Chapter Six


 It was after 3 am when Logan reached home.  Knowing her senses were still too acute to shut down and sleep, she put on a pot of coffee and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.  Twenty minutes later, she was sitting in her office staring at the computer screen, trying to find the one clue that would link all of these murders and the attack from last night together. 

The only thing that bound these victims together so far was the business card carefully placed on each body.  Last night’s attack was a little different in that the victim had fought back so hard that the murderer had fled the scene.  Although it had taken a little time, a now familiar Langston Corporation business card was found about 15 feet away from Ms. Richardson’s beaten body.  This time the name emblazoned on the card was none other than that of C.W. Langston III.

Logan sat back and looked at the list of names of Langston Corporations executives

1.      Thomas M. Peters, VP and Chief Financial Officer

2.      Phillip R Crafton, VP and Director of Human Resources

3.      Lester P. Donovan, VP and Director of Real Estate and Acquisitions

4.      Jonathon K Wilson, VP and Director of Community Development

5.      Christine Langston, Sr VP and Director of Architectural Design and Construction

6.      C. W. Langston, President and CEO

According to Logan’s logic, last night’s attempt had topped out the list of Langston executives.  It struck her as odd that the killer would move up the list instead of down, or was he purposely placing a limit on the individuals he was targeting within the corporation.  His actions could be a well thought out plan, slowly building up to the one name that was most important to his mission, C. W. Langston III.  Now, all Logan had to do was figure out where he would go from here.  What’s your next move, asshole?  Where are you going with this?  I have to get into the Langston camp and soon.  Looking at the clock, she was surprised to find it was almost 6 am.  Shutting down the computer, Logan went through the kitchen and grabbed a last cup of coffee, before heading out the door and back to Mercy Hospital.


 Madison had returned home around 11pm and spent the next couple of hours at her computer inputting her notes on her night’s visit to The Strip and on her clients.  After emailing her report to the head office of Operation Safety Net, she took a long, hot shower and went to bed.  Her sleep had been fitful, as dark dreams filled with menacing shadows haunted her unconscious mind.  Finally giving up any hope of peaceful sleep around 5 am, Madison tossed the covers back and sat up on the side of the bed.  The only clear face she could remember seeing in her dreams was the face of one tall, dark, unbelievably sexy looking, police officer.

Several times during her evening at The Strip, she had felt eyes upon her and had looked around trying to locate the source.  She had kept replaying the heated conversation that she and Logan had shared the day before, and for the first time in the two years she had been walking this area, she had felt a twinge of nervous tension each time she stepped into the darkness of the alleys.  The Strip had been unusually busy for a Thursday night and she had not been able to locate the culprit, if there had even been one.  Shaking her head to clear her mind, she stood up and headed for the bathroom, telling her self along the way that her dreams were merely a result of her conversation with Logan McGregor the day before and thoughts in the back of her mind about the recent killings.

After showering and dressing, Madison sat in her office drinking her morning coffee and reading the paper.  She was shocked to read that another attack along The Strip had indeed occurred the previous night.  Shivers ran up her spine when she read the address and remembered being in that very alleyway in what could only have been hours or even minutes, prior to the attack.  As she read further, she was again shaken by the fact that the latest victim was an employee at Mercy, although her name was being withheld pending notification to her family. 

Madison picked up the phone and dialed the switchboard at Mercy, only to be put on hold after asking for the ER department.  After waiting for over five minutes for the phone to be answered, she slammed down the receiver and headed out the door.  Madison had worked at Mercy for over five years and knew a great many of the employees.  As she steered her Pathfinder north on Interstate 79 towards the city, she could feel her hands becoming sweaty as a nervousness settled inside her gut at the realization of how close she had possibly come to the murderer.

Pulling into the parking lot, she quickly found a spot and headed towards the doors.  Deciding to go to her office first, she took the main elevator to the fifth floor and rounding the corner, her eyes fell on the tall, dark woman leaning heavily against her office door. Jesus, just what I don’t need right now.  Taking a deep breath, Madison walked the length of the hall aware that Logan’s eyes were taking in her every move.  She unlocked the door and stepped inside, never acknowledging Logan’s presence.  As she moved towards her office, Logan stepped over the threshold.  “Good morning to you too, Dr. Cavanaugh.”  Her gruff voice eliciting a tinge of sarcasm.

Madison turned so quickly that she startled the approaching detective.  “Officer, I don’t thinks we have anything further to discuss.  I will not stop going to The Strip District - or any other place in this city - to care for the homeless, and the sooner you get that through your thick head, the better off we all will be.”  Running a hand through her blonde hair, she glared at Logan.  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, an employee from this hospital was attacked last night and I’m trying to find out who she is.  No one is being very cooperative around here this morning.”  Seeing the compassionate eyes of the officer looking back at her, Madison’s heart skipped a beat.  “That’s right, you’re on this case.  You know who it is, don’t you?”

Logan turned and closed the outer office door, securing the deadbolt.  She walked slowly towards Madison, her eyes never leaving the frightened ones staring back at her.  “I think we need to talk.  Let’s go in your office and sit, alright?”

Suddenly speechless, Madison backed into her office and sat in one of the visitor’s chairs in front of her desk.  “It’s someone I know isn’t it?  That’s why you’re here, right?” 

Pulling the adjacent chair close to Madison, Logan sat, dropped her elbows to her knees and leaned in closer to the doctor.  Taking a deep breath to prepare her for the next few moments, Logan looked into Madison’s eyes, praying that her mind had been playing tricks on her last night.  “I need to ask you some questions and I need you to think about your replies and be as honest with me as you can considering doctor/patient confidentiality issues, okay?”

Madison’s eyes searched Logan’s for any clues but none were forthcoming.  “Alright, but you know there are some things I just can’t discuss with you?”

“I understand and I respect that.”  Sitting back in the chair, Logan knew her nerves were showing.  “I, ahhh, have to confess, last night I was down at The Strip, watching as you made your rounds.”  Logan held up her hands when she saw the doctor’s ensuing response.  “I’ll admit it wasn’t the most professional thing to do, but I was worried about you being down there by yourself, and since you wouldn’t allow me to accompany you…well you left me little choice.”

Rolling her eyes, Madison let out a low growl.  “Don’t…you…ever, but wait, what has that got to do with the attack?”  A look of total confusion rained down on Madison’s face as she sat and looked deeply into Logan’s eyes.

Leaning closer, Logan dropped her voice to a near whisper.  “Well, that’s why I’m here.  That woman you were talking to last night on the sidewalk.  What is her name?”

Madison’s eyes widened and her hands began shaking as she absorbed Logan’s question.  “Oh my god, its Susan, isn’t it?  Susan is the woman that was attacked last night.”

Reaching out, Logan’s gently grasped Madison’s hand.  “I’m sorry I have to put you through this Doctor, but is her full name Jennifer Suzanne Richardson?”

A primal groan escaped Madison’s lips as tears began to form and cascade down her cheeks.  “Oh god, I was there.  I…I didn’t know.  Oh god…I could have helped her.” 

Logan gathered the trembling woman into her arms as the sobs wracked her body.  Holding her close, she gently caressed Madison’s back, soothing her pain while allowing her the time she needed to simply cry.  As she whispered soothing words into Madison’s ear, Logan felt the tension begin to ease from the muscles in her shoulders, until the sobs finally faded into quiet whimpers.

Pulling away and looking into Logan’s eyes, embarrassment apparent in the expression, Madison apologized for her lack of control.  “I’m…I’m sorry.  This is just such a shock.”  Standing, she walked to the window, putting distance between Logan and herself.  “When I read about the attack in the paper this morning, I knew it was a Mercy employee.”  Turning, she faced Logan again, fear once again etched across her face.  “I never imagined it to be Susan.”

Logan recognized all of the stages Madison was experiencing during this time; shock, anguish, fear, and anger.  It would take time for acceptance to set in and Logan hoped that when that time came, guilt wouldn’t be its escort.  She sat quietly, trying to give Madison as much time as she needed to sort through these sudden emotions.  Finally, with time running short before she had to be back at the station, Logan spoke.  “Doctor, the man Susan was with last night.  Did you know him?”

The look of terror that crossed Madison’s face, and the tears that followed almost made Logan wish she hadn’t asked the very important, yet essential, question.  She stood and quickly walked to the window gathering the sobbing woman into her arms.  Logan’s breath caught as warm arms circled her waist and held her tight, pressing their breasts together.  She inhaled the spicy scent of Madison’s shampoo, felt the soft tresses caress her cheek, as her pulse quickened, bringing with it a warm aching heat in her gut.  “It’s okay.  Suzan is going to be okay.  She came through surgery last night and is in the ICU now, in stable condition.  I have a guard posted at her door around the clock and I promise, if I haven’t caught this bastard before she is released, I’ll have someone assigned to stay with her at home.” 

Madison’s arms tightened around Logan’s waist and her head lifted slightly, allowing her to tuck her chin into the crook of Logan’s neck.  “I’m…I’m sorry I was so rude to you earlier.”  She leaned back and lifted her head, looking into the deep pools of blue that were, at this moment, the kindest, most gentle eyes she had ever seen.  God, those eyes are captivating.  “I know this has to be hard on you too.  I really didn’t mean to be so uncooperative.”  Allowing a small laugh to escape her throat, she rolled her eyes and smiled at Logan.  “I…ummm, guess I can be a little stubborn sometimes.”

“Damn, where’s my tape recorder when I need it?”  All Logan wanted to do at that moment was lean down a few inches and capture the doctor’s warm, full lips between her own.  Instead, she pulled back, putting some much needed space between them before she again stepped out of her professional role and acted like a hormonal adolescent.  Dropping her hands to her side, she smiled at Madison’s heartfelt apology.  “It’s okay.  Why don’t you go wash your face and then we can go up and see how Susan is doing this morning.”

Nodding her head, Madison wiped the last of the tears from her face before walking into the bathroom adjoining her office.  Turning as she closed the door, she looked at Logan, still standing by the window and gazing out at the sunrise.  “Thank you, Logan.”

Thinking the doctor had said something to her, Logan turned but all she saw was a closed door.  You have it bad McGregor but you have to get over this.  The good doctor is now way too close to this case.  As she waited for Madison to finish in the bathroom, she dug her cell phone out from the back pocket of her chinos.  Punching in the number for the station she asked to speak with the Lieutenant when the desk sergeant answered the phone.  Waiting patiently for the connection to be made, she again turned to look out at the new day.  Maybe this one will be a lucky one for this case.

By the time the Lieutenant came on the line, Logan had regained her sense of focus.  “Hey, I’m with Dr. Cavanaugh.  The woman that was attacked last night is her assistant.  I’m taking her down to see Ms. Richardson now, and then we’re coming into the station.  See if Phil can round up Picasso for me to do the sketch.  She turned as Madison walked out of the bathroom and smiled at her refreshed appearance.  Damn, she does look good.  “Huh?  What Lieutenant?  Yes, sure.  We’ll see you in a while.”

Raising an eyebrow in Logan’s direction, Madison continued towards the desk to retrieve her coat, slipping the heavy garment over her shoulders.  “Did I hear you say, we’ll see you soon?”  Casting Logan a suspicious look, she picked up her backpack and they headed out through the outer office on their way to see Susan.  “Just where are WE going, Detective?”

Grinning, Logan nudged Madison with her elbow.  “Hey! You finally got it right Doctor.”

“Excuse me?”  Madison looked at Logan with a confused expression on her face

Logan couldn’t stop the silly grin.  “You got it right.  You called me Detective.”  Seeing the look of understanding cross the doctor’s face, made her smile even brighter, but it quickly turned into a pained look as Madison playfully punched her on the arm. 

Laughing at the hurt look that crossed Logan’s face, Madison couldn’t help but tease her a little more.  “Oh, you wimp.  Here I thought you were a big, tough cop.”  Returning a more serious look to the tall detective, she continued.  “Now, you never did tell me where we are supposed to be going after I see Susan.”

“Oh, that. Well, I need for you to come down to the station with me, for a while.  I need to get your official statement as to what you saw last night, and I also have a sketch artist lined up to see if we can get some sort of composite of the man you saw with Ms. Richardson.”  Pressing the elevator call button, Logan turned to Madison.  “Will you be able to come down with me after you’ve visited with Susan?”

Nodding her head, Madison’s eyes turned dark and brooding.  “Of course.  I’ll do anything to get the maniac that did this to Susan.”  Realizing how she must sound to Logan, she stopped, taking hold of Logan’s arm and turning the detective towards her.  “Detective, it’s not just Susan that concerns me.  It’s everyone out there on the streets at night. Black, white, male, female, those going home to a nice warm bed, and those huddling in the dark alleyways covered with only a dirty piece of cardboard. This man is a threat to everyone.”  Realizing that Logan was closely watching her, Madison dropped her hand from Logan’s arm and looked away.  “I guess you must think I have a sermon about every subject, huh?”

Reaching out, Logan gently touched Madison’s shoulder. “No.  However, I do think you are a very passionate woman.  I…ahh, I mean…well, you feel passionate about the things you believe in.”  Logan could feel the heat rise in her face, which only worsened when Madison bit her bottom lip in an attempt to stop her grin. 

Luckily for Logan, the doors to the elevator opened and she quickly escaped into the crowded car.  Behind her Madison chuckled and whispered. “My you do turn a very nice shade of red Detective.”  Looking up into the shocked yet smiling eyes she continued. “Do you do that often, Ddetective?”

Clearing her throat Logan smiled back at the grinning doctor. “Actually no, but for some reason you do tend to bring out the worst in me.  And by the way, you can drop the formality, it’s Logan, okay?”

An eyebrow raised as the two women looked into each other’s eyes.  Madison finally broke the stare as she became aware of the warm heat spreading through her body.  Taking a deep breath, she smiled up into Logan’s deep blue eyes.  “Okay, Logan, but before we head down to your office, we’re stopping for breakfast. I’m starving.  The doors opened and Madison started walking out, then stopped and glanced back over her shoulder as another grin spread across her face. “Also, since you’re monopolizing my morning, you’re buying again.”

Shaking her head at being duped by the doctor, once again, Logan followed Madison out of the elevator and down the hallway to the doors leading to the Intensive Care Unit.  Reaching out, Logan pulled the door open and motioned for Madison to precede her into the ICU.  As Madison passed, she gave Logan a quick glance and a small smile, the anticipation and fear of seeing her friend and assistant apparent on her face.  Falling into step beside the smaller woman, Logan knew the next few minutes were going to be very difficult for Madison and she intended to stay beside her every step of the way. 


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