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by MaryD - Contact Us



21 November 2010

AUSXIP Video Major Tweaking

ImageI've been tweaking..there is a new main page for AUSXIP Video which would make it easier to find videos + a listing of other ausxip video sites (the updates are on a sidebar)

The video channels for the main ausxip video are:

* Lucy Lawless
* Renee O'Connor
* Rob Tapert
* Adrienne Wilkinson
* Xena
* Spartacus & Cast
o Spartacus
o Lesley-Ann Brandt
o Andy Whitfield
o Erin Cummings
* AUSXIP Interviews
* MaryD's Faves

Video sites not on main ausxip video but included

* Katrina Law
* Erin Cummings
* Rizzoli & Isles
* Angie Harmon
* Sasha Alexander