DISCLAIMER: (Jeez, I love that word!) Please read at the beginning of Chapter 1. I’m getting too lazy to repeat it. J



"Don’t take life too seriously.

You’ll never escape it anyway."

********Elbert Hubbard********



Chapter 17: (In a land without rules…….)

While Kate slept quietly, Jessie wandered around the kitchen wondering what she should eat. She knew she should be asleep as well, but the long nap in the afternoon, combined with the mixed shock and excitement of the evening, was preventing her from resting comfortably. Besides, she was worried about Kate.

Jessie didn’t think much of the virus at first. After a few hours of rest, and some medicine she was just fine, but Kate got hit hard. Her fever was still a little on the high side, and the watery rasp in her chest made Jessie’s heart chill.

It had been a long time since Jessie had been sick. If she remembered correctly, she had been about 12 years old. Funny thing, she wasn’t sick for very long that time either. She figured she must have great healing powers. Opening the pantry, she came across some bread and was about to take out the peanut butter, when Michael and Steven came wandering in. Steven had returned home some time after Michael brought her and Kate back to the house, and Jessie left them alone to catch up with each other.

"I’m sorry guys, did I wake you?" Jessie was mentally chuckling at the two boys in their boxers.

Michael yawned deeply. "No, we were hungry, and Steven remembered there is bread and peanut butter, so we thought we would come out and join you. How’s Katie?"

Jessie handed the bread and peanut butter over to Steven. It had been a while since she had produced anything in a kitchen, so she thought they might be safer if one of the boys took over. Steven found the jelly in the refrigerator, and began the process, while Jessie and Michael sat at the table.

"Kate is sleeping, but I’m worried about her. Her lungs are pretty congested, and her fever is hanging on. I’m going to call Helen in the morning, and see if there is anything else I should be doing. I have to go to work tomorrow night, but I’m not going to let her come with me. She needs to get better." Jessie’s wavering voice betrayed her fear.

"Hey, it’s okay. Steven and I are missing each other a lot, so we thought we would stay in. We can keep her company. Besides, this thing with Gregory is getting out of hand. He’s really lost his mind. I would feel better if we didn’t leave her alone anyway." Michael was trying his best to comfort his sister. He reached across the table, and held her hand for a moment.

A small tear escaped from one corner of Jessie’s eye. Embarrassed she quickly wiped it away. Steven came over and put his hand on her shoulder. "You don’t have to worry about us, Jess. We don’t mind if you cry. I mean after all, we’re family."

Jessie laughed in spite of her tears. "I don’t know why I’m crying anyway. I just can’t help it."

Steven and Michael stole a glance at each other. They thought she didn’t see them, but she did. "What? Why are you looking at me that way?"

Michael squeezed her hand, and Steven hugged her from behind. Michael spoke first. "Because you big doofus. You’re in love. As soon as you admit it, and tell her, you’ll feel a lot better. I’ve been watching you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you happier in all my life. You two are so cute together, it makes me crazy. Sometimes I just want to stop the car, and tell you both to get over it."

Jessie considered his words for a moment. "Then I would have to do something terrible to you. You think I should tell her? What if she freaks out? Maybe she doesn’t love me? You guys what if she sends me away?"

This time both men looked at each other in astonishment. Michael put his hands on his face, and Steven covered his own eyes. The two of them burst into hysterical laughter. Finally, noticing the bewildered, and rapidly becoming angry look on his sister’s face; Michael got control of himself and explained.

"Jessie! Are you really that blind? Kate is sooo in love with you; it’s a joke. You two keep dancing around each other, and second-guessing each other’s motives, because you’re both afraid to commit to each other. She feels the same way as you do. What if, maybe, I don’t know? Someone has to make the first move, and it might as well be you." Michael was totally serious now.

"Who’s moving?" Kate’s sleepy voice joined them from the doorway.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" Jessie reached out a hand to her.

Kate came over, almost stumbling over her own feet. She was only dressed in her underwear, and a light T-shirt. Jessie could see the goosebumps popping up on her arms. Pulling her onto her lap, she began to rub her arms trying to get them warm. Michael dashed into the living room, and brought back the quilt that was hanging over the back of the couch. Thanking him, Jessie wrapped Kate up, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hmm, you still have a fever. I think we should give you another dose of aspirin. Do you think you can handle some soup right now?" Jessie was speaking softly to the shivering woman in her arms.

Kate nodded her head, wincing with the stab of pain in her temple. The headache was still very much present. She had gone through this a few times when she was younger, and it always took her a few days to get over it. She was heart broken, because she knew that Jessie had to get a dress for the awards show. Now more than ever it was important, because she might win for her nomination. Kate wouldn’t be able to go shopping with her if she was still sick.

A small tear escaped, which made her even more angry. The last thing she wanted was to act like a baby, especially over a stupid dress. And a stupid awards ceremony. If I don’t get better, then I can’t go there either. Her diminished state was making her emotions swing like crazy. Burying her face in the curve of Jessie’s neck, she closed her eyes and tried to will her body to feel better. Just having Jessie hold her, and whisper sweet things to her was helping quite a bit.

Jessie could sense the change in moods, and the stress Kate was going through, without even seeing her face. The small tear that had escaped was slowly dripping along Jessie’s collarbone. Taking a chance, she tried to lift Kate’s face so she could have a better look, but Kate wouldn’t let her.

"What’s wrong, sweet thing? Got the blues? Tell me what’s bothering you, and I’ll see if I can make it better." Jessie’s attempt at baby talk, in that smoky sultry voice of hers sent all kinds of strange signals to Kate’s nervous system.

Choosing to hold back the multitude of sensations brought on by that sexy, sweet, loving murmur, Kate shook her head carefully, and peeked up into Jessie’s eyes. "I. . .um, was . . . okay, I’m feeling sorry for myself. I hate acting like a baby, and yet this is sooo nice, sitting here in your lap, being babied. I’m also having a mental cow over not being able to shop for that dress with you. I can’t let you be seen with me looking like this, and I feel to crappy to look any better."

Jessie chuckled deep in her throat, careful not to make Kate think she was making fun of her. "I don’t care what you look like, you’re always beautiful to me."

Kate smiled, and kissed Jessie on the cheek. The boys were watching the whole scene in front of them, as though it were the sweetest thing they had ever seen. Kind of like a child with a puppy. Michael smiled at Steven, and held his hand, a feeling of warmth, and love filling the room.

Jessie stood up, and carrying Kate back to the bedroom, told the boys she would be back to get the soup. Steven volunteered to heat it up, and Michael got up to make some tea.

Standing next to Steven, Michael bumped him with his hip, and put an arm around his waist. "Don’t you have some connections around this town in the fashion industry? I could have sworn you told me that you were always being courted for fashion shows, and to wear certain designer’s stuff at various functions and dinner and so on."

Steven kissed him on the temple. "You know, you just took the thought right out of my head. As soon as the sun comes up, I’ll make some phone calls, and see what I can arrange. Should we tell them, or make it a surprise?"

Michael thought about it for a minute. "Let’s tell Jessie, then she can be prepared. She doesn’t have to be at the set until about eight o’clock in the evening. If we schedule people in around noon, then she can sleep in for a while. Oh, and make sure they bring some things for Kate too. Jessie’s taking her as her date to the awards show. I know she wanted to get something nice for her too."

Steven agreed, and then hearing Jessie returning, poured the soup in a bowl, and dug some crackers out of the pantry to go with them. Michael told Jessie their plan, and she was so excited that she kissed them both on the cheek, and gave them a big hug.

"I don’t know what we would do without you guys. I really appreciate your fast thinking. I’ll wait until tomorrow to tell Kate. I want her to eat something, and then we both need to get some sleep." Jessie wasn’t sure she would be able to sleep, having to hold in all the exciting news.

Taking the soup back to Kate, Jessie noticed that Corky and Violet, Kate’s feline children had joined them. Pushing a disgruntled Corky down to the foot of the bed with her sister, Jessie took her spot and as Kate had done for her earlier, spoon fed her lover with soup, and a cracker or two on the side. When the tea was ready Michael brought two steaming mugs in, and winking at his sister, bade them both goodnight.

Kate sat back for a moment, and closing her eyes counted to ten. She was praying that the soup would stay in place, because her pounding head was threatening to "reverse the flow". Jessie retrieved a couple of aspirin’s from the bathroom, and added an antibiotic from the samples that Dr. Mac had given her. If necessary, she would call Helen in the morning, and ask her to send a prescription over to the pharmacy nearby, and Michael would pick them up. Jessie was not afraid to venture out to places like the grocery store, or the pharmacy, but she didn’t make a habit of it. Sometimes the fans could be a little overzealous, and especially in LA. If she lived somewhere that was not so "wild", it might be different.

Before Jessie had a chance to say goodnight, Kate was already drifting back out, her eyelids fluttering, in a lame attempt to fight her overwhelming fatigue. Jessie kissed her on the cheek, and snuggling in close, surprised herself by drifting out.

Sometime the following morning, the aroma of bacon, and pancakes cooking in the kitchen awakened Jessie. The morning sun was peeking behind the blinds, and for the first time in a long time, everything seemed . . . . right to her. The cats noticed her moving, and were immediately on top, competing for the prime spot under her chin. Violet finally got so disgusted at Corky’s insistence that she be closer, that she perched on Jessie’s knee, and turned her back. She refused to move or acknowledge their presence any further.

"You know Corky, one of these days she’s going to get back at you, and then you’ll be in real trouble." Jessie scratched Corky’s smiling face while she lectured her about the unsafe practice of making her sister mad.

Kate’s eyes opened slowly. She had been awake for several minutes, listening to the conversation between her cats and her lover. Smiling, she reached over and placed her hand next to Jessie’s on Corky’s head. Feeling extremely important over the extra attention she was getting, Corky rolled over and gave the two women a rare glimpse of her rather ample belly. Jessie chuckled, and scratched the furry pillow, receiving a loud, appreciative purr in return. Violet, still perched on her knee pedestal, continued to ignore the whole mess. It just made her ill what a scene-stealer Corky had become.

Jessie took a moment to assess Kate’s condition. Placing her lips tenderly on her forehead, she determined that the fever had finally run its course. She brushed Kate’s bangs back, and looking into her eyes, decided that they were clear enough, and . . . .absolutely the greenest, most beautiful she had ever seen. Kate smiled when she realized that Jessie had just slipped into a small trance.

"Hey there cutie-pie, what caught you in its snare?" Kate giggled.

"Hmm, I think it must have been this beautiful green-eyed vision laying next to me on our cloud here. Have I told you yet how happy you make me, and how absolutely beautiful you are?" Jessie smiled, her sky blue eyes glinting in the morning light.

Blushing, Kate smiled, and looked away. "I only reflect your beauty. You flatter me; I couldn’t possibly be beautiful this morning. I still feel like a truck ran over me."

Lifting up the covers, Jessie poked and prodded Kate for a minute, and satisfied with her findings, dropped the covers, folded her arms across her chest, and shook her head emphatically.

"I do not see any tire tracks, nor do I detect any missing body parts. By my careful examination, I have determined that you were not in fact "run over by a truck". I think however, you may have contracted a bug of monumental proportions. It may require an exterminator, or a rather large can of Raid." Jessie pursed her lips, looking very prim and proper.

Kate couldn’t help herself; she burst into the giggles. Coughing a few times, she realized that her throat was still a little raspy, and her head felt like it had oatmeal in it. She still had some small traces of her headache, but the worst had passed her. She still didn’t think she would be able to go shopping though. She was afraid she might relapse.

Choosing not to think about it, she mentally changed the subject. "So, what’s for breakfast? I’m starving, and even though my nose isn’t working very well, I think I detect bacon in the air."

Unfolding her arms, Jessie threw back the covers, and pushing Corky over onto Kate, leaped out of bed. Violet was unceremoniously dumped over the side, and swishing her tail in disgust, turned and slipped under the bed, no longer interested in her mother’s "friend".

"I believe you’re right, M’Lady, and I shall make haste in retrieving said odor and bringing it’s substance to you momentarily." Jessie bowed deeply, and leapt towards the door, almost knocking the overflowing tray of breakfast out of Michael’s hands.

"Hey there, take it easy. Get back in that bed this instant, or else. We worked hard at this, and it’s meant to be consumed in bed. I shopped, and Steven cooked. Now, sit down, before I knock you down." Michael waited until Jessie was back under the covers, and then setting his tray across Kate’s lap, he stepped aside, and let Steven come in and set his tray over Jessie’s.

Both men went back to the kitchen, and while Steven brought more food back for them, Michael brought in some cushions to sit on the floor. The four friends enjoyed their breakfast together, idly talking about the weather, the news, and very vaguely about the women’s discovery in Jessie’s trailer.

"I heard that Justin went ballistic, and had the trailer towed away when the cops were done with it." Michael contributed.

"How did you get all of this information already?" Jessie inquired.

"Umm, well, while Steven was making his. . .calls, I called Diane, and well, you know, she knows everything, and if she doesn’t, then she certainly will find out.

Anyway, she said that Justin was furious, because Gregory or whoever managed to get past security, left what he did, and not get caught. He almost didn’t let them finish the shoot tonight, because he was afraid that someone might try to hurt you again. Oh, and he’s demanding that the security at the award’s ceremony be to his standards, or he isn’t going to let you go." Michael was clearly excited about his insider knowledge.

"Why? Doesn’t he think that we can take care of ourselves? I have no intention of letting anyone hurt me or Kate, and certainly not that weasel Gregory." Jessie was getting irritated.

Kate carefully swallowed her bite of pancakes. "I sincerely doubt that anyone can get past the already heavy security they have at those things. I mean it’s not like that movie The Bodyguard or whatever. Or maybe it is!"

Everyone chuckled at the ridiculous picture that drew in their minds. Michael and Steven carried the dishes back into the kitchen, and then the girls got up and got into the shower. Jessie thought that Kate would feel better if she showered, and changed into something comfortable to hang out in. She still hadn’t told her that the dress shopping was coming to them, instead of her going out. Jessie thought she would wait a while, and tease her before she told her.

"So, when are you leaving?" Kate tried unsuccessfully to keep the sadness out of her voice.

"Oh, I have a few things to do here before I can even think about dresses." Jessie replied nonchalantly.

Only slightly consoled, Kate asked more questions. "What do you need to do? Is there anything I can help you with? I mean, I’m feeling better, and if I need to make some calls, or write some letters or something, just say so. As a matter of fact, maybe I better call Alice, and get an update. She could send me a courier and I could. . . .Blup, mpf, hey!"

Jessie splashed Kate with water to get her to stop talking for a moment. "Sorry, but I wanted to tell you that all I have on my agenda for the moment, is scrubbing you till you’re pink and shiny, dressing you in something warm and comfy, and settling back for some quality cartoons or drag racing, whatever strikes your fancy. I don’t want to work. I want to be a veggie for a while. Work is tonight. And let us not forget dresses. Yecchh!"

Kate giggled, and hugged Jessie tight. She was so pleased that Jessie was going to stay and hang out with her that she started to cry. Feeling stupid she buried her head in Jessie’s chest, and refused to look up until she stopped crying. Jessie finally took the shower sprayer and blasted her again to see if she could coax her out.

"Stop that! You just wait Jessica Ryan. One of these days I’ll get you back. That’s not funny. Now, wash my back for me." Kate was playfully indignant, but pleased when her lover complied.

"You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than right now. This is what life should be like, right?" Jessie kissed Kate on the back of her neck.

Shivering a little with the contact, Kate nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, it should, always. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier either. You make me happy. You . . . complete me."

Jessie turned Kate around to face her, and kissed her tenderly. She decided that it was not necessary to take this moment any further. Being close, and sharing each other’s touch was enough. The rest could still wait. They held each other for a while, just letting the warm water cascade over them like a small waterfall.

A short time later, realizing they were probably using all of the hot water, Jessie finished bathing Kate, and then let Kate wash her back. They finished up, and then stepping out first, Jessie grabbed their towels, and wrapping one around herself, she enclosed Kate in hers, winding the towel around her like a mummy. She tenderly dried every nook and cranny, and then towel dried Kate’s hair, combing it out when she was done. Drying herself off, she led Kate to her dresser, and had her select some comfortable things for her to slip into. Kate chose sweats, and an oversized T-shirt, and socks to keep her feet warm.

Jessie dug through her suitcase, and was pleased to see that Michael included a pair of sweats and T-shirt for her too. She slipped into them, but passed on the socks. They made her feet too warm. Jumping back into bed, she handed Kate the remote, and they bantered back and forth about what to watch, and finally settled on an old Laurel and Hardy meets Frankenstein movie.

A sort time into the movie, Kate asked Jessie if she would mind if Kate got her laptop, and talked to Laura while they watched the movie. Jessie jumped up and volunteered to get the case for her, and hook it up, as long as Kate directed her.

Again pleased about Jessie’s willingness to just hang out with her, she told her where to find the case and all of the cords etc.

Bringing back the gear, Jessie followed Kate’s instructions, and hooked up all the connections to get her going. Kate logged on, and waited until the Instant Messenger came up to see if Laura was online. Not seeing her, she went ahead and checked her mail. She smiled when she noticed that Laura had sent several messages, asking where she was, how she was, and if she was ever going to "see" her again. The last one was particularly funny.

Hey there spud, what’s new? Did you die, or get sucked up into the mother ship by the aliens.

You know, I was driving to work the other day, and I noticed this huge radar dish sitting in the middle of a rather large hill. Covering the hill was a herd of about five hundred head of cattle, all munching on the grass, laying down and resting, or contentedly watching all of us humans in our little metal pods shooting down the road.

I thought about them for a while, and it hit me. They were "Radar Cows". You know, aliens from another planet. They are a peaceful race, brought here by the mother ship, and transmitted to the hill via the signal from the radar dish. They have been contentedly observing us for months now, using the green grass to sustain their lifeforms.

They have been trying to figure out ways to assist us humans in getting our lives and our planet back on track. They are a far superior race, and have a monumentally larger background technology than anything we have ever seen before in our entire history. They have walked among us for centuries, blending in with our regular population of cattle.

The Radar Cows admittedly abhor our practice of eating other living species, but they understand that the habit was born out of a need to survive. It is their long range plan to teach us to feed ourselves, without damaging our Eco-system, and to obtain world peace, intergalactic travel, and a means of eliminating fossil fuels and pollutants from our atmosphere, with an end product of restoring our ozone layer to it’s full potential.

A sad thing happened though . . . .just the other day. It had been the Friday before a long weekend, and I felt compelled to stop and talk to the Radar Cows, sort of as an emissary you know. Well, obviously we couldn’t speak each other’s language, but I did my very best to communicate with them, and apologized for my frequent trips to the "In and Out" Burger stand, and any other infractions of their food policy. I tried to get them to tell me their message, and let me communicate with the rest of humanity for them. Instead they continued to eat, sleep, and watch the rest of us go by.

Disappointed, I returned to my car, and continued to work, knowing that the mother ship would return by the evening to take them back to their planet. I don’t know how I knew all these things about them. It was almost as though it came to me in a dream.

Anyway, I worked late that evening, and when I returned home, the Radar Cows were already gone. I waited for the weekend to pass, barbecuing some steaks, and feeling extremely guilty over the whole matter, and vowing to apologize again when the Radar Cows returned.

Tuesday morning I eagerly jumped into my car, earlier than usual to spend some time with the Radar Cows. When I arrived at the spot, there wasn’t a single cow in sight, Radar or otherwise. Frantically I ran back and forth in front of the fence, calling to them, crying and apologizing. A lone cowboy rode up to me, concerned about my distress.

I asked him what happened. He looked around, and shading his eyes, and squinted into the sun. "What happened to what?" He asked. "The Radar Cows". I answered. "Radar what?" He said. "Cows. Where did all of the cows go?" I replied. "Oh, you mean the steer? They went on to market, you know, hamburger heaven." He whistled to his horse, and the two of them turned and rode off into the sunrise. (It was morning, so sunrise instead of sunset).

I was crestfallen. How could we humans be so stupid? Here we are, with a prime chance to redeem our evil ways, and save our species from ourselves. Instead we send our only salvation away to provide fodder for our fast food lifestyle. Chances are we will never have this chance again.

From now on, I will shed a single tear each and everytime I consume a burger or a medium-well steak smothered in onions with sautéed mushrooms in memory of the Radar Cows.

I miss you kiddo. I hope things are doing okay. Say hi to that gorgeous woman I know you’ve got yourself wrapped around. Let me know what you know.

Love you,


Kate smiled, and chuckled a little. "I miss you too, you silly goof."

Jessie noticed the distant look on Kate’s face. Fearing that she might be intruding in Kate’s privacy, Jessie stood to leave. Kate took her hand, and stopped her.

"Where are you going? Don’t go. You have to read this, it’s great." Kate turned the laptop so that Jessie could see the screen.

"Oh, I was thinking, well. . ." Jessie sat back down.

"You were thinking what?" Kate inquired.

Jessie frowned a moment. "I was thinking that you might want some privacy. I didn’t want to intrude on your thing with Laura." There, I said it. I don’t know why I said it, but I said it.

Setting the computer aside for a moment, Kate took Jessie’s hand in her own. "Listen, you never intrude on me. And I don’t have a "thing", with Laura. She is my friend. She has been there for me in some of my darkest moments, and I value that very much. Haven’t you ever had someone that is so special to you, that you "miss" him or her every once in a while? A friend?"

Jessie shook her head. She had never been really close to anyone, except Michael, and they were around each other all of the time. Dr. Helen and her girlfriend were friends, but that wasn’t the same. She never had a private "friend". Not until Kate that is.

"Well, it’s kind of like a sister. Someone you can tell your secrets to, and someone you can depend on. I guess kind of like Michael, but not related. Laura and I, or I should say "I" have spent many hours pouring my heart out to her. She is so patient, and kind. Yet in a "no nonsense" sort of way, she can be tough on you too. She really believes that we shape our own lives, and that we have to own up to our mistakes and move on. You don’t need to feel threatened by her. Laura thinks you are singularly the greatest person on the planet. You’ll feel better, when you meet her. Trust me." Kate kissed the hand she held, and smiled at Jessie for reassurance.

Jessie smiled back. If Laura were that important to Kate, then she would be that important to Jessie. Taking the laptop from Kate, she scrolled back up to read Laura’s letter. Chuckling herself, she asked Kate if she could reply. Surprised, Kate readily agreed.

Dear Laura: Why is it that you haven’t gone into publication? This has to be the singularly most charming story I have ever read. I too will pay homage to the Radar Cows, each and every time I consume one of their by-products. You’re great Laura, don’t forget it.

Kate is here, with her eyes bugging out because I asked to write to you. I wanted to thank you for being Kate’s friend. She loves you very much.

And yes, I am wrapped around her, and loving every minute of it.

Take care,


Kate showed her how to send the letter, and decided not to reply right at the moment herself. Deciding that Laura must not be online, she logged off, and put the laptop away. Settling back in Jessie’s arms, leaning against her chest, Kate sighed contentedly. Wishing she had the guts to tell Jessie she loved her, she closed her eyes, and pretended to in her head instead.

"Thanks, " Jessie interrupted her thoughts, "For letting me do that. I don’t know why, but it made me feel better. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I think I was jealous there for a moment."

"Why would you be jealous? I’m here in your arms, not hers. And there isn’t anything I would say to Laura, that I couldn’t say to you. Don’t be jealous, that would make me sad." Kate turned to look into Jessie’s eyes. Except maybe, hmm, I bet the fact that I told Laura I loved her bothered Jessie. Don’t worry my love, soon I’ll say it. Real soon!

"Oh, I’m not jealous, not anymore. And I appreciate you sharing me with her, and vice versa. I really do think that I’m going to like her even better when I meet her. Can we go tomorrow? I’m dying of curiosity, and I can’t wait for our vacation." Jessie’s eyebrows went up, hoping for an affirmative to her request.

Kate laughed, breaking into a coughing fit for the effort. "<cough> You can’t be serious. We have way too much to do, and <cough> ugh, that’s killing me. You have to get a dress for the ceremony, and that’s final. We can see Laura when we get some time off."

Jessie stuck her lower lip way out. She was just getting ready to wind into a massive "it’s not fair" tantrum, when Steven popped into the room. Snapping her fingers because she missed her chance, she received a pinch on the belly for her efforts.

"Hey, there’s someone to see you guys in the living room. Better get out of that bed and come in here. It’s really important." Steven fought hard to keep the secret. His smile was blinding them both.

Kate pursed her lips. "Are you expecting anyone?"

Jessie shook her head; afraid she might give herself away if she said anything.

"Who is it, Steven?" Kate was starting to get suspicious.

"I don’t know, but they asked for you and Jessie specifically. Why don’t you just come out here, and see for yourself. I have things to do." With that said, he turned and sashayed out the door, hoping they would follow soon behind.

Kate looked at Jessie, and then her eyes narrowed. "You know what’s going on don’t you? And you’re not telling. You better tell me, or I just might . . ."

"Might what? Come on; give it your best shot. I’m waiting for you." Jessie got on her knees, and prepared for a wrestling match.

"Never mind, but when you least expect it, POW!" Kate bowed out, feeling too weak to do battle at the moment.

Standing up, Jessie took her hand and coaxed her out of bed. "Come on sweetie, let’s go out there and see what’s going on, before the twins come back here and have some kind of hissy-fit."

Kate got up reluctantly, and followed Jessie out into the living room. When they stepped into the room, Kate didn’t immediately see what was awaiting her. Jessie finally stepped aside, and revealed the display before them. Kate’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes went as wide as dinner plates.

Jessie tugged her arm, and had her sit in a chair to the side, set up just for her. The boys had worked very hard to clear out the room, and make some space for the people and their wares that were currently occupying every available square inch. There was a raised platform in the center, and a beautiful full-length mirror set alongside. Spread in rows, were rack after rack of gowns, in a rainbow of colors and styles.

Each section of dresses had a representative from the designer standing nearby to give tips, and suggestions. This was most unusual for all of them to be at the same place, at the same time. Normally, each designer would schedule an appointment, and send several dresses to the actress, or the performer would go to the designer’s shop, and they would try them on and fit them there. Even more rare were the occasions when the designer would be asked to custom tailor something exclusively for the wearer. This is extremely expensive, hence the rarity in which it occurs.

The designers usually vie for attention since just as much notoriety is gained from your fashions, as is paid to the person wearing them. Since each of the designers represented in this group owed Steven many favors, they all cheerfully agreed to try this out for the first time ever. The deal they made was that since Jessie would be represented several different times during the show, as presenter, possible recipient, and guest, she would take a gown from each of them. That left one extra designer, who would be providing the outfit for Kate. Everyone would be able to share the exposure that way. It was Michael’s idea to have Steven pitch that to the representatives, when he started calling all of them.

Kate still hadn’t closed her mouth. Jessie reached over, and squeezed her hand. Whispering in her ear, she told her that soon all the flies in the neighborhood were going to take up residence, if she didn’t close the hangar door. Kate closed her mouth with a snap, and then shook her head a few times to make sure she was still awake. Never before had she ever been involved in anything like this.

The first representative came over, and addressing Jessie, had her step over to the racks that belonged to her respective company. After flipping through the selection of beautiful dresses, Jessie selected three to try on. She had gone through this before, and not really being a fan of all the glamour, had decided to limit the choices, and thereby shorten the time involved. As soon as her selections were complete, then the other two representatives quickly moved the clothes around on their rack, so that different styles and different colors were represented.

The designer that was waiting for Kate was selected purely because Steven had remembered how much Kate liked her clothes. Never having been able to afford to buy anything, she always wished, but never followed through. Besides, she wasn’t exactly going to formal events every week, so it hadn’t been necessary for her to buy designer label stuff. She had one or two "little black dresses", and a couple of suits she had gotten for job interviews. Jeans and shirts were more her style.

Jessie made her choices rather quickly. She had done this enough times, that there was not much mystery to it. Her first gown of the evening was a midnight blue satin strapless number, with tiny little rhinestones across the bodice, and a straight, but not too form fitting skirt. Her presenter’s gown, was a silvery sheath, which showed all the curves, in all of the right places. Her final gown was black full-skirted satin, off the shoulder, with a spray of black feathers across the top of the bodice.

Kate was so busy marveling at all of the selections that she had to choose from, that she hardly noticed what Jessie was doing, let alone what she had chosen to wear. Kate only needed one dress, but they were all so beautiful. She finally decided on a Kelly green satin gown, in an oriental style. It was trimmed in gold embroidery, with a mandarin collar. It set off her eyes beautifully, and was accented by her reddish-blond hair. Her tan skin made it picture perfect.

Kate’s representative thought she should try on the dress, because they thought it might need to be altered before the event. They even had matching shoes, and assured her that they would get a pair that fit her perfectly. Kate went into the bedroom with the representative, and moments later emerged with the dress on. It was obvious to all present, that there would be no need for alterations.

Jessie was awestruck. Almost letting her own mouth hang open, she gave Kate a brilliant smile, and raised both of her eyebrows in salute. The last dresser was fussing with the feathers on Jessie’s dress, and she couldn’t step away to get a closer look. Right then and there, she felt an extreme surge of love and need well into her chest, and surround her heart in a warm glow. She knew that all eyes would be on them, and that more than one person would be jealous of her date. Of course, most of them would assume that because of the problems with her husband, she wasn’t with a man for that reason. Little did they know what that reason really was.

Finishing up with the designer’s reps, Jessie made final arrangements with them for the evening of the event. Michael had called the studio for her and made an appointment with her regular hair and make-up primaries to come and take care of both of the women.

After the last rack of dresses was rolled out the door, and everyone pitched in to put the furniture back, Jessie noticed that Kate was missing. Wandering into the bedroom, she found her sitting on her bed, hands folded staring at a spot somewhere between the floor and the ceiling.

"Are you okay? Is your headache back? Can I get you something?" Jessie’s voice was starting to betray her panic.

Kate turned at the sound of her distress, and smiled from ear to ear. "Hey, don’t worry, I’m fine. My headache is not back, and the only thing you can get me is you."

Jessie fairly beamed at her response. She closed the door behind her, and then stepping over to Kate’s side, sat down and almost shyly held her hand. Kate put her arms around her lover’s body, and squeezed her tightly. Tilting her head back, she silently demanded contact from Jessie’s soft, lovely lips. Gladly willing to oblige, Jessie kissed her tentatively. Immediately receiving a more passionate response, Jessie swung her legs up onto the bed, and pulling Kate into her arms returned the offered kiss with equal passion.

Slowly Kate opened her eyes, and sitting up removed her T-shirt, then reaching for Jessie’s helped remove hers as well. Returning to her place in Jessie’s arms, Kate became the aggressor. So much was their need for contact; they were no longer conscious of their movements.

Kate gradually worked her way from her passionate possession of Jessie’s lips, to a heated moist trail of kisses along the curve of her neck, to the soft mounds of her breasts. Jessie’s hands became insistent, wishing to reciprocate the attention that Kate’s lips were lavishing upon her. Small moans began escaping from the two lovers’, only half-aware that there were other people in the house, and the fact that a small need for discretion might be necessary.

Her hands never stopping their endless journey, Kate swiftly slipped them under the waistband of Jessie’s sweats, touching and caressing every inch of skin that passed by them. Jessie’s movements became more erratic the closer Kate approached to her destination. Never losing contact with Jessie’s breast, she finally reached the soft curls her questing fingers had been searching for. Slipping into the soft damp folds, she was pleased to find her target ready and waiting for her, pulsing softly with anticipation. Jessie moaned louder, arching her back to meet the welcome intrusion. Her own quest about to be completed as well, as her actions mirrored those of her most attentive lover. They began to move in rhythm with each other, wild, quiet sounds escaping as they approached their climax together.

Jessie’s body reacted first, with Kate only a millisecond behind. The two women had the sensation of falling, through soft clouds, or a warm mountain stream. Hearts pounding together, breath and moans mingling in their own lovely symphony, their bodies crashed like a tempest of storm tossed waves against the shore. Again and again, until their weary but satisfied souls could take no more.

Sharing gentle kisses and caresses, they held each other until the tremors subsided. Pulling up the covers, and wrapping them up in their warmth, Jessie squeezed Kate tightly almost afraid to let her go. Amazed at the power of their passion, she vowed to never let so much time go by before they shared each other in this way.

Kate slipped over onto her side, and had Jessie wrap around her from behind. Exhausted from being ill, from the excitement of both the clothing, and from their lovemaking Kate was soon fast asleep. Jessie watched her breathe for a short time, her lovely face so soft and contented, before she too drifted into her dreams.


>>>Continued in Chapter 18<<<

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