DISCLAIMERS: Go to chapter one, go directly to chapter one do not pass go do not collect $200.

I believe the very purpose of our life
is to find happiness.

********The Dalai Lama********




Chapter 21: (I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date…)

The next few days went by like a blur. It was starting to seem like the minute Kate and Jessie laid their head down, it was time to wake up again. The staff and actors managed to meet their goal of half an episode in the can in a day and a half. Ted had even indicated that they might even get Friday off if they kept up with that pace.

Tuesday evening, Kate decided to cook something light for dinner. She actually preferred to cook her meals, instead of eating out all of the time. She only wished she had time to do some decent grocery shopping. While she was standing in front of the open refrigerator, Jessie came up behind her, and hugged her from behind.

"What’s up? Anything alive in there?" Jessie closed her eyes, and rested her chin on Kate’s head.

Kate smiled. There had been so little time to be together lately. Of course, they were together all day, but it wasn’t the same. Taking a peek into the freezer, she was surprised to see that it had a package of chicken, and some frozen broccoli.

"I thought I would cook, I am so tired of catering food. Sound good to you?" Kate waited to see if Jessie was still awake.

"Mmm, that sounds great. Would you mind terribly if I laid on the couch for a few minutes? I was really embarrassed about forgetting those lines today, and I know its because I’m tired. Besides, I think my mind has been elsewhere these days." Jessie yawned deeply, remembering this afternoon when she had been watching Kate out of the corner of her eye, and had missed a cue. If that keeps up, I’m going to have to banish her from the set.

"Sure honey, go ahead, and if you want, after dinner I’ll run lines with you for tomorrow’s scenes. Go crash for a while." Kate gave her a light push in the direction of the living room.

Puttering around the kitchen, Kate decided that life just couldn’t be any better. Michael had taken her to the dry cleaners earlier to drop off some of Jessie’s things, and he had taken that moment to ask her some important questions. He had been wondering if Kate was still okay with Jessie staying with her. He admitted that he hadn’t been actually looking for a place for Jessie. Anything of importance that she might need was already at Kate and Steven’s, or at her offices at the studio. The rest had already been donated, or put in storage until such a time, as she might need it. Kate had made a promise to herself, to straighten out some closet space, so Jessie could stop living out of suitcases. Michael waited patiently, curious about her answer.

Kate smiled, remembering her careful response. "Michael, I don’t think or worry about that kind of stuff. If Jessie wants to move into her own place, its fine with me. I love her Michael, and whatever she wants to do, I can handle."

"Have you told her yet that you love her? I mean, I know it’s none of my business, but well, its plain as day that you love each other. What’s the major malfunction?" Michael was trying to get in his daily dose of sensitivity. He placed is hand over Kate’s to emphasize his concern. Kate always refused to sit in back when they went on these errands,

"I don’t know Michael. I think we’re both scared to death. Like if we finally say, "I love you" to each other, that something bad is going to happen, as though it will change things. Is that weird or what?" Kate was perplexed.

"Well, since you asked, yeah it is. I mean, in such a short time, you have been through so much together. What with Gregory and all I mean. I think if you can’t trust each other, when it is so apparent that you are meant to be together, then there is something else wrong. What happened at the mall the other day? Jessie said something about some silly woman pissing you off." Michael relished in gossip. Jessie didn’t always satisfy his need for information.

Kate told him the whole story, from beginning to end. She admitted guiltily that she had been jealous, almost insanely so. Michael agreed that if it had been him, and someone was so blatantly hitting on Steven, he probably would have been even less diplomatic. He was worried though about Kate. This was surely not going to be the last time that something like this happened, especially if his sister was going to continue to be brave and venture out into public.

"Kate, you know this is going to happen again, don’t you?" Michael winced internally, waiting for the storm.

"Yeah, I do. I need to talk to Jess real soon about how she feels about this, and how I should act. I don’t want to embarrass her, but by the same token, I don’t want people to walk all over me either. I should ask Laura how she deals with it, because people are always hitting on April, right under Laura’s nose. I know too that it will be even worse for us, because she is not only an actress, but one of the most popular action-adventure heroes on television." Kate thought this might even warrant a phone call, rather than waiting for Laura online.

Michael agreed that it warranted discussion, but he also encouraged Kate not to wait much longer to express her feelings. He had always been one to act more with his heart, and not always with his head. Kate said she would get to it soon, not wanting to be pushed by Michael to move too much faster than she already had. She cared a great deal for Michael, but sometimes he just grated her last nerve.

Popping the chicken into the oven, her thoughts turned to the whirlwind that had become their lives. Deciding not to disturb Jessie, she headed into her office to check messages, E-mail, and to call Laura. She noticed with a smile, that both cats were firmly attached to various places on Jessie’s body like little furry parasites, unwilling to let go until their host moved.

Closing the door partway, she sat down to listen to the answering machine first. There were several messages from the office, regarding scheduling, script meetings, and the like, followed by a message from the dressers, confirming their appointment to dress the women for the award’s ceremony. Kate jotted all of this information into the appropriate days in her day planner, and then played the last message. What she heard chilled her to the bone.

"BEEP" Honey, this is Diane. Oh God! You won’t believe what’s happening to me. Someone tipped off the IRS, that we have been skimming our books, and not paying our taxes, and then this afternoon, the FBI, ATF, and who all knows what showed up on my doorstep, on an anonymous phone call that my husband and I are dealing in everything from drugs to guns. I don’t know who the hell would do this, but it stinks! We are so brutally careful about our taxes, and I would never be involved in any of that other stuff. They have taken all of our books and records, and my husband is currently in jail. I should have him out on bail in a few hours. Darlin’ call tomorrow, and hopefully I will have gotten rid of most of these people. This truly sucks!!!

Kate hit the save button, and then sat still for a moment letting Diane’s message sink in. There was definitely something weird going on. First Laura is being stalked, and now Diane. Some how, the whole thing started to smell like Gregory. Bypassing the Internet, Kate opted to call Laura direct.

The phone rang twice, before April picked it up. "Hello? Oh, hi Kate, sure she’s here, sitting under a pile of cats. Hang on and let me get her."

Moments later, she could hear Laura coming to the phone. In the background, the loud protests of Laura’s two cats Tanya and Tasha were blaring in the background. Laura was firmly entrenched in the idea that she was the mother of her two cats, and that she could communicate with them. Of course, she knew she couldn’t really talk to them, but some how she managed to get her point across. One thing for certain, anyone messes with Laura’s cats, and they better be ready to defend themselves. Not much would stop her if anyone tried to hurt either April or the cats.

"Hey there sugar, what’s up?" Kate smiled at Laura’s cheerful greeting.

"Hey there yourself. I just decided that the stuff on my mind required a phone call, instead of just Internet. There are some strange things going on around here Laura. First you acquire a stalker, and then my friend Diane from the personnel agency gets accused of graft and insurrection by a whole group of government agencies. Her poor husband was even arrested. I don’t know for sure, but I think Gregory is behind all of this. I can only hope that it doesn’t get any worse." Kate stopped for a moment to let Laura answer.

"Hmm, that does sound like all of this might be related. So far I haven’t seen any more of my stalker, especially since I acknowledged the fact that I knew he was there. If I were you guys, I would be especially careful these days. You never know what might come up next." As soon as she said it, she realized that they had already had way too much trouble in their lives.

Again Kate was amazed at her friend’s huge heart. It was just like Laura, to worry about Kate and Jessie, and not have a single worry for herself. "You know, you should take some of that advice yourself. Have you told April yet?"

The pause on the other end of the line was enough to tell Kate that Laura hadn’t told her girlfriend about the stalker yet. "Laura. . .why haven’t you told her? Don’t you think her life might be endangered as well? Doesn’t she ride a motorcycle to work? Laura you need to tell her!"

"Okay, okay, I got ya. You’re right, I should have told her right away. Now I’m gonna get it. I guess I’m just not taking it as seriously as I should. As soon as we’re done, I’ll tell her the whole story. You know we bought a new motorcycle this weekend. I just didn’t want to ruin all of her fun. So, how’s that gorgeous girlfriend of yours? Have you told her that you love her yet?" Laura quickly changed the subject.

Kate felt the blush creep up the back of her neck. It was just like her friend to know what was on her mind before she said anything. "Laura, sometimes you amaze me. That was the other reason I called you. I just can’t seem to get the words out. It’s driving me crazy! What’s wrong with me?"

Laura thought for a moment. "Well, my guess is she’s just as tongue tied as you are. You know you both have had a hard time with relationships in the past. And others have spent a lot of time and energy making sure that you don’t feel very good about yourselves. I realize that Jessica gets a lot of attention, especially now that the show is in the number one spot. But I really think that you too have gone past all those horrible incidents, and have put those people behind you. There is no question in my mind that you love each other. If now is not the time, then I think when you get away from all of the chaos in a week or so, then maybe you two will relax enough to finally seal this "love thang" together. Oh, and sweetie, it’s tough dating someone that others want. You have to be confident in your love for her, and in her love for you."



"I really feel that she loves me, but I am so afraid of rejection. Someone hit on her right in front of me, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I was torn between my duties as her assistant, and bodyguard, and being her lover." Kate sighed deeply.

"Honey child, if she was going to reject you, I doubt very seriously she would be living in your house right now. For goodness sakes, she makes a small fortune. She could have any old house she wanted out there, but she chooses to stay with you and Steven. There’s something to say about that, and all I can come up with is love." Laura chuckled at the thought. She and April had been together for 18 plus years, and she could remember all of the steps that love takes.

A number of people over the years had approached April, and attempted to take her away from Laura. They felt that April’s looks made her a step or two above Laura and that April deserved better. Laura was stocky, not real tall, and she had been called "dyke" more times than she cared to count. April always told them, they would never know what they were missing, that Laura was absolutely the best, in more ways than one.

"You know something Laura, I love you so much. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had." Kate felt a small tear slip down her cheek.

"Oh come on now, you’ll forget me soon enough. All you have to do, is sink into those beautiful blue eyes, and the party’s over. I love you too kiddo. See how easy that is? Now, when the time feels right, you know the words, just say them." Laura blew kisses in the phone, and hung up quietly.

Kate sat there for several minutes, thinking about Laura and all of her complexities. She certainly was the most insightful and interesting person that Kate had ever known. The buzzer on the oven interrupted her thoughts. Giving up her mail for later, she dashed to the kitchen and shut everything off before it woke Jessie.

Kate stood in the doorway for a moment or two, watching Jessie sleep, her chest slowly rising and falling in her slumber. Corky the fat cat noticed her mother from her place in Jessie’s armpit, and decided she should invite her to join them.

"Meow mow wow meow!" Corky called.

Kate giggled. "Shh, don’t wake her Cork, that’s my job."

"WOW!" Corky shot back.

"Hissss, WAH!" Corky’s sister Violet took a swat at her offensive sibling.

"Hey you two, not while you’re sleeping on Jessie! If you scratch her, one of you is going to learn to fly." Kate whispered loudly.

Kate quickly crossed the room, and grabbed Violet before she could take another swat at her sister. Setting her on the floor, she reached for Corky when she was suddenly grabbed around the waist, and pulled up into Jessie’s arms.

"Whoop! What are you doing? I almost crushed you." Kate exclaimed.

"Not on your life, shweethot." Jessie said in her best Bogart.

Settling Kate comfortably against her chest, she met her lips in a warm lingering kiss. Kate returned the kiss in kind, loving the feel of Jessie’s lips pressed against hers, gently asking permission to continue their exploration. Kate had no interest in denying them their request. Balancing herself on her hands, she began to gently tease Jessie, kissing her passionately, then pulling away when the kiss was returned. She had decided that she wanted control of this moment, fully and completely.

Sitting up, she slowly unbuttoned her shirt, one button at a time. Before removing it, she returned her attention to Jessie’s lips, gradually moving to her neck, placing small kisses, followed by light nips along the curve. Returning to her upright position, she reached for the buttons on Jessie’s shirt, again slowly working her way to each one. Her hand strayed once, brushing Jessie’s sensitive nipple through the fabric. She was rewarded with a quiet gasp. Kate prepared to remove her own shirt, and follow with her bra, when the front door suddenly opened

Michael was the first to bounce in. He stopped in shock, and then quickly turned, and covered Steven’s eyes. Trying desperately not to laugh, he backed Steven out the door, and closed it behind him. Kate had immediately dropped, covering Jessie with her body, at the same time trying to hide them both in the cushions of the sofa. She turned crimson when she heard the boys uncontrolled laughter outside the door.

Buttoning her shirt back up, and then doing the same for Jessie, she quickly kissed Jessie on the lips, and then stomped in a cloud of fury to the front door.

Flinging it open, she stood there with her hands on her hips, and tapped her foot, waiting for them to gain some sort of control. It wasn’t until she started to calm a moment when she noticed that they weren’t alone. Standing down on the steps, were two friends of Stevens from the agency.

Kate was stunned. Without much thought, she slammed the door shut, and turning to look at Jessie, bursting into tears. Running to her bedroom, she slammed the door behind her. Jessie was bewildered. She couldn’t decide whether she should be mad, happy, sad, or just plain frustrated. Rising from the couch, she turned to follow Kate. She heard the others coming in, and decided it was in her best interests to ignore them.

"Kate? Honey? Are you okay?" Jessie sat on the bed, pulling Kate into her arms.

Holding her close, she lightly stroked her hair, murmuring "sweet nothings" into her ear, and nibbling at her neck. Kate finally calmed down, and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, just contented herself to lay in Jessie’s embrace, and listen to her heartbeat for a while.

"Want me to go out there and kill all of them? I would do that for you, you know. Wouldn’t mind it a bit." Jessie starting tickling Kate for emphasis.

"Don’t! Stop! I don’t want to laugh, I’m mad." Kate pouted while trying to hold back the giggles welling up inside. Picturing Jessie going out into the living room, and telling all of them that it was necessary to eliminate them made her laugh even harder.

"Oh, listen to you, don’t stop. Hmm, if I weren’t certain, I might think you wanted me to keep tickling you." Which she did again for emphasis.

"Okay, okay I get the message. And no, you don’t have to kill them. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to face them all, but no problem. You can just bring me food, or check and make sure the coast is clear before I leave the house." Kate sighed.

"What happened? Why did you cry?" Jessie wanted to know all of the details.

"Because Jess, I was embarrassed. And, I don’t know why. I guess I’m just sensitive right now, or maybe it’s going to be that time of the month or something. Oh, and I haven’t even had a chance yet to tell you about Diane and Laura." Kate sat up, her memory bringing back all of the urgent news she had temporarily blocked out.

Kate took the time to tell Jessie about the message from Diane and then her subsequent phone call to Laura. She left out the more personal discussion regarding the "I Love You" issue, preferring not to broach that subject at the moment. Jessie listened quietly until Kate was finished.

Pinching her lips between her thumb and forefinger, Jessie was angry. "Damn! I am really getting worried about our family and friends. What the hell are the police doing about Gregory anyway? I could probably do a much better job at tracking him down than they seem to be doing."

Concerned, Kate put her hand over Jessie’s. "Don’t go getting any stupid ideas. I’m the one that’s responsible for your safety. Please don’t get yourself into any situations that endanger you. Diane is taking care of her problem, and I’ll touch bases with her tomorrow. I lectured Laura extensively about her safety, and letting April know what’s going on. She tends to be a little less concerned when danger is standing in her face. I can’t stop her from doing that, but I can harass her about it as much as possible."

Jessie was satisfied for the moment, but if this crap didn’t stop, she was going to stay mad, and keep a thumb on the detectives until something was done. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself, if one of their friends or family members were injured, or the worst of all killed, because of their association with her. God only knew she loved Kate, and if Gregory took her away, or hurt her in any way, she would hunt him down and kill him with her bare hands.

The two women hugged each other closely. Both were lost in their thoughts. Questions played through their minds like a never-ending newsreel; "will this ever end? Will he injure or kill someone, is there any hope of peace in their lives?" All of this served to dampen their moods, and make them both wish that it would all just go away.

Hearing distant laughter and commotion from the other room, they realized that if they didn’t get out there, face the music, and get it over with, then Michael and the group might eat their dinner. Kate gave up and swallowed her pride, and ventured out the door first. The assembled group stopped talking immediately, and pretended not to notice her, as they all stared at her intently.

"Jeez, give me a break. Don’t you have anything better to do than stare at me like a bug under a microscope? Get over yourselves. We’re going to eat, and then we have a big day tomorrow. So keep the noise down or else!" She turned and taking Jessie’s hand led her to the kitchen.

Jessie looked at the group as she passed and shrugged her shoulders. In a false whisper, she said, "You guys better listen to her. She just might do something terrible if you don’t!"

Kate yanked her hand, and dragged her into the kitchen. Laying the plates and silverware out on the small table, she quietly served their food. Finishing, she sat down, and then before she started eating, she stood back up, and went over to kiss Jessie. Returning to her chair, she continued her meal.

Jessie blinked a few times, and then picking her fork up, started to eat. After the first bite, she set it down, and tilted her head sideways, her eyebrow raised. "What was that all about?"

Kate smiled through her next bite. "Just because."



If art is to nourish the roots of our culture,

Society must set the artist free

To follow his vision wherever it takes him.

********John Fitzgerald Kennedy********





Chapter 22 (One way or another, gonna find you, gonna git ya git ya git ya….)

Gregory sat back in his chair, a certain air of satisfaction surrounding him. He had hung up the phone a few moments before, pleased to hear that the first victim of his plans had been suitably, shall we say, inconvenienced for a while. Diane was small potatoes in Gregory’s master plan. He really didn’t care one way or another whether she lived or died, he just wanted to send a message to her to stay out of other people’s business.

Star stepped quietly into the room. More and more she was noticing subtle changes in Gregory’s looks, and his demeanor. He seemed to be swinging backand forth between two different personalities. There was the original Gregory, obsessed with Jessica Ryan, and trying to recover her for himself, and hoping to make her love him. Then there was the crazy Gregory. Fueled by the need to live vicariously in the shadows of a man far more sinister and psychotic than even Gregory himself, this personality was rapidly gaining momentum. Star knew in her heart, it wouldn’t be long before something clicked in Gregory’s head, and he was unable to return to his less harmful original self.

Looking over his shoulder at the computer screen, she was appalled to see scanned photos of a woman that had been severely tortured, with the caption, "Laura, a gift to Kate" typed at the bottom. Shuddering, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to stifle the screams that were threatening to escape. Turning to leave, she was stopped by Gregory’s iron grip on her wrist.

"Where ya goin’ there Star? Don’t like what you see? Too bad. Baby Doll has been helping me out with some techniques. He has numerous ways of keeping someone alive, while treating them to some of the highest levels of pain. If I was you Star, I would keep yourself in check, or you could end up just like that girl in the picture. Apparently this is a new one he just did a few days ago. When he took this picture, she was still alive. Hard to believe isn’t it? I’m gonna have to be real careful with that dyke Laura. She’s diabetic, and I don’t want her to croak, before I’m ready for her to." Gregory had a thoughtful, almost normal look on his face. As though he were lecturing to a room full of students.

Star swallowed the fear that was welling up from the pit of her stomach. Wishing she had made her escape while she had the chance, she prayed that there would still be another chance. She vowed to herself to cut back on the speed & heroin cocktails, if only to keep her wits about her long enough to survive and escape. Sitting down in the chair next to Gregory, she calmed herself enough to ask a question without her voice trembling.

"Is there anything that I can do, Greggie? I’d like to help." Star sang a nursery rhyme in her head, to keep the demons away. She had already been making carefully scripted phone calls to some doctor and her girlfriend. She hoped that was all that Gregory was going to do to them.

"You know something Star, there is. After we blow Jessie’s brother Michael into a million small pieces, we are going to have to hightail it up North. I got to get the final steps to my plan in place, before those two head to Jessie’s house in the woods. I want to get a good look at the property, and scope out all the things that Baby Doll has told me are available. When I get that Laura chick, I’m gonna take her cat first. You can take care of the cat until we don’t need it anymore, and then you can keep an eye on Laura. Keep her alive and all that. Like I said, I don’t want her to "buy the farm", until I’m ready." Gregory smiled, pleased that Star wanted to participate.

"That’s nice Gregory. I like cats. Maybe I could keep it for a while, you think? I wouldn’t let it get in your way or anything." Star smiled, hoping he would say yes.

"Well, maybe you could. We’ll see Star. You just have to keep that nose of yours out of trouble. Who knows, I just might let you keep the cat, especially if I decide to keep you, Star." Gregory chuckled. Star still didn’t get it, but it was okay. Each time she blundered like that, it made him feel better.

Star excused herself, and wandered back to the bedroom. Deep inside she had a sick feeling threatening to overcome her. She didn’t want to stay in this house anymore, and she didn’t want to be around Gregory any more either. This crap was too much. Torturing people, and killing them. Star absently rubbed her still sore back where Gregory more than likely had caused permanent damage to her kidney. Fortunately, she had stayed out of trouble long enough for him to stop hitting her for a while.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Star tapped her foot nervously on the floor. There was a TV in the room. Star idly picked up the controller, and turned on the set. The picture wavered a little, and then right in front of her, larger than life was Jessica Ryan. They were advertising the awards show, and announcing her nominations and the fact that she was presenting. For a moment Star thought she should probably tell Gregory that Jessie was presenting, but then she thought better of it. Even though she wanted to help Gregory, at least enough to stay alive, she really didn’t want to hurt anyone.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Star slowly drifted. Gregory would be busy for a while, so maybe she could sleep. The deeper she drifted, the more she felt like she was drowning. Suddenly her sleep was overcome by images of death. She saw Kate McKenna running, the wind blowing her hair, rain dripping in slow drops down her cheeks. She had a look of sheer terror in her eyes, as though an unimaginable beast was chasing her. The scene shifted revealing a woman bound and gagged. Her head was bowed low, and she was tied to a fence or a tree. Star’s mind told her it was Jessica, but when the woman lifted her head, it was Star.

Far in the distance, she could hear a woman screaming. Suddenly strong hands

gripped her tightly, and began to shake her violently. Lashing out, she struggled to escape only to have the pressure on her arms increase. Opening her eyes, she was startled to see Gregory, yelling at her to wake up.

"Good God Star. Wake up! You’re having a nightmare. Stop Screaming! Jeez Star you could wake the dead with that mouth of yours. I think I might have to cut back on your dope. If you’re gonna scream like that in your sleep, then there’s something wrong with you." Gregory was sweating. Star’s screams almost scared him out of his wits.

Shaking her head, Star placed her hand on her forehead. "Help me sit up. I’m sorry Greggie honey, I don’t know what happened. I was just sitting here, getting ready to watch some TV, when I drifted off. I guess I must have been dreamin’."

"Yeah, well, I think you’ve been fryin’ your brains so much, that they can’t function normal anymore. I’m not going to put up with that crap, that’s for sure." Gregory turned Star loose. She carefully rubbed the new bruises that were already appearing on her arms.

"I’m sorry, really. Maybe you’re right, I need to cut back. It’s not feelin’ so great anymore anyway. Listen, I’m going to get a sandwich or something. Can I get you anything?" Star realized that she could have just added another line to her death warrant.

"Okay, yeah. Get me something. I’m waiting for another phone call about the car. Two more days and that faggot Michael are confetti. Seriously though, I don’t want to hear anymore screams like that. Or else…!" Gregory made a fist, and scowled at her, to make his point.

Star went to the kitchen. She was half tempted to call someone, and tell them what Gregory was up to. Her fear got the best of her, and she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind.

Gregory returned to the office in time to answer the phone. The arrangements had been made. As soon as Michael started the car on Thursday, KABOOM! That’s all she wrote. Of course, that’s providing that idiot Shimada’s son didn’t screw things up for him. Gregory had a bad feeling, that he just might be planning something. Well, that would be fine with him. Bring ‘em on! Gregory would be just as happy to retaliate against that punk as he was to kill Michael.

Slamming down the phone, Gregory stood and paced. He would have to be extremely careful. Star came in quietly, and set a plate down on the edge of the desk. She didn’t stay, for fear she might incur some of the fury she could see building in his eyes. Gregory barely noticed her. His paranoia was reaching a fever pitch. Reaching for the phone, he dialed the Shimada’s phone number.

"Uh, yeah, this is Gregory Thomason. Would it be possible to speak to Mr. Shimada’s son? Oh, he is. I see, well, tell him I called." Gregory hung up, more agitated than before. He couldn’t remember a time when he had called the Shimada’s, and there was no one there.

Sweat pouring into his eyes, he bypassed the sandwich that Star had brought in, and took a huge slug of whiskey from the ever-present bottle standing by. Grimacing, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and then continued his agitated pacing. Dammit! What are they up to? I don’t like this! I wonder if they know where I am. I’ve got to be real careful until I head up north. That conniving little bastard’s not going get the best of me. I’ll kill him first!

"STAR!!! Get in here. I need to get out of here for a while. Get the van. We’re going for a ride." Gregory had no destination in mind, but odds were they would end up somewhere near Kate McKenna’s home. He might even catch a glimpse of Jessie if he was lucky enough.

Star hurried to the van, almost tripping and falling on her way out the door. She had no idea where they were going, but the last thing she wanted to do was draw attention to herself. Starting the van, she turned it around, and sat waiting for Gregory with the engine running.

Gregory appeared in the doorway, and then checking his bag returned to the office. He had forgotten to pack his gun. Not that he would need it, but one never knew what one might run into out there in the big bad world. He opened a drawer, and threw in the gun’s silencer, just in case. Returning to the van, he got in and directed star to drive him into the Silverlake District. He felt like hunting for some game.

Back in Glendale, Jessie and Kate had already gone to sleep. It had been a long evening, and they had a 4:00 am call at the studio, and Jessie was determined not to make any more mistakes. Getting a better night’s sleep, would make things at least a little bit easier on her.

Michael had cornered Kate earlier in the kitchen. He apologized for upsetting her, and between them they set up an early warning system, to prevent any further intrusions such as the one that had occurred that evening. From now on, whoever was out of the house, would call in before returning home, to be sure that there were no further interruptions. Of course, most of the time Michael was with Kate and Jessie because they were out in the studio car, so it was more important for Michael to call in rather than the two girls. Steven and Jessie stayed out of the whole conversation. They were glad to go along with whatever the others decided, rather than try to stand between them.

Kate had taken a moment earlier to call Momma. They hadn’t had much contact with her since the first attack by Gregory, when Big Leo had been injured. Kate had been feeling bad about ignoring them, especially since they had been so helpful with her and Jess. Momma was happy to hear from them, and only admonished Kate slightly for their lack of communication. Kate undated her on all of the past events, and the further problems from Gregory. She cautioned Momma to be careful. There were no guarantees that Gregory wouldn’t try to retaliate against Momma or her family.

Momma assured Kate that anything that Gregory tried would more than likely get him killed first. She positively hated and despised him. He was the purest form of evil she had ever met, and he needed to be cleansed from this earth. Kate chuckled, confident that Momma and her family would be safe from Gregory. She remembered seeing a couple of rather large men accompanying Deborah to and from the studio. It hadn’t made an impression until this moment, when she realized that the men were probably related, and more than likely bodyguards.

Kate said goodnight, and promised not to let so much time go by before they spoke with Momma again. She also sent their love to Big Leo. Momma assured her he was fine, acting like a big baby, and taking advantage of his injured status. Laughing, she said goodbye again.

The last call she made was to Dr. Helen McIntyre, and her girlfriend. Kate was beginning to worry about anyone who had regular contact with them, especially if it concerned Gregory in any way. She mentally kept her finger crossed as the phone continued to ring.

As she began to hang up, she heard a faint click, and then a tired, quiet voice tentatively said hello. "Helen? Dr. Mac? Did I wake you?"

"Who is this?" The voice got stronger, and slightly defensive.

"This is Kate, Kate McKenna. I was calling to check in and see how you are both doing. Strange things have been happening, and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Panic started to rise in Kate’s throat.

"Oh, Katie, I am so sorry. We’ve been receiving threats, both here, and at the office. It sounds like a bunch of religious nuts or something." Helen McIntyre was relieved to find that it was a friendly person, and not the one that had been calling.

Kate sighed. She knew better and told Helen so. "Helen, we have reason to believe that Gregory has started a campaign against our friends and family members. Please, take this seriously, and be careful. We have no idea what he is capable of. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you two because of us."

Helen chuckled. "Honey, this isn’t the first time we’ve been threatened. I have already been publicly outed, and the threats are pretty regular as well. Since I allow women to make their own "choices", I have become a natural target for every nutball on the planet. It’s just been a rather long time since anyone has bothered us. Every once in a while we’ll get a group that comes and prays on our doorstep, but this is much more violent in nature. And the strange thing is that it’s a woman that’s calling, and not a man. I don’t remember that ever happening before."

"Hmmm, that is strange, but not surprising. Gregory was seen traveling with a woman, and I had a close encounter with them the other night. It’s almost spooky how much she looks like Jessie. There’s something kind of tired and sick about her though." Kate shuddered while she recounted her experience to Helen.

"Well, we’ll take of ourselves, and you two do the same. And don’t forget we have a standing date to get together before you guys leave town. Oh, and tell Jess we can’t wait to see her on the show Friday night. I bet you both will look great." Helen smiled, knowing how much her favorite actress hated to wear dresses, and foo foo stuff.

"I’ll tell her. You guys take care, and we’ll see you in a couple of weeks." Kate hung up, and then went in search of Jessie.

After repeating the important parts of her various conversations, Kate promised Jessie that she would contact the detectives in charge of their case, first thing in the morning. Dragging her into the bedroom, Kate helped Jessie undress, and then they lay in bed running lines, until Kate said her part, and then got a quiet snore in return. Turning out the light, Kate kissed her love on the cheek, and then curled up and went to sleep herself.

Gregory was gradually getting more and more agitated. Star had driven him around the Silverlake district several times, but he couldn’t seem to make up his mind what he wanted to do. His original plan had been to cruise around, and pick some queen, and then pop him and dump him in a back alley. The evening was quiet though, and not a lot of people were out on the streets. It was unseasonably cold for LA that evening, and it managed to put a damper on Gregory’s scheme.

After an hour or so, he had Star take him into the "Chinatown" district of Greater LA. Again they drove around for a short while, until a very easily noticed limousine passed by them in a busy intersection. It was long and very sleek. Painted a pearlescent white, with gold trim instead of chrome, it could only belong to one person. Mr. Shimada!

"Quick Star, follow them, I want to find out what’s going on." Gregory leaned forward, his forehead almost touching the windshield.

The further they drove, the more "family" cars joined them on their mysterious trek. After more than an hour, and Star’s repeated warnings that they were going to run out of gas, the convoy came to a stop at a known mob-owned restaurant on the outskirts of town. Something big was happening, and Gregory wanted to know what.

"Shit! Do you know who all is here Star? Just about every single mobster in the greater LA area. Something big is going down. Wait…who is that getting out of Shimada’s car. Damn! I wish I had a freakin’ pair of binoculars." Gregory slammed his fist into the dashboard, making Star jump.

"Holy mother of…that’s Jerald. That sorry SOB! They must have gotten him out of the can. We need to get out of here right now Star. This shit is too much for me. I just hope their all not planning on gunning for me. Maybe it’s just business, yeah, that’s it. Just business. But . . .Jerald. I gotta see if I can find him, maybe talk to him. Start the van, and let’s get back to the house. This is important shit I need to take care of now!" Gregory sank back into the seat, silently praying that no one saw him.


Star started the van. For a fleeting moment she was tempted to just drive it across the street, and right into the middle of all of those mob guys. She figured that it would probably mean her death, either from Gregory, or one of the large number of bodyguards that surrounded the restaurant. Deciding that this wasn’t the right time to be a hero, she pulled away from the curb, and headed back in the direction of the beach house.


Convincing Gregory that they had to stop for gas, she pulled into the station, and filled up quickly. Gregory stayed low in the seat. He had removed his gun from the bag, and attached the silencer to the barrel. He was genuinely scared. It hadn’t been that long since he had been directly involved with most of the families represented at that meeting. The Shimada’s knew he was out, and they knew how to reach him. But they hadn’t. Something was rotten, really rotten!


Star finished pumping the gas, and then went inside to pay for it. The clerk stared at her for a while, probably thinking that she might steal something. It wasn’t until she handed him the money, that she realized he thought she might be Jessica. Standing a little straighter, and flashing a grin at him, she was pleased to see the blush creeping up his neck. Winking at him when she got her change, she turned and almost floated out of the store. She felt great, until she saw Gregory idly scratching his chin with the edge of the silencer. She quickened her pace, and jumped in the van, almost backing up too quickly, and causing Gregory to slide in his seat.


"STAR! Knock it off, or I’ll put a hole in you right here and now. I got some serious trouble here Star, and I don’t need you acting up. I’ll kill you right this minute you try anything else. Now, get on the road and get us back to the house. I gotta make some calls." Gregory kept the gun pointed at her for the better part of the trip back.


Reaching the beach house, Star parked the van, and trailed behind Gregory as he bolted for the house. For a split second she toyed with the idea of running. I should do it, just turn around and run. I’ll have a head start, and he’ll never find me. I could sure use a hit though. Yeah, I’ll get a hit, and then I’ll make an excuse, and I’ll run. Jeez Star, are you pathetic or what? You’ll get the hit, and you’ll pass out. Maybe next time . . .




Love transforms,
Love makes empty hearts overflow,
This happens even more
When we have to struggle through
Without assurance,
All unready for the play
Of Love.

********Mechtild of Magdeburg********


Chapter 23 (El Dorado…El Dorado…El Dorado…)

Friday came fast. Between the frantic pace of the studio, the meetings with detectives, and the rehearsal for the awards show everyone was exhausted. Not to mention the level of crankiness that pervaded the small group of friends. Jessie was angry because neither the cops, the FBI, nor the detectives that had been handling the case since the very beginning had anything to offer them in the way of assurances. None of them knew where Gregory was, or what he was up to. Jessica and Kate had more information, than all of the agencies combined.

Kate replayed in her mind the rehearsal of the evening before. They had arrived at the theater a few minutes late, and were immediately set upon by the organizational staff. The director of the show tried to grab her first, and was pushed back in the crowd by the choreographer, head of the usher’s, and the program manager. Rounding out the group was the ever-present hostess of the show. This year the Television and Arts group had borrowed a well-known comedienne, and movie star from the academy awards. Her primary reason for being selected was her recent presence on a popular game show. Not to mention the fact that Whoopi loved to do these shows. It was just like coming to a great big party. After all the BS blew away.

While Jessie stood in the middle of the group, towering slightly over most of them, Kate had been jostled, pushed, and at one point physically dragged backwards out of the crowd. Each and every one of the people assembled had individually or as a group treated her terribly. At one point, they were all taking at once, and Jessie turned rapidly in place, and then shouted, "SHUT UP" at the top of her lungs.

Jessie’s outburst stunned them all for only a moment. They looked at her collectively, and then returned to their assault. Kate’s anger getting the best of her, she waded back through the group, shoving back when they shoved her, until she was standing back to back with Jessie. Raising her hands above her head, she waved them frantically until the crowd finally quieted down. Clearing a space around the two women, they stood there expectantly waiting for this rude little girl to explain herself.

Standing on her tiptoes, she fixed the nearest offenders with a stare that could melt titanium. "If you all will excuse us for a moment. There is no way that Ms. Ryan can respond to all of you at once. If you don’t back up and give her some space, I will single handedly knock each and every one of you on your collective butts! Now, back up and approach her one at a time, or we are going to leave right now."

Apparently they took her seriously. After a moment of feigned outrage they approached Jessica one by one, politely concluding their business, and then moving on. Kate stood to the side, arms folded looking every bit the butch bodyguard. She hadn’t been that angry in a long time, and had half expected to be escorted off of the property. Her only fear now, was that Jessie might be angry with her for embarrassing them both.

While she waited for the crowd to thin out, she noticed Whoopi heading in her direction. Bowing her head, she pretended not to notice. Part of her was excited to meet someone as prestigious as Ms. Goldberg, and the other part was terrified that they were going to ask her to leave. She didn’t need to worry though; Whoopi wanted to talk to her, because she admired Kate’s spunk.

"Girlfriend, I have never in my life seen anyone talk down those jerks like you just did. That was amazing! Listen, if you ever get tired of working with Jessie, you come on by and see me. You’re just the kind of assistant I could use. Back those idiots right where they belong." Whoopi put her arm around Kate’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

Blushing, Kate thanked her. "Actually, I am sorry for blowing up like that, but they were acting like children. She couldn’t possibly talk to them all at the same time."

"Oh listen honey, don’t be sorry. They get used to pushing all of us around, and then they get out of control. It’s like being attacked by a monster with sixteen heads. You just had the guts to stand up to them, I like that. You take it easy, girl. Jessie’s a lucky woman to have you in her life. You tell her I’m jealous." Whoopi gave Kate’s a hand a squeeze too.

"Jealous of what?" Jessie had quietly joined the other two.

"Hey there tall girl. I was telling your girlfriend here, that if you aren’t careful, I’m going to kidnap her from you. She’s the greatest. You take good care of her or else." Whoopi gave Jessie a bone-crushing hug.

"Try it! You’d have one hell of a major fight on your hands. You’re right though, she is the greatest." Jessie grinned at Kate winking at her at the same time.

Again Kate blushed. "Oh stop it you two! I’m just doing my job. You keep talking about me that way, and my head’s going to swell up like a pumpkin."

"Oh, yeah, I really like this girl. Brave, strong, and humble to boot. I’m gonna be watching you girlfriend, you can bet on it." Whoopi hugged them both, and then wandered off to find her own assistant.

Jessie took Kate by the elbow, and led her down a side stairway, pretending to look for the restroom. When she felt they were safely from enough away from the crowd, she stopped and took a moment to just look at Kate. She shook her head a couple of times, and at one point ran the back of her hand across her eyes. Kate watched quietly, a slight wariness surrounding her like a fog.

"So, gonna kick collective butt are you?" Jessie fixed her with a stunning smile.

Caught off guard, Kate didn’t know what to say. Mumbling, she said something lame about "and the horses they rode in on." Jessie laughed out loud, pulling Kate into her arms, and kissing her hard on the lips.

"Mmph, Jessie! Someone might see us!" Kate managed to squeak out between kisses.

"So what. Let them see. I am so tired of "THEM" and all of their BS. I almost would have paid just to see you kick some of them in the rear end. They are all certified nuts." Jessie dove in for another kiss, while Kate struggled to get loose from her grasp.

"Jessie, they’ll splash it all over the front pages. Come one, save it for later….please?" Kate held her hands out in front of her to keep Jessie at bay.

"Okay, fine, whatever you say. Later huh? Is that a promise?" Jessie looked comical, trying to decide whether to pout or leer.

"Yeah, it’s a promise, now come on. If we don’t get up there, and get you into place, they’ll send someone after us. I might just end up in jail yet." Kate took the lapel of Jessie’s coat, and pulled her back up the stairs. Before they reached the last ten feet, Kate let her go, and gestured for her to follow.

Tempted to turn and run Jessie decided that she had had enough fun for the moment, and continued to follow Kate back into the lobby. Just as they entered the main doors to the auditorium, they could hear the stage manager calling Jessie’s name on the microphone. Jessie waited until Kate found a seat, and then slowly wandered up on stage.

"They didn’t tell me you were difficult to work with." The stage manager Joan said just loud enough for Jessie to hear.

"I’m not, as long as you’re not. Be polite, or I’m gone." Jessie smiled evilly in her direction.

"Certainly. We just want to get through this, and get home. Everyone’s tired. Most of us work on production staff for other shows here in the area. So, we can relate to how tired all of you are as well." Joan smiled back, shooting for a truce.

Embarrassed, Jessie blushed slightly. "Sorry, I forget that I’m not the only one that works around here. I apologize for acting like a prima donna. No harm intended."

Joan nodded her head in acceptance. "None taken. We just have a lot of ground to cover, and very little time to do it in. It makes me crazy they only give us one evening to put this all together."

Jessie was the model of good behavior the rest of the evening. She hit all of her marks, and managed to read each card as though the words came from her own thoughts. Kate was suitably impressed, and thrilled to meet all the wonderful people that were sitting in the audience with her. Many of them were other actors and actresses waiting for their turn on the stage. There were also quite a few assistants, managers, musicians, and other performers as well. Chaos was the order of the day, but the responsible staff managed to keep everything under control.

While Kate mused over the previous evening’s activities, Jessie was making a series of phone calls. The garage had informed them that the full size limousine, the "KNIGHT1" was being released in time for the show. The dressers were due anytime, as well as the makeup crew, and the hairdressers. By all rights, Jessie should be resting, and Kate should be making all of the phone calls, but Jessie insisted.

Michael called about two hours before he was supposed to pick up the car. He verified times with Kate, and assured them he would check over the car thoroughly before he left the garage with it. Steven would be present at the show, since he had been hired to escort an actress who did not otherwise have a date for the evening.

Jessie was the first to emerge dressed. While the hairdresser fussed with Kate, the first dresser finished zipping Jessie up. She stepped into her shoes, wishing for all the women in the world, that pantyhose had never been invented. A few minor adjustments and she was ready to make her entrance. Kate saw her first, and almost made a fool of herself. For some unexplainable reason, she almost burst into tears.

Jessie looked absolutely beautiful. Almost like a princess, or fairy godmother. Her dress was midnight blue satin, with just enough shine to reflect the blue in her eyes. There were rhinestones across the bodice in a shooting star pattern, which caught the light as she moved. The skirt was full, but not so full as to hamper her ability to walk. The entire outfit was topped off by several pieces of jewelry from a rental collection. Her shoulders were covered in a midnight blue satin wrap, sprinkled with matching rhinestones.

Jessie noted Kate’s reaction, and was almost afraid she didn’t like the outfit. But when she noticed that behind the teary eyes, was a look of almost complete adoration, she realized that she must look okay after all.

"Okay, stop staring at me, and finish her up so we can get going. The rest of you will meet us there, so I can change between sets, right? Good, now, I suppose I have to stand until we leave. Figures! Next year, I go naked and dress when we arrive." Jessie smiled at the shocked reactions around the room.

Kate’s dresser finished zipping her dress, and then stood back so that she could model for Jessie and the others. Her oriental style green brocade was enough to set off her beautiful eyes as well. Jessie’s breath was taken away. She stopped herself just in time before she lost her wits, and swooped Kate into her arms and carried her away. Their eyes met, and exchanged an entire conversation.

A short time later, Michael arrived with the car. He escorted the women down the steps, while the entire neighborhood stood on the lawn, and the street watching and waiting for them. When they reached the car, Kate turned and waved to them all, receiving loud cheering and applause in return. Michael held the door while they held their skirts and seated themselves. Pulling away from the curb, they could see the children and the adults waving to them. Kate quickly risked her hair, and lowered the window a bit, sticking her hand out to wave back.

It took a little more than 45 minutes to reach the traffic that was approaching the theater. All of the limousines were kept in a holding pattern, until it was their turn to drop off their passengers. Somewhere in a small house near the beach, Gregory paced restlessly, waiting for some news or assurance that his plan to kill Michael had been carried out.

Star sat in the corner, watching the TV screen, praying that she didn’t see the car with the personalized license plates that could only mean Michael was still alive. She didn’t know Michael, and she didn’t really want him to be killed, but if it kept Gregory from going nuts on her, then it was probably all right. Much to her chagrin, her worst nightmare was being played in living color right in front of her. The camera had shifted, and was pointed directly at the license plate that read "KNIGHT1".

"Greggie?" Star almost whispered.

"WHAT! What do you want Star? I’m waiting to hear about the explosion." Gregory snarled at her.

"Greggie honey, there wasn’t no explosion. They’re showing the car on the TV right now. It’s already arrived at the show. And look, isn’t that Jessica’s brother Michael getting out of the driver’s seat? I wonder what happened." Too late Star realized she should have shut her mouth.

Lashing out at Star, Gregory hit her in the mouth just below her right cheek. For a split second Star stared at him in shock, and then jumping from her seat, ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Slumping to the floor, she hid her head in her hands, and cried.

Gregory was at once exhilarated, angry, scared, and regretful. The fact that he felt some form of regret was probably a godsend. At least he hadn’t completely gone over the edge yet. Following Star to the bathroom, he knocked gently on the door.

"Star? Come on Star, don’t cry. I’m sorry already. I’m just scared, because I expected this guy to be blown to bits, and nothing happened. That means that someone is settin’ me up for a big fall. Come on now; let me see if you’re all right. Open the door." Gregory almost sounded like a child that had been caught doing something wrong.

Unfortunately in her slightly blurred state, Star didn’t think too clearly before she opened the door. Standing, slight dizziness overcoming her for a moment, she unlocked the door and turned the knob. Before she had a chance to react, he grabbed her and dragged her out the door.

"I’VE TOLD YOU BEFORE, DON’T YOU EVER LOCK THAT DOOR AGAIN!" Gregory slammed Star to the floor, and knelt on her knee, effectively immobilizing her.

"I…I’m sorry, let me go." Star cried.

"I’ll let you go when I’m ready. Now, I want you to listen to me. Do you know what all of this means? DO YOU? It means fair Star, that SOB Shimada’s son has double-crossed me. I may also mean that the group that we saw the other night, probably gunning for me as well. I don’t have a lot of options Star. If they’re after me, then that means no weapons, and no money. We got to get out of here as fast as we can. I’m gonna contact Baby Doll, and then we are driving up north, while we still have some money. That bastard Jerald is helping those guys, and if anyone know how I think, it’s him. Get your shit, we’re leaving in an hour." He stood up, and began to walk to the office.

Star lay still for a moment, trying to bite back the pain that was wracking her body. As she slowly opened her eyes, Gregory returned and placed his foot across her throat.

"This is just to let you know that if you get anymore stupid ideas, I’ll crush you to death. But not before I make you pay. You got that?" He applied pressure slightly to her neck. Just enough to make it difficult to breathe.

Nodding her head, she whispered that she understood. The idea of killing herself before he had a chance was becoming more and more attractive. Gregory returned to the office, and Star rose slowly from the floor and began to pack their things. Her mind was numb, no longer able to put together an intelligent string of thoughts.

An hour later the van was loaded, and they were on their way. Gregory, in a moment of lucidity, gave Star a good-sized line of heroin. He bypassed the speed, and allowed her to lay in the back and drift off. As he drove, he replayed the conversation that he had on the Internet with Baby Doll. The bottom line was that he had agreed to give up Star to Baby Doll, in exchange for financial assistance, as well as the use of the abandoned factory, and its entire assortment of torture devices. He would give up Star, as soon as he had finished with Laura and the others.

Back at the theater, Jessie’s car had long since reached its destination, and the two women had begun the long walk up the red carpet. Hundreds of flash bulbs went off before their eyes, and Kate caught herself for at least the tenth time wishing she had brought her sunglasses. She was concerned about her effectiveness as a bodyguard, if she couldn’t even see Jessie standing next to her. As they approached the main doorway, they were stopped by Sharon MacAfee and her entourage. While they pointed the camera in Jessie’s face, Sharon put on her best smile, and began the obligatory round of questions.

Too soon, Sharon strayed into territory she didn’t belong in. "So, who’s this little cutie? Oh, yes, this must be your little personal assistant, Kate McKenna. Tell us Katie, is this just the biggest thrill of a lifetime for you? Or is having Jessica Ryan live in your house a bigger thrill."

Without missing a beat, Kate looked the camera straight in the eye, and replied, "Bigger thrill than you’ll ever know there Sharon. The absolute yummiest."

Then, licking her lips provocatively, she gathered her skirt in one hand, and turned and followed a chuckling Jessie into the theater. For obvious reasons, the reporters and their staff members were not allowed inside the auditorium. As Kate and Jessie waited for their usher to show them to their seats, neither could speak. Kate was mortified at what she had just done, and Jessica was tinkled pink.

Jessie noticed the usher returning, and was surprised to see that another usher had joined him. "And to what do we owe the great honor of having two ushers?"

"Umm, Ms. McKenna is to follow me, orders of Justin Graves. He is waiting for you at your seat, and will explain when you arrive." The usher was clearly terrified he would be killed for delivering his message.

Puzzled, Kate told Jessie to go on, that she would join her later. Following the second usher, he lead her to an elevator, and taking her to the highest balcony showed her to a seat in the front row, on the aisle.

"What do you mean I’m sitting up here? There must be some kind of mistake. I was clearly told I was to sit with Ms. Ryan." Kate was whispering loudly, barely able to control her anger.

"I, uh, I’m just delivering the message. I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s going on." The usher quickly turned, and ran up the aisle and through the exit door.

Fuming, Kate stepped to the rail, and caught a glimpse of Jessie as she was being led to her seat. Sitting down, she mulled over the options, and decided that as soon as she could she was leaving. Of course, having no money, and no cell phone, she was going to be hard pressed to find a way home. The heck with it, I’ll hitch hike if I have to!

The longer she sat there, the quicker the tears came. Now angry that she had let them hurt her this way, she realized that not only did she not have a way out, but she didn’t even have a tissue. Preparing to at least find a restroom, she was startled to have a tissue thrust into her face.

"Thank you." Kate sobbed quietly.

"Hey, not a problem. Like my friend Laura says, you can’t be too generous." The stranger volunteered.

"Laura?" Kate looked up startled.

"Oh, yeah. We met on the Internet. I was in trouble, and didn’t know where to turn, and Laura helped me out. She helped me find a place to live, and lent me some money to move. I was in an abusive relationship, and had nowhere to turn." The woman clearly was referring to Kate’s friend Laura.

To make sure, Kate asked more direct questions. "Does your Laura live up north, and go by the name Lady Knight on the mailing lists?"

"Yeah, that’s her. She is by far the best person I have ever met. Patient, caring, and smart. Her girlfriend April is the best too. They make a great team. My name’s Kara by the way, and this is my new girlfriend Jan. She knows Laura too. Laura introduced us to each other." Kate shook hands with Kara and Jan.

Amazed at how small the world really was, Kate almost forgot her own immediate problem. "Have you two ever met Laura face to face? Or are you just invisible friends?"

"We’re invisible, but Laura has been kicking around the idea of having a cyber-reunion next summer. She hasn’t told anyone yet, because she wanted to pass it by her friend Kate first. Hey I guess that would be you. So what are you doing up here with us in the nosebleed section? We figured that you would be down there with Jessica Ryan." Kara's question was innocent, but it still caused Kate to give her a double take.

"Actually, I’m not sure. Before we even made it in the door, they separated us, and brought me up here. I can’t decide whether or not to sit here and keep my mouth shut, or call a cab and leave." Kate’s anger was building again.

"Well, if I were you, I’d stay. This sounds like studio crap to me. I used to be a PA myself, and this is typical of their kind of games. Just rest assured, it wasn’t Jessica that did this. She’s probably pretty mad by now." Kara's confidence reassured Kate.

"I hope so. Say, how did you know that I came in with Jessie? Did you see us?" Kate was concerned about what Laura may have told them.

"Oh no, if we wanted to sit inside, we had to be here hours ago. We’ve been reading, and doing crossword puzzles, keeping ourselves busy. This whole row and the two rows behind us are together. Everyone here has some kind of contact with Laura, and we’re all fans. Oh, and by the way, Laura didn’t tell us about you and Jessica. We have other ways of finding these things out. Some of us are studio gophers, and I actually work at the shop where the cars are maintained. Michael and I are casual friends." Kara was a fountain of incredible information. Kate couldn’t wait to talk to Laura.

It was still some time before the show began, so Kate took the opportunity to look over the railing, and see if she could spot Jessie. What she did see made her wish she were down there so she could hear the conversation. She could see Jessie and Justin but she couldn’t quite make out the person standing just behind and to the right of him. Leaning a little farther, she almost over balanced herself, when Kara grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Here, don’t go falling over the edge. Try these." Handing her a set of binoculars, Kara convinced Kate to step back from the rail a bit.

Focusing the lenses, she found the group in the crowd again. Silently begging Justin to step back, her thoughts must have been heard. Coming in plain as day was none other than the overbearing woman that had knocked Jessie down at the skating rink. Shifting her focus to Jessie, Kate was pleased to see a look of anger cross her lovely features.

"That bitch!" Kate mumbled.

"Let me take a look." Kara carefully extracted the binoculars from Kate’s clenched fingers.

Training her gaze in the same area that Kate was watching, Kara was not surprised to see that Naomi was the cause of all of this stupidity. Settling back in her seat, she gestured to Kate to join them, so she could explain what she knew.

"I see you’ve met the "Ice Whore of LA". She has slept with, or attempted to sleep with just about every gay, and even not gay actress in all of LA County. She’s pretty aggressive, and extremely abusive. She’s Justin Graves’ niece, and she takes advantage of him every chance she gets. Her father passed away in a drunk driving accident he caused. I should know, that’s who Laura rescued me from." Kara bowed her head, remembering the pain she had suffered at Naomi’s hands.

Stunned, Kate didn’t know what to say. Taking Kara’s hand, she held it for a moment, to reassure her that neither Kate nor anyone else would blame her for her involvement with Naomi, and more than likely they’d jump at the chance to avenge her.

Kate sat back, and over the next few minutes the rest of the members of Kara’s group came by to introduce themselves, and to ask polite questions about the show, or to compliment Kate on her dress. She was heartbroken that she couldn’t sit with Jessie, but happy to meet so many nice women.

Down on the stage, the stage manager announced that it would be twenty-five more minutes before they started the broadcast, so everyone sit tight, and enjoy the warm-up acts. Several people were still entering the auditorium, but it was apparent that a large number of the seats on the floor were going to be left empty. Most of the empty seats had been set aside for staff and cast members from several syndicated shows, but a large percentage of them chose not to come. They were not included in the awards in any way, so they didn’t feel it was necessary to attend.

Kate, Kara, and Jan talked quietly about Laura, Radar Cows, and Kendra Knight. Suddenly there was a loud commotion in the back of the balcony, just outside the door. Kate immediately recognized the angry woman’s voice that was attempting to gain entrance to the seating area.

"I said get out of my way! I am here to escort Ms. McKenna to her rightful seat. Call Justin this minute, and he will assure you that he has changed his mind. DO IT!" Jessica’s voice echoed down the aisle.

Moments later the door flew open and a clearly angry Jessica Ryan came down the aisle searching the faces for Kate. Spotting her, she quickly came to her side, and crouching down took Kate’s hands in her own.

Oblivious to the rest of the crowd, Jessie kissed the backs of Kate’s hands. "Honey, I am so sorry about what happened. Come back with me. Justin tried to make a space for his niece, that crazy bitch that knocked me down at the ice rink. I told him I would quit the show tonight, if they didn’t find somewhere else to sit. Forgive me?"

Kate couldn’t decide whether to laugh, cry, or throw up. Looking at Kara, she received an affirmative nod. "It’s okay, Jess. I saw the whole thing. I understand. To tell you the truth, I was getting kind of comfortable up here with the gang. They are all friends of Laura’s. If you want to go and sit with those people that’s okay by me. Just make sure I get a ride home."

Stung by Kate’s words, Jessie stood preparing to leave. Kate grabbed her hand and stood next to her. "Wait, I was just kidding. I don’t want you to compromise your relationship with the studio, because of me that’s all. I’m just an employee. It’s okay, really."

Turning to face Kate, Jessie looked her straight in the eyes, an angry look clouding her features. "Kate, you are not just an employee to me. I . . . I love you, haven’t you figure that out by now? I. . . LOVE . . .YOU!"

Without thinking, Kate fell into Jessie’s arms, offering herself entirely to her love. "Oh God, Jessie. I love you too. So much you have no idea."

Jessie bent her head, and kissed Kate tenderly on the lips. Not being able to sit quietly anymore, their shocked audience broke into loud raucous cheers. Blushing, the two lovers faced them and bowed, not knowing what else to do under the circumstances. Kara and Jan stood and gave both of them a hug, pleased that they were allowed to share this most precious moment with their idol and her love.

The two women spoke quietly together, both wishing that the ceremony had ended, and sharing their regrets regarding not having been able to say those three little words sooner. Over and over they repeated themselves, as though making up for all of the lost time. An usher carrying a two-way radio interrupted them.

"Jessica, girlfriend, are you coming back down here, or do I have to send the troops?" Whoopi’s voice came crackling from the radio.

Looking over the railing to the stage, Jessie could see her waving her arm in their direction. Jessie waved back. Turning to look at the expectant group behind her, she had an idea, and convinced herself that it would work.

"Yeah, I’m coming back down, but only on one condition. Not only is Kate sitting with me, but so are my friends here. By the time I get down there, I want two whole rows around my seat cleared out. Just have everyone move over, or down a row or two. Otherwise, I’m going home." Jessie grinned at the excited women sitting behind her listening.

"Honey, it’s never a dull moment with you is it? Okay, I’ll see that it gets done, or I’ll go home with you. Now, please come down here. We only have about fourteen more minutes, and our little stage manager is going to blow a hose if we start late. You know, advertisers and all?" Whoopi gave Jessie the okay sign from her spot on the stage.

Turning to address the group, Jessie put her arm around Kate’s shoulders, and then grinned again. "So, what do you say? Want to sit with us?"

The group started to cheer again, then making way for Jessie and Kate, followed them up the aisle, and then bypassing the elevator due to their sheer numbers, headed for the nearest stairway. Acting completely behaved, they filed down the center aisle, Jessie at the lead, filtering into the seats that were left vacant by the rest of the crowd. A few of the honored guests were miffed by her boldness, but a large percentage of them thought it was quite amusing.

Settling in, Kate and Jessie boldly held hands, uncaring about what anyone in the audience might have to say about it. When it came time for Jessie to step behind stage, and change into her second outfit, she kissed Kate on the cheek, and promised to return as quickly as possible.

Jessie’s turn finally arrived. She stepped from behind the side curtains, and was met by loud whistles and cheering. Apparently she had more fans in the audience than she realized. For the second time that evening, Kate was stunned at how beautiful Jessie looked. The dress was shimmery silver in color, and clung to each and every one of Jessie’s voluptuous curves. Spaghetti straps kept the dress in place, but did nothing to hide her cleavage. Of course, the wonder-bra didn’t do so bad either. Kate made a mental note to keep that bra if they had the chance.

Reading the cue cards, and getting through the presentation without a hitch, Jessie returned to the dressing area, and changed into her final outfit. The black satin ball gown, with the feathers sprayed across the one covered shoulder was definitely not the best of the three outfits, but it was a good contrast to the rest. She returned to her seat during a commercial break, to a rowdy group of cheering, whistling gay women. Kate beamed from ear to ear, immensely proud to be associated with such a wonderful person.

The show was nearing its end, and with the exception of the best show etc, Jessie’s category, and the matching male category were almost all that was left. They announced the male winner, and then the tension began to build. Kate was gripping Jessie’s hand so tight; she almost cut off the circulation. The presenter read the nominees, and then pretending to fumble with the envelope, took a moment to pause, and then announced Jessie as the winner.

Kate literally jumped out of her seat, whooping and hollering like she had been bitten in the rear end by a snake or something. Their new group of friends joined her, and it wasn’t until moments later that she realized that pandemonium had struck the entire theater. Everyone was cheering, shouting congratulations, and whistling in their direction. Jessie kissed Kate again, and then managed to reach the stage. The noise continued for several more minutes, until Jessie finally got everyone to quiet down.

"I want to thank all of you for your support. I love doing the Kendra Knight show, and I am thankful that we have such a great crew, to help bring it all together. I want to thank the fans, and the studio, and awards committee for giving me this chance. Most of all, I want to thank Kate McKenna, the love of my life, for helping me see the good things in life, and giving me the strength to fight back the evil things." Jessie held the statue up in salute to Kate and the rest of the audience.

The roar was deafening, for Jessie’s boldness, and admission of love for her assistant. Times were rapidly changing in Hollywood, and people who had been taught to fear being caught, or blacklisted for being gay, or knowing someone who was were beginning to fight back in their own ways. Ellen had started the ball rolling, and it was becoming more acceptable to come out, rather than live a lie.

After her speech, the rest of the show was kind of anti-climatic. Jessie was led to the back for her obligatory interview, and as could be expected, the reporter’s were overzealous in their search for information. Jessie kept her responses short but sweet. When she had decided that enough time had been given over to the interviews, she excused herself, and went in search of Kate.

Kate had already left her seat, along with her new group of friends. They met Jessie in the hallway as she left the interview area. Taking Kate into her arms again, Jessie squeezed tightly, suddenly afraid she might wake up, and all of this would disappear. It hadn’t even occurred to her yet that she might just be out of a job. She doubted it, but you never knew. She may have made Justin mad enough about his niece that this would just put the icing on the cake.

"What are you thinking about? Kate asked above the noisy group gathered with them.

"Nothing as important as you right now. Have I told you yet that I love you? So much it threatens to make my head spin, and my heart burst. I love you Kate McKenna, I truly do." Jessie’s own eyes glistened with tears.

"I love you too Jessica Ryan, more than the air I breath, I do love you." Kate closed her eyes, and pretended the crowd had moved away.

"I hate to break this up," Kara interrupted, "but unless you want to be mobbed, you better make a break for it. I have a cell phone if you would like to call Michael. He can meet you in back here, and at least you’ll be safe in the car." Kara pulled her phone out of Jan’s bag.

"Wow, that would be great. I think in the interests of our own safety, we better head for home. Unless you want to party hop or something?" Kate looked to Jessie for confirmation.

"Nope, home it is. I’m beat, and I have other things in mind, that don’t include a huge crowd of people." Jessie waggled her eyebrows for emphasis.

After checking in with the show staff, and congratulating the other members of Jessie’s show on their various awards, Kate, Jessie, Kara and Jan piled into the limousine for the trek home. Michael was happy to drop the other two women at their modest apartment, and pleased that his sister and Kate finally managed to express their love to each other.

Pulling up to the front of their apartment, Kate got out with the two women, and gave them both hugs. "Listen, I want to thank you for being so kind. I don’t know how I would have made it through the show without your support. Jessie and I would like to have you both over for dinner real soon. We’re going away for the break in two weeks, but we can fit something in for a weekend maybe."

"Hey, that would be great. You have no idea what a thrill it was to be included in your special evening." Kara leaned in the door, and waved goodbye to Jessie, and Michael.

Tumbling back into the car, Kate shamelessly draped herself across Jessie’s lap. Reaching for the switch to the privacy window, she waved playfully at Michael while the shield went up. Without any concern for manners or decorum, Kate took a moment to slip out of her dress, and then helping Jessie out of hers, carefully lay them aside.

Facing each other in their underwear, they laughed nervously for a moment, overwhelmed by the emotional waterfall the entire evening had brought them. Silently Kate slipped her arms around Jessie’s waist, and coaxed her into lying back on the roomy seat. Closing her eyes, Kate kissed Jessie gently, playing her tongue across her lover’s lips. She was rewarded with a groan coming deep from Jessie’s throat. Her passion increasing with each moment, Kate began a hot trail along Jessie’s neck, forming a chain of wet kisses.

The car providing a steady rhythm to their lovemaking, Kate sat up and removed her bra, helping Jessie out of hers at the same time. Jessie held Kate back for a moment, savoring her lovely body. Carefully exploring each soft contour with her hands, Jessie slowly fanned the flames of Kate’s passion into a roaring blaze. Kate could no longer hold herself back; she mirrored each of Jessie’s movements with one in kind.

Unable to stay balanced on the seat any longer, the two lovers’s slipped to the floor of the car, where each and every bump in the road became apart of their passion. Finally, their passion threatening to go out of control, almost unable to keep their voices in check, they began their lovemaking in earnest. Removing the rest of their clothing, they tentatively touched each other, sending shivers through their entire bodies. Hands imitating hands, stroking, caressing, slow, fast.

Kate was the first to climax, wave after shuddering wave wracking her body, forcing her to cling tightly to Jessie, their breathing coming quicker, louder. Jessie was moments behind, her own climax forcing her upright into a sitting position, holding Kate so closely the heat of their passion nearly causing them to become one. Moments later their bodies in synch now, they crashed not once but two more times.

Michael smiled to himself. By the sound of things, he was certain they had no idea how loud they both were. Even with the stereo turned up, and the privacy screen closed, he could still hear the sounds of wild passion filtering through behind him. He should have had the decency to not listen, but there really wasn’t much of a choice. He had decided to drive the freeways for a while, allowing them time to. . . be together.

Michael could be logical sometimes, realizing that parking the car in front of the house while his sister and her lover had wild, animalistic sex, was probably not the hot setup. Finally, there didn’t seem to be any more noise coming from the back, so he pointed the car towards home. Whistling to himself, he couldn't remember when he had last been this happy for someone else.

Kate slowly opened her eyes. Catching a glimpse of her and Jessie in the reflection of the side window made her decide to close them again. Not wanting to disturb Jessie, she realized that they should probably get dressed before Michael returned them home. Somewhere in her mind, she remembered being in this position on the floor of this car before. It seemed like such a long time ago, but it was really only a few weeks. Kate chuckled, remembering Jessie’s comment at the time about how kinky it was to have Kate laying on her on the limo floor. Somehow, it felt kind of right at the moment.

"What are you laughing about?" Jessie mumbled her throat scratchy and dry from their lovemaking.

"Oh, just a funny memory about this car, and the position we’re in right at the moment. Say, have I told you lately that I love you?" Kate kissed Jessie on the chin.

Pulling her up to eye level, Jessie kissed Kate deeply. Holding her closely she whispered in her ear. "Yes, and have I done the same? Told you that I love you too?"

"Mmm-mm, you have. I hate to break this up honey, but the car has slowed considerably, and I have the feeling that we are about to arrive home. If Michael opens the door, we are in for the teasing of our lives." Kate hated being practical, but since her previous experience with Michael, she didn’t want to have to go through that kind of embarrassment again.

Not wanting the moment to pass so quickly, Jessie made a half-hearted attempt at swaying Kate’s attention to . . . something else. Reluctantly giving in, she helped Kate back into her clothing, and then allowed Kate to help her into the black feathered gown. Almost too late, they realized that Kate was wearing Jessie’s underwear and vice versa. Not normally a problem, except that Jessie’s underwear probably would have fallen off of Kate as she walked across the front yard of the house.

Gliding to a stop, Michael parked the car next to the curb. Pretending not to notice their disheveled look, Michael was amused to see all of the neighbors waiting on the lawn, and on the sidewalks for the two women to return. Opening the door, he almost fell over himself with laughter, as Kate stepped out of the car backward, rear end first.

Kate never would have noticed the crowd, except for the fact that someone flashed a camera at them. Almost diving back into the car, she tried to gracefully turn and face the intruder. Realizing that it was the neighbors, she smiled graciously, and then turned back to help Jessie step from the car. The crowd went wild, cheering, throwing confetti, whistling and clapping their hands. Several of the smaller children came up and gave them bouquets of flowers, and one man even gave them a six pack of beer. If this was any indication, then their outing at the show seemed to be accepted by the general public as well.

Exhausted, Jessie thanked the assembled crowd, and the two of them made their excuses, and quickly entered the house. Several of the fans wanted to start a street party, but Kate begged off, saying she wasn’t feeling very well and maybe in a week or two. They all said their goodnights, and still laughing and talking returned to their own homes.

Michael had followed them in, and as much as he wanted to, he retired to Steven’s room without even making one rude comment. Kate and Jessie went to Kate’s room, and after carefully hanging up the dresses, took a fast shower, and climbed into bed.

Several minutes went by, the two of them listening to each other’s heartbeats, content to just be together. Jessie turned slightly on her side, and pulled Kate as close as she possibly could. As hard as she tried to hide it, a sob quietly escaped.

"What’s wrong Jessie?" Kate was immediately alarmed.

"Nothing, " Jessie cried softly, "that’s the problem, everything is right. Everything is so right; I am scared to death. I have been so far from right for so long, that I’m not sure how to act."

"Hey, what’s to act? I love you. More than anything else. We need each other. I need us. I need you. We do deserve this you know. Life has not been fair, and its time we changed all of that. Okay? You and me, Jess. Against the odds. I will always be here for you, always. Okay?" Kate showered Jessie with kisses. Everywhere she could reach she kissed, until Jessie finally started to smile.

"Okay, it’s agreed. You and me, Katie. You’re right we are meant to be together. Ice cream and hot fudge, peanut butter and chocolate, Rowan and Martin, yin and yang. I love you. I love you. I love you. Now hold me until the screaming inside is done. Do you realize that not only did I tell you I loved you, but I also told about 3 million other people? Justin must be having small spotted kittens by now. Can we shut the phone off? Let everything go to the machine? Because something tells me that after the hangovers wear off tomorrow I’m in for some major harassment. Especially after I told Justin’s niece that I wouldn’t sit next to her if she were the last person on earth." Jessie’s grin was infectious.

Grinning back, Kate sat up on one elbow to look directly at her. "Did you really say that? You’re too polite. I would have said something much worse. I only wish I could have been down there with you when all that was going on." Kate raised her eyebrow, giving Jessie an evil leer.

"Actually, I kind of wish you had been there too. But in a way, I am glad you weren’t. Otherwise, I may never had told you that I loved you." Jessie emphasized her comment with another kiss.

"Yeah, you’re right. Come her, and let me show you how glad I am." Giggling, she turned out the light, and reached for her true love.


Continued in Chapter 24-26

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