The Amazons were assembled and waiting, by the time Xena arrived back at the festival area and she paused just before she got there to observe the group at their fore, waiting for the incoming party.

Ephiny was standing, with her arms crossed, talking in short bursts to Eponin. The weapons master's hands were clenching and unclenching, and the Amazons around them were reacting to the stress by fidgeting, and moving around restlessly.

In their midst, like the calm at the center of the storm stood Gabrielle, her hands resting on her hips and a look of quiet expectation on her face. The bard seemed completely unaffected by the nervous activity around her, and as Xena watched, Gabrielle sensed her presence, and turned her head, her eyes brightening as they fell on her partner's face.

A glance at the Amazons, the faintest rolling of green orbs and Xena answered the thought with a quirky grin

Who needed speech? It was one of her favorite things about their partnership, this silent communication which spoke of an understanding that went far below the surface. The warrior gently nudged her way through the crowd, and ended up at the bard's side. "Hey."

"Hey, yourself." Gabrielle answered. "Did you hear?"

Xena nodded.

"What do you think?" The bard asked, quietly.

A shrug. "I think we'll know in a minute." Xena responded, her greater height allowing her to see a small, armed group approaching. She momentarily regretted not having a weapon, then wryly admitted that in her current state, that wouldn't be the best idea in the world. She rested a hand idly on Gabrielle's shoulder, and waited.

Erika was in the lead of the group, her sword unsheathed and in her hand, her body covered with dirt, and what looked like old, dried blood. She was a short, compact Amazon with dark curly hair, and hazel eyes, which at the moment were bloodshot. A definite look of surprise crossed her grim face as she spotted Gabrielle and she altered her course a little, which brought her standing just in front of the bard. "Your Majesty."

Well, Xena considered. She's probably not here to make trouble, then. She noted the woman's gaze kept drifting and focusing on her, and she gave Erika a cool smile.

"Hello, Erika." Gabrielle replied quietly. "Are you all right?"

Hazel eyes regarded the bard tiredly. "I'm all wrong, as a matter of fact, but… that's neither here nor there. I'm here to warn you… Arella's headed this way, and she intends to capture as many Amazons as she can, to be sold into slavery."

"I know." The bard answered, simply. "She's been here already."

Erika just blinked at her in total astonishment, then she looked around, turning in a circle, before coming back to stare at Gabrielle again. "But…."

"She brought a bunch of filthy mercenaries." Ephiny told her, rubbing her arms a little. "She occupied the village for a half day or so, but… " A shrug. "Things worked out."

The group around Erika looked profoundly relieved, but their leader's face went very grim. "Well, I'll push on then.. I need to find her."

Ephiny and Gabrielle exchanged significant glances. Xena merely glanced up at the swaying leaves. "Why?" The bard finally asked her.

"To bury my sword in her heart." Erika answered, in a stark voice. "Something I should have done a long time ago." Seeing the shock in their faces, she took a breath. "And now, after what she did… "

"What happened, Erika." Ephiny interjected. "At the outpost.. I sent a runner down there as soon as… well, yesterday.. but.. "

Erika looked down at her boots. "She… sold us." The words were bitten off, as though bad tasting. "Someone offered enough dinars, and she just… " The Amazon exhaled. "She drugged us senseless one night at dinner, and the next morning we were in cages." She rubbed her hand through her curly hair. "Anyway… I've gotta get going… anyone know what direction she headed off in?"

"She didn't." That was Xena's low, vibrant voice.

The younger woman gazed at her. "Damn.. you captured her then… that's good." She took a breath. "Makes this easier… " Her eyes went to Gabrielle. "Forgive me, your Majesty.. I know this is your bailiwick, but I must have justice."

Gabrielle studied her, as she felt warm hands gently close over her shoulders, the thumbs pressing against her skin in a light massage. "Erika, justice… has been done."

Puzzled, the dark haired Amazon looked from the bard's grim face, to Ephiny's, then up into Xena's eyes. "She's…no, she can't be… she's dead?"

"Yes." Xena answered quietly. "At her sentencing, she chose to give challenge rather than allow Gabrielle to judge her, and… " A faint shrug. "I answered that."

Erika's arm, still holding her sword, dropped down to her side as though suddenly strengthless. She looked at Xena in disbelief. "She's gone?"

"She is." Ephiny stated.

One of her companions gripped the dark haired woman's arm as she wavered. "Damn… " Erika whispered. "I should feel glad… but all I feel right now is disappointed."

Ephiny motioned to three nearby scouts. "Get these people some food, and drink… settle them in." She ordered, giving the small party a brisk nod. "I think you can all use a break… Erika, come on up here, you can tell us all what happened." She turned around in a circle. "All right.. break it up… let's get back to what we were doing.."

Erika allowed herself to be led up to the highest platform, where she collapsed, laying her forearms loosely on her knees and staring at the padded surface as the other women settled around her.

Xena chose a spot near the back of the platform, and reclined, gazing at Erika thoughtfully. The last time she'd seen the dark haired woman, she and Arella had been best friends. Maybe even more… what had happened to change that? She watched as Gabrielle seated herself, offering the quiet woman a mug, which she gripped with listless hands.

"Erika.. what happened?" The bard asked, gently. In the background, a low rumble of drums started up, and the cool tones of a pipe.

The woman didn't answer. Instead, she slowly turned her head, and looked back at Xena. "How did she die?" Her voice was raspy.

The warrior steepled her fingers, and rested her chin against them. "Broken back."

Erika snorted. "Pity she died then.. you should have left her to live like that." Her voice was very bitter. "Would have been poetic justice." She paused, and took a long sip of the ale she'd been handed. "I guess you want to know why I feel like that, right?"

"Well.. " Gabrielle cleared her throat a little. "You seemed to be pretty good friends the last time we.. I mean, Xena and I, saw you."

"Yeah." Erika snorted. "The good old days." She blew out a breath after a moment. "I went with her when she got sent to the outpost.. things were… okay… I thought she was making progress, in fact, for the first few months it was pretty good." A pause. "I was… well, I was happy, and I thought she was."

"No, huh?" Eponin murmured.

A short, humorless laugh. "No." Erika confirmed. "She started into that 'we've got to save the Amazon Nation from itself crap again.. I tried to talk her out of it." She stopped. "We started fighting." Unconsciously, a hand lifted to her jaw, and touched it. "Things went downhill from there." She shook her head. "I couldn’t reach her anymore.. so I stopped trying."

Gabrielle swallowed, but didn't say anything.

"There were two or three villages close by… I met someone.. a guy, and I decided I really liked him." The hazel eyes closed. "They found him with both legs broken one night… he refused to tell anyone what happened.. but he also refused to even talk to me again." She reflected on her memories. "I don't think he'll ever be able to walk."

"You think she did it?" Ephiny asked, her voice shocked.

Erika looked up at her. "I know she did it." Pain showed in her eyes. "She told me.. every single detail."

Gabrielle looked past her, and found icy blue eyes staring back at her. She swallowed a little, then got up, and went to her soulmate, seating herself next to the taller woman and leaning against her. Xena put an arm around her in pure reflex. "That's horrible." The bard finally stated, shaking her head.

"No, Gabrielle." Erika seemed to lose herself somewhere. "That wasn't horrible.. horrible was… when she found out I was pregnant." Her face went very still. "And she just kept hitting me in the gut over and over until I lost the baby."

Even Xena's jaw dropped. Gabrielle could feel the shock wave, since she shared it, and felt the warrior's arms close over her in unconscious protection.

"Dear Artemis." Ephiny managed to get out. "She was insane."

Erika just dropped her head. "I should have listened to my mother." She replied tiredly. "She was right… she told me before I left what would happen." Her shoulders slumped. "But I'm glad it's over." Her eyes lifted to Xena's face. "Thank you." Then she drained her cup. "Speaking of which.. I better go find her.. if she'll talk to me." Another humorless smile. "I told her she was an intolerant, old fashioned, narrow minded fool before I left." She got up with an effort, and brushed herself off. "Who was the fool?"

A profound silence fell after she left, and the four friends all just looked at each other. Gabrielle exhaled, and leaned her head against her partner. "That's so hard to believe." She looked up at the still profile above her. "Was she really insane?"

Xena gazed off into the fire. Was she? Was there such a difference between what Arella had done, and what she had done to Gabrielle, chasing her without relent, forcing her to abandon her baby, Hope?

The warrior sighed. Even her guilt ridden conscience had to admit there was, in fact, a difference, and that Arella was, in all probability, truly insane.

Or was she simply justifying herself? Was her innate sureness that Hope was evil really just an instinct, or… was she just burying herself under her grief that she'd failed Gabrielle, and this was an attempt to erase that? Get rid of Hope, and they could go back to the way things were.. right?

Gods. Xena felt an ache in her chest. Please don't let me be the kind of person who would have done that on purpose. I don't think I could stand knowing it…

Or did the simple fact that she was asking the question bringing its own answer?

A warm hand on her cheek brought her attention back to the bard sharply. "Yeah?"

"I said… are you all right?" Green eyes studied her in concern.

Xena searched her face, memorizing the soft planes, and gentle curves. "Yeah… just a little too much ale, I guess." She let out a breath she hardly realized she was holding. "I was thinking about the whole thing… it's…damn awful."

Ephiny grunted in agreement. "I never much liked Erika.. " She paused reflectively. "After all, she did try to kill me." A sigh. "But she didn't deserve that…" Her eyes found Gabrielle's. "Listen.. I know you don't need any justification for the decision you made, but… "

Gabrielle studied the padding. "Yeah."

Eponin shook her head. "Menelda's not gonna let anyone forget this anytime soon."

The bard glanced up, puzzled. "What does she have to do with it?"

The two Amazons exchanged glances. "She's Erika's mother." Ephiny answered, awkwardly. "Gods.. sorry.. I though I'd told you that before…"

Gabrielle stared at her, stunned, hearing a soft word in an unknown language escape Xena's lips. "Uh.. no.. you didn't mention that." The bard replied weakly. "She's going to be really upset when she hears about all that.. " Her mind went over what she'd learned about the healer, and she spared a glance towards her partner.

"Mm." Xena agreed softly.

Eponin sighed. "You're right.. I'd better go keep an eye on her." She shyly leaned over and kissed Ephiny, who smiled at her, then she stood, and dusted off her leathers. "Damn party's more business than a full council meeting with feathers on."

They watched her leave, then Gabrielle drew breath, just as a piercing, frightened yell reached their ears.

Everything froze for a moment, then Ephiny expelled a huge breath. "Gabrielle, I love you, but for the sake of Artemis, go HOME!" She wailed. "I'm exhausted!!!!"

The bard stared at her, as she was being helpfully pulled to her feet by her taller partner. "It's not MY fault!!!" She yelped, causing the slumbering Ares to bolt awake from where he'd curled up on the platform after returning from hunting.

The regent glared over her shoulder to Xena. "How do you stand living in the middle of a cyclone ?"

A white flash of teeth. "Makes life interesting.. Besides.. ." Xena turned and stepped off the platform, leaving her words hanging.

"Besides what?" The regent grumbled, as she picked her way though the startled Amazons.

"I love every minute of it." Came the satisfied answer.

Cait lay quietly after Xena left, wishing she could follow her. The warrior had given her a lot to think about, though, and she spent a few minutes just pondering things.

Xena, she decided, was a very complicated person. Sometimes she even seemed to regret being just the most awesome fighter in all the known world, which Cait didn't understand at all. It almost seemed like there were two of her.. the confident warrior who loved to fight, and this other person, who was nice, and funny, and who loved Gabrielle so very much it seemed awful sometimes.

She couldn’t decide which one she liked better, but she suspected perhaps Xena couldn’t decide either, so that was all right.

Xena had the most annoying habit of evading questions, though…especially the hard ones, like how do you know you're in love. What kind of answer was, "you just know."? Cait sighed. Maybe she'd asked the wrong person.. perhaps Gabrielle would be a better target. At least she'd probably get some kind of explanation.. and possibly one of those super cute blushes as an added bonus.

Cait decided she rather liked Gabrielle. At first, she'd kind of thought she was somewhat silly, and certainly very sentimental, though very nice. After a while, though, she realized that the kind of strength the young bard had was just as formidable as any warrior's. And besides, she was quite a good fighter, in the bargain.

A noise to her rear made her cock her ears, focusing on the sound intently. Then a half grin found its way onto her face as she recognized the heavy footsteps. "Hello."

Paladia dropped onto the stool next to the pallet, with a grumpy look. "Hi."

"Did you get tired of the party?" Cait asked, affecting not to notice the bundle Paladia had dropped at her side. "Who won the dancing competition?"

"Beats me." The ex renegade shrugged. "Who could tell? All that bobbing up and down, and throwing sticks and stuff... " Her pale eyes went all over the room, then finally settled back down on Cait. "Brought you over some of the crap they kept passing out…here." She handed over the packet.

Cait balanced the bundle on her stomach, and pulled it open one handedly. "Super." She selected a tidbit from the package and bit into it. "Thank you.. the food in here is simply horrid."

Paladia merely grunted, and studied her hands as she played with a bit of thatch that had fallen from the roof. Everyone had been treating her a bit nicer since the whole capture thing, whether it was because she helped, or because they were just embarrassed for themselves, she couldn’t be sure. But it wasn't so bad. Two of the younger scouts had even talked to her. They had some weird ideas, though, about her and Cait.

Like she and the girl were friends or something. Where had they gotten that idea? "Ceremonies were okay.. all full of mushy stuff you'd have loved." She commented offhandedly. "Yeah.. and.. craziest thing…that sourpuss elder made your hero go through some kinda real strange ordeal."

Cait's eyes widened. "No.. really? What was it?"

"Tickle fight." The ex renegade stated.

"Excuse me?" The girl snorted. "I'm sure I didn't hear that correctly."

"What's to hear?" Paladia retorted. "Two crappy words.. tickle, and fight." She reached out and demonstrated against the girl's upper arm.

"Ooo." Cait jerked, and gave her a stern look. "Stop that."

A look of guilty intrigue appeared on Paladia's face. "Huh… " She experimented again, and got her hand slapped. "Well, your hero did a better job.. didn't laugh once, not even when the old harpy had her down, and was going at her half starkers."

"No way." The girl yelped. "I can't believe it.. Xena wouldn't let anyone do that to her."

Paladia shrugged. "I think she thought it was a gag." She shifted a little. "Anyway.. she knocked whatsherface on her butt, and turned the tables… then everyone kinda went down, and patted her on the butt, and hugged her, and said she was one of them now." A shake of her blond head. "Too weird."

Cait looked very confused. "Very too weird." She agreed. "Maybe it was a joke."

"Mmph." Paladia's lips quirked. "Whatever… but she sure does look good naked, I'll tell ya that."

"Tcha." The girl gave her a look.

"Yeeeah… " The ex renegade lifted both hands and made a subtle gesture. "All nice and…" She glanced up and saw the stormy look being pinned on her. "Ah.. nevermind."

Cait narrowed her eyes. "You are very bad."

A snort answered her. "Me? Like Hades… you shoulda heard the damn comments flying… I felt like a bootless urchin in my first market."

Cait hesitated, then she laughed. "Gosh."

An awkward silence fell. Cait let it go on, until she'd geared up her nerve quite enough, then she drew breath. "Have.. have you thought about what you're going to do next?" The pain in her chest was making her dizzy, but she put that aside.

Paladia was surprised by the question. She hesitated a bit, then finally knit her fingers together, not looking up. "Naw." She answered, briefly. "Figure it out then, I guess."

Cait fiddled with her blanket for a bit, then looked up. "I asked them to let you stay."

Gray eyes met her own in shock. "What'd ya do that for?"

"I don't know.. I thought maybe you'd like to." The girl answered quietly. "I know it get annoying here sometimes.. it does for me, but they're not bad people."

Paladia swallowed audibly. "They won't go for it."

"Does that mean you want them to?" Came the soft question. "Xena said she'd see what she could do."

"Why?" Paladia asked, bluntly. "Why the Hades should she care about what happens to me? I jumped on her precious Gabrielle, remember?"

Cait nibbled her lip. "I don't understand why she does some of the things she does do, but she's very much into making sure people get second chances." She paused. "I suppose because she did."

"Mph." The other girl grunted noncommittally.

Cait paused. "Do you want me to tell her to forget it?"

Long silence. Finally, Paladia sighed heavily. "No."

"Gosh." Cait's eyes twinkled gently. "Don't sound so very devastated."

She got an evil look in response, but it caused her to smile. They both looked up as footsteps drew near, and Cait groaned inwardly. Menelda.

A crossbow cocked, and the healer stepped into the candelight, her eyes dark and unreasoning. "Get away from her." The point of the arrow aimed directly at Paladia's heart.

Cait stared at the healer. "What are you doing?"

The dark haired woman thumbed the mechanism on the crossbow. "Hush, child… I’m not going to let anything happen to you."

Blond brows knit. "I’m perfectly all right.. put that down, please."

Paladia had frozen, and was sitting utterly still, her nostrils flaring out slightly.

"Menelda… put the damn bow down." Solari's groggy voice interrupted her. "You cracked?"

"No.. " The healer carefully aimed the weapon. "I’m just making sure little Cait here doesn't make the same mistake my daughter did." Her eyes fastened on Paladia. "You've got them all fooled, don't you?"

"I’m not fooling anyone." The ex-renegade croaked, her eyes pinned to the crossbow.

"Menelda… " Solari was struggling to sit up. "Put the damn thing down, now!"

"Shut up." The healer tossed over her shoulder. "You're just a soft heart, just like the rest of them. Well, I'm not, and I’m not going to sit here and let this happen again. " She turned and raised the bow, aiming quickly, her finger tightening on the trigger, ignoring Solari, who let out a warning bellow of alarm.

"No!" Cait yelled, then gathered her strength, and pulled herself upright, lunging off of her pallet and throwing herself against the startled Paladia, wrapping her arms around her neck and holding on for dear life.

Paladia grabbed her in pure reflex, her arms tightening around the girl's slim body in startled reaction.

Utter silence fell.

"No." Cait repeated, her voice catching in pain as her wound reopened, spilling warm crimson against Paladia's bare skin. "No.. Xena said.. " She sucked in a breath. "She said she deserved a second chance, and… you.. " A jab of pain lanced through her. "don’t have the right to… take that away."

Paladia didn't look up. Her eyes were focused on something beyond her vision, her chest moving with uneven breaths.

"You little fool." Menelda shook her head. "You don't understand."

"No." A deep, even voice responded from behind them, and the healer whirled, to see a tall, dark haired figure step out of the shadows and into the candlelight. "You're the one who doesn’t understand."

A fair-haired image materialized next to her, green eyes the color of honey in the dim light. "Cait, are you all right?"

A long, tense silence fell, before a muffled. "Actually, I don't think so." Came trickling out.

"Xena… " Gabrielle put a hand on her partner's back.

"Yeah." The warrior padded forward, stopping as she came even with Menelda. Her eyes went to the weapon, then to the woman's face. One eyebrow curved up. "Put that down before I take it apart."

Menelda simply dropped it.

The warrior moved on, and knelt on one knee next to the still frozen Paladia, putting a hand on Cait's back. "Easy… " She gripped the girl's shoulders. "Okay… g'wan.. let go."

For a moment, the warrior thought she hadn't heard her, then the girl's arms loosened slowly, and she allowed Xena to ease her back. "Damn." The warrior cursed, as she saw the blood.

Paladia stared down at the crimson stain on her own chest, as though she couldn’t imagine where it came from. Her arms fell slowly to her sides as the warrior gently laid Cait back onto her pallet, and she raised her eyes, fastening them on the slim, pale form under Xena's hands.

Gabrielle moved up next to Menelda, studying the stunned look on the ex renegades face, and smiling a little, at an old, familiar memory that was its very echo.

She'd felt like she'd spent days and days in pursuit. Through streams, and dirt, and giants…over rocks, and brambles which ripped her skirt, and rubbed her skin raw as she passed. All to come to this last long road, heading slightly uphill to a place whose name she'd only recently learned.


And every other step, she'd wondered what in the name of the gods she'd done, chasing out here in the wilderness, after someone who'd tried their best to scare her off. Was she nuts?

Or was she chasing a dream?

She'd gotten a stitch in her side, from running. All the way down that dirt path, and through an unfamiliar village, turning her head from side to side as she looked for its inhabitants.

None. But she'd heard the clamor from the large building ahead of her, and figuring that would at least find her people, she pelted in, shoving the outer door open and dashing inside, then skidding to a momentary halt.

The crowd was ugly, and carrying rocks, sticks, scythes…their focus the tall, dark haired woman who stood against them, her hands raised in meager defense, a look of hopeless despair on her face.

She'd never, in her life, felt such a kinship to someone as she did to this rude, frightening stranger, and seeing her there, seeing those rocks hitting her and seeing the slump of her shoulders as she surrendered to them stirred a feeling inside Gabrielle, a fierce protectiveness that overrode her fears, and sent her plowing through the crowd, to put her back to the beleaguered woman, and face the crowd.

It had felt.. so right. So natural. And she'd turned around, after they'd left, and her eyes had risen to meet Xena's, and that look had been there.

Equal parts disbelief and wonder, guilt and relief.

It was an indescribable feeling, this claiming of an unknown soul, something she'd look back on over the years with the knowledge that her life had been changed, in a very special, and very rare way.

Whatever else went wrong in her life, she would always have that.

She made a mental note to talk to Cait later about it. Now, she turned her attention to Menelda. "That would have been a really bad mistake." She told the healer, softly. "I know you're angry about what happened to Erika, but hurting someone else isn't the answer."

"How can you stand there and say that?" Menelda whispered.

"Because it's true." Gabrielle answered, her eyes fastened on the Xena's silky dark hair. "You have to learn to let go of your hatred."

The healer remained silent for a moment, then she sighed. "I don't think I can do that." She looked at Xena, and the still stunned Paladia. "I can't not hate them." Her eyes turned to the bard. "And I can't understand why you don't."

Gabrielle sighed. "I don't know what I can say to help you… other than to tell you that feeling that way will never bring you peace."

"And all that forgiving has brought you, peace?" Menelda asked, skeptically.

Mist green eyes gazed up at her in gentle pity. "Our forgiving of each other, yes." She stressed the words, aware of Xena's set, expressionless face bent over Cait's pallet. "Very much so." She waited, but Menelda didn't speak. "Maybe… I don't know if this will help, but would you like to go back with Erika? The group there sounds like they could use a hand." Maybe they could help each other, she considered quietly.

Menelda snorted softly. "That would make things more comfortable for you, wouldn't it?" She gazed at the bard. "No one around to criticize the fact that you nurse a viper." She took a breath. "Everyone here just seems to suck this up.. they've jumped on your little wagon… but I'm going to tell you, Gabrielle.. I don't, and I never will."

The bard's reaction was not what she expected. Gabrielle just nodded at her. "You're right." She replied quietly. "Some people can't change." Her eyes pinned Menelda's directly. "So I guess it's your viewpoint up against mine, and I'm going to do my best to make sure mine wins." She turned her back on the healer and walked over to where her partner was kneeling. "So you think about it, and let me know what you want to do."

Menelda stood in silence for a moment, then turned, and left without another word.

Gabrielle sighed, then turned her attention to her soulmate and her charge. "Hey."

"Hey." Xena muttered, under her breath. "Just broke the wound open.. it'll be okay."

"Mm.. what should I do about her, Xena?" Gabrielle whispered. "Menelda, I mean?"

"Slug her." Came the crisp answer.

"What?" The bard hissed. "How will that help her?"

"It won't.. but it'll make you feel great." Xena replied, as she finished adjusting a new bandage on the girl's chest. "To be honest, Gabrielle…I don't much care what happens to her." The warrior shrugged. "She's got an idea in her head about me, and nothing's going to change that."

Gabrielle winced at the blunt honestly, but sighed. "You think she's right?" She asked. "That everyone's just going along with me?"

The warrior gave her an admonishing look.

"Sorry." The bard leaned her head against Xena's shoulder. "I guess it's just depressing when I'm wrong about people.. that's twice now." She exhaled. "My average is getting pretty lousy."

Xena clucked under her breath. "I only count for one??" She chided, trying to break the bard out of her glum mood. "Damn."

Gabrielle drummed her fingers against her thigh. "Well…." She allowed the gentle teasing to coax her spirits up. "You have a point.. you should count for at least two."

"Two!" Xena responded, with a mock injured look. "C'mon..c'mon.. give me five at least… I was the Destroyer of Nations, Gabrielle."

Blue eyes and green met, and exchanged warmth. "Okay..okay… " Gabrielle surrendered, then turned to Paladia. "You all right?"

The ex renegade seemed to have finally regained her composure. "Yeah." She sat down on the next pallet, and clasped her hands between her knees. "That crazy kid okay?"

Xena smiled quietly at Cait, who was looking groggily back at her. "Oh yeah."

The girl's eyes tracked slowly from Xena to Gabrielle, and settled on the bard's face, a tiny, almost wondering grin edging Cait's lips. "You're not going to scold me, are you?"

Gabrielle gave her a warm, loving smile. "That'd be hypocritical of me, wouldn't it?"

"Rather." Cait agreed. "It's quite…an odd feeling, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is." The bard responded, oblivious to the puzzled looks from the watchers. "But it's something I hold very dear to my heart." She touched the girl on the nose with a fingertip. "And so should you."

Cait nodded weakly, and closed her eyes.

Xena finished her task, and stood, offering her soulmate a hand up. "That's done.. c'mon.. let's let these people get some sleep."

"Thanks." Solari groaned. "Take the mushy angst outside, okay?? It's dripping nice in here."

Gabrielle laughed softly. "Thanks for sounding a warning, Solari."

The injured Amazon waved a hand at her. "Anything to get a little peace around here."

Xena guided her partner out, half turning as they reached the door. "Hey." She jerked her chin at the dourly silent Paladia, still seated on the pallet. "Keep an eye on her, okay?"

The ex renegade gave her a deep scowl.

Bard and warrior smiled, then disappeared through the door into the misty embrace of a rising fog.

It was well after midnight, Xena realized, and the area they were walking across was very quiet. Most of the celebrants had been told to stay by the campfire, and to the warrior's surprise, they'd done just that. Even Eponin and Ephiny had turned back, once they'd reached the healer's hall, and seen the still, silent tableau inside.

Now, the dampness of the air was increasing, and the warrior watched as her boots stirred the mist, kicking the wispy stuff ahead of them in gentle, ethereal puffs. A deep breath of air brought a sweet scent of night blossoms, along with the campfire's smells, and Xena smiled as she felt an arm slip around her waist, and the warmth as Gabrielle snuggled up next to her.

"Beautiful night." The bard commented, tipping her head back, and regarding the stars. Feathery clouds obscured some of them, but most winked through at her, making friendly patterns. The security of Xena's arm around her shoulders felt very nice, and she tilted her head, gently kissing the wrist that lay draped over her neck.

Xena reciprocated, brushing her lips across the bard's fair hair, and breathing in the familiar scent with absent pleasure. She suddenly had no desire to rejoin the Amazons, wishing instead for peace, and quiet, and time alone with her soulmate, although she admittedly had truly had a good time at the party.

Gabrielle slowed her steps, and looked up. "Um… " She exhaled. "Xena, you know.. I'm… really kind of tired…you can go on and keep partying if you want to.. though."

The blue eyes warmed, and a grin edged Xena's face. "Gabrielle, after all the trouble you instigated around her the last few days.. you think I'd let you just go off unescorted?"

A twinkle in the bard's eyes. "I could suspect you just want to get me alone."

Xena's right brow edged up, and she leaned forward until they were nose to nose. "You could be right."

"Tch.. that's very antisocial, Xena." Gabrielle took advantage of their closeness, and gently kissed the warrior's lips. "Mm." A hand slipped up and tangled itself in the dark hair, as the bard leaned against her partner's powerful body and went back for a more thorough exploration. "But.. that's not always … a bad thing." She murmured, as strong fingers gently slipped up her side, and sent pleasant chills across her skin.

"C'mon." Xena kept a firm hold on her, and started towards their quarters. "Been a long day, and you need your rest."

Gabrielle grinned and captured a finger of the hand on her shoulder, nibbling it enthusiastically. "Rest?" Her green eyes peeked up at Xena mischievously. "Hmm… if you say so, oh overprotective Warrior Princess." She allowed her partner to lead her to their door, and paused, as Xena's long arm reached out and tugged the lashed door of sticks open. "Gods.. " She looked up sharply. "I know you didn't leave a candle lit in here, Xena."

The warrior blinked in surprise. "No.." Instinctively, she put her body in front of Gabrielle's and edged inside, her senses struggling to throw off the residue of the ale. On the small desk the bard had appropriated for her scrolls, a candle was lit, carefully centered in a small ceramic dish to prevent the wax from falling to the table's surface.

The round, golden light from the flickering candle spread across the desk, and glowed back from a picture propped up against Gabrielle's scroll case, which stared back at her. "Wh…. "

The bard peeked around her shoulder, and sucked in a breath. "Whoa…" She moved in front of the warrior and approached the picture, kneeling down in front of it to study the details. There was the panther, all right, all its inky black hair painted in, and the coy golden red fox, itstail curled demurely around its neatly painted paws.

But now the fox's eyes peered back out at Gabrielle in a shade that matched her own, and the panther… A smile edged across the bard's face. Palest blue in a field of black, so reminiscent of her soulmate it was uncanny. "Would you just look at that?"

Xena knelt next to her, and studied the painting, her face tensing in to an unconscious smile. "That's incredible."

The bard nodded absently, absorbing the look of the majestic cat, its neck slightly bowed, those eyes looking right out in a pose so wild, and so challenging… and the huge paws which circled the fox, so detailed she could see the faint shadows of the muscles under itsthick pelt, the half extended claws on one paw glinting in warning. If she looked closely.. she could swear the cat was smiling faintly, a hint of white fangs at the edges of its lips.

Then she went on to the fox, its fur gleaming, and its posture proudly straight, only the head tilted just a trifle, to give it a gentler, sweeter look as it peered up from misty green eyes upon the watcher.

"It's us." Xena whispered, in an amazed voice. "How in… "

It was most definitely them, Gabrielle acknowledged. Their spirits, caught by the eye of a grudging artist and expressed in a unique, and very special manner. "It sure is." She exhaled. "Paladia did it."

Blue eyes widened. "Damn." Xena leaned forward and studied the picture. "She's really good." Her voice held honest admiration, and she lifted a cautious finger to touch the neatly edged hide framing, which, though plain, was carefully done. "But why…"

Gabrielle had lifted a piece of rolled parchment up that had been perched near the picture, and unrolled it. "It's a joining gift." She said quietly. "I think." She showed the scrap to the warrior.

"These stupid things are supposed to be excuses for presents. Here."

Xena felt a startled laugh escape, and she relaxed into it. "She's… something else." The warrior admitted, then she cupped the bard's cheek. "You can feel good about your judgement there, my love."

A contented smile appeared on the bard's face. "That's true." She sighed, leaning against the taller woman. "That's gonna look great over the fireplace, tiger."

"Mm… ." Xena cocked her head, thinking. "You know, you're right…. Gabrielle, if the Amazons could get her to do commission work.. they'd make a fortune off her… I can tell ya I've met dozens of princes and others who would love to be painted with that kind of detail."

A blond brow lifted. "Hmmm… but she'd have to be an Amazon for that, huh?"

Xena caught her drift. "Oh yeah."

They smiled at each other. "Okay.. now that we have the troubles of the world settled… " Gabrielle eased closer, and ran a hand over the warrior's neck, feeling the soft run of gooseflesh that followed her touch. "I've now been joined to you for the third time. You know, Xena.. most people maybe get to do this once….and certainly only once to the same person. Do you think we're overdoing it?"

"Well.. " Xena laughed a little, as she got to her feet, pulling her soulmate up with her. She tugged the younger woman over to the bed and, putting her hands around the bard's waist, lifted her up onto it. "To tell you the truth, Gabrielle… I kind of.. lost hope, at some point, that I'd ever be able to enjoy something so normal as a joining." She joined the bard on the bed, stretching out on her side with a light groan. "So what's three or four? Especially to the only person I have ever loved enough to want to be called Consort to."

"No… " Gabrielle traced her partner's strong features with a fond touch. "You don’t take second place to anyone easily, do you?"

Xena's eyes drifted up to the painting, then back to Gabrielle's face. "Nope… only to certain foxy little bards." Her teeth gleamed in a feral smile.

Gabrielle ducked her head a little, feeling the faint blush that those eyes could still bring to her skin warm her. She looked up at Xena from under pale lashes, unconsciously imitating the picture, and causing an even broader grin to edge her partner's lips. "That was really nice of Paladia."

"Mmmhmmm... " The warrior agreed, reaching over to brush the pale hair out of Gabrielle's eyes. "Time for *you* to get a trim, my bard." She moved a little closer, and pulled the younger woman's hair up into a tuft. "Woodpecker cut?"

Green eyes rolled. "Gabrielle, Woodpecker of Potadeia." She remarked wryly. "Oh.. yeah.. that would be great, Xena...I always wanted that as a legacy."

A smile. "Speaking of legacies.. " She released the bard's hair, and laid her hand over Gabrielle's belly. "How are you feeling?"

The bard covered her partner's hand with her own, and interlaced their fingers. "I'm all right... I was getting kind of tired before, but...that seems to have gone away for the moment."

Xena rubbed her thumb against the warm skin she could feel under the fabric. "I can't wait to meet this kid."

A startled, happy grin appeared on Gabrielle's face. "Really?" Xena hadn't spoken much about the baby.. other than her initial glad acceptance of the news. Gabrielle had.. well, not exactly wondered, but... "I keep thinking about.. well, how big is it now, and what is it thinking.. or can it even think yet?" She nibbled her lip. "Is it this little thing swimming around like a tadpole, and if it is, why do we have to teach kids to swim again, if they did it in the beginning?"

"Sometimes you don't... " Xena eased over onto her back and crossed her ankles, which were hanging off the bed. She paused to watch the bard, apparently fascinated by the smooth movement of the muscles in her legs as she did this, reach over, and start tracing the lines just under the skin. "Mother says she tossed me in a large tub when I was a baby... and I just started.. "She made motions with her arms, as if swimming like a frog. "Kinda like that."

"Well... " Gabrielle sighed, and rolled over, to be nearer to her target. "You're kind of a natural at things, tiger... I had to have my uncle teach me to swim.. I was really scared when he took me out into the water, even though it only came to about my chest."

"Hmm.. how old were you?" The warrior countered. "I think it matters... after a while.. I know I don't remember learning a lot of things.. swimming, riding... reading, for that matter."

"Really?" Gabreille was fascinated. "I remember learning all those... I don't think I'm a natural at anything." She found her words cut off by a pair of soft lips, and she leaned into the contact, enjoying it thoroughly.

"I beg to differ." Xena growled softly as they parted.

The bard giggled softly. "That doesn't count."

A dark eyebrow lifted. "I was thinking of your skill at storytelling." Xena teased gently, watching a predictable blush darken the tanned skin. "Tch tch.. such a mind." She tapped the bard's knee. "Pull your leg up."

Gabrielle did so, and felt long fingers work at the laces holding on her boot. She sighed happily, as she slid an arm around Xena's neck, and nibbled her way up the warrior's throat, pausing and nipping at the pulse point just under her jaw. "You've been such an inspiration."

"Hmm? To which skill?" Xena countered, with a low laugh, as she worked Gabrielle's loosened boot off, and started on the other, letting her fingers trail down the bard's muscular calf in the process.

"Yes." Came the soft answer as Gabrielle impatiently rid herself of her other boot and let her fingers work at the belt around her partner's waist. She unclasped the buckle and pulled the fabric aside, sliding her hand up the smooth slope of the warrior's belly, and up the rippled surface of her ribs which expanded against her touch as Xena took a breath. "Any story I write.. " She closed her eyes in reaction as her partner's touch curled around her thigh. "Has you at its matter what it's about."

Her tunic slipped free of her shoulders, and she slid against Xena's body in an ecstasy of sensation, feeling her breathing and the warrior's synch, as they pushed against each other. Fuzzily, she was glad they'd chosen to tuck themselves away in private... the padded platforms of the festival had been designed for intimate activity, but the thought of all those eyes watching.... The bard sighed, and squirmed a little, as Xena's touch traveled down her belly and caressed her thighs. Part of her would always be a village girl from Potadeia, she suspected. And that, she decided, as a low, purring chuckle tickled her ear, wasn't really a bad thing.

Xena felt her defenses drop, but only so far, as she kept senses aware of the life around them. She wasn't really worried about attack, though you never knew, but the possibilities of the curious Amazons skulking around were endless. Not that she cared, Xena chuckled to herself, as she started a slow, relentless advanced down her soulmate's body, starting at her collarbone. But Gabrielle certainly would, and that sometimes shy, and often innocent side of her partner was something Xena found herself quite protective of.

Let the Amazons keep their worldly frankness.. she preferred the bard's gentle honesty anytime. She moved slowly down Gabrielle's ribs, tracing each one with her tongue, and feeling them move faster, as the bard's breathing increased. One hand was curled lightly around her partner's muscular thigh, and she started a gentle stroking against the soft skin, rewarded with an incoherent sound from the bard, whose fingers drifted against Xena's body and sent sharp jolts of fire against her nerves as they found familiar places, accompanied by the warm rush that she always associated with their connection. The need rose up within her, an insatiable desire to add a physical dimension to the profound emotional link that bound them, and she surrendered to it, their bodies reaching for each other in sweet familiarity.

And as peace finally settled over a sometimes fractious, and sometimes tested Nation, Dionysus smiled.

Concluded in Part 11C

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