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30 April
For those going to the Pasadena convention (you
lucky things) watch out for that talented Brazillian - Lucia! She has done some absolutely
AMAZING artwork for The Bard's Brunch and the Merwolfpack (Pup) Auction. I will be adding
her artwork to her page when the convention is over.
Convention Page
Added information about the LJ Maas panel
scheduled for Sunday at 2:00 pm.
Updated the Fan
Gatherings section with the addition of The NETFORUM will have a gathering hosted by
TalkAttack14 on Friday, May 5th at 4pm to 5pm in the Little Theatre by the Main Hall Con.
For more details email TalkAttack14@aol.com
Six Episode Guide
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
- For all you Victoria Pratt fans - it seems the lovely Vicky is
going to star as Shalimar in "Mutant X", the TV-series spinoff of the popular
Marvel comic book X-Men. Click on the link below to take you to the article about the show
- There are a couple of articles in magazines that might be of
interest. There's an article in Starlog 2001-June # 287 ALL ABOUT EVE- Adrienne
Wilkinson stands proud as Xena's daughter. Also says, "For more unpublished comments
all about Eve (and Livia) from this extensive interview with Wilkinson, see website
( www.starlog2k.com ) ".
- Cinescape Magazine May/June 2001- There's an
article on Bruce Campbell- JACK OF ALL TRADES-"Bruce Campbell's memoir uncovers the
working-class side of Hollywood". He apparently wrote a book "If Chins Could
Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor". Author: Bruce Campbell, Publisher: LA Weekly
Books, On Sale: June 2001 Many thanks to Tanya for the information above
29 April
Good news: Katherine Fugate's site is now back
online! Katherine penned the episode "When Fates Collide" that will be screening
7th May.
Episode Guide
Artwork Section
This is a sad announcement. I will no longer be
accepting anymore artwork for this section. All the artwork currently hosted will remain
so if you have art on the site, never fear it's not going anywhere. I want to thank all
the artists for contributing to the site.
Aussie Xena
This is from Darran at the Eclectica
Bookshop Cafe
I am proud to announce that the next Eclectica
Bookshop Cafe Cult TV
night will take place on Saturday the 12th of May. This event will feature a program
totally devoted to Xena, featuring the superb Rheingold trilogy, consisting of the
episodes - The Rhiengold, The Ring, and Return of the Valkyries. As well as this we will
also feature the episodes Old Ares had a Farm, and Dangerous Prey. The event starts at
6pm; also - food, drinks and desserts will be available on the night.
The Bard's Corner
Okay all those Sword 'n' Quill fans who were
perstering me about Desert Storm (why me I ask you and not Sue? >shrug< ) Sue has
finally got back to writing Desert Storm - it's a continuation of the story she started
many moons ago - before Angel and Ice interrupted her muse. The main Desert Storm web page is here to read Parts 1
- 11 if you haven't read this story before.
I am very pleased to announce the return of DAKVERSE - the page dedicated
to Dar Roberts and Kerry Stuart. It was gone for a while but it's back ;-)
Ladyhawke Productions - the company that will be
producing the Tropical Storm TV Series have a new site! For those not aware (where have
you been hiding?) Tropical Storm is the Uber series
created by Melissa Good (Dar Roberts and Kerry Stuart). Check out their web site! http://ladyhawke-productions.com/
Xena Convention
Added a new section for the convention page - Fan Gatherings. Find out where the fan events are
being held during the convention.
Added WHOOSH! panel discussion and Sword and
Staff mixer and discussion events
Added information about the Merwolfpack (aka
Pups - the Melissa Good Fan Club) dinner and auction.
News about the next Xena Soundtrack from
Verése Sarabande records
Our tremendously successful series of Xena soundtracks from the blockbuster
TV show is about to come to a grand and glorious end. To celebrate the series
finale and the end of Xenas long run, Varèse Sarabande Records and composer
Joseph LoDuca have prepared a aliant send off. Xena Volume Six is the most
spectacular volume of all. For starters, Xena Volume Six is the first 2-CD
set of the series. Featuring over two hours of the music fans have been
demanding, Xena Volume Six includes music from Xenas grand finale
<censored location for those spoiler free> Music from Xenas Ring Trilogy of
episodes (The Ring, The Rheingold and The Return of the Valkyrie) is here as well as the
epics Fallen
Angel and Ides of March. Rounding out this landmark set is a collection of fifteen of the
most requested unreleased songs and novelty items from the shows six seasons. No
Xena fan can be without this one! Over 2 hours of music never before available celebrates
the legend that is Xena: Warrior Princess. Xena the television show and Xena, the series
of soundtracks are both ready to go out with a bang!
Catalog #: 302 066 255 2
Release Date: 19 June 2001
27 April
26 April
Six Episode Guide
MaryD's Montages
The Bard's Corner
2001 Xena
Convention Update
The following is from Sharon at Creation Entertainment:
- Lucy and Renee will be appearing onstage together at the
convention. I'm going to be the moderator and I'd like to solicit
questions for them. They can be for each of them individually or duo
questions. You don't have to be going to the convention to send in a
question, but if you are, please let me know. Please send the questions to my email addy
at: outback@creationent.com
25 April
Aussie Xena
Volume 6 and 7 of the Season One Xena Tapes
are now available. The episodes are:
Volume 6: The Black Wolf and Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
Volume 7: Athens City Academy of The Performing Bards and A Fistful of Dinars
If you were collecting the cards that came with the videos you will be
disappointed.There are no more cards inserted with the tapes.
The Season 3 Schedule for May on TV1 (Foxtel)
7 May The Debt P1
14 May The Debt P2
21 May The King of Assassins
28 May Warrior Priestess Tramp
Xena is shown on Monday's at 7:30 pm and repeated at 1 pm on Tuesday
News Archive
Lucy News
24 April
Episode Guide
Lucy News

Lucy has gone punk! No not really..well sort of.
Lucy will be appearing in the movie SPIDERMAN (produced by Sam Raimi) in
a cameo appearance as a punk rocker!
Read more about it on
More Lucy In the News - from Kiwi Attic
This weeks Sunday papers and Womans Day, also feature Lucy.............mostly to do
with the new book being released in two days time about amazing New Zealand women and
their struggles to reach their goals. The articles are all slightly different, and the
Womans Day one is transcribed, but the others are two long (and my fingers too short).
Take a look at:
Womans Day: http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Xena/WD/300401.htm
Sunday News: http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Xena/SundayNews/220401.htm
Sunday Star Times: http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Xena/SStar/220401.htm
The Bard's Corner
One on One
News Archives
23 April
MaryD's Montages
Six Episode Guide
The Bard's Corner
FlyBigD has started a new Uber series called
Welcome to Paradise set on a tropical island resort!
- The following is from Tomihawk
Continuing on from our last event on April 7th, the next Ancient Greece - Uncovered is
taking place on May 5th in Belfast, N. Ireland. As well as the three new season 6 episodes
(Norse Trilogy) we'll be showing the Just Shoot Me episode that Lucy appeared in. There
will also be music videos, a raffle and a Xena quiz. More details can be found at www.tomihawk.com/agu
22 April
The Big Sell off of Xena Props is on! Turner's
Auctions is holding the sale of Xena/Hercules/Cleopatra/Young Herc and Jack of All Trades
of props and other goodies. The auction will be held over three days - May 4, May 5 and
May 16. in Auckland New Zealand.
21 April
Season 6
Episode Guide
The Bard's Corner
Lucy News
- On the 2nd April I reported that Josh Becker was asked on his
site about Lucy's next move and he indicated he heard that Lucy will be starring in a film
by Rennie Harlan. Recently Rennie Harlan was asked about this and his reply was "It
is rumor". So I guess we wait and see if Lucy will be starring in his film.
Little Xena and Gabrielle
Comic Strip by Lucia
Turn The Pages Updates
The following is so cool and it couldn't
happen to a nicer person and a dear friend.
Lambda Book Report - THE magazine on Gay
& Lesbian literature shows in the Lambda Book Report Bestsellers...
Tumbleweed Fever by LJ Maas was #1 for March 2001
Where do they get this info from? They take their info from the sales reports from
the five big G&L bookstores around the country.
You can order Tumbleweed Fever from The
Open Book or Amazon.com
My novel "Out of Darkness"
was #1 on the best seller list for Women's Favourites in The Open Book bookstore for March
2001. You can purchase the book from
Barnes & Noble.com or The
Open Book. You can read an excerpt from the book - Chapter 1 of Out of Darkness from
my publisher's site
19 April
Season 6
Episode Guide
The Bard's Corner
18 April
News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Added Annemaart to The Bard's Corner
17 April
Behind The Scenes with Lucy and Renee
The Bard's Corner
XIPPY Awards
After a short hiatus - they XIPPY Awards are back!
Xenaverse News
The following is from Dawn (Lt Paws) regarding the
XWP Charity T-shirt sale
This is the announcement everyone has been bugging me
about.....the donation totals from the XWP Charity T-shirt sale! Now, this
total does not include, the projected total income from the upcoming XWPCharityT Crossword
puzzle being played in Pasadena. Nor does it include the interest that will accrue
on the account one more time before I close it and make out the two cashier's checks to
the charities, so it will be a few dollars more when all is said & done. After
all expenses for the shirts, advertising and shipping, we made a total of.................
:::drum roll please:::
This total will be divided equally between the two charities, The Starship
Foundation (specifically, the Starship's Paeditric Neurosurgery Theatre,
since the Safe and Sound Appeal has closed), and the James W. Ellis
Foundation at Hofstra University.
16 April
Season 6
Guide Updates
Turn The Page
Added new feature - Reviews. If you would like to review
any book currently listed at TTP - please send it to TTPReviews. Please indicate the following in
your review:
- Name of book and author
- Your Review
- Your name and email address (if you wish)
15 April
Please note:
My inbox suffered an explosion and I lost my personal messages. If you
sent me a note in the past 2-3 days please resend.
News Archive
Episode Guide
Season Six Update
MaryD's Montages
The Bard's Corner
13 April
Episode Guide
Xena Tapes Update
Blackstar Videos in the UK have now released the
Series 3 (Box Set 2) with the following episodes in PAL (not suitable VCRs for the US)
The Bitter Suite, One Against an Army, Forgiven, King Con,
When in Rome, Forget Me Not, Fins Femmes and Gems, Tsunami, Vanishing Act, and Sacrifice
Parts One and Two.
The price is £22.94 + postage of £4 ($78.34 Australian) for
them. To Order go to
2001 Xena
- Creation Entertainment have announced more guests for the
2001 Xena Con and they are:
Karl Urban (Caeser and Cupid)
Tim Omundson (Eli)
Darien Takle (Cyrene)
Ebonie Smith (M'lila)
Melissa Good (Writer)
Robert Field (Editor with new bloopers in tow)
The Bard's Corner
12 April
Music video update
MaryD's Montages
Episode Guide
AXIP News Archive
Added Lucy's new look from Sophisticated Hairstyles Guide -
April 2001
The Australian
(national newspaper) 9 April had a small preivew of the picture on the left, on the front
page of Wednesday's book review section. The picture is headed the words "FEMINISM -
War by other means". Many thanks to Peter who sent this in - I guess Xena is
everywhere now <g>
On a related issue several weekends ago the
local Sunday paper had a small blurb about Tough Women on TV - and it had a picture of
Xena (early publicity shot) but had no mention of Xena at all!
The Bard's Corner
Aussie Xena News
- Volumes 6 and 7 of the Season 1 tapes can now be purchased
from Civic Video Online for $14.95 (that's the lowest price I've found that at - normally
retail for $18.95 at Kmart and Target)
Volume 6
contains the episodes:
The Black Wolf & Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
Volume 7
contains the episodes:
Athens City Academy of the Performing Bards & A Fistful of Dinars
Both volumes contain a special collector's card.
10 April
AXIP News Archive
Xenaverse News
- The following is from The Xenaversity of Minnesota (XoM)

The Xenaversity of Minnesota (XoM) announces the BIGGEST
collectable to hit the Xenaverse! The Xenaversity Banner, with Creations help, is
going to be auctioned off for charity at the Pasadena Convention May 4-6!!! This is THE
most autographed item EVER! There are autographs from 186 cast and crew members associated
with the "Xena: Warrior Princess" television program, including those of Lucy
Lawless, Renee O'Connor, and Rob Tapert! Check out the Banner page on our website: http://www.xenaversity.com for a complete list
of signatures and to stay current on information! If you have attended a Hercules and Xena
Convention in the past two years, you may know of this Banner. The Xenaversity Banner is a
large purple banner with Xena's chakram painted in the center. The autographs fill the
area, with Lucy, Renees and Robs in the center! The Banner was sent to New
Zealand, courtesy of Creation Entertainment. Thanks to the enormous generosity of
Renaissance Pictures, it was signed on set, during the final weeks of filming this beloved
show. A scrapbook containing information on the Banner and color copies of photos
authenticating signatures will accompany the Banner. The Xenaversity is taking Lucy
Lawless' personal cause local, by auctioning this memorabilia and donating the proceeds to
two charities with missions of protecting children in Minnesota. True, the person who
purchases this Banner will own a piece of history, but the real benefactors will be the
children the proceeds help. The Xenaversity of Minnesota is a fan club based in the
Minneapolis/St.Paul area. If you would like to become a member, local or cyber, sign up
via the site. See you all in Pasadena! - The Xenaversity of Minnesota.
- A Message from www.scifihobby.com
For the true Xena connoisseur, this is an extremely limited (only 25 sets available) set
of Progressive Proofs! Straight from the printer, these are complete 72-card sets of each
of the 4 different colors -- Black, Yellow, Magenta and Cyan -- used to print the
authentic 72-card base set. 288 different cards (4x72) in the overall proof set, and for
good measure, we're adding in the finished 72-card set for a total of 360 cards - Many
thanks to Karen for passing that on.
- The Golden Quill Awards
were started in an effort to recognize and
reward the excellent work of the Joxer the Mighty fan fiction authors.
Currently, we are gearing up for the 2001 GQA's and the following dates
are important.
NOMINATION PERIOD: April 19 to May 10
READING PERIOD: May 10 to May 30
VOTING: Voting can begin anytime during the reading period and ends at
midnight on May 31. Winners are announced on June 1.
For more information, please check out the Golden Quill Awards Website
where we have a full explantion of our rules and regulations, a FAQ page
and links to stories. If you have any further questions you can contact Greg Gruschow. The
web site is located at: http://thebookcase.org/gqa/gqarr.html
- The following is from Sharon Delaney - Official Xena
Fan Club
As of today, 4/7, all updates will be posted at the new site.
9 April
AXIP News Archive
- XTRNews - 8 April 2001 - Lucy Lawless Donates $200,000 To
A celebrity couple have made an amazing $200,000 donation to Auckland's Starship Hospital.
Actress Lucy Lawless and her producer husband Rob Tapert gave the money to top up the
hospital's appeal for a CT scanner.
[Click here to read more]
The Bard's Corner
8 April

For those not fortunate to have seen the E! News Weekend segment about the end of
the show, Steffan has made it available to AXIP for download. The file is 6 meg in size in
Real Player format. If you are keeping yourself spoiler free - there are bits and pieces
but I don't think it reveals anything major. [Click here to download file]
Steffan also made a Netscape AXIP throbber - a nifty little chakram that spins when
you connect. It sits your netscape browser toolbar. [Click
here to download]
AXIP News Archive
Xenaverse News
- On June 12 at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Century City, CA. The
Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Film's 27th annual Saturn Awards will
present XWP executive producer Sam Raimi with the George Pal Memorial Award
[click here for further
details about the nominations]
ROC News
The following is from The
Official Rubbernecking Web site
- What surprised you about Renee (O'Connor)?
SEAN: Her manager gave her some big shoes to fill, built her up to be great in
every way almost to a point where one would not believe it...she was.
ROSS: Renee did something I couldn't believe. Renee came by the office with her mom
to say goodbye to us before she left Los Angeles. Knowing we were really tight on funds,
she handed us the money we paid for her hotel bill. We told her she didn't have to do
that, but she insisted; what a wonderful person. All of our stars, Corbin, Renee, Arye
Gross and Debra Wilson, were a pleasure to work with. Corbin and Arye are true veterans of
filmmaking. Their experience was very helpful. Renee was extra sweet. Debra Wilson's
comedic 'MADness' in between takes was a much needed release for the entire crew
Turn The Page Updates
Susanne Beck fans here
is the sequel to Redemption with more Ice & Angel!
Buy this book!
Retribution is a story with action, drama,
suspense...and too many emotions to list. Told by Angel herself, it will let you see
into her very soul.
This sequel to Redemption details the lives of Ice
and Angel as they cross over the border and try to make new lives in a small vacation town
in Canada. They meet both friends and enemies along the way and their love for one
another grows and deepens. But obviously, as a fugitive from justice, danger is
always only one step away from Ice. The man who fixed it so she was sent to jail for
a crime he committed is out to get her again. Several of his cronies manage to find
her, and she trades her life for Angel's and is dragged away. Can she save herself
and find her way back to Angel and happiness?
7 April
(Updated by Carol Stephens and Judi Mair)
Added screengrabs from the E! News Weekend visit to
the last day of shooting on the Xena set.

*THE* Con for Xena fans approaches - Pasadena 2001 with Lucy
and Renee. I've added the Cinescape montage advert for the convention to the Information page for the convention.
Many thanks to Wendy for the scan
AXIP Episode Guide
The Bard's Corner
6 April
Magazine Alert:
The Cinescape Collector's Yearbook which sells in the U.S.
for $9.95
has a full page advertisment for the Pasadena Convention on the inside
back Cover. It is a high quality full color montage type ad with photos and because it is
on the inside back cover, it is on heavier stock paper. It is
available now in the U.S.
Many thanks to JeanR for the alert
2001 Pasadena
Convention Page
The Bard's Corner
Xenanverse News
5 April
Pooka's site is back up so you can now download her latest
music video "At Last".
Lucy News
- Lucy appears in the May 2001 issue of Ralph Magazine (an
Australian men's magazine). Lucy is ranked #138 out of a field of 150 of the Sexiest Women
in the World. There is a half page pic and a small blurb - scan should be up soon.
Also updated the Lucy Media Alerts Page
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
Turn The Page Online
Safe Harbor by Radclyffe
This Book! $13.49 USAlso available at: The
Open Book
and Amazon.com
A mysterious Deputy Sheriff, the town's reclusive
doctor, and a troubled gay teenager learn about love, friendship and trust during one
tumultuous summer in Provincetown. Reese Conlon, LtCol USMCR, is the new sheriff who has
heads turning amidst speculation as to who will be the first to claim her heart. Victoria
King, MD has tried love once, and found the price too high to pay again. Brianna Parker,
the teenaged daughter of Reese's boss, wants only the chance to live, and love, in
freedom. These three lives become inextricably bound as each woman must risk their hearts,
and their souls, for each other.
3 April
Music Video Alert:
This is a heads up on a new music video that is just superb.
VERY subtexty <g> and very very well done. The file is a little big but well worth
the download. The site is Pooka's Xena Music Videos http://www.pooka1.com/
The latest music video is called At Last. Absolutely superb.
Goodbye! Farewell!
The ROC File
Xenaverse News
- With the recent announcement that Renee and Steve are
expecting their first child, Sword and Staff is organising a donation drive for the
Montefiore Medical Center to help build The Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the
Bronx, NY. The Children's Hospital is planned as a family-centered care facility that will
patients with world-class medical facilities including a pediatric emergency
room, pediatric intensive care unit, day hospital, advanced electronic
communication systems, private patient rooms, family learning place, state of
the art computer technology, teaching and research areas, The International
Center for Child Health, and the Center for Communication Disorders.
Additional information about the Children's Hospital at Montefiore can be
found at http://www.montefiore.org/about/development/childrens/index.html
If you wish to donate go to the Sword and
Staff page for more details
2 April
AXIP Episode Guide
Episode Montages
Lucy News
- Josh Becker was asked on his site about Lucy's next move and
he indicated he heard that Lucy will be starring in a film by Rennie Harlan.
The ROC File
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- The Xena Season 4 and 5 Trading Cards are now available and
I've heard they are quite special. The autographed Lucy card was going for $250 so if you
get one of those - hang on to it!
- UK Xena News:
The UK Xena screenings on Sky One has changed. Season 3 has been moved
from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
1 April
Goodbye! Farewell!
MaryD's Montages
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
The following comic strip is too funny.
here for March Updates
Return to main