Disclaimers: Chapter one please…

Our true nature is not some ideal
That we have to live up to.
It’s who we are right now, and that’s what we
Can make friends with and celebrate.

********Pema Chodron********



Chapter 29….(Yeah, sure you’re 29, more like 40 if you ask me)

Jessie and Kate insisted that Laura let them clean up after their shared meal. While they worked in the kitchen, Laura and April set up the spare bedroom for their visitors. The cats were having a field day, slipping under the sheets, and spreading as much of their black fur as possible.

"Hey! I told you to get out of there. Come here you beastling, and get out of the way!" Laura playfully squeezed Tasha, while Tanya slipped under the bed, to see if there was anything worthwhile to play with.

April regarded her lover with a slightly annoyed gaze. "So…when were you going to tell me? Being stalked. What the hell is that all about? I hate it when you get involved in these things, and then hide them from me. Dammit Laura. One of these days that phone is going to ring, and it’s going to be some cop or something telling me that you were killed doing any one of a number of stupid things. You have got to stop risking your life like that."

Laura smiled sheepishly. "I’m sorry babe. Really I am. I just can’t help. I guess I have a different view of what to be scared of. And well, sometimes people just make me mad, and I have to act out. Don’t worry, I made sure he knew I saw him. Besides, that was a few weeks ago, and nothing has happened."

"Yeah, well, I don’t like it…not one bit. At least for my sake you can tell me when these things happen. I hate hearing it second hand." April came over and wrapped her arms around her lover’s shoulders.

Returning the hug, Laura laid her head on April’s chest. "I really am sorry, and I’ll try real hard not to let it happen again. Okay?"

"Okay. I should make you promise, but I know it wouldn’t do any good." Squeezing Laura tightly, she kissed her cheek and forehead.

Kate and Jessica were about to step into the room, when they heard the sounds of kisses being exchanged. Kate put her finger to her lips, and led Jessie out to the front porch. Sitting on the porch swing, they held hands and rocked gently.

Kate laid her head on Jessie’s shoulder, suddenly tired after all of the excitement of the day.

Kissing the top of her head, Jessie sighed. "I am really sorry I dragged you into this Katie. Do you think I acted foolishly?"

Kate considered her question. "Foolishly? No. Differently? Definitely yes. I’ve never experienced your anger before. It was…a learning experience."

Immediately Jessie’s face turned to ash. "Oh My Gods! Did I hurt you?"

Kate held Jessie tightly, afraid she might bolt. "Jess, honey, you didn’t hurt me. Scared me a little, but you did not hurt me. Babe, it’s okay. Calm down. I’m fine. I know I’ve seen you angry with Gregory and all of the crazy stuff we’ve gone through. But this somehow seemed more personal."

Jessie pulled at the soft warm hands holding her in place. All she wanted to do was run somewhere and crawl into a hole. She would never be able to live with herself if she thought that she had injured or hurt Kate in any way. Finally giving in to her partner’s will, she relaxed and gave up the struggle. Any further conversation was interrupted by the return of their hostesses.

"Hey now, no necking on my front porch. The neighbors already have a cow every time April and I sit out here. April just figures its cheap thrills you know?"

Laura swung the screen door open. She did not fail to notice the looks of concern on her friend’s face, and the absolute devastation on Jessie’s face.

Pushing Laura aside, April came out and settling into the big easy chair across from the swing gestured to Laura to sit on her lap. Laura complied, but continued to keep a tight motherly eye on her friends. Jessie finally graced her with a small pained smile, while Kate tried desperately to regain some composure.

"Hmmm…so, what’s the plan? You’re heading to Jessie’s house tomorrow, so when do we see you again? Never mind, how about Thursday. I was thinking I might talk April into calling in sick, and heading out to the club. Thursday is Hootchie girl night. What do you say?" Laura waggled her eyebrows for emphasis.

Kate was relieved that Laura didn’t push them for information. "Hootchie girl night? What in blazes is that? And how do you suppose we sneak Jessie into the club unnoticed? Or have you already forgotten who she is? And what about me? It’s not like I haven’t been on every news show for the last few days. If they see me, they are going to know that’s Jessie with me."

"Ha! Like that’s ever going to happen. Nah, I figured with a little clever disguise action, we should be able to get you in and out without too much trouble. We just have to remember to maintain the ruse. Remember, I have a lot of experience in Oscar winning bar performances. Even though Stan has been gone for quite a few years now, it’s not something I could ever forget." Laura let a small glimmer of sadness cross her features.

For the first time since they came outside, Jessie seemed to rejoin the group. "What is the club? And what the hell are Hootchie girls?"

Kate breathed a mental sigh of relief. "The "club" is the Savoy. It is the hottest women’s bar this side of the Mississippi. And…Laura will have to tell you what Hootchie girl night is. Laura?"

April interrupted her lover’s answer. "Hootchie girl night, is when all the dirty old women go to the club to watch a group of strippers dance and shake their business in their faces. Everybody hoots and hollers, drinks too much, and has a generally pretty good time. Laura is really good at getting everyone to join the party."

"But Laur…you don’t drink." Kate fixed her with an inquisitive glare.

"Heh! Don’t need to. I got past that a while ago. I have this uncanny knack for being able to draw people in and make them feel included. You know…part of the gang." Laura’s grin was infectious.

The friends all laughed and talked for a while longer, comfortable in the knowledge that they were all safe and sound. Kate and Jessie agreed to return and join the other two for "Hootchie night". Jessie was actually kind of looking forward to it. Something about being able to act like a normal person for a while held an irresistible appeal. They continued to discuss various methods of disguise, and came up with some ideas. Promising to talk more about it by phone, Laura and April shared hugs around, and then retired to their own room.

"Honey?" Jessie whispered just before closing her eyes.

"Yes Jessie?" Kate replied.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you. And I really, really, really like Laura, April, and Tanya and Tasha too." Jessie kissed Kate, wrapping a long protective arm around Kate’s waist.

"I’m glad sweetheart. Really, really, really glad." Kate slowly drifted to sleep.

Star sat back in the kitchen. She had decided earlier that it would probably be a smart idea to keep eating. Especially stuff like oranges and things. It might bring her health back a little bit. Sitting still for a moment, she listened for sounds of Gregory lurking in the background. He had been missing for what seemed like hours. Right after their previous meal, he had ventured downstairs to the "torture arena" as he referred to it, and had been banging around, moving equipment, and rearranging all of the various implements that had been provided for his use.

Gregory idly hummed to himself. A small bead of sweat working its way down the back of his neck. He had been spending the last couple of hours practicing what he was now calling his "little show of horrors" for first Kate, and then later Jessie. After much thought, and a recheck of the original notes and photos from the first time he had Laura followed, he had decided the exact progression he planned to take in…disciplining the nosy bitch.

A couple of the photos that the PI had taken revealed that Laura had several tattoos on her body. Not the least of which was a rather large one of Jessie on her back. Mentally smirking, he had decided that tattoos were extremely unbecoming, especially on a woman of Laura’s obvious ilk. In order to correct her obviously uneducated and satanic ways, he was going to remove the tattoos. Just as simple as that. Of course, it would require a skilled and steady hand.

The first step would be to secure her to the worktable…naked of course. Gregory decided he would give her a light sedative…just enough to make her manageable. Then after securing her in place, he would use one of the many different scalpels available to simply peel the offensive images from her body. The pain would be punishment enough during the first phase. He had toyed with the idea of using a sanding device, and still hadn’t quite giving up the idea. He was afraid that it might make too much of a mess. Besides he didn’t want her to die right away.

Later, he would come up with something much more creative to cause her death. Like maybe pure alcohol in the wounds or something equally as cleansing. Gregory knew that Laura was diabetic, the PI had managed to provide him with at least that much. He would have to be very careful not to let her blood sugar slip. If she fell into a coma, she would certainly be no fun at all.

The next project would be Kate. That would have to be extra special. Hopefully he would be able to talk Jessie into participating. If not…well, he was certain he could handle the responsibility on his own. Maybe fingers and toes first, then ears and facial parts. Something to think about anyway. Either way, he was determined to make her pay. Pay for taking Jessie from him, for making Jessie act in that…unnatural manner.

Realizing he had been away from Star for quite a while, Gregory started to get nervous. What if she is doing more heroin? What if she’s escaped? Maybe I should chain her to one of the beds. No, I guess not, then I would have to take care of her. She just better not try anything, or I’ll have to kill her. Maybe I still will, I could always give Kate to Baby Doll. It would ruin the fun, but it would give me something to practice on. I’ll have to think about that.

While Gregory continued to ruminate about the different levels of possibility his life might take, Star wandered back into the bedroom flipping on the entertainment news as she passed. Choosing a chair instead of the bed, she put her legs up, crossing her feet at the ankles. The announcer was finishing a segment on some new Latin singer, when they switched to a preview on the next story. Star immediately sat up, when she saw Jessie and Kate’s image cross the screen. Turning up the volume, she heard the reporter say something about a rumor that things were not going well in the "brand new public relationship" between Jessica Ryan and her personal assistant.

Setting the remote control down, Star listened intently. She wanted to make sure that she remembered everything, so that she could repeat it to Gregory. She was surprised to hear that the show had been temporarily thrown into reruns. Waiting until the segment had completed, she rose and dashed down the stairs to the room that Gregory was working in.

Standing a respectful distance from the door, she called to her keeper. "Greggie? Honey? I just saw a news thingy about Jessica. They were saying that there was something wrong with her relationship…and that the show was in reruns temporarily. Greggie? I thought you should know."

Gregory suddenly appeared in the doorway, startling Star. "What are you screeching about Star? You say you saw Jessie on TV? Star, she is on TV every week. Remember, she has her own show. Damn! Have your brains completely fried or what?"

"No. I mean, that they mentioned her on one of those entertainment shows, you know, gossip and all that stuff. They were saying that something had gone wrong on the set, and that Jessie and her friend may have left the area. They are guessing that she may have headed to her private home here in Northern

California. I just thought you might want to know." Star took a step back away from him.

Realizing that his prior bit of information had just been corroborated, he almost did a little jig right there. Regaining his composure, Gregory tilted his head slightly regarding Star with a half grin. Slowly the grin slipped, so unfamiliar was it on Gregory’s face. Straightening, he nodded and thanked Star, turning quickly and reentering the chamber. He silently closed the door behind him.

Star slowly breathed out. Retreating back to the safety of the bedroom, she pondered what had just taken place. Gregory was definitely nuts. There was no question about that. Somehow though, Star felt that his focus was no longer on her. As long as she stayed as sober as possible, and showed some improvement, then he might not bother with her anymore. Dare she hope that that might be true? It was still too soon to tell, but she had time to find out. Seeing how late it was, Star decided to attempt to get a regular night’s sleep. No drugs! Shutting off the lights, she closed her eyes…praying that the gnawing craving in her guts would go away…soon.

Laura’s dream started out rather pleasant. She was walking on the beach, the light of the moon reflecting on the water. It was a familiar beach, Laura felt certain she had been there before. Just a short way ahead the beach ended, with a large peninsula jutting out into the ocean. Following the trail to the top of the bluff, Laura walked along the edge of the cliff, watching the waves slam against the rock wall, the foam glowing white in the bright moonlight.

Laura never saw herself in her own dreams. She saw her dreams through her own eyes. And her eyes just saw a man standing over a woman on her knees. The woman was crying, while the man yelled at her threatening her. Laura couldn’t here his words, but she knew by the tone that something bad was about to happen. Trying to will herself to run, her dream legs refused to cooperate. Suddenly she was standing so close; she could have touched them if this were real.

The man was beating the woman on the head with his fists, while she cried out in pain. Laura couldn’t see the woman’s face, but she was sure she recognized the voice. Suddenly the man grabbed the woman by the shoulders, and pulling her to her feet, shook her several times. The woman’s head fell back, and her face became visible…it was Kate.


Continued in Chapter 30…..

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