Standard Disclaimer - These characters, most of them, belong to Universal, and Renaissance Pictures, and whoever else has a stake in Xena: Warrior Princess. This is written just in fun, and no copyright infringement was intended.

Specific Story Disclaimers:

Violence –Well… this is a more or less violence lite story. Now.. you've got Xena in it, and Amazons, and Gabrielle with that staff.. so it's not all sweetness and light, but no one gets their heads cut off in this one. (Sorry MaryD)

Subtext - Do I really still have to disclaimer subtext? Someone asked me if I thought Xena: Warrior Princess was a romantic show. My answer was, when a show has one main character state in no uncertain terms to the other main character that she would rather die at her side than live without her, that show cannot be defined as anything less than a romantic tale. Yeah, there's subtext.. maintext… under the table text.. whatever you wanna call it.

This is, of course, PG13 level involvement here, no more. That never changes.. for those of you who are waiting for me to stick in a rip roaring, no holds barred graphic orgy scene, make sure you have plenty of coffee and doughnuts handy. And a comfortable chair.

So - having read this lovely disclaimer, if you then read the story, and are shocked that Gabrielle and Xena are kissing each other, I can't help ya. If you're offended by it, send me your address, and I'll send you a bushel of citrus. We like to send that from here - we have to get rid of all of it somehow.

Any and all comments are always welcome. You can email them to:

Festival - Part 11 - Conclusion

By Melissa Good

Xena was sure she hadn't heard her correctly. "What?" She blurted, incredulous. I didn't heard that. I know I didn't hear that.

The feather rotated. "You heard me, outsider… you pass, you're in. You fail… well, we'll have to decide on your fate." She turned around in a circle, to the cheers from the Amazons. "This is how it works… I perform the trial, you have a mug of ale. Every time you laugh, you drink." She grinned at the startled warrior. "Longer you last, harder it gets."

Damn. I did hear that. The warrior heard a scuffling sound behind her and was unsurprised to feel Gabrielle's hand on her arm, as the bard eased in front of her and confronted the elder. "Hi."

Rena quickly put the feather behind her back. "Why, hello, you're majesty." She gave tipped her mask up, and gave Gabrielle a cheery smile.

Gabrielle put her arm around the older woman's shoulders and leaned close. "Listen. You know.. I'm really very attached to Xena." She stated, in a confidential tone.

"No kidding." Rena muttered, deadpan. "Really?"

"Mm." The bard confirmed. "Yeah, and I'd really hate to think someone here.. anyone here.. was out to.. oh.. embarrass her, or make her look dumb.. or anything like that."

No answer.

"Because if they were, I'd have to do something really horrible, like…oh…make them go to bed and miss the rest of the party." A pause. "Do you see where I'm coming from?"

"Um.. yes." Rena drew the words out. "I.. was just looking for some kind of challenge that didn't involve sharp pointed objects, sweaty women, ropes, or spikes." She nibbled her lip. "It was either this, or an egg eating contest." A shrug. "It's a weird traditional law."

"Weird." Gabrielle exhaled. "Oh yeah… well, in that case, we'll just pass."

Rena's jaw dropped a little. "You serious?"

Now the bard's eyes went very quiet. "You're not going to make a fool out of her, Rena. Not in front of them, and not in front of me, or I swear… "

"Shh.." The elder put a hand on her arm. "That wasn't the plan… take it easy…" They both stopped speaking when a friendly arm dropped around both of their shoulders.

"You two done yet?" Xena's voice held more than a hint of amusement. "I'd kinda like to get this… trial… outta the way so I can get some dessert."

They both looked at her. "You… agree?" Rena asked, hesitantly, giving Gabrielle a doubtful look.

"Xena… " The bard eyed her in warning.

"On one condition." Xena replied, aware of the fascinated eyes watching them from all around the circle.

"Condition?" Rena was rapidly recovering. "Well.. I suppose… all right, what is it?"

With a motion so fast it was merely a flicker in the firelight, Xena plucked a long feather from Rena's headdress and twirled it in her own, long fingers. "Make it a duel." She neatly turned the challenge back on the elder, daring her to back down.

"Uh." Rena was caught offguard. "I'm.. not sure… what the rules say about that."

"No problem." Gabrielle gave her a sweet smile. "I can change them." She gave her soulmate a thinly veiled look of admiration. "A duel sounds good."

"Umm… .not fair." Rena backpedaled. "You have much longer arms."

Xena spread the bodyparts in question. "You're in armor." She purred. "And you're a smaller target."

The elder's eyes flicked up and down Xena's length. "That's for sure." She muttered. "Aw, centaur butt hairs… all right."

A cheer went up, and a buzz of interested talk as the two women separated for a moment to prepare.

"You don't really have to do this." Gabrielle said in a low undertone. "Xe, I mean it.. I'd rather we just forget it… "

"Shh." Xena leaned down and kissed her. "I'll be fine.. I'm not ticklish."

"Xena." Gabrielle gave her an exasperatedly fond look. "You most certainly are."

A fingertip on her nose. "Relax." The warrior whispered, then winked, as she straightened her tunic, then sauntered towards the cleared area, where Rena was in furious consultation with three other elders and Eponin. She strolled around the fire a bit, returning shy grins from the Amazons in the front row while she waited for them to stop plotting. A young server trotted up, bearing a tray full of mugs. She handed one to Xena, who took a sip of it, and licked her lips appreciatively.

A slow drumbeat started, as Rena and crew broke off their meeting, and the elder came trotting over to meet her, stopping a body length away and taking a breath. "I haveta warn you.. I've been at this a long time, Xena.. I have perfect control of my body." She grabbed her own mug, sniffing it, then shaking her head a little.

The warrior took a step closer, and let her animal energy surface, putting a seductive smile on her face as she studied elder from head to foot. The firelight didn't do anything to hide the blush that resulted. "I'll keep that in mind." Her voice dropped to a lower register, and caressed the words lovingly. She held up the feather, and hiked both eyebrows. "Shall we?"

Rena dropped her mask down, and shook her head, bouncing around a little to settle her feathers.

"I can't believe she said yes." Ephiny leaned over, and poked the bard, who was seated on her pillows, her legs tucked up under her watching her partner intently.

"Mm… me either." Gabrielle murmured back. "She doesn’t normally go in for this kinda thing." She turned her head as Jessan crawled up next to her, and relaxed on his side, the tips of his fangs showing in a faint grin. "Hey, Jess… "

"Hey… you shoulda told me the Amazons were so much fun… " The forest dweller cheerfully poked her. "Feather trials?" He turned his head just as Xena was doing her head to foot review of the elder, and bit his tongue. "Ow. .. gotta stop doing that." He slapped the side of his head.

Gabrielle eyed him in mild alarm. "You okay?"

Her friend rubbed his face. "There's just a lot of.. uh… energy… around here." He gave Gabrielle a wry look.

"Energy?" The bard peered at him in puzzlement for a moment, then she blushed. "Oh." She returned her attention to the contest. Xena had stepped back, and rolled her shoulders to loosen them, and the bard could tell by her soulmate's body language that she was regarding the contest as a bit of pure fun. Gabrielle was puzzled, knowing the warrior's ticklishness, but decided to wait and see what happened. She could see what Jessan meant about energy, though… when Xena was in this kind of mood, the sexiness just exuded from her, starting with that charming grin, and not ending with the little bounce in her movements.

It brought a helpless smile to the watching bard's face, and she sighed, resting her chin against her fist.

"I'll warn ya, Xena.. " Rena circled around to her left, raising her feather. "You're asking for it… "

The tall warrior grinned, and lifted her arms, standing stock-still. "C'mon.. you first." She crooked a playful finger at the elder. "Free shot."

The older woman cursed, then edged toward her, feathers in her mask bobbing up and down like a rabid chicken's. She extended a cautious arm, and flicked the feather in her hand across Xena's arm.

No reaction.

She tried the other arm. Then she got bold and stepped closer, tickling Xena under the chin. "You're faking."

The warrior moved smoothly, catching her on the underside of her arm, and eliciting a startled squawk. "You're not." She aimed for Rena's ribs, but the elder danced back out of the way with a curse. "C'mon, drink up."

"No fair…" She protested. "You're covered." But she took a swallow of the potent ale.

Xena grinned and reached for her belt, then glanced over as Jessan yelped and covered his eyes. She untied the fabric, and let the shirt drape open, with a wicked glint in her eyes. "Better?" Her smoothly muscled body was lit with flame and shadow from the fire, painting an alluring picture.

The woman gave her an evil look. "You're a right proper little troublemaker, aren't you?" Came the outraged mutter. But she dove forward, running the feather across Xena's exposed ribs, then darting aside as the warrior got the side of her leg. She bit her lip, but a blurt escaped anyway, and she took another sip as she gave the warrior a disgusted look.

Another dodge, another passing swipe, and this time Xena got her along her back, making her hop forward like a startled rabbit. But she swallowed the chuckle, and so didn't have to swallow any ale. Rena circled, planning her attack. She feinted right, and moved left, getting inside the taller woman's guard, and running her weapon along the warrior's belly, watching the muscles contract sharply in response. "Ah!" She chortled triumphantly.

Xena didn’t bother to tell her it was more her intense struggle to force her defenses down far enough to let the Amazon touch her than anything else. She just grinned, then took a sip of her ale anyway, although she hadn't made a sound. It tasted good, and she was enjoying herself. The game reminded her of the long evening's entertainment she used to have with her army, when contests of all sorts were constantly at hand.

And everyone.. evvverryone wanted a chance at Xena. She lunged forward suddenly and got the Amazon right above the hip, dropping to a knee and spinning out of her grasp as she yelped, then jumping back, lifting her body completely off the ground and lifting her knees out of the Amazon's range. Rena cursed, but drank, finishing off her mug, and wiping her lips.

The server trotted forward and retrieved it, then offered her another.

Her next try was to duck, and get Xena behind the knees, a favorite place of hers. The warrior hopped out of the way as though her knees had springs in them, avoiding the feather with consummate grace. "Bugger." Rena bit her tongue to keep the laughter inside as a light touch skittered down the back of her neck.

Rena realized there was only one way she was going to get the damn woman to hold still long enough to get a score in, so she launched herself at Xena, catching the taller woman around the thighs and bringing them both to the ground. Two cups of ale went flying into the fire, as a yell went up from the crowd, and she yelled back, swiftly following up her advantage and straddling the warrior, going to work on her with a vengeance. "Ahah! Gotcha!!!"

With a wicked grin, she slowly drew the feather down Xena's powerful body, starting at her collarbone and not missing anything on the way to her navel. It was.. almost an intoxicating experience in itself, as she could feel the rumbling power just under the surface, fighting to throw itself against her. She'd lived her life on the edge of danger, but this… Rena sucked in a breath. This was like riding a thunderbolt.

Xena.. exuded danger. She fairly bled off a wash of sensual, dark energy that sent shivers up and down Rena's body, and reminded her forcibly of the bloody reputation than hung over her like shadowy shroud. It would be so easy to get lost in that… how did Gabrielle resist it?

Maybe she didn't. The elder reflected. Maybe she was as facinated by that dark side as everyone else was.

Xena relaxed, and crossed her ankles, peering cheerfully up at her attacker. Not one bit of a reaction as the Amazon covered most of her exposed body in feathery tickles. The blue eyes looked calmly up at her tormentor, and her breathing remained even and slow. "C'mon.. you gotta do better than that." She teased, her grin dispelling the danger like a soap bubble popping.

The Amazon stopped, and stared at her in disbelief. "Son of a frigging Bacchae." Rena threw up her hands in frustration. "I give up…I don't think I've ever…yeeooww!!"

Xena had arched her back and tossed the elder off gently, rolling over and pinning her down with one long, muscular arm. She then flourished her feather, and drew a slow, teasing line down Rena's ribs, watching her teeth grind in reaction. The feather slipped up, dancing across the outside of her shoulder, then down the back of her leg. An odd, choking sound came from the Amazon.

"Y'know what… " Xena returned her attention to the ribs, running the end of the feather up and down, and watching the muscles jerk under it. "I think you're ticklish."

"Yeeewwwooo!!!!!!" Rena finally exploded, as the feather got her behind the knees. "Godsbedamnedyoupieceof… " She pounded the ground with her fists, and growled at the warrior.

Xena sat up, and released her, facing the crowd and holding the feather up in question. A round of applause greeted her, and she grinned. "Anyone else wanna have a go?" She teased them, then pointed the feather sternly at the bard, who had immediately stood up. "Not you."

Gabrielle chuckled. "Awww…. No fair! "

Laughter echoed around the circle, as Rena sat up, and gave her tormenter a wry look. "I think I've been had." But she laughed. "Welcome, Xena." She held out a hand, and the warrior gripped it firmly. "Welcome to the Amazon Nation." A cheer went up, and then it was chaos, as most of the crowd clustered into the central area, to congratulate her.

Gabrielle managed to beat them, though, and was snugging her soulmate's tunic closed with a proprietary air as Xena helped Rena up.

"Ahh… " The Amazon elder dusted her self off. "Damn mask.. I forgot how gods be damned uncomfortable these things are." She pulled it off, wiping the sweat off her lined brow, and giving Xena a look. "No wonder you accepted.. you're not ticklish you beast, you."

The bard captured Xena's feather, and twirled it in her fingers. "Mmm… " She snuck a tickle on the inside of the warrior's elbow and got a squawk. "Depends on who's doing the tickling." She grinned mischeviously, as she ruffled the feather under Xena's right ear, and was rewarded with a helpless chuckle.

Rena's jaw dropped. "You little son of a… "

Gabrielle just smiled, then leaned forward and put her nose against Xena's chest. "How did you do that?" She muttered in a low tone. "I know darn well you're ticklish."

"Only when you do it." Xena replied softly. "No one else."

The bard blinked at her, surprised. "Oh." Then she smiled. "Cool."

"Mm." The warrior agreed, putting her arm around her soulmate's shoulders, then turning to greet her new Amazon sisters.

It was a swirl of bodies, and sounds and scents, and Xena just managed to keep her instincts in check as she was gingerly hugged by lots of warm, sweaty Amazons. Only Gabrielle's hand on her back kept the urge to toss bodies at bay, but she didn't grudge the crowd, as she realized it was their way of making her one of them.

"Try not to kill anybody, Xena.. " Eponin muttered, as she took her turn. "They've been waiting for years to do this."

"Tch." Xena rolled her eyes. "Amazons."

Eponin chuckled, and gave her a pat on the back. "We know a good thing when we see it."

Then, slowly, the crowd dissolved back into a solid circle, leaving only Xena, Gabrielle, and Ephiny in the center. The regent smiled at them, and jerked her head at the crowd. "You go first, guys.. then the rest of us can relax and get this over with."

The low drumbeats made a seductive undercurrent as Gabrielle took her partner's hand, and they walked over to where the regent was standing, holding a scroll. Ephiny waited for them to stop, and then took a breath. "Well." She cleared her throat in the sudden silence, only the soft drums stirring the air. "Gabrielle, you are Queen by right of caste, and you have chosen to take a lifemate here, before the Nation, on this festival night. " The language was formal, and somewhat stilted, and she winced, hearing herself.

Then she waited.

Gabrielle realized some sort of response was expected, but the regent hadn't had time to go over the ceremony with her, due to the incident that afternoon. Guess I have to wing it.. oh well.. "That about covers it, yes." She finally answered, causing the regent to bite her lip to keep from laughing. What the heck. "I think I picked a good one."

A round of laughter, warm and genuine ran around the circle. Gabrielle looked up at her soulmate. "She's tough and sturdy… fights pretty good… nice to look at.. "

Another round of laughter, and this time Ephiny joined in. Xena just raised a brow, and grinned at her.

"Uh.. yeah.. yeah.. " Ephiny lifted a hand. "Agreed.. um.. " She flicked through the scroll. "Ah.. here we are… okay." She took a breath. "At this point I'm supposed to ask if there is anyone here who objects to our queen's choice of consorts, then let that person speak, without charge or censure.

She fell silent.

The rustle of the leaves seemed suddenly loud, as even the drums stopped.

Gabrielle's eyes closed briefly, and her lips tightened, as her fingers wrapped themselves around her soulmate's larger ones. She hadn't expected Ephiny to ask that, and the answer could have been…

But the silence went on, for sixty full heartbeats, as they all looked at each other.

"Let it be recorded. "Ephiny's calm voice almost startled them, after the peacefulness of the moment. She turned her eyes to the warrior. "Xena, you have come before us, and passed our trials." Her eyes rolled, hidden from the crowd. "And have been accepted in the Nation. Do you swear to obey our Queen, defending her even with your life?" It was a subtle change of the verbiage, true, but Ephiny was satisfied with it, and she thought Gabrielle was too.

Xena smiled. "I swear."

"Me too." Gabrielle added, although she knew it wasn't required of her.

"You're the queen, Gabrielle.. you don't have to say that." Ephiny muttered under her breath.

"The sun doesn't have to shine either, but it does." The bard answered, getting a little grin of surrender from her friend.

"All right… your Majesty, your choice is recorded." The regent took a quill handed to her by a young Amazon, and made a notation on the scroll, then ran a finger down the rest of the codicils. "Redundant.. redundant.. useless in this case…oh, I'd like to see them enforce THAT…ah." She cleared her throat. "Seal it with a kiss, and we're done."

"Like we haven't already done THAT in front of everyone." Gabrielle rolled her eyes, and caused the crowd to burst out in laughter. Even Tyldus was laughing, from where he'd come up alongside the fire to see the ceremony. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Jessan's furry head, and she turned, to see him grinning and winking at her.

She turned back, to see her soulmate watching her with intent blue eyes. She slipped her arms around Xena's body, and felt the warrior's hands cup her face. They looked at each other for a long moment, and Gabrielle memorized the scene, to add it to her small collection of the sweet times of her life. She tilted her head as Xena bent hers, and their lips met, as they had the first time over a year ago before many of the same watchers.

She swore she heard thunder.

She could faintly taste the rich barley ale on Xena's lips, and the fruity sauce from the meats, and she let herself dissolve into the contact as their bodies melded together under a blanket of stars.

Xena settled back against the pillows, pulling Gabrielle against her chest, and settling a possessive arm around the bard's stomach. The music was louder now, as the servers passed large mugs of ale, and fruity wine around with the thick, chewy, honey and nut pastries that comprised dessert.

The other three joinings had gone without a hitch, with Gabrielle gently and persistently taking the scrolls out of Ephiny's hands, and performing hers and Pony's ceremony, then chasing them back to their seats as she finished up the other two couples. It hadn't taken long, but the other two looked blushingly grateful that it was their gentle queen presiding, and one of the second pair whispered to her that she hoped she and her partner were half as happy as Gabrielle and Xena.

That had gotten her a big hug from the bard, and a smile from Xena, who was standing solicitously at her partner's shoulder, holding her scrolls for her. Then they'd returned to their platform, with the mostly quiet, and mostly incredulous looking Eponin and Ephiny, and the snoozing Xenon, who curled back up by his mother, tucking his hooves under his body and leaning against her.

Gabrielle nestled against her, leaning her head back and groaning as the warrior offered her another cake. "Please.. I'm going to explode any second." She let out a breath. "I'm so stuffed, I can hardly breathe."

Xena chuckled. "Good." She patted her belly gently, then gave her partner a little squeeze.

"Ugh.. not too hard, or I'm gonna lose it." The bard warned, stretching a little and resting her head against her soulmate's chest. "Did you see the necklace Eph gave Pony?" She looked up at the warrior with a smile. "It's pretty."

"Mmhmm… " Xena agreed amiably, feeling the effects of several cups of ale, and far too much dinner. She sincerely hoped no one got any stupid ideas about anything tonight… she knew she didn't have enough coordination for safety, and she wasn't uncoordinated enough to be harmless. "Very nice… I liked the sword impaling the star." That stirred a memory. "Oh… "She reached down and tugged something out of the cuff of her boot and handed it to the bard. "Forgot.. sorry.."

Gabrielle took the small packet, and studied it, before she lifted her gaze up to the quiet blue eyes. "What's this?"

Xena shrugged. "Figured I should give you something.. consider it a belated birthday present, if you want." She idly tangled her fingers in the bard's hair.

The bard unfolded the item, which was long, and vaguely dagger shaped, moving aside pieces of fabric until she exposed a long, intricately carved piece of ivory, shaped to a hand and ending in a thin, flexible point. Tiny, intricate faces, and strange animals were etched on the surface, and the handle curled into smoothly comfortable grip.

Gabrielle fit it into her hand, and flexed it, imagining herself writing with its thin, precision point. "It's… beautiful, Xe." The diminutive seemed to be coming to her lips more frequently lately, and she made a mental note to ask the warrior later if it bothered her. "Incredible… I've never seen anything like it."

Xena smiled quietly. "No… you wouldn't have, not here, anyway."

The bard turned it over in her hand. "Not here… where is it from?"

The warrior hesitated, then cleared her throat. "Chin." She replied quietly. "After I got off the boat.. I had to wait until dark to… well, anyway.. I wandered around the harbor market for a while.. hadn't seen some of that stuff in a long time, I'll say that." Long haunting sights and smells, not the least of which were the drugs, freely available at every other stall. "I.. saw that… " She stopped, then went on. "I bought it for you before I really thought about… where I was, or what I was doing… I felt pretty stupid when I ….." She stopped again, and this time didn't go on.

Gabrielle turned the item over in her hand again, then looked up, and lifted her other hand to the warrior's cheek, gazing at her in total compassion. "Thank you." Her fingers stroked the soft skin. "For everything."

Xena smiled at her. "You're welcome." She touched the pen. "Write me a poem with it."

The bard smiled back. "All right." Then she exhaled, and reached for the pouch at her belt. "Have I ever told you that you are the hardest person on earth to think of presents for?"

"Umm… no." Her partner admitted.

"Mm.. you are." Gabrielle advised her quietly. "I mean… how many knives and armor bits can you get one woman, right?" She joked. "You don't really wear jewelry, and I know better than to try and get you anything relating to your gear."

"That's true." Xena confirmed. "But… I don't really need gifts from you, love."

Mist green eyes gazed at her. "You always say that… but it never stops me from trying." She tugged something out of her pouch. "Well…I had an idea… I know you like to tie your hair back when we travel.. to keep it out of your face.. so I.. " She unwrapped a leather braiding, stained a deep crimson. "I figured I could actually make one of these myself.. and I did." She gave the item a proud look, remembering the hours spent shaping the leather with tiny curls of a leather knife.

A charmed smile crossed Xena's face, and she touched the braiding with a fingertip. "Wow.. that's really nice, Gabrielle.. thank you."

"Mm…. But then I figured, well, you could get one of these anywhere.. I mean… "

"Not made by you." The warrior interjected, removing it from the bard's hands and studying it.

"Right.. but… " Gabrielle gently turned it over, displaying the interior, where the finished hide was. "This was the hard part…I… well, there's that poem you really like, and I figured, if I could write it on the inside.. well.. that'd really be unique."

Xena blinked, peering at the leather in the low firelight. Tiny golden letters stared back at her, eight, no, twelve lines engraved in patient, carved forms. She read them twice over before she looked up at the waiting bard. "That's very beautiful… thank you, my love." She reached up and touched Gabrielle's face. "It is unique… just like you are."

The bard's jaw clenched, and she swallowed. "Can I.. " She motioned to her partner's hair.

"Sure." Xena bent forward, and waited patiently as she felt the bard's hands gently braiding her hair, the touch soothing her, along with the sound of Gabrielle's heartbeat which she could hear through the bard's tunic where her head was pressed against her. She felt the motion stop, then arms gently circle her shoulders and hug her. "I love you." Came the words, whispered into her ear.

Xena smiled, and returned the hug. "I love you too." She murmured in response, feeling a happy little surge. They stayed like that for a bit, then eased apart, settling into a more comfortable position.

Gabrielle ran a hand through her hair, and relaxed against Xena's chest, as the next set of dancers wound their way across the opening, this group into palm fronds and pipes. "Xena, what is she doing with that coconut?" The bard whispered, curiously.

The warrior cleared her throat.

"Never mind." The bard rolled her eyes, then looked over as an Amazon approached Ephiny, and knelt down beside the regent, gesticulating with both hands. "Uh oh."

Xena rested her chin on the bard's shoulder. "Umm…. okay, I'll try to guess what it is." She observed. "Rabid goats running rampant?"

Gabrielle snorted. "Where do you get THAT?" She watched the woman. "Uh…bad weather expected… the traps are in danger?"

"What clued you into that? " The warrior wondered. "That last hand gesture?"

The bard observed the gesture. "Uhm… no.. I don't think that's what that means."

Ephiny put a hand up, then scrambled to her feet, and padded over to them, dropping to her knee on the platform. "Hey… sorry to interrupt.. " Her eyes twinkled at Xena, who had wrapped both arms around her soulmate's middle again. "We've got a little problem."

They exchanged wry glances. "Really?" Gabrielle gave her full attention. "What's up?"

"It's Cait." Ephiny sighed. "They're getting ready to do the initiation rites, and she was up this time."

"What are they?" Xena asked, quietly. "The rites, that is."

"Oh… the usual.. " Ephiny waved a hand. "Hand to hand your choice, with one of our senior warriors." She grinned. "Generally our lot compete to be the one who does it.. because if you're picked, that means you're considered to be one of the best.. and they were all scared featherless that they were going to have to go up against you for that honor."

"Oh no." Xena shook her head. "Not tonight.. I wouldn't last a half candlemark."

A soft chuckle. "So I gathered.. but anyway, that's the deal."

Gabrielle's brow creased. "Well… Ephiny, she's shown she can handle herself before now.. can't you make an exception?"

"Sure." The regent grimaced. "In a heartbeat.. problem is, she wants Paladia to join her."

Gabrielle and Xena looked at each other. "Ah." The bard pursed her lips. "I see."

"I shudder to think what the council would say if I brought that up.. " Ephiny sighed. "I don't think there's much popular support there." She looked pensively at the ground. "I sure don't know how Paladia feels about it.. she probably doesn't want to have anything to do with us after her sentence completes."

"Hmm… not sure about that." Gabrielle disagreed. "Tell you what… set up a council meeting for tomorrow… let's just see how things go."

Ephiny exhaled. "All right… but I don't think there's much chance.. maybe I can convince Cait to go ahead with this anyway." Her eyes lifted to Xena's face. "You'd have a better chance, y'know." A wry grin. "She eats, sleeps, and breathes what you say."

The warrior gave a little nod. "I know." She replied quietly. "I'll go talk to her." She gave the bard a squeeze, then released her, and stood up, straightening her tunic with an automatic gesture. "Be right back."

Gabrielle watched her, until she disappeared into the darkness before she returned her attention to Ephiny. "So. Things went pretty smoothly, huh?" She gestured at the crowd. "With the ceremonies and stuff."

Ephiny sat down next to her friend and played with the mat's surface. "Yes… very, actually.. more so than I had anticipated." She raised her eyes to Gabrielle's. "I won't lie to you.. there was a certain amount of.. debate… over your choice of consorts." Then her face creased into a wry grin. "But as I pointed out…what we said, or did, wasn't going to affect either of your commitment to each other."

"True." The bard smiled. "It's a pretty ceremony… you and Pony were so cute."

Ephiny blushed. "I got sooo much razzing for that… but I'm glad we did it." She slapped Gabrielle on the knee. "You little sneak." She looked up as Elaini padded over, and settled down. "Hey… you guys all right? Did you get enough to eat?"

"Oh.. boy yes." Elaini put a hand on her stomach and rolled her eyes. "Thank you… " She peered over at the other platform. "So.. Ephiny.. that's your son, right?"

The regent cast a fond eye over to where Xenon was snoozing against a bemused looking Pony. "Yep.. it sure is." She smiled at the boy. "He's at school with the centaurs right now.. I miss him a lot."

Elaini smiled, her fangs glinting. "He's adorable…he came over to see our kids before and it was so cute." She turned to Gabrielle. "Are you going to stay here, my friend?" She patted the bard's knee. "Seems a nice, safe place to gestate."

Gabrielle was caught between a blush and a laugh. "Uh… no, actually, we're going home." She gave Ephiny an apologetic look. "Cyrene would never forgive me if I didn't." She explained. "But we'll be back a lot."

A grin from the regent. "Especially if you bear us an Amazon princess, right?" She gave her friend a teasing slap. "What do you think.. boy or girl?"

A shake of the bard's head. "I have no idea…." She paused. "But if I was a betting person… " Grins all around. "I'd bet on a girl."

"Ooo… " Ephiny laughed wickedly. "I'll hold you to that… are you.. I mean, do you have everything you need there? Blankets, baskets, baby bunting.. "

The bard chuckled. "I don't know.. we.. I mean, they don't know yet, right? We only found out a few weeks ago, and we haven't been back since.." Wonder what they'll say? Yikes.. wonder what my folks will say? "Cyrene's a packrat, though… she mentioned, offhandedly of course, that she had a bunch of baby stuff for 'anyone who might need it.'" They all laughed at that.

"Wonder how Gran's doing… " Ephiny mused. "Figure she's about.. what.. a month ahead of you?"

Gabrielle nodded. "About.. yes… " It was weird, she reflected. It was like she was now a member of a club.. a mother's club that she'd been excluded from before. Strange, but nice. "You'll have to come and visit… give her a hard time." She half turned. "You too… Elaini.. since you guys were headed our way anyhow.. why not come and stay for a few days?"

The forest dweller grinned. "Well. That worked out great.. I was just coming over here to ask you that very thing."

"Great!" The bard sighed happily. "I have a lot of questions for you."

Elaini chuckled softly. "I know, little sister.. I know."

Footsteps interrupted them, and they all looked up as a runner skidded to a halt before the raised platform. It was a scout from one of the further outposts, Gabrielle realized. "What's wrong?"

The woman stopped, and sucked in a breath of air. "Perimeter just signaled… Erika, and a band of armed Amazons are on their way in."

Xena took her time in walking across to the healer's hut, which was situated in the back part of the village where it was quiet. The leaves crunched lightly under her boots as she moved away from the noise of the party, and the cool breeze blowing across the compound brought a welcome breath of air after the crowd.

She looked up, to see the constellations through the leaves, and found a few favorites, then peered ahead of her, seeing the low gleam of light from the healer's windows. The wooden boards of the threshold sounded under her weight, echoing loudly across the stillness as she put a hand on the door, and pushed it open.

Inside, most of the room was in firelight peace, pallets with their occupants shrouded in shadows as the injured Amazons took what sleep they could. She paused a moment at the edge of the room, then paced inside, stepping quietly around the sleepers, and heading for the far back corner, where Cait's pallet was. There was an older Amazon crouching down next to her, speaking softly, but even from here Xena could see the look of stubborn disagreement on the girl's angular face.

They both looked up as Xena reached the bed, and Cait's eyes lit up on seeing her. "Hi." She gave the girl a smile.

The older Amazon stood and scratched her head. "Hello, Xena… how's the party going??"

"Pretty good." The warrior drawled a reply. "Why don't you go catch a mug.. the ale's nice and cold."

She got the message. "Sure… see you out there."

Xena watched her leave, then she settled on the small stool next to Cait's pallet. "You get yelled at a lot for this afternoon?"

Cait looked around carefully. "Gosh yes." She gave Xena an impish grin. "But I don't much care.. I had fun."

The warrior smiled. "Good."

The girl waited a moment, then cleared her throat. "Thank you for sending Elaini by before, that was super of you." Her thin fingers plucked at the blanket. "I'm really glad Gabrielle is all right."

Xena shifted a little, and interlaced her fingers. "So am I."

A little pause. "Were you scared?"

Blue eyes peered through the candlelight. "I guess I was." The warrior replied, the let a faint grin shape her lips. "I tore through Esta's herb garden on the way in."

Cait's gray eyes widened. "No!"

Xena nodded. "Uh huh."

"Gosh…" The girl giggle. "I bet she had an absolute fit." She took a cautious breath in, and looked up at Xena. "Do you… do you remember before we left Amphipolis?"

"Yes." The warrior's angular face creased into a brief smile.

Cait nodded solemnly. "You were right."

"I was, huh?"

"Yes." The girl seemed older, suddenly. "I didn't think you were, at first, you know.. I was really rather annoyed that here I was, stuck with such an awful job, like she was." A thoughtful purse of thin lips. "But I remembered what you said.. about how everyone deserves a second chance, and just kept on, and kept on.. and suddenly, just like that one day, it was all right."

Xena nodded thoughtfully. "That why you asked Ephiny to let her join in?"

Cait considered the question, taking her time in a silence that didn't bother either of two naturally silent people. "I don't think she ever belonged to anything." The girl finally said. "Except that cave lot, you know."

"I know."

"I think it matters,"

Xena shifted again, then rubbed her temples to combat the fuzziness from the ale. "Maybe it does." She acknowledged. "I know… that when I finally was able to go home… and my family accepted me back, it made a big difference." The words tumbled out before she could really think about them. "Having Gabrielle accept me…having her believe in me… that let me regain some of my humanity, Cait… I can't tell you how much it meant."

Cait gazed up at her, eyes fastened intently on her face. "Oh." She exhaled softly. "Does that mean you'll help me out, then?" She gave Xena her best wishing look. "If you said, I'd bet they'd do it."

"Probably." Xena admitted. "But does she want to be an Amazon?"

The girl sighed. "Well, getting her to say would be like trying to get a pig to sing … but she could have left… and she didn't, you know." Her brow furrowed. "I can't think why not… but still."

The warrior leaned over, and put a warm hand on the girls' arm. "I think I know why."

Gray eyes looked at her in puzzlement.

"I think she found a friend." Xena's voice took on a gentle quality.

Cait was silent, as she thought about that. "A rather odd friend." She confessed. "I do go on at her all the time."

A flash of white caught the candlelight as Xena smiled. "I'll see what I can do." She promised. "But you should go ahead with your stuff tonight…you earned, it, Cait."

The girl sighed. "But it's like cheating, Xena… I mean, what kind of trial is it if I'm flat on my darn back in this bed?" Another sigh, as the warrior just looked at her. "Oh, all right."

"Good girl." The dark haired woman chuckled.

Cait grew very pensive. "Xena… can I ask you something?"

The warrior resettled herself, and laced her fingers around one knee. "Sure."

Gray eyes peered around cautiously, and the girl's voice lowered. "How.. I mean, what… oh bother." She cleared her throat. "How did you know.. I mean, what did it feel like.. when…well, how did you know you were in love?" She got the last out in a rush, and her face colored gently. "I mean.. with Gabrielle, of course."

"Of course." Xena bit her lip quietly. "That's a tough question."

"I'm sorry." Cait gave her an embarrassed look. "You don't have to answer.. I can't think what I was meaning by asking you that."

You can't huh? Xena smiled inwardly. "No…it's okay.. it's just a hard question to answer because I never really thought about the exact… moment."

Which wasn't true, of course. She certainly did know.

It had been a totally rotten day. They'd sniped at each other from sunrise to sunset, in the drizzling rain that had completely drenched both women, and an annoyed Argo. Scrublands hadn't given up even a hint of decent shelter, and they'd found themselves having to make camp in the dubious safety of some broad leafed trees, which shed liberal coatings of water on them every time the wind blew.

"I am not cooking." Gabrielle had stated, putting her back against the tree's bole, and slamming her bag on the top of her head in a vain attempt to keep the rain off.

"Perfect, because I'm not making a fire" Xena had snapped back, stripping off Argo's tack, and throwing her own gear down on the other side of the trunk. Her temper had been shot, and she'd spent several wet, soggy moments wishing herself anywhere else but here.

Then she'd peered grumpily around the corner of the tree, and found herself gazing at Gabrielle's miserable profile, the rain dripping off the bard's nose and ears, and running down her bare arms. One of these days, Xena… She'd told herself. One of these days, she's just gonna have had enough, pick up her gear, and start walking back to Potadeia.

At that moment, Gabrielle, perhaps sensing the eyes on her, had turned her head, and regarded her companion, her green eye softening unexpectedly. "I…um.. I could try to… put something together if you could get the stuff out." She offered, tentatively. "Look, I'd really rather not fight with you all night, Xena.. it's miserable enough as it is." The bard's teeth had chattered, involuntarily, and she clenched her jaw shut.

Xena had felt something inside her melt at the words, and she'd extended an arm. "Come over here."

Gabrielle had scrambled over, and settled down next to where she was seated, in the lee of the storm. "Hey.. it's not raining over here." She'd accused.

"You picked a side first." The warrior had shrugged. "Not my fault."

"Yeah? How long were you gonna make me sit over there in the wet?" Now Gabrielle's temper had flared again.

The angry retort had been right on the front of her lips, almost uttered, and somehow..

It had just died there.

"I thought we weren't going to fight all night." Xena countered instead, feeling vaguely confused.

"Well, that was befo…Xena, why are you staring at me?"

"You're shivering."

"Of course I am.. it's freezing out!" The bard had answered, in frustration.

What am I going to do if she does leave? The question had suddenly become of paramount importance to Xena. The thought of how empty her life would be without the girl overwhelmed her, and she sat back, stunned.

"Xena?" The voice had changed, deepened and softened, and a chilled hand touched her elbow. "Hey.. what's wrong?"

She raised her eyes, and looked right into Gabrielle's, the anger that had been there a moment ago dissolved into a warm concern that snared her in and made her focus on what she was feeling for just about the first time.

It wasn't attraction, which was something she'd just taken for granted between them. It was a far more complex, and at the same time a far simpler emotion.


Shaken, she'd taken out one of the sleeping furs, and tucked it around her smaller companion's body, all in silence.

"Xena?" Now the bard's voice was worried.

"Hmm?" She'd finally responded. "Sorry.. did you want another blanket?"

The bard's hand had popped out of her snug nest, and touched the warrior's forehead.
"Did you just get bitten by something?"

And Xena had sighed, a little, wry grin escaping. "Yeah.. maybe." Her eyes had roamed over her companion. "You still cold?"

Hesitant, Gabrielle had paused a moment, before nodding. "A little, yeah… listen, are you sure you're okay? You have a really weird look on your face." She'd paused, considering. "Like a deer caught in torchlight at night."

Before she could change her mind, Xena slid her arm around the bard's shoulders, and pulled her closer, feeling the startled resistance melt immediately, as Gabrielle relaxed against herswith a little gasp of surprise. "Yeah.. I'm fine…."She'd mumbled.

Gabrielle had reached up and felt her head again. "I think you're coming down with something.. you feel really warm."

Coming down with something. Oh yeah. Xena had gazed out at the rain unseeing. Wonder where I'll have to go to find a cure for this? It wasn't supposed to happen.

Gabrielle had tucked the end of the furs around her and settled down, confused but happy, as they'd shared trail rations in the rain.

Now she smiled at Cait. "You just know." She admitted. "You look at the other person, and you just know."

Cait digested this. "Hmm."

The door of the healer's hall slammed open, and the young healer came dashing back in. "Gods.. you'll never believe it… we're going on alert!"

Continued in Part 11B

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