"Gryne..." Eponin said sternly.

"Forget it, Ep. I can't believe you're taking her side. Doesn't being crippled by Xena mean anything to you? Or have you gotten as soft as Ephiny?"

"Xena admitted her crimes and is facing the tribunal. She'll get her punishment." the stocky Amazon growled. "I understand why you did what you did but this is going too far. Gabrielle was just as much a victim as I was."

"Really? Are you so sure of that, Ep? Maybe she's in cahoots with Xena. Maybe this was all some kind of plan to get dinars."

"You can't believe that."

"All I know is what I saw on the stand today. She practically professed her love for that bitch. What's the matter, Gabrielle? You all hot and horny for Xena?"

"Gryne! That's enough! Walk away." one of the other Amazons reached out and put her hand on the smithy's shoulder, silently urging her to back down.

"I can't believe you, Eponin. I thought we were friends. How can you take her side? Xena's side?" the grey haired Amazon said, roughly shoving her friend's hand off of her. "Are you happy teaching little girls how to use staffs? Or maybe you have the hots for Xena too." she reached over and took one of her friend's swords. "Come on, Gabrielle, you little piss ant. You want to avenge Xena's beating? You want to protect the women that beat you, beat on your friends, tried to hold you for ransom? Come on." she twirled the sword expertly in her hands.

"You're not worthy of a royal challenge." Gabrielle said, moving so that Eponin wasn't in the way.

"Fine, just you and me." the grey haired smithy growled as she stepped closer. She swung her sword downward. Gabrielle brought her staff up in front of her to block the blow. Xena sparred with the bard often but the young queen still found herself forced down to one knee from the force of the powerful blow. She tucked and rolled out of range before returning to her feet. "Come on Gabrielle, you started this."

"You started it when you attacked Xena without giving her a chance to defend herself." the bard retorted. Eponin moved back to the edge of the field, giving the two women plenty of room.

"She attacked Eponin and Solari. Or did you forget that little fact?" Gryne shouted.

"I didn't forget. I've told you, the gods took away her memory."

"Well, she seemed to know enough to confess." she made a swipe with her sword but the quick footed queen backed out of the way and swung her staff, smacking the tip of the sword in the process.

"When she regained her memory, she remembered everything. She feels very bad about what happened, that's why she came here to surrender."

"So you say. I say she deserves to die." the crowd started to grow as word of the battle spread throughout the village.

"Why? For actions that never would have happened if the gods didn't intervene?" she looked briefly at the crowd. "Xena saved this village...twice. If that doesn't earn her a chance then what in tartarus will?" she blocked another blow. The sounds from the crowd grew larger, some cheering for Gabrielle, some cheering for Gryne, but most talking about the queen's statement. The battle continued on for several moments with neither woman landing a solid blow. Then the grey haired smithy swung hard at Gabrielle's right side, beyond the reach of her hands, forcing the staff down, putting the bard off balance. Gryne took advantage to land a boot on her chest, sending Gabrielle to the ground. The force of the impact knocked the staff out her hands, sending it just out of her reach. The smithy dropped her sword, knowing full well that she could defeat the smaller woman in hand to hand combat with her overpowering strength. She pounced on Gabrielle, but the bard brought her knees up at the last moment, catching Gryne in the midsection. Her well developed thighs propelled the smithy backward and allowed her a chance to get to her feet. Her staff was no hopelessly out of her reach but the movement had allowed Gryne to reach her sword.

"Stop this!" Ephiny shouted, bursting through the crowd, Ilanna close behind. The adrenaline ebbed from the bard's body and she sank to her knees, trying to catch her breath. The dark-skinned Amazon reached over and took the sword out of Gryne's hand while the blond ruler approached Gabrielle. "What's going on here?"

"She challenged me to a fight. I just accepted the challenge, that's all." the smithy said, rubbing her lower ribs, still smarting from the bard's kick.

"She...she's one of the ones...that attacked Xena in the jail." Gabrielle said, still trying to get her breathing back to normal. Ephiny spun around to face Gryne.

"Is that true?"

"She'd say anything to protect that...Xena, you know that." she looked to her friends to back her up. Dyna and Alessa had gotten three moons duty at the worst place to patrol in the entire village and all they did was let them into the cell. Gryne didn't want to think about what she would get for leading the attack. Ephiny looked at the others standing around. The smithy's cohorts looked down at the ground, reluctant to turn themselves in but not wanting to lie to their regent. The others in the crowd murmured but didn't hear Gryne's confession before the battle started. Ephiny looked at Eponin.

"Ep?" all eyes turned to look at the stocky Amazon. She shifted on the crutches and looked from Gryne to Gabrielle and back again.

"A warrior is nothing if not honorable. Gabrielle's telling the truth. Gryne was involved in the attack on Xena. They were too." she indicated the smithy's friends.

"So now you turn on your own, eh Eponin?" the grey haired Amazon growled.

"You did when you attacked someone who was tied up and defenseless." the stocky Amazon retorted. "Xena battled with me honorably, I had a chance to defend myself. Amazons don't take justice into their own hands. We have codes and laws. I can't say that I was sorry to hear that Xena had been beaten up but the way you did it was wrong."

Xena sat up quickly, ignoring the pain in her ribs, when she heard the door to her cell open. Gabrielle stepped in and stood there, fear and nervousness keeping her from moving. For several heartbeats, neither moved or said a word. Finally it was the warrior who found her voice. She held her hands out. "Come here." she said softly. The bard didn't need a second invitation. She crossed the room and threw herself into the warrior's waiting arms, burying her face into the crook of Xena's neck. The movement jarred the still healing ribs but the warrior didn't notice. She wrapped her arms around Gabrielle and held her tight, afraid that if she let go that the bard would disappear. Nothing else mattered to her except the feeling of holding the young woman. She buried her face into the golden hair and breathed in the scent she missed so much, the scent of her Gabrielle. Xena wished she could just stay like this, just her and her beloved bard. No Amazons, no gods, nothing but the woman she loved in her arms. So much had happened between them and so much more was yet to come. Regardless of what happened at the hearing, Xena knew she couldn't take the chance, couldn't wait any longer to tell the bard just what her true feelings were. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said the words that had stuck in her throat so many times before. "Gabrielle...I love you." she whispered, feeling the weight of the repressed words lift from her soul. Xena inhaled sharply when she felt the arms around her tighten against her injured ribs.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry." the bard exclaimed, pulling back from the embrace.

"Shh, it's okay." she replied, tightening her hold. "It's worth it. I've missed you." she said, trying hard not to let her disappointment show at the young woman's reaction.

"I love you too, but we need to talk." Gabrielle said into the warrior's neck, not truly understanding the depth behind the raven haired woman's declaration. Xena nodded, let the young woman out of her embrace, and steeled herself for whatever bad news the bard was about to tell her. She sat back on the bed, her left leg straight because of the short chain attached to the leg manacle. Gabrielle sat cross-legged next to her. "Xena, why didn't you tell me that you remembered everything? Why did you lie to me?"

"I..." she looked down at her lap trying to come up with the right words. "I couldn't...when I thought about all the things I did to you...how I hurt you...used you...." the shame she felt was evident on her face. "How can you even stand to be near me after what I did to you?"

"You didn't answer my question, Xena." she said softly. "Why didn't you tell me?" she reached up and brushed her fingertips against the warrior's jaw.

"I...I was afraid...after all that had happened, I was certain that I had lost you...especially since we were heading for the Amazons when we got into that fight with the slavers. You were taking me in to be captured." the bard lowered her head at the truth of Xena's statement. Despite it being the right thing to do at the time, Gabrielle still felt like she was betraying her. "Then you came to me and...I didn't know what you were going to do. It seemed easier to pretend not to remember."

"Then why did you come here anyway? You had to know there was a trap waiting for you." she continued to stroke her thumb across Xena's jaw, being careful of the still healing bruises. "You could have told me. We could have gone to Athens, we could have gone anywhere but here. You would have been safe." the warrior finally lifted her head and looked into the soft green eyes, amazed at the amount of gentleness and love that appeared there.

"When I realized that you were going to try and help me run away...I just couldn't let you do that. I had to face my crimes. I can't run anymore, Gabrielle. I couldn't turn you into a fugitive too." 'I couldn't let you end up like me.' the warrior thought to herself.

"Okay." the bard nodded. "We can't change what's happened. What's important now is to get you out of this mess." now sitting back, Xena noticed the beginnings of a bruise on Gabrielle's upper chest.

"What happened?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"I found the women that attacked you and challenged one of them to a fight."

"You what? You got into a fight with someone?" the sounds of the new prisoners being led into the next cell filled the hallway. "Gabrielle, you could have been hurt." her tone carried the self-reproach that the warrior always felt when she couldn't be there for her bard.

"I'm fine, Xena. Ephiny stepped in and stopped it." her fingertip moved from the warrior's jaw to her lip, lightly brushing over the stitching. "Does it hurt?"

The gentle feeling of the bard's fingers on her lips caused Xena to inhale sharply. "No, it doesn't hurt." she whispered as she pulled back from the distracting touch and looked down. "Not as much as not being able to see you. I'm glad you came." she looked up at the bard again and took a deep breath. "Gabrielle, about what happened...." she began.

"Shh, it's okay, Xena. I understand." her voice took on a sadness and she pulled away from the warrior. "You were just doing what warlords do. Anything to gain an advantage."

"It wasn't like that...well, it was at first, but..."

"You don't have to explain." she said, steeling herself for the rejection she knew was coming. "I know you don't feel about me that way."

"Gabrielle..." she went to reach for the younger woman but the bard pulled back.

"No, Xena. You don't have to do that. You don't have to pretend that it meant something to you." her face hid nothing of the pain she felt. This was why she had avoided coming to see the warrior. This was the conversation she tried so hard not to have to face.

"I love you." the warrior said again. She received a gentle slap on the thigh as Gabrielle shook her head.

"I know you do, you love me as a friend, as a little sister, as everything except the way I love you. It may not have meant anything to you, Xena, but it meant something to me." she pulled back again when the warrior reached for her. "No, let me finish." she sniffed and gave a short laugh. "When you approached me in that cave...I wanted...I needed so desperately to believe that you really did find me desirable, that you wanted me the way I wanted you." Xena found herself unable to speak, the words revealing a truth to her that she had never dared hope for. Gabrielle pressed on, her emotions driving her to tell all now that her big secret was out. "You know why I gave in to you? Do you?" she shifted to her knees and moved close, her breath brushing the warrior's face. "I gave in because I knew it was the only chance I'd ever have to show you how much I love you. It may have been wrong of me to do that but I won't apologize for it." she sat back and lowered her head as the silence drew out between them. "When...when I touched you...gave you pleasure...it...it pleased me too, does that make sense?"

"Yes it does...Gabrielle..." she reached out and took the bard's hand in her own, drawing strength from the contact. "I would give anything, make a deal with any god that would listen if it meant that I could take back what happened this last quarter moon. You mean everything to me, everything." she squeezed the bard's hand for emphasis. Gabrielle tried to pull but Xena held tight. "When you wouldn't come to see me...I was certain I'd lost you forever." she closed her eyes to the memory of sitting in the empty cell, silently begging for Gabrielle to come see her. "It didn't matter to me anymore, nothing mattered except that I failed you." she released her grip on the younger woman's hand and was surprised to find that the bard didn't pull back. "It meant something to me too. I never...felt like that before."

"Like what?" Gabrielle asked softly, hoping against hope. "Tell me."

For long moments there was silence as Xena stared off into nothingness, yet her thumb continued to brush back and forth across the bard's palm. The touch caused a stirring deep within Gabrielle and she had to close her fingers around the distracting digit. She needed to know. She needed to know exactly how Xena felt. "Tell me." she urged again, silently begging the woman she loved to open up.

"I...I felt loved." she looked up to capture the green eyes with her own. "I didn't know why then, but I knew you were loving me. Then...I enjoyed it but I didn't understand it."

"And now?" she asked tentatively as her heart soared with the new knowledge.

"Now I understand." she said, pulling their joined hands to her chest. "I understand that you are the only one I could ever love enough to let love me. I love you, Gabrielle. Not as a sister or a friend, but as a woman, the only woman I could ever love."

"Really?" the bard whispered, her eyes misting up. "You...you're not just saying that? You really do love me that way?" the moons and moons of wishing and hoping and dreaming about this moment were finally coming true and Gabrielle felt overwhelmed by the flood of emotions. One lone tear made its way down her cheek as she moved close enough to feel the heat radiating from the raven haired woman.

"Really." Xena replied, releasing her grip on Gabrielle's hand and pulling the young woman onto her lap. She reached up and cupped the bard's face with her hands, the callused thumbs wiping away the salty tears that were now trickling down Gabrielle's face. With infinite slowness that tortured both of them the warrior lowered her head until her lips came into contact with the sweet softness of the woman she loved. The stitch on her lip ticked the bard and the pressure of the kiss brought pain to the warrior, but neither noticed as time and space drifted away and their world narrowed to the exquisite contact between them. Over and over again they shared the intimacy of their first real kiss, the first mutual expression of their love, the first joining of their souls. The sweet contact went on for what seemed like both an eternity and an instant as their fears dissipated, replaced by the security of knowing that whatever happened, they'd see it through together. They swallowed murmurs of 'I love you' back and forth from each other, both content to stay in each other's arms. Their exchanges were of love, not passion, and neither tried to deepen the kisses, knowing that it was neither the time nor the place to take things further. When they finally broke off the kisses, Xena leaned back against the wall and continued to hold her precious Gabrielle against her. Strong hands stroked golden hair while the bard's fingers traced the outline of Xena's collarbone. "It's going to be all right, Gabrielle. Whatever happens, we'll be okay." she said reassuringly, placing a gentle kiss on the bard's forehead. She was rewarded with the feeling of soft lips against her neck.

"Yeah, we'll get through this together." Gabrielle replied. Xena adjusted her hold and they continued to snuggle together, both lost in the utter bliss of being in love and having that love returned.

Dusk settled across the village by the time Ilanna arrived at the jail to relieve the day guard. "The queen is in there with her, but they've been awfully quiet." the guard said as she handed the keys over to the dark-skinned Amazon. Ilanna nodded and took her position outside the cell door. It was a good candlemark later when Gabrielle emerged and asked to be let out. Even in the dim torchlight the bard's face glowed with happiness. When the Amazon looked in on Xena a short time later, she found her sleeping contentedly instead of her usual thrashing about. Obviously their talk had been productive. Ilanna sat down on a stool near the cell door and relaxed. The other prisoners were being guarded by two Amazons, so her only responsibility was to keep an eye on Xena. She knew she had nothing to worry about tonight.

The women were packed in the hut even tighter than before by the time Luna rose to ask her first question of the young queen. "Gabrielle, have you ever met Death?"

"You mean Hades' sister, Celesta. Yes, I have...twice."

"Once was at the temple in Thessaly, can you tell us about the other time?"

Gabrielle nodded at her face took on the look that usually preceded a story. "It all started when Xena and I ran into Toxeus and his men...." as she spoke, the bard drew the crowd in, all entranced with the tale of Xena and their queen saving the God of the Underworld's sister from King Sysiphus. She made it a point to mention exactly how much it meant to her when Xena held her after Talus died.

"Of course she helped Hades." Symra growled, rising to her feet. "She's certainly given him enough business over the summers."

"She was the only one who knew enough about King Sysiphus' tricks to get past him and save Death. She risked her life to save the world." Gabrielle replied. Andro glared at the prosecutor.

"Symra, you had your turn to ask questions. Don't keep interrupting." the redheaded Amazon glared briefly but resumed her seat. She'd have another chance to question the queen and then she'd get the answers she wanted. Luna gave the tribunal a small smile and turned her attention back to the queen.

"One of your reasons for feeling that the gods were involved was the way she treated you."

"Yes, she didn't recognize me, had no idea who I was."

"Has she done things to anger the gods?"

Gabrielle smiled at her friend and gave her a knowing smile. "Xena is an expert at angering the gods. Not just Ares, she's given Poseidon plenty of reasons to be angry with her. She helped Ulysses get past the Sirens and return to Ithaca, not to mention what she did for Cecrops."

"Ah yes, the Curse of the Lost Mariner. You were pulled aboard that ship, were you not?"


"And once onboard that ship, you were cursed as was the rest of the crew?"

"Yes, if I had left the ship, I would have been killed instantly."

"And Xena was aware of this curse yet still boarded?"

"Without hesitation." Gabrielle said proudly as the crowd broke out into murmurs and comments. Andro pounded the table.

"Without hesitation Xena doomed herself to the same fate as you. That's a far cry from the woman who attacked Eponin and Solari in the tavern, isn't it? No wonder you believe the gods were involved." she turned back to look at the list of questions. "Prior to the incident with Velasca, there was another occasion in which you and Xena came into possession of a large amount of ambrosia, isn't that correct?"


"And in fact, Xena had the ambrosia in her hands."


"And what did she do with it? What did she do with the food of the gods? The food that can reunite the dead with their bodies, that can turn a person into a god?"

"She got rid of it." the bard said proudly. "She gave it back to them and said it wasn't needed here." there was more murmurs from the crowd.

"So she had the perfect opportunity to become a god and she threw it away? Doesn't sound like a power hungry person to me." Luna noticed several members of the crowd agreeing with her statement. She had read the last question on Gabrielle's list but felt that perhaps there was one more question that was of even greater importance than all those the young queen had written down. "Gabrielle, after all that has happened, do you fear being alone with Xena? Do you fear that she'll return to her warlord ways? That there's any danger to either yourself or the Amazon nation?"

Gabrielle looked over at Xena and gave her a smile that could only be described as loving. "No, Xena is no threat to the Amazon nation. Without the gods interference, I believe that she will continue in her quest for a better world and her own personal redemption. She was taking a step in that direction when she surrendered out in that field."

"Thank you. No more questions at this time." Luna announced, taking her seat. Gabrielle returned to the bench behind the defense table and squeezed Xena's shoulder encouragingly. Symra shot a dirty glance in their general direction. The queen obviously wanted her friend spared but this was a matter of Amazon law and the prosecutor vowed silently to do everything in her power to get the Warrior Princess condemned to death for her crimes.

"I call Solari to the stand." the red haired Amazon said. The tall Amazon, arm still in a sling, headed for the front of the room and took the indicated seat. "Can you tell me what you felt when you first saw Xena holding a knife to the queen's throat?" she needed to get the focus back on the warrior's crimes.

"I was concerned for Gabrielle's safety, of course, but I also was worried about-"

"Worried about our queen because she was obviously frightened?" the prosecutor said, cutting off the remainder of Solari's answer, suspecting that it was something in favor of Xena. The tall Amazon took a quick glance at Ephiny, then Gabrielle.


"And what happened when you tried to save your queen?"

"Xena threw the knife at me." she shrugged the injured arm to indicate where she had been struck.

"Both you and Eponin were bleeding rather badly. Did she make any effort to help you?"


"And what would have happened to you both if you had not been so close to the Amazon village?"

"I don't know."

"Oh come now, Solari. You're an Amazon warrior. You've seen enough wounds to know the answer." she admonished.

"My injury wasn't as serious. I probably would have been able to stop the bleeding in time."

"Not if you had passed out first from the loss of blood. Isn't the truth that you both would have died?" she spoke forcefully, demanding an answer.

"If we hadn't been so close to the village, we might have died." she reluctantly admitted. Symra debated about asking the tall Amazon just what punishment she thought Xena deserved. When the hearings first started, the prosecutor was certain that Solari wanted to see the Warrior Princess sentenced to death but now she wasn't as certain. Symra decided not to take the gamble. She'd already made one mistake with the breeches.

"No more questions."

Luna went to stand up but was pulled back in her seat by Gabrielle's firm grip. The bard whispered something quickly in her ear before releasing her. The brown haired Amazon nodded and addressed Solari. "Do you believe the gods were involved?"

"Yes, absolutely. Xena didn't act like she knew who Ep and I were, and the way she treated Gabrielle, well...that's just not the way she would ever treat her. I know that."

"How do you know that?" the advocate said, walking closer to Solari.

"I know how Xena acted when Velasca was chasing Gabrielle. I know she cares for the queen very much." the mention of the mad Amazon turned god reminded Luna of something she had heard before from Ephiny. "Solari, you were here in the village when Velasca first returned from the cave and used the ambrosia to become a god, is that correct?"


"And you were there when Velasca began destroying our village, were you not?"

"Yes, of course. We were trying to defend ourselves until the retreat was called."

"And where was Queen Gabrielle during this time?"

"Xena told her to head for the caves with the others while we tried to hold Velasca back."

"Did Xena follow her immediately?"

"No, she stayed behind with Ephiny and the warriors until it was obvious that we had no chance against Velasca's fireballs."

"So Xena risked her life to protect the village, not just Gabrielle? Was she injured?"

"Her arm was dislocated, but she put it back into place herself. Saras was much too busy with the other injuries."

"Had Xena not stayed by Gabrielle's side and found a way to defeat Velasca, what do you think the fate of our village, of our entire nation, would have been?"

Solari smiled gently at the warrior. "There wouldn't be an Amazon nation if Xena hadn't found a way to stop Velasca." this time the crowd refused to stop commenting until Andro banged the table several times and threatened to empty the room.

"No more questions." Luna said respectfully to the tribunal. "Thank you." she said to the tall Amazon. Solari went to get out of the chair when Symra stood up and held out her hand.

"Just a moment, please. Solari, when you first realized that Xena had been captured and that our queen had been drugged, how did you feel?" she figured out a way to get the answer she wanted and decided to take the chance.

"I...I didn't know what had happened. I was upset."

"Upset? She tried to kill both you and your best friend. You expect us to believe that you were merely upset?" Symra challenged.

"I was angry at her."

"Of course you were, she left you for dead. What kind of punishment did you hope she'd get?"

"I hope that the tribunal takes into account that the gods-"

"I asked you AT THE TIME SHE WAS CAPTURED what punishment did you want her to get?"

Solari looked up at the tribunal. "Do I have to answer that?"

"Yes." Andro said, receiving nods of agreement from her peers. The tall Amazon looked apologetically at Xena.

"At that time...when I didn't know...I wanted to see her executed, but now-"

"Thank you." Symra said dismissively, cutting off the Amazon's answer again. "No more questions."

Luna jumped to her feet after a quick whisper from Gabrielle. It wasn't necessary, the advocate planned on asking the question. "Solari, how do you feel now?"

"Now I believe that she should receive the lightest sentence possible. She wasn't responsible for her actions." the tall Amazon said clearly, making sure everyone heard her.

"Do you know what you're going to say tomorrow?" Ephiny asked. She was sitting on the edge of Eponin's bed in the healer's hut.

"I'll tell the truth, what do you expect?" Eponin replied, adjusting the pillow behind her back.

"Just remember one thing...this is Xena we're talking about. You know how much Gabrielle cares for her."

"Are you telling me to soften my testimony? I won't do that, Eph. I may not have liked what Gryne and the others did to her, but I'm not ready to roll over and say that all is forgiven either. What, do you think she should just get off with no punishment?" she reached out and gripped the blond ruler's arm. "Ephiny, I was there, if Gabrielle hadn't stepped in and defended us, Xena would probably have sent me to Hades. You know that. How can you think that she shouldn't pay for that? I'm saying she should be killed, but who knows? What if it wasn't the gods? What if it was just something that happened to her? Like her mind snapped or something?"

"All of Gabrielle's things?"

"That's the only thing I can think of that lends any proof to that." she released her grip and rubbed her eyes. "This isn't easy."

"No, it's not. But when you go up on that stand, just remember that the Xena sitting there isn't the same one that attacked you."

Ilanna jumped to her feet when she heard Eponin coming down the hallway. There was no mistaking the rhythmic pounding of the crutches on the stone floor. "I want to see her." the stocky Amazon said.

"Eponin, you're scheduled to testify tomorrow. Why don't you wait until then?"

"I want to see her, Ilanna. Let me in." the look on the stocky Amazon's face told the guard that this was one argument she would lose and reluctantly opened the cell door. She preceded Eponin in and took a position just inside the door so she could keep an eye on them. Neither woman paid her any attention once their eyes locked. "Eponin." the raven haired woman said softly, her muscles tensed and ready.

"Looks like they got you pretty good." she replied. "How many stitches?"

"Two in the lip, five total." Xena replied, knowing already where this was leading to. "I'm sorry you got hurt."

"I lost count of how many stitches Saras had to give me to keep my leg together." she shook her head. "You know, I thought about this. What it would be like to face you again." she leaned against the granite slab but kept her grip on the crutches. "Do you remember, Xena? Do you remember throwing your chakram at me?" the non-Amazon nodded. "What would have happened if I hadn't deflected it with my sword? Tell me."

"It would have sliced through your chest." she said honestly. Eponin hobbled over until she was right in front of her.

"Then tell me why I shouldn't want to see you executed."

"You do what you have to do." Xena said, turning away from the stocky Amazon. Eponin reached out and grabbed her, losing one of the crutches in the process.

"No, don't run away like this. I'll never fight as a warrior again. I can't walk without help." she felt the muscles under her hand tense up to give her support to keep her balance. "You didn't give me a choice, Xena. Tell me one reason why I should give you a chance. You owe me at least that much." she released her hold and hopped on her good leg back to the granite slab.

Xena sat down on the bed and looked at the floor for several long moments. Surely she had done so much over the summers to warrant her execution. There was a time when she didn't care about dying, even welcoming it. Even when she first crossed over the Amazon land with their queen in her arms, she expected to be killed. Now...now was another matter entirely. Now she knew that her beloved Gabrielle was in love with her as well. Now all she wanted was to hold and be held by the bard. She raised her head to meet Eponin's gaze. "I love Gabrielle and she loves me." she said softly. "I'd give my life for her and I'm willing to spend the rest of my life paying for the crimes I've done if it meant I could be near her."

"You know...I bet if we gave you six moons of hard labor that she'd be right there next to you the entire time." she hopped over to the bed and sat down gingerly. "It probably wouldn't matter what Ephiny said, Gabrielle would still find a way to do it. Talking people into things is one of her strong suits."

"Tell me about it." Xena replied, rolling her eyes and earning a small smile from the stocky Amazon.

"You know what she's got me doing? I'm teaching girls eight summers old how to use staffs." Xena gave her a small smile of understanding. "I avoid anything having to do with kids. I'm not the mother type, you know." she laughed slightly. "I even volunteer to pull guard duty whenever there's a festival that involves them. The mothers think I'm just being nice to them by taking their shifts."

"How are your students?"

"Mylas is a wonderful child, the brightest in my class. She gets there extra early to practice and is always one of the last ones to leave. She's good too, for a girl. I bet she could even skip a level if she kept up her drills." Xena noted the teacher's smile of pride when she spoke of her student. "They're all good, really. But they're all different. Risa, that's Symra's daughter, now she needs extra attention. She gets distracted easily. Personally I think she's better suited for farming than fighting. She's got that interest in plants and stuff."

"Sounds like a good class." Xena said.

"Yeah, they're a good bunch, and a handful too." she shifted into a more comfortable position. "Let me tell you what they did today...." Ilanna closed the door behind her and sat back on her stool. Boy would she have something to tell Ephiny in the morning.

Symra looked at the stocky Amazon waiting for her first question. The prosecutor had heard about Eponin's visit to the jail and knew that the chance was good that her testimony would not be as strong for severe punishment as Symra had hoped. The questions about the battle in the tavern were answered in almost the same fashion as Solari's testimony from the day before. The only thing she could focus on and hope to have any affect was Eponin's permanent injury. "When you felt Xena's chakram tear through your leg, you knew then that it was a permanent injury, didn't you?"

"I didn't think about it. My only concern at the time was to help Gabrielle. It was only after Xena left with her that I could focus on my injury."

"And THEN did you know that you were permanently crippled?" Symra said, exasperated.

"I knew then that my injury was quite severe. I didn't know how bad until Saras got a look at it." she admitted.

"And how did you feel toward Xena then? A dozen Amazons heard you threaten to kill her if you ever saw her again."

"I did say that. I was angry. People say lots of things when they're angry."

"Are you saying that you aren't mad about this?"

"I didn't say that. Of course I'm mad." she shifted in her seat and glared at Symra. "I'm forced to use crutches to get around, I need help getting my dinner to the table, I can't even get in and out of the bath without help. If I'm lucky I'll be able to eventually get around with a cane."

"So you think that Xena should be punished for her atrocious crimes. She should be sentenced to death." Symra said confidently, drawing only a small murmur of agreement from a sprinkling of people in the crowd.

"I think that Xena has already been punished." Eponin said. "She has to live with the memory of what she did to me and the others."

"And right after this hearing she can live with the memory of how she got away with everything, just like she's done her whole life." Symra retorted angrily. "Eponin, five days ago you wanted to run her through with your sword. Of course, you can't do that, can you? Your sword, your family heirloom, was lost when you tried to defend your queen. An irreplaceable piece of Amazon honor and history, gone forever." she turned away. "No more questions."

"Eponin..." Luna said as she got to her feet. "I know you were one of our best warriors. A true inspiration to those that follow in your image." the stocky Amazon nodded at the compliment. "Tell me, have you found something else, another way to serve the nation?"

"I don't know how long I'll be able to do it but right now I've been training some girls how to use staffs."

"So you've been able to put your skills and knowledge as a warrior to use by training the next generation of Amazons. That's very commendable, Eponin." she looked at Andro. "No further questions."

"Does the prosecution have any more witnesses?" the head jurist asked. Symra shook her head. "Fine...does the defense wish to call anyone else to the stand?" Luna looked at Xena, silently asking. The raven haired warrior shook her head. It was too chancy to put her up on the stand with her long history of conquest and destruction.

"No Ma'am. The defense rests."

"Very well. This hearing is adjourned until such time as the tribunal renders its decision."

Ilanna took the keys from the day guard. "Anyone in there with her?" she asked.

"Of course. Queen Gabrielle has been in there for candlemarks. Trasis even delivered her dinner here." the day guard said. "You know...when Xena was first captured, I thought she'd be executed, but now I'm not so sure. Have you been following the hearings?"

"Who hasn't?" the dark-skinned Amazon replied. "Now everyone is waiting to hear what the punishment will be. What do you think?" it was a question passed around the village many times that day. Everyone was guessing what kind of sentence the tribunal would give.

Xena was laying on her back with the bard curled up against her. Long fingers gently stroked the bare skin of Gabrielle's arm, reminding the warrior that her love really was there next to her. With the exception of a few breath stealing kisses, this was the only contact they allowed each other. "Xena?"


"I love you."

"I love you too." she replied, giving a small squeeze.



"Do you think they'll come back with a light sentence?" she lifted herself from the warm comfort of the warrior's shoulder and looked down at her. "I mean, they have to believe that you weren't responsible and even Ep said she didn't want to see you get punished. That's got to count, right?"

"It's all going to work out for the best, Gabrielle...you'll see." she said softly, gently pulling the bard back down against her. Her own thoughts were not as optimistic, however. Xena feared that despite all the words in her favor that the tribunal would come back with a severe punishment, although she no longer expected to be executed. Of course the Amazons could come up with a dozen different ways to punish her that would make execution seem pleasant in comparison.

Continued - Part 7

mean, they have to believe that you weren't responsible and even Ep said she didn't want to see you get punished. That's got to count, right?"

"It's all going to work out for the best, Gabrielle...you'll see." she said softly, gently pulling the bard back down against her. Her own thoughts were not as optimistic, however. Xena feared that despite all the words in her favor that the tribunal would come back with a severe punishment, although she no longer expected to be executed. Of course the Amazons could come up with a dozen different ways to punish her that would make execution seem pleasant in comparison.

Continued - Part 7