Chapter Eleven



Sometime during the night, they managed to cover their naked bodies with the down comforter from Regina’s bed. Cuddling together, the two women made love again, slowly, and with a tenderness born of their newfound intimacy.

They awoke, limbs tangled together just before daybreak, with the bed covers in complete disarray around them. Alex stretched and wriggled her feet before she curled herself around the smaller body snuggled up against her side. She sighed contentedly, feeling free from her worries about Regina and their relationship for the first time in weeks.

Regina stirred beside her, lifted her head from beneath the nest of blankets, and blinked. "Mm, morning." She smiled sheepishly, feeling bruised and swollen from their long night of lovemaking. Once they crossed that particular bridge, their bodies seemed insatiable.

Alex kissed the tip of Regina’s nose and smiled down at her. "How do you feel?" She playfully ruffled the tousled blonde hair.

"Wonderful," Regina murmured and rubbed up against Alex’s lean body. "Although, I think I may need a day or two to recuperate."

Alex’s brow instantly creased with worry. "I didn’t hurt you? Did I?" she asked, aware of the exuberance with which they rediscovered each other.

"Absolutely not." Regina assured her as she nuzzled her neck and affectionately nipped at the sensitive skin below her ear. "I couldn’t get enough of you."

Alex rolled over and pinned the blonde beneath her. "We seem to be having the same problem," she growled, kissing her gently on the mouth. Her eyes twinkled and her lips curled into a lopsided grin. "I need a shower…a very, cold shower," she announced with a rueful shake of her head as she slid out of the bed, trying her best to avoid Regina’s wandering hands.

Regina sat up in the bed and watched the sway of Alex’s hips as she walked away. "Ooh, I’ll come with you."

Alex stopped at the door and peered back at her incredulously. "That is not going to help either of one of us."

"Please?" Regina crossed her arms and pushed her lower lip out into a pout. She burst into laughter at the comical expression that came over Alex’s face, before the taller woman finally surrendered with a wave of her hand.

"Hurry up and finish laughing before I change my mind and use all the hot water myself," Alex quipped and darted into the bathroom ahead of the blonde.


After showering, Regina washed Alex’s clothes as promised and then together they made breakfast.

"Do you want some company when you go shopping for your mother’s gift?" Alex asked, in between bites of French toast.

"Ooh, that would be great fun," Regina exclaimed, obviously very pleased by the unexpected offer.

Alex couldn’t help smiling at the younger woman’s barely contained excitement. "Hey, come here." She crooked a finger at the blonde.


"Just come here," Alex repeated, leaning closer. Her lips captured the corner of Regina’s mouth. "Mm, you had syrup on your lip," she whispered, as she pulled away.

"Oh." Regina touched her mouth and blushed as her body reacted to her lover’s touch, remembering the sweet caresses from the night before. I am so in trouble.

"Problem?" Alex arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips, enjoying the affect she was having on the blonde.

The young doctor brushed her golden blonde hair back behind her ears in an effort to compose herself. "Do you have any ideas about what you’d like to do after we visit my parents this weekend?"

The taller woman sat back in her chair and considered the possibilities. "Well, the Cape is only a couple of hours away…if you wanted to go back there." She had a fantasy that she created in her mind of the two of them walking on the beach at Race Point, holding hands. They would chase the waves as they ran out into the ocean and scramble back up the sand as the water raced back in.

Oh what a dumb, stupid idea. Alex’s mind reeled as she recalled what a disaster the whole week had been at Provincetown the first time. She managed to embroil Regina in her problems with Dana. The poor kid had gotten horribly sick, and she still couldn’t shake the memory of what Derrick had intended to do to Regina if she hadn’t gotten there in time to stop him. "That was a bad idea. We can do something else. Anything, Reg."

"Actually, I think that’s a great idea! We could stay at your place."

Alex lifted her head and gaped at her in surprise. "Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, you can’t have very good memories from the last time you were there."

Regina tilted her head. "No…especially what happened with Derrick, but…" she smiled disarmingly. "I fell hopelessly in love with you that week."

"Bu…how…what?" Alex stumbled pitifully over her words, her voice cracking. "That week?"

"Mmhm." Regina nodded and leaned toward her lover. "Do you know what I remember?"

"I’m afraid to ask," Alex groaned in dismay and lowered her head into her hands, hiding her face.

"Stop," Regina chided her gently. "I remember you holding me in your arms that night after we kissed on the couch."

"Reg, oh God, I made you cry." The doctor folded her arms on the table and dropped her head onto them in embarrassment. "Is there a hole I can crawl into?"

"No, you didn’t make me cry. I wanted to make love to you, but when I thought about what we were doing I couldn’t, not without knowing the results of the test first." Regina insisted. She grasped the woman’s arm and shook it. "Alex, you rescued me from Derrick."

"I was pissed of and I beat the crap out of him, Regina." Alex shook her head back and forth, her face still buried in her arms.

"You took care of me in the hospital when I was sick. No one’s done that for me since I was a kid."

The doctor turned her face toward the blonde and blinked. A pink flush highlighted her normally tan skin. "We have very different memories from that week."

Regina’s expression sobered as she brushed Alex’s hair back off her face. "I know that if all that didn’t happen the way it did, you and I might not be sitting here today having this conversation."

Alex lifted her head and grazed the back of her fingers over Regina’s cheek, remembering the phone call that came out of nowhere. "I think we found each other at just the right time."

"Kind of like fate." Regina turned her face and pressed her lips to the back of Alex’s hand.

"Yeah, something like that," Alex offered quietly.


Several hours after Alex dropped her off at the hospital, Regina walked hurriedly down the hallway toward the offices that housed the Psychology department at Saint Xavier’s Medical Center. She received a cryptic message from Dr. Burke almost as soon as she finished rounds up on the Pediatric floor. There’s something you need to see, now, the psychologist told her urgently over the phone.

She walked into the unassuming waiting area and stood in front of the receptionist’s desk, waiting for the red-haired woman to finish her phone call. Water stained boxes filled to overflowing, lined the floor behind the desk.

"Can I help you?" Brown eyes smiled up at her.

"I’m here to meet with Dr. Burke," Regina replied, aware of the woman giving her a cursory once over. "I’m Dr. Kingston."

"Oh, yes. Dr. Burke is waiting for you. She’s the third office down on the left."

"Thanks," Regina replied and negotiated her way through the maze of boxes. She poked her head in the door and saw the petite doctor sitting behind her gunmetal gray desk, scribbling furiously in a chart.


The platinum blonde head snapped up and the psychologist waved her into the office. "Sit, please. Thanks for coming down here so quickly." She stood and crossed the office and shut the door. "Sorry the department looks like a bomb hit it." She walked back behind her desk and reseated herself in her chair. "We’re situated right below part of the Infusion Center and they had a flood last night. Poor Dr. Andrews’ office was a disaster this morning."

"What happened?"

"I think a toilet or something overflowed." Patricia shrugged, giving the woman sitting across from her a rueful smile. "At least we’re not underneath the Operating Rooms. All that medical waste." The doctor wrinkled her nose in distaste. Anyway, I wanted you to see these. I had a very interesting session with your young man, TJ. He’s quite the character."

Regina leaned forward and took the sheets of white, copier paper the woman handed to her. The thick, heavy-handed strokes of blue and black crayon caught her attention first. She frowned and looked back at the psychologist. "Sorry, but I’m not sure what I should be seeing here."

"No worries. I should explain some things first. TJ is very distrustful of any authority figures. Needless to say, trying to engage him in a conversation was next to impossible. I gather from the little he admitted, that he has been in and out of foster homes since a very early age." Patricia folded her hands and rested her elbows on the desk. "Some were good and some were not so good."

"Did you find out if he has a legal guardian?"

Patricia shook her head. "I wish I got that far with him. I found out he likes to draw, so I scrounged up some markers and crayons for him. I made him promise that he would let me look at the drawings when he was done. This is what he created so far." She indicated the drawings Regina held in her hands.

"They’re all so dark."

"Absolutely. The color choices tell us a lot. He doesn’t have a lot of self-esteem and his outlook on life in general is one of hopelessness." Patricia walked around the desk and dragged one of the office chairs next to Regina’s. "I was an art major before I got my doctorate in psychology so I find this all very intriguing. Look at this picture."

One well-manicured, polished nail outlined the shape for Regina. "That’s someone’s knee being driven into another person’s back. Do you see that?"

Regina peered closer at the blue and black shading used to outline a muscularly defined thigh and bent knee being pressed into another’s figure’s back. She could make out two arms being held at an awkward angle behind the person lying face down in the drawing. "So what does it mean?"

Patricia turned the paper over and pointed into the lower left hand corner. Scrawled in black ball-point pen that left an indentation in the thin paper were the words, abuse of power.

Regina felt a chill run up her spine. "How old is he again?"

"I think we estimated his age at fifteen or sixteen since we don’t have any birth records. Look at this one." She flipped through several of the sheets until she found the picture she was looking for.

It was a drawing of a misshapen box. A light from somewhere above created a shadow of a small, dark figure sitting huddled in a corner. All around the box was a blossoming puddle of maroon color that was spilling out from the sides of the box.

"Sweet Jesus," Regina whispered. "What has this kid seen?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. I think he’s repressing some very traumatic events. They maybe recent or further back in his past. Either way, I need some time with him Regina. Our dear friends from Quality Resource Management have already been down to review his chart and want to know about what out discharge plan is for him."

Regina sighed and rubbed her forehead in growing frustration. "It figures QRM would already be sniffing around. It’s not their fault. They’re under the same pressure we all are. Get everybody out faster."

Patricia laid a hand on younger woman’s forearm. "Regina, we can’t afford to let this kid get shuttled off into another foster home without some kind of follow up care set for him. I know you don’t want him becoming another statistic that nobody gives a shit about."

"How much time do you need?"

"I wish I knew. I don’t think I can make a case that he’s a danger to himself or others. If I could, I’d be able commit him involuntarily."

Green eyes regarded at her sharply. "Are you sure you’d want to do that to him? That’s a pretty drastic step."

Patricia pressed her lips together in a thin line. "My gut tells me this kid is a time bomb waiting to go off."

Regina sat back in her chair and stared down at the pictures. "He’s had another set of blood tests done today. Let me see if I can find something that will give me a reason to hold him longer."

"Thanks, I appreciate it Regina."

She wasn’t sure what she was going to be able to come up with that would justify holding in the hospital longer. The boy had been recuperating nicely since he was discharged from the Intensive Care Unit.

The young doctor returned to the Pediatric wing to check on Terry and TJ. On her way to their rooms, she stopped at the nurse’s station and pulled the boy’s chart. She flipped through the pages until she came to the most recent set of lab values she was looking for.

It wasn’t the red flag she was hoping to find, not that she wanted the kid to be sick but she needed something to justify keeping a couple more days. His white blood cell count was slightly elevated compared to the day before but everything else was normal. Well, Dr. Timmons might not agree with my decision but I have to do this. I’ll pay for the damn test myself if I have to.

She quickly wrote an order for CT scan to the boy’s head to rule out a sinus infection. It was a reach, but it wouldn’t be the first time an infection lay dormant in the sinuses only to flair up and cause serious problem later. With a sigh, she signed her name, and set the chart down by the unit clerk and went off to look for her two charges.

She found Terry sitting cross-legged on her bed playing solitaire. Across from her, head bowed forward over a pile of papers was TJ. Scattered around him on the rumpled blanket were a myriad of crayons and pencils.

Regina hesitated at the doorway, taking the opportunity to study both of them curiously. The two kids seemed to have struck up a friendship borne out of their tough circumstances. She furrowed her brow, wondering if Patricia was right and TJ was a time bomb just waiting to go off. I hope you’re wrong Patricia.

Terry looked up first, her eyes darting nervously from the doctor to TJ.

"So, this is where you’re hanging out today TJ." Regina walked around to the foot of the bed, casually glancing down at the drawing he was working on. "You’ve got quite a talent there," she observed.

He finished scratching his pencil across the paper before he looked up at the blonde-haired doctor. The corner of his mouth twitched almost allowing a smile to form, before he ducked his head and resumed his sketching.

"You’re hair is growing back fast," Regina commented, aware that Terry had stopped playing cards and was watching her intently.

The boy ignored her and continued to work on his sketch.

"Are you drawing that from memory TJ?" The young doctor studied the roughly drawn sketch of a city skyline in the distance.

He let out a sigh and put the pencil down. Without a word he slipped off the bed and hastily gathered his papers together.

"TJ, don’t go," Terry whispered in a hoarse voice.

"I’m not answering a…anymore stupid questions. Leave me alone!" he shouted and angrily shrugged away from Regina as he walked to the door.

"TJ," Regina lowered her voice, trying not upset him more.

"No! I’m not going back there," he cried and ran down the corridor back to his own room.

"You made him mad," a quiet voice spoke from behind her.

Regina turned and watched as Terry picked up all the crayons and pencils and placed them in a washbasin on her bedside table.

The doctor followed her instincts and sat down in the chair next to the girl’s bed. "Terry, I’m trying to help TJ."

"He doesn’t need your help," Terry stared down at her hands.

"Did he tell you where he doesn’t want to go back to?" Regina leaned forward and studied the girl’s youthful profile, wondering what secrets the two shared with each other.

The ponytail waved back and forth as the girl shook her head and fiddled with the cards lying in front of her.

"Terry, if you know anything, please tell me."

"He didn’t tell me anything," she insisted.

"Okay." She didn’t know why but she didn’t believe the girl was being completely truthful with her. Regina dug into her lab coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. "Terry, I’m not going to be around for a few days. If you need to talk to me about anything, you can call this number and they’ll page me." She finished writing down the Pediatric Service’s number and handed it to the girl.

"You’re not going to be here?" Terry asked anxiously.

"No, I’m taking a few days off to spend time with my family." How benign it sounded coming from her lips, but the mere thought made her gut suddenly twist into a knot.

"I…I’ll miss you," came the whispered response.

Regina smiled back at her young friend. "I’ll miss you too, kiddo."


Alex walked into the Medical Records Department, her eyes surveying the room. The large office was filled with cubicles and a floor to ceiling filing system that moved on floor tracks. She watched as several clerks went through the tedious process of logging in charts. Dozens of piles of medical records, lay in teetering stacks on desks and chairs all in varying stages of being categorized.

Usually it took a day or two to get the charts that were requested, but in her case, she knew the department head and right now she needed to call in a favor. "Hi Madeline," she greeted the older woman sitting behind one of the desks.

"Hi Dr. Margulies. I haven’t seen you down here in awhile," the older woman replied, her fingers still dancing nimbly over the computer keyboard. "What can I help you with?"

"Is Robin here? I need to talk with her." Alex glanced in the direction of the open office door.

"She’s in her office."

"Thanks," Alex tapped the desk with her hand and walked down the carpeted hallway. She spotted the brown-haired willowy shaped woman and smiled disarmingly at her when their eyes met.

"I thought I heard my name." Robin leaned against the doorframe of her office, watching the doctor approach. "Alex, as I live and breath. I can’t believe it’s you. How are you?"

Alex shrugged and offered a crooked grin in response to her question. "Hello, Robin. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. How’s your father doing?" Alex asked, remembering the nasty fall the man took when he fell off his roof two summers ago.

"Better, although he’ll always have a limp from his leg being broken so badly. What brings you down here?"

"I need a favor. There’s a case I have to give a deposition for and I need these charts. Somehow they seem to have all disappeared." Alex dug in her lab coat pocket, pulled out a piece of paper, and unfolded it.

Robin nodded. "I’ll see what I can do. We’ve been getting ready to send out all of the two thousand medical records for microfilming. It’s possible they’re just sitting in a pile somewhere."

"I’ll be out of town for a few days, so just have someone leave them in my office. Security can unlock the door for you." Alex handed her the list of patient names.

The woman nodded her head as she read from the list. "Somebody must have requested these recently because I know some of these names." She looked up, Alex’s words registering. "Away on business?"

"No, not business."

"Oh, well, maybe when you’re back, you’d like to get together sometime…for a drink or something."

Alex regarded the woman from beneath a furrowed eyebrow. The indentation from her wedding band was still evident on the fourth finger of the woman’s left hand.

She was surprised when she heard from Sandy that Robin was getting married to one of the surgeon’s on staff. That was less than a year and half ago. Back in action and playing the field again, huh Robin?

The woman leaned closer and ran her tongue over her lower lip. "I’d make sure you have a good time Alex," she whispered conspiratorially.

The doctor let out a low chuckle and shook her head. "Direct and to the point as always Robin."

"Well, being subtle never got me anywhere with you," the woman demurred.

Alex drew herself up to her full height. "Well, if you really want to go out for a drink, I’ll introduce you to Regina."

Shocked eyes blinked back at her. "It’s true then? Oh, I was hoping it was just a vicious rumor."

"Definitely not a rumor. So do you think you can find those charts for me?"

Robin pressed her lips together and tilted her head. "I’ll find them. Now go, so I can mend my bruised ego."


Several hours later, after two meetings and treating several patients Alex sat in her office finishing up some paperwork. A few keystrokes and she submitted last month’s statistics for the Emergency Department to the management team and a projection for the next to quarters.

She picked up the phone and dialed the nurse’s station in the department. "It’s Dr. Margulies. I need to speak to Dr. Washington. Is he there?"

"Let me check."

She got put on hold and found herself listening to some classical music. With a sigh, she leaned back in her chair and waited.


"Hi Jon. I have a request into medical records for some charts. They’re going to drop them off in my office when they find them. I want you to take a look at them if you have some time while I’m gone the next few days. They’re for the deposition on Jameson’s case."

She heard an audible groan on the other end of the phone. "Not a problem. I’ll take care of it."

"Thanks." She looked up when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in," she called out and smiled when Regina walked in and shut the door behind her.

The younger woman was dressed in a pair of light, sea green linen pants and an off white turtleneck. A simple gold chain hung from her neck. Alex reached her hand out and guided the younger woman around to the corner of the desk.


"I’m still here. There shouldn’t be anything else you need to worry about. All the monthly reports are done. If you need me, you have my long distance pager."

"I do, but I don’t plan on using it."

She snorted and shook her head. "All right. I’ll talk to you when I get back Jon. Thanks."

"Done?" Regina inquired after Alex hung up the phone. She leaned forward with her hands planted on her thighs.

Blue eyes twinkled and Alex reached over and lifted one of Regina’s hands to her lips. She rubbed her face against the soft skin and then proceeded to leave a scorching trail of liquid heat with her lips and tongue on the palm of Regina’s hand.

She smiled as she felt the younger woman squirm and moan softly at the suggestive contact of her lips. "I though about you all day… and yes, I’m all done." Alex stood up, letting her hand cup Regina’s face affectionately.

"You’re a fiend," Regina chuckled as she leaned heavily against the touch.

"I can’t help myself," Alex teased and squeezed Regina’s shoulder. You ready to go find that gift for your mother?" She could feel the ripple of tension in the muscles beneath her hand.

"Yeah," Regina breathed heavily and stood up.

There was a subtle edge to Regina’s voice that was not lost on the taller woman. "What’s wrong?"

Regina folded her arms over her chest and turned away, feeling suddenly very self-conscious. "This is stupid."

Alex stood behind her waiting anxiously. What happened between then and now? What is she upset about? "What’s stupid?"

"I’m scared about seeing my parents." Regina buried her head in her hand. "I’m worried about how they’re going to react when we get there."

Alex put her hands on the shorter woman’s shoulders and turned her around. "Reg, slow down. Listen, you can’t control how you’re parents are going to react."

"I know. I just have no idea what to expect and there’s so much emotion tied up in Jeff coming home after all these years."

"Come here." Alex wrapped her arms around her, thankful that it was the end of the day and that her office was tucked away at the end of a long hallway that saw little traffic even during the day. "You know what I think." She tilted Regina face up so she could look in her eyes. "Your parents are just as nervous as you are. They’re going to see their son after how many years?"

"Seventeen," Regina supplied quietly.

"And if that’s not enough their daughter is bringing her lesbian lover home. I don’t know where all this ranks in that list of life’s most stressful events but I’m sure it’s up there." Alex let both her arms slide down behind Regina and linked her hands behind her waist. "What I mean is, just be you, Regina. You’re their daughter and they love you. Whatever their issues are beyond that, they’ll have to deal with them as they’re able to."

Regina sighed and laid her head on Alex’s shoulder. The nervousness was still there but some of the tension slid away at her lover’s comforting words. "Where did I find you?"

"Um, in the Emergency Department."

"Brat!" Regina poked her affectionately in the side and then, rose up on her toes to kiss Alex lightly on the lips.

The brunette smiled and wrapped her arm around Regina’s shoulders. "Let’s go so we can find this locket for your mother."










Chapter Twelve



Regina stepped down out of Alex’s Jeep and shut the door. "Whose brilliant idea was this again?" she muttered, testily as she walked around the vehicle and joined Alex by the street corner.

"Yours, my dear," Alex draped an arm over her shoulder and squeezed her affectionately while she watched as several cars sped through the busy intersection. After having no luck at two jewelry stores, Regina’s spirits tumbled, as did the chances of finding the kind of locket that the younger woman was looking for.

A brisk, damp wind whipped down the street and ruffled the tails of Alex’s long, leather coat as she stood beside her companion. After the traffic light changed, they jogged across the street and ducked underneath the awning of the corner jewelry store.

"I’m sorry I dragged you all over the place tonight," Regina sighed as she pulled the door open. Bell chimes announced their arrival inside the store. She knew shopping was not one of her partner’s favorite past times and Alex had been patiently trying to help her find just the right locket.

"Don’t apologize," Alex replied as she followed Regina through the door. An older, white-haired man with a hawkish profile was standing behind the glass display helping a young woman pick out a pair of earrings.

The thick, pile carpet muffled their footsteps as they walked over to the glass counters. Alex studied Regina as the younger woman peered down at the array of shiny gold chains and bracelets. One particular necklace caught Alex’s eye. Hmm, I’d bet that necklace would look really nice on you.

Alex wrinkled her brow and tossed the idea out after considering it for a moment. Neither of them wore any jewelry to speak of except for an occasional pair of earrings. Between constantly washing their hands during the day, and changing protective garb in between patients it was more of a hassle to bother wearing anything of value at work.

"I’ll be right there ladies," the man spoke to them from across the store.

Regina sighed and looked up at Alex. "I don’t see anything."

"Wait, maybe he has something in the back that’s not on display," the dark-haired woman replied softly, hearing the discouragement in Regina’s voice.

"What can I help you with?" The white-haired gentleman with startling gray eyes asked as he walked over and stood behind the glass counter.

"I’m looking for a locket that opens up and holds pictures inside," Regina described.

"Hmm, I know what you’re talking about. I don’t think I have anything here but let me check the items that we offer as part of our silent auction. We get some pieces like you described every now and then, that people want to sell." He glanced at the door and gnawed at his lip for a moment. "Let me just lock the front door. I’m the only one here and it’s almost closing time anyway."

Regina glanced up at Alex doubtfully.

"What have you got to lose? Maybe he’ll have something."

They followed the man around the corner and down the carpeted stairs to another room that was occupied with small, circular display cases. He made a sweeping motion with his arm as he stepped back away from them. "Take your time and look around. I’ll check in the back to see if there’s anything that came in today that you might be interested in."

Alex’s eyes followed the jeweler as he disappeared behind a dark green velour curtain. She shook her head and returned her attention to Regina. "Why is it all jewelry stores are decorated alike?"

The blonde shrugged as she peered into the different cases, looking for that elusive locket. "I don’t know. Hey, look at this." She pointed at a gold band engraved with a Celtic design.

Alex arched her eyebrow as she peered over the blonde’s shoulder. "I thought you were looking for a locket."

"Tch," Regina looked up at Alex and rolled her eyes. "I am. I just like the design." She moved away and looked down at another display case.

Alex glanced after her and then peered down at the ring curiously, recognizing the rope design, like vines weaving together forming an intricate never-ending circle. She tucked Regina’s comment away in her memory and turned around when heard the curtain rustle behind her as the older man walked back into the room.

He stopped for a moment at the case she was standing by and inspected the rings briefly. "Those are some beautiful wedding bands in there."

Alex gave a non-committal grunt and stepped back away from the display case.

"What do you think of these?" He walked over to where Regina was standing and set two rectangular black boxes on the counter in front of her.

Alex joined her, waiting as Regina picked up the first locket and held the delicate chain in her hand, examining the clasp that held the locket closed. "Let me see the other one."

"Ooh, Alex, look at this one," Regina exclaimed, as she took the other necklace from his hands.

Alex glanced down at him briefly, aware of his keen eyes studying the two of them with interest. What’s going on behind those eyes of yours, she wondered, then, dismissed the thought, and turned her attention back to Regina.

The oval, gold piece had a delicately etched design on its cover. Regina’s fingers easily opened the clasp and two circular frames unfolded from within. "Ooh, Alex, look at this. It’s perfect."

The taller woman leaned closer, inspecting the gold locket. "You like that one?"

Regina nodded her head eagerly and then looked over at the elderly man with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Is this piece part of the auction?"

"It is but I think I can make an exception. I know the person who is selling this piece," he explained. "If you can wait a few minutes I’ll make a phone call and we’ll see what we can work out."

Regina touched the sleeve of Alex’s leather coat. "Do you mind? I feel badly, dragging you all over the place like this."

"It’s fine," Alex re-assured the younger woman and then turned watching the older man walk back up the stairs. "I’ll be right back." She trotted up the stairs after him. She was curious about who he was calling and the more cynical side of her wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to try and take advantage of Regina’s eagerness.

The man smiled at her when she entered the main part of the shop upstairs. "That piece is my sister-in-laws." He shook his head, looking suddenly distracted and lost. "It’s my brother’s really, since his wife died last year. I am helping him sell the things he does not want anymore. They bring too many memories he can not bear anymore."

Alex hung her head, feeling rather foolish for her misgivings about the man. "Sometimes the most cherished memories become the most painful when we lose someone we love."

"It sounds like you speak from experience," he replied, watching the azure eyes darken with the changing emotions on the woman’s face.

She wasn’t quite sure where the swell of emotion was coming from but it caught her completely off guard. "I do. It’s been almost two years. I still miss her, but the pain is not so unbearable now." The words escaped unbidden from her lips and Alex squared her shoulders and prepared herself for the worst. Instead, it was an odd sense of comfort she felt as she met the penetrating gaze.

The jeweler looked down at his hands, his face flushing as he realized her meaning. "It looks like you got another chance though," he offered quietly, looking over her shoulder at Regina as she appeared in the doorway by the stairs.

Leaning forward, he motioned Alex to him and spoke softly in her ear. "You don’t know what life holds ahead of you, my friend. Keep it special. Bring her flowers just one at a time, it means more that way."

His words were totally unexpected and left Alex speechless. She nodded her head, silently processing the meaning before a warm smile crept across her face. "I will," came the very quiet and wistful response when she was able to get her mouth to start working again.

The blonde glanced up between the two of them as she approached. "Everything all right?"

"Fine," Alex swallowed and turned away, feeling the unexpected sting of tears in her eyes. Damn, why did I have to remember that, now? She walked over to the window and peered out at the street, waiting for the lump in her throat to ease.

****** "Happy birthday, baby." She placed a chaste kiss over the mound of damp curls and crawled back up to lie on top of Lana.

A fine sheen of perspiration covered their bodies, as they lay tangled amid the satin sheets on Lana’s bed. "Let…let me catch my breath," the woman panted, her body still quivering from Alex’s touch.

The brunette smiled and reached into the drawer of the nightstand where she hid the black box earlier that evening. "Close your eyes."

"What?" Lana struggled to sit up but got pressed back to the mattress by Alex’s hand.

"Down. Close your eyes."

She complied with a small pout.

Alex shook her head, smiling down at her lover. Lana had no idea what she’d gotten her and after many hours of looking for just the right one, Alex finally chose a gold band inlaid with a row of diamonds.

Carefully, she opened the box and pulled out the ring. *****

Alex jammed her hands into her coat pockets and closed her eyes, blocking the rest of the bittersweet memory out of her mind.

The blonde’s brow creased in confusion for a moment as she watched the dark-haired woman’s movements from across the room. "Um, did you get a hold of the person who’s selling the locket?"

The man cleared his throat and looked around the counter he was standing behind. His calloused and worn fingers trembled as he pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote a figure down on a receipt pad. "Here." He tore the paper from the bound stack and folded it in half before he handed it to Regina.

Hesitantly, the Regina took the paper from him and glanced briefly at Alex’s somber profile before she unfolded it. She watched the hunched shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath. When the taller woman gazed in her direction she motioned her over.

She felt the warmth of Alex’s presence as the doctor walked up and stood close behind her.

"I think you should get it, Regina," Alex told her quietly as she read the price written on the paper. The taller woman met the jeweler’s gaze and they shared a secret knowing smile.

Afterwards, Alex busied herself browsing through the brightly lit glass displays while Regina paid for her purchase.

"Are you ok?" Regina walked over to the doctor, carrying the neatly wrapped box in a small bag the jeweler gave her.

One dark eyebrow arched and Alex regarded her with a well-practiced mask of neutrality on her face. "Yeah, I’m fine. Do you want to grab something to eat?"

"Sure," Regina agreed amiably as they walked out of the store. That will give me some time to figure out what happened to you in there.


They ended up in a small, cozy, dimly lit Italian restaurant on the edge of town. Inside, a large painted mural of ancient Rome decorated an entire wall. A young man with jet- black hair and bronze-colored skin escorted them back to one of the empty booths in the back of the restaurant.

Regina slipped into the vinyl-covered seat across from the brunette and waited for the young man to hand them the menus before she spoke. "You seemed distracted before at the jewelry store." She moved a candle off to the side of the table and leaned forward on her arms.

Alex looked up as the waiter returned with two glasses of water and smiled down at the two of them. "Distracted?"

She sipped the clear liquid, stalling for some time to compose some kind of an answer that would satisfy the blonde’s curiosity. Her hands automatically reached for the menus, but Regina slid them away out of her reach.

The younger woman leaned closer and spoke in a low voice. "Alex, I hope by now you’d realize that you can trust me."

The doctor shifted in her seat uncomfortably and ran her fingers over the outside of her glass. "What are you talking about?"

The waiter re-appeared at their table a moment later. "Are you ladies ready to order?"

Regina sat back and looked expectantly at Alex, then, shook her head. You know what I’m talking about. "I think we need a few more minutes."

"No problem. I’ll come back," he replied and walked away from their table.

"Here." The blonde handed the menu over to the brooding woman and opened her own.

Alex glanced briefly at the menu and then closed it, unable to concentrate on what’s she was trying to read.

"Don’t tell me you already know what you’re going to get." Regina tilted her head and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Penne and vodka sauce," Alex stated and downed the rest of her water in two nervous gulps.

For the second time tonight, she found herself in unfamiliar territory. She made it a practice to never divulge personal information to a stranger and had done just that not less than an hour ago…Christ, what is wrong with me?

The blonde nodded absently and went back to studying her menu in silence.

"The lobster ravioli is really good here," Alex offered quietly. She folded her hands together, set her elbows on the table, and rested her chin on her knuckles. Trust? Of course I trust her, she knows more about me than anyone else in my life.

"I guess you’ve eaten here before."

Alex nodded and then sat back against the booth. "A few times." I can’t believe I ended up bringing her here, of all places. Stop it! Her rational mind clamored. It’s close to where we were and the service is good.

The waiter walked back over and stood at the end of their table. "Ladies?"

"Ready?" She looked over at Regina and got a nod. "I’ll have the penne and vodka sauce and…"

"I’ll have the lobster ravioli," Regina added, handing the menus over to the waiter.

"Both excellent choices. You’ll get a salad with that. What kind of dressing would you like?"

"Raspberry vinaigrette," Alex stated.

"Mm, make that two," Regina echoed, then, sat back against the booth and ran her fingers along the edge of the napkin nervously.

Alex watched one of the waitresses walk by carrying a tray, heavily laden with food, over one of her shoulders, before she drew her attention back to the woman sitting across from her.

She could tell by the far away expression on Regina’s face that she was lost in deep thought about something. I can see the wheels turning inside you’re thinking so hard. You’re always analyzing and talking things through. It’s just not that easy for me. Long, tapered fingers twirled the glass around in the puddle that was left from the condensation gathered around its bottom. "Why don’t you think I trust you?"

Green eyes blinked and refocused on her. "I didn’t say that I don’t trust you me, just that I hope you know you can."

"Of course I trust you."

"Then why is it so hard for you to tell me what’s bothering you?" Regina laid her hand down on top of the napkin and looked across the table at her companion.

Alex sighed and looked away. "I grew up not talking about things that happened. It was just better that way."

The blonde reached over and placed her hand over Alex’s. "Who was it better for Alex?"

Oh God, why does she do this so well? The doctor smiled thinly and looked down at the table. "I think you missed your calling, Dr. Kingston."

"Really, what would that be?" Regina tilted her head to catch Alex’s downcast eyes.


The resident laughed and shook her head. "Oh no, I don’t want to sit around all day and listen to people’s wounded psyche’s. I have enough of my own baggage to carry around."

"Well, you’ve done a pretty good job with this one."

Regina continued to hold her gaze a smile playing at her lips. "That’s only because I’m quite fond of yours."

"Oh, you are?" The doctor raised a teasing eyebrow as the conversation took a lighter turn.

Green eyes twinkled back at her and Regina leaned closer to the taller woman. "Actually, your psyche is only one of a few things I’m rather fond of."

Alex closed her eyes and swallowed hard. "I think we need to talk about something else."

"You’re blushing."

"I am not," Alex growled.

"Yes you are." Regina smirked and looked up as the waiter appeared at their table with their dinners.


"I wish you’d let me pay for that," Regina told her as she slipped her jacket on and buttoned it up before they walked out of the restaurant into the cold night air.

"You can pay for the next dinner we have." Alex pushed the door open and held it for Regina so she could walk through it. "Besides, it’s the least I can do after the last couple of months."

"Stop saying that. You don’t owe me anything," Regina replied, and threw her arms up in exasperation.

Alex stuck her hands in her pockets and walked beside her in silence for a few steps. They passed several other couples strolling along the sidewalk, all engaged in their own conversations oblivious to the world around them. "I’m not used to having anybody want to do things for me, without wanting something back in return."

Regina stopped walking and just stared up at the dark-haired woman when she turned around. "Alex, I’m not them, whoever they are."

With her hands still in her pockets, Alex closed the distance between them and leaned in close enough to inhale the light fragrance of her perfume. "Regina, I know you’re not. It’s just hard to get over a habit that I’ve spent half my lifetime cultivating into a fine art."

Regina tilted her head up and stared into the depths of the anguished blue eyes as if searching for something. I know you’ve been hurt before and you’re afraid to let me in but Alex, please, believe in us. "I know, but all I want is the chance to be in here," she replied slowly.

"After everything you know, what makes you think that’s such a good place to be." Alex straightened up and glanced over Regina’s shoulder.

She watched a white car round the corner and slowly roll down the street in their direction. Her lips pressed together in mute irritation as she made out the outline of a familiar set of lights on top of the car. Perfect and let me just guess whose slowing down to get a good look at us.

"It wasn’t that long ago that you started to let me inside all those defenses."

Alex met the steady gaze of her lover and tried to ignore the police car as it drove past them. "I know what’s inside."

"So do I. It’s what made me fall in love with you in the first place." The blonde moved closer and slid an arm under Alex’s coat and around her slim waist.

The doctor draped an arm over the smaller woman’s shoulder and pulled her close. "We have an audience you know."

Regina sighed and shook her head. She saw the police car pull in to the space behind Alex’s truck. "Derrick?"

"Probably," Alex breathed out and squeezed her reassuringly.

"Do you know what I’d love to do to him right now?"


"Shove a banana up his tailpipe," Regina stated matter-of-factly.

Alex snickered as they walked toward her Jeep. "There’s a grocery store across the street. You could go get a bunch, in fact, hey, they’re on sale."

The driver’s side door opened and Derrick stepped out. He slid his nightstick into the loop that held it in his belt and curled his lip when he looked at Alex. Leisurely, he strode around the doctor’s vehicle inspecting it and then walked up to stand in front of her. "It grieves me so much to tell you this Alex, but you didn’t put money in the parking meter."

The doctor glanced over at the meter and shrugged. "So is this what they have you doing now, handing out parking tickets?" She felt Regina stiffen against her and she rubbed her fingers over her shoulder instinctively.

Derrick sneered. "Let me see your license and insurance card."

"You don’t need that for a parking ticket," Regina snapped.

"Actually, this vehicle is overdue for inspection."

"Bastard," Regina muttered under her breath. She stepped away as Alex dug in her wallet and pulled out her license. Fine Derrick. Be that way. "I’ll be right back, Alex."

The doctor jerked her head up. "Where are you going?"

"I just remembered I need something from the store. Besides I don’t want to be around him."

Alex opened her mouth to protest and then thought better of it. She took her time rummaging through the small glove compartment as she looked for her insurance card. With an air of complete boredom, she handed over the documents to Derrick. Warily, she kept an eye out for Regina. She knew her lover’s dander was up and she wasn’t sure what the blonde was planning to do.

By the time, Derrick called her information in and finally got around to writing out her tickets, she spotted Regina walking back across the street with a brown bag in her arms. Oh, Derrick whatever it is she has planned, you are in trouble.

"Can I have your keys?" Regina held out her hand and took them from Alex with a sweet smile before she disappeared around to the other side of the truck. The alarm chirped as she disarmed the Jeep and then opened the door.

Derrick watched her and then looked back at Alex. He tore the tickets out of his book and waved them in front of her. "Here."

Alex plucked them out of his hand and crumpled them into a ball up before she shoved them in her coat pocket. Come on Regina, whatever you’re doing hurry up!

Derrick snorted at her insolent display. "You’ll still have to pay them."

"We’ll see," Alex replied.

"That druggie friend of yours has her trial date coming up. She might just get lucky and get off on probation."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just what I said. It turns out the kid may have been drinking as well."

"She’s got other charges against her."

He shrugged. "That’s for the State of Massachusetts to figure out."

Much to the doctor’s relief, Regina walked back around the truck and handed Alex her keys. "Are you quite done Derrick?"

He folded his arms and stepped back away from the two women. "For now."

Regina rolled her eyes and opened the passenger side door of the Jeep.

Alex walked around to the other side and hopped in behind the steering wheel. "Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did," she hissed as her cohort pulled the door shut.

Regina looked out the window and watched as Derrick walked across the street and stopped to talk to a group of kids that were congregating outside one of the stores. "Don’t worry I didn’t shove a banana up his tail pipe."

"Good." Alex glanced over at the blonde as she started the engine and pulled out of the parking spot. "What’s so funny?"

Regina giggled and hugged her arms around herself. "Just go, please."

"Regina," Alex lowered her voice and tried not to let herself get caught up in the infectious laughter. "What did you do?"

"I used a potato instead."


"Alex, don’t be mad. Besides, he’s lucky I didn’t have more time. I could have put sugar in his gas tank or spread Super Glue under his door handles or…"

"Okay, okay." Alex waved her hand. "I don’t want to hear anymore. Since when do you have such a devious side to you?"

"Since he decided to hassle you tonight."

At the next stoplight, Alex put the Jeep in park, leaned over the console, and surprised the blonde with a deep, soulful kiss. It would have last much longer if the driver behind them had not been so impatient and started honking his horn.

"What was that for?" Regina finally asked after coming out of her daze.

"Just because I’m lucky enough to have you in my life." Alex smiled and winked at her before she drove through the intersection.






































Chapter Thirteen



Alex walked up behind Regina and lightly rested her hands on the blonde’s shoulders. "Are you almost ready to go?" Her fingertips started a light massage over the bulk of the tense muscles at the base of Regina’s neck.

The last two days went by quickly and with each passing hour she could feel Regina’s anxiety increase palpably about their impending visit with her family.

The blonde tilted her neck and rested the back of her head against Alex’s chest. "Mm, as ready as I’m going to be." She closed her eyes and relaxed into the comforting touch. "That feels good."

The doctor wrapped one hand around Regina’s neck and caressed her jaw. "Where are your bags?" Alex whispered, as she bent and softly pressed her lips against her temple.

"They’re in the bedroom."

"Go on. I’ll meet you outside." The taller woman released her after one more lingering kiss and then walked into the bedroom to retrieve Regina’s two duffel bags. She hefted one bag onto her shoulder and let out a surprised grunt as the weight of the other bag strained her arm. I think we’re going to have to talk about how much you really need to pack, Reg.

The brunette walked outside, opened the back of the Jeep, and set Regina’s bags alongside hers. She looked up when she heard the front door shut and smiled at Regina as she walked toward the vehicle. "Did you pack your mother’s gift?" she asked as she shut the back hatch.

"Yeah, I have everything." Regina stepped up into the passenger seat and settled herself in. She brushed her hair back and let out a nervous sigh.

Her stomach was in knots. She was glad Alex was coming with her but at the same time she worried about what it would be like when the entire family reunited for the first time in fifteen years. God, has it really been that long since Jeff left home? It seems like it was another lifetime ago.

The young doctor looked over as Alex climbed in behind the steering wheel and started the engine.

"They’re some CD’s in the console between us. Take a look and see if there’s anything you’d like to listen to," the older woman told her.

A sweet smile crossed Regina’s lips as Alex turned and set an arm over her seat as she backed the Jeep out of the driveway.

"What?" She arched an eyebrow at the cheerful expression.

"This is our first road trip together; our first planned one anyway." Regina glanced down at her hands pensively before she looked back up at Alex. "I’m glad you’re coming with me."

"Me too, Reg." The doctor smiled at her and then turned her attention to the road as she pulled out into the street.

They drove almost straight through, stopping once to grab a bite to eat at one of the rest stops along the highway.

"Welcome to Massachusetts," Regina remarked as they sped by one of the interstate signs announcing their entrance into the Bay State.

Well’s now is as good a time as any, Alex thought and reached over to turn down the volume on the CD player. "So, give me some insight here. You have two brothers. Right?"

Regina nodded. "Yeah, Jeff is the oldest. He was sixteen when he left home." She snorted derisively at her description. "To be accurate he was thrown out by my mother."

"Has he been home since then?" Alex glanced up into the mirror and switched lanes to get out of the way of an oncoming tractor-trailer. She gripped the wheel tightly as the Jeep shuddered slightly as the eighteen-wheeler sped by on the left.

"Once or twice he came back to visit but it always ended up with Mom and him having a knock-down, drag-out fight," Regina replied bitterly.

"Your brother must be pretty nervous about coming back home again after all this time," Alex offered. She knew the next couple of days were going to be hard for Regina and she wanted to understand some of the dynamics about her family before they arrived.

"I think he’s very angry and bitter about all the time they’ve shut him out of their lives." Regina turned her head and looked out the window. "It wasn’t just them, we all did."

Alex heard the catch in Regina’s voice as she said this and cast a wary glance over at her friend. "How old were you when your Mom threw him out?"

Regina rested her elbow against the window and rubbed her fingers against her forehead, trying to fight back tears. "I was eleven."

"You were just a kid, Reg. There’s not much you could have done to prevent what happened back then."

"I know. I used to write him every week." She felt her throat constrict at the sudden flood of memories and wiped tears from her cheeks. "I probably bored him half to death with all the mundane details of what was going on at home."

"I doubt it." Alex smiled at her and squeezed her shoulder affectionately. "Do you want me to stop peppering you with questions?"

Regina shook her head and sniffled. "No, it’s okay, really. I don’t mind."

Alex let her hand drift down and tucked one of Regina’s hands into her larger one. "What’s your other brother’s name?"

"Michael. He’s the youngest of all of us. His wife’s name is Caroline and they have a baby named Zachary."

"Oh." So, you’re an Aunt. I didn’t know that. "How old is the baby?"

Regina scrunched up an eyebrow as she did the math. "He’s almost a year old. I haven’t seen him since he was born last spring," she sighed regretfully. "One more thing my mother can be pissed off at me about."

Alex frowned at the comment. "What do you mean?"

"You forget, I was supposed to get married and give them their first grandchild, instead…" her voice trailed off as she thought about all the choices she made over the past year that brought her to this point. "I followed my heart," she stated with quiet resolve.

A glance to her left revealed the quiet and pensive profile as the taller woman focused her gaze on the road ahead. Regina studied her for a moment before wary blue eyes met hers briefly. The apprehensive look jolted something deep inside her and she squeezed Alex’s hand reassuringly. "I would do it all again in a heartbeat if I had to." She brought the taller woman’s hand to her lips.

Alex’s shoulders relaxed noticeably. "Sorry. I guess meeting your family has me more on edge than I thought."

I wish they would just accept me…us. I mean, how can loving someone be a bad thing." Regina stared out the window bleakly.

"You know it’s not, Reg. Sometimes it’s just outside of the boundaries of what people are comfortable with. They don’t know any other way to deal with it than to lash out, because they’re afraid."

Regina glowered angrily at the passing highway signs. "I have a hard time believing it was fear that made my parents throw Jeff out of their house." With a sigh, she shifted in her seat and closed her eyes.


"Ma’am there’s only one bed in this room. Would you like me to change your room to one with two beds?" The man behind the counter looked at Regina expectantly from across the chest high counter.

Alex drew in a breath and then pressed her lips together as she watched a blonde eyebrow creep upwards in response. Oh boy, that’s not the question you should be asking her right now. Their conversation about Jeff and Regina’s parents left her lover in a defiant and prickly mood.

"That won’t be necessary," Regina stated in a clipped tone. She stared right back at the clerk, daring him to make a comment.

Luckily, he had more sense and retrieved the card key for their room in prudent silence.

"Thanks." Regina took the key from the hotel clerk. "Can you tell me if Jeff Kingston has checked in yet?"

After a few keystrokes, the clerk behind the counter looked over at her. "Yes, he is. Would you like to leave a message for him?"

"No, I’ll call him when we get to our room."

"No problem, ma’am." The clerk’s eyes followed the two women as they walked over to the bank of elevators.

After checking in, Alex and Regina rode the elevator up to the sixth floor of the Marriott. It was a Thursday night and aside from the small crowd they saw gathered in the Sports Bar downstairs the hotel seemed relatively quiet.

Alex followed her smaller companion to their room and waited as Regina unlocked the door. She smiled to herself when she saw the king size bed that dwarfed the rest of the room with its size. It was a typical suite with a small sitting area off to one side, a color television complete with cable, and a selection of paid movies to choose from.

The blonde glanced at her watch after she set her bags down on the floor. "I’m going to call my brother’s room and see if he’s in. How do you feel about having dinner with him?" she asked hopefully.

The taller woman set down the room service menu she was reading and regarded Regina for a moment. "I’d really like that Reg, unless you want some time to reconnect with him alone."

Regina stepped up closer to Alex and shook her head. "No, I want you there with me."

"You got me," the taller woman murmured and leaned in closer to taste the sweet lips. The gentle exploration lasted longer than Alex planned and when she slowly broke from their embrace, she watched as her lover swayed slightly from the intensity of the exchange.

Regina chuckled softly when she finally refocused on the pretty gray blue eyes regarding her affectionately. "That was some kiss."

"Just something you can remember if things get too intense over the next couple of days." Alex brushed her fingers idly through the golden strands of hair while she gazed at her intently.

"That sounds like a deal," Regina whispered back as she snuggled against Alex. A warm smile crossed her lips as a deep, tender feeling of affection flowed through her and she felt herself falling deeper into a love that she never imagined she would feel. The rest of the world faded away as they stayed like that for several moments, snug and secure in each other’s arms.

Three sharp raps interrupted their quiet reverie and Alex lifted her head from Regina’s shoulder.

"I bet that’s your brother," Alex whispered in her ear.

"Mm," Regina mumbled and stepped away from Alex reluctantly. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous; of all her family Jeff was the one she had the most in common with and despite their long estrangement they managed to keep in touch with each other over the years.

She opened the door expectantly and let out a squeal when she found herself lifted off the floor and engulfed in a bear hug. "Oh my God! Jeff!" Regina buried her head against his shoulder as the room spun around her.

"Ah, my little sister. Let me see you, woman." He set her down on her feet and held her at arms length. "You look just like I remembered you."

Jeff glanced over her shoulder and was captured by the intense gray blue eyes regarding him intently from a few feet away. He swallowed getting the sensation that in the few seconds he was in the room every infinitesimal detail about him had been studied and neatly tucked away for future reference.

"That’s Alex?" he whispered, biting his bottom lip in appreciation as he took in the swarthy, wild appearance of the taller woman.

Regina blushed and glanced back at her lover who was standing behind her. Alex’s hands were tucked casually in her pockets and the brown leather jacket hung open, framing her muscular, firm body. "Alex, this is Jeff."

"So I gathered." The brunette stepped forward and extended a hand to Regina’s brother. "Hi, Jeff."

A broad grin appeared on his face and he returned the gesture in kind, shaking her hand heartily. "So, you’re Alex. It’s nice to meet you, finally." His eyes gleamed mischievously as he cast a sidelong look at his sister. "So, who’s hungry? I don’t know about you all, but I’m starved."

Alex bumped her hip against Regina and chuckled. "I see that runs in the family."

"As do many other things," he quipped, giving his sister an affectionate squeeze.

Regina’s sea green eyes twinkled softly as she looked him over, studying his features. Their faces had a similar bone structure with rounded cheeks and a slightly upturned nose. Both had green eyes, although Jeff’s had a more solemn look to them now than Regina remembered.

With an impish grin she reached up and ruffled his spiky hair. "So what’s with the buzzed hair cut?"

"What? You don’t like it?" He pouted and ran his hand over the closely cropped hair that showed the faintest hint of scalp as it tapered down close to his neck. "I had it done special for my homecoming."

Regina dropped her head into her hands and groaned. "Oh Jeff."

He threw his head back and cackled wickedly. "Hey, I might as well have some fun if I have to be here."

The three of them left the room and rode down to the lobby in the elevator. They received several curious glances from other visitors at the hotel as their boisterous laughter filled the lounge.

By mutual agreement they ended up at a Mexican restaurant a short ride away from the Marriott Hotel. On the way over, Jeff sat in the back seat, neatly perched between the two front seats so he could talk with his sister.

Alex smiled to herself as the two siblings bantered amiably back and forth. It was obvious Regina’s older brother had a great deal of affection for her and it made her hopeful that the next two days would not be as difficult as her lover was anticipating.

The restaurant had a bit of an authentic appeal to it with the earth tone tiles on the floor and the bright multi-colored tiles adorning the walls in a Southwest design. After a short wait at the bar, they were escorted to a booth by one of the waitresses.

Regina slid in beside Alex and took the menus from the woman as Jeff settled himself across from the two women.

His hazel eyes sparkled mischievously as he regarded his sister and her lover. "Okay, so spill it. I want details."

"What are you talking about?" Regina asked innocently, despite the snicker she heard coming from Alex.

Jeff rolled his eyes and leaned forward across the table. "How did you two meet?"

"Oh that? I did my last residency in Emergency Medicine. Alex was the Chief Attending at the time." Regina offered.

Jeff eyed her suspiciously. "Somehow I know there’s more to it than that. I seem to remember a panicked phone call I received at some ungodly hour of the night when you two got suspended last year."

"Jeff!" Regina threw a napkin at him across the table and buried her head in her hands, completely mortified.

"Mm, at the time she mentioned an Alex, but of course she left out one important detail."

"What was that?" Alex turned and regarded her embarrassed partner who was still trying to regain her composure.

"Oh, just that she was head over heels in love with a woman."

Regina lifted her head and glared at him. "I’m going to have to hurt you," she growled, her ears burning from the heated flush.

"What? It’s the truth. Isn’t it?" He sat back in the booth and folded his arms across his chest. He winked at Alex. "Well, if she does hurt me at least I know I’m in good hands. I bet you have some good stories from working in the Emergency Department."

Alex leaned back against the booth and draped an arm over the back of it and Regina’s shoulders. "Plenty, but none you would want to hear while you’re eating."

Their waitress reappeared with a bowl of chips. "Can I get you any drinks here?"

"How about a pitcher of Margarita’s?" Jeff suggested enthusiastically.

"You two go ahead. I’ll stick with water for tonight." Alex glanced down at Regina, hoping that for tonight her friend could relax and enjoy the time together with her brother.


Two margaritas later, Regina held onto the table and laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. Across from her Jeff was slumped against the booth still gasping for breath.

"So, let me get this straight." Alex leaned forward and looked between the two of them, incredulously. "You climbed over a barbed wire fence in the middle of the night, walked through a pasture, and then tipped over a sleeping cow?"

"Oh God, my stomach hurts." Regina guffawed and sunk lower in her seat. "Yeah, you know cow tipping."

"I can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure of doing that." Alex shook her head and plucked another cheese-laden nacho from the plate in front of her. "I bet that cow was pissed off!"

Jeff hooted and slapped the table with his hand. "Ah shit, you should have seen Regina run, when a bull came barreling down the hill, snorting and shaking its head. I swear it looked like something that got released from the gates of Hell itself!"

"As I remember, I managed to climb the fence and not leave the backseat of my pants and other parts that will remain unnamed, attached to the barbed wire," Regina snorted and started to laugh again.

Jeff sobered and shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he remembered having to explain the nasty cut he suffered as he scrambled frantically over the fence just in the nick of time. He could still see the large Black Angus Bull stomping its hooves and pawing the ground furiously at the indignity of having one of its mates toppled during his watch.

"Whose brilliant idea was this?" Alex’s eyes glinted as she turned and regarded her partner expectantly.

Regina pointed across the table at her brother. "He dared me."

Alex laughed heartily, enjoying the rare glimpse into Regina’s youth. She had a hunch that the brother and sister were nothing less than two little terrors when they were younger.

"I couldn’t sit down for a week," Jeff grumbled and threw a napkin back at his sister.

"Sit?" Regina squawked. "You could barely put on your underwear let alone walk for a week!"

"Thanks, Reg." Jeff shook his head ruefully. "I’ll be sure to remember some or your more dubious escapades before the weekend is out."

The laughter died down and Regina stood up from the booth. "I’ll be right back." She took an unbalanced step and grabbed the back of the booth to keep from stumbling. "Uh oh, I think I had too many of those." She pointed at the empty pitcher and made a rueful face.

Alex glanced up at her and touched her arm. "Are you okay?"

"Yup, just fine," Regina informed her cheerfully and then put her full attention to walking back to the restrooms.

"She’s been nervous all week, anticipating what it will be like to have her whole family together."

Jeff leaned forward and looked over at Alex, his eyes boring into hers. "You know she’s the only one in my family who’s kept in touch with me all these years."

The doctor nodded her head soberly in understanding. "She told me about what happened with your parents." Alex watched as he fiddled with the napkin in front of him. "I can’t imagine what it must have been like, having to leave home like that."

She marveled at how alike the Regina and her brother were. Between the physical similarities and their own idiosyncrasies, they might have passed for twins if they were closer in age.

"I don’t know that I can ever forgive them for what they did." Jeff shrugged and tossed the napkin aside. "I think once I realized that I could survive without them, it was almost easier for me. I didn’t have to worry about whether they would accept me or acknowledge my relationship with Darryl."

He stared at the doctor for a moment before he continued. "I made my own family, Alex. I hope that Regina can have that too, she doesn’t need to be hurt again."

"I’ll take good care of her, Jeff." She knew he was playing the role of the protective big brother and surprisingly it didn’t bother her.

"Take good care of who?" Regina dropped into the seat beside Alex and gave her a Cheshire grin.

"You." Alex draped an arm over her shoulder and glanced around at the thinning dinner crowd. "Speaking of that, we should get out of here so we can get some sleep."

"Yeah, so like maybe I don’t wake up with a hangover tomorrow." Regina grumbled disconcertingly.


A short time later, back in their hotel room, Alex pulled on a pair of gray cotton boxer shorts and then slipped a tee shirt over her head. On the other side of the king size bed, her companion groaned audibly as she stood up and got her bearings.

The doctor shook her head and chuckled softly at the drunken sailor walk Regina seemed to have perfected as she shuffled into the bathroom. I think that last Margarita did you in, sweetheart.

She dug into her duffel bag, pulled out a small, plastic container, and popped the lid open. Shaking it, she dropped three pills into her hand, closed the bottle, and set it back into her bag.

Alex met Regina at the door of the bathroom and extended her open palm. "Here, this might help to ward off the evil hangover spirits."

The younger woman squinted and peered down at the pills. "Ah, a multi-vitamin and two ibuprofen. You’re a lifesaver."

"Nah, just prepared." She dropped the pills into Regina’s open hand. "Believe me, I’ve been there enough times to know."

"Mm." Regina shook her head, feeling a little embarrassed that she’d gotten drunk. "I guess I got carried away tonight. Sorry."

The doctor shrugged. "Don’t apologize. You were having fun and you haven’t seen your brother in a long time. No harm done."

Regina moved closer and slid her hand underneath Alex’s tee shirt, grateful that her partner wasn’t upset that she indulged a little more than she would normally have done. "I wish I didn’t feel so yucky, because I know what I’d like to do right now." Her fingers danced lightly over the silky skin of the taller woman’s abdomen.

Alex squirmed and slipped away from the teasing fingers. "What’s that saying? The spirit is willing but the body is weak." She captured the smaller woman’s hand and wrapped her arm behind the Regina’s back. "Hey, drink some water so you can take those pills."

"No fair." Regina pushed her lower lip out in a pout and bumped Alex with her hips.

The brunette grinned and touched Regina’s nose with a finger. "Hurry up, and get into bed. Then we’ll talk about what’s fair."

She pulled back the covers and stretched out on the clean sheets. A moment later, she felt the mattress shift as Regina crawled in next to her. "Come here," Alex growled in a husky voice. She slipped an arm underneath the blonde’s waist and pulled Regina over on top of her.

Lying beneath her, Alex shifted so Regina’s hips were settled down snugly between her muscular legs. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah, just a little fuzzy." Regina folded her arms over Alex’s chest and rested her chin on her hands. She gazed into Alex’s blue eyes, reveling in the gentleness she saw there. "What did you think of my brother?"

She closed her eyes and smiled as gentle fingers brushed the golden bangs off her forehead.

Alex tilted her head as she considered her answer. "I think he’s a good man. I get the sense he had to grow up quickly and that’s what you see when you look in his eyes." She slid her hands down over Regina’s shoulders and linked them behind the blonde’s narrow waistline.

"Yeah," the blonde sighed quietly. "When he was young Jeff was always joking around, playing pranks on people and having a good time. I still see that part of him but he’s changed too."

"You two sound like you were quite the pair growing up."

Regina ducked her head, hiding the blush that crept over her features and made her blonde eyebrows stand out more. "I’m sure Jeff will do his best to corrupt your image of me this weekend."

"I doubt that. He seems rather protective of you." Alex stroked the younger woman’s back, smiling as she elicited a low moan from Regina.

"Oh, that feels wonderful." Regina shifted so she could rest her head on Alex’s shoulder and draped a leg over the taller woman’s thighs. "We both knew we were different growing up so, we spent a lot of time together. Neither one of us had a lot of friends at school. I think Michael was jealous of how close we were and felt left out a lot of the time."

"How much younger is Mike?"

"He’s three years younger than me and always wanted to tag along with us."

Alex nodded her head understanding a little of what Regina was trying to tell her. "Do you think he was resentful of your relationship with Jeff?"

"I think so." Regina looked up at her partner. "He never really got mad when Jeff got kicked out. I think he hoped we would get closer and that never really happened. I was so mad at my parents for what they did and I couldn’t understand why Mike wasn’t as upset as I was."

Alex let out a sigh and hugged Regina to her. "Your whole relationship with your family completely changed after that."

The blonde nodded in agreement. "I wonder what things would have been like if all that didn’t happen," Regina replied sadly.

"I don’t know Reg." Alex gazed down at her lover and realized the younger woman was dozing off in her arms. Maybe tomorrow you’ll all get the chance to start over again. With a smile, she reached down, drew the covers up over both of them, and then closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to take her.



























Chapter Fourteen



"I’m surprised Jeff didn’t want to come with us," Regina remarked softly from the passenger seat of the Jeep. She watched the road curve to the right and shifted in her seat to accommodate the motion of the vehicle. "The driveway is the next right Alex," she informed her companion.

Regina folded her arms across her stomach and slumped a little lower in her seat as she felt her stomach respond to the nervous jitters that began when she woke up and had been intensifying ever since breakfast.

Alex glanced over at the blonde and shrugged as she turned the vehicle into the gravel driveway. "I think he’s right. It might be a little overwhelming if we all showed up on your parent’s doorstep at the same time."

The younger woman suddenly reached over and grasped Alex’s arm. "Stop the car."


"Stop the car."

The Jeep lurched to a stop and Alex stared incredulously at her partner. "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing. Just come here." Regina reached up, curled one hand around Alex’s neck, and pulled her closer.

The taller woman turned in her seat, reached down, and quickly shifted the Jeep into park.

Regina’s lips brushed the softness of the brunette’s mouth briefly and then lingered when Alex wrapped an arm around her and drew her closer. She slowly increased her pressure as she felt Alex relax and give in to the gentle probing and tasting.

A sigh escaped Alex’s lips when her eyes fluttered open and she finally focused on the green eyes that were gazing back at her.

"May I ask what brought that on?"

"Thanks. I just needed to remember." She pulled back and brushed her fingers through Alex’s bangs. "I’m scared," Regina admitted, fighting back tears.

"Do you want me to drive around for a little bit?" Alex’s brow creased with concern.

"No." Regina shook her head and wiped tears from beneath her eyes. "Let’s get this over with."

Alex parked the Jeep by the large, two-story barn. Her eyes roamed over the area as she studied the details. Off to the left, sat a white Cape Cod, with shutters that matched the brick red color of the barn.

The swirling wind carried the scent of horses in the air and she heard the squawking and clucking of chickens emanating from somewhere behind the barn. A large bay, flicked its ears at her from behind the fence as it munched contentedly on tender blades of grass.

"Is that the famous barbed wired fence?"

Regina looked over to where the doctor was pointing and made a rueful face. "That would be it." A curious look crossed her face and she turned to the taller woman. "Do you like horses?"

Alex studied the large animal for a moment. "Yeah, I guess so. I haven’t been around any in years."

Encouraged, Regina smiled broadly and practically skipped over to the open barn door. She turned the corner and found the well-worn metal bucket that held a daily supply of green apples. Reaching in she retrieved several of the round, tart fruits and walked back across the driveway to where Alex was standing, waiting for her.

"Here." She tossed one of the fruits at the taller woman and strode over to the fence. Regina whistled to the horse. In response, it lifted its head and whipped its tail across its hindquarters, studying the two women with mild curiosity.

Regina snorted and shook her head. "You realize she assessing whether it will be worth her while to walk over to the fence or not."

Alex chuckled and leaned against a fence pole, resting her elbow on its rough surface as she watched Regina wave the apple out to the mare. "How old is she?"

"Eighteen." Regina glanced at her, a wistful smile crossing her face. "I remember the first time I rode her. She was so tall. All I could think was that it was a long way down to the ground. Ginger, come here girl. I know you want this."

The horse whickered softly and shook its head, then, trotted up to the fence and butted Regina in the chest with her head. "Oomph. Yeah, I’m glad to see you too, Ginger." She scratched the velvety skin over the horse’s snout as it took the proffered apple and munched happily on it.

"She’s beautiful," Alex said, admiring the red-brown color of the mare’s coat. She held her apple out and was rewarded with a curious snuffling before Ginger quickly consumed it. A minute later, the horse finished off its third apple and then trotted back up the small hill with a self-satisfied snort.

Regina sighed and glanced up at her companion. "I’m glad you’re here with me."

"Me too." Alex smiled and laid a hand on Regina’s shoulder.

"Come on, we might as well go in. I’m sure my mother’s wondering what we’re doing out here."

"How does she know we’re here?" Alex glanced across the driveway to the house that sat catty-corner to the other side of the barn.

"Believe me, she’s probably looked out the window a half a dozen times by now," Regina replied with a knowing expression on her face.

Their footsteps crunched on the gravel as together the two women walked across the driveway to the house. Alex fell a step behind Regina as they climbed the wooden steps of the front porch. Through one of the windows, Alex could make out the shapes of a wing back chair and a couch in the living room.

All right, I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Right? Alex mused to herself and softly blew out a breath as Regina opened the screen door and pushed the inside one open.

"Hello?" the blonde called out as she stepped through the front door.

"Regina?" She heard her mother’s voice from the kitchen. "I’m in here."

The blonde glanced up at Alex and gave her a fleeting smile. Ok, worse thing s have happened in your life. This is not going to be that bad. Get over it, Reg. She shrugged out of her coat and hung it in the hall closet along with Alex’s

With the taller woman behind her, Regina felt more confident walking into her mother’s kitchen. Anxiously, she forced herself to stand by the table watching her mother stir something in a pot on the stove.

"Hi mom." She waited, holding her breath as her mother turned around, wiping her hands on a checkered dishtowel.

The smile that welcomed Regina faded into a mask of barely contained distaste as the brown eyes looked over at her companion.

"Mom, this is Alex," Regina swallowed and introduced her partner, hoping her voice didn’t betray the nervousness she felt inside.

"Hi, Mrs. Kingston." Alex stepped forward and offered her hand to the woman. She could feel the woman’s icy, cold gaze cut through her. Ok, she obviously thinks she just met her worst nightmare.

The gesture wasn’t returned as Regina’s mom continued to wipe her hands with the towel and gave the taller woman a cursory once-over. "Hello, Alex," she replied curtly and turned back to the sink. "Regina can you get me the potatoes out of the pantry. I need to start cleaning them."

The blonde’s shoulders stiffened in anger, and she walked over to the small area off to the side of the kitchen where she retrieved the mesh bag of potatoes for her mother. Still seething at her mother’s obvious dislike, Regina set them on the counter and retreated to stand beside her partner.

"What time are Mike and Caroline coming?" she asked, making a feeble attempt at polite, small talk.

Her mother glanced up at the kitchen clock. It was early, only one o’clock in the afternoon. "They should be here around two."

Regina shifted nervously on her feet and glanced up at Alex. Blue eyes regarded her patiently, but she could see the edginess lurking there, behind the cool façade. I’m sorry, Alex. Maybe Jeff was right and I shouldn’t have asked you to come up with me.

"Is Dad around?" Regina asked hopefully.

The sound of running water in the sink as her mother turned the faucet on almost drowned out the older woman’s sigh. "He forgot to get the wine. He should be back in a little bit."

"Oh." Regina rolled her eyes at the comment. No, he was just smart enough not to be around for the initial onslaught. Smart man. "I’m going to show Alex around. We’ll be back."

Before her mother could respond, she grabbed Alex’s arm, spinning the taller woman around and pulled her quickly out of the kitchen. "Do you think it’s warmer out here? She looked up at Alex. "I think it is."

The brunette pressed her lips together. "Well, that wasn’t too bad, Reg."

"As compared to what Alex?" Regina ground out through gritted teeth. "I’m sorry you had to experience that."

"I’ve dealt with much worse." The doctor shrugged, keeping her expression neutral as her emotions roiled beneath the surface. Mrs. Kingston’s reaction left Alex with no question about how the woman felt about her. Ok, so she’s a little intimidating; just remember the first time I had to tell a family their loved one died or the first trauma code I ran. Come on, Alex. She tried psyching herself up for the remainder of the visit. It’s all, relative. Besides, I’ve got news for you lady. I’m not going anywhere!

"It’s okay," Alex stated quietly. She knew Regina was nervous enough about this homecoming and didn’t want to add to her worries. "What did you want to show me?"

With a hasty, glance back toward the kitchen, Regina grabbed Alex’s hand and led her companion up the stairs.

Alex climbed the carpeted stairs, studying the pictures of Regina and her brother as children. She stopped on one of the steps acutely aware of two rectangular spots on the wall where the paint was less faded and knew without even asking that they were Jeff’s pictures that were missing. The taller woman shook her head and joined Regina at her bedroom door.

"Hey," she whispered and let her hand rest on the blonde’s shoulders.

Regina glanced up at Alex, feeling the warmth of the comforting weight on her shoulder. She was mildly surprised that her room was untouched since her last visit. "It looks like it did when I left last time."

"Did you think it wouldn’t be?"

Regina shrugged and stepped through the threshold of the room. "I wasn’t sure after what happened with Jeff."

The soft, pale blue walls still held her assorted plaques from high school and college. Most of them were scholastic awards but there were a few trophies interspersed between her books, on the wooden, built in shelves, from her days of playing softball. Off to the left, beneath a dormer, lay a double bed that was covered with a multi-colored, down-filled comforter.

Alex stood behind Regina with her hands tucked into her pants pockets as she studied the room with keen interest. "How does it feel?"

"Huh?" Regina blinked and looked up at her taller companion, coming out of her momentary daze of nostalgia. "Oh. I guess it’s kind of weird, seeing all this stuff again. It brings back a lot of memories."

Alex stepped around Regina and examined one of the plaques. "I didn’t know you used to write," she exclaimed in wonder.

"Yeah, when I was in high school, I used to love to write short stories," Regina replied with a slightly embarrassed look.

"I think that’s really great." The doctor beamed proudly at the younger woman. "I couldn’t write to save my life. God, how I hated Creative Writing."

Green eyes glinted devilishly. "Mm, I seem to remember something about wood and metal shop being more to your taste."

"Yeah, I was your typical non-conformist. I used to drive my guidance counselor absolutely crazy with my choice of classes."

Regina snickered and poked Alex in her ribs with her fingers. "Somehow that doesn’t surprise me."

The taller woman grabbed her hand and pulled Regina to her playfully. "Oh, it doesn’t?" She wrapped an arm around Regina’s shoulders and squeezed the blonde full-length against her body. "I’ve got to get this in now, since it’s going to be off limits later."

"I wish this wasn’t so hard. It’s not fair." Regina sighed regretfully as she leaned against Alex’s body. "If you wanted to leave right now, I wouldn’t blame you."

There was a moment of silence as Alex considered Regina’s words, then, she turned the younger woman around and embraced her tightly. "No, I don’t want to leave. I know this is important for you, Reg."

Outside they heard the slam of a car door followed quickly by another. Regina stepped out of Alex’s arms and peered curiously out of her bedroom window.

"Mike and Caroline are here early." She watched as her sister-in-law reached into the back of the care and extracted their son from the child seat.

"Oh my God, Zachary got so big!" She cried out as she watched her nephew try and balance himself on the gravel driveway. He clutched at his mother’s pants leg as he teetered on wobbly legs and then sat down with a surprised expression on his face. "Come on, let’s go help them."


Alex followed Regina as she trotted down the stairs and out the front of the house. The blonde walked up to her sister-in-law and tapped on her right shoulder, then, deftly scooted over to her left side.

"Wha…hey! Mike didn’t tell me you were going to be here!" Andrea threw her arms around the mischievous woman and hugged her fiercely when she caught sight of her.

Regina glanced over at her brother in surprise. "Didn’t Dad tell you he invited Jeff and I up for Mom’s birthday?"

"He might have mentioned it in passing," he mumbled, suddenly finding the color of his shoes more interesting than his wife’s fiery gaze.

"More likely, it got told to him while he was glued to some sports program on television," Caroline snapped irritably and shook her head in disgust.

"Hey, Regina." Mike walked over and stood in front of his older sister, holding a diaper bag and a backpack. He was a head taller than Regina and his hair was a light brown with a few gray hairs sprinkled along his temples.

"Hey, little brother." Regina rose up on her toes and gave him a perfunctory kiss on his cheek. "Did you really forget to tell her?" Regina whispered in his ear.

"Not you too, Reg," he groaned miserably.

Regina shrugged and motioned to the taller woman standing a few feet away. "Mike, this is Alex."

The doctor strode forward and shook Mike’s hand after he shouldered the backpack. "Nice to meet you, Mike."

"Hi, Alex." He eyed the dark-haired woman suspiciously, then, shook his head as his wife cleared her throat. "I’m going to go in and say hello to Mother," Mike grumbled, ruffling his son’s hair affectionately.

"I’m Caroline and this is Zachary," his wife chimed in cheerfully. "Don’t mind him, Alex. He’s still trying to figure out how he’s going to talk his way out of why he forgot to tell me you were all coming up here this weekend."

Regina knelt down and held out her hands to Zachary. "Look at you!"

The blonde-haired boy studied her and promptly plucked a small stone up from the driveway with his pudgy hands and started mouthing on it.

"Oh no, no, no, Zachary. Yuck." Regina gently extracted the stone from her nephew’s mouth.

Caroline sighed and scooped her son up in her arms. "Ugh, everything goes into his mouth these days."

The boy laughed and flailed his arms, trying to squirm out of his mother’s arms. Caroline shook her head and rolled her eyes as she struggled to hold onto him.

"He looks like he’s a handful," Alex commented, as she stepped closer to Regina.

"Ha! You don’t know the half of it. Here, hold him for me while I get his toys out of the car." She lifted the boy up and held him out to Alex.

Blue eyes widened in shock and Alex looked over at Regina for help. "Um, I…Regina, why don’t you take him?"

"Oh, go on he doesn’t bite, at least not yet, anyway." Caroline winked at Regina after she had her son safely settled in the taller woman’s arms.

Zachary stared wide-eyed at the tall, dark-haired woman and gurgled happily as she held him gingerly in her hands.

Caroline stood up and shoved the door closed with her hip. "Don’t worry, you won’t break him, Alex," she teased jovially and walked ahead toward the house with an arm draped around Regina’s shoulder.

She leaned over toward the blonde and whispered conspiratorially. "Ooh, girlfriend. With looks like that, Alex might just get me to bat for the other team."

Regina inhaled sharply and felt the tips of her ears get hot. "I can’t believe you just said that!"

Caroline snorted and let out a deep raucous laugh. "Don’t worry, I won’t tease you too much."

She glanced back at her son who was snuggled up against Alex with his head resting on her shoulder. "That kid is such a flirt," she said, as Alex caught up to them at the top of the porch steps.

Regina looked up and squeezed Zachary’s leg. "How’s the weather up there champ?"

He gurgled his answer around his wet fingers. "Just fine, and so is the view, thank you very much," Alex answered for him, eliciting a giggle from Regina.

Regina held the door for Caroline and Alex to walk through and then followed, shivering from a gust of cold air.

"Where’s my sweet boy?" Mrs. Kingston’s voice floated through the air from the kitchen.

Regina’s mother stopped in the hallway. "Oh," she exclaimed, as she eyed the taller woman who was holding her grandson.

"He’s making new friends, Alice." Caroline smiled up at Alex and winked at the doctor.

Well, you certainly like to play with fire, Caroline, Alex mused. "Here, I’m sure you want to hold him." Alex stepped forward and held the one-year old out to Regina’s mom.

"Ah, come to Grandma, little man." She took hold of the boy, carefully avoiding having to touch Alex’s hands.

Caroline turned to Regina. "So where’s Jeff? I thought you said he was coming."

"We ate dinner with him last night. I think he should be here shortly," Regina answered, acutely aware of her mother standing there listening to their conversation.

"So, Alex what do you do?" Caroline asked as she walked into the living room and flopped down onto a couch. "You’ll have to forgive me, but I don’t get to sit too often with Zachary. He’s just starting to walk and he’s into everything."

Alex followed the woman into the room and sat across from Caroline in a chair. "I’m a doctor."

"What kind?"

"Emergency Medicine."

Caroline leaned forward and smiled at Regina who walked in and stood beside Alex. "So how long have you two known each other?"

"We met last June," Regina told her, wondering how much her mother revealed to her sister-in-law about her relationship with Alex.

From the hallway, Regina’s mother cleared her throat loudly. "Oh finally, your father’s back. Regina will you go help him?"

The blonde nodded and walked dutifully into the hallway, stopping as her mother grabbed her arm tightly before she walked out the door. "I will not have you talking about this…whatever you call it, that you have with this woman in my house," her mother hissed.

Regina shook her arm free defiantly and glared at her mother. "Dad invited us here, Mom. If you have a problem with the conversation, talk to your daughter-in-law. She’s just being polite, which is more than I can say for you, right now." She leaned forward and kissed the top of Zachary’s head. "Sorry, kiddo."

With that Regina walked outside and met her father by the car.

"You came out to help your old man. Huh?" he teased Regina as he handed her two bags of groceries.

"How are you, Dad?"


She peered into the bags and looked back at her father. "I thought you were just getting wine."

"I decided we needed a couple of things for you kids. Jeff’s not here yet." He observed as he hefted a cardboard carton from the trunk and started to walk toward the house.

"Not yet, but he’ll be here," she called over her shoulder.

"Good grief, Robert. How much wine did you buy?" Alice shifted Zachary in her arms and eyed the box her husband was carrying as he walked through the front entrance with Regina behind him carrying a large bag of groceries.

He shrugged and grinned sheepishly. "Six."

"Here, Mike. Take this." He held out the box to his son, trading the wine for his grandson. "Every time I see this little guy he’s bigger."

"Hi, Robert." Caroline sauntered into the room, stroked her son’s head lovingly, and leaned in to kiss her father-in-law on the cheek.

A moment later, Alex walked into the hallway and joined Regina by the door. She didn’t miss the furtive glance that passed between her companion’s parents.

Robert maintained his composure and turned toward the taller woman. "Oh, hello, Alex. I’d say you made a good recovery since the last time we met."

"Thanks, Mr. Kingston. I have."

"What happened?" Caroline studied Alex curiously.

"It’s a long story," Regina looked away from her sister-in-law.

Alex leaned closer to the blonde and spoke softly into her ear. "Is that Jeff who just drove up?"

"Oh, yeah it is. I’ll go meet him so he doesn’t feel like he’s on display." She took a breath and squared her shoulders back before she walked out of the house, leaving Alex to her own devices. She wasn’t concerned, knowing her stalwart friend was more than capable of handling herself among her family members.

The amiable chatter faded to an uncomfortable silence as one by one the family realized who Regina had gone out to meet.

Interesting, Alex mused as she watched everyone’s reactions from the corner of the hallway. I wonder if Jeff realizes just how nervous they all are at the moment. He probably doesn’t, poor guy.

Alice promptly retreated to the kitchen, while Michael followed carrying the case of wine.

Mr. Kingston handed his grandson back to Caroline and watched through the glass door, observing as his two oldest children strode back toward the house with their arms linked affectionately.

"I haven’t seen my son in over seventeen years. I’m not quite sure what to say to him." He rubbed his hands together and glanced over at Alex.

"Welcome home might be a good start."




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