Warlord Daze

by Katrina

The following is a bit of alternative fiction based on certain characters from the Xenaverse. It is not meant to infringe on anyone else's rights. If you don't agree or disapprove, please go read something else.

Xex Alert: Oh Boy Is There. .This is a Prurient Piece with a Bit of Kink (If you hear the crack of the whip then you'll be in the neighborhood) Proceed at your own risk. :)

Remember, this is all meant in fun!

When the dark woman strode into the tent it was as the mighty warlord, the one and only Warrior Princess. Her presence was a command to attention and those of her household, who were present, stopped what they were doing with alacrity, their full awareness centered on *her.* A spoon clattered on the table close to one of the platters heaped with food. Xena noted the cups were already filled and places were set for her "guests." Her expression gave away no surprise.

Gabrielle was the first to move, making her silent way to Xena, removing the cloak the statuesque warrior put on because of the early evening downpour, folding it across her arm, and handing her a warmed cup. The bard's expression was impassive, but Xena caught the slight tremble of the young woman's hand as she accepted the cup. Her glance was wickedly knowing and she smirked as she took the first hot sip of her favorite tea. It was marvelous. The air outside had chilled a good bit and it was nice to have something warm fill her.

Gabrielle noted the absence of the people she'd been expecting. Eponin had come with word that the warlords had invited themselves to dinner, smashing the hope that the bard's explicit need would be met sometime soon. Instead she resigned herself to an evening of Xena's gloriously distracting torture. She'd been wet all day, barely able to contain herself and had already sought to assuage her craving with self stimulation. She'd thought it would work, after all it had in the past, but the relief had been temporary. Now, all she felt was a driving hunger that only one person could fill. It was almost unbearable. It made her antsy and usually when she was antsy she'd talk, or write a story or something, but she'd not been able to do that. NO. Instead she'd turned her energies into making dinner. She smiled winningly at Esther and Vivian and that smile was returned. At least *that* had turned out well.

Xena stood for a bit, allowing the tea to do its job of both invigorating and relaxing. Her shoulders lost some of the tension that had built around her as a result of Nisus cheeky but true observation about the food in her tent. Somehow that had managed to turn into a dare, when Colchak had scoffed about its quality and the next thing she knew the two warlords and their lieutenants were coming to dinner. DAMN. She'd bought some time by telling the warlords that they smelled like pack animals (they did) and she wouldn't have them in the tent without some sufficient clean up. She smirked. Now that had caused some interesting reactions, but she'd held her ground and managed, somehow to stare them all in the eye until they decided that cleaning up would be better than having her follow through on whatever threat she was promising with her glance.

She'd been so looking forward to having some time alone with the bard and caught the hint of desperation in the woman's eyes. The warlord closed her own for a moment in response and thought. Xena had not been seducing the bard all day with an intent that lacked follow through. It was time for some action. She handed the cup back to Gabrielle and promptly marched to the table.

"It looks wonderful," she praised. Then her expression turned ultra serious and she issued a command, "take a break. Have Solari warn us when the others start to arrive, then come back in when I call. Gabrielle will serve my needs." That last sentence was delivered in such a suggestive fashion that the two women addressed both blushed. The warlord didn't have to turn around to guess that the bard was also in the same condition. Xena waved her hand peremptorily and in no time flat, the dark haired beauty and Gabrielle had the tent to themselves.

The warlord composed herself, then turned around. Her cloak hung neatly on the post by the entryway. The flap was down. She could hear a bit of giggling outside. Gabrielle stood waiting, arms comfortably at her sides, face almost expressionless, but her hazel gaze was more piercing than an arrow. Xena smiled a long slow smile that matched the look she gave the bard. Then, abruptly, she turned around and took her seat.

She liked the layout. Apparently Gabrielle had learned from her experience the other day and had changed a few things. Now Xena had almost a full view of the tent, including the entry flap, but there wasn't much of a view for any other persons who might be in the tent. Xena grinned in appreciation. A person could sit to either side, but the place settings were situated so that wouldn't happen tonight. Tonight she was holding court and Gabrielle had known it. Tonight, during dinner, she would make official what had occurred during the day. The whole of the army as it was comprised now, would be hers. But she didn't want to occupy her thoughts with that yet. She had better, more pressing, matters to attend to. Namely, the satisfaction of one luscious strawberry blonde who looked like she couldn't wait much longer. She might not be able to have her bard for dinner, but Xena didn't see why she couldn't be the appetizer. The warlord stood up a little, giving Gabrielle an extended view of her cleavage, and filled her plate.

She watched with a hidden gaze as Gabrielle slowly shifted her hips, resting one foot while setting her weight on another. She made it look as if she was in no hurry, no rush, but Xena was sure the bard's pulse was pounding as hotly as hers. She smiled to herself and sat back down. Then she took one dainty bite and hummed with pleasure. "Mmm, delicious." She chewed lazily, swallowed and picked up the cup of wine. She sipped and as she set the cup down she licked her lips. Then she sat back and her gaze stripped the young woman bare. She crooked her finger.

That was all Gabrielle needed.

It took every single ounce of will for the fair skinned woman to not run full tilt into Xena's arms, instead she walked, carefully, slowly, till she was at Xena's side looking into eyes so blue the sky couldn't compare. Xena grasped her left hip and began moving the strawberry blonde until she was positioned so that she was semi standing over the warlord's lap. The dark haired woman's hand dipped under and up the slave's skirt and stopped when she felt the silky loops that covered the bard's sex. Her eyes narrowed, "Where are your breeches?" She remember distinctly that Gabrielle had put some on this morning. She had been looking forward to taking them off.

The bard blushed and looked at the post. Xena's eyes widened as she looked at her cloak. The bard leaned forward and whispered, "I figured they were both wet." The woman's hazel gaze danced with provocative mirth.

Xena's eyebrows arched and her voice turned sultry, "Oh? Is that so?" She could feel the dewy edge of the curls and knew it was true, but she couldn't help teasing a little. She let a finger draw the fine line of Gabrielle's sex, but without entering. The woman bit her lower lip, her eyes pleading. Xena turned her glance away and she picked up the cup as she let her finger move in a little deeper, gently touching, but not rubbing the woman's point of delight. "Sit down."

Gabrielle lowered herself against Xena's hand, trying not to lose the precious contact, while at the same time obeying the command. She now straddled the warlord's lap. Xena spread her legs, settling her feet so she was comfortably positioned. This, of course, caused Gabrielle's legs to part in response. Xena took another sip of wine, her hand remaining where it was located and smiled lazily. Gabrielle could not believe how good this felt. She was wide open, yet supported for whatever Xena wanted to do, but she wished beyond good reason that Xena would move that hand. Her hips moved.

"Ahahah." The warlord's voice was playful, teasing, and commanding at the same time, "No moving. Not yet." Xena smiled and set the cup down, picked up the fork and took another bite of food. She chewed thoughtfully, carefully watching and listening for any disturbances. She figured she had enough time. Xena continued to eat, not caring how rude that might appear later. This was just a snack after all....

Gabrielle's barely caught the plead that nearly came out of her mouth. Instead, she strove to remember to breathe and to hold her place against that too too still hand. She felt the throb of the tip of her desire expand, until she could feel it in her whole body as her heartbeat. Then, just when every ounce of her being seemed attached to that one point, Xena's fingers began to move, gently, subtly, skillfully in small little circles that widened and contracted until the bard's slickness covered her fingers in moist adoration. Gabrielle closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against Xena's shoulder. She was still trying to obey the woman by not moving as nature dictated. Her breath came in gasps and she knew that she was moments away from vocalizing her need. Xena's hand stopped. The bard gasped out a moan of sheer frustration. Her hands clamped powerfully down on Xena's thighs. Now she was pleading in raspy little cries. "Please, please. Oh Gods. please."

Xena took another drink, and as she did so she let the fingers of her hidden hand slide forward a little. The warlord swallowed and said , "Since you ask so nicely." She kissed the bard's ear, then her cheek, which was so pleasantly close to her mouth, then whispered, "tip your hips." The bard obeyed and found herself pierced by loving fingers. Xena shuddered with her own pleasure. "Very Good." Her voice purred. Then, her hand began to move again and her thumb became artful. "Now you can move."

At first Gabrielle's motion was jerky, her earlier resistance needing to be broken by the same determined will that held it in, but in moments, her body was timed to Xena's delicious invasion and she was moaning for sweeter reasons. The strawberry blonde sat up a little, though her hands were still placed on Xena's thighs for support, and she gazed with hot abandon at the woman she called mistress. Xena's nostrils flared and her body was taking on its own color of lust in response to the ardent bard. The warlord's mouth claimed the bard's in one deep humidly lewd kiss that left nothing to the imagination. She pulled back, her blue eyes capturing the bard's hazel gaze and issued a final whispered command, "Come for me Gabrielle."

In an instant, a fullbodied cry of exquisite release passed into the world through a throat made raw with passion. Xena felt the bard's gushing voluptuous contractions almost as if they were her own, they were so intense. Gabrielle saw colors she didn't even know existed.

They kissed again, softly, more tenderly and Xena whispered sweet endearments into her lover's ear. After a certain point, when the final tremors had stopped, Xena withdrew her hand, eliciting another regretful cry from the strong petite woman. The warlord's voice was velvet, "Love, I told you I wanted you for dinner." She brought the pleasuring extremity up, and touched wet fingers to the bard's soft lips, rubbing just a little, then she dropped her arm down gently until the wet hand eventually rested on the bard's own thigh, just at the joining of the hip. Xena smiled suggestively, "I think I'll save this hand for the finger foods." Gabrielle's eyes widened in understanding and she turned her head to look at the dinner. Xena would have plenty of opportunity to "have" Gabrielle for dinner. She blushed and grinned at her lover and laid her head against the warrior's shoulder. Xena repositioned the bard so she straddled the left thigh. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control the impulses that crowded in her when she felt the young woman's wetness against her.

"We'll have to move you soon love." She spoke tenderly. Gabrielle nodded in response, content to be leaning against the warlord, grateful for the release she finally felt. One of her hands splayed across Xena's leather covered abdomen. The other wrapped itself around the warrior's waist. Her breathing was even, yet her hips moved distractingly against Xena's thigh. The desire was there. In a few minutes under different circumstances Gabrielle would be ready again. That pleased Xena immensely, not to mention reassured her. Perhaps her worries about Gabrielle keeping up were unfounded. Still the bard was spent, at least for the moment, and Xena could tell that she wouldn't be able to attend to normal matters for a bit of time. Of course, as she was thinking this, a knock sounded and Solari stepped in, walking backwards.

"They're almost here." Her voice was even, but her skin was an interesting shade of tan and pink.

Xena acknowledged the woman. "Thank you Solari, have them wait outside until I call." The guard nodded then stepped back out, grateful that she'd taken Eponin's advice. Xena had some quick thinking to do, knowing that she couldn't just deposit Gabrielle in their "bedroom" and then leave her there the whole night. Nor could she sneak Gabrielle out. There had to be another option. She looked at the woman who was wrapped around her so comfortably. She was dressed (at least enough for appearances sake). She had someplace to sit and Xena wasn't opposed to the location at all. She hadn't eaten yet (that Xena knew about.) A slow wicked grin took over the Warlord's face.

The slave would be staying for dinner after all.

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©September 1997


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©September 1997