~ All Our Tomorrows ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty-four
© February 2001
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: See
Part One
Chapter Forty-eight
“The bitch won’t talk?” Catherine sharply returned, as she glanced around the remodelled study. Her attention had been partially on the conversation and the changes in the room completed recently.
“No, I’m sorry Catherine she will not. Unfortunately, that isn’t the worse of it though. Rosnova has also lodged a complaint against her arrest on the grounds that it was unlawful.” Serena Dusterly had agreed to apprise Catherine Devonshire of the current problems in the case of her daughter’s kidnapper. Now three months later it had proved impossible to make the woman talk, she was playing a few tricky legal moves of her own.
“That won’t stick! We played it by the book, didn’t we?” Catherine hesitated slightly. Knowing that she had been fuelled by rage at the time, and had not exactly been thinking straight making it hard for her to judge if they had or hadn’t played it by the book.
Serena considered the statement. Had they followed the book? At the time she was sure, they had. Months later she was still sure on the subject. “I think you will find that someone who has taken a child with force, also taken great lengths to ensure that child isn’t found. Not to mention the force she used to try to stop us. I can’t see any court in the land not convicting her.”
Catherine sighed heavily, she had considered this part of their lives a formality now, and the trial would be over quickly with the evidence against Rosnova. “Have they tried to cut a deal with her Dusterly?”
“Yes. Several times in fact. She doesn’t appear to want to take any of the offers.” Serena spoke quietly. It had been Devonshire’s request that no deals be struck with Rosnova, which had been ignored by the police and the FBI with the urgent need to resolve the larger issues.
“I see.” Catherine stood up, punched the intercom as she walked over to the patio window and starred at the paddock that was empty of any activity. The greenery and peace of the ranch had always been one of the prime reasons she had enjoyed living here.
“I know that wasn’t what you requested in the early days. However, you have to understand that even with Rosnova off the street’s, the real issues haven’t been tackled, just delayed.” Dusterly pointed out practically.
“The clarity of the situation hasn’t quite defeated me Dusterly. Do you agree with the deals being offered?” Ice blue eyes scanned the drive for any sight of Jace. Her partner had been rather pre-occupied lately also a little withdrawn. She put that down to the fact that Lisa had finally cracked over her ordeal. For the past two months, Jace had been taking their Princess three times a week to see a child psychiatrist.
Her own aversion to being in the same room with a ‘shrink’, had given the responsibility to Jace, what a supportive parent she had turned out to be. Then there had been the week that her partner had left for the States to help with a family problem associated with Lucy. It hadn’t been prudent for her to go too, Lucy had a distinct dislike of her! Unfortunately, it didn’t appear to go away, no matter how hard she tried to be nice to Jace’s younger sibling.
Jace had returned from that trip seven or eight weeks ago and Lucy had returned to college. She hadn’t asked for details but from what her partner implied her sister had wanted to try out her wings on her own, a little early. Christmas was now around the corner and all the family but Lucy were going to attend. The young woman had her own life and values; there was a standing invitation though. Perhaps, she would come round to the idea.
“Catherine did you hear what I said?” Serena Dusterly asked impatiently, the woman was obviously in a world of her own. Nothing appeared to be sinking in at least it seemed that way.
“I’m sorry Dusterly, no I didn’t. Would you care to repeat it, I’ll endeavour to pay attention this time around.” Catherine apologised, genuinely sorry she had ignored the other woman.
“I said I didn’t agree with all the terms, the first deal offered was acceptable, if you can call any deal acceptable. The second was a half way house and the third…frankly she’d walk!” Serena exclaimed, her own annoyance at the situation sparked for the first time. Over the last few months she had gained her total equilibrium, now totally in control, most people who met her wondered if she ever smiled or looked anything other than serious.
“Walk!” Catherine shouted, the sound echoed in the sparsely furnished study. “You telling me that scum will be set free?”
Serena could hear the total horror that statement brought out in the other woman. How could you prepare someone who had suffered in the hands of such a person, to hear that the criminal would get away with the crime? “There is that possibility, although she didn’t accept the deal.”
“Why? What does she want a million dollars as a thank you too!” Catherine sank back down into the leather chair she refused to part with when they replaced most of the other study furniture.
Serena almost choked on the cynical laughter that caught in her throat, if only Catherine knew.
“Not exactly.”
“Spare me the details for the moment Dusterly. How are you doing with the projects you’ve taken on?” Catherine was going to have words with an Influential State Governor, which would be her next call today.
Serena sighed with relief at the change of subject. “I’ve managed to contact all the parents who are interested in having their children home again. Most of the information they have for me is now taking up residence in my spare bedroom. It will take a while to correlate the information, then who knows Rosnova might crack, and we can find out more details, hopefully bringing them home again.”
Catherine listened intently to the conversation; the woman on the other end of the line was genuinely enthused by the project. Although, without a significant lead to help her, it would fall by the wayside and those kids would remain lost souls. “You say the parents who want their children back. Are you telling me that some don’t?”
Serena shook her head at the question; it had been a shock to her inwardly when some had declined her offer of help. “I think that some thought it would cost them money, or they simple couldn’t afford them if they came home again. Many of the kids taken were from poor backgrounds. It’s not a nice thought Catherine but a fact of life in this day and age.”
Catherine pursed her lips, glancing around the room to the picture frames on her desk and the photo’s of her family, all her family. She wouldn’t care if she spent every penny she had in the retrieval of her family. “Did you tell them that it wouldn’t cost them a cent?”
“Yes. I told them I had a generous benefactor who was prepared to pay all expenses.” Serena acknowledged quietly, a special fund had been set up to cover all her expenses, and even establish an office with whatever staff she needed to continue the project indefinitely. The Warriorson fund was a godsend to the poor.
“I see, how many children have you on your files now?” Catherine heard a vehicle draw up to the house she moved swiftly back to the window, as she saw Jace step out of the Land Rover with Lisa climbing out the passenger side. The child ran into the house immediately, with Jace watching the child, a pensive expression on her face.
“Thirty, I’ve had to stop for the moment, I guess I need to take on help.” Serena chuckled at her end of the line softly.
“Your call Dusterly. Will you keep me apprised of how the situation develops with Rosnova? Unfortunately I’m needed elsewhere, a looming domestic crisis shall we say.” Catherine did not want to sound rude to the woman who had been instrumental in bringing Lisa back to them.
“I’ll do that! Hope you resolve your domestic problem, goodbye.” Serena ended the call; Catherine quickly pushed the intercom button to end the call at her end.
Now to see what was going on with Lisa, Jace had not looked very happy at all.
* * * * * * * * * *
Constance smiled as she watched Clare cursing over some filing problem or other, her lover was quite endearing when she got mad and Clare was mad!
“Is there anything I can do?” Constance asked as she lounged against the doorway of her office.
Clare swore under her breath, ‘Why now, why did Constance have to come out of her office now?’
“No, no everything is under control.” Clare muttered in the direction of her boss, smiling sweetly at her.
“You know you look cute when you’re mad.” Constance could not resist saying that, for Clare did look cute, but when didn’t she.
“I’m not mad!” Clare exclaimed in agitation.
“Okay. What has you so…how shall I put this… unimpressed with the filing system?”
“Absolutely nothing! Constance you asked for the report on the acquisition we purchased into three months ago, for some inexplicable reason it doesn’t appear to be here.” The younger woman proclaimed annoyed with herself.
Constance smiled warmly at her, and then shamefaced hung her head theatrically. “Ah, well you see it was like this Clare, I had it locked in my drawer, I found it half an hour ago. Had to take an international call, therefore it was impossible for me to tell you. Sorry!”
“You mean…you mean I’ve spent all this time looking for something that you had all the time?” Clare spluttered out.
“Yes.” Constance replied, waiting to see if Clare would cross the line from professionalism to personal.
Clare inhaled a ragged breath, once more, smiling briefly at her boss. Inclining her head she went to her desk and sat down. “Fine. That’s good; at least we know where it is. May I ask that in the future you let me file it for you in it’s correct place?”
Constance grinned at the suggestion, “point taken Ms. Fallon, I will do as you suggest.”
“Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Actually yes there is. We have an invitation to Ms. Devonshire’s home for Christmas and New Year, if we care to take up the invite. I just wondered if you could check my diary, ensuring we can do just that. Assuming of course you want to do that?” Constance smiled warmly at the surprised expression on Clare’s face, pleased when her lover nodded her head at the question regarding the invitation.
Clare scrambled for the diary; locating it she glanced down the pages that indicated Constance’s movements. “You only have two appointments and one of those is with your dentist. The other is with the other VP’s in London, an informal get together but that was only tentative as it is every year.”
“Okay then Clare, change my dentist appointment and I’ll contact the other VP’s and give my apologies for my absence. Mark holidays for the other days and Ms. Fallon, may I suggest that you find someone rather quickly to cover the day’s you will be missing.” Constance winked at her, as she went inside her office closing the door.
‘Rita, yep Rita would cover for her, as Mr. Bardley would be gone too! After all, I covered for Rita for a month when she married two months ago. My god New Zealand, I’m going to New Zealand! Constance went around the world all the time, but I haven’t ever left the US. God this is going to be an experience and with the owner too!’
Pushing the switch that would connect to Rita the chairman’s PA, she wondered what it would be like.
* * * * * * * * * *
Catherine silently entered the kitchen; Jace was alone in the room. Her partner had the look of one defeated in battle, which was not like Jace at all!
“How did it go love?” Catherine softly asked as she went over to stand inches from the woman she loved.
Jace looked up at the warm concerned features of her partner. “It went as well as can be expected. Doctor Tyrell says Lisa’s doing quite well considering the trauma she went through.”
Catherine knew her partner was holding out on her, having a good idea why too. Her aversion to psychiatrists wasn’t exactly a secret; she had been quite verbal at the time it was mentioned.
“Of course Lisa should see a doctor, I have no problem with that!”
“No you don’t have a problem with Lisa going to the doctor, but you refuse to share the burden Catherine.”
“Jace, please Jace it’s not like that at all! I just…well frankly I think they’re frauds.”
“You do. How would you know, you’ve never experienced their help before?”
“I know, I never intend to either!”
“So, I take it that I go with Lisa to all the sessions?”
“Jace come on, you know me by now, I would only hinder the process.”
“Catherine they are helping our daughter, they would have no reason to quiz you, if that’s what you’re frightened of?”
“Frightened? Me? Give me a break Jace of course not!”
“Okay have it your way.”
Kneeling before the blonde she captured Jace’s emerald eyes grasping her hands gently, her expression filled with concern.
“Tell me please darling?”
Jace clutched Catherine’s hands instinctively unaware of the pressure that she was emitting.
“Lisa refused to talk to Doctor Tyrell. She said…well she decided that it wasn’t worth it.” Jace failed miserably to explain adequately.
“It isn’t worth it! How did she get that idea?” Catherine gave Jace a mystified expression.
Jace gave her a stare that indicated, ‘really you have no idea?’
Catherine saw the frown also the silent accusation, ‘what had she done wrong now!’ “What have I done now?” her tone hurt.
Jace gave a long-suffering expression, as her eyes dully gazed into the ice blue hurt ones of her partner. Catherine was little more than a child herself inside, taking slight criticism as a major catastrophe, “You haven’t done anything! Although Lisa appears to have taken up your aversion to seeing the Doctor, her words afterwards indicated that clearly.”
“My aversion, how does she know about that? I can assure you Jace that at no time have I ever talked in front of the child about my thoughts on the subject. In fact I’ve been very positive regarding the Doctor.” Catherine cried out in reaction to the perception that she might be the problem.
“I know that Catherine, but I think she’s perhaps eavesdropped on us by accident. I did ask if you would take her to the therapy session last week, you refused point blank making it very clear why.” Jace explained, she was tired not just because of the problem with Lisa but her body was reacting unfavourably to something and she had a good idea what that was.
Looking surprised at the comment she mulled over what exactly could have been overheard, then it dawned on her the conversation she’d had with Jace and cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink. “I guess I owe you an apology Jace.”
“No, don’t apologise to me Catherine, what I need from you at the moment is support in this situation and not financial support either!” Jace retorted her voice weary.
Catherine heard the weariness in her partner also the pallor in her skin, could Jace be sickening from something? “Darling, how about I make you a nice hot drink then I’ll see what I can do to salvage the situation with Lisa. When’s the next session with the Doctor?”
The blonde smiled weakly at Catherine’s immediate response to the problem. “I’d love a cappuccino if you know how to make one?”
Catherine saw the twinkle in the emerald eyes and felt a sense of relief that her partner was not mad at her. Also providing a little more animation and colour to her features, thank goodness. “Ah so you doubt my abilities in the kitchen do you my love?”
Jace gave a soft chuckle that made Catherine grin happily, seeing her partner happy was the mainstay of her life. Hating anything that prevented that happening.
“Catherine the first day I met you, you couldn’t find your way around the kitchen. When have you had time to practise domesticity?” Jace was laughing openly now, as ice blue eyes warmly smiled back into hers.
Slowing levering herself away from Jace, Catherine captured her partner’s lips in a tender kiss as she stood up erect making for the cappuccino machine. This had to be easy; everyone else made the beverage with ease.
“The next appointment for Lisa is Monday. With her current disposition Doctor Tyrell decided it might be better for her to have a week away from the sessions.” Jace spoke quietly, as she watched fascinated the expressions that crossed her partner’s face. Knowing that Catherine would not have a clue what to do with the machine, making tea was fine for her partner but the stainless steel monster that had been Grace’s pride and joy was something else altogether.
“Okay, that gives me time to talk her around. I’m certain I can do that, how did the Doctor say she was doing otherwise?” Catherine’s words held a preoccupied note to them as she considered what to do with the contraption before her.
“Well, except for today she’s been making steady progress. Obviously, I do not go inside the consulting room with them, however until today she was more the out going child we knew before, less sullen and critical. Don’t you think so?” Jace smiled as she saw the long tapering fingers of her partner skim over the controls and then randomly selected a button to press.
“Yes, yes I thought so myself. I was wondering how long these sessions had to continue.” Catherine said absently as she selected what she thought was the correct button for the appliance.
“I wouldn’t know, I’m sure that the Doctor will ensure that Lisa is going to be okay before he stops the sessions. He does have an excellent reputation in this field.” Jace had to put a hand up to her mouth to stop a snicker as Catherine turned to her with a smug expression on her face.
“Well, that’s the cappuccino set. I am sure if you think the good Doctor is the best. Then he will be Jace. As for me, I still think they….” Jace help up her hand to silence Catherine and no doubt a scathing comment as the woman looked at her in puzzlement.
“Little pitchers have big ears Darling.” Jace took the sting out of her words with a bright smile, as Catherine conceded her error of judgement once more.
“I’m going to have to have you educate me in keeping silent about certain things Jace.” Catherine heard a strange noise coming from the machine behind her. Glancing around to the machine Jace spoke, her voiced filled with laughter.
“I think it isn’t just little pitchers you have to have an education in Catherine. It’s also putting water in the reservoir before you switch an appliance on.” Walking over to the taller woman she stopped the machine, opened the vent to let out the steam that was building, and then glanced up into embarrassed blue eyes.
“I guess I’m not domesticated just yet Jace.” Catherine admitted ruefully.
Reaching up so that she could kiss the lips that had a hurt look to them. The blonde pull unresistingly into a tight embrace as the kiss deepened until both realised that they would very soon forget that they were in the kitchen, and anyone could walk in on them.
“I think I’ll go and talk with Lisa. Would you make the cappuccino Jace?” Catherine reluctantly pulled herself from the embrace.
“Yes of course I will, Grace would never forgive me if you had destroyed that little monster. When she has the baby I know it will be one of the first drinks that she will crave.” Jace smiled engagingly as her partner moved towards the door to the hallway and her talk with their eldest daughter.
“Oh of course, she’s lost the taste for her favourite tipple. Well, hopefully at Christmas she can indulge again, unless the baby is late and that isn’t out of the question as it’s her first.” Catherine said as she opened the door to leave the room.
“True, so go talk with Lisa. The both of you come back for refreshments soon. Good luck.” Jace added as a final thought, Lisa had been totally un-communicative on the journey home from town.
“Anything for you Jace.” Catherine smiled leaving the room.
Jace watched the door swing shut pondering that last remark. For without a doubt Catherine would give her anything!
* * * * * * * * * *
Chapter Forty-nine
James Thompson smiled for no reason other than the fact that he was happy, the news he’d had this morning had made his day, no his week. Hell, maybe even his year!
On Christmas Eve Demitri Artillius would arrive for the holiday season and wouldn’t need to leave until New Years day. Now that was some good news, although he would have to forego Catherine and Jace’s family invitation to the ranch for the holidays. He was sure they would understand.
He and Demitri had remained in contact over the intervening months; the opportunity had arisen for the Greek Police Captain to take some much-needed time off, where better than LA.
James scanned the lot below his office, considering himself very lucky, very lucky indeed. It would have been so easy to live a half-life existing on the memories of Paul and their time together. Paul he knew wouldn’t have wanted that for him, neither would James had the table been turned, perhaps sometimes good things came out of tragedy. Both he and Demitri had suffered personal losses in their loved ones; perhaps between them they could build a bridge to happiness. He was now willing to find out with the only person he had been remotely interested in since Paul’s death. Demitri would be here in his city in a little over a week’s time.
This had turned out to be some year, he hoped that the next would be a little less harrowing, though he doubted uneventful being affiliated with Jace and Catherine.
The telephone call he was expecting from Europe would set the way clear for his documentary series. If he could persuade Catherine to talk with the guy he proposed as director, then all would be well. It was business after all!
His intercom buzzed.
“Your call from Europe Mr. Thompson, Mr. Adamson is on line one.” His secretary told him efficiently.
James punched line one speaking clearly, ‘Peter, long time no hear….”
* * * * * * * * * *
Catherine rapped on the door to Lisa’s bedroom waiting for the child to answer. It would have been so easy to knock and walk in, these days with the child you just never knew what mood she would be in. Walking on eggshells was an accurate description to sum it up.
“Come in.” A small voice, barely audible allowed her entry.
Catherine fortunately had acute hearing as she listened for the response to her door knock. Opening the door she walked into the large airy room, this with Grace’s eye for decoration and Lisa’s own particular taste for her age looked pretty and welcoming.
“Hello Lisa, have you time for a chat?” Catherine walked over the multi-coloured carpet, reminding her of a rainbow, to sit on the edge of the bed where Lisa was sprawled out clutching her rag doll.
“Is it a long chat? Rag Doll wants her lunch.” Lisa said suspiciously, her guardian rarely talked to them during the day, in the evening or on weekends sure but not during school times. Little realising that usually she was in school, therefore Catherine would be unable to talk with her.
“No. No it’s not a long chat.” Ice blue eyes crinkled at the corners as she heard the hesitation in her daughter’s voice.
“Okay.” Lisa announced importantly touching a point on the bedclothes next to her for Catherine to move closer.
Catherine smiled at the child, what a child she was too! “Jace tells me that you mentioned to her and Doctor Tyrell, you wouldn’t need any more sessions with him. A waste of time I think you said, is that correct?”
Lisa looked up her blue eyes accusing. “Jace didn’t have to tell you! That’s not fair.”
Catherine heard the hurt this time considering her words carefully before she replied. After all, it was her fault; or rather, her loose tongue that had sparked this present predicament.
“Perhaps it isn’t, we care about you and if you’re not happy then Jace and I aren’t happy either. That’s all we want Lisa for you not to feel bad inside, the Doctor is trying to help that is all.”
Lisa’s stare changed from accusing to uncertainty.
“It’s a waste of time!” The child said petulantly, scowling at the tall woman perched on the side of the bed.
“I see. Will you tell me why?” Catherine asked quietly. Already sure, she knew what the answer to that one would be.
“You said so!” Lisa proclaimed, baiting Catherine to deny the words.
This time Catherine pushed back a lock of her raven hair that really needed a cut, something else to do before the visitors started to arrive on the ranch next week. “You heard me talking to Jace I presume?”
Lisa was not sure what to say Catherine might be mad with her if she admitted listening. However, she knew that she would be even worse if she lied to her. “I was coming for a drink in the kitchen, I couldn’t help it!” Tears glistened on the girl’s eyelashes.
Swiftly gentle arms enfolded the upset child holding her securely in a warm embrace. Placing a hand on the top of her hair stroking it soothingly, “hey Lisa, no problem. Bound to happen don’t you think if we all live together?”
The tears that were on the surface now fell unchecked, soaking Catherine’s pristine white cotton shirt. “I didn’t mean to Catherine I really didn’t.”
“I know darling, I know. Do you think you will be alright Lisa, if you never see the Doctor again?” Her voice gentle and filled with warmth, wanting the child understand her concern.
Suddenly the child sobbed loudly turning tear-drenched eyes up towards concerned ice blue ones. “You didn’t come for me Catherine, you didn’t, why you didn’t! That bad person made me have horrible dreams, really frightening ones.”
Catherine was taken-aback by the emotional outburst, as well as the anger and fear that was held there. ‘My God it’s my fault.’ The thought sprang immediately into the forefront of her mind. “I was looking Lisa, I couldn’t find you at first. I would never have left you with that person Lisa you have to believe me.” Her own voice broke as she finished.
Lisa continued to cry inconsolably as Catherine held her tightly, whispering into her soft herb smelling red hair. ‘What could she do now? All this time she had passed over the problem thinking it would go away as she’d always done with problems in her own life. This was different it was their child in pain and she needed help!’
“Lisa, how would it be if I came with you in the future to see the Doctor?” It was a tentative step and one she wasn’t entirely sure Lisa would accept.
Lisa gulped back her sobs as she gazed up into the sincere expression on the face of her guardian. “You would come with me?”
“Absolutely. I think it is time I talked with the Doctor too. We could make it a double challenge for him, what do you say?” Catherine had seen the glimmer of interest in the comment; she didn’t exactly relish the prospect, but what the hell!
“You’re not a child though Catherine?” Lisa answered her puzzled that an adult, especially this adult might be frightened inside also.
“How about when I see the Doctor with you, I’m ten years old again, just for that hour?” Serious ice blue eyes captured the childishly intelligent blue ones of the child in her arms.
Suddenly a giggle erupted from the child as she thought about Catherine being ten years old; she really had to see that. “Okay.”
There was a knock on the door as Jace tentatively popped her head around the door, “sorry to disturb you two, I have a snack waiting. Anyone want to join me?”
Lisa jumped up and out of Catherine’s arms, almost toppling her over onto the floor. Picking up Rag Doll, she rushed towards the door smiling broadly, her cheeks tearstained, as she hugged Jace. The child whispering something into Jace’s ear she left the two women to stare at each other for a few moments.
“Catherine, is Lisa saying what I think she’s saying?” Jace asked quietly amazed with the comment from Lisa that her partner was going to see the Doctor with the child.
Catherine moved swiftly from the bed to where Jace stood, reaching out tenderly stroking her cheek, as she nodded her head to acknowledge the comment.
“It’s time Jace. There is still a part of me that is ten years old and in pain. Perhaps Lisa and I together can cleanse the old and new wounds. It’s worth a try, for our daughter’s sake I’m willing to go that extra mile, although you might need to scrape me of the wall occasionally.”
Jace captured the fingers that stoked her cheek as she placed her lips to the fingertips, a single tear slowly rolled down her cheek. “You won’t regret it Darling, I promise you and I’ll be here for you count on it.”
Catherine smiled brightly at her partner as she hooked her arm around her shoulders leaving the room, in the hope of stopping the child devouring everything she found in the kitchen. “Yes, well I guess Doctor Tyrell is going to be quite amused if nothing else.” Chuckling as they headed for the stairs and a much-needed hot drink to settle the rattled nerves all round.
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