Episode Guide | Teaser | Act 1 | Act 2 | Act 3 | Act 4 |
The sound of the sea bell is now much louder, and the sound of the storm is also much louder.
Xena and Gabrielle ignore it.
It is dark in the room. As the bell continues to ring, it is joined by a much closer bell, one obviously in the town sounding an alarm.
XENA (sighing) Y'know....
GABRIELLE (muttering) We could just pretend we don't hear it.
There is the sound of rustling, squeaking, and a vague sucking sound ending in a pop. The shutters to the room are thrown open, and a flare of lightning reveals Xena standing in the window, leaning out.
She is naked.
XENA Some kind of trouble. The whole damn town's out there.
Gabrielle joins Xena at the window. She is also naked.
GABRIELLE I don't see any flooding. What's the problem?
Xena looks at Gabrielle.
XENA Guess we're gonna go find out, huh?
Gabrielle gives a heartfelt sigh.
XENA (cont’d) Sooner we find out, sooner it gets fixed, sooner we come back here.
GABRIELLE Yeah, but in this weather....
XENA We'll take another mud bath.
Xena slams the shutters.
GABRIELLE Remind me to get that mud recipe.
The townsfolk are gathered around the town bell. They are obviously upset. Xena and Gabrielle join them on the fringe of the crowd.
INNKEEPER My friends, my friends.... You heard the alarm out there. We must go!
The people around him are clearly unwilling.
MAN The sea's too high!
INNKEEPER We must! We cannot ignore the bell!
Xena pushes forward through the crowd and ends up in the middle of it, with Gabrielle at her heels.
XENA What's going on here?
The crowd quiets, staring at them.
MAN A stranger! Where did you come from? Gaddus, you hid....
The innkeeper shoves the man.
INNKEEPER Ah.... Ah, yes, yes, they arrived just at sundown. Guests! Guests of mine. At the inn.
Gabrielle frowns at the man's nervous speech.
GABRIELLE But what's going on? What's that bell we keep hearing?
The crowd closes in on them. Xena and Gabrielle turn and go back to back, sensing something is wrong. Xena puts a hand on her sword hilt.
MAN The bell? The bell. (laughing) The bell is our bane. It means a ship is lost at sea.
GABRIELLE That's terrible.
WOMAN You know not what you say.
Gabrielle looks at the woman.
INNKEEPER (resignedly) You see, it is our duty... our... destiny to respond to any ship that sounds its bell at sea. We must.
XENA Very nice of you. So what's the problem?
INNKEEPER Ah... all our fishing fleet is out to... ah... to see, you see, and so we have one boat here, you see, to go to sea in, but none of us....
The crowd mutters.
XENA Knows how to sail.
MAN Exactly. (pausing) But I bet you know how to, don't you? You seem like the kind that would.
Xena's eyebrows lift. The storm intensifies. In the crashing of the waves nearby, they can hear the ship's bell again, this time it has an almost desperate sound to it.
XENA Maybe. How do you know the boat's in trouble?
INNKEEPER You can surely hear the bell yourself. No ship would ring it unless they were near to sinking.
They hear the bell again. The crowd is getting restless, and even more fearful.
GABRIELLE Where's the boat? Xena can sail anything.
Xena looks at Gabrielle, then rolls her eyes.
XENA Sure I can. All right, we'll help.
The crowd seems utterly relieved. It is a strange reaction, and Gabrielle looks at them closely. The nearest men and women seem to sense this, and move away.
MAN This way. Hurry. (pointing) Hurry.
They move towards the docks. The crowd follows.
Xena and Gabrielle are on the deck of a sturdy ship, with two big sails and coils of rope piled on the deck.
XENA Looks like it'll stand up....
The men on shore cut them loose, and push the boat away from the docks. It starts to drift out to sea.
XENA (cont’d) Hey!
INNKEEPER The bell! Listen!
The rain starts to pour down harder. Xena struggles to get the sail raised. Gabrielle helps her haul it up, and tie it off. The ship starts to move out away from the land.
XENA Y'know, Gabrielle....
Gabrielle has been tying off all the rope ends she can find, and now joins Xena near the front of the boat. They shade their eyes from the storm.
GABRIELLE There was something just not right back there, right?
XENA Right.
GABRIELLE Maybe they're all just scared.
She holds her stomach as the boat rocks in the storm.
GABRIELLE (cont’d) Or maybe they're just all like me.
Xena has hold of the wheel. She steers into the wind.
The boat heels over to one side. Xena grabs Gabrielle just as she's about to fly overboard, and pulls her close.
XENA (cont’d) You're one of kind.
Gabrielle grabs the wheel to keep herself steady. She peers into the rain.
GABRIELLE Xena, how are we supposed to find this ship when we can't even see the front of our own boat?
The boat pitches up and down, even more violently.
XENA You better go below. This is gonna get ugly.
Gabrielle takes a firmer hold of the wheel.
GABRIELLE It's this, or tossing my cookies. I'll take this. Want to go up front?
Xena leaves the wheel in Gabrielle's hands and fights her way forward, disappearing into the thick rain and night.
GABRIELLE (cont’d) (under her breath) Greater good, Gabrielle. Greater good.
Xena stands on the bow, holding tight to the ship's railing. She leans forward, seeing something in the storm.
XENA (yelling) Over there! Steer to starboard!
GABRIELLE Starboard? Where the Hades does she see stars? (yelling) Xena! Left or right?!?
Xena hears the bell, louder now.
XENA Right!
Gabrielle turns the wheel, ducking as the sail boom comes over her head. Xena slips under the boom at the very last second and rejoins her.
XENA Saw a lantern. Over there. (pointing) Must be the ship.
Gabrielle strains to look through the rain. She shakes her head after a moment.
GABRIELLE If you say so. Here. You take this. I'll see what we can use to help them out.
Xena takes the wheel. Gabrielle starts to search around the ship, holding on as the storm pitches them up and down. The rain washes across the deck, and the thunder sounds almost continuously.
Lightning flares.
XENA There! Look!
Gabrielle lifts a coil of rope, then stares not at what Xena has found, but at her feet.
XENA There it is! Gabrielle!
Gabrielle turns and is thrown across the deck, colliding with Xena. Another lightning flash lights up the sea, revealing a huge ship directly in front of them, with tattered sails.
GABRIELLE Xena, the ship has a leak!
XENA That one? Sure it does!
GABRIELLE THIS one! (pointing) And there's nothing here but some old rope!
Xena starts to go look, then suddenly the ship pitches up, and wheels directly for the bigger vessel, the sails shredding in the fierce wind that has suddenly risen.
XENA Hang on! Gabrielle! Gabrielle!!!!!
Gabrielle grabs hold of the wheel, and Xena's arm, just as the sea lifts the bigger boat up on a giant wave and sends it crashing down on top of them.
GABRIELLE Xena!!!!!!!!!