Warlord Daze

by Katrina

The following is a bit of alternative fiction based on certain characters from the Xenaverse. It is not meant to infringe on anyone else's rights. If you don't agree or disapprove, please go read something else.

Xex Alert: Oh Boy Is There. .This is a Prurient Piece with a Bit of Kink (If you hear the crack of the whip then you'll be in the neighborhood) Proceed at your own risk. :)

Remember, this is all meant in fun!

Xena wasted no time. "Gabrielle." The bard lifted her head, her breathing still heavy in recovery. She looked seriously into the warlord's blue eyes, responding to the woman's tone of voice. "I've invited strangers into our home." Xena knew they weren't really strangers, but she was trying to be careful of her language. The bard blinked again, working to register what what being said, the message the warrior was trying to give her, "They don't know of our customs, our agreement." Ah, now she got it. Hazel eyes registered understanding. Her gentle arms unclasped the warlord's waist. She sat up straight, less self consciously than she expected, and prepared to detach herself from Xena's thigh (though, if she'd had her druthers, she'd could stay there for a while longer without feeling badly at all.)

She began to switch positions, pulling damply to the left, when she felt Xena's powerful hand pushing her back. Xena gave her an eloquent glance. "Don't go anywhere." The warrior's hand traced lazily against the bard's thigh, causing thrills of pleasure to dance along Gabrielle's skin, "At least not yet." She gave the fair woman a diabolically expressive grin.

"But," Gabrielle began, not really intending to protest, considering she didn't really want to withdraw.

"I don't want you to leave." Xena's voice beseeched the strawberry blonde to stay. The bard shook her head. She was missing something. Xena continued. "But I need you to set aside our agreement for awhile. I need to be the Warlord in our home. I may have to . . ." This time Gabrielle really got it. She felt warmed through by the woman's concern. Gabrielle lifted her hand and gently placed it over the warrior's mouth. Her eyes were very serious.

Then the bard asked one very important question, "Will the safe words still be operative?" Xena looked at the woman in amazement, realizing that the red head was about to surrender herself again.


The bard's voice was as firm with resolve as her eyes. "Mistress I am yours. I will do as you say. I will go where you take me." They gazed solemnly at each other, committing to something so intimately important that words did not suffice. The Warlord smiled softly, tenderly. Then her lips sought out Gabrielle's.

It wasn't a long kiss, but it held all the passion and desire that she had for the woman. It was full of love. By the time they parted, Gabrielle was more aroused than ever before. Her belly ached with longing. The hazel eyed woman's face flickered with humor and she glanced shyly at her lover. "Well, since you put it that way, I guess I haven't got any other pressing," she deliberately rolled her hips sensuously, touching down wetly, marking Xena's thigh as her own as she tipped herself back into place, "engagements." For that she got a slap on the butt with the same hand that had seconds before been patrolling her skin. It wasn't that hard, but it was definitely an attention getter.

Oh. She *liked* that. Gabrielle grinned saucily, rolled her hips again and kissed the warlord before the dark haired woman could make the spicy reply the strawberry blonde saw headed her way. For some reason, Gabrielle felt a bubbling happiness in her bosom and it was seeping out despite herself. Xena had asked.

Esther and Vivian entered the tent first upon Xena's command. They took the positions of servitors, though they were both armed with knives meant to kill more than carve. The warlord did some quick directing with her free hand. Her other hand, covered by Gabrielle's skirt, was now occupied with exploring the soft roundness of the bard's naked hip. The compact woman's body was relaxed against the gorgeous warrior.

Esther caught the Queen's gaze and gave the strawberry blonde, who seemed to still be pulling out of her erotic haze (although what was really happening was that lovely bard was drifting back into it again), a wink. Esther always appreciated a *good one* when she heard it, being somewhat of an auditory voyeur, and that had most definitely been a good one. She could have told *that* to anyone, even if she wasn't seeing the glowing evidence of it before her eyes. Gabrielle found herself smiling back at the friendly woman and found inspiration in the fraternal little wink. She was trying to remain calm. Really she was, but every time Xena moved her hand it caused tingles. It took everything she had not to buck against the warlord, though her hips were making sly slick movements anyway. Gabrielle was taking a lot of deep slow unobtrusive breaths. It wasn't working.

Gabrielle thought she knew what passion was. When she'd married Perdicus, she thought she'd experienced it. But it was nothing like this kindling of her senses that took over when Xena was near. It was as if all the warlord had to do was turn her face in Gabrielle's direction and the passion that she'd thought had been banked would spark its embers and the glow would start all over again. That was what had happened when Xena kissed her this time. Gabrielle's need had been met, then in one single moment it had burst to wet flame once more. Gods.

There came a point though, when she couldn't ignore what Xena was doing anymore, and had to respond (fingers trailed the valley of her buttocks, caressing and teasing the V in terribly distracting and agonizingly sweet way). Her voice was a husky murmur and a request for attention, "Xena." The warlord's head turned and her shapely lips came into view. Gabrielle groaned up to meet the luscious woman's mouth.

It was perfect timing. Nisus strolled in, getting ready to act as he owned the place, when he caught sight of the golden slave tendering a rough and zesty kiss to the Warrior Princess, whose arms pressed the slave against her as if she intended to meld the little woman into her soul. It took his breath away, caused him to misstep ever so slightly and totally blew his composure out the nonexistent window. Solari took the opportunity to divest the nonplused and distracted man of his weapons. She actually managed to get all of them this time.

Vivian, who was blushing herself at the incredibly erotic display, led the warlord to his seat and inquired whether the selected vintage would be good enough. He nodded, still a bit muddled by where his blood was flowing, and she sat him down gently with a firm hand. He was still goggling as the kiss wound down. One of Xena's hands slipped out of his view as the two women finally parted. The dark haired woman gazed in sultry wonder at the slave, then, faster than he could blink, her expression changed and he found himself gazing at *the* warlord.

"Hello Nisus," she drawled in greeting without looking at him. The one hand that was still above the table serenely picked up a goblet. "Gabrielle, say hello to Nisus." Xena took another sip of the wine and turned her gaze, finally, to her first guest. She noticed the way Nisus' hot eyes followed the bard's every movement.

The slave twisted a bit until she could see him. Her expression was totally impassive. If he hadn't seen them kissing, he would never have known. Her voice was like honey, only richer. It was warmer than he remembered. "Hello Nisus." Xena's eyes flicked to Gabrielle briefly at the tone of her voice, hearing something hotly suggestive in the timbre. Maybe she was reading it wrong. The warlord recalled that it had taken months for the bard to overcome her nudity inhibitions in the baths. Surely she couldn't have changed that much. Xena contemplatively nabbed a bit of food on a fork.

Gabrielle turned back around partially, intending to whisper something into Xena's ear and encountered, a few inches from her face, a fork. "Open." Xena commanded. Gabrielle was never a stupid person. She smiled softly and opened her mouth slowly, provocatively, like she was about to take in a lover. When the fork entered the slaves mouth, her teeth clamped down gently and Xena pulled the fork out just as carefully. The dark woman's gaze was slightly lecherous. "Chew." The bard began the slow sensuous motions of consuming her food, her eyes closed blissfully. She hummed with pleasure. Xena thought nothing of it. That was Gabrielle's natural state when she ate. She ate as one pleasured by the experience. She was wholly, fully present at that moment. It was one of the aspects that she loved about the woman. It was how she'd known Gabrielle would be a good lover.

Nisus on the other hand, didn't know about the slave's propensity for pure enjoyment of her meals and found his body responding accordingly. He shifted in his chair, suddenly wondering if this had been a good idea. He knew he should have had a clue yesterday morning. He looked at Gabrielle and then at Xena, then at the slave again. Gods he wanted one. Though if someone had asked him what "one" was, he wouldn't have been able to answer. Xena smiled knowingly at him and served Gabrielle another bite. This time there was a bit of fruit held by her fingers.

"Open." Gabrielle smiled and did as she was bid. Her mouth closed softly, covering the warlord's fingers so they had to be drawn out from her wet grasp. Salty and sweet. Xena had given her first taste. The warlord's eyelids crinkled with pleasure at look on the bard's face. Gabrielle actually moaned. Nisus covered the whimper that almost came to his mouth by taking a quick gulp of wine and setting the cup down loudly. If Nisus' reactions were any indication, then dinner would truly be an interesting experience. The Warrior Princess picked up a bit of food for herself and with a feral smile of satisfaction began her dinner.

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