DISCLAIMERS: Chapter uno, por favor.

You are made whole again in silence,

Solitude shatters the illusion that you

And I are separate.

********Nana Veary********



Chapter 24 (All pay homage to the Lizard King….)

As the sun slowly spread its rays across the morning sky, Gregory and Star were within an hour of their intended location. Morning traffic in the Silicon Valley had already begun to pick-up, cars weaving in and out, dodging each other in their seemingly never-ending trek.

Their ultimate destination was an abandoned warehouse nestled in a small valley amongst other small valleys in the hills to the east of the Monterey Bay. The nearest town was Corralitos, best known for its apple orchards, and its world’s famous sausage factory. The warehouse that Baby Doll had utilized for his own sick perversions was part of the apple production business. It had been used for processing juices and cider. Baby Doll had contacted his caretaker, and requested that he meet Star and Gregory, and give them the key to the building.

Soon after they reached the warehouse, Gregory met with the caretaker, and after assuring him his services were no longer needed, pulled the delivery door open, and parked the van inside. Star hadn’t stirred since Gregory made her snort that larger than normal quantity before they left LA. He glanced at her casually to see if she was still breathing. For some reason he was more afraid of crossing Baby Doll, than all of the mob bosses put together. Deciding to leave Star in the van, he took a few moments to explore the surroundings.

Surprisingly enough, the interior was impeccably clean. It was unusual, considering that Baby Doll did not allow anyone else inside, especially the caretaker and his family. Off to the side of the building, were a series of interior rooms, presumably designed to keep the heating equipment that was used to sanitize the bottles, and bring the juice to bottling temperature. Gregory used the keys on the ring he had been given, to open the first door.

Slowly he pulled the door back, and was both startled, and mesmerized by what he saw. Inside there was every manner of restraint and torture device known to the western world. Stepping in, carefully assuring himself that the door would not seal him inside, he examined the interior more closely. Along the walls someone had installed eyebolts, that had chains and manacles suspended from them. Along the opposite wall, was a shiny stainless steel table, something that might have been designed with a coroner in mind. It gently sloped at an angle, to a well at one end. A second table next to it was covered in a bright linen cloth. Carefully displayed across the surface of the linen, was an assortment of cutting, sawing, burning, and electrifying devices. To complete the room’s design, a drain had been built into the floor, and a high volume hose hung neatly coiled onto a rack on the wall. Whoever had designed this room certainly knew his stuff.

Rather than be disturbed or sickened by the prospect of what this place was used for, Gregory was thrilled, almost exhilarated. Closing the door, he moved on to the next room. This one contained only a singular furnace, almost large enough to drive a small car into. He could see how efficient this would be for eliminating any incriminating evidence. The final room contained two cots, and a small table. Behind each of the cots was another set of manacles chained to the wall, with a matching set bolted to the floor at the foot of the cot.

Finding a flight of stairs in the far corner of the building, he took them up two at a time. Arriving at the top, he was please to find another series of rooms. The first was a tastefully appointed office, complete with a computer, phone, and another closet set up for displaying photographs. The second room was a small kitchen, with a dark room built into the utility closet. The last room was a stately bedroom, obviously designed with Baby Doll’s comfort in mind. It was a rather large room, with a master bath in a separate area off to the side, and a large king-sized bed in the center.

Finally deciding he had seen enough, he wandered down the stairs, mentally slapping himself on the back for landing on his feet again. Gregory stopped for a moment, and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he savored the tang of apples and death that pervaded his senses. Breathing out, he tilted his head to the side, imagining he could almost hear the screams of the prior guests.

Sighing, he ended the daydreams, and made his way back to the van. Looking around, he found a small bin that contained pieces of scrap metal. Selecting a flat piece of tin, and a bit of stainless pipe, he held them next to Star’s head, and started banging as loud as he could.

"Wake up there sunshine, we’ve arrived at our new home. COME ON STAR! I said wake up!" Gregory held the tin to her ear until she jumped and shrank into the corner.

"Stop!" Star wined. "Stop banging that thing. I hear you. Stop it, please."

Gregory almost felt a rush, power seeping into his bloodstream. It was almost as though he were practicing for the "Grand Show", when all of his players would be present. Grabbing her by the wrists, he dragged her from the van, and deposited her with a resounding thud on the cement floor.

"Why are you always so mean?" Star cried, unable to keep her eyes open. "Why don’t you just kill me now, and get it over with? I don’t want to do this anymore, please, I’m tired, please kill me Gregory."

Star’s voice had gone so deep, and cold, she almost sounded like Jessica again. Startled, Gregory released her, and stepped back several steps. For a moment, his sanity began to slip. The room shrank around him, while his heart began to pound out of control. He couldn’t quite grasp what had just happened. Star had spoken back to him. Or was it Jessie? No, not Jessie. Just that whore Star. Messing with my head. Maybe I should kill her, yeah, maybe I should. NO! Don’t be dumb! Baby Doll…can’t kill her, because of Baby Doll. SHIT!

Gregory stumbled away, sweat dripping into his eyes, unable to decide what to do with Star. It definitely wasn’t her time yet, but soon. Soon he would turn her over, and then she would beg. Oh, yes, you’ll beg, you’ll pay for that mouth of yours. THAT’S IT! I’ll ask him to cut your lips off. Poetic justice for that smart mouth of yours. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

Recovering somewhat, Gregory shook off his moment of uncertainty, and returning to stand over Star, reminded her in his coldest tone of voice, that her time hadn’t come yet. She moaned slightly, and continued to lie where he had dropped her. Turning away in disgust, he stomped up the stairs, and sat at the desk, going online to let Baby Doll know they had arrived.

Star stayed there for quite some time. It took her a while to regain her equilibrium, and stand without getting dizzy or nauseous. Not interested in exploring, she managed to make it to the stairs, and sat down for a few minutes to catch her breath. Finally Star stood up again, and carefully pulled herself along the railing to the upstairs. Bypassing the office, she staggered to the bedroom, and fell onto the bed immediately drifting into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Gregory only vaguely noticed her passing. Now that they had arrived, he had much to do. Only one more week and the final pieces of his plan were falling into place. The first project was to start shadowing Laura again. Figure out her patterns, and then set the trap for her. After that, it would be just like dominoes, Laura, Kate, and then his beloved Jessie. He had one other project in mind as well. Jerald and the Shimadas. He had to think of some way to discredit them and pay them back for interfering with his plan.

Back in LA, Jessie and Kate had not quite started to stir yet. The previous night had been a blur in Jessie’s dreams. The two events that remained fresh in her mind, was telling Kate she loved her, and making love on the limousine floor with her brother at the wheel. Even now, she blushed when she thought about it, and then chuckled when she remembered the underwear switch at the end.

Listening to the sounds of the household, Jessie was surprised that it was so quiet. Even the cats were still sleeping, Corky behind Kate’s knees, and Violet curled on Jessie’s hip. Shifting, Jessie jostled Violet a bit, and the cat cracked one eye open, and fixed her with a sleepy stare. Yawning broadly, Violet whispered a small meow, and then closed her eye, and went back to sleep.

Smiling, Jessie turned her attention to her sleeping lover. It had been a while since the last time she had attempted to memorize each and every detail of her beloved. She started with her face, almost like the face of an angel. There wasn’t a single line to mar its soft surface. Her lips were curled slightly into a smile, and every so often a small sigh escaped, as though she were having a very sweet dream.

The next stop on Jessie’s mystery tour was Kate’s hand, which rested lightly on Jessie’s arm. As Jessie moved slightly, the hand would contract to maintain its tenuous contact with its companion. Jessie decided she liked that . . .immensely. Her own much longer arm trailed across Kate’s hip, almost touching the sleeping cat behind her. Just to see if she could, she flicked her middle finger in the cat’s direction, and was rewarded with a responding flip of one furry ear.

Jessie found this whole new life positively amazing. She had a warm bed, with an even warmer person to share it with. Two cats, that begrudgingly accepted her to their family. Steven, Michael, and a huge barrel of love, to give and to receive. Right then and there, Jessie decided that she would stop doubting whether or not she deserved all of this. In turn, she decided that she did deserve it, and that her only cost, would be to return it in kind. And return it she would. Her final conscious thought right at that very moment, was to never let anyone or anything stand in her way again. No one would ever harm them, or separate them, or threaten their relationship in any way. If they tried, they would have one hell of a fight on their hands.

Closing her eyes, she drifted back to sleep. Kate opened one eye, thinking that she had heard Jessie say something. Scooting forward a bit, she kissed her sleeping lover on the lips, and then said she loved her too. Joining Jessie back in her dreams, she too drifted back to sleep.

A bit later, Michael and Steven were in the kitchen making coffee, when a loud knock sounded on the front door. Steven quickly went to the side windows to check and see who would be so rude so early in the morning. Surprised, he was startled to see Justin Graves, and his secretary Alice staring back at him through the curtain. Gesturing to Michael to wake Jessie and Kate, he tightened his bathrobe, and then let the impatient studio owner into their living room.

"Um, hi. I didn’t expect to see you two here this early on a Saturday morning. Michael just went to wake Jessie and Kate. Can I get you some coffee?" Steven ever the gracious host was making an attempt to keep the situation calm.

"JESSIE! JESSICA RYAN, GET OUT HERE THIS MINUTE!" Justin bellowed after Michael’s retreating back.

Opening their bedroom door, Michael quickly dashed to Jessie’s side. "Jess? Jess! Wake up! We have a raging bull in the living room, looking for you. Jessie?"

"Make sure he doesn’t poop on the carpet, Mikey, it will make Stevie mad." Rolling away from him, she returned to her pleasant dream.

Risking getting punched, he grabbed her shoulder and shook her a few times. "JESSICA, wake up. Justin Graves is here, and he brought Alice. I can’t tell if he’s angry or not. I think you better come out here now." The panic in his voice finally got through to Jessie’s conscious mind.

Sitting straight up, she unseated the cat, and then turned to look at Michael, disbelief shadowing her face. "Did you just tell me that Justin was pooping in the living room?"

"No, you said that, I just said that he was here. I don’t know why, I just came to wake you up." Michael shook his head in frustration.

"Thank God. That painted one heck of an ugly picture. Tell him I’ll be out in a minute." Jessie frowned, not liking her morning disturbed this way at all.

No sooner had the words left her mouth, then the door flew open, and in stomped Justin, Alice right on his heels, trying to get him to stop. Standing at the foot of the bed, he realized too late, that his star was not only in bed, but not wearing any clothes, and still sleeping beside her was her newly announced lover. Quickly turning to face the other way, he almost tripped over Alice, who had stopped abruptly when he had.

Covering up a little better, Jessie smirked. "Whatsamatter Justin? Never seen two women in bed together before? Oh come on now. You came barging in here uninvited, what did you expect? Michael get them chairs, please. Since they chose not to wait for me to come out there, they can just conduct their business in here. I have no intention of being jerked around on my day off."

Alice shoved Justin aside, and came and gave Jessie a hug. "You tell’em honey, and don’t take any of his guff either. Hey, and congratulations. I mean on the award, and Katie. You’re one lucky gal, you know that? I’m jealous, I admit it."

Shocked, Justin couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. "Wha? You . . .I. . .Jess . . .? Ohhhh . . ."

Suddenly, Kate sat up, and blurted out, "OH MY GOD, what is he doing here, and why is he having a stroke in my bedroom?"

That did it, everyone burst into loud guffaws of laughter. Justin spluttered a few more times, and then sat down, holding his head in his hands. Alice and Michael held onto each other, unable to control the waves of giggles that threatened to overcome them, again and again. Steven stood in the doorway, shaking his head, thinking what a great picture this would make for the tabloids.

Confused, Kate turned to Jessie for an explanation. Wiping her eyes with the corner of her sheet, Jessie tried to explain as best she could, with what little information she had. By the time she was done, everyone else had managed to recover. They all turned their eyes on Justin, waiting for him to enlighten them all as to the reason for his presence.

Clearing his throat, he harrumphed a time or two, and then finally regained some of his composure. He gazed at the expectant faces surrounding him. "Well, I never did get to properly congratulate Jessie. After our little, ahem, problem with the seating arrangements, I . . . well, I had my hands full, and found it necessary to cut out a little early. Not before I heard Jessie’s speech though. Just what in tarnation did you think you were doing?"

Smiling, and raising one eyebrow in thought, Jessie formulated the best answer she could come up with. "I was freeing myself, Justin. Liberating myself from the sheer hell that I have lived in for the last several years, and giving my heart to the one person who managed to get through to it. Is there a problem with that?"

Justin absorbed Jessie’s words. Glancing at Alice, he was about to answer differently, when she scowled at him. "No honey, no problem. I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of your achievement, and that no matter what the fall out; I personally will back you up. All the way."

Michael was the first to let out a loud whoop. Everyone in the room, congratulated each other, and then shared hugs all the way around the group. Kate was amazed at all of the excitement, and the familial support that Justin was willing to give. Alice and Steven were dancing a waltz in the corner, and holding the blankets to her chest, Jessie was gesturing to Justin to come over for a hug.

"Hey. . .HEY! I think someone here owes me an apology." Kate stared holes through Justin.

Blushing through his embarrassment, Justin smiled sheepishly. "You are so right little lady. I do owe you a "very" big apology. I was completely out of line, and have been out of line with you from the beginning. Even the staff and set crew have commented on what a positive change you have brought to my little Jessie’s life, and I almost botched that. My niece, well, my niece has a lot of problems. Ever since her father was killed, I’ve taken on the responsibility of helping raise her. Unfortunately, she has very set ideas about the way things should be."

Alice interrupted with a loud raspberry noise. "Justin! Stop being so diplomatic. She’s a pain in the butt, and you know it. Self-centered, rude, selfish, and abusive. Hell, we’ve bailed her out of jail twice now, for assault, and battery. That girl needs help, and not the kind we’ve been giving her."

"That’s enough Alice. I have bigger headaches to deal with at the moment. The board has called a meeting for Monday morning to discuss the "latest developments". I may be the owner of the studio, but I do have to deal with the board on occasion. I expect you to be there Jessie and Kate too. If I’m gonna go up against the firing squad, I’m gonna take you two with me." Justin sighed, not at all happy about the prospect of facing the board.

Jessie had been quiet for a while. Serious now, she directed her attention totally to Justin. "You don’t think they’ll fire me, or cancel the show do you?"

"I doubt it. Judging by the flood of calls we have received at the studio over the last few hours. Only one or two have been negative, and if I’m not mistaken at least one of the negative callers is a regular, and calls in every week." Alice interjected again.

"I’ll try to behave myself, but there is no way I am going to retract anything, or "change my mind". I meant every word I said, and I won’t be bullied. I don’t expect to change the character of Kendra Knight, nor would I expect the writer’s to feel that they have to. As far as I am concerned, it’s business as usual." Jessie slapped her fist into her other hand to emphasis the point.

Excusing themselves, Michael, Steven, and the two guests returned to the living room, to allow the girls to get up and get dressed. Kate remained surprisingly quiet, deeply involved in her own thoughts. Jessie pretended not to notice for a while, but the silence became deafening, and finally she couldn’t take it any longer.

Stepping in front of Kate, on her way to the bathroom, Jessie held her close for a moment. "So, what’s on your mind there sweetheart? You unusually quiet, considering all that just passed."

"Um, well, for starters, if you don’t let me get to the bathroom right now, I just might not make it. Secondly, I can’t help but feel like this is all my fault. And thirdly, after all I’ve heard about that Naomi woman, I might have to be restrained if I ever come across her again. She’s really a piece of work. I haven’t even told you the half of it yet." Kate squirmed loose, and ran for the bathroom.

Jessie mulled over all of Kate’s points. Obviously, the bathroom was already being taken care of. Naomi didn’t need to be a problem. Stay away from her, and no problem. But the part about all of this being Kate’s fault; that didn’t ring well in Jessie’s mind. There was no fault involved in this situation. Determined to set Kate straight, Jessie sat on the end of the bed, and waited for her to return.

When Kate emerged from the bathroom, she was surprised to see Jessie sitting and waiting for her. "What’s up? I thought you would be out there harassing Justin some more."

"Honey, come here for a minute, and sit with me. I want to straighten something out before we continue on with the day." Jessie patted the bed next to her.

Kate sat down, and leaned slightly into Jessie’s shoulder. "Kate, I don’t want you to feel bad, or uncertain about any of this. Especially where our future is concerned. I’ve spent so many years being pushed around, that it is a wondrous feeling to know that I can let go of that. Please, tell me that you understand how much I love you, and how much I’m willing to give up, or let go of for that privilege."

Kate lowered her head for a second. Looking directly into Jessie’s eyes, she swallowed, and then answered Jessie’s statement of love. "Jess, if you lose your job, then I lose mine. Whose going to buy that new convertible I’ve been looking at?"

Jessie stared at Kate for a moment, not sure if she heard her correctly. "Jessie, yoohoo, Jessie. I’m kidding. Really I am. Just kidding. I sweeeaaarrrr!"

Jessie leaped up, and straddling Kate, flattened her into the bed, and proceeded to tickle her, until it brought tears of laughter to Kate’s eyes. "Don’t tease me like that. If I lose my job, and you want a car that bad, then I’ll steal one for you, because you’re the bomb, the real deal, and I’d do anything, for you dear anything. . .for you mean everything to meeee!"

Kate squirmed, and then getting free, sat up suddenly. "How come you don’t sing more often? That was great, even if you were being funny."

Suddenly shy, Jessie mumbled, and then turned Kate loose. "Jess? Tell me, what’s wrong?"

Sighing, Jessie sat back down. "Kate, my mother taught me to sing. It was something special we shared between us. I . . . there’s more, even Michael doesn’t know this. I feel terrible about not sharing it with him, but I made a promise. I know you know that I am paying to support someone in a private hospital in Northern California. That was how I met Justin, and Gregory."

Kate held up a hand. "Wait, if you don’t feel comfortable about telling me this Jessie, then don’t. I understand."

Jessie shook her head. "No, I want to share this. You have no idea how painful its been being the only one that knows."

Kate slid closer, gripping Jessie’s hands tightly. Jessie took a moment to pull her thoughts together. When she finally began again, it all spilled out at once. "I don’t know where to begin. I know you’ve heard some of the stories about my father, and his abusive nature. I spent many sleepless nights, terrified that he would come to my room. He had threatened me often about raping or beating me. I knew in my heart, that if he ever succeeded, I would kill him. He tried often enough, but I was too strong for him. Anyway, when I was about ten, he was drunk, and had grabbed me, and touched me. . . inappropriately. I clocked him with a frying pan, and then grabbed Michael and we ran."

Even thought Kate had already heard this story, she sat quietly and didn’t stop Jessie. It was more important for Jessie to tell her in her own words, than to implicate Michael for speaking out of turn.

"Hours later, our older brother Kevin came to our hiding place, to bring warm clothes, and to say goodbye. He was going to run away, because he couldn’t take it any longer. Way after nightfall, my aunt came and brought me and Michael to her house. We never did go back to our home, nor did we see the rest of our family ever again. Many years later I found out that when Kevin had returned to the house, our father was beating our mother again. Kevin went into a rage, and attacked him from behind. Even in his weakened state, he managed to throw Kevin off of his back. He slammed him to the floor, and began to strangle him. Mother was unconscious on the floor, and came to as Kevin began to turn blue. Terrified, she took a kitchen knife, and stabbed father until he collapsed and died. It was too late for Kevin too. He died from lack of oxygen." Tears slowly slipped down Kate’s face in sorrow for her lover.

Jessie wiped Kate’s tears with the corner of her shirttail. "Anyway, mom was jailed for murder. When I was in my mid twenties, and just starting to get some acting jobs, they released her. During her time in prison, she had completely withdrawn. She hasn’t spoken a word since the day the family crumbled. I’ve been keeping her in this hospital, and taking care of her. I go and visit her every time there’s a break. Gregory knows about her, but doesn’t know the story of the deaths. He’s tried for a long time to get it out of me, and if he were smart enough, or had enough money, he could probably get someone to tell him everything."

Kate stood, and held Jessie closely. "Jess, I’m proud of you. If there is anything I can do to help, ever, just say so. I love you Jessie. Very much."

Squeezing her tightly, Jessie’s own tears had begun to fall. Just being able to unburden herself to someone else about her family’s history was a great relief for her. Realizing that they had spent way too much time in the bedroom, while they had guests waiting, she rose, and kissing Kate, reminded her how much she loved her as well, but they had guests to attend to.

Taking Jessie’s hand, Kate led her out to the living room. The other’s were drinking coffee, and sharing donuts that Steven had run down to the store to pick up. Joining them, they began the tedious process of planning their part of Monday’s meeting.



Our true nature is not some ideal that we have to live up to.
It’s who we are right now,
And that’s what we can make friends with and celebrate.

********Pema Chodron********


CHAPTER 25: (Bailamo, let the music take your soul…)

Gregory slept peacefully for the first time since all of his troubles had begun. He felt safe in this new haven of death. It was almost as if he were ensconced in his own special castle, protected from the people who might try to harm him. He was fairly certain that no one knew where he was. Especially Mr. Shimada, or the rest of his goons.

Shimada’s son had no idea the evil plans that Gregory had for him, should he ever come across the bastard again. As far as Gregory was concerned, nothing was too painful for the young Asian. He thought that a snip here, a burn there, and just maybe a ten thousand volt charge to his private parts, might wake him up a bit.

Star tossed and turned in her sleep. Her demons were very large, and very demanding. Waking in a cold sweat, she was almost sick to her stomach. The combination of too much heroin, and their immediate surroundings was enough to tear her insides apart. She remembered vaguely, that she was probably lucky to be alive. Part of her wished she had over dosed, and ended this whole nightmare.

Rolling out of bed, Star worked her way into the bathroom. Her head pounded with every step she took. Flipping the light on, she cringed at her own reflection in the mirror. Her skin seemed to have taken on a grayish pallor, accentuated by the bruises scattered here and there, leftovers from Gregory’s mean temper. Splashing some cold water on her face, she debated on whether or not to take a shower.

Being alone in this chamber of horrors brought up all kinds of terrible thoughts. Star was almost afraid that if she got in the shower, he might wake and kill her while she washed her hair or something. Vaguely she remembered seeing a movie like that once. The guy was nuts or something, and some girl got stabbed to death in the shower. Of course, maybe flirting with death on a more personal level was just what the doctor ordered. Strange, but Star was confused why he hadn’t gone ahead and killed her already. A chill ran up her spine, the fear of her uncertain future frightening her. Somehow she almost wished she had the guts to kill herself, at least then Gregory wouldn’t have the satisfaction of making good on his threats.

While Star mulled over her increasingly grim future, Gregory rose and wandered into the small kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, he was surprised to find it stocked full of fresh groceries. He took a moment to check the cabinets, and discovered them to be completely restocked as well. Impressed, he decided to make himself a decent breakfast for a change.

Several hundred miles away, Jessie, Kate, and their gathered friends and co-workers were finishing their own light breakfast. Plans had been made, for the coming weeks storm of interviews, and possible repercussions following the awards show. Kate had stepped into her room for a moment, when she heard her cell phone ringing. Almost regretting her decision to answer it, she was pleasantly surprised to hear Laura’s voice on the other end.

"Hey there, sugar, congratulations to that tall, dark, and sexy woman you’re cohabiting with. I realize I advised you to express your love to each other, but did she have to do it on National television? Holy Moly girl!" Laura chuckled at the spectacle of it all.

"Hey there yourself. Thanks for the congrats, I’ll give her your message. Isn’t it just the greatest Laura? I mean you have no idea what happened before Jessie won the award. There was a huge scene, they separated us, and I ended up sitting with a group of women in the balcony. Funny thing, they all seemed to know you. Anyway, remember that bitch of a blond, the one that knocked Jessie down at the ice rink? Well, her uncle is Justin Graves, and they were the ones that made me sit up in the balcony. Jessie blew up, and then made the entire theater move over and make room for me and all of our new friends. It was great, you should have seen it!" Kate stopped to take a deep breath. She was so excited talking to Laura, she almost forgot to breathe.

"Well, sounds like you had a wild night. Actually, I heard a little about it last night, Kary dialed in and caught me on the IM. She sure sounded like she and Jan had met the royal family or something. You two are making quite an impact on the Kendraverse today. Jeez, even my E-mail has exploded twice this morning. Do you think Jessie might have any trouble with the studio after her recent revelation?" Laura was concerned for her friends; she knew how deadly situations like this could be.

"Actually, Justin and Alice, his secretary, are here right now. We’ve been working on damage control for a couple of hours. Both Jessie and I have to attend a board meeting on Monday. Other than that, we haven’t been answering the phone. We are going to have to cut our little vacation short by a day or two. They’ve been scheduling Jessie, and then the both of us for some major talk shows, and interviews. Honestly, I would rather not, but for Jessie’s sake, I’ll do anything." Kate sighed heavily.

"It’s okay kiddo, every once in a while, we have to do something we don’t really care for. And now that your love for each other is no longer an issue, it’s that much more important to support her." Laura smiled, again remembering the various milestones of new love.

While Kate and Laura chatted for a few more moments, Jessie began to feel her lover’s absence. Excusing herself, she wandered into the bedroom in search of her missing companion. Standing in the doorway, she was again amazed at the ease with which she shared life’s little ins and outs with Laura. Jessie had never been able to share like that with anyone, not even Michael. While she eavesdropped, Kate felt a kind of warmth across the back of her neck. Somehow she knew it was Jessie.

Gesturing for Jessie to come and sit with her, she tilted the phone a little, so that Jessie could hear what Laura was saying. "I highly recommend that the two of you stay away from Naomi Graves. She’s dangerous, psychotic, and propelled by an insatiable need to control everyone and everything around her. If she doesn’t get her way, she lashes out. We should introduce her to Gregory don’t you think? Hi Jessie."

Kate and Jessie looked at each other astonished. Jessie shrugged her shoulders. Laura was primarily Kate’s friend, and how she knew that Jessie was there, was a mystery to her. Taking the phone from Kate, she looked at her again, and then asked Laura herself.

"How in the hell did you know I was sitting here? I haven’t made a sound, and I know Kate didn’t say anything." Jessie was perplexed.

"Ha! Didn’t Kate tell you? It’s a secret power I have. I read minds, see through walls, and speak to spirits. Actually, Kate’s voice changed slightly, a certain softness, with a definite smile behind it. It could only mean that her true love had entered the room." Laura chuckled, loving the fact that she had caught them.

"Anyway, definitely stay away from Naomi. Treat her in the same class as Gregory. If they ever did get together, the world would end as we know it." Laura’s mood turned dark suddenly.

"Laura? Are you okay? You sound down all of a sudden." Kate was concerned for her friend.

"Yeah, I’m okay. You know how I am, I start to feel other people’s pain, and then I turn into a useless pile of Jell-O. Listen babies, I hate to cut this short, but I need to find my girlfriend. I am in serious need of a hug right now. I love you guys. Be nice to each other. Later." Laura blew kisses through the phone.

"We love you too, Laura. Take care. We’ll see you next week." Kate and Jessie replied at almost the same time.

"Jess, did you hear the tears in Laura’s voice?" Kate was bewildered.

"Yeah, honey, I did. Has she ever done that before? I mean cry "in front" of you." Jessie’s internal alarm was going off.

"Not that I ever remember. Laura is always the tough, strong, unshakeable

"I can handle anything" person. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her in a vulnerable mode before. Do you think I should call her back?" Now Kate was worried too.

"Let’s give it some time, and then check in with her later this evening. Then it won’t sound as much like we are prying into her business. Of course, we are, but it won’t sound quite as pushy this way." Jessie still couldn’t get that nagging "something is wrong" feeling out of her head.

"Well, we better get back, and see our guests out. This is going to be one heck of a week, and I for one don’t want to have to think much more about it, until the weekend. I need to get some groceries. Why don’t you start running the lines for the next episode, and I’ll start the laundry, and then head for the market." Kissing Jessie on the cheek, Kate stood to return to the living room.

"Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can send Michael with you." Jessie’s concern for Laura was spilling over onto Kate now.

"Honey, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to the market to stock up. I’ll stay close, and take my cell phone, and the stunner. I promise…I won’t be more than an hour. Okay?" Kate looked at Jessie with a little puppy dog face.

Jessie tried not to smile. "Okay. But be careful, and more than an hour, and we are there. Something doesn’t feel right to me, and until I find out what it is, I want to know where you are at all times."

"Hey, the same goes for you, big, tough, bodyguard. I don’t want you out playing with the kids, or messing with anyone’s psychotic niece. Kapeesh? Good. Now, kiss me, and then let’s get a move on. We have lots to do today, if I don’t do some laundry, nobody has clean underwear." Getting her kiss, she gave Jessie a shove towards the door.

Kate hopped in her car, and back out of the driveway. Several of the neighborhood kids noticed her, and piled onto her lawn, to wave and see if Jessie was with her. Glancing at the house she wasn’t surprised to see Jessie, Michael, and Steven step out onto the front porch. All the kids waved, and then joined the adults on the front porch. Michael had raided Kate’s supply of glossies of Jessie from the studio, and Jessie was signing as the two men handed them out.

Arriving at the closest market, Kate parked and locked the car, taking care to set the alarm. Heading into the store, she was so absorbed in her shopping list, she failed to notice the rather large man that entered the store right behind her. Securing a cart, she began her search down the first aisle that contained some of the items on her list. As she reached the end of the aisle, and was preparing to turn down the next one, she stopped for a moment to look at some new brand of toilet paper that was on sale. A large shadow passed behind her, but still she showed no notice.

Turning to the second aisle, she bent down to put a couple of bags of cat litter on the bottom of the cart, when a pair of rather large men’s shoes came into view. Standing cautiously, she fixed the intruder with a threatening glare. It took a moment for her mind to shift into gear, and recognize the man towering over her. Reaching for her stun gun, she realized with a gasp, that it was too late. A much smaller, elderly Japanese man was standing behind her blocking her retreat.

Standing very still, she addressed Jerald first. "What do you want? If you even so much as lay a finger on me, I will knock you on your ass."

Mr. Shimada chuckled politely. "Quite a brave young lady, is she not Jerald? And smart too. She recognized you right away. Ms. McKenna, we intend to do you no harm. We wish only to express our congratulations, and to impart some very important information to you."

Heart pounding in her ears, every nerve tingling, Kate decided in a flash, that it would be better to listen, than to start something. "Who are you, and why should I listen to you."

Bowing slightly, Mr. Shimada found himself somehow delighted with the strength this small, attractive woman seemed to display. If she were part of his household however, she would not act with such disrespect to her obvious superior. Remembering that now was not the time for discipline, he got to the point of their intrusion.

"Ms. McKenna, please do not be alarmed. We are here only because of our concern for the safety of you and Ms. Ryan. Gregory Thomason is a former associate of ours. Of course you know who Jerald is. Jerald is now in my employ. We are…rehabilitating him you might say. However, I digress. We have reason to believe that Mr. Thomason is planning to inflict great harm on you and your friend. We wish that not to happen. Mr. Thomason owes us a great deal of money Ms. McKenna, and we would like to discuss that matter with him personally. He has also threatened my son recently. I do not take kindly to threats against my family." Mr. Shimada stopped talking for a moment as another customer passed by them looking at them curiously.

Kate nodded politely at the other woman, who scowled at her for a moment, before continuing around the corner to the next aisle. Momentarily distracted, she wondered what that was all about. Mr. Shimada interrupted her train of thought.

"As I was saying, I have some important business with Gregory, and I do not wish to have it interrupted by any foolish attempts on his part to injure either of you. Please be aware that we will be watching closely, and will intercede on your part if necessary. Now, we are attracting unnecessary attention. Jerald, to the car please." Mr. Shimada turned to leave.

"Wait, you stop me in the market, tell me all of this mysterious crap about Gregory, and you’re going to protect us and all, and that’s it? Why should I believe you?" Kate was getting angry.

Stopping for a moment, Mr. Shimada fixed Kate with a smoldering gaze. "Ms. McKenna, is Ms. Ryan’s brother Michael still alive?"

Kate’s eyes narrowed. "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"If we had not interceded, he would be dead right now. Come Jerald." The larger man followed Mr. Shimada down the aisle and out the front door.


He acts like a large pet dog, Kate thought to herself. What Kate couldn’t know was that Jerald could no longer speak. His vocal cords had been chemically paralyzed when he was released from prison. If he so much as looked cross-eyed at Mr. Shimada, his heart would explode. They had surgically installed an electronic device that was keyed to a digitally coded box about the size of a pocket car alarm. One push and that was all she wrote for the big guy.

Kate was tempted to leave her cart where it was, and return home without the groceries. Thinking better of it, she rushed through her list, and then hurried to the checkout line. Hopping slightly from one foot to the other, she was growing impatient.

Behind her, she heard a loud snicker. Turning, she recognized the woman who passed by her earlier when she was talking with Mr. Shimada. The woman glared at her again.

"Can I help you?" Kate inquired politely.

"Tch, I wouldn’t accept help from a dyke like you if I were drowning in quicksand." The woman replied rudely.

"Lady, I wouldn’t rescue your fat ass if it were on fire, so we’re even." Kate retorted.

"Well…I never!" The woman was outraged.

Smiling broadly, Kate replied with a bit of sarcasm to her tone. "I have, and I enjoyed every minute of it."

The woman’s face turned bright red. Huffing and puffing, she moved her cart to another line, and refused to make eye contact again. Kate stuck her tongue out at the rather broad back retreating from her. She knew it was childish, but she didn’t care. If people were going to harass her like that, then they deserved it.

Moving her cart up to the check out belt, she started removing her purchases from her cart. The cashier interrupted her thoughts.

"Way to go honey! Don’t let those narrow minded busy bodies mess with you. Good Gosh! This is the nineties. You’d think by now they would have gotten used to actresses coming out and all. I mean this is LA. You tell that girlfriend of yours that we’re all proud of her." The cashier gave her a wink and a smile.

Returning the smile, Kate winked back. "Thanks, I never expected that kind of response. I guess I shouldn’t be so naïve."

"Aw, don’t worry about it. She’s just jealous. Hasn’t been laid since the dark ages. Just keep your sense of humor, and you’ll be fine." Getting the giggle from Kate she was shooting for, she finished with Kate’s order.

"I just wonder if it’s going to be like this in public for a while. I know I could use some of the contractor’s at the studio to do this kind of thing for me, but I hate that. It’s so stuck up. I would rather do these things myself." Kate pursed her lips in distaste.

"Oh, well, you must be nuts then. If I had someone to do my stuff for me, I would take advantage of it. No question in my mind about that. Well, we could stand here all day and chit chat, but I’m sure you’ve got something better to do, and I got to go to lunch." The woman finished Kate’s ATM transaction.

"Sorry, my brain is having a problem absorbing all of this. Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate it." Kate shook the woman’s hand.

"Not a problem, take care of yourself." She waved as Kate maneuvered her cart out the automatic doors.

Loading her groceries into the car, Kate felt a little lost. She just realized what Mr. Shimada had said about Michael. Fear overtaking her, she pulled quickly out of the parking lot, and hurried home. The others were all hanging out on the porch talking when she arrived. Jessie skipped down the steps two at a time, and met her as she opened the door. Taking one look at her face, she was immediately concerned.

"What’s wrong? Kate, what’s wrong?" Panic filled her voice.

Slipping into Jessie’s arms, she stood there for a moment. "I just had the strangest adventure. Help me take these groceries in, and I’ll tell you all about it. Better get the boys inside. They need to hear this too."

They carried the bags in, and put everything away. Kate was unusually silent. Jessie watched her carefully from the corner of her eye. Anxious to find out what happened, she almost dropped a dozen eggs on the floor.

"Hey there, don’t drop those. Jess, I’m sorry, really, I’m okay. Just a little shaken up. A lot of strange things happened at the market. Come on, the sooner we get this done, the sooner I can tell you all about it." Kate lightly ran her hand down Jessie’s arm.

Finishing up, they moved into the living room. Kate settled comfortably on the couch, slipping her shoes off and folding her feet underneath her. Jessie went to the door, and called the boys in. When everyone was seated, Kate told her story. They listened quietly, amazed at the events that had taken place. Kate finished, and Michael was the first to comment.

"Did Mr. Shimada say how I almost died? I mean, it would be nice to know what to look for." For once, there wasn’t any humor or sarcasm to his tone.

"No, he didn’t. The whole thing was so weird, and mysterious. I mean he approaches me in a grocery store. What is that all about?" Kate shrugged her shoulders, mystified.

Jessie cleared her throat. "As for the public response to my announcement, I guess we can expect that. But, involvement in our lives by the Japanese Mafia, that’s another thing all together. I think we should notify the police about this little encounter. Although, their track record sucks so much, that I am almost inclined to let Mr. Shimada protect us."

All three friends gave her a mock look of horror. "Hey, I was just kidding. Besides, it’s not like we can just call him anytime we want anyway. I do think though from now on, that Kate doesn’t go shopping alone anymore. Maybe they will be less likely to approach her if she is with someone else."

Kate reached over and took Jessie’s hand. "You know, any other time and I would probably argue the point, but lately I’m getting a little tired of all of this. I don't want to use a company shopper, but I’m a little spooked about going alone. And I am surely not taking you with me. That’s all we’d need. Cause a riot in the grocery store, with the Japanese Mafia, the religious right, and the fans."

Steven normally stayed quiet during all of the crazy goings on between his friends, new and old. This time though he couldn’t. His fear of losing Michael pushed him to respond.

"I think that someone should alert the studio, and make sure that all the vehicles and so on are inspected both coming and going from the garage. More than likely if someone was going to try to hurt Michael that would be the place to start. I mean if they disable the car, or plant a bomb or something, no one would know, would they? Unless of course the garage mechanics were checking those things." Steven’s face reflected both his concern, and his knowledge and training.

"I think you’re right, Steven, we’ll mention it in Monday’s meeting. Apparently the threat of Gregory still looms large. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on whom you count as allies, we seem to have more protection than we thought we had. I am not so certain I want to be calling on this Mr. Shimada and definitely not that bastard Jerald if I’m in trouble. However, if they choose to show up, then so much the better." Jessie tried to make everyone laugh, but they weren’t convinced.

Kate excused herself, and slipped into the kitchen. Busying herself making coffee, she hadn’t noticed Jessie behind her. Slowly Jessie wrapped her arm around Kate from behind, only to be dismayed when she felt Kate jump. Just as quickly as she had jumped, Kate settled back against her lover, trying to snuggle as close as she could possibly get.

"You’re really taking this hard aren’t you?" Jessie whispered into her ear.

"I’m just feeling a little stressed. It’s getting as though every time I leave the house, something bad is going to happen. It all sounds like a really bad novel or movie or whatever. Thank God I love you so much. If I didn’t have that, I think I might go insane." Kate turned and wrapped her own arms around Jessie’s waist.

Lightly brushing her lips across Kate’s forehead, Jessie considered her words. "If you didn’t love me, maybe these things wouldn’t be happening to you in the first place."

Kate stiffened. Leaning back, but refusing to let go she fixed Jessie with a withering glare. "Don’t say crap like that. I mean it. We are past that uncertainty garbage. I want you, I need you, and I mean to keep you, even with all of the crazy, bizarre, weird stuff that trails behind you. So, promise me that kind of thought, and concern is past. Please…"

Smiling, Jessie kissed Kate. "I promise. I won’t do that anymore. But I’m sorry ahead of time if any more strange things happen. I must be cursed or something. I know… and you’re my lucky charm."

"Hmm, I don’t think I’m that lucky since they seem to have accelerated since I met you. More like a not so lucky charm. Anyway, we weren’t going to talk about this anymore. Let’s change the subject. What do you think about Laura this morning? I think something has happened to her. Something bad. Do you think I should call her back tonight?" Kate looked at Jessie with a question in her eye.

"Well, you know her better than I do. If you think there is something wrong, then call her. I definitely didn’t like the sound of her voice though. It was so sad." Jessie looked out the window behind Kate, remembering what it felt like to be that sad.

"I’ll think about it, and then make up my mind later. I need to get some laundry going, and clean this house up. It’s driving me crazy." Kate kissed Jessie on the chin, and then started to squirm loose.

"Wait, I can help. What can I do? Where’s the vacuum cleaner, I’ll vacuum. I used to vacuum for my mom all of the time." Jessie was excited.

"Well, okay. It’s in the closet in the hallway. And speaking of your mom, I want to talk some more about her later too if it’s all right. If I’m too nosy though, just tell me. I don’t want to hurt your feelings." Kate was delighted that Jessie wanted to participate, although she never would have forced the issue.

"Sure honey, not a problem. I’ll tell you what I can. There’s a lot of stuff I don’t even know myself. Now, let me get going on these carpets. I’m going to ask the boys to take care of the yard too if that’s okay." Jessie was positively giddy about being allowed to participate in the household.

Steven and Michael agreed to work outside getting the yard in shape. The weather service had said that rain was expected later in the day, so they wanted to hurry and get the lawn mowed, raked, and any trimming that needed taking care of. Jessie vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned the cat box. Kate was amazed at the group participation. She had always heard that living with roommates was terrible, but so far she couldn’t see what they were talking about. She loved these folks, and thought of them as her family.

Gathering the laundry, Kate started the first load, and then set about cleaning the bathrooms, and sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor. The cats found a safe place in her room to hide. There was too much activity going on for their feline sensitivities. Every once in a while she would pass Jessie, driving the vacuum, singing away without a care in the world. Shaking her head, she thanked the Gods, Goddesses and lucky stars that they saw fit to drop this woman into her life. Both the good parts and the not so good parts.

A short time after they had begun their house cleaning chores, Steven came dashing into the house out of breath. "KATE, JESSIE, you guys have to see this. Come quick."

Joining him at the window, Jessie and Kate peered through the curtains. Standing guard at the walkway, was Michael. Flanking him along the driveway were several of the neighbors kids, with bats, rakes, and a couple of stuffed animals. Michael was holding the garden hose, with the gun shaped nozzle pointed at their intruders. Upon further perusal, Kate and Jessie discovered the source of Michael’s concern.

Crowding the walkway, and a large percentage of the street, were reporters, photographers, cameramen, and journalists. They were all jostling for position, and shouting at Michael. Many were demanding to speak with Jessie and Kate, while others wanted to gain access to the house. Michael was determined to keep them off the property. As Jessie and Kate watched, Steven slipped out the side door, and quietly joined the children guarding the driveway. He was concerned that one of these "so-called" adults might get out of hand, and injure one of the kids.

Jessie and Kate turned to look at each other. Kate spoke first. "What do we do Jess? If someone doesn’t answer them, they are likely to start trouble. Do you think I should go out there?"

"I don’t know Kate. I think maybe we should both go out there. We can stand on the porch, and threaten to hose them if they get any closer. Just be careful what you tell them. They’re libel to twist it all out of proportion." Jessie pinched her lower lip between her thumb and forefinger.

"Okay, but leave the door cracked slightly. I want to be able to make an escape if I have to." Kate took a deep breath, and squeezing Jessie’s hand, stepped out onto the porch.

The noise that greeted them was deafening. Everyone was talking at once. One woman made an attempt to pass Michael, and he dowsed her with the hose. Screaming at him, she swung her fist in his direction. He shot her again with the hose, this time effectively pushing her back into the crowd. The children closed ranks at the end of the driveway with Steven, and anyone that approached them ran the risk of getting their kneecaps swatted with a bat.

Jessie and Kate were amazed by all of the commotion. They stood for a moment, their fingertips barely brushing each other. A palpable fear welling inside. Finally Jessie couldn’t stand it any longer. Stepping to the porch railing, she leaned slightly forward and shouted "STOP" at the top of her lungs. The startled crowd froze for a moment; not a sound emanated from any one of them.

Jessie raised her hands, pointing them palm forward, and indicated that if anyone spoke out of turn, then she was leaving. Many of the reporters surged towards Michael, hoping to get around him, and move closer to the porch. Michael pointed the hose at the first group again, and released enough spray to remind them that he meant business. Unnoticed initially by the pressing crowd and the group of friends, were the adult neighbors replacing the children on the perimeter. In moments, there were at least twenty adults circling the yard, linking hands, and forming a human barrier.

Both impressed and pleased at their support, Jessie and Kate waited until the noise died down, and then Jessie spoke to the crowd. "I am assuming that you are all here to congratulate us on our news, and on receiving the award last evening."

A smattering of laughter rippled through the crowd. Sharon MacAfee stepped up close to Michael, and addressed Jessie. "So, Jessie after all the secrecy and threats, what made you decide to "come out of the closet"? Aren’t you concerned that it may have an adverse effect on your career?"

Jessie smiled, and took Kate’s hand giving it a squeeze. "Am I concerned, or are you hoping it does effect my career, Sharon? I did it because I wanted to. I am tired of living a lie. I love Kate, and that’s all that’s important to me. I would feel terrible if the show ended because of my personal business. However, I am not a prisoner, and I will not live like I am for anyone."

The crowd burst forth with a cacophony of questions. Once again, Jessie held her hands up to signal for quiet. After several seconds, the noise level dropped again, when they finally realized that they were getting no where talking all at the same time. Another reporter stepped forward. Jessie didn’t recognize him.

"Um, hi, my name is Jake Haplan. I’m a friend of Laura Flanagans', and I represent a Netzine dedicated to your show. I am also a special effects designer for the Horror industry. I was wondering how Kate feels about all of this attention." Jake smiled and winked at Kate.

Kate was nervous as she stepped forward. "I guess it was to be expected, although I had no idea that our privacy would be exploited to this degree. I realize that making our private life public carries its risks, but I agree with Jessie. She’s the most important person in my life. I will love her, and protect her as best I know how. Michael could you send Jake up here, I would like to speak to him privately."

The crowd booed, and jeered at Jake as he was allowed to slip past Michael, and approach the house. Kate asked him to sit on one of their patio chairs until they were finished. Returning their attention to the crowd, Jessie asked if there were any further questions.

Another woman stepped forward, this time from the LA Times. "Several of us are wondering what drew you two together. The curiosity level comes from the fact that just a short few weeks ago you were married, Ms. Ryan. Could it be a money factor for Ms. McKenna, or a rebounding fling from your marriage to Gregory Thomason?"

Jessie’s face darkened. "You say you’re from the Times? I would have thought something more like the Enquirer, some other filthy rag. There will be no more questions, and I would appreciate it if you would afford us some privacy, and leave as quickly as possible. If not, then I will call the police, and have you all hauled away."

With that said, Jessie turned and strode into the house, Kate and Jake right behind her. The crowd went wild, pushing and shoving the woman for being so stupid. They all wanted to know the answer to the question, but they all felt that it should have been asked later. Now they had all lost their chance at getting any further information.

Michael, Steven, and the neighbors all stood in place until the assembled reporters, etc. drifted back to their vans and sports utilities and returned to their cement caves. Both Michael and Steven walked through the crowd of neighbors shaking hands, and thanking everyone for helping out. They promised a big block party, as soon as the weather was better, and Jessie wasn’t so busy with the show. The kids stayed around for a while, pretending to fight off the now dispersed crowd, and acting as sentinels for the house.

Jessie stalked around the living room, clearly angry that the question had gone in that direction so soon. She had expected that kind of rude speculation, but really thought they would wait. And especially the LA Times. She wouldn’t be surprised if that writer lost her job. Kate and Jake sat quietly watching as she paced.

Finally, Jessie came and joined Kate on the couch. Kate kissed her on the cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I’m fine. Just pissed off. I hate this kind of crap. I wish they would all just leave us alone." Jessie sighed.

Michael and Steven came back into the room. Steven immediately walked over and gave Jake a big hug and a slap on the back. Jessie and Michael were shocked. They had no idea that Steven even knew this guy. Kate covered her mouth with both hands to hold back the giggles.

"What’s the matter, you don’t even know Steven’s last name? Let me introduce you all again. Jessie, Michael this is Steven Haplan. Jake is his brother, who just arrived from Spokane, Washington." Kate bowed to the assembled group.

"Brother? You never said you had a brother, or that he was coming to visit." Michael looked at Steven with a mock glare.

"Actually, I didn’t tell him I was going to be in town. I am down here with some managers from my company, for a training workshop, and trade show. It was boring, so I skipped out and decided to look Steve up. I had no idea things had, ahem, changed around here so much." Jake winked at Kate and Steve, having met Kate several times during visits, and also being an extremely close friend of Laura’s.

Jake, Steve and Laura had known each other since junior high school. They were all originally from the same general neighborhood, and had spent a lot of time together. Laura had first met their sister, but rapidly became close to the whole family. Jake and Laura shared a penchant for computers, video games, and Halloween. While Jake still lived in California, he, Laura, and April would get together and build big Halloween displays for the neighborhood kids. Their most infamous, was a Batmobile they made out of a ’73 Olds Delta 88. They were very popular with the kids in those days.

"I still work on the Halloween stuff, and I talk to Laura on the IM every once in a while. I’m hoping to see her again one of these days." Jake was married now, and travel was expensive, but you never knew what might happen.

"I met Laura through the Kendra Knight show, and just happened to find out that she practically grew up with these guys. So, Jake, what do you think of all of this crazy stuff going on?" Kate asked.

"Well, what do you expect, damn homos taking over the world. There oughta be a law or something." Jake wiggled his eyebrows at Jessie.

Jessie’s face colored at Jake’s statements. Surely he couldn’t possibly be serious. His own brother was gay. Leaning forward, tension building across her shoulder blades, Jessie looked for all the world like she might come out of her chair.

"Whoa, Jessie, calm down. That’s my brother’s warped sense of humor. He didn’t mean it, really." Steven shot Jake a "knock it off" look.

"He’s right, I’m just kidding. I didn’t mean to make you angry. It’s just the Lesbians they need to do something about. Gay men are okay, they make great decorators, and chef’s." Jake winced as Steven elbowed him in the ribs.

The friends spent the next hour or so getting to know each other better, and as they warmed up, each sought ways to catch Jake in his own game. Unfortunately he had too many years of practice to be caught. Deciding that they should finish their chores, before the day ended, they broke for a while, and promised to talk more over dinner that evening.

Before Jake went out front to help the boys, Kate pulled him aside and asked him about Laura. "Jake, Jessie and I spoke to Laura this morning, and she sounded like she was on the edge of tears. Has she said anything to you lately?"

Jake thought back for a moment. "No, not anything in particular anyway. You know how it is with her. Between her mom, her home, and all of her other "causes", it’s a wonder she doesn’t explode more often. I keep telling her to pack her stuff, and come up north for a few days and get some rest. But no, she just can’t bear to leave her family alone. I know April would understand, but Laura just refuses."

"Hmm, well, maybe we can check in on her later. When does your flight go back?" Kate asked.

"Oh, I don’t have to head back until tomorrow. I decided to skip out on the rest of the workshops today, and all that’s left is some boring cocktail party and dinner tonight, and I have no desire to participate in any of that. Steven said I could stay on the couch tonight, and then he and Michael will take me to the airport. Michael is a nice guy. Quite a change from the usual." Jake smiled mischievously.

"Yeah, and his sister is pretty cool too, if I do say so myself." Kate grinned embarrassed.

"Well, let’s get this stuff done, so we have more time to talk. I’m anxious to find out what’s wrong with Laura." Kate went back to the laundry room, while Jake went outside to find his brother.



If one comes across another who has been shot by an arrow
One does not spend time wondering about where the arrow came from,
Or the caste of the individual who shot it,
Or analyzing the type of wood the shaft is made of,
Or the manner in which the arrowhead is fashioned.
Rather, one should focus on immediately pulling out the arrow.


********Shakyamuni, the Buddha********



CHAPTER 26: Bold and Zesty, Armed and Dangerous


While Kate and Jessie spent a quiet evening at home with friends and family, Laura and April were not having as much luck. Besides being besieged by an ungrateful housemate, Laura quit her job, and was struggling to find another one. Her mother was not doing well, and demanding a good deal of her time, and one of the cats was sick. The final stroke came when they heard someone walking outside their bedroom in the middle of the night. April was sure it was a friend of theirs who was having emotional problems, but Laura thought it might be one of their neighbors. Living in a mobile home park sometimes had its liabilities.


Fortunately, the two women had no idea what truly evil entity was fast approaching their not so quiet life. Gregory was sitting in front of the computer; positively absorbed in the lessons Baby Doll was giving him in the art of prolonged torture. Gregory had tentatively planned to take one of Laura’s cats before the end of the week, and then find a way to lure Laura to the warehouse in search of her animal.


Baby Doll helped him come up with how to pull that part off. He suggested that Gregory pretend that he had moved from the park, and somehow Laura’s cat managed to get inside the moving van. He would then ask her if she could come and get the pet herself, because of his age he was no longer able to drive. Lot’s of elderly people lived in mobile home parks, so it wouldn’t be that hard to make her believe him.


Anxious as Gregory was to get moving on these projects, he knew he had to force himself to wait. The idea of testing his new skills on Star had crossed his mind several times, but he would have to be patient until Laura’s arrival. Baby Doll was insistent on having Star for himself. Each time Gregory spoke to him online, he would recount the problems he was having with her. Baby Doll was beside himself, with the need to "punish" Star. Gregory promised over and over again that Baby Doll could have her, as soon as he was done with his own project.

Once he captured Laura, then he would use her as incentive to draw first Kate, and then finally Jessica into his snare. He knew they would be coming up to visit soon. There were still a small handful of people in LA that were willing to help him out with information. A threat here, and a promised buck there, and eventually you could find some lowlife or other to spill the beans. Signing off for a while, he decided to go in search of Star.


Working his way slowly room by room, he wasn’t surprised to find her still in bed. He had been trying to ply her with his usual heroin and speed mixture, but she had been balking. Looking at her now, he could see that it wouldn’t be much longer before she gave in. The first stages of withdrawal were already taking their toll.


Star vaguely heard Gregory approaching, his footsteps echoing on the floor outside the door. Inwardly she groaned. She had thought that she might be able to gradually break away from the smack, but it was turning out to be much more painful than it was worth. Pretending to be asleep, she prayed that he would go away and leave her alone. If she didn’t move, then maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much.


Gregory approached the rumpled form on the bed. "STAR! Hey STAR! Wake up. Jeez Star, you look pretty bad. You should, like take a shower or something. You stink. What’s the matter Star, does it hurt? I can fix that you know. Just a line or two, and you’ll be back to normal. Come on Star. You’re no use to me like this. I need your help, remember…you’re the one that wanted to help me. You wanted to take care of the kitty cat. You don’t get your act together, and I’ll cut the cat into pieces, and make you eat it for dinner. DO YOU HEAR ME STAR?"


Shivering, even though a bead of sweat slipped off her brow, Star attempted to sit up. The pain in her head, and her stomach almost forced her to fall back. She persisted, and managed to sit upright. Opening her eyes was another problem. Turning to face the general direction of Gregory’s voice, she slowly opened first one eye, and then the other.


Her tongue felt like it was covered with fur and weighed a ton. "What do you want?"


"I…want…you…to…be…more…productive!" Each word accentuated by a finger stabbing the air. "I didn’t give you permission to get off of the drugs, did I? You are much more useful to me when you are more pliable, Star. If you can’t be useful to me anymore, then I will have to get rid of you. I chose you, because you are so similar in looks to my Jessie. When you started this stupidity, you genuinely ruined that illusion. Now, you have a choice…you either do as I say, or I will make you so miserable, that your withdrawal symptoms will seem like a vacation. Do you hear me, Star?"

Shrinking back from his quietly insane fury, Star nodded her head. "Yes, I hear you."


"WHAT? Did I hear you say you heard me? Then I expect to see some changes. My plans are about to come together here, and I don’t need you acting up in the middle of it all. Go, and clean yourself up, and do this here line. Cause if you don’t, I’ll find another way to get it in you, and you ain’t gonna like it." Gregory stood up straight, and glared at her, his face darkening with disgust.


Leaving a line on the top of the dresser, Gregory stalked out of the room. When she was sure he was gone, Star slipped off the bed and went over to look at it. Carefully she picked up the razor blade, stroking the fine powder back and forth across the small square of mirror. She was tempted to blow on it, spreading it to the wind. She played with it, making the line short and fat, then long and thin.


Finally the pains in her mind and her body couldn’t fight it any longer. Picking up the short piece of straw on the dresser, she held the end of it to her right nostril, and resigning herself to the inevitabilities, drew in hard. The initial blast was startling, a small sting, and then a numbing drip. The numbing indicated that Gregory must have added some form of speed to the mixture. Vaguely she wondered where he was getting all of this stuff, but then the pleasant mind-numbing effect took hold, and it no longer mattered.


Gregory went back to the office, and sat down again at the computer. He had been surfing around, looking for other things to do, and had come across some book marked sites that Baby Doll had left. Gregory was both thrilled, and amazed that some of these sites even existed.


The list sounded like a Who’s Who of serial killers. There were individuals name listed, with full biographies, photos, etc. available. As he paged further down the list, he came across sites with names like "Kitchen Torture Devices", and "Human Anatomy for the Aspiring Dismemberer". One by one he visited the sites, checking out the information, reading some of the articles. He got a certain pleasure from realizing that there was so much information available, right at his fingertips.


Gregory was deep in his thoughts, thinking about what life could be like after he recovered Jessica. He was at the point now where he actually believed that once she was with him again, she had to realize how much she needed him. Together, they could rule the world. Or at least their small part of it. He had already decided, that the first thing for Jessie to do was to help him kill Kate.

That would definitely establish their new bond.


Closing his eyes for a moment, he visualized their meeting. He could see her crossing the warehouse floor, wrapping her arms around his neck and showering him with kisses. She would apologize, and beg for his forgiveness. Yes, begging that was how he visualized her, begging for forgiveness. Then, she would allow him to punish her, for bringing all of this pain and hurt into his life.

When he completed her punishment, then he would make love to her. She would enjoy it, miss it, and want it. Then after a sufficient time had been spent catching up on old times, and planning their future, he would spring the last test on her. Killing Kate McKenna.


Lost in his reveries, he didn’t notice Star coming in and sitting quietly in the corner. She had showered, and changed into something almost Jessie like.

The glaze in her eyes was the only sign that she had done as Gregory asked and broken her cold-turkey attempt to kick her habit.


Several minutes went by, Gregory lost in his dreams about Jessica Ryan, and Star just…lost. Shifting in her chair, Star made a small sound. Turning in her direction Gregory fixed her with an eerily loving gaze. Signs of tears glistened in the corners of his eyes. Star smiled at him, and he smiled back, tentatively. Slowly his smile turned to a frown, then a grimace.


"Why did you do that? How come you snuck up on me? Are you making fun of me? You aren’t very funny Star. I was thinking about important stuff, and you came sneaking in here, and now you’re laughing at me." Gregory whined.


Turning her blank stare in his direction, Star could only nod. She was present, but to far into her high to respond. She had no comprehension whatsoever about what he was talking about. Gregory almost sounded like he was speaking another language altogether. Star recognized the look on his face though, it was Dr. Insane-o. Turning her eyes down, she refused to look at him anymore. Maybe if she was looking away, he wouldn’t be able to see her.


Realizing that Star’s lights were on, but no one was home, Gregory turned back to his research. "Star, go to the kitchen, and find me something to eat. And look and see if you can find the whiskey. I need something to drink."


Star stood slowly, keeping her eyes turned away from her soul jailer. Leaving the room, she did not look back, nor did she utter a sound. Fear, and a need to go undetected by Gregory any further kept her moving towards the kitchen. When she got there, she shook her head a few times trying to remember what she was there for.


Opening the first cabinet she could reach, she saw an unopened bottle of Scotch. Reaching for it, her arms feeling like it was reaching through thick mud, she grasped the bottle by the neck, and removed it, setting it on the counter. She closed the first cabinet, and then opened the second. This one had glasses in it. Repeating the same steps for the glass that she did with the bottle, she set the glass on the counter side by side with the Scotch. It was beginning to seem like the whole process was taking forever. Of course, it was only taking a matter of seconds, but Star was so far out in the ozone layer, it was a surprise she was still standing.


The last stop was at the refrigerator. Slowly, one by one Star removed the components to make a sandwich for Gregory. First the bread, then the lunchmeat, the mayo, mustard, and some lettuce. Still fighting the feeling of being in mud, she made a sandwich, then took it and the whiskey and glass in to Gregory. Not daring to make a sound, she left the food and the bottle on the desk, and then returned to the kitchen and cleaned up the mess.


Gregory ate the sandwich, and feeling a little confused himself, returned to his research. He was a little scared, realizing that he had almost made the mistake of confusing Star with his beloved Jessie. Worried that he might be slipping, he checked the calendar again, counting down the days until Jessie returned to him. By then it wouldn’t matter. Kate, her meddling friend Laura, and Star would all be gone, and Jessie would be his.



Continued in Chapter 27……….


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