Copyright© 1998 by C.L. Bactad


A Third Death: Part 5

by: C.L. Bactad


Come to me now again and
deliver me from oppressive anxieties;
fulfill all that my heart longs to fulfill,
and you yourself be my fellow-fighter.


Chapter 20: Penance

Xena followed the healer out into the afternoon air. Breathing deeply to let the openness fill her lungs, she lifted her face to the slight warmth of the sun. The warrior was dressed in her dark brown leathers sans her armor and bracers. She surveyed the village laid out before her until her eyes found a larger building in the distance. Gabrielle was there, conferencing with her Amazons. The bard had come to her early that morning but hadn’t been back since then. A small Amazon was moving toward the council hut carrying a huge tray of food. Xena smiled. ‘A late lunch? Could be just a snack knowing my bard. She does get hungry when discussing business. ’ The smile abruptly disappeared as it dawned on Xena what their topic of discussion would be. Five Amazon guards surrounded Xena and the warrior remembered she was a prisoner. No, not treated like a normal prisoner; Gabrielle would never allow that. However, as the women readied their weapons, she knew she was a prisoner just the same.

"Is th-this all n-necessary?" Lara asked while gesturing wildly with her hands to the Amazon guards.

The highest ranked Amazon, who was also the guard that was stationed inside the hut, answered the question."Yes, and if I had my way we’d have her in chains." This earned a dry and dangerous look from Xena. The guard swallowed and continued. " I don’t know why Solari wants to see her."

"I’m su-sure she h-has her reasons."

"Are you two gonna stand here and chat for the rest of the afternoon or what?" Xena spoke flatly. Although not in any particularly hurry, she wasn’t in the mood to endure this conversation any longer. The guard and the healer both rolled their eyes at each other and in tandem mouthed the name "Xena" as if it explained everything. At the nod of the guard’s head the group synchronously moved toward Solari’s hut, except for Lara who bumbled about on the outside.

The walk couldn’t have seemed briefer to Xena who urgently tried to ready herself against her own monstrosity. The event was clearly etched in her mind. Night had just fallen and Xena sat mounted on Argo, preparing to scout ahead, while she watched Dimitrius ready his men. Not willing to take any chances, she ordered her lieutenant to double his men. Xena wanted to teach the Amazons a lesson and at the same time erase the unnerving feelings caused by their queen. The warlord clung to her power and identity like a shield against the knowing softness of blue-green eyes. She remembered her words clearly "kill em’ all" and how they dripped easily from her mouth.

Xena cringed visibly when she remembered the pained expression on Gabrielle’s face. The queen pleading mercy for her Amazons. None was given. An empty heart held no remorse then, but now was filled with so much. She wanted to turn back and to refuse this invitation but knew that she couldn’t. This confrontation Xena would have to endure for Solari; she owed her at least this much.

The group stopped short of Solari’s dwelling. The healer rushed forward signaling that she should enter first and she retreated into the hut. After a few moments she emerged and nodded for Xena to enter. The head guard started to move in ahead of Xena but a firm hand from Lara halted her advance. "No, So-Solari wants t-to speak to her alone."

The guard shook her head vehemently. "There is no way in, Zeus’ known world, that I’m going to allow . . . " she thrust a finger at Xena. "That woman to go in there unguarded."

"Excuse m-me, but So-Solari is one of the Queens t-trusted advisors and th-third . . . " the healer paused a moment, readjusting the figures in her head. " No, I m-mean fourth in c-command. So, her s-simple request is a-actually an order." Lara winked at Xena but the gesture was lost on the stoic Warrior Princess who simply stared at the door.


"Is that what you want Gabrielle?" Eponin’s question finally broke the silence that encompassed the chamber after the bard’s last statement. The three Amazons had been locked in a tight discussion. Some of it was about the threat from Dimitrius, but Xena was the main topic for most of the day. They had bounced thoughts back and forth, each woman trying to understand the feelings of the other. Eventually, after the intrusive stomach rumblings of a certain bard they stopped for the snack that had recently arrived. It was then that Eponin asked the bard the question. "What will you do if she is banished Gabrielle?"

The queen stood there silently stunned. "What do you mean by banished?"

"It means she will never be able to step foot on Amazon land again or she forfeits her life."


Ephiny, who had been watching Gabrielle’s reaction carefully, moved to answer the question. "She will be punished Gabrielle, Amazon law requires it. Her crimes are too severe but I’m sure that the role of Ares will be taken into account, as will her past *good* deeds."

"But banishment . . . "

"Would you rather it be death?" Ephiny had yet to work through all her anger and jealousy. Gabrielle turned pale.

"Ephiny!" Eponin hurled a sharp look at the Regent then looked at Gabrielle. "She’s right Gabrielle. Xena will be punished but death will not be an option because it requires a unanimous vote and since you and I sit on the council that would be unlikely." Eponin looked again at Ephiny making sure her friend understood her.

Ephiny softened and looked apologetically at Gabrielle. "I’m sorry . . . it came out wrong."

Gabrielle nodded in acceptance. She sat, emotionally exhausted, at the council table. She shook her head and looked down at her feet letting the crimson-blonde strands of her hair hide her face. Of course, punishment was inevitable but the bard had fought to deny the possibility. Gabrielle looked at Eponin for an impartial opinion. "Is that what you think will happen . . . banishment?"

Eponin shrugged her shoulders then crinkled her brow in contemplation. "Yes, I think so. Xena’s not an Amazon so she won’t be sent to a work camp and as I said earlier a death sentence is not an option." The weapons master paused before speaking again. "Part of the council may insist she be publicly flogged before we let her go."

"What!? I’ve never seen that before. I won’t allow it." Gabrielle’s heart was racing, as everything just seemed to get worse.

" It may not be up to you since it doesn’t require the agreement of all council members, just a majority. With crimes of this magnitude . . . like I said, some of the council members may want it. Granted, many Amazon villages haven’t used this type of punishment for a while."

Gabrielle rubbed her face with both hands and sat silently lost in her own thoughts. Ephiny fidgeted with a piece of cheese but quickly decided she wasn’t hungry. She wanted to return to the original question. What would Gabrielle do? "Gabrielle, there’s another stipulation to banishment."

"Great," Gabrielle groaned. "What would that be?"

"Banishment also means no contact with Amazons."

"On Amazon land, of course . . . "

"No Gabrielle, anywhere. It would be considered a threat to the Amazon Nation. So, that returns us to Ep’s question; what will you do if Xena is banished?"

The queen looked at Ephiny as if she were seeing for the first time. She mulled over the blonde woman’s statement, the words repeating in her head. ‘No contact with Amazons.’ "But I’m the queen . . . I’m an Amazon," Gabrielle said it aloud but she was speaking only to herself.

"Yes Gabrielle, we know." Ephiny spoke, straining with the hope that the bard would choose the Amazons and her.

Panic. Gabrielle felt as if this emotion had come to consume her whole life. It flowed into the void left by Xena’s stolen love. For those lonely months, this helpless feeling battled with the numbing sorrow that nestled itself within her chest. But now, Xena was back and even through all the hurt and anger she felt as if her fractured soul could mend. Suddenly, Gabrielle realized that even through the oppressive haze of her confusion and hurt there was still hope. "The journey will be difficult little one . . . fight for it." The words of Artemis echoed in her ears.

Gabrielle’s eyes opened wide. "Artemis was right," Gabrielle spoke aloud and the two other Amazons looked confused. A catharsis had taken place, stimulated by an innocent question. Gabrielle felt the tension release itself from knotted muscles as her emotional turmoil began to calm. ‘Yes, the journey would be difficult but not to be abandoned.’ She was wiser now and held no illusions and yet, she could still feel love. It was this love that she wanted to deny Xena. Gabrielle wanted her to suffer as she did; she wanted the warrior to feel her hurt and jealousy. But it was this love that kept surfacing in a sea of pain, trying to provide a beacon for the lost souls. Gabrielle, in a moment of perfect lucidity, realized that it was their love that had saved them both. Again, she spoke aloud, "Fight for it."

"What?" Eponin and Ephiny spoke in unison.

"If Xena is banished, I’ll go with her."

"You are the Amazon Queen Gabrielle," Ephiny spoke through strained vocal cords.

"I’ll give it up."

Silence coated the spaces between the three Amazons. It was then that Eponin asked her question. "Is that what you want Gabrielle?"

Gabrielle answered without hesitation. "Yes."

Ephiny grabbed the queen by her shoulders. "Gabrielle, please think about this."

"I have . . . by the gods, I can’t think about anything else."

Ephiny let her hands drop while she fought the growing lump in her throat. "The Amazons need you Gabrielle. You would risk everything for her? Why?"

The bard’s blue-green eyes lit with an intensity that Ephiny had forgotten she had ever seen. "She needs me too just as I need her. I’m afraid to be without her . . . Xena is my soul." Gabrielle smiled softly. "I just want to feel her arms around me again."

"What about the pain? Could you go through that again?"

"There is pain now, Ephiny. It hurts more to be without her."

Ephiny shook her head in amazement and took a step back from the bard. She opened her mouth to speak but decided she couldn’t trust her own voice. She looked at Eponin who saw the hurt pooling in the hazel depths. Without uttering a word, the Queen Regent solemnly exited the council hut.

Gabrielle was powerless to stop the ache in Ephiny’s heart. She realized how much her friend had come to care for her. The bard, an expert with words, could not come up with the phrase to ease her friend’s hurt. "Ephiny," she called out to the retreating Amazon.

"Let her go Gabrielle." Eponin came to stand next to her queen. "She needs to be alone."

"I never meant to hurt her."

"I know and she knows that too." Gabrielle looked up into an understanding face. She smiled at the kind words of her friend and at the freedom her decision had given her. Eponin spoke again. "Go see your warrior my Queen."

"Thank you Eponin." The bard turned toward the door. " I feel as if I’ve wasted so much time."

"Then you better hurry," Eponin remarked while flashing an incredibly endearing, albeit chipped smile. Gabrielle returned the smile with equal intensity. Eponin stopped her before she exited into the village. "Prepare yourself Gabrielle, the council will be assembled soon."

Gabrielle nodded her head in understanding but her smile did not diminish. She exited the hut in search of her love.


Xena stepped into the hut and was immediately surrounded by the strong scent of medicinal herbs. They invaded her olfactory senses with a mixture of sweet and bitter. She stopped, unsure of what to do next. In the corner there was a bed and next to it, there sat a different healer who looked at Xena with poorly veiled hate. The healer, a rather large woman, stood up slowly until she was at full height. She turned her shoulders square to the bed and bent over to adjust the body that lie prone upon it. With a few careful movements, Solari was propped up against pillows so that only her head was raised at a slight angle. The healer bent down while the injured Amazon quietly spoke a message into her ear. It was something that Xena couldn’t hear but it upset the healer greatly. Begrudgingly, the hefty woman nodded her head and moved from Solari’s side toward Xena.

Xena watched the woman come near and the hut seemingly reduced its dimensions. The healer didn’t look at Xena as she stopped beside her but simply stood with her face pointed at the door. "I’m a healer so it isn’t in me to take a life . . . but if it was, yours would be the first I’d take." The healer spoke carefully so Xena could make out every word. She obviously didn’t care that she had just made a threat to the Warrior Princess. Xena didn’t care either because at that moment she knew the healer was justified. Xena, who’d never hung her head in shame did just that. The healer left and the ex-warlord was left with her victim.

Solari looked at Xena, who remained rigid by the door. Her eyes were still puffy from the beating and her vision was blurry but she could see the Warrior Princess’ unmistakable form was awaiting some direction. "Come closer Xena," Solari spoke and the frailty of her body was exposed in her voice. Xena hesitated so the beaten Amazon spoke again. "Come Xena, as you can see I won’t hurt you." It was a tease laced with hostility.

In three long strides, Xena was beside the bed but she did not look at Solari. The Amazon would have none of that. "Look at me Xena . . . check out your handy work." Preparing herself, Xena clenched her jaw and shut her eyes. Slowly, she looked down at the woman she had ordered dead. Her hand shot out to steady herself against the wall. Solari was barely recognizable. The Amazon’s face was thin, bruised and battered, eyes so swollen that they were almost shut. A white bandage covered most of her head. Her right arm was in a sling and the fingers on her left hand had all been broken. ‘Thank the gods that the rest of her body is covered,’ Xena thought as she turned around fighting the vile taste in her mouth.

Solari noticed the reaction. "So it is true. The ‘Destroyer of Nations’ has regained her conscience." Solari coughed and reached for some water. Her broken fingers made it hard to grasp the mug and Xena reached out to help. "I didn’t ask you for your help!" Solari rejected the mug and instead slapped it out of Xena’s hand.

"Solari I’m . . . "

"What? Sorry? Sorry that you almost killed me or sorry that I’m still alive to remind you." Solari’s voice was a high-pitched mixture of anger and betrayal.

"Both," the reply came out low.

Solari laughed but in the background, there was sadness. "Honest as always, huh Xena? That was always your strong suit. You know I just regained consciousness this morning. The first thing I felt was pain. I cried Xena. I haven’t done that since I was a child."

"What do you want from me Solari?"

"What do I want from you *Warlord*?" Xena flinched as Solari spit out the title. " I just wanted to see your eyes." Xena raised her eyebrows and shook her head in puzzlement. Solari continued, "I want to look at the eyes of a person who could order a dozen Amazons butchered. I want to look into the eyes of a woman who drank with these warriors on Amazon land then slaughtered them without a second thought. I want to see the eyes of a woman who could brutalize her own lover."

Slapped by Solari’s words, Xena stumbled backwards. She fell into the chair and the stoic mask she usually wore was replaced by one of painful remorse. Dropping her head, she wept into her own hands.


Gabrielle stepped out into the Amazon compound. Hours of inactivity and the waning temperatures of the coming dusk caused her to shiver. She wrapped Xena’s black cloak tighter around her hard body. Finally, after all this time she felt balanced. Gabrielle smiled and unconsciously rubbed her hands along her folded arms. ‘Xena’, the bard smiled wider causing an infectious reaction in two Royal Guard Amazons which quietly appeared at her side. They too smiled without really knowing why.

"My Qu-Queen!" Startled, the queen and her guards whirled around to see a frazzled Amazon approach quickly from across the village. "C-come quick." The healer rested her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

Gabrielle stepped forward. "Lara what is it?"

"X-Xena is outta c-control."

"What?!" The queen gripped the healer almost lifting her off the packed earth. "Where is she?"

"S-Solari’s hut."

"Solari?" Gabrielle started running before she let go of the healer. Lara stumbled back only to be bumped by one of the Royal Guard who rushed to keep up with the queen. The healer gained her equilibrium before following the dusty trail of Gabrielle and her guards. "By th-the gods, she’s st-stronger than she looks," she muttered under her rapid breath.

Xena let the Amazon land a reverse punch to her stomach. ‘Oof, that one’s got some power.’ The Amazon moved in for an uppercut as Xena bent over from her first blow. Her fist was caught on the upward swing by an iron grip and she was twirled head over heels onto her back. All the Amazon could do now was stare at the pale blue eyes of the woman who still held her wrist. The Warrior Princess laughed and addressed her captive. "Can’t let you get too cocky now can I?" The Amazon laid there with her mouth agape struggling to come up with a way to get out of Xena’s numbing grasp. Her question was answered when a group of five warriors tackled the berserk woman and tumbled in mass over the prone Amazon.

Xena rolled with the group then started flinging scantily clad women in all directions. She kept herself in check as she sent another one flailing to the ground a few paces behind her. At full power, that Amazon would still be sailing through the air. Xena waited for more warriors to show up and let out her trademark battle cry to speed up the process. ‘Ah, that’s better,’ she thought to herself as she saw several more Amazons approach from every angle.

Gabrielle ran harder at the sound of Xena’s ululation. As she neared Solari’s hut, she could see the bodies of her sisters being tossed about. Groans and gasps of rapidly expelled breath accompanied each thud of an Amazon body. Another one of her warriors came stumbling toward her landing in a heap at her feet. The woman groaned, then rolled over to face her stunned queen. "My Queen," the warrior mumbled and shakily struggled to her feet.

The bard looked into the fray seeing Xena in familiar stance and movement. The warrior’s long ebony hair swinging wildly as her arms rotated around to strike another Amazon. Her fluidity and grace always mesmerized the queen. A hard blow to Xena’s face broke Gabrielle from her trance. Emerald eyes narrowed as she saw the dark warrior take another vicious blow that could have easily been deflected. ‘What is she doing?’ Then Xena swayed as a swift, unblocked kick connected with her ribs. The queen decided that she had seen enough as a large group of women tackled Xena, obviously hoping that the sheer weight of their bodies would control the mad ex-warlord.

"ENOUGH!" Gabrielle’s shout held the timbre of a true queen. It reigned down upon the participants of the melee with a force most thought the slight crimson-blonde was incapable of. It was a command to be obeyed, and they did. Reluctantly, the large group of Amazon’s, who had became engaged in this scene, moved aside and begun to dust themselves off. In the center, eight women were still piled on top of Xena. The warrior had stopped struggling at the sound of her bard’s voice. Now, she lay motionless on her stomach and several bodies kept her pinned to the ground. Her bronze cheek was thrust into the fine dust formed from the scrimmage and her eyes, still wild, were shut tightly.

"What’s going on?!" Eponin was now standing beside Gabrielle.

"That’s what I intend to find out." Gabrielle clutched her staff tightly and walked with purpose to the group at the center. "What in the Tartarus is going on here? Xena, what happened?"

"I’ll tell you what happened," a muffled voice came from somewhere in the pile. " Just give me a moment. Mika get off of me." Gabrielle watched as the pile shifted and a tall Amazon emerged from the heap. The Amazon, who had been originally in charge, straightened her leather skirt and adjusted her armor. She walked over to her queen, brushed some dirt off her face and bowed to Gabrielle. "My Queen, I escorted Xena to see Solari as Solari had requested. When we reached her hut I wanted to go in but . . . " The Amazon noticed that Lara had arrived and was standing next to Eponin. "But Lara, the healer, said Solari wanted to see Xena alone so I don’t know what happened in the hut." The guard paused to adjust her bracer that had slid up into an uncomfortable spot during the scuffle.

Gabrielle leaned her head forward in a gesture for the guard to continue. The Amazon fixed her bracer before she realized the queen’s intense gaze. "Oh, and when Xena came out I . . . "

Xena stopped listening to the Amazons account of events. She knew exactly what happened and why. She didn’t "snap" as she heard the guard tell Gabrielle. Well actually, she wanted to look like she did but it was definitely premeditated. Xena didn’t go berserk. She just wanted it to appear that way. If they thought, she was dangerous it made what she had to do easier. She opened her eyes and dared a glance at Gabrielle. The bard had also stopped listening and was intently studying Xena. Green eyes searched for an alternative answer and Xena looked quickly away before she could find one.

Gabrielle held up her hand to quiet the guard. "Thank you," she said as she took a few more steps toward the mass of women. "Please get off Xena."

The Amazons looked at each other, bending their heads at odd angles, trying to fathom the queen’s request. "My Queen, she’s dangerous."

"I don’t think she’ll try anything now . . . please remove yourselves."

The Amazons snorted in unison then gingerly moved off Xena. A few rubbed places that were sure to bruise as they stood back from the still prone Warrior Princess. For her part, Xena didn’t move immediately but simply moved her hands so they lay flat at her sides in a push up position. Then she lifted herself up slightly and turned her neck side to side trying to relieve some tension. In one graceful motion, she was at her feet apparently unfazed by the recent physical exertion.

Gabrielle moved closer to Xena, unafraid of the dark woman who now stood at her full, imposing, impossibly tall height. She spoke so only Xena could hear. "What’s going on Xena?"

Xena smirked then shrugged her shoulders. " I guess I got issues."

"Xena, I know what you’re doing." Gabrielle noticed the slight raise of a dark eyebrow. Her green eyes sparked upon her tortured love. "Stop trying to punish yourself. Physical blows won’t ease your guilt."

Xena grabbed the bard’s arm roughly. Several guards took a step forward but were stopped by the queen’s firm head shake. Xena continued as if nothing happened. "Look Gabrielle, stop trying to get inside my head. I wasn’t trying to punish myself; I was trying to punish them. This is who I am. I’m not going to change and the sooner you except that the better off you’ll be."

"Xena, I know that’s-"

She was cut off as Xena moved them both closer to Solari’s hut. "If you don’t believe me go take a look at your friend." Xena let go of Gabrielle’s arm while thrusting her toward the entrance of the hut. "She’ll tell you the truth you don’t want to hear."

Gabrielle frowned at Xena but she entered the hut anyway. Inside, her eyes adjusted to the newly lit candles. The large healer was bent over Solari. The queen stepped toward the bed as the healer silently moved away. Gabrielle gasped at the sight and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. The battered body of her friend was resting peacefully and the bard didn’t want to wake Solari with her shock. "I had no idea that she was beaten this bad," she said softly to the healer.

The large woman nodded ruefully. "Yes, she was beaten badly and still drifts in and out. The herbs I give her to kill the pain keep her sleeping most the time."

"Will she be okay?" Gabrielle moved closer to Solari and ran a trembling hand over her friends bandaged forehead.

"I think so. I was worried about the head wound but she seems to have made it through the worst of it. Her hands are messed up though. Time will tell if the poor girl will be able to use them as she once did." The healer paused and flipped her head toward the door. "What’s the ruckus out there? Xena causin’ trouble?"

Gabrielle nodded then turned to the healer. "Take good care of her . . . I’ll be back later."

Xena watched Gabrielle come out of Solari’s hut. Gabrielle’s ash stricken complexion caused Xena to taste her own disgust once again. The bard, still shaken by the sight of her friend, faltered slightly and leaned on her staff for support. It was at that moment Xena made her decision final. Silently, she vowed to herself that she would shame her bard no more. Even if Gabrielle could forgive her, the bard still deserved better. Xena could not allow herself to hurt her love or her friends again.‘This might be painful for you Gabrielle but it will be easier in the long run.’ Xena braced herself by calling upon every once of cool self-control she fostered over the years. ‘For Gabrielle,’ became her silent mantra.

The queen stood in front of her aloof warrior. The color was starting to come back to Gabrielle’s cheeks. She thrust her finger out and planted it solidly into the warrior’s chest. "Xena, drop the act . . . what happened is in the past. I don’t need to be protected by you from you. Understand?"

Xena tried to ignore the warmth that emanated from her center as Gabrielle’s passionate response ignited familiar emotions within her. Xena clenched her jaw and grabbed Gabrielle again, both hands on her shoulders. "Don’t be a fool." She pushed the bard back roughly expecting her to fall to the ground. Gabrielle did and the Amazon guards went crazy. Orders or no orders, there was no way in Zeus’ flat earth that their queen was going to be pushed around by Xena. In mass, they descended upon the Warrior Princess again. The ex-warlord fought just enough to make the Amazons mad. She left her back exposed then let a blow on the back of her head render her unconscious.

Gabrielle struggled to break up the fight but a strong arm around her waist pulled her to safety. Angrily, she looked up at the handsome face of Eponin. "Ep, stop them." But it was too late. The pack separated and on the ground Xena lie, knocked out.

"Finally," one of the guards mumbled under a shaky breath.

Gabrielle rushed to her warrior. "Lara, come here."

The healer checked Xena thoroughly. "She’ll be f-fine but will have one T-Tartarus of a bump."

"Good . . . Mika, Timas, take her to the stockade and guard her carefully."

Gabrielle jerked her head around to see that Ephiny had issued the orders. "Stockade?"

"She’s dangerous . . . and she just proved it."

"Don’t you think you should have discussed this with me first," Gabrielle let her anger come out in her tenor.

"As Queen Regent one of my duties is Nation security and Amazon bylaws state that I do not have to consult the Queen if I deem there to be a risk to Nation safety. I deem Xena a definite risk."

"Ephiny . . . " Gabrielle started to retort but was stopped by a squeeze to her shoulder.

Eponin let her hand remain on Gabrielle’s shoulder as she spoke. "Ephiny’s right. I’m sorry Gabrielle."

Chapter 21: Escape

Xena let her long legs swing over the side of the hard pallet. She shook her head trying to clear the blurred vision she awoke with. Running her hands through her black hair, she took stock of her surroundings. Cold, stone walls surrounded her in a small cell that was completely enclosed except for a heavy wooden door as the entrance. Her eyebrow raised as she realized she was in the Amazon stockade. The large stone structure housed five cells. As her azure eyes glanced around, she surmised, she was in the cell saved for the most dangerous criminals. It was smaller which was meant to confine movement and there wasn’t a window, not even at the door. A single torch, that hung bolted high upon the wall, flickered light into the gloomy confines. The air which flowed from tiny holes at the top of the walls did not alleviate the staleness of the atmosphere within.

Feeling a slight tingle of her skin, the warrior jumped to her feet. She narrowed her eyes and moved her head in slow, deliberate movements trying to pick up the slightest sound. Her muscles tightened and her breathing became controlled and quiet. If she had access to her sword, it would have been drawn. "Ares I know you’re here . . . come out and play." Xena could feel her anger swell as the buzz of her skin became stronger. God or not, she was going to unleash her rage on the immortal who deserved it most. She felt the presence behind her and in a rapid release of tension she swung around with a velocity not easily described in a limited Greek vocabulary.

The goddess felt the impact of the hand before she saw it. She flew back into the wall and collapsed. Upon her lovely face was a look of complete confusion. Xena stood with her eyes wide and her mouth open. Her body still trembled with rage but it lessened as she realized that it was Artemis, not Ares, the vengeful warrior had struck. She stayed still waiting for the formidable goddess to make the next move.

Artemis looked at Xena with eyes that seemed as if they contained fire. A single description of color defied Xena, as the goddess’ lenses seemed to take on different hues. However, the warrior was sure the first color had been red, more precisely, flaming red. The goddess stood and placed her smooth hand over the cheek that had been struck by Xena. "Very good Xena, I take it you were expecting my brother? Or at least I hope you were." Artemis smiled, effectively disarmed, and confused Xena at the same time.

"Yeah, your brother and I . . . we need to talk."

Artemis chuckled at the seething Warrior Princess. "No fear of the gods huh? What they say about you is right . . . I like that."

"What’s that?"

"Fearless, a woman who chooses to control her own destiny even when destiny is not one to be controlled."

Xena shrugged. "Why are you here Artemis? I’m not going to be a threat to your Amazons anymore."

"I’m here for Gabrielle," Artemis watched Xena’s eyes widened. "I know your plan Xena."

"What plan?"

"The plan where you gallantly sacrifice yourself to the punishment of the Amazons and separate yourself from Gabrielle to save her any more heartbreak. You are hoping for the death penalty . . . aren’t you?"

"I would have thought you’d be pleased."

Artemis looked sadly upon Xena who had turned her back to the goddess. Obviously, the warrior could not hide the pain in her blue eyes. The goddess took a deep breath. "I’m surprised at you Xena. I never thought you’d be one to give up." The warrior said nothing. "You still owe her Xena. She needs you and I need you."

"What do you mean?"


Xena spun around with a fire in her own eyes. "Dimitrius!?"

"That mortal has gone completely insane. I’m afraid Ares overdid it with him and now he’s unstoppable, except by you. I need you . . . as an assassin."

Xena’s eyes narrowed. "You’re a goddess . . . so stop him. I’m not a tool to be used."

"You know us Xena. We like to keep our forays into the mortal realm discreet. Oh, yes I could stop him but this is a delicate matter." Artemis smiled as she spoke. "There’s this unspoken rule on the Mount that we shouldn’t interfere with the plans of another as it makes for messy politics. Ares has definite plans for Dimitrius . . . "

"And you have definite plans for the Amazons."

"And Gabrielle."

Xena’s jaw clenched. "Is she in danger?"

Artemis gave an affirmative nod. "I thought you would jump at the chance to slit Dimitrius’ throat. You won’t ever be able to exact revenge on Ares . . . he is a god. But Dimitrius is just a mortal and a weak one at that."

Xena stood still. In her heart, she knew that if she killed Dimitrius in revenge, as an assassin, she will have lost Gabrielle forever. After all that her former lieutenant had done, Gabrielle would never forgive a cold-blooded killer. Is that what she wanted Gabrielle’s last memory of her to be? But then, what was one more disappointment stacked upon another. A new plan formed in Xena’s head. She would do it. "Fine, get me outta here."

Artemis smiled broadly as she realized that this part had worked. She pointed her fingers at Xena’s feet and in a flash of smoke the warrior’s armor and weapons appeared. "Remember discretion is very important. I leave it in your capable hands to break out of here . . . quietly. I have heard that the great Warrior Princess is only a prisoner when she wants to be."

Xena smirked. "You heard right. If I do this . . . Gabrielle will be okay?"

"Yes, of course-"

"No, listen to me Artemis. Promise me that Gabrielle will be okay in here." Xena placed her hand over her heart.

Artemis, not entirely known for the softness of her being, almost wept openly at Xena’s sentiment. In a steady voice, she assured the warrior. "Yes Xena, once this is finished Gabrielle will be more than okay." The huntress paused thinking that her queen had indeed chosen well. "You’ll find Dimitrius a days ride west. Two hundred men stayed with him on the promise that Amazon land would become theirs. I’m sure you’ll find a way to discourage them." With that being said, she vanished into shimmering air.


Gabrielle’s booted feet made hollow sounds against the wooden floor as she furiously paced in her hut. She didn’t know who she was angier with, Xena or Ephiny. There was a slight rap at her door. "Come in." The queen faced the door, hands on her hips, and waited for Ephiny to enter.

Outside, dusk had fallen and the night stars where just making an appearance against a velvet blue. The Queen Regent braced herself then pushed the wooden door open. Stepping inside her mind flashed back to the night before when the sight Gabrielle bathed in soft candle light greeted her. The blonde Amazon felt the, now all too familiar, pang in her gut. Presently, Gabrielle was draped in candlelight, again, but her features were hard and this would not be like the night before. "Gabrielle let me explain-"

"Save it Ephiny. You know as well as I do what Xena’s trying to do," Gabrielle was thoroughly angry.

"Yeah? Well let’s just pretend that I don’t," Ephiny retorted with anger in her own voice. "In fact, let’s say that I have no clue because that would be absolutely accurate. What *I* saw today was a woman who went berserk and then dared to lay a hand on our queen."

"That’s not what happened."

"What!? By the gods Gabrielle, it is true what they say . . . love has made you blind. She is not going to change."

"Blind? Well, that would make two of us."

Ephiny stiffened at the queen’s remark. "You are the Queen of the Amazons Gabrielle. Your first duty, as well as mine, is to protect your sisters. I’m sorry that you think my decision was based on anything more than this. The council has been called to convene in the morning. At that time, you can decide if you wish to remain Queen and uphold all the responsibilities that the title brings. Until then, it is the opinion of me, Eponin and Solari that Xena remains locked up."

Gabrielle’s emerald eyes never wavered even when she realized that Ephiny would not be swayed. The Queen Regent’s official tone was just that ‘official’ and there would be no room for friendship in this drama. The bard felt sorry that it had come to this: even her gentle soul, when pushed to protect her love, held no sympathy for friends. "I’ll see you in the morning."

Ephiny nodded and retreated into the harsh bite of the night. She leaned up against the outside of Gabrielle’s hut. ‘Sweet Artemis give me strength to let her go or bear her hate.’ Ephiny knew, from the discussion of other council members that Xena’s punishment would now be more severe than banishment. She also realized that she would have to enforce it.


The lanky Amazon balanced the food tray on one hand and clutched her weapon with the other. She walked from the kitchen across the compound to the stockade. Once there, she greeted the two guards outside the smallest cell. "Hey."

The two guards each gave her a smile. The one with sandy shoulder length hair stood up and took the food tray. "Well, it’s about time. Where’s your partner?"

The lanky Amazon rolled her eyes. "Where do you think? That woman is driven by her raging libido."

Just then a rather tall, beautiful Amazon came strolling into the group. "My libido is perfectly fine thank you very much. So how’s the prisoner?"

"Not a peep," said the sandy haired Amazon.

"Okay, let’s get this over with so you two can enjoy the rest of the evening. Artemis knows I’ve already had my fun," said the Amazon with the over active libido. The other women let out a chuckle. "I’ll open the door you two guard the entrance and you," she pointed at the one holding the food tray. "Slip the food in." The other Amazons nodded in agreement and continued to follow the plan as it was set.

Their plan went perfectly except for the spinning gold disc that came sailing out from the cell. Startled, each of the guards tracked it trajectory forgetting about its lethal mistress who pounced out of the confining space. In a blind set of soundless movements she had all four guards unconscious and locked securely away. Xena looked over the quiet compound. It was late so it was deserted. ‘Good,’ the warrior thought to herself as she moved onto her next target.


Ephiny had just rolled up the trade agreement she had been reading. Well, not really reading but more like staring at blankly. All she could think about was Gabrielle. She felt a breeze across her shoulder. Ephiny didn’t think anything of it until she realized that her window wasn’t open. The Queen Regent remained perfectly still as the adrenaline began to course through her veins. Where was her sword? ‘Hades! It’s by the door.’

"Hello Eph." The voice was cool and sultry and could only be possessed by one woman. The warrior she feared the most.

Slowly, Ephiny turned around making sure her hands were in full view. "Hello Xena, I wish I could say that it’s nice of you to drop by."

Xena gave Ephiny a wicked smile. "What, not expecting guests? That’s okay I won’t be staying long. I just want to ask you a question."

The fear that Ephiny was hiding manifested itself in a single bead of sweat. It meandered down the crest of Ephiny’s forehead making its way across the indentation of her right temple before tracing the outline of her cheek. "What would that be?"

"Do you love her?"

Ephiny considered playing dumb but realized that would only get her in trouble. She weighed her answers carefully, trying to judge which one would keep her alive. A slight eyebrow raise from Xena told her she better hurry up with the answer. The blonde Amazon swallowed hard. "Yes"

Xena gave a sad, lopsided smile that almost comforted Ephiny. However, that smile changed to one of a feral intensity and the Queen Regent knew her death was imminent. Xena reached out like lightning and twirled Ephiny around. Before the Amazon could think, she had her back pressed up against Xena’s breastplate. A strong arm was wrapped around her throat and warm breath caressed her ear. In another place and another time, this might have been erotic to the Amazon but now she only prayed to her goddess.

"Swear to me that you will make her happy," Xena spoke slow and deliberate so each word could penetrate into the Amazon.


Xena squeezed tight. "Swear it Ephiny because right now your fate rests in my hands. Promise me you’ll do everything in your power to make Gabrielle happy."

Ephiny couldn’t believe what she was hearing. "Yes, I swear."

Xena’s grip didn’t loosen as she spoke her next words. "Thank you. I want you to do one more thing." Ephiny nodded against the muscled arm around her neck. "Tell her that I meant what I said that summer day . . . I’ll always love her." Xena braced her other arm across the back of Ephiny’s neck and twisted her arms toward each other. In a few short moments she laid Ephiny’s limp body on her bed. The blonde Amazon would not awaken until morning.

Xena stalked outside into the blackness of a moonless night. She wrestled with some indecision and then turned toward the hut closest to Ephiny’s. The warrior moved quietly to the window where amber light from a candle illuminated the darkness. She waited and listened. There were some muffled sounds of movement inside the hut and then it ceased. Slowly, Xena peered inside, over the edge of the window. Her heart nearly stopped beating at the sight before her. At the table, she saw Gabrielle crying into her hands. Xena wanted to rush in and take her love into her arms and drive away all the bad memories but instead, she watched and cursed herself for being so helpless. Suddenly, Gabrielle stopped crying and jerked her head toward the window. Xena had already disappeared into the night pledging that Gabrielle would only have to cry over her one more time.

Chapter 22: Amends

"That was good Artie," Ares satin voice greeted his sister as she stepped into her temple. Although, not as cheery as Aphrodite’s temples it was lighter than the red hues that coated those that worshiped Ares. In fact, it was light enough so Ares could see Artemis cringe at his shortened version of her name.

"Don’t you ever call me that again . . . leather boy."

Ares brought his hand up in an innocent gesture. "Oh whatever do you mean dearest sister?"

A look of disgust crossed the goddess’ thin face. "Cut the crap you blood lusting moron . . . we don’t have much time. Did you keep her occupied?"

The God of War let out a low rumbling chuckle. He did enjoy his sister’s rather vulgar repertoire even if it was always directed at him. " Athena doesn’t have a clue."

"Oh really, you know I’m always amazed at your dazzling display of arrogance. Or is it stupidity? But tell me, oh God of bad sideburns, how can you be sure?"

"Athena didn’t leave my sight while you were having your little chat with Xena. She is magnificent, isn’t she?"

The goddess shook her head at Ares’ one track-mind. "Yes, she is remarkable but let’s get back to Athena. How did you keep her occupied?"

"Played up the remorseful god routine." Ares gripped his hands together in a mockingly helpless pose. "Oh Athena I’m so sorry . . . please talk to Zeus for me . . . I’ll never do it again."

Artemis rolled her eyes. "Yup, with that performance she’ll definitely suspect something. I don’t know why I let you-"

"Because it’s easier with me than against me. However, I don’t know why I wasn’t the one to talk to Xena and you Gabrielle."

"Believe me, you should be glad that I talked to Xena," Artemis rubbed her cheek. "Besides, it will be more convincing this way and I don’t want my Amazons to know-"

"To know that their beloved goddess isn’t perfect? Whatever, let’s just get this over with . . . I got wars to plan."

"Hmmm, I’m sure you do. Remember, convince Gabrielle you’re there to protect Xena."

"I am there to protect Xena. You think I like my chosen in this suicidal mode?"

"So, is that the only reason you’re helping me bring them back together?" Artemis eyed her brother warily.

"Consider it my good deed for the millennium."

"I will. Well, I’m off to occupy Athena. You know what to do brother," Artemis said as she elegantly shimmered away.

"Yes sister."


Gabrielle watched the candle burn until the wick was gone. In the blackness she sat, unable to sleep. There had been no moon that night and that bothered her because it signaled that time was passing and she and Xena still had not erased the distance between them. The bard lifted her face and noticed the slight change in the air; it was becoming crisper and the smells sharper. It would be dawn soon. ‘I should get some rest.’ Gabrielle sat down upon her pallet reaching out to smooth the blanket as the thought of sleep only brought the yearning of strong arms and blue eyes.

How did everything go so wrong?’ Gabrielle bunched the blanket in an angry hand. ‘I was supposed to be with you tonight Xena.’ The bard struggled to understand why her warrior was pushing her away right before they were to find each other again. "Xena, I wish I understood you."

"She is a bit of an enigma."

Gabrielle heard the voice before she saw the hot flash of light that deposited Ares in her hut. With a flick of his hand the hut was illuminated by a shocking white glow. He stood, in all is evil glory, in front of the bard; his large hands resting casually on the hilt of his sword. He smiled and his leather groaned as he walked over to the shaking queen. "Happy to see me?"

Gabrielle shook from rage. Here, right in front of her, stood the god that took everything away from her. Now he mocked her, smiled at her as if nothing was wrong. "Aaaargh," Gabrielle screamed as she pushed Ares from her. She turned to find her staff and clutched it menacingly in her hands. The bard’s chest moved rapidly as her anger gained momentum with each breath. "Ares, leave me alone . . . leave us alone!"

Ares tilted his head and flared his nostrils. "Now is that anyway to treat someone who’s trying to help you?"

"More like help yourself," said Gabrielle through clenched teeth.

The god chuckled lightly. "Perhaps, but that’s the beauty of things that have more than one purpose . . . everybody wins. Well, almost everybody."

"Go away."

"This is about Xena."

Gabrielle narrowed her blue-green eyes. "When is it not about Xena?"

Now, Ares openly guffawed. "Touche’ . . . you know I could almost like you . . . but I don’t. However, we do have a mutual interest and that’s a rather gorgeous warrior. She’s lost her focus Gabby."

"Don’t call me Gabby and what do you mean ‘lost her focus’."

"I dunno . . . her focus to live." Ares paused and waited for Gabrielle’s reaction. It was one of disbelief. ‘Predictable’ The god went on. "Xena’s escaped."

"What! That’s impossible . . . "

"Oh come on Gabrielle. Impossible? Not for Xena. Yup, she’s on a mission right now; over the river and through the woods to Dimitrius’ camp she goes." Ares took a deep breath through his nose. "Gabrielle, you have to stop her."

"Stop her from what?" In her heart, she already knew. The events of the day had already clued her in; Xena’s impromptu crazy warrior act was just the beginning. She looked up at Ares who seemed to be reading her mind. "She’s going to kill him?"

"Good Gabrielle. Yes, Xena’s going to march right into that camp and challenge Dimitrius. She knows that with Dimitrius dead the rest of the men will fade away. An army needs a leader even if he is . . . " Ares made a swirling motion with his finger near his head. "The men who stayed with Dimitrius are weak and with him gone they won’t attack your precious sisters." Ares turned and walked over to the window. "However, Xena’s got other plans besides killing Dimitrius."

"What do you mean?’

" You see Xena’s been in a.. let’s say funk, lately. This thing between you and her has got her feeling all guilty." Ares rolled his brown eyes. " She thinks she doesn’t deserve you and you’d be better off without her . . . permanently. She going to incite Dimitrius’ men to attack her. She wants to die in battle."

"That’s not true! Xena would never . . . "

"What Gabrielle, give up? Your right, Xena ‘Destroyer of Nations’ wouldn’t have given up but then again that Xena never really loved anyone. Do you love her, Gabrielle?"

"You know that I do."

"Then go get her."

"Why should I believe you?"

Ares shrugged. "What have you got to lose . . . except for Xena? Dimitrius’ camp is west about a days ride. You’re going to need your Amazon’s. I leave it to you to convince them."

Gabrielle shook her head. "Why are you doing this?"

"I’ll miss her." Ares disappeared in the same flash of light that proceeded his entrance.

Outside the hut grey eyes twinkled. Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, heard the whole conversation. "Those two are easier to manipulate than mortals." Her scheme was going according to schedule. All three gods were making an amends for their deeds against the two lovers. What did it matter if one goddess was really driving the whole thing? Athena faded back to the marbled halls of Olympus where Artemis frantically searched for her.


"Ephiny wake up!" Groggily, the Queen Regent rolled over onto her back wondering what the Hades was going on. She rubbed her hazel eyes asking herself if she had been dreaming.

Gabrielle pounded on Ephiny’s door again. "Ephiny!" She turned to her constant Royal Guard escorts who were still surprised from their queens hasty exit from her hut. Stationed by her door they were startled as Gabrielle burst past the two Amazons in a dead run. They had watched in stunned silence until they realized their charge was increasing the distance between them. Seeing no other option, the two Amazons ran after their queen not stopping until they had all reached Ephiny’s door. "Please go and check Xena’s cell," Gabrielle spoke to the taller guard. The guard nodded and ran toward the stockade. Gabrielle returned her attention to the door pounding on it three more times. "Wake up!"

Ephiny shot straight up as she remembered Xena’s visit. She rubbed her neck wondering if the sleeper hold Xena used would leave bruises. She was thankful that she was alive to worry about such trivialities. Quickly, she jumped up from her pallet and opened the door for Gabrielle.

"Xena’s gone."

"I know," Ephiny said as she grabbed her sword and made rapid tracks toward the stockade. Gabrielle followed closely behind.

The Regent skidded to a halt as she observed one of the Royal Guards helping four dazed Amazons from Xena’s cell. "What happened!?" All four of the Amazons shook their heads as if they had no idea. Ephiny pursed her lips. "Never mind." She turned to Gabrielle. "When did you find out?" She tried to keep her suspicions from her voice.

"Just now . . . Ares told me."

Ephiny’s hazel eyes opened in disbelief. "Ares?"

"What in the seven levels of Tartarus is going on!?" Eponin had come rushing up with several warriors on her heels. The weapons master and Amazon commander was always prepared.

"Xena’s left the village," Ephiny said while thrusting her sword into her back scabbard.

"You’ve got to be kidding me?" Eponin’s jaw went slack. Ephiny snorted and shook her head.

"We’ve got to help her." All Amazon heads shot toward Gabrielle. "She’s going to kill Dimitrius. Don’t you see she’s doing it to protect us?"

"How do you know Gabrielle, she could be going back to rejoin him."

"Ephiny, I know you don’t think that’s true. I realize that she has done some terrible things recently but that was under Ares’ influence. Xena is not under Ares’ spell anymore . . . she’s not. Yesterday, she could have killed those Amazons but she didn’t. She wanted to increase the severity of her punishment. It worked didn’t it Eph."

"Yes, I’m sorry Gabrielle."

"She’s doing this to protect me. Ephiny, she’s going after him to die. She thinks that her death will protect me. Now, will you help me." Gabrielle’s blue-green eyes started to glisten with newly formed tears. "I’m going with or without my sisters Eph." It was not a threat but a simple statement of fact.

Ephiny ran her hands through her curly blonde hair. "I’ll lock you up myself if-" She was cut off by a steeled look from the queen. "Gabrielle, I need to be sure."

The queen stepped forward and placed her hands on Ephiny’s arms. She looked deeply into hazel eyes trying to put every ounce of feeling she possessed into her words. "She’s going after the man who wants to destroy all of us. Do we sit still while she fights our battles? Ephiny, I’m asking you to trust me and believe in my love for Xena. I am not blind. I know what she was, but she isn’t that person anymore. She has changed and I would gladly stake my life on it. She is good and kind and possesses a tenderness that she allows only me to see. If she dies Eph, and I could have prevented it, you might as well prepare my funeral pyre because this life would no longer have any meaning for me. She is the air that I breathe . . . nothing will ever change that."

Ephiny stood there, eyes locked with Gabrielle’s. Finally, she let her friends words sink into the ache of her unrequited love. The harsh realization was before her and she could no longer deny the truth. It was fates misfortune that she fell in love with a heart already taken and although, she hurt, she understood. Softly, she spoke as if in an apology. "There will be no funeral pyres lit . . . for anyone." She turned to her Amazon Commander. "Eponin get your warriors ready. The queen will be needing them today."

Eponin smiled broadly at both of them. "Oh goody," said the stocky Amazon before she turned and began to gather her troops.

Gabrielle looked at her friend then hugged her fiercely. "Ephiny, I know-"

She was cut off by a soft kiss. Ephiny pulled back and smiled gently. "No more apologies Gabrielle. There’s a confused warrior out there who needs to be rescued. I suggest we get to it."

Gabrielle laughed as a few tears of gratitude escaped from her eyes. "I do love you Eph. You’re my dearest friend."

"Thank you."

Chapter 23: Payment

Getting by the Amazon sentries was hard, Amazons were good, but Xena was better. She urged Argo into a full run just as the blackness of night gave way to the grey of dawn. The air was cold and the frost clung to the grasses as Argo’s hooves rushed by. A thin line of white mist hovered slightly above the ground. The warhorse was covered in a combination of dew and sweat and it gave off an aroma of pure wildness. Xena moved with her horse. Hips pushing and shoulders rolling with each movement of powerful muscle underneath her. Her hair whipped freely behind her and her bronze skin was tinted red from the cold. She did not stop to find her cloak because she welcomed the sting of the icy air. Xena needed to feel alive.

Blue eyes never strayed from the path directly in front of horse and rider. This was not a time to savor the scenery that was whirling by her. Xena tugged right on Argo’s reigns and the mare swerved around a stout hardwood. A flock of blackbirds ascended into the air startled by the preternatural force charging underneath. The warrior’s raven hair matching the flittering flight of black wings. The birds ascended higher and higher as if trying to escape the vortex that Xena created. Her focus was clear and determination true. Today would be the end of her torment and she would torment no more.

She pushed Argo harder trying to will the horse into ethereal speed. The warhorse faltered then halted her movement in an instant. Inertia almost sent her mistress careening from the mare’s back but Xena’s instinctual grip on the saddle horn stopped any unplanned flight. Once balance was restored, Xena turned the horse in a tight circle trying to assess for any damage. Argo pranced lightly telling her owner that it was only a matter of a misplaced tree root. The warrior cooed gently to her faithful mount. "Is that your way of telling me to slow down?" She leaned forward and patted the horse affectionately on the neck. Xena pointed Argo in their previous direction and resumed the journey with a steady gallop.

As time marched forward so did warrior and horse. Xena stopped once to water Argo by a stream. As the horse drank, she sat upon a log and absently scrawled in the dirt with a stick. Her mind was filled with the horrible images of the past as Xena chose to define herself by her brutality and betrayal of Gabrielle’s trust. She only wanted memories that reaffirmed her decision. The snapping of the stick brought her back to reality.

She looked into the western horizon. If Artemis had told her right, she should be nearing the warlord’s camp. Xena looked up to check the position of the sun. Eyes narrowing she observed that it had begun its descent after reaching its peak in the sky. ‘Yes, I should be very close.’


The blonde warlord walked the perimeter of his camp. With two hundred men under his complete control he felt invincible. He chuckled to himself as plans for revenge churned in his crazed mind. Some of his men, who watched from a distance, witnessed a brief skip in Dimitrius’ step. The volatile warlord was obviously pleased with something.

Dimitrius made his way back into his tent without incident. In fact, his men made sure that they were a good distance away from him. He liked their fear. He wasn’t there to be friends. He was there to win; Xena taught him that. ‘Ahh Xena.’ Dimitrius ripped off his black chest armor. Holding it out in front of him, he stared at the gold insignia that once proclaimed him part of Xena’s army. Lovingly, he traced his index finger over the small swirling pattern. After he was betrayed, his first instinct was to scrape it off, but then he decided to keep it as a souvenir. Perhaps, he would even claim the symbol as his own once she was gone. ‘I’ll consider it a gift Xena’. He laughed loudly and threw the armor across his tent. Tomorrow he would have his vengeance. Xena and the Amazon Queen could die together.

Nervously, the warlord tapped his index finger against the table. He could hear the sounds of the outside world beginning it’s nightly concert. Realizing that the time was near he became edgy. He had already briefed his lieutenants, gone over the strategy, ate his dinner and sharpened his sword. Now, all that was left was to wait and he hated that. Waiting always seemed like torture to Dimitrius and it always got worse when he got closer to his goal. The warlord was a man of action not reflection. This was unfortunate because if he took pause, perhaps, he would have been able to catch his fleeting sanity. After all, he was Xena’s second and at one time she relied on him. But as it was, the mad jealousy took control and he never gave up a moment to think about it. So he sat, eyes darting and fingers tapping, waiting for the revenge which would quell his anger. A nervous laugh escaped his lips expelling insane energy that longed for release.

"Want to let me in on your little joke?"

Dimitrius jerked to a standing position toppling the chair he was sitting on. He spun around and was greeted by the most beautifully hard set of blue eyes he had ever seen. Gods, how he missed those eyes. "Wha . . . how? How did you get in here?"

Xena grinned. "You’re actually surprised?"

Her former lieutenant laughed and ran his shaking hands through his blonde hair. "No, I guess not. Are you here for payment Xena? Payment for taking your army, or are you here to pay me?"

Xena did not draw her sword but simply stood with her hands relaxed at her side. She could not assassinate him, she needed to give him a chance. The warrior told herself that this last act of decency would be for Gabrielle, but it was also for her. Xena wanted some sort of affirmation that a part of her had changed, that Gabrielle was right. She would try to find a way out for Dimitrius; if that’s what he wanted. The warrior was going to try to save them all- Dimitrius, Ephiny, the Amazons and Gabrielle. "That depends on you. I’m giving you a chance Dimitrius. Put down your sword and walk away from this army. Swear to me, on whatever God you hold sacred, that you’ll leave the Amazons alone and I’ll let you live."

Dimitrius threw his head back and cackled maniacally. Quickly, he pulled his sword from the scabbard at his hip. With wide and furious eyes, he looked at Xena. "You’re giving me a chance? Who’ll give you a chance? I’ll see you in Tartarus bitch!"

Grimly, Xena pulled the dagger out of her boot. His chance was over. "Okay Dimitrius, I’m here to collect your due."

In a blur of movement, Dimitrius lunged at Xena, but she anticipated his move. The dagger left her hand in a perfect alliance of mass and velocity. The cold metal blade sunk into his chest and he dropped his sword before the tip could graze Xena’s stomach. Hands open in shock he looked down at where the dagger had penetrated. This time, a melancholy note tinged his laughter. "Xena that’s where your insignia would be." He pulled the knife out, wincing with pain, and discarded it on the floor. Dimitrius then clutched at his wound. "Over the heart Xena, that’s where you wanted your symbol to rest." Dimitrius fell to his knees but his eyes never wavered off Xena. He would be dead soon but her face still held him captive, delaying his journey to the underworld. "Into my heart Xena . . . into my heart." The blonde warlord collapsed. He was dead.

She stood motionless and watched the last breath leave Dimitrius. A solitary tear rolled down a high cheekbone as another victim lay at her feet. She had never felt anything for this man. His love and loyalty had been wasted on a soulless warlord. Yes, sometimes she would placate his obedience with her body but that was more of an attempt to quench her own thirst. Now, she felt sadness that he had chosen, like her Gabrielle, the wrong woman to love.

Xena bent down to pick up the discarded dagger. Her face became stoic, her eyes unemotional. She turned from the body on the floor. ‘There will be no more second chances tonight,’ she thought as she walked out of the tent.



Chapter 24: Rescue

Xena’s battle cry pierced the black night. Like a moth drawn to a flame the mercenaries followed her call. Xena stood, in the center of the camp, armor off and set by her feet. The orange flame of a nearby fire cast an eerie glow upon the swirling bronze of her discarded breastplate. The raven haired woman fingered her chakram in a moment of sentiment then that too was laid with the rest. She wanted no protection, no advantages. With a flick of her head she turned her attention to the approaching soldiers.

Dimitrius’ army began to gather around her. They circled the woman cautiously. As some of the men realized that this was the Xena their numbers dwindled. Although, she was alone and stood with her armor off, these men knew she was dangerous. They had served in her army. They were smart. However, many stayed and they were the ones who wanted a chance at glory and celebrity. No, they didn’t do it out of loyalty to Dimitrius; the man was insane. They simply wanted the distinction of killing the infamous Warrior Princess as if her death would act as black magic and make them invincible. So they approached, wanting to claim a piece of immortality.

Calmly, Xena waited for the men to assemble. Her eyes focused on nothing and her breathing became slow and controlled. She thought about that fateful summer day when she was returned to her evil. It seemed so long ago and she felt as if she had aged a hundred years since then. Xena’s body was young but her soul, which had seen a dozen lifetimes, felt old and heavy. The warrior once believed that this is how it was to be and that her empty arms would never find comfort. But in a sleepy village she found her youth; her arms found a home wrapped around a woman with crimson-blonde hair. Her chest seized when she remembered Gabrielle’s cry of anguish as she was being ripped from her arms. Xena thought about all the things that the bard was made to hear and witness. She let the rage build inside of her and felt it center itself in her gut. Bronze limbs began to tremble. ‘No more, I will not hurt her anymore!’ Xena raised her sword and let out a scream of tortured strength.

The scream filled the men with adrenaline and it became painfully clear that it was either kill or be killed. They didn’t stop to think about why she stood, armor off, with only a sword in hand. With minds trained to fight, all the men knew is that she was there and now would be their only chance.

One man yelled leading the others to do the same and the charge of death began. Xena smiled with crazed pleasure letting her white teeth be fully bared. Xena would die but she wasn’t going alone. The suffering warrior would take as many as she could to meet Hades and there would be no shame, no guilt and no remorse.

Perhaps out of a sense of honor, or the knowledge that too many swords would hamper the fight, the men attacked in groups. The first clash of metal resonated into the chilled night air and white sparks flew off the silver blades. Xena grunted and yelled and her sword plunged into the softness of flesh. Splattered blood marred her beautiful features with a barbaric stroke. It’s distinctive taste calling to the killing song within her depths. She pivoted around in time to block a sword thrusting toward her heart. "That’s not for you," she said through clenched teeth before impaling the soldier. Another attacked from behind and she unleashed a powerful back kick that sent the well-armored man down to his knees grasping for air. Twirling her sword so the blade pointed behind her, she sent the metal through the man’s neck waiting for the sound of gurgled blood before she pulled out. She laughed and more came into attack.

Xena fought with inhuman skill as her stamina and focus were driven by a black rage. The battle raged on and the men couldn’t believe that she remained standing. Her moves were automatic and her mind went numb as her body took over. There was another thrust and another block followed with a roundhouse kick to the head, and the satisfying crunch of bone. Xena did not feel her blade slice through his rib cage but she did witness it. She felt nothing but saw everything. Bodies began to accumulate and the brown earth turned blood red. She turned to an oncoming soldier. With a detached power she lifted her sword and in a level arc lopped off his head. The corpse fell and the head rolled to her feet and a young lifeless face stared at her. The green eyes, wide with shock, jarred Xena.

The rage began to disappear only to be replaced with leaden despair. She felt her stamina lessen as she was pushed to the limits. Xena’s sword became heavier and her muscles moved slower. Sweat started to drip from her brow and her breathing became erratic. The warrior realized her time was coming and suddenly the thought of death wasn’t so appealing. A kick to her spine sent Xena sprawling forward. With her legs becoming weaker from exertion, she struggled to right herself. However, a swift kick to her ribs dropped her like a stone. In desperation, she flung her sword around her in a wide arc hoping to fend off any more attacks. She wanted to be on her feet. It was unacceptable to Xena to die on her knees.

The men watched with awe as the dark warrior struggled to her feet. Some tried to kill the fallen warrior but her blade met their challenge. The purity of death was before them, encompassed in the sable headed warrior. Xena looked around her, the men waited. At her feet their comrades lay, slain by the blood-soaked woman. Xena stepped over the bodies and moved into a clear patch of ground. She would not fall where the others had. The men, still eighty strong, watched and lifted their faces to the brisk night breeze. Like wolves, they could smell the end and it was only a matter of time before the Warrior Princess fell.

One man yelled and charged forward swinging his mace. Xena ducked and let the spiked orb rush over her head. The man let the momentum of his swing carry him around so that his back was exposed. The hard bite of metal sunk into his kidneys. Xena kicked him off her blade and then felt the total depletion of her strength and will. She let her sword drop and waited for the death strike. Xena’s blue eyes were closed and she focused on Gabrielle. The image of her beautiful bard she would take with her to Tartarus.

A whoosh of air caught her attention. Her eyes flew open as another projectile cut through the air in a deadly song. In front of her a man stood with his sword raised in preparation to strike. The whites of his eyes were a stark contrast to the blackness of the night. Frozen, he stared at Xena with stunned eyes. Embedded in his chest was an arrow, delivered with enough force to penetrate his armor. His sword dropped and he collapsed at Xena’s feet. The warrior whipped her head around and noticed that more men fell as more arrows flew.

"AMAZON’S ATTACK!" The camp was invaded by legions of warrior women. Menacing masks drawn to cover their faces; they swept through the remaining men easily.

Xena couldn’t believe her eyes. She turned around in confusion as if this were some surreal joke. One of the masked Amazons approached her. Stepping over the man she killed, Ephiny lifted her mask and took in the sight of the bloodied warrior. "This was a silly thing to do Xena." Silently, the Warrior Princess shook her head in confusion. "I made a promise to you Xena. I promised to make Gabrielle happy do you remember?"

"Yes, but what-"

"Gabrielle won’t be happy without you. She’s here for you Xena . . . so I suggest you act as if you want to live." The warriors stood for a moment, silent and eyes fixed. Xena nodded her head slightly and the Regent returned the gesture. Then with a fiery yell Ephiny returned to the battle which was all but over.

Gabrielle was here for her? She picked up the dropped sword and focused on the scene around her. Then she saw her. Gabrielle, whose lovely face was tucked behind her Queen’s mask, rode in behind Eponin and was flanked by her Royal Guard. A black cloak that Xena recognized as her own covered her Queen’s leathers and armor. Staff in hand she slid of her horse and surveyed the camp. Xena waited for the queen to spot her and time came to a standstill. She felt her heart pounding in her chest with renewed force and it resonated in her head. All her focus was now on Gabrielle. Everything else faded from view.

The carnage that lay before the queen made her heart rate quicken. Gabrielle scanned the camp searching for her love and praying that they weren’t too late. The bard felt her before she saw her. Across the bloody camp the blue eyes of her warrior stirred her soul. She turned slowly and saw Xena, sword in hand, bloodied and battered. She welcomed the horrific sight with a sigh of relief. Gabrielle wanted to run and fling herself into strong arms but she waited. It was time for the warrior to decide what she wanted. The queen had come for her lover and all Xena had to do was accept it. Gabrielle removed her mask and looked at Xena. ‘Please,’ she prayed silently.

Xena saw Gabrielle lift her mask and blue-green eyes held only forgiveness. The warrior fell to her knees arms outstretched. Gabrielle ran toward the woman she loved with all her heart. She fell into Xena’s arms sobbing uncontrollably. "Shhh," Xena cooed to her love as she gently stroked Gabrielle’s back. "I’m okay." Gabrielle pushed herself into the warrior forcing Xena to tighten her hold. Xena felt warm salty tears wet her face and she clung to her love.

Gabrielle pushed the warrior back and looked into eyes that for her contained the whole sky. "I love you Xena." Xena sobbed and her body shook with emotion. Gabrielle gathered her warrior in her arms and wrapped the black cloak around them both. She laid Xena’s head against her breast and rocked her gently to and fro. Gabrielle protected her vulnerable warrior just as she always would.

Chapter 24: Reunion

"How is she?" The nervous queen asked the weapons master as she entered her hut.

Eponin smiled. "She’s fine . . . and clean. Lara says she doesn’t have a scratch on her. Which is really quite amazing."

Gabrielle ran her fingers over her forehead. They had returned to camp early this morning and she insisted that Xena go directly to the healers hut. "Well, Xena has many skills. I guess one of them is fighting a hundred men and coming out of it unscathed."

Eponin laughed. "Indeed. She’s on her way Gabrielle."

Now it was the bard’s turn to smile. "She is?"

"Yes, and by that goofy smile on your face I assume, this makes you very happy. So, I’ll leave you to wait for your gorgeous warrior."

The stocky Amazon turned to leave the hut but was halted by a gentle hand on her arm. "Ep, I’m nervous," said Gabrielle with eyes as innocent as a child’s.

Eponin reached over and squeezed her queen’s hand. "She is too but I think you two can work through it." The Amazon commander gave the bard a conspiratorial wink and left the hut.

Gabrielle resumed her nervous pacing. She smoothed her leather skirt and adjusted her green top. With a shaking hand she reached for her brush and ran it through her honey red hair. ‘By the god’s I feel like a school girl.’


The voice, low and sexy, made the bard tingle with anticipation. She turned and saw Xena standing in her doorway; the gore from last night’s battle washed from her body.

Gabrielle swallowed and her mouth was suddenly dry. Before her, stood the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. "Come in Xena."

Xena stepped into the hut and closed the door behind her. The fragrance of citrus and lavender made her legs weaken. How she was ever blessed with this woman was beyond her comprehension. "Gabrielle I’m . . . I’m sorry."

The queen shook her head. "Xena, no more apologies. I’m tired of the hurt . . . I want to let it go."

"Me too." Xena shifted nervously and placed her hands upon her hips. Her blue eyes looking anywhere but at Gabrielle. ‘Why am I so nervous?’

Gabrielle followed Xena’s eye movements then smiled. "Hold me."

Without a word, Xena took her bard into strong arms. They both sighed at the sweet contact of their bodies meeting. The warrior rested her head in Gabrielle’s silky hair taking in its intoxicating scent. Bronze arms pulled closer and Gabrielle grasped tight to Xena’s waist. They stood like that for a long, timeless moment. Denied this contact for so long they hadn’t the will to move. In the center of their souls they felt the whirling energy surfacing, a dizzying crescendo of passion, longing and need.

"I’ve missed you so much," breathlessly Gabrielle spoke as she placed a delicate kiss on Xena’s collarbone. She let her lips rest there, savoring the smooth texture of her warrior’s skin. Then, in a deliberate descent, she traced a path of kisses down to the swell of Xena’s breast. The smell of the leather battledress created a heady aphrodisiac.

Xena’s breathing became raspy with desire. Grasping the bard’s head, she gently pulled back taking a moment to look into the eyes of her love, her lifeblood. Gabrielle’s pulse quickened as she saw blue irises darken into a rich velvet passion. The bard lifted her face, offering herself to her warrior. Seductively, Xena smiled as her head began its agonizingly slow descent. Soft full lips met in a tentative kiss reminiscent of new lovers; they trembled and tried to forget that time had been taken from them. The shy explorations soon turned into an aching need and the kisses became bolder. A moan escaped from the bard as Xena nibbled on her bottom lip. The slight parting of Gabrielle’s mouth was an invitation to the warrior and she pressed her tongue into the inviting wet warmth.

Gabrielle gripped Xena’s shoulders for support as she felt Xena coaxing her into sexual desperation. She turned her head from the sweet contact gasping for breath. Her heart was beating furiously and a flaming heat coursed through her body. A whimper left her lips as she pressed her shaking form into her love. Hips pressing provocatively against the leather-clad woman.

"Gabrielle," pleaded Xena in a throaty moan. She wrapped her hands in the honey-red hair and kissed the pounding vein in Gabrielle’s neck. The blood racing through the bard excited her and she nipped at the delicate skin with her teeth. Another moan filled the air and she descended, sucking at the skin with abandon.

"By the gods," Gabrielle said as she arched her neck back. "Xena I need you. Make love to me."

A growl left Xena’s lips as she lifted the smaller woman off her feet. In two quick strides she was at the bed. Reverently, she placed her precious cargo upon its softness. Gabrielle’s hair spilled onto the drab blanket filling it with color. She looked like a goddess, chest rising and falling with rapturous breath, lips full and wet, smokey eyes filled with desire. Xena was motionless her eyes captivated by the sight before her. She felt alive.

Gabrielle reached out to her warrior. She needed her, wanted to feel her strength. A strong hand grasped her own and she pulled Xena down to her. Leather touched a bare midriff and shockwaves shot through them both. Xena’s arms were on either side of Gabrielle’s head and she braced herself just inches from the bard’s face. She could feel the hot air of Gabrielle’s breath dancing across her chin. "I love you Gabrielle. I always have."

Gabrielle closed her eyes and let the words soak into her, through the skin and into her heart. She could not wait any longer. "Xena now," the queen pulled Xena down into a soul searing kiss. It filled them both with an undeniable urgency. Xena pressed her length into Gabrielle and she moaned as she felt hips move up to meet hers. The delicate kisses were gone and replaced with bruising affirmations of love never lost.

Xena felt her body being lifted and shaking hands tugged at her leather tunic. Quickly, she pulled the offending material from her body. Gabrielle gasped as she was presented with perfection straddling her hips. Inviting bronze skin, full supple breasts heaving with ardor, sapphire eyes filled with craving. The bard sat up, her hands yearning to feel her lover bare. They traced the high cheekbones, the broad shoulders, a scar on the bicep, and the muscles of the chest. Gabrielle’s hands stopped before reaching the aching breasts of her lover. The bard looked up at Xena with hooded eyes. Then her hands moved taking in the full weight of Xena’s breasts, squeezing gently.

The warrior arched and thrust herself forward. Her head flew back, eyes closed and mouth slightly open as she hissed out her pleasure. The bard’s head descended rapidly and she took in a hard nipple into her ready mouth. There was no teasing. The need was too great, she sucked on it fully, which elicited a cry from her wanton warrior. Gabrielle pushed Xena back onto the bed and crawled on top of her. She wanted to devour her, to crawl inside and claim the Warrior Princess.

The musky scent of desire filled the hut. Xena clung to her bard letting her take what she wanted. Gabrielle shifted, parted her thighs and the warrior felt the wetness upon her leg. It was too much. With a needful growl she flipped the Amazon onto her back. Two strong hands went to the green top and ripped it apart without remorse. Gabrielle yelped but the fire in her lovers eyes scent a hard wave of lust rushing through her body. She placed her hands around Xena’s neck and forcefully brought her down onto her waiting mouth. Tongues clashed in an erotic battle while muscled legs wrapped around a thrusting waist.

Xena broke the kiss and her wet lips moved to Gabrielle’s ear. With a voice husky with passion, she whispered to Gabrielle. "I want to be inside you."

"Ohhh Xena," the bard spoke in a drawn out moan. She spread her legs, inviting and wanting.

The first touch was unbearable and Gabrielle fought the urge to climax. Xena’s fingers traced the wet folds reveling in the feel of her lover. Her mouth remained at Gabrielle’s ear whispering words of love and desire. "Do you know how much I love you?" Xena said as her middle finger slid along the length of the bard’s sex. "Do you know how much I want you?" She asked again as her finger poised to push inside. Gabrielle only nodded as her hips moved up and her legs spread further apart. Xena entered her lover and Gabrielle’s reached around to grasp Xena’s back. Short nails digging into the flesh that covered rippling muscles. They grunted in unison, each pushing and pulling, reluctantly racing toward release. Gabrielle’s hip movements increased their tempo willing the straining forearms of her lover to do the same.

The bard was close and her moans filled the hut like the light of the sun. Her hands sought out the raven hair of her warrior. Using the last of her depleting strength she pulled Xena’s rasping mouth to her own lips. She felt the wonderful friction of Xena’s fingers moving in and out. Then her lovers tongue entered her mouth and she wanted to explode. She sucked wildly taking in the fleshy vessel. Gabrielle gripped Xena tighter and her blue-green eyes began to roll back with passion, her eyelids closed. She could see the white lights dance before her as the energy of her love coiled itself within her center. Then it released, shooting tingling sensations in straight lines through her limbs. Her body arched and Xena held her suspended above the bed. A long drawn out yell flew into the heated atmosphere and then she collapsed. Spent, her body shook and she reached out for her lifeline. "I love you, I love you, I love you." The phrase she repeated until the tremors stopped.

Gently, the warrior gathered the bard into her loving arms. She smiled as the woman wrapped herself around her. "My love," was all she said and they finally drifted off into a contented sleep.

Concluded in Part 6

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