beside her on the sofa as normal.

“Grace I couldn’t let her stay in the main house with the children, at the same time I couldn’t let her drive in those conditions either. I was at a loss; it seemed the right thing to do at the time. I’m sorry darling truly I am.” Colin admitted feeling that he had betrayed his wife for allowing Danni to stay in their home, he really hadn’t thought about the gossip the situation could have presented.

Grace saw the defeated expression in his eyes he was so kind, he looked out for others even at a cost to himself. If she hadn’t experienced the events in Greece, would she be as tolerant to his explanation? She hoped so, knowing that she more than likely would have been more antagonistic. Now all she felt was sorry for the woman that died pleased that at least her last few hours had been in a kind environment.

How about you come over here, allow us to know how much you love the baby and I.” Grace gave him a wide smile as he virtually flew across the short space that separated them, sinking down into the sofa gently cradling his wife to his broad chest.

“I love you Grace.” His words were heartfelt and sincere.

“Glad to hear that, can’t have junior here thinking their Dad had fallen out of love with me before they were born.” Grace teased him, as Colin glanced at her sharply for any evidence in the expression that she believed that in anyway.

“I will never stop loving you Grace or the baby! It just will never happen as long as I breathe in this life.” Colin said rather dramatically, although it made Grace feel warm all over at his words.

“In that case how about you seal that with a kiss, I’ll not tell the ranch hands what a romantic you are.” Grace chuckled as he placed large gentle hands around her face.

Smiling as his face moved closer to do her bidding, he stroked her lips with a tender touch of his finger. “If that’s the price of your blackmail Grace, please practice it more often, it will be a pleasure to give in to your demands.” Gentle lips replaced the fingers as they lost themselves in the love that surrounded them.

* * * * * * * * *

Chapter Forty-five

“You made my Father’s day darling thank you.” Jace kissed the side of Catherine’s neck as she was snuggled up next to her in bed. Her partner’s longer arm snaked around her securely.

“I did? How?” Catherine murmured as her heart started to beat rapidly with the gentle caress that sent all her senses racing uncontrollably.

“Oh you know Catherine!” Jace smiled as she decided that the neck so close to her lips could do with a closer inspection. Turning slightly in Catherine’s arms to enable her to rest half on and half off her partner.

Chuckling, as she sucked in a shallow breath as Jace began a more detailed exploration of her neck, sending impulses racing around her body at an enormous speed.

“Yes, I know, it was easy. I wish all things could be that simple to make someone happy.” Catherine said as her voice lowered with the feelings that were building in her body.

Jace heard the slight inflection of doubt in her mind. Moving so that she was now sitting astride the taller frame of Catherine’s.

“What’s the problem love?” a tentative question that reflected in the soft compassionate emerald eyes, starring intently into the ice blue orbs beneath her.

“Nothing.” Catherine smiled up into the beauty that was Jace, those wonderful eyes that always captured her soul in a gentle gaze.

Placing a hand on Catherine’s stomach she stroked it lightly, feeling the immediate reaction her touch had on her partner. “Nothing huh, want me to tickle it out of you?”

“Jace! Really, what do you mean?” Knowing full well that Jace would tickle her into submission. Another facet of her partner that she loved, the way Jace handled her when she wasn’t sure of what she was feeling herself.

“You know I’ll tickle you, until you tell me what I want to know. Why not save yourself the trouble and just tell me now.” Jace giggled as her fingers traced over the sensitive skin with a little more pressure.

“Jace, please you know I’ll retaliate.” The warning clear as the ice blue eyes shot up to capture the twinkling ones of her partner.

“Oh lover I’m counting on it, I love the feel of your hands on me.” Jace chuckled softly, beginning her campaign to get her way, stopped unexpectedly as longer fingers clutched hers, stopping the movement.

“I can’t bring people back to say I’m sorry Jace.” Catherine said solemnly, as she traded glance for glance with the woman who shared her very essence, she was sure of it.

Jace heard the slight tremor as the words were spoken, feeling the pain that her partner experienced. At least now Catherine had someone she trusted to share it with.

“Yes, that’s true darling we can’t bring people back. However, we can always tell the people what we are thinking now and say sorry.” Jace replied in a hushed voice.

Catherine blinked a few times not really understanding what Jace meant. Talk to the dead? Hell she’d been doing that for years with Lucas and Adam hadn’t she? This was different.

“How?” Her eyes locked with the emerald ones above her, beseeching Jace to find the answer on her behalf.

Smiling tenderly, Jace placed a finger down the scared left cheek moving it upward to touch the numerous lines that were now evident over the blind eye, unable to focus on her, remaining merely impassive to the touch.

“Who do you want to say sorry to?”

Catherine felt a tear roll from beneath her left weak eye. That was really rather embarrassing the weakness. Gruffly to disguise her discomfort over the action of the tears she responded.

“I wanted to say it to my son Lukas, my brother, Adam, my father and Maria.” Her words although gruff were laden with deep sorrow.

“Then do it Catherine, take some time alone talk with them all. Or write them a letter, explain everything you feel and want to say to them. No one else needs to see the letter, but it might help you overcome the hurt and sadness.” Jace lowered her head, kissing the full lips tenderly in a gesture of comfort and understanding without the passion that usually consumed them.

Catherine thought about the suggestion, knowing Jace had a point. Maybe if she wrote what she felt down to each of them? Perhaps that would lay them to rest concluding the sorrow she felt at her own actions in the earlier years. Not only was she sorry but grateful too. For without some of the situations in her life however painful, would she be here now with this wonderful woman beside her to love and guide her through the rest of her life? Yes, she had much to thank them for too and she would, she certainly would.

“I love you Jace.” Catherine’s heart went out with the words, Jace felt it like it was cupid’s arrow making a direct hit to her own heart.

“Oh my love I know that, I love you too. Whatever you decide I’m here for you, if you want to talk, I’m a good listener. If you want to be alone with this, then take all the time you need.” Jace murmured as she kissed Catherine once again this time the warm of their love heating up the passion slowly.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you Jace?” Her voice low, the blonde could feel the sensual haze begin to take effect on the woman lying naked beneath her, not only physically but emotionally as well.

“You loved me Catherine.” Jace stated simply, as she saw the mounting passion flare with intensity at the simple words.

“For all your tomorrow’s Jace and beyond.” Catherine rasped out, as she placed her hands on her partner’s warm soft inviting body. Gradually easing her down until their bodies were moulded together to such an extent that it was hard to tell if they weren’t one entity.

“As I have all yours Catherine and always will.” Jace was lost as the passion between them ignited and everything but the love they shared was forgotten, held in time for later, so very much later.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jason grinned as he opened the large oak door to Stewart Devonshire’s old office. The cleaner’s had been inside and literally did a great job of cleaning and polishing everything in sight to make it look as if it hadn’t been empty all those years. The maintenance and communication people would do their tricks of magic during the week, to bring the office into the twenty-first century. He was certain looking at the place, Devonshire himself would be happy with the work.

There had been an amusing moment when he had disappeared into the kitchen area prior to the cleaners arriving. He could hear voices as he placed the garments that were hanging in the cloakroom into a plastic holdall.

“I can’t believe I’m back in here after all these years Sally.” A woman’s voice said clearly, Jason wasn’t sure if eavesdropping was a good thing or a bad thing at that moment.

“You cleaned in here before? Has it changed?” the other woman replied.

“Oh goodness me no! Mr. Devonshire would be pleased to see that his daughter hadn’t dismantled the place. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if the owner will not come through that door as we speak.” The first woman said with a chuckle.

“Really Dot, you and your imagination. Next thing you know you’ll say Devonshire haunts the building!” the second woman said teasingly.

Jason decided that he had better move, almost bursting out laughing at the shocked faces of the two cleaners who were startled as he came out of the kitchen. Walking past them he commented quietly and winked as he left.

“I think all the ghosts have been put to rest now ladies, good afternoon to you.”

Jason had to smile as he entered, admitting it would have been tragic if the room had been dismantled. He guessed it was an era long since passed, especially in this day and age of fast moving technology. He was of the old school so it suited him, not to mention all those books and first editions too!

He moved past the large impressive desk and sat down in the larger than life chair sinking into its now polished leather depths. Recalling his conversation with Catherine.

“You went inside my Father’s office? Why?” Catherine had Elena on her knee; the child was tugging at her hair, and a particularly uncomfortable pastime the child indulged in with her. Her words interested but not aggressive in anyway.

“I found a key in your desk drawer it kind of fascinated me. So much so I had to find out which door it belonged to if it had any use at all. I wasn’t aware of the restriction you had on your Father’s old office or I would never have gone inside.” Jason admitted honestly.

“Okay, so what did you find?” Catherine was trying to keep up with Jason’s conversation but the pain her daughter was inflicting was taking more of her attention.

“I found some old clothes, photo’s, a diary and a metal box. The room itself is full of books, which I do believe many are first editions.” Jason couldn’t stop the awe he felt at the numerous books that were worth a fortune housed in the office.

“Well, I guess that would be easy…Elena behave! Sorry Jason your granddaughter is trying to get my attention, hair pulling is a very strong point of hers at the moment.” Catherine explained as Jason murmured his understanding.

“First editions? Well, makes sense he was a book publisher and had a large author base. Was the diary a business one or personal?” Catherine asked, not really that interested in its contents.

“I guess a little of both really, mainly business notes though.  The photo’s are very personal and seemed to have been viewed frequently.” Jason said quietly.

Catherine’s interest diverted from her daughter to the man at the end of the line and his words. Photo’s seemed to be the order of the day it would appear.

“Tell me more.”

“I can’t really, I don’t know the people in them. I suspect that there are one or two of your parents, maybe you and your brother when you were very young. The others I’m not sure at all, although there are some more recent shots of a child, a boy from being a baby to maybe two or three.” Jason tried to give her a flavour of them as best he could.

Catherine took a deep breath at the images that came to her mind of her son who would have been around Elena’s age when her Father died. As the impressions became more acute she pulled her daughter closer to her kissing the head of the child. “My son.”

Jason heard the emotion of the two words, now feeling somewhat distressed at the discussion, particularly if it had been to do with his meddling.  “I’m sorry Catherine, I’ll send them to you directly.”

Catherine felt the sadness leave her as she stroked the dark haired child in her arms.  Elena had appeared to understand that there was a problem with her mother, deceased her activities as she became docile in the embrace.

“No! No that’s fine Jason please you said there was something else?”

Jason fingered the box and the key that held it’s own secrets if it had any to reveal. “There was a metal strong box, I have the key also.” He stated simply, what happened next was her call.

Catherine smiled into the dark soft head of hair Elena had rather predictably gone to sleep. Jace might be upset a little as it was almost the child’s bath time, but if she volunteered entertainment duty to put the child to sleep again then perhaps she would be forgiven.

“Have you seen the contents at all?”

“No! Of course I wouldn’t open it Catherine that is your prerogative.” Jason was shaking his head vigorously, although he knew that she couldn’t see it.

Wanting to laugh but knowing that would disturb Elena she just slowly nodded her head, smiling wryly. If Jason were anything like his daughter he would have at least been very curious. “Okay then Dad let’s open it shall we. Would you care to do the honours?”

Jason spluttered asking if she was sure.

Two minutes later he had the steel box open starring at the contents.

“Cat got your tongue Jason.” Catherine said laconically.

She heard him going through the box as a rustle of papers; a chink of metal or a hard object clearly pierced the silence between them.

“There is a bunch of letters, old letters tied together with silk. Addressed to your father, can’t quite make out who the name of the sender, it has faded with time. A couple of official looking documents, that are sealed and I think you should open those Catherine; they are addressed to you and Lucas Devonshire. Some jewellery, a wedding ring is amongst the items, it’s small so maybe it belonged to your mother. More photo’s and more letters to your father from someone called A Warriorson.” As he said the last name Jason realised that it was probably Catherine’s deceased husband’s.

“Other documents also and many are sealed, I think the contents you should go through yourself, I’ll send them along to you.” Jason could see by the items that this was a man’s life in a box, okay not his whole life but the most important events as he saw it.

“Thank you Jason send them home to me.” Catherine whispered as she realised for the first time that her Father hadn’t forgotten her, or Lukas. He had just lost his way when their Mother had died, never finding the way back.

“I will, by courier today.” Jason remarked solemnly, he could hear for himself that the contents in some way had moved Catherine profoundly.

Just as he said that Catherine looked up into the gentle loving eyes of Jace who had entered the room without a sound, obviously hearing the last sentence from her partner.

“Your Daughter is here Jason, want a word?” Catherine spoke lowly as her eyes refused to release Jace’s, an emotional current passed between them.

“Of course I do Catherine, I have some news for her too.” Jason smiled as he wondered what Jace would make of Lucy’s new situation.

“Okay, thank you Jason for your help in this matter. By the way do you like my Father’s office?” Catherine asked as she moved slowly so that she didn’t disturb the sleeping child, to stand and pass the receiver over to Jace.

“Did I like it? Did I like it, my god Catherine it’s a home from home for me.” Jason enthused happily.

“Then by all means make it yours Jason, it’s time the ghost of my Father was finally laid to rest, perhaps you can do so.” She passed the instrument over to Jace, walking around the room humming softly to the child as her partner took the rather excited call from her hands.

“So, Dad what’s the news?” Jace asked with a grin as she gave Catherine a loving glance, settling down to chat to her Father for a short time.

Catherine smiled back at the blonde, deciding that tonight Elena was probably better off just going to bed as she was, minus a few of the clothes. Walking over to the door she gave Jace a quick smile and departed with her precious bundle.

It would be interesting to receive the contents of her Father’s office. Who knew she might after all these years finally get to know him.

So, here he was now. He really did feel as if he was the chairman of Xianthos, he had succeeded the old chairman to his office. Although that was a rather old way of looking at things, he guessed that somewhere up there, Stewart Devonshire was probably laughing at the situation. Who would have thought it, years ago he had been a struggling publisher, taken over by the Xianthos Corporation, now here he was heading it! What a life it was.

“Oh damn, forgot to tell her about the new acquisition. Never mind she’ll see it in the figures next month.” He smiled as a knock on the door heralded Rita, who announced the arrival of the Manager of the Mailroom Department.

Continued in Part 23

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