Warlord Daze

by Katrina

The following is a bit of alternative fiction based on certain characters from the Xenaverse. It is not meant to infringe on anyone else's rights. If you don't agree or disapprove, please go read something else.

Xex Alert: Oh Boy Is There. .This is a Prurient Piece with a Bit of Kink (If you hear the crack of the whip then you'll be in the neighborhood) Proceed at your own risk. :)

Remember, this is all meant in fun!

Nisus never got around to talking about the "plans," for which he was infinitely grateful. He was guided out of the tent by Gabrielle and given a courteous bow on his way out. He turned to gaze at the slave, who was still dressed in her morning robes, and offered a very brief smile. Her even, fearless gaze made him feel, just for a moment, as if he were a human being worthy of respect. He had decided by the end of the meal, that he would at least come to visit once and awhile. The feeling of comfort that had invaded his bones was worth the effort of stripping his swords and he felt a true reluctance to shake it off. When he put his weaponry back on, he remembered the price of being a warlord. The grizzled angry mask of the warlord wasn't difficult to assume, but for the first time in his life he felt a kind of regret for it. He smiled again at Gabrielle, so quickly that she almost didn't catch it. Then, mask firmly in place, he stepped back into his world.

Xena found it amazing to watch the transformation of the warlord from a gruff posturing man to one who was almost congenial. She'd never seen him like that, not in all her years of knowing him. She looked at Gabrielle and realized that the presence of the woman had a profound impact on the man. Then she discerned something she'd hidden deep inside herself. The woman's presence had the same affect on her.

Xena did a quick inventory of herself. Her body was relaxed and at ready. She felt powerful, like she could take on an army with a hand tied behind her back. Her mind was clear of all those agonizing worries she'd been feeling since arriving in the camp, replaced instead with a burning confidence similar to what she used to feel in her old battle days.

Of course it felt similar, she thought to herself as she looked at her surroundings. That was her table, her chair, her trunks and silks. There were objects that were obviously new, but the clean scents in the air were her favorite. The dishes served had been her favorite foods. Somehow, somewhere, Gabrielle had found one who knew the intimate details of her life and the bard had learned. Xena's eyes flashed at the thought and the warlord, for that's what she had to be now, wondered just for a moment how much information the strawberry blonde had acquired. Then the olive skinned warrior realized, as she observed the bard, that not only had Gabrielle learned, she had *absorbed* that information so deeply that the small, strong woman flawlessly, seamlessly flowed into Xena's warlord lifestyle. Not only that, by bringing her Amazon guard with her, the bard/slave brought something unique, something rarely felt in a warlord's life; a true haven. Xena knew what she was feeling. She felt safe.

But that didn't mean that they were. The warrior's eyes narrowed in thought. It wouldn't do to get too cozy. Danger could strike from anywhere and one needed to be prepared. Then her mind played out another scenario and she thought perhaps those feelings weren't so opposite after all. The one prepared sleeps well. So it wasn't about ignoring the danger and being comfortable, but of preparing enough that it didn't matter. With that thought in mind, Xena came to the conclusion that since she was aware of those feelings of comfort, she could operate with them. She could use them for her benefit and for Gabrielle's. Besides, there is nothing scarier in the world than a obviously powerful warlord who looks relaxed. It makes people wonder what they're up to. She grinned wickedly at the idea and some watching Amazons shivered fearfully in response. That made her grin even fiercer. Point made. She looked up at the cause of her comfort and a different kind of smile graced her face, then it left and a seriousness took over. It was time to talk to her bard.

Gabrielle was still looking out the entryway, watching the fading form of Nisus contemplatively when Xena called for her attention. The woman appeared to flow to Xena's presence as a result of the movement of her robe. Xena felt a compelling flutter of desire roll through her body. Gods, when had *she* become so beautiful? For the first time Xena felt free to simply enjoy the feelings that flooded through her. It was wonderful not to have to resist her lust for the woman. The warlord's blue gaze turned sultry as she met the hazel regard of her friend. Her lips turned up in a provocative smirk. "Tell the others to leave. We need some privacy."

Gabrielle raised an eyebrow, a fair approximation of Xena's, and said, "yes, Mistress." Then in a few subtle moves, Xena's instructions were carried out with a regard to detail that left the warrior somewhat breathless. With the closing of the flap, the tent turned shadowy though they could see each other clearly in the light that was available.

"Gabrielle." Xena spoke as she took one of the bard's warm hands in her own. "I think we have much to discuss." Gabrielle nodded her head in agreement, but didn't say anything, only smiled. Xena wasn't sure what to make of this uncharacteristic silence, but thought maybe a good conversation would help. "Here, come with me." The warrior paced to her favorite chair with Gabrielle in tow, then let go of Gabrielle's hand and sat down. She smiled up at her love and received an enchanting smile in return. The warrior couldn't resist. Xena felt a low chuckle of lust spin through her body and pulled the bard into her lap. "Gods, You're beautiful," Xena said.

The silky robe parted a little, revealing one of Gabrielle's powerful thighs. Xena place a gentle hand familiarly between them, but not too far up. At the moment she was just connecting herself with this lovely woman. They stared at each other a long moment and then a flicker of decision passed through Gabrielle's eyes. "Mistress, may I kiss you?"

"Gabrielle," Xena spoke helplessly before her mouth felt the light pressure of the bard's lips upon her own. The warrior moaned and responded by pulling the honey haired woman's body tightly against her own. Warm lips smoothed together in delectable rhythm, even as the tongues danced silently with each other. Xena forgot for a moment what she was trying to do, and probably would have completely forgotten save for one rude interruption.

Gabrielle's stomach growled like a team of tigers. They pulled back, both of them a little startled and the bard acting a little sheepish. Xena narrowed her gaze, "Gabrielle." Her voice took on *that* tone (the almost a reprimand, but definitely a question coming tone), "when was the last time you ate?"

The "slave" blushed and her eyebrows knit in thought. Then, looking nonplused, she stated, "I don't remember."

Now Xena's eyebrows shot up, "You don't remember?!!"

"Well," Gabrielle started, "You see, I was kind of in a hurry to get here, then when we did arrive we had to set up, then after dinner we," Gabrielle blushed a bright crimson, but she was grinning, ". . well anyway, then I woke up to start breakfast and I was going to grab a little something to tide me over, but Nisus showed up and I didn't have a chance to, because I had to wait for you to wake up and make sure your tea was warm and. . ."

Two things were made clear to Xena at this point. Her bard was hungry and contrary to Xena's growing worry, her bard had not lost the ability to talk. It warmed the warrior to her toes. She grinned and looked at the table. There was still plenty of food, most of it requiring only fingers. She nabbed a plate and mmhmmed that she was listening. Then at an opportune moment, when the "slave" paused for a breath, she slid a piece of fruit into Gabrielle's mouth. Her finger touched the bard's lips on the way out and Gabrielle kissed it. Xena's smile could have compared to the sun at that moment.

Xena decided now was the time, while Gabrielle was chewing, to address certain issues. She gazed intently at the bard. "Gabrielle, you don't have to do this." She looked around the tent meaningfully.

Gabrielle responded, "I know that Xena. I wanted to."

Xena shook her head. "Gabrielle, I. . ."

Gabrielle put silencing fingers on Xena's lips.

"Xena, I was so worried I couldn't sleep at night. I was having terrible nightmares. They said the Warrior Princess had returned. There was a part of me that thought, that can't be true and another part that said, it must be true. They spoke of your visage. I had to find out for myself. I didn't know if you remembered who you were. I didn't know if you had a good reason. I didn't know if you remembered me. I only know, that everyone thought that you had come back. I only had the rumors. Then I heard that you were hurt." Hazel dipped down at the memory of her fear, a lip trembled. "I knew then, that it didn't matter what opinion I had or didn't have. I needed to come to you. But I knew it was dangerous. I knew I had to be prepared. I had no idea how I could approach you without getting my silly head busted."

Xena started to protest. Again, Gabrielle hushed her, golden hoops dangling as her her head shook in denial, "Oh, but I know I can be trouble Xena. I knew that if I waltzed in and claimed to know you, but you didn't know me, that I might not like the results," Now that was an understatement. Shasta had made that very clear. Gabrielle winced in the memory of his vivid descriptions. "And I knew, if you were the Xena I knew, and you were doing this for some reason I didn't know about, then I would be real trouble for you if I didn't prepare. That I'd be risking both of our lives if I tried to walk in without some way of justifying, of making it seem. . ." her voice faltered and she pressed her face against Xena's neck.

"I just had to be with you Xena." The bard's body trembled with all the emotions she'd been keeping at bay and tears began to roll. Xena brought her arms up and around the small woman's body and held her close.

"Shh, love. It's okay. I understand. Shhh." At that point Xena completely gave up the notion of sending Gabrielle away. She'd known she wouldn't be able to get rid of Gabrielle and now she had the reason why. Gods, the woman was brave. It made Xena feel dazzlingly alive to know that Gabrielle had given herself willingly, had made these choices for *her,* even as the warlord. Xena's heart was full of admiration. This whole effort of the bard's spoke of an inherent cleverness that staggered the dark haired woman. Xena continued to whisper comforts into Gabrielle's ear, even as she resumed weaving the resourceful bard into her plans. After watching the changes in Nisus, she could see how useful it would be to have Gabrielle here. But they couldn't always stay in the tent.

Well, Gabrielle was the one who invented the role, wasn't she? And she seemed very, very capable in it. Xena's body burned with the memory of last night and she licked her lips unconsciously. Then she thought about how Gabrielle had handled the warlord this morning. Oh, she was versatile alright and thinking ahead this time. The question remained, however, how far was Gabrielle willing to go? How deep? There might be things involved Gabrielle hadn't anticipated. For that matter, that *she* hadn't anticipated. How much could Gabrielle handle? How much did she know? What if she had to ask Gabrielle to do something really hard? Xena contemplated how to address the problem as she stroked her lover's hair with affectionate fingers and relished its silky softness. Then Xena felt a grin stretch across her face. The doubts may be there, but Gods, if this went right, if Gabrielle could stick through it, this was going to be so much fun.

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ŠAugust 1997


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ŠAugust 1997