Disclaimer: Most of the characters presented in this story are property of MCA/Universal (you know who they are) and I have shamelessly borrowed them for my own deviant activities. Thank you. All other characters are figments of my twisted imagination. This is a work of fiction and it’s mine, mine, mine. You (whomever you are) may not alter, reproduce, or post without my expressed permission. That would be very naughty.

Furthermore: This story involves acts of love (sigh) between two women. If this bothers you than I am truly saddened but invite you to read anyway. If you’re not up to it then there’s plenty of non-alternative fiction floating around and some of it is quite good.

Also: This is a dark, moody story with copious amounts of violence. Just a warning. There is some intended sexual violence directed at Gabrielle. It’s not terribly explicit and I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. However, love always triumphs.

One more thing: Comments are very much encouraged but incendiary messages will be quietly extinguished by my impassive attitude over such things. Okay, let the games begin!

Copyright©March 1998

A Third Death: Part Three

by: C.L. Bactad



Like a mountain whirlwind
punishing the oak trees,
love shattered my heart.



Chapter 11: Beginnings

"No, no, no!" Ares brought his hands up and balled them into fists. "This is all wrong." He started to frantically pace the marbled floors of Mount Olympus. "She wasn’t supposed to take her hostage!"

His sister looked at him with obvious amusement. "What’s the matter Ares?" She asked innocently.

Ares stopped in mid-pace. He realized just how much his sister was enjoying his display. He grinned and tried to regain his calm composure. "Nothing is wrong Artemis . . . nothing at all."

"Ha!" Artemis couldn’t help but rub her brother’s face in this. "Nothing you say? It seems to me that your plan isn’t working as well as you thought. It’s perfect you said, couldn’t go wrong you said." Artemis was now in fits of belly laughter. In fact, she was laughing so hard she had to grasp a pillar for support while clutching her aching gut.

"She’s right brother." Athena had just strolled in taking off her helmet to scratch her head vigorously. "Mmmm, sometimes it’s nice to have that off," she muttered, also wishing she could take off her armor. "You were so sure that mortal Xena would kill her little friend. I guess you were wrong." She flashed a conspiratorial smile toward Artemis while a twinkle of glee brightened her grey eyes.

"Oh shut up Athena. I was wrong at this particular instance but there’s still plenty of time in this little game." He folded his hands across his chest. "So Xena didn’t kill her this time . . . that doesn’t mean she won’t. Especially since those stupid harlots won’t cave into her demands." Ares smiled at his own logic.

"Call my Amazons stupid again and you’re gonna get hurt leather boy." Artemis had recovered from her jovial attitude.

Ares smirked at his sister. "That annoying brat will be dead by the time this is over."

"Remember our deal brother. I wouldn’t want to end this little test but if . . . " Artemis sent out the warning.

"I know what the deal is. Your . . . " Ares swallowed hard. "Queen will not die. The plan was to see if Xena had the intent. We stop it right before she plunges her sword, dagger, chakram or whatever through blondie."

Helmet firmly in place, once again Athena spoke. "I don’t know why I agreed to this."

"Athena, I need to know if Xena is truly the other half of Gabrielle’s soul. Excuse me if I find it hard to believe that my chosen is supposed to spend the rest of eternity with an ex-warlord." She rolled her eyes at the disgusting thought. "Besides, happy pants over there was going to try something anyway. He’s got it bad for blue eyes. This way we can monitor his deviant activities."

The three gods were mildly surprised when a flash of smoke deposited a rather ruffled Aphrodite onto the marbled floor. "Hades! I still haven’t gotten that right."

"What are you doing here ‘Dite? It looks like you were um . . . involved elsewhere." Ares was always amused by the Goddess of Love.

Aphrodite stood up straightening out her gown. "Yo bro, like Athena told me what you’re up to. I think it’s totally bogus. Do you know how long it took me to bring them together?"

"You brought them together?"

"Duh, well actually they were already in love but they didn’t want each other to know. They were like totally bumming me out so I gave them a little push."

"Why did you do that?!" Ares could strangle this ditzy blonde.

"Hellooo . . . clueless . . . that’s like what I do."

Ares shook his head in disbelief and began to pace again. His booted feet echoed loudly in the hollow halls. "It doesn’t matter. Xena can’t deny her true self. My plan is still working . . . only better." He stroked his black goatee. "Now I get to see the brat tortured. Oh yea, Xena tries to kill Gabby and I get to keep her in warlord mode." He looked at Artemis with a dangerous gleam in his eye. "You get to keep your Queen alive . . . for now."

Artemis narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean . . . for now?"

"Well, we’ll intervene this time but Xena may still want to kill the brat after our little test is over and well you insisted that we institute that no tampering clause once this game is completed." He could almost see the smoke coming out of his sister’s ears. "So, I can’t stop her from doing it then."

"Geez, that’s twisted." Aphrodite was disgusted but mildly in awe of her devious brother.

Artemis was in Ares’ face instantly. "Ares if you know what’s good for you and your warlord you’ll keep her away from Gabrielle."

Ares smirked and mimicked his sister like a four-year old. "Don’t threaten me - "

"Enough!" Athena had grown very tired of her siblings. "You both are like children. Look, it doesn’t matter, it’s up to the fates not us you idiots. After this quote experiment, it’s out of our hands. You know I almost feel sorry for those mortals. They were happy once . . . before they became fodder for you two." She thrust a slender finger toward Ares then Artemis. "I suggest that if they survive and no I just don’t mean physically, that you let them be." With that she strode out of the hall cursing under her breath.

"What did she just call me? Hey wait a minute." Ares followed his sister.

Aphrodite just shrugged her shoulders and checked herself out in a nearby mirror. She gingerly cupped her ample bosoms in each hand pushing them up to reveal generous cleavage. Smiling appreciatively, she realized she had some unfinished business to take care of so in a whirl of blue smoke Aphrodite exited Mount Olympus.

Artemis was now left alone. ‘Athena’s right. What have I done?’ Sadly she retreated to her room.


"I want answers!!" Solari slammed her fist onto the wooden table. It made the man across from her jump back. " How did she know about our meeting?" The Amazon had little patience for this. She had sent Ephiny back to their village escorted by the surviving warriors. Solari stayed behind, with a few others, to question Persius. The Amazons had been led into a trap. She needed to know who was responsible. Perhaps then she could extract the information she really wanted. Where was Gabrielle?

"Look, I’ve told you all I know. Now, please we’ve had a very long day." The old man was pleading with her. He had grown tired of the warrior’s insistent questioning.

"Why you selfish old son of a. . . . " Solari resisted the urge to grab him around the neck. "*You’ve* had a long day." Solari let out an ironic laugh. "Try having what could possibly be the worst day of your life! We traveled here for peaceful negotiations, for your benefit I might add, but instead we were led to slaughter. Many of my friends died here today . . . helping you again. Then, you stupid fool, my Queen was kidnaped by some maniacal warlord! So don’t tell me you had a long day!" Solari spun around gripping her head in frustration. "This is insane! Who wanted both Ephiny and Gabrielle to attend today?"

"What?" Persius was obviously confused by the Amazon’s sudden shift back to questioning.

"Are you deaf or stupid old man?" Solari stepped forward with a dangerous look on her face.

Persius held his hands out in front of him as he was now completely frightened by this short tempered Amazon. "No..no, it was Rudnick that wanted both of them to be here."

"Where is he?"

"Probably at the inn."

"Fine." Solari was out the door before the word left her mouth.


Rudnick was mumbling in his sleep as the sleek warrior entered the room. "Oh yes, I’ve been . . . bad." The man slapped his lips together making a sucking noise. "...need . . . spanking." There was a demented smile displayed on his face. Solari was sure he was about to suck his thumb.

"Holy Athena, I’m glad I’m an Amazon." She thrust her strong hands down toward the sleeping form. One covered his drooling mouth, something that utterly disgusted Solari, the other found his testicles. She squeezed tightly and her enjoyment brought on by this act overcame her disgust.

Rudnick’s eyes flew open when the pain registered in his unconscious mind. Solari squeezed tighter. "You and I are going to have a little talk."


It was past midnight when Gabrielle begun to drift back from the blackness she was pushed in. A throbbing ache at the back of her head forced her toward reality. Her eyelids began to flutter and she let out a small groan.

"Hey, me thinks she’s coming out of it." Gabrielle heard a low voice then another. "It’s I think, not me think you idiot." The voices were close but not too close. "Whatever . . . don’t call me an idiot." The bard remembered what had happened now. She was riding in front of Xena on Argo. She struggled then the lights went out. That would explain the excruciating pain she was in.

The sound of footsteps brought her back to the present. She closed her eyes, steadied her breathing and tried to remain very still. She didn’t want her captors to think she had come to. It was a lesson she learned from Xena.

She felt the cage rattle. "Is ya wake sweet thing?" It was the voice she heard earlier. The cage shook again. "Hey . . . do you hear me?"

"She’s still out you nitwit." The other voice spoke again. "Leave the wench alone . . . Xena’s orders."

"Why she gets all the fun?" Gabrielle noticed the sound of footsteps retreating back where he came from. A moment later she could hear the hushed tones of conversation.

A sharp pain originating from her head shot down her spine. Gabrielle clenched her teeth tight swallowing another groan. The action locked her into a compact fetal position. It was then that she realized her hand and feet were bound causing more pain. She was definitely in trouble.

‘All right bard try to get your bearings.’ Slowly she opened her eyes. The camp was small for an army. She was somewhat at the center, her cage strung up from a lone tree. She could make out ten large tents scattered in the clearing and knew that each tent could hold about seven soldiers. ‘Seventy men..I thought she would have more’. She noticed two fires burning. One was fairly close to her the other farther across the meadow. Seven to ten men milled around each fire. Probably waiting to stand watch.

They were away from the sea. The air had no hint of salt and the vegetation was different. They were back in the forest. Xena always had preferred its cover to the openness of the ocean shores. Gabrielle shivered involuntarily. She was cold and knew the seasons were about to change. She wished she had something more substantial on then her queen’s leathers.

She turned her attention back to the tents and wondered which one was Xena’s. There was a tent closest to her. Maybe that was it? Suddenly, a man strode out from the trees toward the fire. He wasn’t a big man. Gabrielle recognized him as the lieutenant that pulled her from Argo at Isios. The men were instantly at attention but he didn’t bother noticing. He walked directly past them stopping momentarily at the entrance of the tent Gabrielle had guessed was Xena’s. Once he entered, the men began to speak again.

"That lucky bastard. Me wishes I was in his position."

Another man laughed. "I bet . . . the Lord Xena’s probably got Dimitrius in all kinds of positions." He made a lewd thrusting motion with his hips. More laughter from the men.

The motion was self explanatory. The Amazon Queen closed her eyes again. She knew very well of Xena’s sexual appetite and how it was heightened after battle. Gabrielle tried not to remember those nights when Xena, wild with passion pushed the bard to her limits. She didn’t want to think about the cries of release that shattered the night air. A pain made her curl up tighter. However, it wasn’t the ache in her head that drove this response but the pain in her heart.


Dimitrius was thrusting wildly into the warlord. Sweat was coming out of every pore and he was panting roughly at his effort. Xena was perched on a table with her long legs wrapped around her lieutenant’s waist. Another thrust lifted her off the table. She gritted her teeth needing more. "Harder."

The groan came out of Dimitrius like a whimper. Frantically, he quickened his pace. His hands gripping the slick outer thighs of his commander. Xena was looking at him. He wanted to avert his gaze but she held him there. Her blue eyes smoldering with lust and power. Her hand came up and grasped his hair snapping his head back. It hurt but he didn’t care. His only thought was pleasing this woman who was riding him mercilessly.

"I said harder.." Her breath was raspy. He took it as a good sign.

He bent his head down and locked his hands on the firm edge of the table. He didn’t know how much more he had. He was entering her as fast as he could. The feel of her around him was unbearable. His leg’s were burning from exertion as he pumped closer to release. "Xeenaa . . . please" He could barely speak.

"Nooo." She growled at him. She wasn’t even close.

"I can’t . . . need..to . . . pull..out." He felt a foot on his chest kicking him away. He moaned at the loss of contact then came.

The warlord looked down at her second in command. He had collapsed on the floor thoroughly spent. Ordinarily, she would have enjoyed the sight. Tonight she felt differently. Her lust was festering inside of her begging for an outlet. She needed release and he couldn’t give it to her. In fact he was having trouble with that lately as Xena found herself often fantasizing when she allowed Dimitrius in her bed. She fantasized about a woman whose face was never clear but the eyes were. They were always green. It was this woman that helped Xena achieve the ecstasy she yearned for.

Xena bolted off the table and straightened her shift. She was disgusted with him. "Leave." Dimitrius looked up confused. She could see that he wanted to try again. "I said leave!"


Chapter 12: Introductions

"Time to get up Amazon." Gabrielle felt a pair of large hands pull her roughly from the cage. She landed hard on her side not able to catch herself due to her tied hands and feet. She let out a gasp of air then rolled over trying to get a glimpse of the Cretan who handled her so roughly. The sun was high in the sky and it loomed directly over the large body that stood over her. All she could make out was a black silhouette. His hands were on her again but this time he was loosening the ties at her feet. Gabrielle saw his face then. It was Mercurio.

"You!" She cried.

Confused by the reaction but choosing to ignore it he lifted her up to her feet. He took the opportunity to brush his hands against her breasts. She recoiled. He smiled. "My but you are a pretty one." Gabrielle brought her knee up feeling it connect with his groin. She smiled satisfactorily when he let out a groan. Soon she realized her mistake because when he recovered he had his fist pulled back.

"You bitch! Don’t you do that ever again." Mercurio was about to unleash an angry punch right into the Amazon’s face when he heard the voice.

"Did I say you could hit her Mercurio?" Xena had been watching the scene from the entrance of her tent. She had also smiled when the spirited Amazon kneed him in the breadbasket. She could almost like this woman. Xena walked casually over, her strides long and languid. Both Gabrielle and Mercurio had to force themselves to swallow. "I told you to bring her to my tent. Never in my sentence did I say hit her."

Mercurio blinked then looked at the bard furiously. "But she kneed me."

Xena smiled dangerously. She looked at Gabrielle and was struck once again by the emotions that came up unbidden. ‘Gods this woman is so beautiful.’ She pushed the thought back. ‘What is going on here?’ She fingered a piece of reddish-blonde hair on the bard’s shoulders. To her surprise the woman didn’t flinch. "Yes, why did you do that?"

Gabrielle caught her breath at Xena’s touch. She calmed herself before the warrior could notice. The bard looked at Xena and caught the scent of sex that still clung to her body. She found herself getting angry thinking about the groans of passion that came from the warlord’s tent last night and it amplified when she remembered the sting of Xena’s hand on her face and in her gut. "I’m not much of a morning person," Gabrielle spat.

"I can see that." Xena drawled. Sensing the anger coming from the smaller woman she turned her attention to Mercurio. "Mercurio, don’t touch her again." She looked back at Gabrielle and grinned lasciviously. "She’s mine."

The pudgy lieutenant once again acted against his better judgement. "You can’t watch her every moment now, can you Xena?"

Xena slowly turned toward the petulant lieutenant. "What did you say?" Her voice was low but every soldier in camp heard it.

"Is it too much for someone else to want a nice piece of ass once in a while? Or doesn’t Dimitrius satisfy your needs- " Mercurio gripped his face in pain. Xena had whipped her breast dagger out and slashed his face lengthwise. He would have a nasty scar. Gabrielle didn’t even see what happened until Xena stood there with her dagger blade covered in blood.

"How my needs are satisfied isn’t your concern. If you dare speak to me like that again I’ll do much worse than scar your face. Now get out of my sight." Her whole body tensed as she spoke to Mercurio. Her muscles ached to spring onto him and plunge her dagger deep into his chest. She looked around at the other men in camp. She wanted to see if anybody would challenge her. Nobody did. Xena stared at the Amazon trying to judge her reaction. There she saw it, fear. It was just a flicker but it was there. "You should be afraid Amazon. Your sisters aren’t going to find you and in nine days you could be dead." She flicked her dagger flinging the blood off the blade. "I would behave Amazon . . . " Her blue eyes narrowed and she leaned in very close. Her eyes stared directly into Gabrielle’s. "...if you know what’s good for you." The bard wanted to recoil from the warning but her muscles were locked tight. "Put her back in the cage."

Xena turned to the soldier closest to her. "Find Dimitrius, we’re breaking camp." She glared at Gabrielle once again. "We need to put more distance between us and the Amazons." Her attention went back to the soldier. "Then, I want you to deliver a message to Raynos. Tell him to take the rest of the army toward Pella. I want him to draw some of the Amazon search parties." The soldier nodded and swiftly moved away eager to carry out his mission. Xena smiled coldly at Gabrielle holding the bard’s attention until she turned her back and headed toward her tent.



The bard spent most of the morning locked up. They had broke camp efficiently and were now moving. Gabrielle had no idea where they were headed but by the direction of the sun she knew they were heading west. Her body was aching from being cramped in the small cage and the jostling of the cart which carried her. Once a soldier came and let her out so she could relieve herself in the nearby bushes. Although modest by nature, Gabrielle was surprised at what she could do out of necessity.

They had been traveling for most of the day and Gabrielle’s body felt thoroughly thrashed. It was nearly dusk when Xena finally stopped her army after coming upon a clearing suitable for a war camp. The camp was built in the same efficient manner it was disbanded of earlier. Each person had a task and they did it almost mindlessly. They had a combined goal and that was not to displease their warlord. ‘Well I can see some things never change.’ The bard thought as she remembered her own experiences with Xena.

Xena and Dimitrius left camp soon after they stopped. Gabrielle assumed that they were going to scout the surrounding areas. She observed Xena bark out a few orders and relay where she wanted her tent placed. Gabrielle noticed that it was not at the center but on the edge away from the others. The bard also noticed several gestures in her direction then emphatic nods from the soldiers she was addressing. One of the men broke away and in a few moments headed her way with some water. Gabrielle smirked. ‘In some twisted way you’re still taking care of me.

Eventually, Xena rode out of camp with Dimitrius following behind. She was almost sad to see her go. Now a witness to how vicious Xena the warlord could be, she still got some comfort from the closeness of her. Even when the thoughts of the warriors recently cruel acts made her stomach curl in repulsion, she could not let go of the love she remembered. In her heart, she knew that Xena could feel it too. It was the faint recognition in the warlord’s eye’s that gave Gabrielle hope.

Gabrielle had decided on what she needed to do. Ares had warned her about finding Xena and she was worried that she would have to face some retribution for that. When it didn’t come, she realized that he had said *she* couldn’t seek Xena out. However, it was Xena that found her. She was beginning to understand this cruel game. She was free to fight for Xena and this time she wouldn’t give up. She would have to make Xena remember who she was or who she could be.

Gabrielle was startled by the shaking of her cage. Her eyes widened at Mercurio. He had a patch on his face where the knife traced its pattern. "Remember me Amazon?" She could smell the alcohol on his rancid breath as he leered at her. He snaked a hand in and grabbed for her. She backed up as far as she could.

"Remember Xena you idiot." Gabrielle hoped that this would bring the drunken man back to his senses. It didn’t.

"What about her! She’s not here to protect her whore. That means it’s first come first sherve." He belched then wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "I always wanted to get me some Amazon." He laughed then grabbed his crotch. "Don’t worry you didn’t do any permanent damage . . . nope, everything works fine."

"Lieutenant, I don’t think this is a good idea." A young soldier finally stepped out of the crowd that had gathered. Gabrielle was thankful.

"Ssshut your mouth Julian!" He swung at the boy hitting him painfully in the jaw. "I’m in charge here . . . I call the shots." He stumbled toward the soldier that held the keys to the cage. "Open it!" The soldier made no move. Mercurio drew his sword. "Open it or I’ll run ya through." The soldier nodded. Even drunk Mercurio was a formidable opponent. Sure that Xena take care of him later, he unlocked the cage.

"Finally, now get outta my way." Mercurio threw him aside and grabbed the bard’s ankles. She kicked at him furiously but he had managed to get a grip on both of them. He drug her out letting her fall soundly to the ground. Her hands were still tied behind her back. "Don’t fight me bitch . . . you might enjoy it."

Gabrielle twisted around but couldn’t break Mercurio’s grasp. "Xena’s going to kill you!" She yelled out trying to bring sense to this big, stupid man. He started to drag her to the tree line.

"What Xena doesn’t know . . . " He stopped and turned around to address the soldiers who watched apathetically. "Nobody better say a word of this to Xena or I’ll kill all of ya!" He started dragging the Queen again. "Now that takes care of them . . . let’s take care of you."

Gabrielle was screaming now. "No!! Let me go and I won’t tell Xena." She felt the rough ground digging into her back. He was dragging her into the trees. "Please, you don’t have to do this."

Mercurio stopped, looked around then gave an appreciative nod of his head. "This looks like a good spot." He dropped Gabrielle’s feet. Instinctively, she struggled to stand but was grabbed from behind from Mercurio. His large hands roughly grabbed her breasts. She stomped her foot down on his instep. He let her go cursing out in pain. She took off running but he had her again. This time he spun her around and slapped her hard across the face. It knocked her down to the ground.

"Always knew you Amazons to be spunky. That should make it more fun." Mercurio dropped to his knees then covered Gabrielle with the weight of his body. The bard struggled underneath him but he was crushing her. He lowered his head searching out the bard’s mouth. She turned her head as far as it would go trying not to vomit.

"Hades, bitch be still!" He reared up then slapped her again. She could taste the blood in her mouth and started to tremble. She felt lightheaded as the fight was being crushed out of her.

Then there was that voice. Cool and calculated, lacking emotion. Gabrielle knew that it hid a dangerous rage. "Tsk, tsk Mercurio. I guess I’m gonna have to kill you." Xena drew the sword out of the scabbard at her side.

Mercurio slowly raised himself. He was too drunk and frustrated to care. He drew his sword and spun around quickly. "I was just gonna break her in for ya. Show her what a man could do before you fucked her." The meaty man flashed a sick smile. He was tired of Xena. Tired of the pain she inflicted upon him because she never liked him anyway.

"Oh, I was wondering how long this would take." She circled him casually not showing an ounce of apprehension. "I suppose your usefulness is over. I’ll just have to find someone else to do my grunt work. You know, the work where I don’t want to send someone valuable."

Gabrielle watched the scene still trying to catch her breath. She noticed Dimitrius standing by the trees. Both of their eyes fastened on the magnificent form of the Warrior Princess stalking her prey.

Mercurio moved first lunging at Xena with surprising quickness. The warrior stepped back blocking the thrust and pulling out a second, shorter sword in the same movement. Gabrielle was surprised. She had never seen Xena fight with two swords before. The pudgy man thrust again. This time he brought his sword down striking at Xena’s head. She crossed the two swords blocking the strike then kicked him in the chest. He flew hard and landed against a tree bole. In a flash of movement the warlord rolled the shorter sword in her hand changing her grip. She then let it fly, its tip impaling the former lieutenant to the tree. His eyes went wide then they closed. It was a recognition of death that Xena saw frequently. She smiled coldly at the sight. For some reason his death felt really good. ‘No nightmares over this one.’

Dimitrius stepped forward. "Did you have to kill him for . . . that?" He waved his hand at Gabrielle who was struggling to stand and obviously a bit shaken at the sight of Mercurio. He had started to really dislike this small Amazon.

"No . . . I didn’t have to kill him . . . I wanted to kill him. He disobeyed me and my code." As she looked at him, her eyes held no warmth for her sometimes lover. "That is punishable by death. I will not tolerate disobedience." She waited until he nodded in agreement. "Clean that up and drag him through camp. I want to push this point with the others."

Gabrielle had managed to stand up but her legs felt weak from her experience. She could still smell Mercurio’s scent on her and looked over at the impaled man again. She turned away quickly, a wave a nausea overcoming her. She collapsed to the ground the bile rising in her throat and felt a hand on her back. It was almost soothing the way it moved up and down caressing her skin. "Xena?" The bard turned toward the touch.

Xena moved her hand quickly as if she had been burned. ‘God’s what made me do that?’ She looked around. Dimitrius had noticed. ‘Damn.’ She looked back down to the gagging Amazon. Those blue- green eyes were looking at her searching for something that she knew was there. It made the warlord horribly uncomfortable. She sneered at the woman until she finally averted her gaze. "Get up."

Gabrielle struggled to stand. She was pushed roughly from behind. "Move." Xena the warlord was back to using clipped sentences. When they got close to camp Xena grabbed a hold of the bard’s arm tighter than necessary. The men saw Gabrielle wince in pain. She was led into the Commander’s tent. "Sit." She was pushed roughly into a hard chair. Xena left and two soldiers came in. They were standing guard at the door.

Gabrielle could almost smile. Two guards for her . . . a bard. She had no intention of escaping any way. She saw something in the warlord. Her Xena was in there she just needed to remind her. ‘I saw you Xena you can’t hide from me.’ The Amazon leaned into the chair. "Ouch" Her back was stinging. There were giant welts across her back from her experience with Mercurio. She shuddered thankful that these were the only reminders of the pudgy lieutenant.

The flaps of the tent flew open and Xena strode in. In her hand was some cloth and a bottle. "Leave us now and set up another tent. We’ll keep the Amazon in there." She commanded the two guards at the entrance. With a bow they both retreated outside. She paused for a moment her eyes narrowing on the bard. "I had to kill one of my lieutenants because of you."

"You don’t seem too broken up over it."

Xena gave the bard a crooked smile. "You’re right but then I had to expend some energy wasting him." She moved toward Gabrielle.

"I’ve seen you expend more energy on a rabbit . . . " She stopped herself too late. ‘Well there goes the subtle route.’

"What did you say?"

Gabrielle swallowed hard. If this didn’t go right, Xena would probably kill her. "Xena . . . "

"Commander" A voice called outside the tent

The warlord was frustrated by the interruption. "What is it?"

"There are no more tents. We sent them with Raynos."

"Damn." Xena didn’t want to keep the Amazon in the cage. She knew the sight of a beautiful women in camp would be hard for many of her soldiers, even realizing that some would risk death to satisfy carnal needs. "She’ll stay in here." Xena was about to continue her questioning when Dimitrius burst into her tent.

"I don’t think that’s a good idea-" Dimitrius was greeted by a sharp slap to the face.

"Never enter my tent uninvited," growled the warlord.

Dimitrius bowed realizing his mistake instantly. "Of course, please forgive me."

"What do you want?" Xena turned away, walked over to her pallet, undid her cape and set it carefully on the sheets.

"I don’t think that having a prisoner in your tent is very safe. Why don’t we just keep her in the cage still?"

Xena walked up behind Gabrielle. Placing a hand on the back of her head, she pushed the bard forward to check the welts on her back. "I don’t think you have to worry about this one. I can easily handle men twice her size . . . this little Amazon is no threat to me." That was an understatement of epic proportions.

"Yes but-"

"Dimitrius I don’t want to loose anymore men to temptation." The warlords voice softened trying a different approach with her overly protective lieutenant. "If the woman is in here . . . you know out of sight out of mind." She started to rub the oiled cloth over the bard’s welts. This elicited surprised looks from both Dimitrius and Gabrielle. "I sent the healer with Raynos and I don’t want her too scarred up in case I decide to sell her to slavers. Amazons fetch a good price." Dimitrius nodded in agreement while the Queen jerked herself forward, angry at the remark.

Xena smiled, happy with both their reactions. She continued to care for the welts careful not to apply too much pressure. Unable to stop herself the bard leaned back savoring the gentle strokes. "Is there anything else?" Xena noticed that her second still had not moved. In fact, his eyes seemed to be riveted to both her and the Amazon.

Dimitrius shook his head yes. "Scouts have returned with some disappointing news."

The warlord threw the cloth down abruptly finishing her task. "What is it?" She walked over to the table where a plate of bread, cheese and fruit had been placed. She picked up a piece of bread and looked at it thoughtfully. She scowled at the bard and she threw the bread at her lap. Gabrielle picked it up, grateful for the small morsel of food. Xena then proceeded to place a grape into her mouth letting it rest momentarily between her teeth. It was the most sensual act that the bard had seen in a long time and was the most erotic act Dimitrius ever witnessed.

Dimitrius shook his head trying to clear the haze of lust which had settled over him. A look of impatience from the warlord brought him back to the task at hand. "The Amazons are sending out search parties everywhere. My sources say that they’ve mobilized all their warriors . . . all of the Amazon Nation. It doesn’t look like they are going to trade."

Xena looked at Gabrielle who exhibited a proud smile. "I told you Xena, Amazons will never give up their lands. Not even for their Queen."

Xena’s eyes narrowed on the bard. Its coldness shook Gabrielle to her core. In this gaze there was no light. It was full of the darkness that held Xena’s soul. "We shall see. The Amazons still have time to repent. Send out a raiding party to intercept one of the Amazon groups. Kill em’ all." Her eyes were still focused on the Queen. She saw the paling of her tanned skin and the shadowing of her green eyes. "Perhaps that will show them I mean business."

Gabrielle felt ill. "Please don’t do that. It won’t change anything . . . killing them." The Queen thought urgently of someway to spare the lives of her Amazons. "Arrange a meeting perhaps I can convince them-"

Xena was in her face in an instant. "Do you think I’m stupid?! I don’t fall for traps or false meetings. No, we’ll do it my way." She stepped back from the trembling woman. "Dimitrius send a messenger to Raynos and tell him to rendevous on the North ridge outside the village of Pellas. It’s time that I put my army back together. We’re moving in the morning. Oh, and send the raiding party out right away. I don’t want to waste time with this."

"Xena, with all due respect, I don’t think attacking a search party will matter. Kill the Amazon and let’s take the land by force. We don’t need her . . . she’s not doing us any good." Dimitrius was hoping that this bit of news would sway the warlord toward his argument. He was unnerved by Xena’s actions toward the Amazon. She was different around her. Yes, it was imperceptible to most but he had noticed the lingering looks and subtle changes. Xena had never before dressed the wounds of an enemy. Why would she start now? She was practically gentle with the woman. Well, as gentle as Xena could be. Something was wrong here. The Amazon posed a much greater threat alive than dead. He knew that they could capture Amazon lands without that irritating blonde. All he had to do was convince Xena.

"Dimitrius I’ll tell you when I don’t need her anymore. Now do as I say." The warlords dry comments snapped Dimitrius back to attention. He realized that swaying Xena to his way of thinking would be of great difficulty.

"As you wish." He bowed and quickly retreated out the tent.


"Ephiny!!" Eponin rushed toward the Queen Regents hut. "Come quickly."

Ephiny charged out into the courtyard almost running into Eponin. "What is it?"

"It’s one of our search parties they’ve been attacked."

Ephiny braced herself for the bad news. "By Xena’s men?"

Eponin shook her head. "One survived . . . told to bring back a message."

"Where is she?"

"In the healers hut."

Ephiny and Eponin stepped into the hut only to be faced with the battered body of one of their friends. She was badly beaten and barely alive yet she smiled when the two Amazons entered.

Ephiny took her hand and knelt down beside her. "What happened Solari?" Ephiny tried to control the tears that threatened to fall. Her emotions had been raw ever since Gabrielle had been abducted and now one of her closest friends was close to death. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

Solari’s voice was weak and she could barely speak above a whisper. "At night . . . Xena’s men found us. We were outnumbered." Solari coughed and blood trickled out of her mouth. Ephiny felt Eponin’s hand on her shoulder. Solari continued knowing that she had to. "Blonde soldier . . . said his name was Dimitrius he ordered everybody to be killed. Asked who was the leader. Nobody would tell him." Solari smiled, remembering the bravery of her sisters. "I came forward and he beat me. Made me watch as he slit their throats." Solari started to sob her convulsions causing an excruciating pain at her side. Ephiny sat on the pallet taking her friend into her arms. Her own tears falling freely. "Said that Xena’s men had already pleasured themselves with Gabrielle and if we didn’t agree to the trade that they would do worse." Solari closed her eyes she was so tired now. "They hurt her Ephiny . . . hurt our Queen." Solari passed out.

Eponin looked at the healer who had been standing in the corner. "She needs to rest. She has some internal damage but I think she’ll make it. We just need to give her some time." Eponin nodded and lead Ephiny away from their ailing friend.

Alone in her hut Ephiny contemplated what Solari has told her. She wanted to scream each time she thought about what those men had done to Gabrielle. She was quickly losing her will to resist. Her own love for the Queen urged her to give in. Placing her head down on table, she wept.

"Ephiny" A golden voice caressed the Queen Regent out of her sorrow.

"Artemis?" Ephiny knew the voice even though she couldn’t see the goddess.

"Yes, it is I. You can’t give in to Xena. You must not trade for Gabrielle."

"Why? She is your chosen . . . your Queen. Why are you making her suffer?" Ephiny voice was full of anger. Why had her patron Goddess allowed this to happen?

"I can’t tell you that, just trust me. Gabrielle will be survive." Artemis was gone as easily as she appeared.

Chapter 13: Loss

Gabrielle was relieved that Xena didn’t continue her questioning after Dimitrius left. Instead she left the bard tied to a post in the corner of the tent. She heard Xena give orders that she was not to be disturbed and she would be back near dawn. She was glad that she had gone. It had sickened her to hear the warlord’s command for the death of her Amazons. She did it without feeling or remorse as if life meant nothing to this Xena especially if it stood in the way of what she wanted. Gabrielle fell asleep her mind trying to make sense of what was happening.


Gabrielle heard the flaps of the tent open and two people entered. The tent was dark now and the bard realized she must have been sleeping for several hours. A piece of flint had been struck and soon several candles were illuminating the inside of Xena’s tent. It was Dimitrius and Xena. Both looked like they had been riding and both fully armored. Xena undid her cape and put her swords on the tables. She looked briefly at the bard before turning her attention back to Dimitrius. She moved closer to him wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissed him. A long and seductive kiss that made Gabrielle turn away with her heart shattering into a million pieces.

Xena pulled away. "So tell me what did you find out?"

"The Amazons still have no intention of a trade. That much I could get but nothing more. I killed most of them beat one pretty bad . . . a message to her friends back home. Solari, yeah that’s right, her name was Solari. She won’t be alive much longer."

"Solari . . . " Gabrielle gasped hearing her friends name. The rage was starting to well up inside of her. "You killed Solari?"

Dimitrius was getting upset at the intrusion. "Shut up!" He looked at Xena rolling his eyes. "Do you have to keep her in here?" He moved to kiss Xena again and was pleased when she didn’t pull away.

Gabrielle watched the scene unfold in front of her. It was if she was watching a play. She had no control to stop it. The script had been written and the act already set. She could see the passion mounting in the kiss. They didn’t even care that she was in the tent.

‘Solari.’ Her mind raced back to her friend. She was one of the first Amazon’s to embrace the bard as a princess then as Queen. She felt the despair fill her like a fluid. Her joints began to ache and her chest tightened. Finally, after all this time she was being broken. The last vestiges of hope for her and Xena were being torn from her abused body. She could have gone on as she was in Poteidaia with her memories. She was innocent then and her love still pure. Now . . . her body was shaking and she shut her eyes tight. Gabrielle tried to push out the thoughts of the last few days. All the cruelties, the blood, suffering and betrayal she felt each time Xena kissed Dimitrius. It was then that she understood the horrors of Xena’s nightmares; the past she desperately tried to escape. The recognition of the warlord’s evil traveled swiftly to the bard’s soul piercing it with a deadening blow.

"You’ve given me your nightmares." Gabrielle whispered not really caring if anybody heard her.

Xena pushed Dimitrius away as her sensitive hearing allowed the bard’s words to reach her easily. She focused on her prisoner who was leaning sullenly against the post she was tied to. She focused on the one word that meant something. Nightmares.

"Xena what is it?" Dimitrius was confused but not surprised by Xena’s sudden change in mood.

"Shhh." Xena was now staring intently at the bard who was in obvious anguish.

Gabrielle was oblivious to the eye’s that were watching her. "Artemis.." She prayed to her Goddess. " . . . if I am your chosen why do I suffer? I can’t bear this pain anymore." The Amazon Queen began to weep and her voice began to plead. "My soul is gone. Ares has won . . . his darkness has beaten us. The life that I cherished has been stripped away from me and my reality is a cruel joke. Now, I feel my memories stealing away from me and I no longer trust that they are real or wished. The woman I knew is dead . . . gone from me." She shut her eyes tight and spoke through clenched teeth. "She is dead . . . she’s not the person I knew.

Xena raised an inquisitive eyebrow. This woman’s finally lost it. She motioned for Dimitrius to leave. She didn’t want him to witness this.

"But Xena I thought . . . " His need to have her was overwhelming his good sense. "Come back to my tent," he pleaded with her.

Xena glared at him. She was losing patience with this man who had become much too needy. ‘Why couldn’t they ever leave well enough alone?’ She realized she was going to have to find someone else to satisfy her desires. "Go" She didn’t wait for him to leave before her attention was once again placed upon the weeping Amazon. She moved closer.

Gabrielle shook her head from side to side as grief overcame her body. A slight movement above her made her aware of where she was and what she had said. She didn’t care anymore. She jerked her head to where Xena was standing. "YOU ARE NOT MY XENA!!!" Her shout startled the warlord.

"You must be insane now. Perhaps I should put you out of your misery."

Gabrielle closed her eyes again and smiled. "Oh, it’s more than misery. I’d rather be in Tartarus with Callisto than here. At least I have no illusions of what she is . . . or could be."

"Who’s Callisto?"

"A friend of yours . . . except she’s not in Tartarus she’s trapped in a lava pit. Courtesy of yours truly. You see, you killed her family, and now she’s insane. Remember a little place called Cirra?"

"Vaguely," Xena lied. "Besides a girl’s gotta grow up sometime."

"Exactly, it’s all that other stuff that complicates life like happiness and love." Although Gabrielle was crying, her face showed no emotion. "We’re better off without it." She was utterly defeated. The last few days had taken a terrible toll from the bard, her inherent ability to trust and love. Her innocence was also lost. She replayed all the times she had told Xena that her darkness would not push her away. Never would she have realized that her vow would be a lie. Gabrielle could swear she felt a coldness settle over a piece of her heart and she realized that piece would be gone forever. She turned her head not able to look in the ice blue eyes of the warlord that still stood over her.

Xena looked down on the Amazon Queen. Strangely, her words affected her. Perhaps, if she had been able to admit it, they hurt her. She was confused at what had caused this woman to break down so completely and in a way, that was completely unique to this warlord, she felt sorry for the Amazon. She knelt down next to the weeping bard. She undid her binds keeping Gabrielle’s hands tightly in her grasp. She lifted the woman to her feet. "C’mon, I need to see if those welts have gotten infected. Maybe that’s why you’re not making any sense." She led her to the same wooden chair she was seated on before. "Sit and don’t try anything. You won’t get very far."

Gabrielle sat feeling numb and not caring about anything anymore. She felt Xena’s fingers lightly trace over the raised skin on her back. Her mind was flooded with the past. "Do you know how many times you’ve dressed my wounds?"

Xena stopped her motions instantly. She stepped around to face the bard. "Hades, what are you talking about? What did you mean just now and what did you mean about not being *your* Xena?" When Gabrielle failed to speak, she reached out and grasped her shoulders shaking violently. "Speak Amazon!"

" For the sake of Gaea my name is not Amazon it’s Gabrielle!" She yelled back through clenched teeth. "Say my name . . . say Gabrielle." Whatever was going to happen the bard knew that it would not end until she heard her name leave Xena’s mouth at least once more. She hoped that, even now, the sound of her name rolling off Xena’s tongue would affect her like it always had. "Please Xena, say my name . . . Gabrielle." She gently toned pleading with the warlord to grant her this wish. She looked at the warrior that once was hers. Her green eyes brimming with tears.

That voice and those gentle blue-green eyes. Xena’s heart raced with a realization. This was the woman that had haunted Xena’s dreams. She was the face that came to her at night pulling the warlord into some unknown memory and into a life Xena didn’t understand. "It’s you." Her voice was so soft Gabrielle almost didn’t hear her.

The bard took in a sharp intake of breath and held it, afraid to be disappointed. She thought she heard a hint of gentleness in the warlord’s voice. It was the timbre that Xena had always reserved for her. The sound that always let Gabrielle know that she held the warrior’s heart.

"Gabrielle . . . "

Gabrielle let out a breath and closed her eyes, stifling an anguished moan. She said her name and it rolled over her in such a familiarity. If she just closed her eyes, she could pretend that they were still on their way to Crete to see Celeste. She could make believe that none of this had ever happened.

Xena looked down at the beautiful woman who was trying so desperately to hold on to something. ‘I know you.’ Compelled by something inside of her she knelt down in front of the bard. She brought her fingers up to lightly outline the Queen’s face. She didn’t know that she could possess this type of gentleness. It scared her but she couldn’t force herself to stop. Her pulse quickened when she felt Gabrielle lean into her touch. "Gabrielle . . . " she said it again with her voice rough with passion and fear. Why did this name seem so intimate like she had said it so many times before? She had no idea what was happening to her. All she knew was that this name flowed like honey onto her tongue.

Gabrielle opened her eyes to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. "Xena?"

It was a question tinged with so much yearning that Xena could not deny the beautiful Amazon. Tenderly, she cradled the woman’s face in her calloused hands. Xena looked directly into Gabrielle’s eyes searching for her own truth. "Who are you?" She leaned forward crossing the chasm between them. Her eyes still locked with Gabrielle she kissed trembling lips. The sweetness of it confused them both. Xena pulled away not sure how far she should go but she knew that she wanted more. She wanted to give pleasure not take it. This notion was as foreign to the warlord as the ability of sustained flight yet, here she was hoping that the kiss felt as exquisite to the Amazon as it was to her.

The bard reached up to touch the hands that held her. She turned her head to the right kissing the inside of Xena’s palm. The sensation caused the warrior’s heart to skip a beat. Xena looked at Gabrielle, her eyes wide with amazement. Never before had Xena been so out of control of her own emotions. Her heart was now racing when before, she was sure it would stop from the Amazon’s kiss. Before her flashed a thousand images that made no sense to the warlord. They were visions from her dreams. She rocked back onto her heels ripping her hands from Gabrielle’s. Xena gripped her head as if she were intense pain. "What’s happening to me?" She desperately cried out through clenched teeth.

Gabrielle was at her side without a moments hesitation. Her own grief and hurt pushed back at the sight of Xena in pain. "It’s okay Xena . . . let it go. Come back to me, please." She ran her hands over the warriors head trying to comfort both of them. She was speaking in a hushed and intimate voice. The voice she used to coax Xena out of her nightmares. "Let yourself remember . . . remember me. It’s still inside of you I can feel it."

The warrior looked up at her. The blue eyes were lost and the confusion of the moment was starting to frustrate Xena. She grabbed the bard’s shoulders. "Remember you? I can see you . . . why? Tell me what’s going on."

Suddenly, a white light flashed between both of them hitting Gabrielle firmly on the chest. It sent the bard reeling backwards and she slumped against the floor unconscious. Xena was on her feet instantly reaching for her swords on the table. She turned to face the form that was starting to take shape in the corner of her tent. A handsome, dark-haired man appeared. His trademark smile beaming brightly in the dim candlelight. "Ares," Xena addressed him as if she had been expecting a visit from the god.

"Xena, so nice to see you again." Ares drawled seductively.

The warlord cocked an eyebrow and walked over to the unconscious Amazon. She knelt down trying not to let Ares sense her growing concern over the still bard. "I take it you don’t like her very much." She reached down to feel for a pulse. She almost let out a sigh of relief when she felt the dull pounding of the vein at Gabrielle’s neck.

Ares walked over to Xena and reached down to pull the warlord to her feet. "You’re right . . . I don’t like her but I didn’t kill her." He put a possessive arm around the warlord’s shoulder and led her to the table where he made a large jug of wine appear. "That is your job."

Xena nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders freeing herself from the God of War. Even though Ares had taken it upon himself to take Xena under his ‘wings’ she really only tolerated his intrusions. She never did care much for God’s and this one always seemed to try her patience. "What do you mean Ares?" She accepted the wine-filled goblet he handed her.

" I meeean, you have to kill the Amazon." He watched as Xena raised an eyebrow. ‘She really does amuse me.’ He continued his explanation. "Don’t you see what is happening Xena? This Amazon’s been enchanted by Artemis." He took a big sip of wine then smacked his lips in exaggerated pleasure. "My sister does not like you at all. Especially since you’re messin’ with her beloved Amazons."

Xena’s eyes narrowed first at the god then at the still form of Gabrielle. "Artemis is involved? Then my dreams aren’t . . . "

"Nope, all planted by sis. She was hoping that . . . " He pointed at the bard. "...that Amazon would bewitch the mighty Warrior Princess."


"Oh come on, every God on Mount Olympus knows that you have a slight weakness for pretty blondes. Add some planted dreams and you got a recipe for some serious confusion." He flashed a wicked smile. "Don’t worry though, I’m always glad to come to your rescue."

"Thanks." The sarcasm was evident in Xena’s voice. She turned from Ares and once again looked at Gabrielle. Her feelings and emotions did seem so foreign to her but also so cognizant? ‘Shut up that’s ridiculous.’ Regretfully, she acknowledged that Ares was right. It was indeed a trick created by Artemis and the Amazon Queen. Obviously, she would do anything to save her sisters even going up against the Warrior Princess. The coldness returned to the warlords eyes as she still surveyed the heap on the floor. ‘She’ll pay for this.’

"You know what you have to do . . . don’t you Xena?" Ares walked up behind Xena hoping that his little ruse had worked. He nuzzled her ear taking a bit of it between his teeth.

Xena whipped her head around to peer at Ares over her shoulder. "Yes"

"Good, I leave you to your planning then, see you later." The God of War stepped back and shimmered out of sight leaving behind the resonations of his wicked laugh.

A moan came from the Amazon on the floor as she was slowly trying to gain consciousness. Xena walked slowly over to the bard. Her anger was so close the surface at nearly being deceived by this appealing women. The warlord had seen so many of her contemporaries fall to the charms of a beguiling woman or man. She was disgusted that she had almost let it happen to herself. Never again would she let this woman try and fool her. Viciously, she kicked the woman in the stomach. Gabrielle moaned in pain then curled up into a fetal position. Xena gripped the women by the shoulders and effortlessly hauled her up barely letting the Amazon’s feet touch the floor. She could see that Gabrielle had grasped enough consciousness to understand the warning the warlord was about to hiss at her. "I’m onto you . . . even with the help of Artemis you and your Amazon’s are going to pay." She threw Gabrielle back against the floor. The Queen’s head jerked back when she landed and made contact with the hard ground making her world go black before she could utter a prayer to her Goddess.


Chapter 14: Deception

"ARES!!!!!" The Goddess of the Hunt strode angrily into the vast marbled halls of Mount Olympus. Her eyes were filled with so much rage she wanted to rip everything that came into her sight to shreds. "COME OUT YOU PIECE OF CENTAUR CRAP!!"

"What is it sister dear?"

Artemis spun around to see Ares standing behind her trying to display his most innocent face. She was upon him in a heartbeat. A ferocious punch to the jaw sent the God careening into a pillar.

Ares stumbled back to his feet using his hands to move his dislocated jaw back in place. "So I assume you found out about my little escapade in the land of the mortals." It was a statement as he knew that bothering with a question would be useless. All there was left to do was to deal with his sister’s rage.

"Oh yeah, I found out. Did you really think you could keep it from me? What made you think you could break our deal and I wouldn’t find out leather boy?" She placed a well-aimed kick into her brother’s groin.

"Oommph . . . Artemis I’m warning you . . . ouch that stings!!" Ares started running around trying to dodge Artemis’ arrows which she had begun to let fly from her bow.

"Good!! I’m glad it hurt you dirty, double crossing, yellow bellied, bacchai sucking, harpy hatching, gorgon kissing piece of cyclops shit!! How dare you interfere when we agreed that we would not." She let another arrow fly and smiled pleasurably when it hit Ares squarely on the ass.

"Nobody ever said I played fair . . . stop that." Ares had enough and let a flash of lightning go from his finger tips. His eyes narrowed when it was easily deflected by a long silver spear that appeared out of nowhere.

Athena stepped into the fray just in time to stop Ares unleash a stinging bolt toward Artemis and then grab Artemis as she dashed toward Ares in retaliation. "All right, settle down . . . Artemis stop it or I’ll tie you down myself!" Athena tightened her grip on her furious sister.

Artemis looked up at the larger Goddess of War and knew that she was no match for her bigger sister. Indignantly, she stopped struggling and crossed her arms. "That jerk paid Xena a visit last night. He couldn’t stand it because he was about to lose."

Ares raised his hands as if he didn’t know what she was talking about. "Stuff the innocent act brother. Xena was about to remember and you couldn’t stand it so you decided to cheat. Planted that evil little seed in her head." Artemis clenched her fist and wanted to charge the dark god again but one look from Athena held her firmly in place.

Athena spoke, cool and calm as always. "I know Artemis . . . word spreads quickly up here. I decided to have a little talk with Father."

"What!?" Ares and Artemis said in unison. They both shuddered at the thought of Zeus knowing that they were once again toying the two mortals.

Athena thoroughly enjoyed the complete attention of her two siblings. "What? Don’t be so shocked it’s not like he didn’t know before. However, he is very upset at you Ares." She paused for effect letting her brother sweat a bit. "I’d be expecting a visit from him later."

This last comment brought a huge smile to Artemis’ face but then it was gone. "That doesn’t help my Queen, Athena."

"In a way it does Artemis. I talked to Zeus and he gave me permission to set this ‘test’ of yours back on course."

"What did you do Athena?" Ares quickly shut-up when Athena glared at him in warning. Even he realized that she was Zeus’ favorite and it wouldn’t be wise to make her too angry.

"It’s not what I did Ares, it’s what you did."

"What I did?"

"Yup, you made two visits last night."

"I did"

"Uh huh, you also went to see Dimitrius."

"Xena’s second in command?"

Athena shook her head. "You really do have a gift with persuasion. By the time you left poor Dimitrius, he was lathered up into a jealous rage. His hate for the Amazon pretty much blinding him toward any rational thought. "

"What are you talking about?"

Athena rolled her eyes. "Sometimes you really are dense. Dimitrius is in love with Xena you idiot. I...I mean *you* convinced him, last night, that Xena was just using him, which she really is, but is also planning on betraying him and her army. He was really, really angry."

"What the Tartarus is that going to accomplish?" Artemis interrupted.

"What it will accomplish is getting Xena banned from her army."

"Not again." Ares gripped his head in frustration. "How are you going to get Xena’s army, which by the way is very loyal to her, to follow Dimitrius?"

"Excuse me but if you two can wipe out the memories of the entire population of Greece than I can sway the thoughts of a few hundred soldiers."

"But-" Artemis and Ares started in unison, again.

Athena held out her hand to quiet them both. "No, there will be no more interference until this thing is all played out . . . Zeus’ orders. He will tell us when everything, namely the memories of the Grecian people, will be restored and things can go back to as they were." She smirked at her siblings. "Before you two children decided you needed a new toy. You will not do anything but watch or pay the consequences from daddy dearest. Understand?"

They both shook their heads and sulked away to their respective rooms.


It was just before dawn when the warlord exited her tent. The cool morning air did nothing to chill Xena’s rage. The Amazon was lucky that she had passed out before Xena could unleash her anger. The warlord was seeing red and the object of her bloodlust was an unconscious bard lying on the floor of her tent. Nobody messed with Xena’s head, not a Goddess and certainly not an Amazon. Xena needed to go. To get away from the woman that tormented her. ‘She’s tormenting me . . . I’m the one holding her hostage. Curse the day I came up with this plan.’

The war camp was quiet except for a few soldiers that were getting ready to go on perimeter guard. They immediately noticed the warlord, not by sight but by feelings. The tension in her body was palpable. The soldiers scattered suddenly in a rush to relieve the night guards. Two men remained, caught in Xena’s glare. She motioned them over to her. Quickly, through the force of habit, they came to her and stood at full attention. "Stay here and make sure the Amazon doesn’t try and escape." She eyed the men forcefully. "You got that?" They nodded in earnest affirmation. "Don’t go in my tent for any reason. I’ll be back tonight." She whipped her head toward Argo who was tethered nearby. In a fast and fluid movement she mounted the mare and rode into the dense forest.

The two soldiers both let out an audible sigh of relief. "She looks quite deadly this morning." One man said to the other. The second man snorted in agreement then took his place by the entrance of the tent.


"Time to wake up Amazon." Gabrielle felt the tip of a leather boot harshly jabbing into her ribs. "Come on . . . get up." Still groggy, the bard managed to open one eye toward the figure that kept prodding her painfully.

"Stop it." She managed to choke out. The prodding stopped.

Dimitrius looked down at the Amazon wondering why she was on the floor on not in Xena’s bed. ‘Xena always was a bit rough in her lovemaking and after what Ares told me last night I’m sure that’s exactly what they were doing.’ He looked down at the woman again. He wanted to inflict a pain upon her that showed Xena what her betrayal was doing to him.’ Whore.’ "Stop it huh . . . I guess I’ll grant a dying woman her last wish."

Gabrielle looked back up. Her head was beginning to clear and she heard his last sentence explicitly. From the appearance of Dimitrius’ face it looked as if he hadn’t slept all night. His blonde hair was a mess and his blue eyes had dark circles around them. From his nasty demeanor she could tell he was very upset. Of course, the bard was a bit cranky herself and so this didn’t make for the beginnings of a pleasant conversation. "What are you talking about? I still have time before the trade is supposed to take place."

"Plans change wench. I’m calling the shots now. Xena thought that she could betray me and the men that had followed her without question. She’s wrong."

Gabrielle was worried instantly. "Where’s Xena?"

Dimitrius smiled then shrugged. " She’s out checking things. I saw her leave the tent early this morning." He moved to Xena’s bed. "You know she was always different that way. A night of fucking never did tire her out . . . it was as if she couldn’t wait to get out of bed after we were done."

"Are you sure it wasn’t the company?" The last thing Gabrielle wanted to hear was Dimitrius rant about Xena’s afterglow or lack thereof in his case.

"You tell me Amazon . . . looks like she wouldn’t even allow you to stay next to her. Even I got that luxury."

"What in Tartarus are you talking about? The only affection I got from your warlord is a bump on the head." Gabrielle was completely confused by the rattling of the lieutenant.

" Don’t you dare lie to me!" Dimitrius’ voice boomed over the Amazon. "How could I’ve been so blind? It’s obvious that you’re taken with the Warrior Princess. How long did it take for you to sway her over and make her weak? I should have listened to all the signs telling me not to trust you." His eyes narrowed into slits. "Starting when we captured you. She said ‘help her up Dimitrius’, then she killed Mercurio for you, rubbed your back, handled your wounds, let you sleep in her tent. I’m such a fool. After all I did for her . . . I protected her after I found her in that field without her memory. I *protected* her and this is how she repays me? I was willing to follow her anywhere then you came along. You ruined her you whore!"

Gabrielle shook her head at the obviously distressed soldier. ‘Okay, I’ll try to reason with him.’ "I don’t know what you’re talking about. Xena has no feelings for me. She made that very clear when she kicked me and threw me here." She rubbed the back of her head. "I’m pretty sure I was knocked out. Besides she lets you share her bed . . . what are you worried about?" The bard was fed up with the whole situation and decided to speak her mind no matter what the consequences were.

"Shut up harlot. You know she doesn’t love me and that she laughs at me for my weakness. Ares told me . . . made me see things so clearly. I won’t be made a fool of."

"Ares huh, well that explains why you’re acting like a lovesick puppy. Of course, Xena has that affect on her own but add a vengeful god and you don’t have much of a chance."

Dimitrius picked up Gabrielle and placed her roughly in the chair. "Don’t underestimate me Amazon. I don’t need a god to tell me what to do. I’m going to capture Amazon land with or without Xena’s help and I *don’t* need you."

‘This guy’s definitely gone over the edge.’ Cautiously she asked her next question. "What are you planning?"


"I see."

"Tonight, when Xena comes back, her army will be mine. I’ll make her watch me kill you then I’ll offer her a second chance. She can serve me or die."

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the tent into the center of camp. Gabrielle could see that most of the soldiers had already gathered expecting Dimitrius to bring her out. He pushed her away from him letting her stand alone in the center. He addressed the soldiers. "As I told you all this morning Xena and this whore have been planning on betraying us. The Queen of the Amazon’s has offered to let Xena lead the Amazon warriors as her own personal army. Thus, bringing the Amazon Nation back to power as one of the most feared armies in all of Greece"

The Queen spun to face Dimitrius. "Are you crazy!? I would never relinquish control of the Amazon’s to a warlord nor do I want the Amazon’s to act as a bunch of immoral raiders. You *are* wrong Dimitrius."

"I don’t think so Amazon." He started to address the soldiers again. "The God of War himself has told me of Xena’s plan." There was an uproar from the men as the realization of the lieutenants words hit them. "Who will follow me?!" The men cheered proclaiming Dimitrius the new commanding warlord.


Xena left Argo a few paces back as she silently worked her way toward the perimeter of camp. She had been out all day trying to find a release for the black rage she felt since dawn. After several dead animals, numerous sword drills, and beaten trees her anger had quelled. However, she was more confused than before. She knew that she should go back and kill the Amazon as Ares had urged but something was holding her back. Her mind, body and soul were engaged in combat and Xena didn’t know how to reconcile this. Her body stilled as she heard the muffled sounds of conversation through the trees. She smiled wickedly and soundlessly moved forward.

It was dark and Xena realized that the voices were coming from two of her perimeter guards. Instead of making her presence known, she decided to test the two men. Failure meant death, of course, but they would never know that. She crouched down low keeping herself well hidden in the brush. The men were still talking. ‘Idiots.’ Making less sound than the wind she was less then three paces behind them. She pulled out her breast dagger. Unfortunately, the soldiers failed the warlord’s impromptu test. Her muscles tensed like a cat about to pounce on her prey. She froze as the topic of the conversation finally dawned on her.

"I can’t believe Xena was planning that all along."

"Yeah, it’s like I always said you can’t trust women. They’re only good for one thing." The soldier grabbed his crotch and gave it a rough shaking.

Xena’s eyes narrowed at the last comment. ‘Yup, that one’s gonna die for sure.’

"I’m just glad Dimitrius found out before that bitch and her Amazon slut could betray us. To be honest, Dimitrius is going to be a much better warlord than Xena."

"You think?"

"Oh yeah, definitely."

Xena stepped out from behind the tree. "What makes you say that?" She flipped the dagger into the air catching the tip and hilt alternately. "I thought I was doing a pretty good job."

Both guards stared at each other and a silent ‘oh shit’ was passed between them. The one that was ‘surely going to die’ spoke first. "I...uh . . . we were just talking we didn’t mean anything by it . . . " He grasped his throat as a white-hot pain stopped all cognitive thought. The other guard looked over to the suddenly speechless man. Xena’s dagger was stuck neatly in his throat. He stumbled back before realizing that he would need to turn around to make his escape more plausible. He felt her hand at his shoulder as his knees were kicked in. He fell to the ground face first. "Please Xena don’t kill me." Begging seemed to be the only logical choice to the man.

Xena reached down and flipped the guard onto his back. She grabbed him by the front of his armor. "Tell me what’s going on." Her voice was full of venom as she hissed at the regretful soldier.

"I...I was..Di..ugh."

Xena had no patience for his pathetic stammering so she used her most deadly skill. "Okay, so I’m sure you’ve seen it before but now, fortunately, you get to feel it. For the sake of tradition I’ll tell ya what’s happened. I just cut off the flow of blood to your brain . . . you have thirty seconds before you die. Should I go on?"

The man shook his head furiously. "No, I’ll tell you. Dimitrius told us that you were going to betray us. You had agreed to some sort of allegiance with the Amazon. You’re going to build another army using the Amazon nation and desert us. Dimitrius said you would destroy us if we let that happen. He took control of your army."

Xena’s blue eyes went wide with surprise. "What . . . where did he get that idea."

The man’s voice strained to reply. "Ares . . . He’s going to kill the Amazon and possibly you..now please undo the pinch."

Xena dropped the man back onto the ground and walked away. "I don’t feel like dying today." She heard him gasp his last breath.


Gabrielle was struggling against the leather ties that bound her wrists and feet when she heard the faint ripping of canvas. Immediately she ceased her movements and tried to pinpoint the source of the noise. In the back of the tent, she saw the edge of a knife cleanly incising an opening at the bottom. A moment later Xena rolled through and crouched in a ready position. She quickly scanned the interior before making her way to Gabrielle.

"Xena I have to tell you something, please listen. Dimitrius is . . . "

"Shhh, keep your voice down. I already know what Dimitrius is up to. Roll over."

Gabrielle, although confused, silently complied. In a moment, her hands and feet were free of the bonds. "What are you going to do?"

"That doesn’t concern you."

"Wait a minute! I’m accused of seducing you, recruiting you to lead the Amazon warriors, leading you to betray your army and making your lovesick lieutenant completely psychotic. I think that it does concern me. Furthermore-"

Xena, seeing nothing else to shut the bard up, placed her hand over Gabrielle’s mouth. "Do you always talk so much?" Gabrielle rolled her eyes. " Now, if I remove my hand not a word . . . understand." Gabrielle nodded and Xena removed her hand. "I’m letting you go."

Gabrielle’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked at Xena suspiciously. "Why?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well, I would say that it is quite a change from early this morning when you kicked me in the gut then knocked me unconscious . . . again. Pardon me if I don’t question your motives."

"Look Gabrielle . . . " Xena paused as she noticed Gabrielle shudder. "What’s the matter?"

"It’s nothing." ‘Why does that still affect me?’

"He’s planning on killing you."

"I know but that still doesn’t answer my question."

"Hades woman! It’s about competition okay? I will not let Dimitrius have something he hasn’t earned and that includes you."

"Oh" Gabrielle tried not to sound disappointed but wasn’t very successful.

Xena noticed the disappointment and the anger that had been dwelling inside of her twinged at her self-imposed control. "Disappointed that the little plot you and Artemis cooked up didn’t work? My feelings for you are strictly business and when this is all over you and I will finish it."

"Xena . . . it is finished." Gabrielle said in a tone that reflected her own wounded soul. She moved to the back of the tent to the cut Xena had made for her escape.

"Wait" Xena reached out to grab the Amazon. She moved toward a cloak that rested in the corner and threw it at Gabrielle. "Take this . . . it’s cold . . . you’ll need it."

Gabrielle shook her head in frustration. ‘When will I ever figure her out?’

"Wait until I go out and confront Dimitrius. It will draw the soldier’s attentions, enabling you to escape easier."

"You’re going to confront Dimitrius? That’s suicide, he has your army now."

"Impossible, he can’t have my whole army. Some of the men will side with me."

"Xena, Ares is involved." Gabrielle noticed the slight spasm of muscle around Xena’s eyes. "You need to leave . . . escape with me."

Xena looked at Gabrielle letting a moment of self-doubt cloud her blue eyes. It would be so easy just to slip out into the night . . . with Gabrielle. It was hard to admit, for the warlord, but she really wasn’t ready for the Amazon to leave. No matter what she said to the queen she still couldn’t control the conflicting emotions inside of her. She battled between anger, lust and confusion. However, this was her army and pride would not let it go without a fight. "This is my army and he’s not gonna get it without pain. Now go and ready yourself."

"Xena you don’t have to do this."

"Shut up Amazon before I change my mind."

Gabrielle looked defiantly at Xena. "You won’t make it."

"Then that is my destiny." She said the phrase but she fully intended to survive.

Gabrielle’s heart ached at the sound of that word. She had coaxed Xena back from Tartarus with that term. Sadly, she realized that there would be no tearful reunions if this went badly. Xena would be gone from her, for good. "No Xena that isn’t your destiny but I can’t make you see that. I honestly hope, that I see you again someday even if it means my own death."

Xena was taken aback by the Amazon’s words and could not think of a way to respond. Instead, she focused her attentions on Dimitrius and turned toward the front of the tent making her way to the center of camp. She noticed the shocked stares of the men and a wary feeling settled itself in the pit of her stomach. Her destiny was at hand.

"DIMITRIUS!!" Her shout flew through camp like a raptor descending on its prey. It sent a cold chill down the spines of the soldiers making them rethink their decision to follow Dimitrius. Strangely, the thought was flushed from their minds even when it meant certain death by the hands of the Warrior Princess.

Gabrielle heard the rustling of the camp at Xena’s forceful demand for Dimitrius. She decided to wait a few more moments before she would make her move. She placed the cloak that Xena had given her over her shoulders. It had the warrior’s scent on it. Gabrielle inhaled deeply savoring the smell and hoped that this cloak would forever smell like that. She closed her eyes trying to conjure up the strength she would need to leave. She had watched Xena step out into what was to be certain death. For the first time in Gabrielle’s life she would choose not to be there. To protect her love’s back. Xena would never had allowed it anyway. The warlord could not hear or see the pleas that emanated from the bard. A wall, seemingly insurmountable, stood inside of Xena. Gabrielle didn’t know how to tear it down. Instead, she would flee into the night hoping she could find a way to live with the despair and grief

Xena waited patiently for Dimitrius to come to her. Her army, or at least the fraction that was traveling with her, had gathered creating a convenient circle to house the two competing warlords. He appeared in an instant reveling in the fury his jealousy was causing. Dimitrius stopped short of Xena and waited. Xena’s eyes, level with his, bore into her once loyal lieutenant. "What’s the meaning of this Dimitrius?"

"I should ask you Xena. Why don’t you explain it to your men." He moved his hand around in a sweeping motion.

"I’m not in the mood for long oratories and besides, it seems as if you have it all figured out."

Dimitrius looked at the warlord. She appeared calm with her hands relaxed at her sides and her lips were even curled upwards in a slight smile. Her voice was even and quiet without a hint of anger. Xena’s demeanor was if she were talking to her most trusted friend. If she had one. He had seen this so many times while serving the warlord. It was her calm in the face of a storm because he knew that inside she was raging.

"Well?" Xena toyed with her traitorous second.

"I know what you and your Amazon whore were planning Xena."

Xena’s eyebrow shot up inquisitively. "Really"

"Don’t play stupid with me! You think I’ll be your . . . your whipping boy there to satisfy your every whim when you need it. I don’t like being used Xena. You thought you could betray me? Ares told me of your plan."

"Why would Ares tell you of my plan . . . unless . . . when did you speak to him, last night?"


"Xena’s eyebrow arched up as she realized the Ares had double crossed her. ‘Never trust a god.’ "He lied."

Dimitrius laughed. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because, it would be very dangerous if you didn’t."

"You think you scare me? I have your whole army under my control. They are loyal to me know."

Xena tilted her head back and to the side. It was an obvious sign that she doubted Dimitrius’ words.

"I can see you don’t believe me. THOSE WHO STAND BEHIND ME MAKE YOUR PRESENCE KNOWN." Dimitrius yelled out then smiled as every man shouted in response.

Xena’s eyes widened but she quickly covered it up. Her face was passive but she was seething inside. "And what about Raynos?"

"I sent word to him. I don’t doubt he will side with me too. Betrayal doesn’t usually sit well with us warlord types."

"No, it doesn’t." Xena smiled dangerously. "It usually results in death."

"Exactly.." He turned to the soldier standing at his right. "Bring me the Amazon." He looked at Xena triumphantly. "It’s time for the first course."

The man returned a short time later. "She’s gone."

Dimitrius looked shocked. "What!?"

"She’s not in Xena’s tent."

Dimitrius turned to Xena and she enjoyed the anger in his eyes. "Where is she Xena?"

Xena shrugged. "Don’t ask me . . . I thought you were running the show now."

"Don’t mess with me . . . " He moved forward but was stopped by Xena’s rapid removal of her sword from her scabbard.

"No, don’t mess with me."

"Xena, you can’t win. These men are mine; you’re going to die."

"I’m not afraid of death. The question is are you? I hear the pits of Tartarus are quite gruesome this time of year. Say toodles to Hades for me."

Dimitrius feigned a disappointed sigh. "Well, I didn’t really expect anything less. I’m just sorry I couldn’t give you a good-bye fuck."

"Don’t be . . . I never felt anything anyway." Xena smirked as she saw a shade of red color Dimitrius’ cheeks.



Gabrielle heard the familiar ululating battle cry travel across the night winds. She stopped, frozen in her tracks. It’s started" The bard hesitated longer.. ‘...I can’t go back . . . keep moving.’ She moved forward making her way through the dense underbrush. A task which was made more difficult by the stream of tears that blurred her vision. Other cries started to float toward the bard’s ears, those of anguish, determination, and bloodlust. She moved faster trying to escape the sounds that were tearing her apart.

She crashed through the underbrush, scratches covering her arms and legs. She collapsed onto the cool ground trying to still her ragged breathing. A horse snickered. Quickly, the bard was up, the staff she had taken from Xena’s tent ready to inflict damage on her prospective captor. Her eyes narrowed as she recognized a lone horse tethered to a tree. "Argo?"

Gabrielle moved toward the horse who acknowledged the bard with a gentle nudge. "Oh Argo, you still remember me." She gripped the mare’s neck, hugged fiercely and sobbed uncontrollably. It was a reunion between two friends. Gabrielle released the warhorse’s neck and lovingly patted Argo’s nose. She noticed she was still saddled and Xena’s saddlebags still rested on her. She walked to Argo’s side and ran her hand over the leather of the saddle then the bags smiling as a barrage of memories came to her. Gabrielle lifted the cover to the saddlebags. The contents were exactly how she remembered. However, there was one thing out of place. The bard tenderly lifted the items tenderly out of the bag. It was an empty scroll and her favorite quill tied together with a piece of leather. She had placed it in there so long ago. Gabrielle couldn’t imagine how it survived but it did.


Xena’s breathing was labored after having fought and killed so many but they still kept coming at her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw three more rushing her. She pulled her chakram off her belt and with one swing motion managed to slit the throats of all three. Together they fell at her feet. She whipped her head around searching for Dimitrius but the coward had moved out of the battle letting his men tire the Warrior Princess. He of course, wanted to administer the fatal blow watching Xena beg for mercy first.

"Ughhh," a gasp of air escaped Xena as a boot connected with her spine. She faltered to her knees and felt another hit connect with the side of her head. She fell to the side and desperately tried to right herself. It was too late. The bronzed hilt of Dimitrius’ sword came down viciously on the back of her head. Xena collapsed forward with her sword still clutched tightly in her hand.

Then she came to her. A prayer filled the fallen warrior’s essence guiding her to what was known. Green eyes sparkling at her in the early morning light. "Xena, I love you," was all she spoke as she pulled the warrior down into a searing kiss. Xena could feel the tightness of her stomach and the fire in her loins. The light filled her with felicity and freedom. She broke from the kiss. "Gabrielle?"

"Yes, love it’s me . . . remember me." Then she was gone and Xena was left clutching air.

"Wait . . . don’t go." Xena grasped at an emptiness. Then a thousand moments washed over her sending her crashing down to the ground to roll in agony as thoughts of pain, fear, joy, anger and love coursed through her mind, raced through her body. Through clenched eyelids the warrior saw flashes of green and a beautiful face but she couldn’t hold on to it. "Make it stop . . . please make it stop." She pleaded for mercy. "I can’t take any more!"

"Xena . . . " The voice made it all stop. The sweet, melodic tone washed the agony away from the hurt warrior. "Xena, come back to me." The voice pleaded with her. "Come back to me."

Xena felt herself being lifted, freed from the anguish that weighed her down. "I’ll come back my beautiful bard . . . help me." A wave of pure ecstasy crashed into the suspended warrior. Her eyes flew open in recognition. "GABRIELLE! I REMEMBER . . . I REMEMBER."


Dimitrius kicked the unconscious woman. "Time to wake up Xena . . . time to take your medicine." He smiled when Xena began to stir. She had only been out for a few moments but he was growing impatient. He kicked her again. "Get up!"

Xena felt the pain in her side. The blackness was spiraling in front of her mixing with blurry images as she fought to open her eyes. The voice was gone but she still remembered everything. "Oh gods what have I done." She moaned out the sentence then curled up tighter trying to protect herself from her own darkness that had covered her like a veil.

The jealous lieutenant looked down on Xena. He could see she was beginning to come out of it. "What’s that mighty ‘Warrior Princess’, what are you muttering about?" He kicked her again, just for the fun of it.

Xena moaned again. "Beat her . . . I beat her." She whimpered. She felt the anguish inside of her, building like fear in a caged animal. Guilt, one of the most crippling emotions, was all she allowed herself to feel. "She’s gone . . . gone . . . GABRIELLE!!!!" She flew up her eyes wide with fury, the yell piercing the night like lover’s lament. In a flurry, she was at her second’s throat threatening to squeeze the life out of him. She would take the evil away, his and hers.


Gabrielle looked up from the empty scroll she caressed in her hand. Xena’s yell made her stagger backwards. Xena was wounded, she could hear it in her lamenting cry. ‘By the god’s she cried out for me.’ In a reaction based more on instinct than logical thought, the bard mounted Argo. With determination, built by two years of traveling with the most feared warrior in all of Greece, and complete disregard for her own pain, Gabrielle was going to rescue Xena.

The Amazon bent down to whisper in the warhorse’s ear. "Argo . . . I know I’m not the best rider but if there is some way you can understand me . . . I need your help girl. Please guide me to her Argo . . . guide me to your mistress." The mare stomped her front hooves and Gabrielle took it the only way she could, as a sign that Argo understood. "Good girl." She grabbed Argo’s reigns and whipped the horse back toward the direction of camp. With a slight nudge to the horses side and a clicking noise of the tongue the mare lurched forward. Gabrielle would swear that the horse moved faster that night than anytime before or since. Little did the bard know, that she had been blessed by Athena and her rescue would not be denied.


Dimitrius’ eyes were beginning to bulge out of his sockets. He had hit Xena several times in the ribs but with no success. Her grip was still fastened to his neck and she made no pretense that they would not remain there. Her eyes were wild and the shock of blue that was before him made his legs buckle. Her face was a mask of pure pain but not of the physical. She was a woman possessed and her mind had moved beyond the obvious blows he and his men were now inflicting on her. Her pain was coming from her tortured soul. The soul which had been used by Ares to hurt her precious Gabrielle.

"Get this bitch . . . " Dimitrius gasped for air as he struggled to call out to his men. "...off of me!" He hit her once more in the ribs and again no response. Finally, his men descended upon her and attempted to drag the Warrior Princess off their suffering warlord.

Xena felt the hands grabbing at her and yanking until she felt her arms would be pulled from the sockets. Still, she would not let go as her purpose in life became singular. If she were to die to night, and she hoped she would, she was going to take Dimitrius with her. She laughed ferally. Redemption would not be hers but revenge would.

The sword slipped into her back smoothly. Xena arched forward at the sensation. She had imagined that it would feel different but she really didn’t feel anything at all. Her body’s intrinsic self-defense mechanism kicked in and her mind protected her from the pain. However, it also took away most of the warrior’s strength and she saw her hands fall away from Dimitrius’ neck. ‘Shit,’ she thought to herself, not from the fact that she was going to die but that he would live.

She felt herself being hoisted up to a standing position to look directly at the warlord who was now caressing his bruised neck. A hand flew forward to slap her face but again she felt nothing. She smiled. Dimitrius pulled out his dagger and flashed it seductively in front of Xena. The fallen warrior jutted her neck out in a defiant gesture that brought him no satisfaction. His wish for her to beg would not be fulfilled. She saw a moment of hesitation in his eyes and Xena was disgusted at his weakness. Her lips snarled upwards and she hissed her last command. "Do it you weak bastard . . . ’cause if I make it you’re gonna die."

"XEENAAA!!!" The cry came forth from the surrounding darkness. In a heartbeat the hooves of a galloping warhorse could be heard as well as the determined breathing of two entities with a combined mission. The Amazon Queen gripped Argo’s sides with her legs and swung a staff with her arms connecting solidly with three soldiers before they knew what happened. The rest of the stunned men realized that the golden mare was leading herself and she was taking every opportunity to run over the soldiers before they could pull their swords on her. Gabrielle grabbed a nearby torch and hoisted it into one of the tents. She hoped the flames would provide a distraction.

Dimitrius dropped the knife to his side as he was thoroughly shocked at the sight before him. Xena turned, also finding her last reserve of strength, she managed to wrest her arms free of the men who held her. In a movement of fluidity, she had kicked Dimitrius in the face, pulled out her breast dagger and thrust it viciously into his leg. As he was stumbling back in pain, she turned and slit the throats of the men whom she just freed herself of. Gabrielle was here and she needed Xena to protect her. "Gabrielle . . . " She staggered toward her bard but quickly sank down to the ground after only a few steps. She felt dizzy but knew she had to get up. She stood up straight but her head lilted to one side and she felt herself lose balance again; still, she struggled.

Gabrielle whacked another man in the head as the warhorse spun in circles. As if sensing Argo’s intention, she quickly grabbed the reigns before the mare reared up and forcefully stomped on the soldier which was blocking her passage to her mistress. Gabrielle could see Xena stagger toward them only to collapse to the ground. She urged the horse forward and called out to her, to the warrior she still let, although reluctantly, hold her heart. She yelled out to the hurt woman. "Xena stand up . . . stand up we’re coming! You need to get up and grab onto me." Gabrielle knew that she could not dismount and lift Xena up before they were swarmed. Xena would have to hoist herself up while Argo was still moving. Considering the circumstances, it would be impossible for anyone else but even in Xena’s condition, Gabrielle knew they still had a chance.

Xena heard Gabrielle. ‘She’s here . . . here for me.’ The warrior’s heart filled with hope displacing the despair that had occupied it slightly before. Calling on every once of strength that she had nurtured over the years, Xena willed herself to stand. She braced herself and held her arms outstretched to her sides. The stance was sacrificial as the vulnerability that Xena was showing was and offering to the bard. If she had been in a temple, she would have willingly placed herself upon an altar letting the silver tip of a knife purify her blood. In that bloodletting, she would drain her own evil letting it flow into Gabrielle’s cupped hands. She wanted the chance to make things right with her love even if it meant the pain of loss. She would sacrifice her own heart to make sure Gabrielle’s would heal.

Gabrielle braced herself by grabbing onto the saddlehorn. "Hold on Xena." She could see Xena wavering but pouring all her strength into remaining upright. "Now Xena!"

Xena saw the black eyes of her trusted mare charging toward her. The heated breath pouring out of the warhorse’s nostrils into the chilling night air. Her savior was bent low, blond air whipping behind and green eyes intent on the crumbling warrior. ‘Yes Gabrielle, save me . . . ’

The Amazon dropped her right arm and clasped onto her warrior. Xena hooked her right arm through Gabrielle’s and used her powerful leg muscles to propel herself into the air. Gabrielle pulled and felt a tear in her shoulder as Xena struggled to pull herself onto Argo. The bard gritted her teeth as she tried to help Xena and remain astride Argo. "C’mon Xena." Gabrielle winced in pain as she gave one last tug and sighed as she finally felt Xena settle behind her. "Xena hold on to me . . . tight." Gabrielle could sense the warrior’s reluctance. "Do it Xena. It wouldn’t be worth it if you fell off." She felt Xena’s strong but fatigued arms encircle her waist. "Go Argo!" She spurred the sweating mare into a full bore run, trusting the horse to avoid any obstacles in the darkness. She heard the sound of men’s footsteps fading behind her. Gabrielle leaned forward in the saddle and was surprised when Xena followed. Then she felt the warrior’s hold loosen and then realized that Xena was about to pass out. She gripped Xena’s arms with her free hand hoping that it would be enough to keep the larger woman on the speeding horse.

Xena knew she was about to blackout but needed to say one thing before she did. She moved forward when the bard did and leaned close to her ear. "Gabrielle . . . I remember and I’m so sorry." With that being quietly said she slumped forward into unconsciousness.

Gabrielle stifled a sob and held Xena’s arm’s tighter around her waist. Her emotions, which were so mixed up before, were now felt in perfect clarity. Pain, loss, joy and love all took turns expressing themselves to the gentle bard.


Continued in Part 4

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