Here's a new message from Lucy about her birthday and the AUSXIP
Charity Auction which is held in March in time for Lucy's birthday!
Thanks to everyone we have raised $9600 for Starship this year!
thank-you everyone for your kindness and best wishes on my birthday.
I never truly understood that the online auction was a birthday present
to me. I was extremely blown away when I got it for the first time! I
was quite mute.
Thank-you all (especially Mary D) who organised it. The Starship people
are going to be shocked and delighted. I know that will buy some
incredible piece of equipment that will help heal a child or ease
suffering. You are very generous and I send warm blessings on you all
from afar. ( I just took a few minutes out to pray in your direction!)
I had a lovely, lovely birthday. When work was unexpectedly postponed, I caught up with Madeleine Sami and Ladyhawke for brunch at Alleluia Cafe on K Rd and then went out to play tennis very badly with pals in Mt Eden. The rest of the day was spent with my family. My sister made the most gorgeous lemon cake I have ever seen and which we devoured over two days. Thanks, Jos!
Now I have to get back to work. on Sparty. My internet has been
down so I have been trying to do research on my little iPhone. Not very
good. I am so excited by the new direction for my character. Bizarre
stuff! Michael Hurst and I are psyched about what we're about to do.
Wish I could say what, but it would ruin the surprise.
Up and at 'em!