~ All Our Tomorrows ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty-three
© February 2001
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Forty-six

Constantia smiled as she wheeled herself towards the blonde woman slowly looking over the photograph album her face wreathed in concentration.

“I see you find the family interesting?” The older woman asked her niece’s partner.

Jace looked up her expression one of pleasure as she saw Catherine’s Aunt wheel herself forwards to the small bistro table.

“Yes, to be honest I never thought I would ever see any photo’s other than the two that Catherine has on her desk at home. It is a wonderful reminder, I always think of people and events in our life that although might no longer be here physically, are still a very clear memory.”

“You sound very philosophical Jace.” Constantia glanced at the page the younger woman was looking at. The smiling face of her father and his two daughters starred out at her, she recalled the day that photo was taken. It was one of her favourites. Elena had been five years old, she had been ten, and it had been particularly happy day fishing.

“No, not really. It’s just how I think of photo’s, they trigger memories and are a way of never forgetting the past or our loved ones.” Jace smiled as she realised that Constantia was more interested in the page she was looking at than the conversation. The book had been well used each page had a much worn appearance.

“I agree with you there my dear. I think the same way myself, I have many memories stored within the volumes here at the villa. They were my only link to family for many years.” Constantia gave the blonde a wry smile.

Jace nodded her head at the comment; Catherine’s Aunt now had a real family to bring her memories too. “Your father was a handsome man, how did he die?”

Constantia settled back in her chair. Although it was now fifty years since the death of her father, it still caused her to feel unsettled at the situation. “He fell to his death from the mountain a mile outside of town. They said it was an accident.”

“You sound doubtful, why?” Jace was intrigued at the caution at the older woman’s words and her faraway expression.

“Oh nothing my dear, just an old woman’s fanciful thoughts.” Constantia turned the pages of the photo album.

Jace gave her a discreet glance, and then turned to the photo displayed. “You didn’t show this particular book the day we went over the photo’s with the children and Catherine.”

“No, I decided that the family probably wanted to see Catherine as a child and later as a teenager. These old relics are my memories, who wants to see an old woman’s past?” Constantia shrugged her frail shoulders, laughing softly.

“I do.” Jace placed a gentle hand on top of the frail larger hand now settled on the table.

“Then Jace you and I will share a few of my old memories together, thank you.” Constantia gave Jace a smile that brought a catch to her breath as she saw Catherine in that smile. It was so like one her partner would give when she was pleased about something, which touched her emotionally.

“No. Thank you Constantia, I want to share all of Catherine’s background and this belongs to her too, her ancestors.” Jace went back to the beginning of the book, pointing to a yellowed picture of a couple laughing at each other obviously in love.

“Who is that Constantia, they look very happy.” Jace asked eagerly.

“They were my grandparents on my Mother’s side, the next one is my Father’s parents….” Constantia began her explanation enthusiastically.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Do we have to go home tomorrow Catherine?” Lisa asked as she ran over to the tall woman who was stooping over the pushchair strapping Elena inside, after their visit to the local park.

“Yes we do! Don’t you want to go home to see Grace, Grandma Faith and what about Rio?” Catherine had to smile at the comment, she herself felt very relaxed here, after a month of doing nothing but become totally immersed in family life.

“Oh but I like it here. I love the beach, sea, the park and the…” Lisa stopped as Catherine held up her hand to signal a slow down of the exaltation of the place.

“I know you do Princess but you need to go back to school, what about your pony? He will be missing you, not to mention your friends too.” Catherine had secured her younger daughter in her pushchair smiling as she brushed away a lock of dark hair as the sleepy green eyes blinked at her.

“Do I have to?” Lisa exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips in protest at the horrible thought. Maybe if they lived here she would not have to go to school.

“You don’t want to see the pony or your friends?” Catherine knew exactly what Lisa did not want, teasing her, especially as she had taken on the wounded stance. Her eldest daughter was certainly going to be one damn fine actress if she ever decided to go that way; she had the prima donna characteristics down pat.

“No! No Catherine you are silly I want to see everyone at home, but school really!” What a precocious child she was, adorable though.

“Oh, I can see that point of view Princess. Do you think if you stayed here that you wouldn’t go to school?” Catherine held out her hand for the smaller one of Lisa’s to hold. As they sauntered out of the park, Elena now sleeping soundly as they did so.

“I haven’t seen anyone go to school.” Lisa explained glancing around the small cobbled street, unable to identify what she would consider a school.

“I’m sorry Lisa but they have schools and you would have to go. I could not allow you to get behind in your education, now could I? I somehow think you might be upset when you get older.” They walked towards the taxi rank for their ride home. Jace had offered to accompany them to the park but Catherine had decided that her partner could do with a short break. Jake was on his last fishing trip with Lukas. It irked her in times such as this that she wasn’t able to drive anymore, but at least she could see partially and that was better than having nothing at all. She was at least able to take both of her daughters out without assistance.

“I couldn’t go to a Greek school Catherine.” Lisa stated as they reached the rank, waiting for one of the drivers to finish their discussions and take them back to the villa.

“You couldn’t, why?” Catherine turned inquisitive eyes to Lisa who looked at her seriously and bright intelligent eyes gave her an exasperated glance.

“Because I can’t speak Greek that’s why Catherine!” Lisa exclaimed as if that was clear to anyone.

“Yes, true but you could learn. A challenge perhaps?” One of the taxi drivers sauntered over lazily pointing to his car. Un-strapping Elena from her restraints, she placed the child against her shoulder, passing over the folding pushchair to the driver to stow in the boot of the vehicle.

Lisa was not sure if Catherine meant it, giving her a perplexed look as she settled into the back seat, the worn leather of the seat hot from the morning sun.

The driver started the engine and asked where they wanted to go. “Villa Xianthos.” Catherine told him, his gaze interested through the driving mirror.

“I think I miss my friend’s more now, so it is a good idea we are going home tomorrow.” Lisa finally stated and sat back in her seat.

Catherine turned to give the child a wide grin. “Thought you might prefer that.” Kissing the top of the dark head, the child oblivious to the conversation going on around her?

‘I wonder how Jace has enjoyed her couple of hours of freedom? Would not surprise me if she has had the beach area all to herself.’ That thought alone brought a momentary wolfish grin to her lips as she contemplated the very idea.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jason sat opposite his wife, smiled as Lucy joined them for the meal Stephanie prepared before she left for the evening.

“Dad, can I talk to you?” Lucy slid down thankfully into the luxury of the leather sofa. Her post at the mailroom was not only menial and beneath her intelligence but hard work too!

Alison smiled; she had seen the rather sullen look on her daughter’s face several times in the last three weeks. Never more so than the day Jason had told her the post she was being offered the morning she travelled to the workplace with him that first day.

“Yep go ahead.” Jason had heard from the manager of the department, he had been told to make sure that Lucy knew what the meaning of hard work was. The rumours that had skirted his office told him the man had taken his word as law.

“Can’t I work someplace else but the mailroom?” Blue eyes matching his own pleaded with him.

“You’re only qualified for the mailroom Lucy.” Jason calmly affirmed.

“Oh please Dad, what about one of the press offices or the computer department. Perhaps even as an Assistant to your PA? I’m better than a Mailroom Clerk!” Lucy expounded, annoyed with her father and his lack of understanding.

“Mom, tell him for me please!” Alison shook her head.

“Don’t bring me into this Lucy it was your choice to leave college and you accepted your Father’s trial at the company.” Picking up her letter that she had received from Faith that morning.

“What qualifications have you for any of the posts in those departments Lucy? If I arrange an interview with the personnel head, what have you to show that you are intelligent enough to be considered?” Jason again reminded her of her lack of educational qualifications.

“Come on Dad what qualifications have you got?” Lucy returned petulantly. Alison looked up at her daughter in dismay that was the comment from a spoilt child, she had hoped they had brought their children up better than that.

Jason stood up; although he was not a tall man his stance gave Lucy the impression that he was a giant of a man, having made him angry from the set of his jaw.

“Young lady, when you have experienced even half of what I did at your age, then you might… and I say might, just be allowed to ask how I managed to get my school diploma.” His voice rasped out as he looked down at her with a penetrating gaze.

“I bet Ms. perfect Catherine Devonshire, didn’t have to start at the bottom.” Lucy countered knowing she had overstepped the mark with her father.

“True, but then she had more common sense than you have and she listened to her Father about an education.” Jason recalled the conversation they had at Grace and Colin Montgomery’s wedding. Catherine had told him about her Father’s insistence that she remain in education, admittedly he had threatened to cut her allowance but she had still received an honours degree.

“Dad, that woman hasn’t listened to anyone EVER!” Lucy burst out annoyed at her Father but more her position at the company her Father headed, and that belonged to her sister’s ‘good friend’.  Even in the company restaurant, people who wanted to get to know her had initially surrounded her. When she mentioned that she worked in the mailroom, also that she really did not give a damn about the owner or even talked to her. Suddenly all the so called would be friends, disappeared, except for one.

Jason smiled at his youngest child giving her a shake of the head. “I think you might benefit from a visit of your sister if you think that Lucy. Trust me she does listen to people, even when you think differently.”

“If you two are quite finished I suspect dinner will be ready, I know Stephanie is rather meticulous with her timing of dinner.” Alison interceded; thankfully Catherine’s New York housekeeper was just that.

“Right with you Ali, Lucy are you joining us for dinner or would that be beneath you to have dinner with your parents too?” Jason retorted to the sullen young woman, who glared at him at the words.

“I always eat dinner with you!” Lucy exclaimed petulantly.

“Ah, of course you do. Just thought I’d check, but then again you are waited on hand and foot so I guess that would fit your criteria, right?” Alison wanted to snicker but instead preceded her husband and daughter to the dinning area.

“Dad that’s a mean thing to say! Are you implying I’m a snob?” Lucy cried out offended at the comment.

“If the shoe fits.” Jason replied leaving the room to join his wife.

Lucy starred after his retreating back mulling over his comment. Was her father right? Was she a snob? Something she had called Catherine Devonshire on her first visit to see her sister in New Zealand.

Lot’s of thoughts careered in her head; she was not sure what to make of it all. Perhaps she should go back to college and get her degree? What the hell, that would show them all! Then there was Francesca. The only friend she had made here, who also appeared genuinely to enjoy her company. She would talk with her later as they both chatted on the same site on the net this evening.

Pulling herself out of the sofa she walked quickly towards the dinning area, she really must apologise to her Dad.  He did not deserve her objectionable behaviour and truth be told her Dad was a cool guy for one so old.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter Forty-seven

“It runs in the family Grace.” Faith explained to her Daughter, who had minutes earlier told her that she was having a baby girl.

“Oh, never realised it. On both sides, yours and Dad’s?” Grace asked her mother, as she drank the milk she had requested, which Judy had happily obliged.

“Well, perhaps not your? Father’s they tended towards one of each, but certainly on my family line.” Faith was pleased that Grace was having a girl. Yes, a boy would have been equally welcome but she was more familiar with the requirements of the female side than the male.

“Colin’s pleased.” Grace spoke softly; she had been worried at first by her husband’s reaction to the news that they were having a girl. He had been so silent; perhaps he really had wanted a boy!

“I’ll bet that young man was over the moon. Although if she turns out anything like you Grace, he’s going to have his work cut out for him.” Her mother grinned to take away any sting in the words that might be misinterpreted.

Grace chuckled; yes she had not been the easiest child to bring up on reflection. “Yes he was.”

Her mind drifted to the arrival home after a silent drive back from her visit with the doctor.

“I thought I’d go and give my Mother the happy news.” Grace said quietly looking intently at her husband’s face for any sign that he was unhappy. There was not any expression at all, just a blank really.

“Good idea.” Colin agreed absently as he helped her out of the vehicle. Now five months pregnant, he seemed to do that more often.

Grace allowed him to help her down from the steep step of the Land Rover.

“I’ll go check on how things are going, I’ll see you at dinner Grace. Don’t forget to take a nap this afternoon, okay.” He looked towards the paddock where foals were nuzzling their mothers.

“Colin?” Grace had watched his expression change to a faraway expression.

Turning her husband looked at her expectantly. “Yes Grace, do you need me to do something?”

Grace smiled at him, moving closer so that she could put out a hand and stroke the beginning of his early stubble on his chin. “I love you!”

Colin smiled as he closed the gap between them capturing the hand that caressed his chin, as he put the fingers to his lips. “I love you too Grace.”

“Can I ask you something?” A tentative question, as she wasn’t sure if she should even mention her doubts.

“Anything, are you all right?” Colin asked anxiously.

“Darling it isn’t me, it’s you!” Grace laughed softly as she felt the butterflies in her stomach at his caress.

“Me? Me, I don’t understand?” The man asked flustered by her regard, it was a mixture of question, warmth and love. He would do anything for her, anything!

“When they told us the baby was going to be a girl, you kinda went quiet. I know you said you didn’t mind if it was a girl or boy, but Colin did you really want a son?” Grace rushed out her eyes blinked back the tears. Damn! Being pregnant did strange things to your hormones.

Colin looked at her with an astonished expression his eyes filled with tenderness. “Grace, oh Grace I think it’s wonderful. There are no words to express what I feel therefore, I could not. I’m sorry darling, really sorry for making you think I’m unhappy.”

Grace felt the tears trail down her cheeks she couldn’t help it and they now flooded her face at his confession for he was so sincere.
“I just…I guess…Oh Colin we are going to have a baby girl.”

Colin pulled Grace closer and kissed the top of her head tenderly holding her in an understanding embrace. “Grace, when they said it was a girl. The baby was very real, no longer just a word. She was Georgina. Our baby was real Grace, it was wonderful!”

Grace hugged her husband, hearing the inflections of emotion that he had held in check. ‘Damn, men for trying to be so…so unperturbed.’

“Yes, yes it is wonderful.” Releasing her hold on him so that they could share a kiss that kept them both happy, at least for now.

Smiling Grace contentedly listened to her Mother and Judy as she drank her milk.

Now her Mother was talking about knitting garments for the baby, at least now! They could knit with pink.

* * * * * * * * * *

“I want to thank you Aunt for your hospitality.” Catherine sincerely thanked Constantia. Lukas was loading the Jeep with their belongings and the children had decided to help him, even Elena!

“Catherine no thanks are necessary, I have loved every minute of your families company. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Jace in our hour of need here at the villa. I thank you and Jace from the bottom of my heart.” Constantia smiled up at the countenance of her niece.

“Yes, Jace appears to have the ability to save the women of Xianthos doesn’t she?” Catherine smiled softly as she watched Jace pick up Elena away from danger as their daughter had started to crawl under the vehicle.

“Yes she does.” Constantia swung her gaze to where her niece obviously had her attention.

“I think Lukas is almost done.” Catherine saw the final case stowed away in the back of the vehicle.

The door opened and Sarah walked in to stand beside Constantia. “It is a lovely day to travel Catherine, when will you eventually arrive home?”

Catherine grinned at the woman who was now reasonably fit; her arm ached from time to time, although now generally she was out of bed. “ Yes it certainly is Sarah, I’m pleased really wouldn’t want to have to contend with sea sick children. We will arrive home in three days, we are having a short stop over in Hong Kong, should be interesting for Jace and the elder children.”

“You will not leave it so long before you visit again will you Catherine?” Sarah asked as she put a hand on Consty’s shoulder in support. She knew that Consty would never ask that question, even if she wanted to.

“I hardly think I can keep the rest of the family away Sarah.” Catherine chuckled, and then turned her ice blue gaze to the contented one of her Aunt. She knew that Sarah had asked the question that neither she nor her Aunt would voice. They just had not reached that particular comfort zone yet, although who knew what the future might bring.

The door opened again this time Jace, the children and Lukas all trooped inside the room. A chorus of ‘we are ready to go’ heralded their entrance.

“Guess that’s my cue” Catherine laughed as Lisa ran into her hugging her waist.

“Well, I wish you all a very safe and wonderful journey. Would you…that is….” Constantia trailed off as she looked down at her hands on her lap.

Sarah did not know what to do next, as she squeezed Consty’s shoulder in comfort. Jace walked over to Catherine with Elena in her arms struggling as they neared her tall playmate.

Jace looked up into quizzical ice blue eyes; Catherine was not sure what was required of her. Emerald green eyes caught hers and the message that they conveyed, made her clear her throat a fraction.

“I’ll call you Aunt when we get to Hong Kong and then home.” Catherine spoke softly and was rewarded by a gentle smile that crossed Jace’s lips. Guess she got it right again!

Elena was deposited gently into her arms as Jace went over to Catherine’s Aunt.

“It has been a pleasure Constantia, thank you for putting up with my family. Especially the tall blue eyed one.” Jace whispered into the older woman’s ear as she kissed her cheek.

“Anytime my dear, anytime at all.” Constantia chuckled as she sent Jace a sparkling look of amusement.

Jace went over to Sarah kissing the older woman too, who beamed at her happily.

Then the children were ushered out each saying their goodbyes as they did so. Elena happily went to Lukas who was a favourite of the child.

That left Catherine with Constantia and Sarah.

Sarah approached Catherine, pecked her cheek and said goodbye, taking her leave of the room for the kitchen.

Catherine felt slightly uncomfortable as she linked her hand together nervously, why had Jace left her alone with this goodbye.

“Well, I guess it’s time to go Aunt.” Catherine spoke quietly as she walked the few paces to the wheelchair.

“Yes, yes it is Catherine.” Constantia could not stop the tears welling up in her eyes; this was her only sister’s child. Her last close living relative and yet they were so estranged still.

Awkwardly Catherine bent down placing a quick kiss on her Aunt’s velvety cheek. She hated goodbyes! About to move away, frail fingers captured her face, subjecting her to an intensity of stare that she had never experienced before.

“God’s speed to you Catherine and your family. May all your problems be little ones.” Constantia kissed her surprised niece’s cheek.

“I’ll second that!” Catherine self-consciously moved away from her Aunt and the emotional trauma of the situation.

“We will see each other again soon Constantia, goodbye.” Catherine said softly as she left the room to follow her family.

“That is my hope Catherine, if not in this lifetime, certainly another one to come.” Constantia whispered into the now empty room save for herself. Wheeling her chair closer to the balcony, to watch happily and wave off her family on their journey.

As Catherine entered the vehicle the engine roared, and Sarah entered into room and made for the balcony in enough time to wave off the family with her friend.

Sarah looked at the tears that had marked her friend’s cheeks; she knew that Consty would miss the family atmosphere. It had brought her friend alive in ways she hadn’t seen for years, what a pity they were so far away.

“Consty, at Christmas why don’t we visit the family for the celebrations?” Sarah innocently asked.

Constantia was upset that Catherine and her family were leaving, why did people leave you alone! Then the familiar voice of her friend broke through her melancholy thoughts making her realise how foolish she was. Sarah had never left had she, no Sarah was here to stay, that thought alone made her feel happy inside. What more could she want in this life?

“I think that is a very good idea Sarah, we will make it the same time that Lukas leaves us for the mainland and his own destiny.” Constantia smiled up at her friend, her tears now held in check.

“Yes, good idea. Now I think we both could do with a nice cup of tea, what do you think Consty?” Sarah had already moved towards the door, knowing the answer without the words.

“A splendid idea Sarah, what better to wish our family a good journey than one of your special brews.” Constantia smiled warmly at her friend turning away from the balcony as Sarah left her.

‘Yes, Christmas with the family was a good idea and she would ensure that she was well enough for the trip. It was something to look forward too. Adam would have to wait a little longer for her to join him.’

* * * * * * * * * *

Jace had checked on the children, Elena was sleeping, which had been predictable. Lisa was with Jake on the deck; the young man having volunteered to make sure Lisa came to no harm.

Now walking back to her partner she smiled at the people who she traded glances with as she passed them, moving as swiftly as possible to the where Catherine sat.

Watching her for a few minutes, she saw her partner concentrating on a magazine but not really. Pre-occupied was perhaps the better term, her eyes might be fixed on the print but her attention certainly wasn’t.

“Penny for them?”

Catherine glanced up, trying to break away from her concentration of the feelings she was struggling with at the words Constantia had said when she left.

“Not worth even that Jace.” She smiled, as Jace sat down beside her. She immediately picked up her hand, tracing the lines of the palm thoughtfully.

“What happened?” Jace whispered.

Catherine turned to Jace and smiled wryly. “Can’t keep anything from you can I?”

“Would you even want to?” Jace smiled back warmly as she clasped the hand that held hers in understanding.

“No, no I wouldn’t.” Catherine wanted to kiss Jace but it wasn’t an appropriate place as she glanced around at the people on the ferry with them.

“My Aunt mentioned all our problems being little ones.”

Jace looked at her puzzled her expression compassionate waiting for her to go on with her explanation.

“Just amused me really.”

“Amused you? Well, I hope that we now only ever have small problems to contend with in the future. Between you and I Catherine, I think we have both had enough big problems, don’t you?”

“Yes, I agree Jace but…” Catherine trailed off unsure what to say next.

“But?” Jace huskily asked, for some reason her partner’s expression held something that made her catch her breath.

“I was thinking, maybe she was right. On the little problem that is, it could be little, as in a baby.” Catherine said quickly as she bent her head away from her partner.

Jace gasped at the words, it had seemed like forever when they had talked about having another baby. Here after all that had happened to them once more, it was like the miracle of reality taking hold all over again.

“I love you Catherine.” Jace could not think what else to say, she knew what she wanted to do but that was not appropriate now.

“I love you too, my love.” Catherine smiled warmly at the slight flush on her face.

“Thank you.” Jace finally whispered caught in a gaze filled with love.

“Oh my darling it is I who should thank you. I do, oh yes I do every single minute of the day, since I met you.” Catherine grinned at the startled profile of her partner.

“That’s all I need to know Catherine.” Jace turned quickly as she placed a discreet kiss on her cheek, bringing a broad smile to her partner’s face.

“I guess we talk about this in detail later?” Catherine held the smaller hand in her grasp a little tighter.

“Oh most certainly we do, now that YOU have mentioned it.” Jace chuckled, settling back in the seat. Her gaze resting on the sleeping features of Elena, yes it would be good to have another baby around the house, definitely wonderful!

Continued in Part 24

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