Standard Disclaimer - These characters, most of them, belong to Universal, and Renaissance Pictures, and whoever else has a stake in Xena: Warrior Princess. This is written just in fun, and no copyright infringement was intended.

Specific Story Disclaimers:

Violence –Why does anyone ever disclaim violence in a Xena story? Of course, there's violence. Do you think we'd put out a story that consisted of pages and pages of Xena just.... fishing.. or something? She is a Warrior Princess, not a Mary Kay consultant. (no insult intended - some of my best co workers are Mary Kay consultants, and I purchase from them regularly) And Gabrielle is no slouch with that staff, either. So, yes - there is violence.

Subtext - C'mon. Even the show has subtext. Heck, sometimes, it's not subtext. Sometimes, it's maintext. But anyway, this is an alternative fan fiction story. That means, it's based on the premise that Xena and Gabrielle are more than just best friends. If that's not your cup of mint tea, there are many, many talented bards out in the Xenaverse who post general fiction, which does not follow this premise. Go find them. Enjoy them.

This is, of course, PG13 level involvement here, no more.

So - having read this lovely disclaimer, if you then read the story, and are shocked that Gabrielle and Xena are kissing each other, I can't help ya. If you're offended by it, send me your address, and I'll send you a bushel of citrus. We like to send that from here - we have to get rid of all of it somehow.

Any and all comments are always welcome. You can email them to:


Promises Kept - Part 10

By Melissa Good

"He wants you to WHAT?"

Gabrielle had no idea how Xena managed to get so much volume into a vocal utterance that didn't carry beyond the two of them. "Marry his son." She squealed, gritting her teeth. "Xena.. I've had it about up to my TONSILS with the cluelessness of the Ares be damned people in this ridiculous little half butted peanut headed pseudo city."

Blue eyes widened, then blinked in surprise at this string of obscenity. "Um." Xena stood, and gently took her soulmate's arm, directing her to the seat she'd just vacated. "Okay.. you.. sit down here for a minute.. and I'll go talk to him, all right?" She patted the seething bard's shoulder gingerly. "Look.. I made a kitty cat for you."

Gabrielle fastened her eyes on the pattern. "A kitty cat." She started to methodically remove its whiskers.

The warrior took a breath, then headed in the direction of Edgevar. He looked up as she approached, and gave her a thin smile. "Hi." The warrior exhaled, and motioned behind her. "Gabrielle said you .. um.. made her an offer?"

His smile grew warmer. "Yes… forgive me for not speaking to you first.. but the opportunity presented itself, so.. " He rubbed his hands together. "They are of an age… she seems intelligent, if not very polished… "

"She's already married." Xena put a hand up to stop him. "So.."

He looked surprised, but not dismayed. "An arrangement can be made, I'm sure… an amount would have to be agreed on."

"Whoa.. whoa.. .no no." Xena waved her hand. "First of all, there isn't enough money in Greece for that."

"Hm." He folded his arms. "I hadn't thought that would be a problem.. since this fellow lets her go gallivanting around the countryside with you."

"Fel… aw Hades left ball." Xena cursed. "Look, just forget it."

"Ah… I see the problem.. " He relaxed, and held up a hand. "My apologies… I should have approached you first.. you are the senior member of the family… my mistake. I, of all people, being the senior in mine, should have realized that."

Xena blinked at him. "What?"

"Are you interested in the lad yourself? I hadn't thought… you are much older than he is, but still.. " The man rubbed his jaw, oblivious to the rising steam from the tall warrior. "I had thought to offer you a military position.. the highest one, of course… it seemed more your area of interest…. But I suppose we could.. "

Two big hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him, so hard his teeth rattled. "Hold it!" Xena growled, deep and low in her chest. "Now you look here… I'm not interested in your damn son. Gabrielle is not interested in your damn son. We're both married, and we like it that way. YOU GOT ME????"

He sniffed. "No need to yell." He shrugged off her hold. "I can see we need to negotiate.. perhaps I can send an envoy to your husbands?"

The absurdity of the situation got to Xena. She burst out laughing, unable to stop herself, and ended up staggering back, and leaning against the conference table. "No." She finally sighed, and straightened up. "You can't." She motioned Gabrielle to get up. "Come on." She watched the bard carefully gather her bits of parchment, and tuck them into her pocket, then grab her quill case. "Look…" She faced Edgevar. "Think about what you're doing, okay? Framna's not a bad guy."

Edgevar watched them leave, then clucked vexedly at his aides. "That was foolish of me… I should have known better than to not approach her first… she has a pride even greater than my own."

The aide sniffed. "We've got to figure out another way, then?"

"No no… give her a while to think about it.. we'll come to an arrangement. I'm not about to lose this opportunity… she'll come to her senses." He paused. "Maybe I can sweeten the offer somewhat.. you think she would like more servants?"

The aide shrugged. "Couldn’t hurt."

He nodded briskly. "Make it so."

"Y'know, Xena.. we really should have brought Salmoneus here. " Gabrielle mused, as she followed her soulmate's aggravated strides through the hall. "He'd have made a killing selling them vacation villas in Pompeii."

Xena stopped, and turned, putting her hands on her hips. "Can I take you to a vacation villa somewhere? For about a month?"

Gabrielle blinked in utter surprise. "Uh.. sure!" She grinned broadly. "How about a nice place on the beach somewhere… we can have one of those pit cookouts." She moved closer, and put a hand on the warrior's side, feeling the warm skin under her fingertips. "Just you.. me… and a handful of clams? How about it?"

"Mmmm." Xena reached up an idle hand, and ran her fingers through the bard's fair hair. "Gods… that sounds good." She murmured. "You're on.. as soon as we get outta here." She sighed. "Can you believe those people?"

The bard studied the wall for a minute. "I feel bad for Silvi…these guys are so slimy."

Xena drummed her fingers on her thigh. "Yeah… makes me wanna do something about it."

A tiny grin tugged at Gabrielle's lips. " Me too." She leaned against the warrior. "Now… sneaky, devious, clever plans to unseat nasty regents.. that's your department, partner."

Blinking pale blue eyes. "Sneaky? Me?" Xena let her mock innocent look slide into a wicked smirk. "I'll see what I can do." She kissed the bard's head. "C'mon… rain's still coming down pretty hard.. we've got some time to relax before the next round of disasters hit."

The room had been… cleaned. Xena paused reflectively by the couch, gazing at the dully shining stone floor. Experimentally, she scuffed a boot toe against it, producing a squeak.

Ares turned, startled, and yelped at her.

She squeaked again.

He yelped, and trotted over, giving her an outraged look.



"XENA!" Gabrielle threw a small, embroidered pillow at her, which she ducked. It flew out the window and landed in the rain, the pale fabric darkening quickly. "Whoops." She gave her partner a dour look , and headed for it.

"No no.. let me." Xena held up a hand, then went out onto the balcony, letting the rain drive against her body for several long moments. She grinned, and picked the pillow up, then crossed back into the room where Gabrielle was standing, hands on hips, watching her.

With a smirk, she shook her body rapidly, scattering water everywhere, then dropped the pillow onto the floor. "There." She flicked her fingers through her wet hair, and observed the now once again damp floor. "That's better." She rubbed the toe of her boot and got only a faint, scuffing sound.

Gabrielle burst into a helpless giggle. "You are such a brat." She walked over and untied Xena's tunic. "Here… I wanted to check those cuts anyway." She tugged Xena over to the fireplace, where her healer's kit was resting on a table, and got out the antiseptic, carefully recoating where she'd had to stitch the warrior's tanned skin. "You heal so fast I'm not sure there's a point to doing this, but…"

Xena watched her indulgently. "I think you enjoy it."

Gabrielle looked up, her brows creasing. "What.. seeing you get hurt?"

The warrior made a face. "No…taking care of me."

"Oh." The bard moved closer, reaching up to get a wound on the side of her neck. "Well…it's kinda… I mean, I hate having to fix stuff like this.. because I hate when you get hurt, but…I.. I guess it's… I'm glad you let me." A breath. "Because for such a long time you didn't.. I guess I always considered it a… a mark of your trust."

Xena put her arms around the bard and pulled her close. "I wish I could apologize for every time I pushed you away." She sighed. "I needed you so much, and I was so afraid to give in to that."

It was a startling admission, and Gabrielle tucked it away for later study, while she rubbed the warm back comfortingly. "It's all right… I finally figured it out once you started kinda letting me do that… you probably weren't gonna leave me someplace." She paused, reflectively. "It was a good feeling… I felt like I'd worked really hard and earned something."

Dark. Flickering firelight, and the soothing night sounds of the forest had surrounded them. She had been tugging her bedroll into place, and putting her skirt and cropped rust colored top to wash after the scuffle they'd gotten into with some thugs attacking the nearby village.

Xena was across the fire, seated on a fallen log with her long legs sprawled out haphazardly, working on a rip in her leathers. The warrior kept stopping though, and finally, she set her project down, and glanced across the flames. "Hey… Gabrielle?"

She'd looked up, curiously. "Yes?"

Blue eyes had danced uneasily across the camp, before finally fixing on her. "Could you do me a favor?"

Even now, Gabrielle remembered the startled feeling she'd gotten on hearing those words. A favor? "Sure.. sure.. what is it?" She'd gotten up, and looked around. "Do you need something.. one of your tools… "

"Um… no.. I… " Xena had taken a deep breath. "One of those guys clipped me in the back.. it's really bothering me.. can you take a look at it?"

It had felt like it had taken her forever to walk around the fire, and approach the quietly waiting warrior, but she finally got there, and had edged around in back of her, spotting the red stain on her shift and sucking in a breath. "You're bleeding."

Xena had nodded. "Thought so."

She'd knelt down, and gently pulled the fabric back, exposing the warrior's tanned shoulderblades to the flickering light. "Oh… it's a bunch of little cuts."

"Yeah.. it was a mace… " Xena had muttered. "There's some cleaner and stuff in my pack, there."

Gabrielle had nearly tripped, getting over there, and digging out the supplies, then hurrying back to her companion's side. She'd carefully cleaned the wounds, trying not to hurt Xena more than necessary. Of course, the warrior hadn't uttered a peep of complaint, but she could feel the skin tensing under her touch, and saw the flinch when she worked to get the wood particles out.

She'd never realized just how soft Xena's skin was before. It was like velvet under her fingertips.

"How's that?" Gabrielle had finally asked, uncertainly, as she finished putting a light coat of the sharp smelling antiseptic over the area.

Xena had hesitated, then turned her head, smiling at her over her shoulder. "Much better… thanks."

Gabrielle had smiled back. "Anytime."

"I know who I can come to next time, huh?" The faintest hint of gentle teasing had been in Xena's voice, strange, and warming, and new.

"Oh.. you bet." The bard had laughed, giving the broad back in front of her a hesitant, friendly pat. "But not too often, okay?"

"Okay." Came the quiet agreement. "Hey listen… my arm's a little stiff.. would you mind hanging on to the end of this while I finish up?"

Would she mind. Gabrielle almost laughed, as she seated herself on the log next to her taller companion, and steadied the leathers, holding them taut while Xena stitched. She'd felt at peace, and allowed the flames, and the steady motion of the warrior's hands to lull her.

She hadn't even remembered falling asleep there, leaning against Xena's shoulder. But she had remembered being put down on her own bedroll, and the faint pressure as the warrior brushed her lips over her forehead.

It had been such a wonderful feeling.

Xena sighed, and shook her head. "Glad you stuck it out." She ducked her head and brushed her lips against the bard's, feeling her body slide closer.

A knock at the door. Xena glanced up. "Where's my chakram?" She growled.

Gabrielle giggled against he soft skin of her neck, then reluctantly backed off, tugging the damp fabric closed and fastening her belt. "Maybe it's our boots."

Xena's eyes narrowed. "It better not be that clueless bastard."

The knock came again, a little louder. "All right.. c'mon in." The warrior snapped.

The door swung open, and Nancia drifted in, with a retinue. She stopped short when she saw the floor, and her plucked eyebrows arched. Her head swiveled, and stopped when she spotted Xena's damp hair and the warrior grinned evilly at her.

"I hate squeaky floors." Xena purred. "What do you want?" She added, lifting a brow.

Nancia wrestled the outraged look off her face, and folded her hands. "Lord Edgevar have assigned us to remain here, and provide you.. both.. with any service you find necessary."

Warrior and bard exchanged looks. "You know.. Nancia… not that we don't appreciate that.. " Gabrielle strolled over to her. "We do.. we do.. but.. see, we're not used to that kind of service… "

"Obviously." The woman sniped.

"And.. well, all these people.. in one small room.. it kinda makes us nervous." She leaned forward. "You really don’t want to make Xena nervous.. she starts playing with those sharp things.. it could get ugly."

Nancia sniffed. "We.. are trained to be inconspicuous." She waved her hands at the retinue, who took up unobtrusive positions around the outer walls. "You will never know we are here. Please… just do what you will… I will not interrupt."

Gabrielle exhaled, then sucked in a breath to argue, when warm hands fastening themselves onto her shoulders halted her. She turned to find Xena standing there, a peculiar look on her face.

"She said to do what I will." The warrior stated, gently cupping the smaller woman's neck with strong fingers. "Shall we?"

Oh boy…The bard let those blue eyes become her world and leaned towards her as Xena tilted her head and they kissed. Her hands went in pure reflex to caress the warrior's body, and she was barely aware of the strangled sound behind her as her heart started beating faster.

Gabrielle heard a squeak, and a growl from Ares. Another squeak, and a shuffle, but now the warrior was letting her hands drift slowly up Gabrielle's body, and she was losing the ability to figure out what the sounds were.

Or the inclination to care.

Except she did recognize the door closing, and she hesitated, then blinked up at her soulmate, who had the most diabolical smile on her face.

They were alone.

"Heh." Gabrielle leaned back, and regarded the taller woman with possessive pride. "You are sooo good." She sighed. "You think she'll tell anyone?"

Xena snorted softly. "What.. that backwoods country bumpkins kiss each other?"

The bard leveled a stare at her. "I am NOT a bumpkin, madam-run-around-in-mud -puddles-then-stomp-on-the-floor."

The warrior chuckled. "I don't give two centaur farts if she does…c'mere." She pulled the bard closer again, and continued her gentle exploration.

"What if they come back?" Gabrielle whispered, as her hands slipped under the linen tunic, and found warm skin. "You think they'd get a clue we're not sisters?"

A low, wicked chuckle. "Either that, or they're all gonna wanna move to Amphipolis."

The candles had guttered down, and Xena let them. She was sprawled on the low couch, watching the rain fall, with one arm draped over Gabrielle's snoozing body. The bard had her head pillowed on the warrior's lap, with one arm curled around Xena's thigh.

The taller woman let her fingers play idly in the soft red gold hair spilling over her leg, smiling a little as she felt the warmth of Gabrielle's breath against her skin. She exhaled, and returned her attention to the weather, which had worsened, and was now lashing against the window with vicious intent.

What to do? She considered the problem carefully. Silvi was too young, that was first. There was no question of that, and besides, the girl didn't have the sense the gods gave a centaur's hind hoof.

But… Edgevar wasn't much better, if a little slyer, and he left a bad taste in the warrior's mouth. Ditto his smarmy son. She withheld judgement on Elanora, because she'd only seen the girl once, but by Gabrielle's sniping report, she wasn't worth much either.

Xena sighed. What a bunch of losers.

That left Framna, who had, it was true, been duped by his own army. She had a certain sympathy for that, though… having had an army turn on her. Framna had gotten out of it easier than she had, she mused, remembering that gauntlet. Maybe he had some potential… he certainly played a nice harp.

Framna, and Silvi. Xena winced. Bennu and Gramma would be a better choice, but even she didn't think she could get away with that, short of either kidnapping or murder. She had to put something in place that wasn't going to be intrigued out of existence in a few candlemarks, which meant, it had to make a large percentage of the people involved happy.

Uck. I hate politics. She glanced down as Gabrielle stirred, and shifted a little, snuggling closer with a tiny sound. Of course, Gabrielle would be an excellent choice, but she wasn't giving her up, so forget that. Not that the bard would sit still for it, even for a few days, in fact, she'd probably pummel the warrior for even thinking about it.

And I sure don't want to be pummeled, Xena reflected, with a grin. Imagine, that jerk wanting to buy her cooperation… buddy, all the gold in.. in the world wouldn't be enough for a damn down payment. She regarded the pink ear fondly, and gently traced its edge with one finger.

"Too bad we scared away that fluffy woman before she could bring up lunch, huh Ares?" She muttered to the wolf, who was curled up against her other side, his muzzle resting on her knee. She was pretty sure the bard would wake up hungry, and there wasn't much left from their scavenged breakfast tray.

She made a mental note to remember to stock up on dried fruits and meats before they left to placate the younger woman's subtly increasing appetite while they traveled, a thought which caused a wondering smile to cross her face as she contemplated the cause.

A soft knock attracted her attention, and she raised a brow. "Too coincidental." She muttered to herself, then raised her voice slightly. "Come in."

The door opened slowly, and the dim light revealed Bennu's tall form. He edged forward hesitantly, then paused as he spotted her in the gloom. "Ah… "

"C'mon in.. just keep it quiet." Xena told him, watching as he padded around the edge of the couch, stopping in startlement when he spotted Gabrielle's slumbering form.

"Is… is she all right?" He asked softly.

The warrior nodded. "Yeah.. she's fine.. just a little tired, that's all." She leaned back. "What's up?"

"Ah.. well, t'fella's outside, wants ta speak to you." Bennu stated, scowling a little. "I'll tell em to come back later.. if the little lass is asleep, there." He started to reverse his steps, but stopped when Xena held up a hand.

"Who is it?"

"Framna." The tall soldier stated, briefly.

Xena sighed. "No.. I'd better see him…no sense in delaying it. Just give me a few minutes to wake up my partner here, and let him in."

"Aye." He grunted, reluctantly. "He's not so bad a fella, I guess." He turned, and ambled out, shutting the door softly behind him. Xena could hear his low, rumbling voice just outside, and she turned her attention to the sleeping bard.

"Hey… sleepyhead… " She traced a gentle line down the fair haired woman's face.

"Mmm." Gabrielle stirred, and snuggled closer.


Slowly, a green eye opened, and peered up at her resentfully. "My pillow's talking… this is not a good thing."

The warrior chuckled softly. "Sorry, love.. but Framna's needing to talk to me, and I thought you'd prefer to be conscious for that."

"Depends." The other eye peeked open, and the bard rolled over onto her back, resting her head on her soulmate's thigh, and stifled a lazy yawn. "Will you get rid of him like you did Nancia if he gets boring?" She crossed her ankles, and folded her hands across her stomach. "I liked that."

"Did you now?" Blue eyes gazed at her affectionately. "Me too."

They regarded each other in quiet peace for a long moment, then Gabrielle sighed, and stifled another yawn, as she rolled over and pushed herself upright, ending up against the back of the couch next to Xena, and gazing out at the nasty weather. "Uck."

The door opened a bit, and Bennu poked his tousled head in. "S'allright genr'l?"

"Yeah." The warrior stood, and stretched muscles stiffened from providing pillow service. She turned as the door opened wider, and Bennu led Framna in, and motioned him forward. "Siddown." She gave him a cool nod, watching as he nervously took a seat. "What can I do for you?" Bennu took a position near the door, his hands braced behind him.

Gabrielle pulled her feet up and sat cross legged, pulling the cloak she'd been covered with around her against the damp, cool wind coming in from the balcony. She watched Framna curiously, seeing the anxious twisting of his hands. His entire attitude had changed so radically since the previous day, it was almost like looking at a different man. She idly petted Ares, and the wolf crawled closer to her, and snuggled up, having been abandoned by his taller mistress.

"I… " The ginger haired man studied his hands and exhaled. "I hardly know what to say to you."

Xena had wandered over to the window, and now she turned, and shrugged. "There's something to say?" She folded her arms across her chest, and leaned against the balcony door, a faint mist of rain dusting her skin. "I thought I made myself clear this morning.. was there something you didn't understand about what I said?"

He paused, then looked up at her. "Only… why?" He asked, clearing his throat a little. "For all you know, that attack could have been my plan… the city would have been destroyed.. why? Why trust me?"

Xena regarded him coolly. "Does it matter?"

Framna nodded. "It does.. to me.. because I have to know the reason for things…. You were right, what I did last night in the hall.. that was to embarrass you." He hesitated. "I haven't given you any reason to do anything other than have me tossed in the dungeon on bread rations, and instead…. " His arms lifted and dropped. "I don't understand, and I want to."

The warrior turned, and regarded the weather. "Live long enough, you eventually learn that it doesn't pay to think the worst of everyone all the time." She commented softly. "You also learn to tell when people are telling you the truth." She finally turned, and faced him. "I know what a bad person is, Framna. I am one."

Gabrielle sucked in a breath, her hackles standing right on end as she formulated her indignant response to her partner's self description.

A long finger hand lifted, and blue eyes caught hers. "I've done stuff so bad you're toes would curl if I told ya about it… so believe me, there's nothing here that can match any of that."

Hazel eyes watched her, uncertainly. "I don't… "

"But see… last couple of years, what I figured out is, do good things to people, and most of the time.. they turn out better for it." The warrior continued. "And the more you do good stuff for people, the better you start to be."

The bard subsided. "Good thing you clarified that." She muttered, fiddling with Ares' tail and giving her soulmate a grumpy look.

Xena gave her a quietly affectionate grin in return. Defending her had become such a damn reflex with the bard.. briefly, her thoughts drifted to a desperately whispered exchange in Chin.

"If you think for one minute I'm going to stand by while they k…kill you.. .Xena.. don't ask that of me!" Gabrielle's tear stained face, etched with weariness, and anguish stared up at her. "Not after this.. not after.. please.."

"Listen to me!" Xena had stared right back, willing her to hear the words, and move past the emotion. "Gabrielle.. we've only got one chance, you hear me? Only one chance.. and I don’t know if I can do it.. all I can do is try.. but… I can't do it if I have to worry about you… please… just…" Her voice had broken. "Trust me."

The indecision on Gabrielle's face had been painful to behold. "What if it doesn't work?" She finally asked. "Then what? Xena.. .I can't… I can't watch you die again."

"Gabrielle… I can't get out of this stock.. we have no way of escaping… I'll try my best, I promise you that.. but if it doesn't work, you… if you don’t interfere, Ming Tien will let you go." She'd looked right into those ravaged, green eyes. "My stuff's near the pier, with a merchant named Ha Po… he knows…your name."

The bard had started to shake her head violently. "Gabrielle.. please… take it… you can sell the chakram.. it'll get you home."

"Xena…there is no home for me." The bard had whispered, and sank down, her head in her hands. "Not without you… oh gods.. what have I done?"

"Gabrielle." It had hurt, but part of her, an icy, cold aching part, had warmed. "Listen to me… listen… this is the only chance we have. " We. She'd deliberately said that. "Just… don't interfere, no matter what.. don’t' move, don't try to stop them… we don't have time to argue about it."

And finally, exhausted, Gabrielle had looked up at her, there in that stinking dungeon, and dully nodded. "But I'm not going back there if it doesn’t work." She'd rasped, her voice so strained it was almost unrecognizable. "Not and have to live the rest of my life knowing I killed you."

It really was… Xena reflected, the best and only reason the whole damned thing worked. The knowledge that she couldn't let Gabrielle feel that. And the bard had done… incredibly well. Only one twitch, one involuntary, almost animal surge, stopped almost as soon as it had started, when they'd drawn near her with the knife.

A reflex.


Framna looked carefully from one woman to the other. Then he fixed his eyes on Xena. "Um… you're not really sisters, are you?" He asked, hesitantly.

"Ooo.. " Gabrielle reached over, and patted his arm. "You get baklava points!"

The warrior chuckled. "No.. we're not." She crossed over, sat down next to the bard, and patted her leg. "Though.. if I had to have a sister, this would be the one I'd want."

The bard blushed gently, and looked down, then glanced at her partner. "No offense to Lila.. but.. I feel the same way." She tucked her hand around Xena's arm, and rested her head against the warrior's sturdy shoulder.

"Oh." He rubbed his temple. "That's what you meant… in the hall." He muttered. "About you being the only… ye gods and little fishes.. now it makes sense."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes up towards Xena's face. "Do you hear a bell ringing?"

Xena started chuckling, then she sobered, regarding Framna. "Look.. you've got a problem here." She'd made a decision, somewhere between his comments and Gabrielle's warmly comforting touch on her arm. "Edgevar doesn't want any part of you, and he's looking to replace Silvi as heir."

Framna's head shot up. "Bastard." He spat. "I thought that was in the works… damn stuck up piece of… " He stopped, giving Gabrielle an apologetic look. "Sorry."

"Poop." The bard completed his statement. "I've heard the term." She paused. "I've even fallen in it a few times." She turned her head. "Xena, why does everyone think I'm such an innocent?"

The warrior gazed at her , examining her open, youthful face with it's fringe of red gold hair and striking green eyes. "Haven't a clue. "She answered mildly. "Maybe if you wore leather more often, they wouldn't."

Gabrielle snorted. "You just like it that way."

Xena grinned, then turned her attention back to Framna.

"It's not her fault.. " Framna's voice became a good deal more animated. "I know.. she's so young.. she hasn't had practically any experience.. she'll grow into the thing, I know she will." He stood, and paced. "They don't give her a chance... I know.. how that stuck up … snootball treats her.. like she's a child." He turned. "She's not!"

Xena had braced her elbows on her knees, and she was resting her chin in her hands, watching him in silence. Her pale eyes slid to her partner's face, and saw the gentle smile there, then went back to the tall warlord. "She's pretty inexperienced, though… she's gonna need a lot of help." She warned. "And so are you… this isn't a picnic, and it’s not like running an army."

He sighed. "But her uncle… " He slumped down in to the chair again. "I'm not… damn… I'm a fighter, Xena… I don't know how to work around all this political stuff." He chewed his lip. "What's his plan? He'd have put that runt on the throne before now if he could have, the little sneak."

"Oh." Gabrielle had been quietly listening, and now she spoke up. "Easy.. he wants me to marry Vasi." She enunciated the words carefully. "Oh.. yeah.. and he wants her to run the city guards." This with a nod at her taller partner.

Framna blinked. "Ah…well… um…" He rooted around for something to say. "He's got good taste?"

One dark eyebrow edged up at that. "Oh.. you've got potential in this political thing." Xena assured him dryly. "No.. we've just got to figure out a way… " She let the thought trail off.

"Well.. you could just go kick him around a little." Gabrielle kidded, leaning against her.

Slowly, Xena smiled. "Yeah… "

"I was joking." The bard added, hastily.

"No no.. that's a great idea, Gabrielle." The warrior rubbed her hands together. "Listen.. listen.. everyone always expects… I mean, with the leather and all… yeah… that might just do it. " She nodded. "Great idea, partner."

"What???" Gabrielle turned, and grabbed her sleeve, tugging her closer. "What are you going to do?"

A slow, feral smile appeared. "Live up to my expectations."

"Are you sure you need the whip?" Gabrielle asked, peering curiously at the taller woman standing near the bed. "I mean… it looks kind of.. "

Xena finished tying the leather thong off around her waist, and let the ends dangle. "Vicious?"

"Uh.. yeah." The bard eyed the dark leathers, gleaming dully in the soft candlelight, flickers of which glanced off the hammered armor sections. Her soulmate had added some pieces of glinting chain mail, making the overall effect more… well, she hated to say dangerous, because Xena always was, but… "Intimidating, yeah."

Smirk. "Good." The warrior adjusted the long, curved dagger that was hanging at her hip, and straightened a bracer. She glanced up at her doubtful looking partner. "What?"

"Um.. nothing." Gabrielle lifted both hands, then let them drop. "Nothing… I just wish you'd tell me what you're going to do… especially since I'm going with you." She popped a remaining bit of lunch in her mouth and chewed it, licking her fingers.


One blond eyebrow rose, and the bard put her hands on her hips.

Xena sighed. "Okay.. okay… but you gotta play it right." She walked over to the bard, and tugged on her shirt. "And that's gotta go."

Green eyes opened wide. "You want me to go naked?" She spluttered, in disbelief.

"Mmm…. " The warrior thought about that. "Um.. no.. no… but… see, Gabrielle, we've gotta.. uh.. impress… on Edgevar just what dangerous… deal he's gotten himself into."

"Uh huh." Gabrielle replied slowly. "Dangerous.. well, okay, that is your specialty…but I… " She paused. "Let me guess… the Amazon outfit again, right?"

Vigorous nod of agreement. "Yeah.. only this time, all the clanking bits, okay, Specially those long, curved, tooth necklace things."

"Neck… Xena, what for?"

"You're gonna go accept his marriage proposal." Xena grinned, putting an arm around her. "And I wanna make sure he knows exactly what he's getting into."

Gabrielle turned, and put both hands flat on the warrior's chest. "I'm gonna what? Xena, have you lost your mind? " She reached up and held a palm against the taller woman's forehead. "You don't feel warm.. here.. you'd better lie down."

"No no.. listen.. " Xena resisted her tugging hands. "He doesn't know anything about the Amazons.. you can tell him some stories bout how Amazons drag their men around by the hair.. and stuff like that."

"Xena." The bard held up a hand. "Amazons don’t do that." She stared at the taller woman in puzzlement. "They don't allow men in the village at all.. which you know perfectly well."

A dark brow lifted. "They would if they could and you know it, but he doesn’t know they don't… we're trying to scare him… c'mon, if you're gonna do this with me, you gotta be a wicked, bloodthirsty Amazon warrior."

Gabrielle tilted her head and gave her partner an appealing look. "Me?"

Xena regarded her. "Well.. maybe you should stay here." She patted her shoulder. "Look.. I can handle this… you just relax… finish up lunch.. this won't take long."

Native stubbornness raised it fuzzy head. "No.. no.. I can be bloodthirsty." Gabrielle protested. "Really… " She bared her teeth and snarled, getting a weird look from Ares. "See?" She growled at the wolf, who walked over and licked her knee. "Ares, you're supposed to be scared!"

"Roo?" He sat down, and poked his tongue out happily, looking up at her.

Xena regarded the bard. "Y'know.. honey… " She began, delicately.

"Oh." Hands on hips. "Don't start with that.. I know that voice… that's the "Gee, Gabrielle.. why don’t you go and investigate this neat bed of rocks I found while I go kick some butt" voice." She straightened her shoulders. "I can be vicious.. you'll see." She paused, and glanced up. "So.. what's the plan?"

The warrior blinked. "Um… actually, I'm kinda playing it by ear." She admitted. "I was just going to go in there, and kinda shake Edgevar up.. see what happens."

Gabrielle sighed, and scratched her jaw. "Figures." She trudged over to her bags and pulled her leather outfit out. "Okay.. okay.. I'll just follow your lead." She gave her partner a look. "We keep em on a leash, huh?"

Xena grinned. "Yeah.. I'll give you one of Argo's bridle straps…you can um… " She motioned with her hands. "You know." She watched the bard slip into her Amazon gear, chuckling as the bard struggled with the catches. "Here… " She walked over and adjusted them, sliding her fingers over the bard's soft skin with a sense of pleasure. "Too bad you don't have a mask with you."

Gabrielle snorted. "Oh please… do you have any idea how hard it is to breathe in that thing?" She finished settling the belt on her skirt, and sighed. "Okay.. let's go." She fluffed out her hair, settling her bangs with impatient fingers.

Xena backed off. "Remember.. bloodthirsty. " She warned, holding back a smile at the bard's cuteness.

The bard tried to twist her face into a scowl. "Right." A sigh. "C'mon, Ares… you can be vicious looking too."

"Agrrroo?" He panted, then licked her knee again. "Roo?"

Edgevar paced up and down in front of his desk, ignoring the restless form of his son sitting on the plush settee near the window. "I'm sure there's a way."

"Father… " Vasi protested in exasperation. "She's an uncultured peasant.. I can't marry her!"

"Don’t be stupid." The older man snarled, turning on him. "You will, and that's that… she's not polished, true, but that can be changed, and you have to look at her good points. " He faced the window. "She's intelligent, she's strong.. you know she'd bear children well…what's the problem?" His brow wrinkled. "I thought she was quite fetching in that gown."

The boy slumped back in the chair. "Another commoner… are we plagued with them?"

Edgevar opened his mouth to answer, but was spared the effort when the door to his room was kicked open, and flew back against the wall with a tremendous bang. He jumped. Vasi jumped.

Xena entered, pausing in the doorway for effect, and to allow Gabrielle to step around the doorjamb where she'd been pressed for safety from flying splinters. "Hello, boys." The warrior purred, with a smile.

Father and son glanced at each other, and two sets of swallowing noises issued from them. "Well.. eh.. hello." Edgevar replied, hesitantly.

The warrior swaggered forward, twirling the end of the whip that was tied loosely around her waist. "We were just.. thinking.. about your offer." Twirl. "Right, Gabrielle?"

The bard batted her lashes. "Right." She edged around her partner, and strutted over to where Vasi was sitting, perching on the arm of the settee. "Hi there." She waved a curved tooth from her necklace at him playfully.

Vasi looked up, licking his lips nervously. Surely, she hadn't seemed so menacing before, had she? He watched as the fair-haired woman drew a wicked looking dagger out, and began running it across her skin lightly. "Um."

Xena bit the inside of her lip, and circled the two of them, advancing on Edgevar, who backed up a step nervously. "You know… your offer… we find it.. interesting." Xena untied her whip, and snapped it out expertly, circling a small statue with the end, and jerking it back towards her. She caught it and examined it idly. "Is this Plato?" She tossed the statue onto the desk.

"Eh… " The older man swallowed, watching the whip carefully. "Eh.. well.. yes… it's.. surely… eh.. "

The whip circled out and tickled his neck. "Cat got your tongue?" Xena moved closer, letting a wicked smile cross her face as she closed in, forcing him back. She reversed the whip, and touched his jaw with the end, tilting his head back. "Funny.. you sure could talk before."

Vasi yelped, as his ear was tickled with the edge of Gabrielle's dagger. He ripped his attention from his father, and focused it on the green-eyed woman almost draped over him. The smell of leather was overwhelming, mixed with the edgy tang of steel from the knife tracing his jawline, and the vague scent of herbs coming from the bard's fair skin. "Y'know… in the Amazon village… we love little boys like you." Gabrielle breathed, watching his eyes widen to an almost unbelievable extent. "We all take turns… " She traced his ear again. "Then we let our friends the centaurs join the party."

"T..t…th… ce…centa…centaurs?" He squeaked, edging away from her. "Wh… wh.. what do… they.. um… uh.. do?"

Gabrielle smiled sweetly. "What do you think?" She leaned closer. "You ever heard the term hung like a centaur? You get points for how loud you scream."

He screamed, in a very soft way.

Xena almost bit her tongue right through. She turned, and smiled at Edgevar, who was staring at Gabrielle and wincing, his legs reflexively crossing. "Oh yeah… those Amazons really know how to throw a party.. if you know what I mean." She chuckled softly. "They like beards, too." She tugged on the regent's whiskers. "I think we're gonna like it around here… whatcha think, huh Gabrielle?"

The bard playfully blew in Vasi's ear, watching him flinch. "Can I tie him up and watch him squirm?" She cast a seductive look over her mostly bare shoulder.

Xena circled her leather around Edgevar's neck, and tugged. "Oh yeah… and these rooms got those nice.. thick.. walls… right?" She pulled the regent close, until they were nose to nose, and he was forced to allow his eyes to cross as he stared at the hypnotic pale blue ones. "See.. if Gabrielle gets the puppy there… I'm gonna take you, okay?"

He squeaked.

"Tell you what…" Xena continued, in a low purr. "You boys c'mon down to our place after dinner.. we'll show you our.. toys.." Her brows waggled. "Hmm?"

"Yeah… " Gabrielle giggled. "You'd be surprised what you can do with a nice set of horse's tack." She ran a finger down Vasi's neck. "All those straps and buckles…"

His jaw went rigid, and he rolled his eyes at her. She blew him a kiss. "See you tonight?"

Xena released Edgevar, and sauntered over, looping her whip around the bard's neck. Gabrielle took a coil of it in her teeth, and chewed appreciatively. "Mmm…. love this stuff." She stood, and followed the warrior as she strolled to the door, still munching on the whip.

They both turned at the doorway, and waggled a hand in farewell, then slipped out the door, slamming it behind them.

A few lonely splinters dropped off, tinkling to the stone floor in the utter silence.

Outside the door, Xena fell against the wall, shaking with silent laughter. The bard regarded her, removing the whip from her teeth and twirling it. "Did I do ok?"

The warrior slowly slid down the rough stone, holding her stomach.

"Guess so." Gabrielle smirked, as she moved closer and started nibbling on Xena's leather armor. "Ycvzrw… vs trof argele ofnt sg db."

Xena pushed herself up, and grabbed the bard, lifting her in her arms as she started down the hall. "I will never, ever underestimate your capacity for naughtiness ever again, my bard." She promised fervently. "That was perfect."

Gabrielle slipped her arms around the warrior's neck, smiling with complacent pleasure. "Thanks.. now.. what in Hades was that supposed to accomplish? Besides being a lot of fun, and giving you a good laugh?"

The taller woman chuckled softly. "It's like fishing, Gabrielle.. ya get your bait, stick it on the end of the line, and toss it in." She trotted up a small set of stairs that led from one hallway to the hall they had their quarters in. "And ya see what you get." She paused, and regarded her fair-haired soulmate. "Centaurs?"

A soft giggle answered her.

"Argo's tack? Where do you get this stuff from?"

"Oh.. " The bard blinked innocently. "Haven't I told you those Amazon stories?" She smiled sweetly . "I got to hear lots of stuff when I was with them there that month.." Long pause, while Xena opened the door with an elbow, and slipped them both inside. "Have you ever.. um… She lifted the whip end, which was curled around the taller woman's neck.

Xena arched an eyebrow at her. "What do you think?" She asked, dropping onto the bed with the bard still in her arms. "Given my wicked, and evil reputation, and the many years I spent as a warlord, one woman among an armyful of lusty men?"

Gabrielle studied her face intently. "Nah." She finally said, brushing her nose with the whip end playfully. "Not your style." It was true, she felt it.. Xena would have no need to dominate anyone in bed.. she could just kick their butts every other way. No.. her partner was a sexy, seductive lover more interested in pleasure than pain.

The warrior kissed her gently. "So much for my reputation." She admitted, with a wry chuckle. "Drago used to have a set of shackles he used with his lovers… I would sit in his tent for HOURS trying to figure out how he managed to use them upside down."

The bard snuggled closer. "Upside down?"

"Yeah." Xena kissed her again, with gentle enjoyment.


"He could do it on a galloping horse, too."

'Xena!.. why on earth would he want to do that?"

"Think about it a minute, Gabrielle."

Long pause.

"Oh." Another pause. "Ow."  

 "Oh yeah.. he had bruises in places that would make Aphrodite blush." Xena chuckled, then sucked in a breath as Gabrielle's inquisitive fingers found their way under her armor. "Hey that…"

"Tickles?" Gabrielle inquired, exploring further.

"Nu uh." Xena returned the attention. "Bet a centaur couldn’t do that…."

A low, easy chuckle spilled from the bard's mouth. "Not unless he had a very talented tail."

"It's got to be here somewhere, Ares." Gabrielle muttered, as she peeked around yet another wooden door. "They said, down the hall, down the stairs, around the corridor, turn left, and it's somewhere in this area."

The wolf padded along agreeably in her shadow, sniffing with animal interest at the periodic hangings. They'd been looking around for about half a candlemark by now, and the bard was starting to lose her patience.

"I know they can't read much." She sniped, moving along and jerking open yet another door. "Ah." She poked her head inside and got a strong whiff of the familiar smell of parchment. "This must be it." She eased inside and blinked, looking around at a fairly small room which was lit by the reddening sunlight that had, at last, chased the clouds away. "Well.. at least it's got a window." She sighed, moving into the center of the room.

It was… dusty. She rubbed her nose in pure reflex, and padded to the center of the roughly round chamber, which was filled with shelves covered in very dusty parchment scrolls. Some, on the lower shelves, were bound into volumes, and everything had a look of neglect about it. "Figures."

"Roo… choo." Ares sneezed.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Gabrielle replied, as she spotted a small desk near the window, and walked over to it, wiping the top clear of dust with one hand. "Okay..well, it's quiet in here, there's a table, a chair, and a nice sunset. " A pause. "I'll cope." She laid down her scroll case, her diary, and a new parchment, then walked to the window, and leaned against the sill.

The library was high up in one of the side towers of the castle, and she could look across and see the balcony of the room they'd been staying in. Outside, the weather had cleared up, and the sun was painting the entire front of the castle in golden light, a wave of which was entering the window she stood at and warming her. "Mmm… that feels good, Ares." She closed her eyes and drank it in, pulling in a breath of cool, still moist air that was filled with the scent of wet stone, and pungent hickory from the castle kitchens.

Xena had changed her leathers for linen, and ambled out to start the clean up process, promising to find the bard later for dinner. Gabrielle had briefly thought about tagging along, but the need to get some details down, and finally catch up her diary urged her to let the warrior go have her fun, and to find a quiet place to sit down and work. She'd had to ask six people before someone even admitted they had a library, and another two after that until she'd found someone who knew where it was.

Sort of, anyway. It had finally been Gramma, of all people, who had scratched her head, and mumbled a few minutes, before providing the bard with her requested information.

So, here she was.. surrounded by parchment so dusty it was probably older than she was. "Oh well.. it's kinda nice in here." She scuffed a toe against the faded, but not very worn rug that graced the floor, and moved to the desk, pulling the chair out and seating herself in it.

The sun warmed her back, and lit her work, sending beams of light down that captured the disturbed dust motes, and spilled along the mahogany wood of the desktop. She opened her quill case and removed a favorite one, sharpening the point against the small whetstone, and opening her diary to her unfinished entry from the previous day.

What I realized was…

Okay, I'm back. I had to stop up there, because all Hades broke loose, and something had to be done pretty fast about it. Gramma came to warn me about something, and we realized that the city was under attack. I put Xena's plan in place…

That sounds so weird. It's true, but it does sound so weird.. like it was a planned thing or something. Of course, it wasn't, but I got lucky, and I was in the right place, at exactly the right time.

Exactly the right place, to see some guy heading towards Xena, and her too tied up with about a dozen other things to stop him, and at exactly the right time for me to get my staff up in his face, and knock him away from her.

I did that. Me, the little girl from Potadeia…I stopped some big guy on a charging horse from hurting my best friend. I used to dream about heroic stuff like that, but I never really thought I'd be the one doing it, you know?

Of course, when it comes to heroic… well, Xena managed to stop an entire army from overrunning the city, until I could get there with help. Is there anything more heroic? Not that she thinks of it that way, naturally. Everybody else does.. but not her.. no, to her it was just another instance of her dark side getting loose.

Xena, Xena, Xena.. what am I going to do with you? You just risked your life, not even thinking about it, just threw yourself in front of those soldiers to protect the citizens of this city, some of whom tried to kill us the night before. If I ever decide to write a dictionary of terms, next to the word 'hero' is going to be a sketch of you. Of course, it's gonna be a well used sketch, because it's also going to be next to beautiful, noble, brave, gorgeous… you get the picture.

I wasn't going to let anything happen to her. No way. Not now.. not when things are…wow. I thought I'd never get back to that place where I'd look at her, and get that intense feeling… but somehow I have.

Somehow… I think I owe a big offering to Aphrodite. When we go to the Amazons, to the festival. I'm gonna do that. I know Artemis is the Amazon's patron, but…Aphrodite must be up there, watching over me, there's no other way around it. Today I looked up as Xena came into our room down there, and she smiled.. I smiled.. and everything was perfectly okay.

I don’t know how we did that, and to tell the truth, I don't really care. I just know something I thought I'd lost forever has been given back to me, and nothing, not Hades, not Tartarus, not every god in Olympus.. not Dahok.. nothing, is going to take that away from me again.

Life is risky. What I was going to say up there, about what I realized.. is that there isn't anyplace safe. And that's not a bad thing for me to say, it's not like I don’t feel safe with Xena, I do.. more than ever, I think. It means that I've realized that as long as we live, we run the risk of loss. Of each other, of our family, of this child I'm going to bear… but we can't let that stop us from doing what our destinies are leading us to do.

I wouldn't have stopped Xena from trying to stop that army. I don’t think she would have tried to stop me from stopping that guy who was heading at her. We can't hide in Amphipolis, not when there are so many people out there that need help, and to be honest, I won't.. I won't have her stagnating there, and giving up her potential just for the illusion of safety. After all, a tornado could hit Amphipolis. It almost did. Or a fire, or a war… Xena would say, especially with me living there.

She's such a teaser. I love her for that. She's risking so much in opening herself again, but it's making her so happy I think she thinks it's worth it. Of course, so do I… I think she got used to feeling that joy in our relationship, and not having that… is so painful I still start crying when I think about it.

Dumb, huh? I'm just glad I got a second.. no, what is it now.. third chance? Yeah, third.

So.. enough about that.. we won the war, I guess, because the other army ran away, and they put Xena in charge of the city. She's trying to work things out for them, and we went through the silliest little scene with the regent, Edgevar, and his son. Imagine, me, a fierce, bloodthirsty Amazon warrior… in kinky leather.

Ooo.. that was fun. Xena was pretending to be on the prowl for the regent, and I got to terrorize that weenie little Vasi.. I threatened him with advances from a centaur, and I don’t think I've ever heard a man make a noise like that before. It sounded sort of like Toris when Xena grabbed him in the privates during that wrestling match they had before we left. I wonder if it's going to make a difference. I guess we'll find out. I think Xena had a good time, though.. she was laughing so hard on the way back she almost dropped me.

I guess I shouldn't have let her do that.. carry me, I mean.. but.. if I close my eyes, even now, I can feel how wonderfully warm, and secure I felt, and I can almost smell how great she smells, and how her voice just goes right through me, and wraps around me and…

Okay.. okay… so I'm nuts.

That's all right.. it's a nice kind of nuts. Honey covered walnuts, I think.

She stopped writing, and bit on the end of her quill, then removed it from between her teeth and stared at it. "What the…" Tentatively, she stuck her tongue out , and tasted the end of the quill, then sucked on it, as a pleasant, minty taste filled her mouth. "Hey!"

Ares, who had curled himself up on the rug under the table lifted his head and peered up at her exclamation. "Agrroo?"

"It tastes like mint, Ares!" Gabrielle laughed, as she examined the quill. Then she dug the rest of the assorted instruments out of her quill case, and tasted them, finding an assortment of flavors ranging from the mint of the first, to a rich, buttery cinnamon that tickled her senses. "How on earth did that happen?" As she put the quills back, she found a small curl of parchment in the very bottom of the case. "Ah hah."

Uncurled, and laid against the smooth, beautiful wood of the desk, it proved to have writing on it.


You suck on the ends of these things so much, I thought you might want to have them flavored.

Love, X.

Gabrielle laughed gently. "Mushball." She folded the strip of paper up, and tucked it back inside the case. Then she regarded her quill for a moment before she sucked cheerfully on the end of it.

Xena leaned back against the well, crossing her ankles as she watched the activity bustling around her. Men were swarming everywhere, glad to be out of their barracks and into the sunlight, splashing through puddles left on the cobblestones. A group of soldiers crowded by, carrying thick poles wrapped in canvas on their shoulders, and another group was placing Garanimus' shrouded body on top of a pyre, along with the few other victims of the raid.

"Grand to see t'sun, eh?" Bennu trotted up, a linen packet tucked under his arm. He perched next to her, gazing at the pyre. "Pity, that."

The warrior nodded. "Yeah." She sighed.

"He usta tell stories bout you, y'know." The soldier offered, hesitantly. "Long nights, round the campfire… we'd get to eggin him on, and he'd be telling things about you."

Blue eyes regarded him soberly. "I can imagine." She paused. "We didn't part on good terms."

Bennu looked down. "Nah.. t'wasn't like that." He swallowed. "He… I think he wished that hadn't a happened." A breath. "I.. remember t'night he found out y'were living down a ways… he got this.. he said he twas glad ye managed t'find a way home."

Xena turned her eyes to the pyre, her face impassive. "If this hadn't happened, I was going to invite him there." She exhaled. "It was his home, too."

"Ah." The tall man blinked awkwardly. "He was.. no the best soldier."

"No." The warrior agreed, sadly. "He just didn't know anything else." She watched the body bearers finish their work, and climb down from the pyre. "After it's done.. I'll take some of his ashes back there.. I know a place I can put them."

"I'm thinkin he'd a liked that." Bennu offered gently. "You'll no be stayin, then."

Xena turned her head, and looked at him. "No." She replied. "You knew that.. I've got things I gotta take care of."

The tall man nodded. "Aye… t'was too much to hope for, I guess.. " He gave Xena a shy smile. "D'you think they'll let us stay then? Seems a bit friendlier this morning, then do."

The warrior folded her arms. "I'm working on it, Bennu… I'm working on it… if not here, then I'll find you a place, I promise."

He fell silent, for a period for a time. "Ye dinna have to do that."

Xena returned her eyes to the pyre. "Yes I do."

"Hello?" A male voice, uncertain, called from behind them. "Hello?"

They both turned, and watched as a man in a frilly tunic hurried up, carefully dodging around the puddles in the courtyard. He came closer, peering at Xena doubtfully. "I say.. are you… are you that… Xena.. person?"

Both dark eyebrows shot up, and Xena straightened, glaring at him. "Yeah. Whadda you want?"

He stepped hurriedly back, holding out a scroll. "Here. Take that."

Bennu towered over him, snatching the item from his hand. "Gimme tha, ye… " He carefully turned, and took the three or four short steps back, handing the parchment to her. The man hurried off, disappearing into the small door that led inside the castle hall.

"What the.. " Xena watched him go, then just shook her head. She unrolled the parchment, and read it, then read it again. "Son of a bacchae." She cursed roundly. "That sneaky, mule headed piece of…. " She swallowed the rest of the oath, then read the parchment again.

"Bad news?" Bennu inquired, cautiously.

"They just named the new regent." The warrior advised him, grimly.

"Ah." He took a breath nervously. "Who're they duping into that thankless job?"

Pale, ice blue eyes raked over him. "Me."

Gabrielle nibbled on a trail bar as she rewrote a story section for the third time. "I don't know Ares.. you think I can get away with blaming our being on that ship to the Fates?"

The wolf's eyebrows twitched.

"Guess not." She chuckled, and kept writing, stopping only when she detected the sound of the door opening. "Damn." She looked up in annoyance, folding her hands over her parchment as a small, fair head edged hesitantly in. "Oh.. hi, Silvi." She paused. "You.. looking for some light reading?"

The princess pushed the door open, and glanced around with a distasteful look. "Goodness.. it's messy in here." She entered, though, and carefully shut the door behind her. "Am I disturbing you?"

Gabrielle almost said yes, then her kindlier instincts, triggered by the princesses' obvious discomfort, won out. "No.. no. I was just working on a story.. I could use a break." She made a point of leaning back, and stretching her arms out. "Something wrong?"

There was one more chair in the room, a backless stool, really, obviously used for maneuvering between the shelves. Silvi dragged it over to the table, and settled herself on it. "I have a terribly personal thing to ask you."

The bard ran through a list of possible questions, and winced internally. "Uhm…. Sure." She responded slowly. "If I can answer it, I will."

Silvi leaned on one arm. "I need your help, Gabrielle.. I know… that I was unkind.. to you last night, and I am sorry for that."

Gabrielle patted her arm. "Don't worry about it… there was so much going on, it was hard to keep track of who was a good guy, and who wasn't… don’t feel bad."

The princess sighed in relief. "You're so sensible. I'm glad… I felt awful when I thought you were working against us.. I should have known better. You're a good person, Gabrielle…and you are terribly brave… I've been hearing stories about you all day."

The bard gave her a weak smile. "I… didn't do that much… um… did you say you needed help with something?" She changed the subject hastily.

"Oh.. right… well, it's this. Are you any good at kissing?" Silvi asked, seriously.

Whatever question she expected, that wasn't it. "Uh." She felt her jaw working, and had no idea what to respond with. "W… Is there a reason you're asking?" She replied, tentatively, uncomfortably aware of the girl's hand on her arm.

"Of course." Silvi leaned even closer, glancing around as though she was afraid of being overheard. "You see.. I don't know anything about that.. and.. well… I mean, what shall I do if Framna tries to kiss me?" Her voice rose to a squeak. "I'm afraid I'll do something ridiculous… laugh, or bite him or…"

Whew. Gabrielle relaxed. "Oh.. no.. it's… you won't, Silvi… it's not like that… you just kinda… um… you just know what to do, that's all."

"Everyone says that!" The princess wailed. "And I know I won't.. Elanora said that about riding horses, and I fell right off, and I do still, every time."

The bard laced her fingers together. "Um.. well, it's not the same thing.. it took me a while to learn horseback riding, for instance.. but kissing.. well.. that kinda… " She reached up and scratched her jaw. "Kinda came naturally, I guess." I can't believe I'm having this discussion. "You'll be fine.."

"No no.. I won't." Silvi disagreed. "I shall make the worst fool of myself.. Gabrielle, you simply must help me." She stared firmly at the bard. "Show me how."

Gabrielle's throat worked a few times. "Er.. how.. what?"

Silvi gave her an exasperated little look. "To kiss, of course… come on now, Gabrielle…with your romantic nature, surely you can do that."

"Oh.. um… to be honest, I never really thought about.. um.. how.. I did that.. I just… you get close, and .. well, it's a hug thing, and then… um… your eyes kinda… and um… " She lifted her hands and let them fall. "It just happens."

The princess scowled, politely. "Does it tickle?"

"Tickle??? No." Gabrielle shook her head. "Why would it?"

"Well.. he's got those little bristly hairs.. I thought they might tickle." Silvi mused.

"Oh…um… " Forgot I don’t have to worry about that… " Well, yeah.. I guess they might.. but you probably won't notice."

"What if our teeth collide? I can't abide that.. it makes me shiver." The intent question came back. "Do you open your mouth, or not?"

Gabrielle felt a blush coming on, and she was glad of the ruddy sunset painting her skin. "Um…" Think of it as practice, Gabrielle… you might have to be doing this with a daughter someday.

"Do you keep your mouth open?" Silvi's eyes searched her face, avidly.

"Well, yes." Gabrielle felt the warm flush. "I.. I do.. actually.. and um… teeth.. never have been a problem." She cleared her throat. "You.. kind of.. I mean, with your tongue.. you… uh.. ." She stopped, almost dizzy with the amount of blood that had rushed to her head.

Silvi stared. "Your TONGUE?" She stared down at her own, puzzled, as she stuck it out. "What do you do with THAT?"

I'm gonna die of embarrassment, right here, right now. "Wh… I… when you kiss.. you kinda.. um.. touch.. or.. mm.. explore.. the other person's.. mouth.. with it."

"Oh.. my … gods… " Silvi's eyes popped. "You must be making that up."

Gabrielle shook her head. "No.. no.. it's… Silvi, you kinda have to do it to understand.. it's really hard to explain."

"But I don’t know how!!!!" She wailed, then slapped the table. "Gabrielle, please.. show me, right here."

The door opening, Gabrielle decided, was the sweetest, most welcome sound she'd ever heard. And the sight of the tall, dark haired person who opened it was even sweeter. "Xena."

The warrior strode in, giving Silvi a nod. "Gabrielle.. you won't believe what just happened."

Silvi was giving the taller woman an uneasy look.

"No no no.. " Gabrielle stood up, and held up a hand. "Hold onto that thought… I really need your help here, partner."

Xena took a breath, then glanced from the bard to the princess, and clamped her jaw shut. She raised an eyebrow at the bard in question. What the Hades is up here? Gabrielle's redder than a pomegranate.

"Silvi here is very concerned about kissing."

The warrior's eyebrow quirked. Oh. That explains it.

"Right.. yes.. and she was just asking me to demonstrate. " Gabrielle went on. "So.. she knows what to do with Framna."

"Ah." Xena walked around the other side of the table until she was standing next to her soulmate. "I see." She paused. "So.. you gonna demonstrate for her?" She watched the blush gently travel up her partner's fair skin. "I'm game." She added, helpfully.

Gabrielle turned to face her, then looked back over her shoulder at the nervously watching Silvi. "Okay.. now.. pay attention, all right?"

Silvi nodded.

"Okay.. well, first, you have to get closer to the person." She stepped closer to the warrior, letting Xena's warm scent fill her nostrils. Her body reacted to her soulmate's proximity and she had to force herself to keep her hands still. "Then.. you can usually put your arms around them. " She did so, and felt Xena's arms slip comfortably around her waist. "Like that."

"Very well.. that looks easy so far." Silvi commented. "What's next?"

Gabrielle looked up, watching the crimson light from the window paint Xena's face, sparkling off her eyelashes and bringing out the faintest of mahogany highlights in her hair.

"Gabrielle?" The princess prompted. "What's next?"

"Um." She found her eyes wandering up and connecting with the pale blue ones stained almost violet. "You.. look at them." She drank in the barest hint of a smile that was tugging Xena's lips. "And.. you let yourself feel how much you love them. " The ice blue eyes softened, and she felt herself starting to lose track of what was going on.

"And?" Silvi asked.

Gabrielle tightened her hold around Xena's neck, and the warrior obligingly ducked her head lower. "Then you… " Their lips brushed. "You just kinda.. " A longer, more intense contact, and she suddenly felt her body slip out of her control, and slide against Xena's, a warm, seductive tide crashing around her that made her forget about Silvi for a long, sweet period of time.

They broke apart very reluctantly, maintaining eye contact. "Like that." Gabrielle finally murmured.


"Silvi?" The bard turned her head, to see an empty place where the princess had been, she jerked, startled, then glanced up at her equally started partner. "Uh… "

Xena blinked, then moved a step closer to the table, and leaned over it, producing a chuckle.

Gabrielle held onto her shoulder, and peered over as well. "Oh.. centaur poop." She put a hand over her mouth. "Did we do that?"

The princess was lying on the floor, limbs askew, passed out cold.

Concluded in Part 2 of Part 10

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