Disclaimer: Please read the disclaimer at the beginning of Chapter 1. It takes a lot of data to repeat those disclaimers. <G>

Those who desire to give up Freedom,
In order to gain security,
Will not have, nor do they deserve,
Either one.

********Thomas Jefferson********




Chapter 12 (Now I lay me down to sleep . . . . .)

Jessica sat in the back of the limousine, shaking her head. She couldn’t believe that her wild little PA, and hopefully still lover, had managed to pull off this incredible stunt. Of course, with her brother, and his lover, and who knows who all else involved, it’s a wonder she is so amazed.

Her reverie was broken, by her door being opened. Sliding over, she accepted the hand of her erstwhile companion, who was bowing as though in the presence of royalty. Say perhaps a princess or something to that affect. Kate helped her kidnapee out of the car, and then standing back at attention, waited for Jessica to say something.

Jessica had no need for words. Carefully removing Kate’s chauffeur hat, she lightly grasped her chin, and turned her face first to the left, and then to the right.

Satisfied that aliens had not abducted her friend, she bent forward, and captured Kate’s lovely lips in a fiery kiss. Expecting to be pushed away, she was met by a small groan, and the welcome embrace of her smaller companion. Jessica wrapped her arms around Kate’s shoulders, and the two women soaked up the tender warmth of being together again.

"Mmmm . . . ." Kate murmured.

"Yeahhh . . . ." Jessica mumbled back.

Realizing how quickly they both connected to each other, the two women stepped back, blinking almost guiltily. Both almost immediately reached for each other’s hands, not wanting the other to misunderstand, and turn away.

"I . . . ummm, I guess we should talk, I mean after all it wasn’t so great the last time we saw each other and all." Kate found something interesting somewhere around her feet to stare at.

"I, uh, yeah, you’re right. I mean we hardly even know each other, and I mean a lot of stuff is going on, and well . . . . " Jessica stumbled over her words, talking too fast.

"Okay, right, let me get this silly wig off, and then we can find a more comfortable place to talk, okay?" Kate smiled a half smile at her companion.

"Sure, let me help you with that." Jessica reached for the offending hairpiece. "It looks like it must be uncomfortable. Did Michael find this for you?"

Kate turned her back to Jessica, and allowed her to start removing bobby pins. "Yes, he actually found everything, except for my shoes."

"Hmm, and aren’t those something. I was wondering why you were so much taller than before." Jessica stifled a chuckle at the lengths they went to surprise her. A comfortable little warmth crept over her heart for a moment. They . . . . surprised her. How cool!

Jessica pulled the last pin out, effectively releasing Kate’s long reddish-blond hair. Carefully running her fingers through the strands, she worked out any knots that had built up while being trapped under the wig. Kate unconsciously leaned back into Jessica, settling herself against her chest. Without thinking Jessica embraced her from behind, resting her cheek next to Kate’s ear.

"We aren’t going to get a lot accomplished in our discussion, if we keep doing this to ourselves." Jessie breathed into Kate’s ear.

A warm blush crept up Kate’s neck. "Um, yeah, okay, right. Let’s check this place out, and see what’s here."

Breaking away, she tossed the wig, and some other things onto the seat of the limo, and then closed the doors, reaching out with her other hand for Jessie. The two stepped away, and surveyed their surroundings.

The stable was beautiful. The floors were covered in a gorgeous Italian ceramic tile, and the temperature seemed to be perfect, not too cold, and not too hot. There were one or two horses in one of the stalls, but the rest seemed to be empty for the moment. Towards the opposite end of the barn there was a door leading into another room of the building. Motioning in that direction, they both walked quietly towards the door.

"Do you suppose they breed, or race?" Kate inquired looking around her.

"I’m not certain. Deborah never said anything, and neither did Momma when they rescued me from the hospital. I suppose they could do either." Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

Stumbling, Kate tripped over her own platform shoes. Obviously not used to wearing heels, she came close to landing on her behind, and would have if Jessica hadn’t caught her in time. Sweeping her into her arms, like a bag of feathers, Jessica gave away her quiet strength again. It never ceased to amaze Kate that Jessie could just pick her up and carry her as though she were a child.

"You know, you hide your strength very well. Thanks for catching me." Kate giggled.

"Anything for M’Lady." Jessica said in a mock brogue, as she carefully set her down again.

Hmmm, M’Lady, that sure does sound good coming from you! It was a second before Kate realized she had spoken out loud.

Covering her mouth with her hand, she turned a wide-eyed stare in Jessica’s direction. "Oh, I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to hear that."

"Hey, it’s okay, I liked the fact that you liked hearing that from me." Jessica grinned from ear to ear.

The two women stared at each other for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Sappy aren’t we?" Kate wiped away the tears of laughter forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Yeah," Jessica wiped her own tears, "but it feels real good."

Taking her hand again, Kate led Jessica to the mysterious door in the back. Reaching for the doorknob, she almost held her breath before opening it. Michael had given her some idea of what to expect, and she was hoping it was as special as he had led her to believe. Slowly she pulled it open. Taking a peek inside, she was more than delighted at the sight she beheld. Turning around to Jessica, she asked her to close her eyes, before stepping through the door.

"No peeking now, this is incredible." Kate sounded mysterious as she guided her charge through the door.

"Okay, open your eyes." Kate stepped back.

Looking at her surroundings, Jessica couldn’t help but think that she had died and gone to heaven. The room was rather large, with soft natural wood walls, and a huge stone fireplace in the corner. A fire had already been set, the flames reflecting warmly across the blankets, and large pillows that were scattered across the floor. On the opposite wall was a large comfortable looking bed, and in the corner, a bathroom, with a roomy shower. All in all, it couldn’t have been better if she had ordered it herself.

On a small table in the corner, there was a light pasta meal being kept warm in a small chafing dish, with a green salad, and a white California wine. Both women realized that they were starving, and headed right for the table. Holding Kate’s chair, Jessica made an attempt at chivalry. So far Kate had been the warrior, her protector. It was time to share a little of her own secret warrior.

Seating herself, Jessie uncovered the chafing dish, and served them both some pasta. Kate busied herself pouring the wine, and then lit the candles that were placed between them on the table. Someone had very graciously thought of everything, including matches for the candles, as well as everything else. It was like being in a secluded cabin, in the middle of nowhere, with a caterer.

Somehow though, Kate felt better knowing that there were people outside to protect them. She was feeling uneasy taking Jessica so far from the city, without so much as a pistol, or even a sling shot in her possession. She decided that after dinner, they should get to talking, and stop all of this mooning around each other. She knew how she felt about Jessie, but she didn’t want to force the other woman to feel the same about her.

Finishing their meal in silence, Jessica refilled their glasses, and then carried them over to the pile of blankets and pillows on the floor. Kicking off her shoes, and removing her jacket, she settled her tall, lanky frame into a nest of pillows, and then turned her gaze to Kate.

"Oh, I hope this is okay?" Jessica was concerned that she had made the wrong choice. Judging by the sparkle that reflected back at her from Kate’s eyes, she was relieved to see that it was alright.

"Oh no, that’s just fine. Let me take these cruel shoes off, and I’ll join you." Kate replied, as she removed her platform heels.

Crossing the floor slowly, Kate couldn’t shake the feeling of euphoria that seemed to make time slow down around her. Settling herself cross-legged on the blankets and pillows, she realized that she was staring at the beautiful dark haired goddess sitting before her, almost unable to breath.

Jessica could feel the shift in the atmosphere, and caught herself at the last moment, before she reached over and kissed Kate again, and wouldn’t stop kissing her, if she gave in to the urge. She cleared her throat, and shook her head a few times, effectively shaking them both out of their trance.

"Wow, must be the wine or something." Kate mumbled embarrassed.

"Yeah, must be." Jessica sounded a little groggy.

"Well, you go first." Kate tried to think clearly. "I want to know what Justin said to you. I think you started to tell me, but I managed to block it out."

Jessica’s face turned momentarily sad at the memory. "Oh, well, it seems that reporter, Sharon MacAfee, the one that’s been stalking me for a while now, thinks that there is something sordid going on in my life. She is planning on putting up a front page expose’ of her impressions of my new Personal Assistant, and the fact that old Jessica here just might be steppin’ over the old gay fence you know. Justin is in an absolute panic, because he is afraid that no matter how well we are doing in the ratings, if that kind of news leaked out, it might destroy the show. There are a lot of people that depend on me everyday, to feed their families, and to pay their rent." A whole new level of sadness crept over her features.

"I don’t want to hurt these people, but I can’t begin to describe to you the happiness I’ve been able to share with you the last few days. It happens so seldom in my life, that I don’t want to let it go. I feel greedy, but I can’t help it. I’m not even sure I want to help it." Jessica bowed her head, fearing the tears she felt building behind her eyelids, might just fall.

Placing her hand over Jessica’s, Kate held it tightly, willing her to let the tears fall. "I have a small bit of hope to share." Kate whispered. Jessica fixed her with a tear filled gaze. Slowly one tear escaped, and slipped down her cheek. "Michael called a friend of his, a woman who works for one of those big gay organizations here in Los Angeles. Her mother is an actress, and her father is a Senator or something like that. Anyway, Michael said she was more than willing to help us. She has already been in contact with Justin, and is doing damage control with that Sharon woman. They are calling a meeting for tomorrow, and we are all supposed to attend. She said she would take care of everything, and that we should just listen, and not comment."

Again Jessica was stunned. She couldn’t believe that so much had happened in such a short time, and all for her. She allowed the tears to fall freely this time. Kate crawled over to her, and held Jessica in her arms. Stroking her hair, she lightly kissed the top of her head. Jessica cried for a time, and then fearing she was acting like a big baby, pulled away with an apology, and searched for some tissues. Kate jumped up, and trotted to the bathroom, returning with a whole box.

After she had a moment to compose herself, Jessica pulled Kate back in close, and then told her what Justin had said about Gregory, and the things he was involved in. As of the last time she checked, no one had seen him, he was still missing.

"Listen, to tell the truth, I am a little nervous about bringing you out here. I know that Momma will see to our protection and all, but I am completely unarmed. I feel bad. I should be better prepared." Kate’s guilt was showing clearly on her face.

"Don’t feel bad. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Sometimes the people around me mean well, but they tend to treat me like a china doll. Really, I am far from the china doll stage. I can hold my own pretty well in a fight, and as you well know, I’m pretty strong. Besides, I don’t think Gregory would be stupid enough to try something here. Momma already has a grudge against him, and somehow I think some of her associates would probably back her up." Jessica smiled at the thought.

"You’re probably right, still . . . ." Kate was lost in her dark thoughts again.

"So, tell me what your thoughts are about all of this newspaper stuff and everything." Jessica changed the subject.

Kate told her about how long she had cried, and how terrible she felt when Laura had pointed out to her, that she could have been making too quick a judgement about Jessica’s feelings for her. She apologized again, and promised to not react so quickly in the future.

"Heck, even Corky and Violet were freaking out because of me. I couldn’t speak to anyone, and I wouldn’t even let them into the office with me for a while. It wasn’t until Laura reminded me of some very important things, like the fact that you are a person, not just an actress, and then Michael confirmed our suspicions, and I finally calmed down. I don’t think I have ever felt quite this way about another person before. Not so much that it almost hurts to feel this good." Kate said matter-of-factly.

"I know what you mean. What if Michael’s friend can’t help us, then what do we do?" Jessica frowned.

"I . . . . guess that’s up to you. I don’t have a career, or people depending on me." Kate matched her frown.

"Yes, you do. You have me depending on you. I don’t want to lose this, to lose you. We just have to be careful I guess." Jessica’s frown turned to a somewhat evil grin.

"Okay, I’m game if you are." Kate Slipped back into Jessie’s warm embrace.

The two women spent another hour or so talking quietly with each other. Kate told Jessica about her parents, specifically her father, and how he never felt that women could be anything but secretaries, and then mothers. And how her mother had found happiness again, in the arms of a Silicon Valley CEO. Kate also told Jessica about meeting Laura on the internet, at the beginning of the Kendra Knight shows, and how they would talk until late at night, about the episodes, and about the shows star. Laura was the first to start writing fan fiction, and then Kate tried her hand at it as well. Laura was by far the best, in Kate’s opinion, but Kate turned a good story now and again as well. They both shared the same likes and dislikes as far as the show was concerned, and both had the same favorite authors.

Jessica asked about Laura and her girlfriend April, where they lived, and what they did, how they met. "Well, it all started about 20 or so years ago. Laura was living at home, taking care of her mother, and April was living with someone else. They actually met through the other girlfriend. April went through some pretty nasty times, and Laura just managed to be around, to help her out. She wouldn’t ever say she was interested, but she truly was. Finally, after about three years of all kinds of strange goings on, April finally left her girlfriend. Laura stayed by her faithfully, and then before you knew it they were living together, and the rest as they say is history."

Jessica thought the story was wonderful. "Did they live happily ever after?"

"Well for the most part I guess. I mean everyone has their ups and downs, and those two definitely had their problems. But, they managed to work them out together, and have lasted this long. I can’t even think of one without the other. For a while I think April was jealous of Laura’s involvement with the internet. She doesn’t even care for your show that much, but she finally got over it. I mean, this way she knows where Laura is, and she actually see’s it as a method for Laura to step up to writing legitimately someday." Kate refilled their glasses with the rest of the bottle of wine.

"Hmmm, do you think April would let me in their house?" Jessica frowned again.

"Oh, sure, she would probably be speechless, much like Laura. It’s one thing to watch someone you idolize from afar, and quite another to have the idol in your home. I think you two would get along great." Kate smiled and squeezed Jessica’s hand again.

"So, you didn’t tell me what they do." Jessica asked again.

"Well, April runs an office coffee service for a worldwide food service company. Laura used to work there too, but she got laid off, so she took a job in Half Moon Bay working for a small business. She is also taking pictures on the side, and hopes to have some published, as well as writing her stories. Her mother lives in the same mobile home park that they do, so Laura sees to her care as well. On top of all of that, they also sort of run a "mommy" service for several of their friends. It seems that people are attracted to the two of them, because they have such a long and vast history of dealing with people and their problems. I guess that’s how Laura managed to get me to talk, come to think of it." Kate closed her eyes for a moment when the memories came flooding back.

"Well, I can’t wait to meet them. If anyone needs some mommy help, I think it’s me." Jessica smiled a lopsided smile.

Both women sat in silence again. Kate realized that she had been doing all of the talking, and Jessica had yet to share any of her history. Michael had already told Kate some of the stories, but she knew there were a lot more mysteries surrounding her friend. She decided not to push the subject. All would come out one of these days.

"Listen, I’m feeling a little grubby, and a little tired. Care to join me in a shower?’ Kate was feeling a bit bold at the moment.

Surprised, Jessica raised one eyebrow. "Well, I, well okay. I could use a nice hot shower.

Shyly, realizing what she had just implied, Kate reached down, and helped her taller friend to her feet. She stopped for a moment, and added a log or two to the fire, to stoke it up a little while they showered. That way there would be soft embers, when they returned.

Taking Jessie’s hand, Kate led her to the bathroom. Not sure if it was embarrassment, or the wine making her feel warm, she reached over and turned the lights on. Jessica started to turn, and unbutton her blouse, suddenly shy in front of Kate. With a blush she remembered the first time she undressed in front of her friend. She wondered why now was so different. Because, you still don’t know where you stand, and you are scared, simple as that.

Kate evaluated the situation. "Jess? Is it too soon for this? I mean, there doesn’t have to be sex. Contrary to popular belief, all naked encounters do not have to end up being sexual. If you would rather be alone, I can wait."

Jessie blushed again. Surprised at her once shy friend’s new boldness, she made a quick decision. "I think we can manage to share a shower, without losing control. Stay. Besides, I need someone to wash my back."

Getting that out of the way, the two women felt better. Jessie continued to undress, and Kate started her own process. Getting out of the chauffers uniform by herself, proved to be harder than she thought. It had a lot of hidden little catches and things to make it fit right, and she couldn’t reach some of them.

"Could you give me a hand here, I can’t unlatch some of these darned hooks inside the jacket." Kate was straining to reach the offending items.

Jessie looked up, and burst into giggles at the sight of Kate turning and twisting like a contortionist trying to escape her clothes. "Hang on, stop spinning, I’ll get you out."

While Jessie reached into the jacket, her fingers brushed by the still nasty bruise on Kate’s back. Kate breathed in sharply. Concerned, Jessica turned back the coat to take a look.

"Wow, that really is getting nasty. Hurts, huh? I’m so sorry. I wish that had never happened." A deep sadness crept into Jessica’s heart.

"Oh, come on now, don’t start that. I’m alive, and that’s what’s important. If I hadn’t been there, and been prepared for something like that, it might have been Deborah, or you. And neither one of you may have survived. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world." Kate turned, and put her arms around Jessie’s bare waist.

Jessica just stood there with her eyes closed, soaking in the feeling of being cared for. Kate placed a very light kiss between Jessie’s breasts, and then turned and finished removing her clothing.

Overwhelmed by the tenderness, Jessie stood there, unable to move. Realizing that Jessie was in distress, Kate dropped her clothes and went to her. She reached out her hands, as Jessie slowly knelt on the floor. Covering her face with her hands she began to weep. Kate dropped to the floor, and circling the taller woman in her arms, held her to her chest, and let her cry.

There was no strength left in Jessie when she finally calmed down. Kate stroked her hair, periodically kissing her temple, while she held her friend close. Quietly murmuring soft words to Jessie, she carefully tipped her chin back, and using the corner of a towel, dried away the tears that showed only too well her pain.

Kissing Jessie on the forehead, she waited patiently until the distraught woman opened her eyes. Blinking in the glare, something so simple as opening her eyes became an effort. Using the towel, Kate covered her own head, and then used the end to shade Jessie’s eyes. This had the desired effect, because it made Jessie chuckle, and allowed Kate to confirm that her lover was going to be alright.

"Do you feel better?" Kate whispered.

"Yeah, sure, I just about flood us both out, lose my mind, and then wakeup in the arms of a mermaid in the middle of a porcelain beach. I feel great." Jessie half-grinned.

"Good, I’m glad. I think you needed that. Laura says that crying and laughing are both good for you, because if you don’t laugh or cry, you might explode. And it’s a lot harder mopping up after a head explosion, than it is to kiss away tears." Kate was very matter-of-fact about her friends philosophies.

"Did she really say that? That’s kind of an interesting way to look at life." Jessie found herself more anxious to meet this friend of Kate’s someday.

"Oh, yes. Laura has all kinds of things to say about life. She has seen some pretty terrible things, and helped a lot of people. She should have gotten her degree, and become a psychologist or counselor or something." Kate frowned slightly.

"Why didn’t she?" Jessie asked.

"She says she ran out of time, and she couldn’t afford it anyway. Laura’s great at inventing logical reasoning for illogical problems, especially if they concern her. I think she’s afraid that if she ever became 100% great at any one thing, that she might not be happy. She prefers to look at her gift for listening, and helping people solve their troubles as a case of good mothering. And she is definitely a great mother." Kate giggled, thinking about the mother’s day card she sent Laura last year.

"Say, are you ready to get into the shower, or what? I’ve got all of these tears dripping down my chest, and so do you. What say we clean up, and then snuggle in bed and talk. Morning is coming fast, and then we have to work again, so we better get moving. Unless you want to stay here in my tent, and we sleep here leaning against the throne." Kate began to idly tickle Jessie, trying to keep her good mood intact.

"Okay, okay, I get ya. Let’s get in the shower. Sleeping on the bathroom floor sounds like a Gregory thing, and that’s gross." Jessie started to unfold herself from the floor, and stumbled.

"Whoa, take it easy. You’re blood pressure’s been up, and fueling those emotions, and it’s going to leave you kind of weak. Trust me, been there, done that. Let me help you up." Kate was immediately concerned.

Reaching down and grasping Jessie by the arms, she helped her into a standing position. Finishing undressing them both, Kate led her to the shower, and stepping in first, guided Jessie in after her.

"Here, stand under the water, and let it pound right at the base of your neck, where it connects between your head and your shoulders. It will help loosen the muscles." Kate kept a firm grip on Jessie’s arms, to keep her from slipping.

"Mmm, you are so right. Can I stay here for ever?" Jessie half-joked.

"Well, you could, but you would end up looking like a prune, and I doubt seriously if the hot water will last that long." Kate smiled broadly.

"Okay, but it’s not fair you know. I could really get to liking this." Jessie pouted.

"Tell you what," Kate whispered, "don’t tell anyone, but I’ll be glad to help you out anytime. Okay?"

"Mmm, okay." Jessie returned Kate’s grin.

A few more moments of soaking in the pounding water, and then Kate began very clinically washing each and every part of Jessica’s tired body. Jessie just stood there, and let herself be pampered. Kate washed her long dark hair, and then after rinsing out the shampoo, applied a liberal amount of cream rinse. Piling as much of Jessie’s hair as she could on the top of her head, she told her to stand still, until she could wash herself. She quickly went through the process, and then finished rinsing both of them off.

Stepping out first, she grabbed one of the large towels, and after helping Jessie out, wrapped her up, and then grabbed the other towel and wrapped herself up. Carefully toweling Jessie dry, she had her sit on the toilet seat, and dried her hair, then brushed it out. At the last minute, she decided to braid the long dark tresses into a single braid down her back. Standing back to look at her accomplishment, she smiled broadly.

"What?" Jessie returned from some far off place.

"Just looking at you. You look very cute, with your hair all done, your face all shiny, and that silly smile." Without thinking, Kate bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Taking her hand, Jessie kissed first the back and then the palm. Holding it to her cheek, and closing her eyes again, she sighed deeply. "You make me feel wonderful. Absolutely and unquestionably wonderful. I had no idea that there could be such nice moments in my life. I had given that all up for lost. Thank you."

"You don’t have to thank me. I can’t think of anything else I would rather do, or anyone else I would rather be with, ever. Now come on, we’re starting to get way mushy, and I might start crying myself. Let’s get me dried off, and both of us into bed. Long day tomorrow, I called Alice before I left to pick you up, and got the schedule. You still need to get a dress for that awards show, and I have a ton of mail to sort through." Kate pulled Jessie back up, and pointed her in the direction of the bed.

Drying herself off, she reflected on the last few days again. This is so strange! I never would have thought of myself as A: anyone that someone like Jessica Ryan would be interested in, and B: feeling stronger about myself, and my right to happiness. I think, just maybe, that this might be love. I’m scared though. With all of the trouble, and Jessie’s uncertainties, I don’t want to frighten her away. One day at a time, McKenna, one day at a time!

Kate picked up the bathroom, not wanting to be a poor guest, and then worked her way out to the bedroom. Jessie was already under the covers, sleeping lightly. Kate tried to slip in, without disturbing her. There was plenty of time to talk later.

"Mmph, sorry, falling out. Waking up." Jessie mumbled.

"No, don’t, sleep, that’s it, close your eyes, and sleep. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere." Kate reached over, and shut the bedside lamp off.

Jessie rolled over, and slipped into Kate’s arms, resting her head on her chest. Kate stayed awake for a while, listening to Jessie breath, occasionally hearing her mumble in her sleep. She lightly stroked her arm, and murmured sweet things to her, hoping to scare away any demons that might be disturbing her rest.


Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.

********William Blake********


Chapter 13: Engarde, you rogue!!!

Kate wasn’t sure how much time had gone by, when she heard the beginnings of a light rain start to fall on the roof, and patter against the window. She began to drift into her own soft sleep, when suddenly lights flared through the far window, and the sound of breaking wood and screeching tires came blaring across the fields outside. Men were shouting, and she thought she heard gun fire.

"Jessie, Jessie honey wake up! Hurry! We have to get into the car. Hurry!" Kate started shaking Jessie, adrenaline starting to seep into her body.

"Wha . . .! What’s wrong? What’s going on?" Jessie fumbled her way out of sleep.

"Something’s happening outside, we need to get up and get into the car. Now!" Kate was throwing back the covers, and pulling Jessie up with her.

Jessie’s tired mind finally heard what had started Kate moving. She rolled out of the other side of the bed, and grabbing shoes, clothes, and anything else in her path, ran for the door to the barn where the car was parked. Kate was right behind her trying to hear what was happening outside.

Reaching the car, Kate opened the back door, and grabbing Jessie, pushed her in ahead of her. Jessie threw the clothes in, and then laid down on the floor. Kate dove in after her, and laying on top of Jessie, hit the power lock, and sealed them inside.

"Hmm, this is kinda kinky don’t you think?" Jessie couldn’t help chuckling from her place under her protector.

"Shhh, it’s not funny! I heard gun shots, and heard what sounded like a car, or truck driving through a fence out there. It might be Gregory. This is the safest place we can be. The car is built better than a tank. Here, quick, put some clothes on. I told Big Leo that if anything happened, to come and find us. If he couldn’t, or didn’t want to give away our location, then someone is to call us on the cell phone. It’s the best I could do in such short time." Kate’s eyes took on a haunted sort of look in the shadows.

Jessie sorted through the clothes, and started to get dressed. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. I didn’t realize it was so serious."

"Hey, it’s alright. Now that I think I have you, I don’t intend to lose you. And with someone as insane as Gregory out there doing God knows what, I refuse to let him win the fight." Kate wished she had brought an extra pair of shoes. The platforms were not going to be useful if they had to run.

Dressed, she rifled through her pockets, and found the keys to the car. Carefully working towards the front, she slipped through the privacy window, and turned the power on, so she could lower the driver’s window a crack. Looking back to smile at Jessie, she gestured with her head to have her join her up front.

"Just lay low, and if I say down, get down. We may have to take off, if they can’t stop whoever is out there." Kate helped the taller woman wriggle onto the seat through the small opening.

Slumping low, Jessie nodded her head. It was so quiet in the car, you could almost hear their heartbeats. Kate lowered the window a little more, and turned in the seat slightly, to listen for the outside noises. Not hearing anything, she was tempted to open the door. Just as she reached for the locks, a loud thump hit the side of the car. Without taking the time to even think, Kate turned back in her seat, and starting the car, put it into reverse and prepared to floor it.

Looking towards the front of the car, she had time to see what could only be Gregory, pointing an extremely large weapon at them through the windshield. Honking the horn to warn people, she slammed the car backwards through the barn door, sending splinters and hardware skyward. Cranking the steering wheel as hard as she could, she sent the limousine into a spin, effectively causing it to reverse direction, and face away from the building.

"GET DOWN, NOW!" Kate shouted at Jessie.

Jessie frantically slipped to the floor, and curled herself into the smallest ball she could under the dashboard. Kate shifted into drive, and floored the accelerator, the tires temporarily spinning in the loose dirt of the barn’s yard. Finally gaining traction, the car responded, and they shot towards the roadway, rapidly gaining speed. A loud deafening roar, and a thunk against the left rear of the car almost forced them to the side of the road.

Kate realized that whatever weapon Gregory was carrying, the limousine wouldn’t stand up to too many more hits like that. She pushed the vehicle to it’s safest limits, and careened down the road trying to hold her panic in check. Slipping and sliding on the damp pavement, Kate was afraid they might lose control. When they reached the open freeway, she reduced her speed so she wouldn’t attract attention, or cause an accident.

Looking down to where Jessie was obviously uncomfortably crammed under the dashboard, she reached with her hand, and gestured for her to come back up onto the seat.

"Are you okay?" Kate asked, worry stressing her voice.

"I’m fine. Wow, you really can drive this thing can’t you?" Jessie was wide-eyed with shock.

"Like I said, no one is going to hurt you, especially not that monster, Gregory." Kate had a look of angry determination on her face.

Grabbing her cell phone, she had Jessie fasten her seatbelt. She couldn’t be sure they were safe, until she talked to someone. Dialing Big Leo’s number, she was growing increasingly nervous when no one answered right away. To her surprise it was Momma’s voice on the other end of the line.

"Katie?" Momma shouted into the receiver.

"Momma, it’s me. What happened? Where’s Leo?" Kate’s nerves were jangling by now.

"That bastard Gregory shot my baby Leo." Momma spat into the phone. "He’s gonna be okay though, just a scratch. I put a hole in that SOB’s rear end though, don’t think I didn’t. He ain’t gonna sit down for a month. That’s what he gets for trying to hurt my children. Ah’m gonna kill him the next time he darkens my door. You watch me."

Kate couldn’t hold the nervous giggles back at Momma’s message. "I’m sorry, I’m not really laughing. Did he get away? Did anyone stop him."

"Yes, he got away. He had a jeep out near the barn, that’s how he drove through the fence. The stupid idiots my son calls friends, forgot to disable the bastard’s car. He managed to get to it, and drive away. They are looking for him now." Momma was clearly disgusted at the lack of planning these so called "body guards" displayed.

Immediately on the alert again, Kate told her they would be careful, and watch for him. Hanging up, she made two more calls. The first was to the Detective who was handling their case. He told her to find a safe place to stay, and contact him when they got there. The last call was to Michael and Steven. They were shaken from their sleep, and worried sick about the girls, but Kate assured them they were okay, and that they would let them know where they were.

"So, where’s a safe place to go right now?" Kate addressed Jessie with the question.

"Hmm, I know, let’s go to the office. It’s a highly secure building. I know they have deactivated all of Gregory’s access codes. We can hide out in my office." Jessie was proud of herself for thinking of it.

"You have an office?" Kate was surprised.

"Yeah, it evolved out of my need to have someplace to go, to get away from all of the human garbage that was associated with my "husband". I actually spent quite a bit of time there in the past." Jessie lowered her eyes again.

"Hey, it’s nice to have a place to hide sometimes. Especially now. Listen, Momma says they didn’t get him, I guess you heard that part. We need to stay on our toes, and watch for him all of the time. There is no telling when he might try again. Are you with me?" Kate glanced over to see Jessie’s reaction.

An angry, determined look crossed Jessica’s face. "Of course I’m with you. I don’t exactly want to lose you either. I hate feeling like such a baby sometimes. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. I’m with you all the way."

"Good. If I get too pushy, say so. Just remember, it might save your life." Kate was deadly serious. "If I say get down, I don’t meant get up and dance! We have to try to stay on our toes, but still get through the day. I am not going to let this bastard make us prisoners either. Besides, Momma says he’s injured. She shot him in the rear end, before he made his escape. Hopefully it will slow him down." Both women chuckled nervously at that news.

As Kate piloted the big car towards the studio offices, Gregory led Big Leo’s friends on a wild goose chase. Deciding to lay low for a time, he realized that he had better get to a doctor somewhere for his wound. That old bitch! I’ll kill her and the rest of those mutants she calls family, just as soon as I get my "widdle baby Jessie back". She owes me, and she’s going to pay. I’ll make sure of that. Even if it means killing that baby dyke of hers. Ha, Gregory. You are one clever man. Just wait . . . .wait . . . . wait!

Jessie fished around in her wallet, and found her card key for the parking garage, and eventually to allow them to gain access to the building. After several tries, she remembered her passcode. Most of the time she didn’t have to use the card (like never), and so it didn’t come to mind right away. Michael always used his card to get them in and out of the garage and the building. Kate sat patiently, while Jessie fumbled with the card reader, pushing buttons, and then swearing when it didn’t work.

"Umm, should we call Michael, and get the numbers?" Kate was trying to be helpful.

Wide-eyed, with one eyebrow crooked up, Jessie mumbled her reply.

"What? I’ll be glad to call Michael, it will only take a second." Kate was nervous about them being out in the open. Gregory could come around the corner at any minute.

"No, I said I’m fine. Just one more second." Jessie had her tongue stuck in the corner of her mouth with concentration.

Finally, one of the combinations worked, before the system crashed, and wouldn’t let them try again. Kate pointed that fact out to Jessie, that they could have been blocked from entering the building.

"Yeah, but we weren’t were we?" Jessica pouted.

"No, you’re right we weren’t. Now get back in here, so we can get out of sight. I don’t want to be caught out here on the street." Kate smiled and tried to make up for sounding patronizing.

Jessie ducked back into the car, and Kate drove down into the garage. Parking across from the elevators, they both walked around back to see the damage left by the massive gun Gregory had fired at them. The left rear quarter panel of the car was blown to bits. Fortunately the gas tank is on the opposite side, or they could have gone up in flames. Kate shuddered when she thought of the consequences, had his aim been better.

Taking Kate’s hand, Jessie zapped her card into the elevator reader, and then led Kate inside. Putting her arm around Kate’s shoulders, she pulled her close, and then waving at the security camera, pushed the button to the 14th floor. Her office was two floors below Justin’s, and one below the administrative offices of the studio. They thought it would be better to scatter everyone around. Even Gregory had no knowledge of a separate office for Jessica. She and Justin had made it their little secret.

Checking the hallway when the doors opened, Jessica directed Kate to a doorway at the end and to the right. Again using her cardkey, she punched in her code again, and opened the door. A soft light went on, to allow them to see into the room before entering. Jessie allowed Kate to go ahead of her, and then followed when Kate gave her the all clear. They mutually had decided that it paid to be careful, even if they felt like they were playing James Bond or something.

"Say, this is really nice." Kate was truly impressed.

Wandering over to the massive sofa on one side of the room, Kate flopped onto her back, crossing her feet as she landed. "Ooooh, is this the infamous casting couch?" she smirked.

"Hey, watch that. That there is some precious bit of furniture you got your feet on. Genuine naugahyde. Lots of little Naugas died for that couch you know." Jessie chuckled at their joking banter.

"Hmmm, and how many nubile young lassies have you cast on this couch, Ms. Ryan? Hmmm? What’s a matter, cat got your tongue?" Kate winked a few times to catch Jessie’s attention.

"Why, you, I’ll cat get your tongue, you just wait." Jessie crossed the room with a few short strides of her long legs.

Winding up her fingers for a class-A tickle session, Jessie grabbed Kate, and started tickling her ribs. Kate giggled, screeched, and then started to squirm. Jessie saw her chance, and pinning Kate under her, started to lick her face. Her eyebrows, her chin, her ear. Kate screamed again, and laughed even harder. Suddenly she got an arm loose, and pinning Jessie’s arm under one leg, wrapped her free arm around Jess’ neck, pulled her in for a quick kiss.

Jessie fought for a moment, until she realized that she had been heading in that direction herself, and had gotten distracted. Suspending her struggle, she gave in and returned Kate’s kiss. They kissed several times, carefully exploring each other, and sweetly savoring each and every touch. It was still not important to cross the line to sex, but it was mutually acceptable, in a quiet loving way. In a way it reassured both of them, that they could be so tender and comfortable with each other. It made them both feel . . . . loved!

Jessie slipped over on her side, and pulled Kate into her arms. Kate half laid on Jessie, resting her head on her shoulder. They held each other for a while like this, not speaking, just holding. Recovering from the wild awakening they had just experienced, and the acceptance that they were both willing to battle the odds, to be together. Still, neither one would speak the "three little words" to each other. Both had been damaged for so long, that the fear of commitment was way too much to overcome. Yet, they were comfortable in their own hearts, to know that it wouldn’t be long. As long as they could continue to trust each other, and to feel this good together, then it would be very soon.

Kate watched as Jessie slowly closed her eyes, and her breathing became more rhythmic, as she slipped into sleep. Carefully getting up, trying hard not to wake her love, Kate wandered over to a closet, and opening it quietly, was pleased to find a pillow, and some warm blankets. She never did put her shoes on, so tiptoeing in her socks, she covered Jessie with the blankets, and then carefully slipped back into her arms. Jessie shifted, and mumbled, and then closed her arms around her companion, and drifted back to sleep.

Before they both realized it, the sun started to rise over Los Angeles the bright rays of light slowly gliding over them. Kate was the first to awaken. She sat up part way, and smiling touched one finger to Jessica’s beautiful lips. Jessie looked just like a sleeping child to her. No nightmares, no demons, just soft peaceful sleep. Barely brushing her lips across that sleeping smile, she quietly slipped out of Jessie’s embrace, and began to explore her surroundings. Finding a first class bathroom behind the door that was not the closet, she took the chance to relieve herself, and then freshen up a bit. Another shower sounded wonderful. Quietly she slipped out of her clothes, and turned on the hot water.

Not sure how much time had gone by, Kate was beginning to think she should probably get out, when the aroma of fresh brewing coffee drifted in through the opening bathroom door.

"Mmmm, is that the coffee fairy I smell. Oooh, that smells wonderful!" Kate breathed in the aroma.

Slowly the shower door slid back, and a hand holding a steaming mug of hot coffee came through the opening. Kate grabbed the mug, and stepped back so they wouldn’t get burned. Jessie followed the hand, with another mug in her other hand for herself. She had removed her clothes, before entering the bathroom to preserve her surprise.

"Hey there, good morning." Jessie touched her mug to Kate’s.

"Hey, good morning to you too." Kate stepped in closer to Jessie.

Bending down to kiss Kate’s offered lips, Jessie almost burst with the well of emotion in this small act. For all she cared, this could be a Hallmark moment, a picture postcard moment, or a time stopping moment. Nothing gets better than this, nothing!

Careful not to spill the mugs of hot coffee, they both set them down on the small shelf to the rear of the stall. Jessie took the initiative, and grabbing a small bottle of shampoo from the shelf, started the methodical process of bathing her lover. It was like exploring familiar, yet unknown territory. Even though they had showered together just last evening, each moment seemed special, and somehow new. The outside world no longer existed for them. When Jessie was finished, Kate returned the favor. Slowly massaging, and caressing every inch of Jessie’s body, she explored with a new and childlike wonder.

Running her finger across a nasty scar on Jessie’s lower back, she looked into her lover’s eyes, at once realizing that there was no need to question it’s origin, nor the identity of its originator. Kissing Jessie’s chest and collar bones, Kate laid her head down, in sorrow that such an incredible person could be treated so poorly. Jessie held Kate tightly, appreciative of her understanding, and accepting of the knowledge that Kate had suffered her own form of abuse as well. Both injured souls seemed to touch at that moment, almost as though through their mutual understanding, their souls had become one.

Shutting the water off, Jessie reached through the door, and went to grab a towel, when another more masculine hand shook hers from the direction of the doorway. Stifling a scream, she pulled her hand back, and before the intruder had a chance to speak, Kate was out the door, and in the middle of his chest, preparing to pull his lungs out through his nose. She had pulled back her fist, and was about to let loose, when Jessie grabbed her from behind. Wrapping her in a towel, she practically lifted Kate off of Michael, chuckling at his stupidity.

"Wow, that’s the first time in my life I have very nearly been killed by a naked Irish girl. And darlin’ you are truly Irish if I do say so myself." Michael chuckled nervously at the near death experience that he had just come so close to.

"Little brother, you are not so very smart, do you know that?" Jessica chuckled again, while restraining her fiery charge, and preventing her from killing her sibling. More for the comment about her heritage, than for the intrusion.

"Michael! You are a pig!" Kate spat in his direction.

"Well, if you’re going to launch yourself out of a shower, like a banshee on steroids, and totally naked to boot, then expect your attackee to look for God’s sake. Hell, be proud. There really aren’t that many true redheads or blonds in this whole town. That makes you special, kinda like a virgin." Michael laughed at his joke.


Shooing her brother out of the bathroom, Jessie wrapped herself in a towel, and then keeping one hand on her charge, closed the door. Turning to face Kate, she was surprised to see tears in her eyes. Pulling Kate into her arms, she held her closely for a moment, and then using the corner of her towel, dried her tears.

"What’s wrong, Katie? Why are you crying?" Jessica spoke softly, kissing the top of Kate’s head.

"Good God! I almost cleaned his clock. What is the matter with him? Don’t you think he might realize that we could just possibly be on edge here? I will not allow you to be harmed, and that is it. Next time, I might not be able to stop myself. I could have killed him, if I had let loose a moment sooner." Kate was obviously distraught.

"Hmm, are you sure it wasn’t the redhead joke? I mean he does have a warped sense of humor. And besides, he doesn’t always think ahead. He probably assumed that we would know that Gregory couldn’t get in here, so we were most likely safe. He was just trying to be funny." Jessica tipped Kate’s face up, so she could kiss her lips.

Instantly forgetting Michael for the moment, Kate sank into the kiss, with a passion born on the wings of exhaustion, fear, and the need for Jessica’s touch. Everything around them disappeared again. This time it was expected, and welcomed. Unfortunately, with their guest in the other room, this was not the time to follow that path.

With a small sigh, and a last kiss, Kate separated from Jessie, and kissing the palms of both hands, turned to see if she could find some of her clothes. She wished desperately that she had thought to pack a bag. A clean pair of underwear at least. She was so caught up in her thoughts, that she hadn’t realized that Jessie hadn’t moved yet. She was still standing in the middle of the bathroom staring at the palms of her hands as though they belonged to someone else.

"Jess, honey, what’s wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost." Kate was concerned.

Jessie turned her hands down, so Kate could see the palms. In the exact center of each one was a bright red spot where Kate’s lips had touched. They seemed to be red hot, as though the kisses had burned their memory in permanently. Kate took both hands in her own, and holding them close to her chest, stared into Jessie’s eyes looking for the answer to their unasked question. Jessie closed her eyes and shook her head. The answer eluded her as much as it did Kate. They stood together for a moment longer, when Michael’s frantic knocking shook them out of their reverie.

"Hey, what’s up in there? Jessie, that detective guy is on the phone for you. And you guys, I brought clean clothes and things for you. I mean geez, you haven’t exactly, like, been carrying your wardrobe around with you or anything." Michael sighed dramatically.

"Hmmm, resourceful. That’s what I like in a gay man. Always on their toes, when it comes to fashion sense. Well, almost always." Jessie smiled slightly, still dizzy from the passionate response her body had focused on Kate’s kisses to her hands.

Kate was still shaken up about Michael’s unannounced arrival, so Jessie went out and gathered together the bag of clothes. She talked briefly to the detective. He let them know with great disappointment, that Gregory had disappeared again. He also assured her that they would continue the search, and would not stop until he was apprehended. Thanking him, Jessie returned to the bathroom.

Kate was sitting on the toilet seat, chin resting in her hands. She looked extremely depressed. It was obvious that lack of sleep, and the increased stress were starting to get to her. Jessie mentally hoped that things would settle down soon, at least until the hiatus, when they could take off for Northern California. She knew she could use the break, and she was sure Kate needed it as well.

"Well, I guess we better get a move on. We need to pick up the staging and blocking notes from Alice, and I need to run lines again. Ted is asking us to work through the weekend, to catch up for lost time. I also need to find a dress for that awards show. I wish I didn’t have to waste time with that stuff, but I guess it will be okay." Jessica tried to get their thoughts on to the business of the day.

"Yeah, I guess so." Kate mumbled.

Jessie slowly stroked Kate’s hair, and then taking her arms, lifted her into a standing position, and kissed her forehead. "Stop feeling so bad. It will be alright. I’ll talk to Michael. Establish some ground rules. He’s just so used to being my only friend, that he doesn’t know how to act with us. Besides, he really likes you. A lot. And he gets crazy sometimes. He’ll understand. He even brought you some shoes. He likes you."

Kate smiled, and sighed. "It’s okay, I guess I’m just really tired. Let’s get into the routine, and maybe it will take my mind off all this stuff. Can we get some food around here? I’m starved."

Michael chose that time to knock on the bathroom door again. This time he was less frantic. "Hey you guys? I brought some pastries, and croissants for breakfast. I thought you might be hungry."

Both women smiled, and shook their heads.

"You gotta love him." Jessie chuckled.

The women joined him in the main office area, and filled up on the sumptuous treats Michael had brought them. He also had the foresight to bring juice, and more coffee. After a short time, the nerves in the room settled down, and everyone was talking about the excitement of the night before.

"Where’s Steven." Kate asked Michael.

"Oh, he really wanted to be here, but some rich old bat needed him to escort her to a charity fashion show of some sort. He said he would try to catch us later this evening if possible." Michael couldn’t hide his disappointment.

"Looks like you two have really hit it off. I’m glad, because Steven has really been treated like garbage over the years. It’s nice to find someone who likes him for him." Katie tried to make amends for her earlier outburst.

"Yeah, I really do like him. He’s . . . . well, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me." Michael was almost choked up at his admission.

"So Michael, are you driving for us today, or do we take care of ourselves?" Jessie inquired, gently changing the subject.

"Oh, I’m driving you. Say, great remodel on the car. I called the shop, and they came and got it. There’s a town car being delivered in a couple of hours. I didn’t think you would be leaving here anytime soon. I mean, you have stuff to do here right?" Michael asked.

"Oh yeah, I’m several days behind, and I know Alice wants to spend more time with me on the scheduling etc. I would like to be present, when you go dress shopping, if that’s okay?" Katie looked at Jessie for a moment.

Jessica blushed. "Um, of course it’s okay. Besides, I think you need to try on dresses as well. I mean you aren’t exactly going to wear that are you?"

It took a moment before Kate registered what Jessie was implying. "Wait a minute. You’re not intending to take me are you? I mean shouldn’t you like hire an escort, or take Michael or something? Wouldn’t that be more appropriate?" Kate realized her words were coming out too fast.

Jessie tilted her head and smiled. "I realize it’s not subtle, but women don’t always have to have a man on their arm, and since the thing with Gregory has already gone public, I wouldn’t worry too much about what people say. Most of the industry knows he was a bastard to me, and they would probably feel that I wasn’t ready to be with anyone else right at the moment."

Considering her words, Kate couldn’t come back with an answer right away. A million thoughts flew through her mind, in a very short moment. They still hadn’t resolved the problem of Jessie possibly being outed, and with them going to the awards ceremony together, that would definitely be adding gasoline to the fire.

Somehow, Kate kind of liked the idea. And she would very much like to be Jessie’s companion at this event. What an incredible thrill!

"But . . . .what about Sharon MacAfee? What about the outing?" Kate’s mood shifted down again.

Michael had a ready answer for that question. "Oh, my friend says that there shouldn’t be too much worry about that. She spent some time tracking down Sharon, and putting the squeeze on her. Apparently Sharon had an out of her element affair once, and my friend knew about it. She applied pressure in just the right places, and Sharon backed down immediately. The article that came out this morning is about Gregory’s arrest, and the great fortune and luck that Jessica Ryan is experiencing in finding such a smart, and professional Personal Assistant."

Both women looked at Michael with surprise. "Isn’t that blackmail?"

"Oh, I guess so. I mean, actually, my friend tried the politically correct way of handling it at first, and tried to convince Sharon that it would be in the best interests of the industry, and the community, if she would refrain from this kind of shlock journalism. Sharon wouldn’t bite, so Cassie pulled out all the stops, and reminded her of a few incidents from her past. Cassie thought that several of the newspapers in town would jump at the chance to respond to her "outing" project."

Michael smiled broadly at his friends success.

Kate looked at Jessie, and Jessie looked back. Both of them burst into laughter over the turn of events. Considering that this threat to Jessie and Kate’s future was only 24 hours old, it didn’t take much to stop it in it’s tracks. Jessie had another thought though, that might mean more trouble.


Wow, Jessica Ryan’s date at the awards ceremony! Laura will have a small litter of kittens when she hears this! Kate’s attention drifted for a moment.

"Michael, what about Justin? He was pretty adamant about me and my involvement with Kate. It could happen again, maybe with another reporter, or media person. He might still be a problem." This time the exchanged looks were of worry, instead of relief.

Michael’s grin was even broader. "Cassie is having breakfast with uncle Justin as we speak. I guess I forgot to tell you they were related. What ever little Cassie-Wassie wants, uncle Justin gives her. He already told her over the phone, that he panicked, and that he would meet with you again, and tell you that he was overreacting. I think Alice pinched him a little as well. She said to check your messages when you have a moment, so I think she must have called you after she met with him last night."

Again the group burst into peals of laughter. Jessie took a moment to check her voice mail, and see exactly what Alice had to say. Kate took advantage of the moment to corner Michael, and apologize for going nuts on him, and attempting to kill him.

"You understand why don’t you Michael? I can’t let anything happen to her. I just can’t. I haven’t slept a lot lately, and I realize I’m a little crazy, but Gregory is crazier. He fired a tank piercing missile at us for God’s sake! Next time we might not be so lucky. I’ll try not to be so edgy from now on, but this is serious business. One mistake could mean her life, and maybe one of ours. Who knows what length he’ll go to in the name of revenge. Hell, we don’t even know what he really wants. I mean, I know the money is the primary issue, but there must be more. I’m afraid that he wants to make Jessica suffer somehow. Maybe because he thinks she’s making him suffer or something. Or, maybe I just watch too much TV." Kate was slipping into a funk again.

"Hey, I understand. I guess I was unwilling to accept the severity of the situation. I spend so much time around all this LA drama, that I tend to take kind of a jaded attitude towards important stuff. I’m sorry, and I promise I won’t sneak up on you guys again." Michael pulled Kate into a hug, and the two squeezed each other hard.

"Well, I’m glad you two got past all of that nonsense. It would make a great headline, I can see it now. FLASH! Actress’ brother murdered for sneaking up on Actress and her Personal Assistant, who is not her girlfriend, or is she?" Jessie joined the group hug, before rounding the other two up to start the business of the day.

Michael was going to secure another car, and then start looking for a safe apartment for Jessie to plant roots in for the time being. She would have to wait for a few weeks, before she could put her house on the market. There was absolutely no question in her mind that she would not be returning to her current home. Michael had already made arrangements to have the furniture and belongings inventoried, so that Jessie could decide what to keep, and what not to.

Jessie and Kate headed up to the next floor, to seek out Alice, the executive secretary. Jessie told Kate what Alice said on the voice mail as they rode together in the elevator. They were both giggling, when the doors opened, and they stepped out in time to see Alice coming down the hall. Again they burst into robust laughter, remembering every word Alice had said. Something to the effect of "If that pompous SOB thinks he’s going to sell out his star, the first time it gets a little hot around here, then he has another thing coming. I told him that I personally would make his life a living hell, and that he better change that tune immediately!

"What, are my slacks unzipped or something? You two sound like a bunch of kids on the playground. Knock it off, we have work to do. Oh, and you’re welcome." Alice grabbed Kate by the arm, and led her off to the office, to continue her training.

Realizing she had forgotten Jessica for the moment, Alice stopped in her tracks. "Oh, and as for you. Don’t think you are getting off easy. There is a stack of paperwork in admin waiting for you to sort through and approve, before we can continue past next week in the scheduling. And check your box. The next 3 or 4 script drafts are there, as well as several press release dates, and the accompanying media blurbs. As usual, the new convention schedule is missing, but Kate and I will hunt that down. Those Enterprise convention people seem to be so disorganized sometimes. Oh, and the meeting with Cassie, Sharon MacAfee and Justin has been cancelled. Seems no one wants to face each other right now."

Jessie chuckled at the secretaries attempt at barbing her "arch nemesis", the Convention People. Alice spoke of them as though they were some type of alien, or insect. Resigning herself to the fact that she too had a lot to catch up on, an relieved that the meeting had been cancelled, she wandered on down towards administration, to dig into the tasks awaiting her.

Jessie stopped one last time, just to watch Kate as she listened intently to Alice’s every word. Jessie didn’t move again until they disappeared through the office doorway. Making sure no one was looking, except maybe the security cameras, Jessie leaped into the air, and clicked her heels together, so overjoyed with life, that she could hardly control herself. Hugging herself, she regained her quiet composure, and continued on to her mornings work.




Look not a gift horse in the mouth,

For you may get bitten.






Chapter 14 – I could have danced all night. . . .

The morning progressed rather slowly, but a lot of work got accomplished. Kate learned which piles of mail were to be sent to the PR people, and which ones were to be distributed to the various departments in the building. That left her with a small pile which Alice told her was her responsibility. Most of these were requests for public appearances that the studio had already approved, and were still awaiting Jessica’s approval. They required her to attend a certain number of functions per year, but by no means did she have to attend any she considered inappropriate.

Kate cataloged them, and then added them to the tentative calendar profile, that allowed her to see where too many dates were being bottle-necked, and assisted them in determining which ones not to accept. Alice also had Kate familiarize herself with the standard form letters that they kept on file in the studio computer network, and explained to her which ones were used in each circumstance. Most of the correspondence would be handed down to the office pool, but it was Kate’s responsibility to communicate with them.

After several hours, Alice appeared in the doorway, and just watched as Kate diligently poured over all of the materials that she had given her. I guess it’s about time to tell her how it really is. Alice chuckled in spite of herself.

"Hey there, how’s it going?" Alice was amazed at the organized setup Kate had made in such short a time.

"Oh, I’m fine. It’s hard to believe that so much stuff comes in here to Jessica’s attention. And the number of people, places, and things they want her to attend. She could go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for about a year or more, and not hit nearly half of them." Kate shook her head in wonder.

"Well, you learned that lesson fast. Kate I hate to do this to you, but most of what you’ve been working on this morning, you won’t have to deal with. The best way for me to explain to you what your responsibilities are, is to show you where it all comes from. Unfortunately, you’ve been the best by far at getting this place under control. I’m almost wishing I could keep you here for a while." Alice sighed.

Kate thought about that for a minute. "I thought I was going to be here. Are you telling me I’m not?"

Alice sighed again. This is not fair this kid is great! "No, you get to sit at the right hand of herself. From this moment forward, your place will be with her. Guarding her from reporters, making sure she stays on schedule, helping her pick the right outfit, running errands, being basically her friend, her wife, her mother. That’s the real responsibility of a Personal Assistant. You get to hold her hand, wipe away the tears, be a cheerleader, and take the abuse when she is unhappy. Somehow I don’t think that’s going to be a problem." Alice winked behind her knowing smile.

Kate considered her words for a moment more. "You mean to tell me, that they are going to pay me to do all that? Heck, I would have done it for free!"

Alice chuckled. Ahhhh, young love. I am so jealous. Take care of her kiddo, she needs you more than she needs air to breath.

"Listen, it’s almost lunch time. You have her schedule in your day planner right? Always check in with the service and me twice a day. We will both update you as things change. Try to get her to her appointments on time. She tends to wander a little, and get off track. And for God’s sake, get her a dress for that damned ceremony. They want her to present, and it is only two weeks away. The rehearsal schedule is in the planner. They have to fit her in around the shooting for the show. Now go and get her and you two have lunch. I don’t want you to starve, and I know for a fact, if you don’t make her eat, she won’t. Scoot!" Alice mock growled at Kate.

"Okay, yes ma’am. You can count on me. Lunch, okay. Where is she anyway? I still don’t know my way around her yet." Kate was embarrassed.

"Second door on the left from here. And Katie . . ." Alice was suddenly serious, "don’t let anything bad happen to her. We all love her kiddo, and if that bastard hurts her, then I’ll have to start hunting for him. And he won’t want to meet up with me."

Kate nodded her affirmative, and then wandered down the hallway, her mind reeling with all the new information she had just stuffed into it. She couldn’t quite be certain, but she had a feeling that she had just received Alice’s blessing. Wow, and they said she wouldn’t like me. Wow!

Pausing in front of the door to the room that Jessie was working in, Kate listened to the conversation that was taking place inside. Apparently Jessica was meeting with the writer’s, and a producer or two, hacking apart the upcoming episodes they were going to film. They were currently on their third episode, and had at least four more to go before they took a small two week break for promotional responsibilities. Then they filmed the rest of the season, which totaled 15 episodes. Then came the hiatus. It was going to mean a lot of grueling long days, and little rest between shoots, but they were determined to get through it without any hitches. Hopefully they weren’t going to be plagued by the same type of problems they just went through.

One of the writer’s noticed Kate standing in the hallway, and motioned for her to join them. "Listen, welcome. It’s great to finally have somebody to take care of Ms. Thang here. Now, if you can get her to stop nitpicking, so we can get some lunch, I’d greatly appreciate it."

Pleased by the warm reception from the group, Kate turned her gaze to Jessica. Jessie’s eyebrow was crawling up into her hairline; she was so surprised herself by the staff’s ready acceptance of Kate to the crew. Never before have these people acknowledged an assistant, or anyone associated with Gregory’s group ever as human. Meetings were always strained, and more often than not they ended in major warfare. Her sky blue eyes twinkled with pleasure at the revelation.

"Well, okay, I don’t mean to interrupt, but we have a heavy schedule this afternoon, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep Ms. Ryan on time." Smiling a little, and blushing at the same time, Kate looked from one person to the other afraid that she may have just overstepped her bounds.

First one, and then another, until all of the seven or eight individuals in the room stood and started applauding. "Eureka, at last they’ve found her!" One of them shouted.

Kate giggled a little, and found something interesting on the floor to stare at. She had no idea that they would react this way, and in a way, if felt . . . . Great! Standing and taking a small bow, she was met by a second round of applause, and raucous cheers along with it.

Jessie sat back, and waved them all away, smiling despite herself. She was only concerned to find that they had all been feeling this way for a while. She wished that someone would have told her. I guess I was so buried under Gregory’s influence, and all of the human garbage, that I couldn’t, or . . . . .wouldn’t see what was happening.

Smiling wider now, she stood herself, and addressing the retreating backs, shouted after them. "Don’t think this gets you off the hook though, we meet again tomorrow. Maybe she’ll be able to protect you, and maybe she won’t"

She was met with grins, chuckles, general razzing and jeering as they dashed down the hallway heading out for lunch. Even though the studio offices had an outstanding cafeteria, most of them went out, just to get away from the confines of the building.

Kate was still staring at the floor. Not sure whether Jessie was angry or not, she preferred to stay neutral and let Jessie make the first move. Jessie was not angry at all, and was actually relieved that things had gone so well. Next time she might even get a moment to make formal introductions, if she could get those hooligans to sit still for a moment.

Stepping over to the door, Jessie stuck her head into the hallway, and making sure no one else was around, she closed the door. Still Kate refused to look up. Finally Jessie couldn’t take the silence any longer. Standing behind Kate, she put both hands on her shoulders. Immediately she felt Kate stiffen. Slowly working her way down Kate’s arms, she lightly ran her hands over the stiff muscles, almost willing them to relax. When she reached elbow range, her left hand suddenly took on a mind of it’s own. The evil hand, controlling the thumb and forefinger, reached out quicker than a pissed off rattlesnake, and tweaked Kate’s left nipple.

Shocked, Kate spun out of the chair, and standing up to her full 5’4" in height, fixed the owner of the aforementioned evil hand with a stare that could wither a redwood tree.

"Hey, that’s not fair. Don’t think you can go doing that and get away with it. Why I oughta . . . ." Kate suddenly launched herself straight into Jessie’s arms.

Ravishing her with first tickles, and then kisses, she almost let herself get lost in the passion. Ready to throw "Ms. Ryan" onto the conference table, and abandon herself to the ever-increasing tempest building up inside of her, she almost didn’t hear Justin’s booming voice approaching from down the hall.

"Jessie!" Kate stopped her attack, and started to push Jessie away.

"What? This is kind of fun, kind of crazy. Don’t stop now, I was enjoying this." Jessie whined.

"Jessie, its Justin! He’s heading this way. Knock it off. He’ll catch us." Kate was frantic by now, struggling to get away from Jessie’s longer reach.

"Huh? Justin? Oh no, he’s with a group of sponsors, touring the studio. Damn! Quick, straighten your clothes, and sit down, and open your day planner. We’ll pretend we are going over the schedules." Straightening her own clothes, Jessie grabbed her own day planner, with the notes from the previous meeting.

They were flipping to the calendar, when Kate looked over, and noticed that Jessie had buttoned her shirt wrong. Quickly reaching over, and correcting the problem, she almost didn’t get her hands back in time, when the door opened.

"Well, and what luck. Look whom we have here, but our lovely star, Ms. Jessica Ryan, and her new assistant, Kate McKenna. What are you two ladies up to? No good I bet." Justin chuckled, unaware of how true his little joke actually was.

Jessica and Kate stood, and shook hands around the group, falling into small talk with the men and women gathered in front of them. Both were praying that they were not blushing, and giving away the fact that they had in fact been about to get into trouble. Justin’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he chose not to pursue the matter, at least not at the moment.

After several minutes of schmoozing, the group moved on down the hallway, and left the two women to breathe a sigh of relief. Jessica rose again to close the door, and sinking back in her chair, suddenly burst into a fit of giggles.

"Stop that! It is not funny. We could have been caught, and embarrassed the studio, and ourselves." Kate’s seriousness made Jessie laugh even harder.

"Holy cow! I haven’t had that much fun in . . . .well, forever. Did you see him looking at us through the corner of his eye? Like he wasn’t sure, but he thought we might be, like doing it or something." Jessie was having a hard time controlling her excitement of the last 30 minutes or so.

Realizing that Jessie may not actually have had the kind of fun, that normal kids do, pranks, practical jokes, and the like, Kate began to feel Jessie’s excitement too. Soon enough, both of them were giggling, and tickling again, like a couple of kids. It reminded Kate a lot of church with her father, and no matter how mad it made him, she and her best friend Mary Jane could not stop giggling. Every time they looked at each other, they exploded with peals of laughter. And the madder, and redder her father got, the harder it was to maintain.

"Don’t laugh anymore, I’m telling you. You’re making my face hurt, and I’m gonna wet my pants if we don’t stop!" Kate was trying to get her companion under control.

"HaHaHa! That would be great. Explain that to Justin. Oh, no problem, you almost busted us having sex in the conference room, and I laughed so hard about it, I wet my pants. Oh, how old am I? 16?" Tears were streaming down Jessie’s face, she was laughing so hard.

It took a moment to realize that Kate had stopped laughing. Realizing too late that the comment about being 16, struck a bad chord in Kate’s heart. Inadvertently, Jessie had hurt her feelings. Reaching for Kate, she tried to put her arms around her, to make her feel better. Kate pushed her gently away.

"Don’t. I think we’ve had enough fun. It’s time to go to lunch, and then get on with our day." Kate was all business suddenly.

Jessica was mystified, and felt terrible that she had hurt Kate’s feelings. "Katie? What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong? Honey, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose, really I wouldn’t. What did I say?"

Kate took a moment to organize her thoughts. She was overreacting, and she knew it. Now she felt bad about making Jessie feel bad. "Listen, it was one of those things my father used to say to me all of the time. Katie honey, you will never be a grown up. You just can’t find it in yourself to be serious for one moment. You will never amount to anything. My poor little sweet sixteen and never been missed. It used to devastate me. I felt like I was a moron, 2 inches tall, and he had just crushed me under his heel. He never had any faith in me, that I would be able to succeed at anything I tried, no matter how hard I worked at it. I only wish he could have lived long enough to see me now. Of course, he would never speak to me. The pain of having a Lesbian daughter would have ended it a long time ago."

Jessie was stricken. She had no idea that Kate’s pain went so deep. She made a mental note to gently prod her for more information later on, so she didn’t do something that stupid again. One more time, she offered open arms, and this time Kate went to her. Jessie held her tight, and mumbled apologies, in that low rolling burr of hers.

Several minutes went by, and Kate, sitting up, wiped away the beginning of tears, shook her head a few times, and took a deep stuttering breath. Ever ounce of her wanted to let the tears fly, but now was not the time. She had to let go of this stupidity, and get on with her life. If she burst into tears ever time Jessie teased her, they would never last. Shaking her head again, she fluffed out her hair, and standing gathered her things, preparing to head out for lunch.

Jessie sat in her chair, still bewildered. She couldn’t comprehend how things could go from outrageous hilarity, to disaster in such a short few moments. She vowed to herself to be more sensitive to Kate’s feelings. This was all so new to her, that she was sure to make more stupid mistakes, and she wanted to try really hard not to.

Kate went to the door, and was about to open it, when she realized that Jessie was not following her. Walking back, she set her things down again, touched Jessie’s chin lightly, and tipped her head back. Planting a fierce tonsil-tickling kiss on Jessie’s lips, she broke away, and gathered her things, and headed back to the door.

"I forgive you, now let’s eat, I’m starved." She opened the door and started down the hall.

Speechless, Jessie grabbed her stuff, and wandered after her in a daze. When they reached the elevator, a thought popped unbidden into her head. If that’s how I get forgiven every time, the hell with sensitivity. Stepping into the elevator, she vaguely heard Kate say something about eating in the cafeteria, and then heading out to shop for the dresses. Jessie just nodded her head, still dazed from that last kiss.

Arriving in the cafeteria, Jessie was still unusually quiet. Mentally running over her schedule for the next million weeks, she was beginning to worry that there would be no time for them to . . . . just be alone. Kate wandered ahead of her, checking out the menu, and deciding on something from the salad and sandwich bar. She didn’t realize that her charge was lagging behind her somewhere.

"I think I’ll have the green salad, and the half a sandwich combo. What about you?" Kate started talking to no one in particular.

Turning to see where Jessie had wandered off to, she was surprised to see her sitting at a table with her hands folded in her lap, a million miles away. Backtracking to the table, Kate set her things down, and sat across from her.

"Helloooooo. Are you in there? Where did you go Jess? Another planet? Are you going to order lunch? Jessieeeee." Kate waved her hand in front of Jessie’s eyes.

"Oh, sorry, I guess I got lost somewhere in my head. I. . . . don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think I just had a little anxiety attack or something. I’ve never had one before, at least I don’t think I have." Jessie was bewildered, and not sure she wanted to discuss what was on her mind.

"What are you thinking about? Maybe I can help you with it." Kate was visibly concerned.

"Umm, no, actually I guess I need to work it through my head first, before I can even decide what it is that is bothering me. So, what’s for lunch? I like that salad and sandwich thingy they have. It’s a great lunch deal, and the sandwiches are really good." Jessie evaded anymore discussion about her thoughts at that moment.

"Hmmm, I think you’re holding out on me, but it’s okay. When you’re ready, you’ll tell me. I like the sandwich and salad deal too. What kind of sandwich do you want? I’ll order it for you." Kate accepted Jessie’s reluctance. She didn’t want to pressure her into anything that she wasn’t ready for.

Heading back to the counter, Kate ordered for them, and then waited until they were finished before she came back to the table. She had decided that Jessie needed a moment to analyze what was whirling through her mind. Kate stalled for a moment or two, and then after unsuccessfully trying to pay for lunch, she wandered back to their table. It never ceased to amaze her, the diversity of people that populated a studio cafeteria.

Jessie sank back into her thoughts. Is this what real love is? Anxiety over the next time you see her, the next time you make love to her? My heart is pounding! I want to grab her, and run away and hide somewhere, and just absorb her very essence. How can I be in love? I just met her a week or so ago. But . . . . she is so . . . .wonderful. And I am so . . . . .happy! I think I might be nuts or something. Maybe I need to see a shrink, or maybe I can talk to Helen, or no. . . . . not Michael, he’d tell her in a heartbeat. Holy Cow! I could laugh, or cry right now. What’s the difference? Uh oh, here she comes. I hope I don’t expire just because she’s close to me!

Setting their tray down, Kate noticed that Jessie had gone from tan to pale to flush in a matter of seconds. "Hey, Jess, are you okay? Do I need to call the paramedics or something? Talk to me Jessie! Look at me. Tell me what’s wrong. Can you breathe? Do you feel sick? JESSIE!"

Feeling guilty for scaring Kate, Jessie couldn’t stop the rapid pounding of her heart. "This has never happened before. I’m not sure how I feel, kinda dizzy I guess. My heart is slamming, and my skin is burning. Maybe I need to see Helen."

Before the words had slipped out of Jessie’s now extremely dry mouth, Kate had opened a bottle of water that she had grabbed for their lunch, whipped out her cellphone, and was dialing the number that had been given to her for Dr. McIntyre’s office. Pouring a little water into a cup, she made Jessie sip it while she waited for the phone to connect.

"Um, yes, this is Kate McKenna, Jessica Ryan’s Personal Assistant. Is Doctor McIntyre available? Ms. Ryan seems to be having dizzy spells, and may be running a fever. Okay, I’ll wait." Covering the receiver, she gave Jessie a stern look, until she took another sip of the water. Her color seemed to be returning to normal, but she still looked a little shaky.

"Hello? Oh great, tell her we’ll be on our way immediately." Hanging up, Kate called Michael and told him to meet them in the parking garage.

Dashing to the counter, she had the deli person give her a bag, and wrap for the sandwiches. Working quickly, she wrapped everything up, and then stuffing it in the bag, grabbed Jessie’s hand, and all of their belongings, and led her down to the elevator. Jessie still seemed a little dazed, and Kate held on to her as best she could during the ride down to the garage.

Michael pulled in just as the doors opened into the cool, dark area. Jumping out, he quickly ran around the car, and opened the doors assisting Kate while she helped Jessie into the back seat. Kate got in, and Michael roared out of the garage, almost hitting a car passing by on the street.

"Hey, watch it! It won’t be any good, if we kill her before we get her there." Kate shouted up front to the nervously driving Michael.

"Sorry, sorry! I’ll calm down, just worried." Michael glanced back in the mirror.

Jessie had her head on the seat with her eyes closed. She really didn’t feel too bad anymore, just the dizzies, and the creeping heat around her head. She smiled in spite of it all, while her thoughts drifted to the monumental realization, that this must be love. Dozing off, she didn’t realize that they had arrived, until Kate touched her face softly, whispering quietly for her to wake up.

"Mmpf, huh? Here already? Michael must be driving like a maniac. Michael take it easy, I’m not going to die . . . . . .really." The grogginess brought on by the fever, made her feel kind of drunk or drugged.

Kate helped Jessie out of the car, and hanging on to her, walked her into Dr. Helen’s waiting room. Some of the non-industry patients that were sitting there were shocked to realize that they were sharing the same waiting room as the infamous Jessica Ryan. Voices started to buzz around them quietly. Fortunately, they were all very polite, and did not take the opportunity to disturb Jessie for autographs, or conversation.

Minutes later, the nurse came out, and again thanking the room full of people for their patience in this emergency, led Jessie to the exam room. At the last minute, she asked Kate to stay behind in the waiting room.

Nervously Kate sat down, and tried to sit patiently. The waiting patients were not so polite with her. Several called to her from across the room, asking questions, and requesting favors for letting the doctor take Jessie ahead of them. Finally unable to take it any longer, she asked the receptionist for a piece of paper and a pen, and passing it around the room asked them all to put their name and address down, so she could send them an autographed picture. One or two grumbled that they didn’t believe her, but the rest were absolutely thrilled. When the paper was done circulating, she folded it up and put it into the pocket of her slacks.

While Kate mentally paced, she decided she had better call Alice and let her know where they were. After finishing that call, she stepped out the door to talk to Michael. She was getting tired of all the stares she was receiving from the patients.

The nurse helped Jessie take her coat off, and then let her lay down on the table. Moments later Dr. Helen came bustling into the room. Half expecting broken bones or blood, she was relieved to see that those regular signs were missing.

"You know Jessie, I’m going to have to start charging you rent. Heck I’ve seen you more in the last week or so, than I have in the last couple of months. What’s up with you? Tell me what happened." Helen couldn’t help but smile at her most famous patient.

Jessie recapped the pounding heart, the feverish feeling, and the apparent anxiety. Dr. Mac check her blood pressure, her temperature, listened to all the appropriate sounds, and then watched her for a moment. Checking her glands, and looking into her eyes, ears, and nose, she jotted down some notes on her pad. When she was satisfied she had completed at least a cursory exam, she pulled her stool over and sat down.

"So, tell me about the last couple of days. What have you been doing, that has made you so tired?" Helen was beginning to form an opinion about her patient.

Jessie recapped most of the events of the previous day or so. The escape from the barn, the argument with Kate, the problems with the studio, etc. She also told Helen about the crying jag in the bathroom at the barn, and a little about the events that precipitated today’s visit. Helen consulted her notes again, and asked Jessie what she wasn’t telling her.

Jessie took a deep breath. Blushing this time with embarrassment, she swallowed, her throat dry and scratchy, and told Helen that she thought that she might just be in love.

"Ha! No kidding girlfriend! I could have told you that without the examination. The anxiety, the need to run away, the overwhelming need to touch or be touched, no matter what the consequences, that spells love to me. However, the fever and the dizziness are something else altogether. In my humble opinion, and because of the fact that I just happen to be your doctor, I would say that you have a small virus brewing in your system. Your defenses are down, and quite frankly, you are completely exhausted. Whatever you have on your calendar for the rest of the afternoon, I suggest that you postpone, and go home and take a nap. I’ll give you some medication for the symptoms, but for the most part, you need to rest." Helen was certain that this would be no problem for Jessie. She could tell that Jessie was actually relieved a little.

"Now, as for the other problem. All you can do about that is give it time. Do you think she is in love with you?" Helen knew the answer, but wanted Jessie’s opinion.

Swallowing again, her voice beginning to crack, Jessie carefully formulated her answer. "I don’t know how to answer that Helen, and I’m not sure I want to try. My guess is that I’ll know one way or the other, soon. But I’m not going to push anyone into anyplace they don’t want to be pushed."

Helen could see Jessie’s discomfort as her soar throat began to worsen. Grabbing a handful of samples from her cabinet, she put those and some other medication in a bag for Jessie to take with her. Just as she was explaining what each one was for, and how to take them, the intercom buzzed from the reception desk.

"Hello, Dr. Helen? There is this small red-haired woman out here, that is threatening to start taking down walls, if we don’t let her in to see Jessie. Should I send her your way, or call the cops." The receptionist was only half serious.

Flashing a knowing grin at Jessie, she pushed the button on the intercom. "No, no cops. Just send her down here, I’ll take care of her. Ms. Ryan is on her way out anyway."

Seconds later, hurricane Kate burst through the door, nearly bowling Helen over in the process. Realizing that she was slightly out of control, she stopped herself and folding her arms across her chest stared expectantly at the two women who were staring owl-eyed back at her.

"Um, hi there Kate. Keep you waiting too long? Hmm, well, Jessie here has a virus, and she needs to go home, and lay down for the rest of the afternoon. I gave her some pills, and I want them to have time to get into her system before she has to shoot tonight, and besides she desperately needs some sleep." Helen smiled reassuringly at Kate.

Feeling guilty again, Kate went over and took Jessie’s damp clammy hand. Testing the temperature of her forehead with the back of her own hand, she quietly shook her head. Helen’s question about Kate’s feelings seemed to have been answered at that moment.

"Well, if you really didn’t want to go dress shopping, all you had to do was say so. You didn’t have to go and get sick for that." Kate was trying to make her smile.

Rewarding her with a dreamy half grin, Jessie refrained from talking. Her throat was too sore to respond at the moment. Kate helped her put her jacket on, and then the two of them headed back out the door. Jessie was feeling silly, and before she stepped out into the bright sun, she turned and mock bowed at the group of patients in the waiting room. They all clapped, and waved goodbye, pleased that she had included them in her momentary crisis.

After Kate settled Jessie in the car, she had an afterthought. Stepping back into the doctor’s office, she was fortunate that Dr. Helen was still near the reception area. Calling her aside, much to the groans and complaints of the people in the waiting room, she whispered her question. She was concerned that since she and Jessie had well, contact, will she probably get the virus.

Helen nearly died of laughter. "Sweetie, come in here for a moment, and let’s talk."

Taking her into the office, away from the prying ears, she handed her a few sample medications as well, and then sat on her desk for a moment. "Kate, in all likelihood you will feel the affects of the virus, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you are in much better health than my big wounded sparrow out there. Take good care of her, soup, OJ etc. And do the same for yourself. You two look like you haven’t slept in days. Way too much emotion I think."

Kate was crestfallen. "Should I maybe not see her for a while? I mean, if she’s not doing well because of me, then maybe I should just keep it all business, and not worry about the . . . .other stuff."

Helen wanted to put her arms around this angel, and kiss her herself. "Sweetie, guaranteed, if you did that, she’d probably curl up and die. She has it bad for you, and if I’m not mistaken, I think the feeling is mutual."

Blushing all the way down to her toes, Kate turned shy for a moment. "I, well, yes. I . . . . think, maybe, but well, I’m not sure, but well, I think I might be in love with her." There, it was out of her mouth and she didn’t die.

"Babe, that’s the best news I’ve had all day. Don’t worry. This is all new to Jess, and she’s going to fumble, and make some bad judgements, but you can bet she’s with you all the way. Now, get out of here before my patients lynch us, and that girl of yours expires in the parking lot. She doesn’t even have a place to stay yet does she? Well, check her in somewhere nice, and make sure she naps. Of course, I bet she’s down already." Helen couldn’t wait to go home and tell her girlfriend about the news. Hippocratic oath be damned, these two were friends.

Kate was elated at the turn of their conversation. Trying not to show too much excitement, she practically skipped out to the car. Slipping into the back, being careful not to disturb Jessie while she dozed, Kate motioned to Michael to take off. Jessie shifted, so that she was laying across Kate’s lap. The grin on Kate’s face could have lit up a stadium it was so bright. And was it infectious. Michael had been watching them through the rearview mirror so he could see how Kate was doing.

Realizing he was spying, he called quietly back to Kate, as she sat stroking the side of Jessie’s face, and watching her sleep. "Hey, Katie, where to? Jessie’s homeless at the moment. Should I find a hotel or something?"

It only took a second for Kate to answer. "No Michael. Take us to my house. She’ll be fine there, and I can take care of some of my stuff. Especially the cats. And Mike, do me a favor. Call Steven and tell him what’s up, and then can you guys go sometime and gather what you can of Jessie’s belongings. I think we should bring her clothes down here, so she can stop living out of gym bags, and her secret office stash. Besides, I bet she needs to have some laundry done, and I can just as well do that at my house."

Michael’s grin matched Kate’s first grin. Wow! My sister’s in love, my sister’s in love! "Sure thing Katie, let me swing you two home first, then I’ll take care of the rest."

A half hour or so later, Michael pulled into Kate’s driveway. He had gotten his wish, and the motor pool had signed out a town car for their use. The "urban battle tank" was in for extensive repairs, considering that it had just been shot with an anti-tank missile.

Kate gently shook Jessie, and got her awake enough, to stumble into the house. Guiding her into her bedroom, she rifled through her stuff, and found an old T-shirt of Steven’s for Jessie to slip into. Sitting her down on the edge of the bed, she undressed her, and then before she had a chance to put the shirt on her, Jessie grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down on top of her.

"Hey, take it easy! You’re going to hurt yourself doing stuff like that. Now, let me up so I can finish dressing you." Kate stifled the giggles that were welling up inside.

"No." Jessie murmured. "Take your clothes off, and lay here with me. I want you."

Blushing at the bluntness of her companions request, Kate kissed her on the cheek, and stood back up. Tempted to take Jessie up on her request, she watched her for only a second or two, before Jessie started to snore slightly. Satisfied that they would wait until another time, Kate pulled the covers up, and kissing her lover on the forehead, went off to gather some food and some tea. Jessie needed to take some medication, and she needed food before that was possible.

Kate was starving herself. Too late she realized that Michael had driven away with their forgotten sandwiches in the back seat of the car. She went to the pantry, and rifled around until she came up with a can of chicken noodle soup, some crackers, and some herb tea. She could probably whip up a pretty good meal, but somehow she didn’t think Jessie would be able to handle that right at the moment.

Taking a tray with the assembled lunch back into the bedroom, Kate was relieved to see that Jessie was still sleeping comfortably. She could hear a slight rasping in her chest when she breathed, and she noticed that her face was flush again with fever. Setting the tray on the night stand, she sat beside Jessie, and gently woke her from her feverish slumber.

"Are you in there? Jessieeee." Kate whispered quietly.

"Mmm? Are you calling me?" Jessie rasped back.

"Yes, I am. Honey you need to have some soup, and then some medicine. You’re not doing too well at the moment, and we need to fix that." Kate tested her temperature with the back of her hand.

Still very warm, Kate made a mental note to hunt down the thermometer, and check her temperature again after Jessie had a chance to eat. Helping her patient sit up, she fluffed an extra pillow or two behind her. The cats had joined them, intrigued by the fact that their new friend was in the nest, eating food. Ever hopeful that they might get to share, they stayed a respectful, however watchful distance away.

Placing a towel under Jessie’s chin to catch spills, Kate attempted to spoon feed her the first mouthful. "Hey, I’m not a baby you know, I can feed myself." Jessie was sounding just like a baby.

"Stop it! Allow me at least this little pleasure. I’m so worried about you, and I want to take care of you. Just let me pamper you a bit." Kate smiled encouragingly.

"This is not fair." Jessie pouted. "This is not the kind of pampering I had in mind."

"Listen sweetie, you’re too sick for anything else today. You just don’t want to admit it. Now, open wide, and eat some of this soup. You need to take something for that fever, and I’m not going to let you do it without some food in you." Kate tried to sound like a stern mommy.

Grudgingly accepting her position, Jessie opened her mouth and accepted the first spoonful. Almost immediately she felt nauseous, and was afraid that it might come back. Waving for Kate to stop for a moment, she took a deep breath or two, and closed her eyes, willing for the soup to stay in place.

"Do you want to get up? Should I get you a bucket? What can I do?" Kate was beginning to panic.

Jessie shook her head, and put one finger up to signify she needed a minute or two. Gesturing for a glass of water, she closed her eyes again, and prayed that the room would stop spinning. Must be the fever. God I feel like an idiot. Poor Katie. I’m sure she really wants to be mopping up after me. This must be awful for her. Suddenly noticing the rest of her audience, it connected in her head that they were at Kate and Steven’s house. And she was in Kate’s bed. Some how, she felt slightly better, and the soup decided to stay where it belonged.

Looking up at her furry friends, she growled slightly. "What are you two lookin’ at? Never seen a sick actress before? Go on, quit staring at me."

Corky meowed indignantly. As if to say, "Humph, our house, our mommy, and our mommy’s nest. Who are you to admonish me?". Violet lost interest in the whole conversation, and went in search of a nice patch of sunlight to sleep in. As usual, Corky refused to give up her spot. If there was any possibility of food dropping, or a bowl to lick clean, she was going to be there.

Kate dashed back into the bedroom, a glass of water in one hand, and a bucket in the other. She had just caught the tail end of the conversation between Jessie and Corky. Figuring they had settled their problem, she sat back down, and helped Jessie sip some water.

"Slowly, don’t gulp. It will make it worse." Kate chuckled.

"I’m okay. I think I can eat now. Just got a bad case of the dizzies." Jessie blurted between gulps of water.

Settling back into the pillows, she stopped talking into Kate had fed her the whole bowl. At the last minute, Kate left a small bit of chicken for Corky. Figuring that if she had waited that long, and was patient enough not to dive into the middle of Jessie’s stomach to get the soup, then she deserved it. She cleared away the tray, and then returning to the bedroom, stood in the door and watched as Jessie and Corky made up with each other.

"She really does like you, you know? What a crazy animal. Well, time to take some medicine, and see if we can slow down that fever. You won’t be worth much at the shoot tonight, if we don’t get you better." Kate tried to sound cheerful, noting the scowl that was forming on Jessie’s face.

"Why can’t I stay home, and be sick for a change? Everyone else in the world can call in sick, but not me. Because I’m the star. So what. It’s not fair." Jessie was all out pouting now.

"Are you done? Wasn’t it you that just a day or so ago, wanted to, well, not be together anymore, because of all of the people who depend on you?" Kate wished she hadn’t said it as soon as it came out.

A dark look crossed Jessie’s face. "That wasn’t nice. Maybe I should call Michael and go to a hotel. I don’t want to burden you."

"Oh come on Jessie. I was just trying to answer your question, and it came out sounding bad. I’m sorry. I just . . . .I wish you didn’t have to work. I wish that we could, spend more time, and not have to acknowledge the outside world at all. But we can’t, and I’m sorry, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore." The tears started to slide hotly down Kate’s cheeks.

Before she had a chance to get up and run, Jessie grabbed her and pulled her into her arms. "Wait. I’m being a jerk. You were right. I’m acting like a baby, and I need to stop it. I’m sorry. I guess I don’t do sick very well. Try to forgive me?"

Kate chuckled through her tears. "I do forgive you. I think I always will. I . . ."

Kate still couldn’t say it. Not yet. Not those three little words. It was too hard to face the possible rejection. Later, not now. She shifted over to Jessie’s side, and rested her head on her shoulder, secure in her embrace.

Jessie didn’t respond, nor did she pressure Kate to finish her sentence. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought that Kate might have just about said that she loved Jessie, but . . . . maybe not. She wanted to say those three little words herself, badly, but her mouth just wouldn’t let her get it out. Kissing Kate on the forehead, she mentally kicked herself again for getting sick, for acting like a baby, and for being a jerk. Moments later, they both drifted off to sleep.

Continued in Chapter 15……..

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