
by Lucia Nobrega
Created and maintained by Mary

31 October
Lucy Updates
Warrior Women Documentary
Lucy News Archive
Lucy Images

Added colour scan of a photo that appeared in the book Hollywood Splash. The picture is of Lucy and her mate Marissa Jaret Winokur falling into a swimming pool.
Click on the thumbnail for the full size version.
Click here to order it via Amazon.com
Added to Lucy High Resolution Scans for 2002-2003
New Fan Fiction
The Bard's Corner
The Irrestistable Flame by DJWP is not complete. My apologies, I had mistakenly thought DJ said it was the final part of her story.
Virtual Subtext Season Nine
Who Watches the Watcher - Part 1
While minding their own business and trying to get a little rest from the road, Xena and Gabrielle discover a religious cult doing it's best to ruin their fun and everyone else's - but the simple problem soon
becomes far more complicated than they ever imagined
30 October
The Bard's Corner
Would the bard Lynn Ames please contact me. Your mail is doing the bouncy bounce.
Lucy Magazine Archive
Aunty Kate News/Tarzan
The following is from Sharon Delaney/OXFC
Just an FYI for those not aware of it, but Lucy's scenes in these past episodes had already been filmed with another actress. They simply reshot them. The character, so far, has not been written for Lucy.
We've yet to see anything that was written specifically for her nor for the direction they wanted the character to take after bringing her on board.
Added small blurb about how fantastic Lucy is (naturally) as Aunty Kate. The following mini review comes from
Zap2It's TV Gal
I simply have to give Lucy Lawless the best makeover award. She's almost unrecognizable as Tarzan's aunt Kathleen Clayton on "Tarzan" (Sunday, WB, 9 p.m.). She's definitely taking the show in the right direction, but
overall the series about the shoeless boy wonder superhero still isn't working for me. Is it working for you?
And yet another review/site that is surprised about Lucy's transformation. The following is the blurb for a review of Tarzan from the Slate/MSN site
The show mercifully avoids irritating questions of identity and instead uses the Tarzan family history—the book's unclaimed earldom has been replaced with $6 billion worth of stock in Greystoke Industries—as the
set-up for a bitter power struggle between Tarzan's villainous uncle Richard Clayton (Mitch Pileggi, né Agent Skinner) and his tough but loving aunt Kathleen (an almost unrecognizable Lucy Lawless).
Lucy Images

Added an old pic of Lucy which is one of my favourites. It's been around for a while but I hadn't seen a larger version until I came across an old magazine article. I've scanned the image
and it's now available in the Image Archive.
29 October
Aussie Xena Schedule For November - Foxtel - TV1
Mon 03 Nov 2003
7:30pm EST
Episode 5.17- Kindred Spirits
Xena and Gabrielle decide to settle with the Amazons and Joxer gets in trouble for spying on the Amazons.
Mon 10 Nov 2003
7:30pm EST
Episode 5.18 - Antony And Cleopatra
When Cleopatra is murdered, Xena assumes her identity to uncover the assassin and protect Egypt.
Mon 17 Nov 2003
7:30pm EST
Episode 5.19 - Looking Death In The Eye
Old Joxer obtains a scroll describing Xena and Gabrielles attempt to trick the Fates into bringing about the twilight of the gods.
Mon 24 Nov 2003
7:30pm EST
Episode 5.20 - Livia
After 25 years, Xena and Gabrielle finally escape their tombs of ice and immediately go in search of Eve.
Xena Schedule for the US - EST for November
Xena: Warrior Princess
The female warrior Callisto (Hudson Leick) tries to turn the world against Xena (Lucy Lawless) by committing acts of terrorism in her name. With Renee O'Connor.
Sun Oct 26 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
The Quest, Part 2
60 minutes- (CC), Part 2 of 2, In Stereo
Xena's spirit asks the thief Autolycus (Bruce Campbell) to help her live again by finding the life-restoring food of the gods, Ambrosia. Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor star.
Sun Oct 26 11:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
A Day in the Life
Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor) have a busy day saving two villages, one threatened by a warlord (Willy De Wit) and the other by a giant (Jim Ngaata).
Sun Oct 26 12:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
The Ides of March
Callisto (Hudson Leick) returns from hell with a double mission: corrupt Xena (Lucy Lawless) and make Julius Caesar (Karl Urban) emperor.
Sun Oct 26 03:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
A Friend in Need, Part I, Part 1
60 minutes- (CC), Part 1 of 2, In Stereo
Xena (Lucy Lawless) revisits her past by returning to Japan to save the city of Higuchi and make amends for her past mistakes. With Renee O'Connor.
Sun Oct 26 04:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
A Friend in Need, Part II, Part 2
60 minutes- (CC), Part 2 of 2, In Stereo
Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor) must battle an army of samurai warriors and the malevolent ghost Yodoshi (guest star Adrian Brown).
Sun Oct 26 05:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
The eruption of Mount Aetna produces a tidal wave that submerges Xena, Gabrielle and Autolycus (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, Bruce Campbell) inside a sinking mining vessel.
Mon Oct 27 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Mon Oct 27 03:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Vanishing Act
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor) team up with Autolycus (Bruce Campbell) to infiltrate Tarses of Scyros' castle and recover the stolen statue of Pax. With Jon Brazier.
Tue Oct 28 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Tue Oct 28 03:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Sacrifice, Part 1
60 minutes- (CC), Part 1 of 2, In Stereo
Callisto (Hudson Leick) returns to resurrect Gabrielle's evil daughter Hope and build an army to conquer the world. Stars Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor and Kevin Smith.
Wed Oct 29 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Wed Oct 29 03:00P OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Haunting of Amphipolis
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
On her trip home, Xena (Lucy Lawless) finds the town possessed and sinister powers awaiting her. With Renee O'Connor, Charles Mesure and Adrienne Wilkinson.
Thu Oct 30 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Heart of Darkness
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Xena (Lucy Lawless) must devise a plan to avoid inheriting the kingdom of hell. With Renee O'Connor
Mon Nov 3 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Who's Gurkhan
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor) sets out on a rescue mission to North Africa with the gang in tow when she discovers her niece has been kidnapped. With Lucy Lawless, Adrienne Wilkinson, William Gregory Lee and Calvin Tuteao.
Tue Nov 4 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor) try to help two warring African tribes unite against their Roman enemies.
Wed Nov 5 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
The Abyss
Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor) are confronted by cannibals as they search for Virgil (William Gregory Lee).
Thu Nov 6 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
The Reingold
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Beowulf (guest star Renato Bartolomei), a Norse warrior, sets out on a quest with Xena (Lucy Lawless) after she decides to right a wrong from her dark past.
Fri Nov 7 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
The Ring
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Xena (Lucy Lawless) must battle Grindl, a monster she created when she was an evil warrior, in order to recover a dangerous enchanted ring. With Renee O'Connor, Glen Levy, Luanne Gordon, Brittney Powell and Renato
Mon Nov 10 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Return of the Valkyrie
Xena (Lucy Lawless) has amnesia as Hrothgar's (guest star John Leigh) bride, Wealthea, and must regain her memory in order to save Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor).
Tue Nov 11 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Old Ares Had a Farm
Xena (Lucy Lawless) disguises Ares (Kevin Smith) as a farmer to hide him from warlords seeking revenge.
Wed Nov 12 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Dangerous Prey
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Thu Nov 13 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
The God You Know
Michael the archangel (guest star Charles Mesure) orders Xena (Lucy Lawless) to hunt down the Roman emperor Caligula (guest star Alexis Arquette), who has become immortal, and kill him.
Fri Nov 14 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
You Are There
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
A tabloid reporter (guest star Michael Hurst) tries to get the scoop on Xena (Lucy Lawless) and her motivation for her quest to obtain the legendary golden apples from Valhalla. With Renee O'Connor.
Mon Nov 17 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Path of Vengeance
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Eve (Adrienne Wilkinson) faces execution when she returns to Amazon lands to make amends for the past. With Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor.
Tue Nov 18 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
To Helicon and Back
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor) leads the Amazons to Helicon to rescue kidnapped Queen Varia (guest star Tsianina Joelson). With Lucy Lawless.
Wed Nov 19 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Send in the Clones
Three modern-day fans of Xena create clones of Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor).
Thu Nov 20 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Last of the Centaurs
60 minutes- (CC), In Stereo
A young centaur (guest star Hamish Hector-Taylor) is being hunted down by Lord Belach (guest star Marton Csokas), and Xena and Gabrielle (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor) must save him while preventing a war.
Fri Nov 21 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
When Fates Collide
Xena (Lucy Lawless) finds herself empress of Rome when Caesar (guest star Karl Urban) chains the three Fates and cuts the strands of time.
Mon Nov 24 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Many Happy Returns
Gabrielle and Xena (Renee O'Connor, Lucy Lawless) prevent a group of religious fanatics from sacrificing a virgin (Katie Stuart) and teach her the ways of the world.
Tue Nov 25 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen
Xena: Warrior Princess
Soul Possession
An ancient scroll chronicling the Xena (Lucy Lawless) myth surfaces in the present, changing the lives of the friends' modern-day incarnations forever. With Renee O'Connor, Ted Raimi and Kevin Smith.
Wed Nov 26 10:00A OXGN- Oxygen

ROC News
The following is TV Alerts for the US for November (Eastern Time Zone used). Please check your local tv guide for time in your area.
A TV correspondent is ill-prepared for domestic life after she marries a heart surgeon. Based on Danielle Steel's novel.
Sun Nov 30 02:35P LMN- Lifetime Movie Network
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
For Those of You Just Joining Us
The writers retreat to a camp and Kevin Sorbo (as himself) must rescue them from a would-be murderer without revealing his true identity as Hercules. Guest star: Renee O'Connor.
Tue Nov 11 05:00P SCIFI- Science Fiction
Xenaverse News / DVD News
I received the following from John at www.scifidimensions.com
The online science fiction magazine scifidimensions.com is giving away the
second season of X:WP on DVD - plus X:WP t-shirts! For information on how
to register visit http://www.scifidimensions.com/Oct03/xena2dvd.htm
Tarzan News
It seems the show is moving to an earlier timeslot according to the WB web site. It's listed as New Time | sunday | 6/5c. Please
check your local tv guide for the time change in your area.
The schedule so far is (EST only and please check your guide for time in your area)
Rules of Engagement
Richard fears his estranged sister, Kathleen, is harboring Tarzan to get his share of the family fortune and control of Greystoke Industries; Jane tries to keep the sole witness (guest star Tim Guinee) to Michael's death
from testifying.
Sun Nov 2 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 2 05:00P PIX- New York
Emotional Rescue
Nicki's friend goes missing after meeting someone online; Jane begs Tarzan to stay out of sight, but he intervenes to save Nicki's life.
Sun Nov 2 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 2 09:00P PIX- New York
Sun Nov 9 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 9 05:00P PIX- New York
The lone witness (guest star Tim Guinee) to Michael's death is coerced by Richard to come forward and name Tarzan as the one responsible for the crime; Kathleen contemplates giving Richard her shares of Greystoke Industries.
Sun Nov 9 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 9 09:00P PIX- New York
Sun Nov 16 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 16 05:00P PIX- New York
For Love of Country
Tarzan (Travis Fimmel) escapes captivity to brave New York's concrete jungle.
Sun Nov 16 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 16 09:00P PIX- New York
Sun Nov 23 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 23 05:00P PIX- New York
Sun Nov 23 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 23 09:00P PIX- New York
Sun Nov 30 05:00P PIX- New York
Sun Nov 30 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 30 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Nov 30 09:00P PIX- New York
Xenaverse News / Aussie Xena News
14th Gathering of the Fans of Xena: Warrior Princess
Halloween Special
Ghosts, Ghouls and Demons
Saturday, 1st November
Click here to read more
3.30 pm Room set-up
4.30 pm Come in, chat, schmooze, exchange Xena stories.
5.00 pm Stripe and Feral formally start proceedings
5.30 pm Screening of "The Way" (S4) - Xena tangles with the King of Demons, Indrajit, when she offers him a hand but he takes an arm and a leg as well.
6.15 pm Break for a meal from the bistro
7.00 pm Screening of "The Haunting of Amphipolis" (S6) - Xena fights the evil Mephistopheles and her own personal demons as Gabrielle becomes possessed, (scary...) and Eve utters the same invocation over and over and over
and over and over…
7.45 pm Break as we set up for…
8.00 pm Mark's super Xena quiz, "Risk…or Run?"
9.00 pm Screening of "Fallen Angel" (S5) - where everybody battles everybody else's demons. Where we see Good Xena, Bad Xena, Good Xena; Good Gabrielle, Bad Gabrielle; Bad Callisto, Good Callisto etc etc. I think they all
work it out in the end.
9.45 pm End of night Goodies and Special Treats and the drawing of the truly excellent door prize.
Come in black or come in white - but come neatly dressed and, for the guys, no T-shirts please
(Club rules)
$2.50 contribution per bottom to cover the cost of hiring the room - tea and coffee provided.
Remember, Stripe and Feral are in charge and, with names like those, this Gathering will run to schedule! First screening will start promptly at 5.30 pm.
The Prince Edward Room
St George Leagues Club
124 Princes Highway
Kogarah NSW 2217
For club enquiries, phone 9587 1022 www.stgeorge.org.au
Any more details? Not yet confirmed attendance? Email me: suebon@iprimus.com.au
27 October
Xena Movie News
The following is from USA Weekend - Many thanks to Poopyhead for the news
"Xena: Warrior Princess" was one of my favorite TV shows. Is it true there will be a "Xena" movie? Deerdra Reese, Ruidoso, N.M.
Universal has one in development, but it probably will be years before we see it. Still, you can get your "Xena" fix with new boxed DVD sets of the first and second seasons; companion shows "Highlander" and "Hercules" are
out, too. Because all three have long been reader favorites, we checked in on the stars:
Lucy Lawless, 35, is Tarzan's aunt in the WB's new Sunday drama. "'Xena' was the greatest gig I ever had," she says, "but [Tarzan] is also pretty excellent." She is awed by "Xena"'s staying power: "I'm a lot smaller than I
was, and my hair is fairer. Now people say, 'Are you really Xena?' "
Kevin Sorbo, 45, the "Hercules" star, is in his fourth season on the syndicated space adventure "Andromeda". He and his actress wife, Sam Jenkins, have a furniture line in stores. They own houses in Henderson, Nev., and in
Canada, where they live while he's working. They also have a son, Braeden, 2. "He's definitely a daddy's boy," Sorbo says. "He's a little jock."
- The November issue of Direct TV has an interview with Lucy about her role on Tarzan.
The magazine is only available in the US.
Many thanks to Lisa for the news
The Bard's Corner
More on Lucy's appearance...or non appearance. It seems Travis is the one that will be appearing on the Sharon Osbourne Show and Lucy's appearance has been rescheduled. For those that are interested in seeing Travis - he
will be on the show - 28 October.
25 October
Warrior Women Updates
The videos are in Windows Media Video (WMV) format, you will need to have Windows Media Player installed on your computer to be able to play them. Right click on the file numbers, click "Save As", download them to your
computer and play them from your hard drive. All files are between 600k and 2Mb larger, they may take some time to download if you're on dial-up. The files contain Lucy's bits only!
Many THX to Jinx for the files.
File 01 02 03
04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11
23 October
MaryD's Art
Added 8 x 10 artwork - Tarzan - The Fight For Greystoke by MaryD
Lucy News
Sharon has added a new photo of Lucy from the New Mexico photoshoot - by Wendy Sparks
Sharon's comments about the pic are: "I think this was taken after dinner. Two sleepy people trying very hard to do an interview and keep our eyes open at the same time."
TV Alerts for Lucy (US)
Saturday Night Live
60 minutes- (CC), SS, In Stereo
Mon Oct 27 02:00P COME- Comedy Central
Tarzan Schedule - Please check your local tv guide for times in your area
Wages of Sin
60 minutes- (CC), N, In Stereo
After Jane and Sam hit a dead-end while investigating a boy's disappearance, she enlists Tarzan's tracking skills; Sam wonders whether he should keep a secret.
Sun Oct 26 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Oct 26 05:00P PIX- New York
Rules of Engagement
60 minutes- (CC), N, In Stereo
Richard fears his estranged sister, Kathleen, is harboring Tarzan to get his share of the family fortune and control of Greystoke Industries; Jane tries to keep the sole witness (guest star Tim Guinee) to Michael's death
from testifying.
Sun Oct 26 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Oct 26 09:00P PIX- New York
Xenaverse News
The following is from Creation
We are happy to welcome TONY TODD (Cecrops of Xena, and many other genre roles) to the Official Xena Convention (January 30-February 1, 2004 in Burbank). The list of guests is already looking really good (Vicki Pratt,
Danielle Cormack, Ted Raimi, Gina Torres, Alexandra Tydings, Alison Bruce, David Franklin, Murray Keane, Missy Good, Charles Mesure, Steven Sears, Alison Wall, and Katherine Fugate) and we have many more to come!!!
And, PHOTO OPS for the convention offering the chance to have a 8 by 10 full color posed photo with your favorite stars are now available to reserve at our site (as well as getting the best Gold Weekend Passes we have left)
at: http://www.creationent.com/cal/
Oxygen is having a Marathon this Sunday, October 26, 2003 starting at 8:00am.
Here is the schedule:
8:00am-10:00am: Hercules And The Amazon Women
10:00-11:00am: Prometheus
11:00am-12:00pm: Callisto
12:00pm-1:00pm: God Fearing Child
1:00pm-3:00pm: Hercules And The Amazon Women
3:00pm-4:00pm: The Quest
4:00pm-5:00pm: A Day In The Life
5:00pm-6:00pm: The Ides of March
Many thanks to Jessica for the news
The Bard's Corner
The following is a Bardcon Literacy Project...
Just a reminder... our current charity endeavor... PROJECT: LITERACY is currently underway and needs your support.
We are asking that you find a beautiful, colorful picture postcard from your home state or city. Then sign the front of it in black sharpie marker. On the back of the postcard we ask that you PRINT your name clearly and also
indicate which of the categories you wish to be identified with: Click here for more information
22 October
Lucy Interview Screengrabs

Lucy appeared on The Wayne Brady show - Judi got a feed to it and she captured some amazing grabs from the interview. She also gives a mini review where Lucy sang a duet with the host.
Click here for the grabs and mini review (montage up the top by Mesh)
Xenaverse News
While I was at Bardfest I had a good opportunity to meet quite a few people. One of those made a huge impression on me because she made me laugh so much, it hurt. Her name is Birda and I promised I would post the BEST poem
ever written <vbg> - Well it had me laughing so here it is:
OK< here goes......
X is for Xena
E is for Ena
N if for Na
A is for A
maybe it would be easier to get the flow if it were presented as:
X is for Xena
E is for Eeenuh
N is for Nuh
A is for Uh
You just had to be there to appreciate this awesome poem! <g> or maybe it was the way it was recited. Onya Birda - you owe me a diet coke next time we meet up.
Here's something interesting - this comes from Mel
Remains Of Xena-Like Woman Found
Oct. 1, 2003 — The remains of a six-foot tall woman, buried with a shield and knife, were recently discovered in an Anglo-Saxon cemetery in Lincolnshire, England.
The body and artifacts, which date to A.D. 500-600, suggest that more women than previously believed may have fought alongside men during the turbulent years following England's Roman period.
21 October
Lucy News
- I just ran across this rather strange Lucy mention
Here's the part about Lucy.
The name St Lucy was conceived after an unfortunate run-in with actor Lucy Lawless. "I was at one of her sister's shows in Auckland and Lucy bumped into me and I wore an entire glass of wine on my white T-shirt. The name
works, because I wanted one that would transfer from a solo act to a band. But sometimes it's hard to see where St Lucy ends and Mark Tupuhi begins. Maybe I'll get someone in the band to pretend they're Lucy."
Many thanks to Ann for the news
Lucy News Archive
Tarzan Screengrabs
- Added screengrabs for Tarzan episode "Wages of Sin" by Judi and review by Mesh
Warrior Women Update
- Lucy's bit from the Joan of Arc apisode are now available for download at:
The videos are in Windows Media Video (WMV) format, you will need to have
Windows Media Player installed on your computer to be able to play them.
Right click on the file numbers, click "Save As", download them to your
computer and play them from your hard drive. All files are between 600k and
2Mb larger, they may take some time to download if you're on dial-up.
The files contain Lucy's bits only!
Many THX to Jinx for the files.
High Resolution Scans
News Update
The following is from Jane:
Further to your update about the Toronto airing schedule, I want to add that over on the west coast, Vancouver BC, also does not get Tarzan on Global either starting next week. In addition to the contact email you put
on, I found another email that's specific for British Columbia:
globalbc.showinfo@globaltv.ca I recommend sending inquiries to both email addresses.
If Global really doesn't air Tarzan again, I recommend just subscribing to the WB stations for a very low price (for BC, it's $1/month with Shaw Digital) if the necessary hardware is present. Not sure about satellite
tv or Rogers.
20 October
Lucy News
Tarzan Information
- For Canadians - it seems Toronto TV is not screening Tarzan next week. You can email programming
at jrichardson@globaltv.ca to inquire as to when the show will be back on.
- A model swings into acting, naturally
... Eric Kripke, a "Tarzan" writer and executive producer, said his show
will revolve around a battle between Tarzan's uncle and his aunt (Lucy
Lawless)...Boston Globe, MA
Warrior Women TV Update for Italy |
For Italian fans here are the times and dates in your country for the airring of the Warrior Women documentary
Many thanks to Mount Albert for the news
Read More ...
Updated: 25 Oct 2003
More Lucy pics from Creation |
Sharon has posted another Lucy pic from the interview for the next kit. Once again Wendy Sparks has done the honours.
Click here to view pic
Updated: 25 Oct 2003
Tarzan News |
The following is from Extra Daily News - 24 October 2003
And fellow TV heroin, Lucy "Xena" Lawless swings back into her continuing new role on WB’s "Tarzan," also on Sunday night. Lawless plays "Tarzan's" aunt, who goes toe-to-toe with the apeman's uncle, Mitch
Pileggi, and tells "Extra" that she doesn't know how long she'll be with the series. She says, "My character is going to be written out eventually."
But Pileggi doesn't want to see this warrior princess go anywhere. He says, "I’m really, really happy she came on this show to play this role."
Updated: 25 Oct 2003
Xenaverse News |
Tough babes in tubeland
The nerve of these gals! Young women on TV deal with everyone from the bad guys to the Big Guy himself
..."Xena: Warrior Princess" (1995-2001, syndicated) - Emphasis on "Warrior." Lucy Lawless' Xena swung a sword like Hercules and emitted a battle cry that would make Tarzan gulp.
Sun Sentinal - 26 October 2003
Updated: 25 Oct 2003
Warrior Women Update |
Added screengrabs by Mike Quick for episode Joan of Arc
Added screengrabs by Mike Quick for episode Grace O'Malley
Added video of the episode "Grace O'Malley" looking into the life of the Irish Pirate Queen - Only Lucy bits added.
The videos are in Windows Media Video (WMV) format, you will need to have Windows Media Player installed on your computer to be able to play them. Right click on the file numbers, click "Save As", download
them to your computer and play them from your hard drive. All files are between 600k and 2Mb larger, they may take some time to download if you're on dial-up.
Many THX to Jinx for the files.
File 01 02 03
04 05 06
07 08 09
10 11 12
Updated: 25 Oct 2003
Lucy on Sharon Osbourne Show |
It seems the show has been rescheduled for another time and won't be televised on the 27th October. Many thanks to Alexis for
the update
Updated: 25 Oct 2003
Warrior Women Documentary coming to Australia |
Excellent news for Aussies - just got a note from Karina who contacted the Discovery channel and the great news is that the Warrior
Women doco will be shown on Aussie TV (Foxtel and Optus have the Discovery channel) in May 2004. Many thanks to Karina for the news
Updated: 24 Oct 2003
Warrior Women Screengrabs - Grace O'Malley |
Moonglo has added some great screengrabs from the Warrior Women episode on Grace O'Malley - check it out at
Moonglo's Warrior Women Screengrabs
Updated: 24 Oct 2003
Pretty cool announcement |
Most of you are aware of Judi's fantastic work in creating the screengrabs for the site - all the way through Xena and now Tarzan.
Judi is also responsible for all the grabs showcased on the Virtual Subtext Season which make the episodes visually more appealing. What most people may not be aware is that Judi is a pretty good graphic
artist. So it's my pleasure to announce that Judi has her own site Judi's Creations All her work is currently being showcased there.
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
Tarzan Update |
Recently I stumbled across a site that had me laughing so hard it hurt. It's a review site of various television shows and the one I was reading was the Tarzan reviews.
Pamie, the reviewer, is far more entertaining that the actual Tarzan episodes! Guaranteed not to put you to sleep
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
Lucy Update - Warrior Women |
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
The Bard's Corner |
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
Review for Warrior Women #2: Grace O'Malley |
Added Grace Halden's review of Grace O’Malley, the 2nd episode of Warrior
Women hosted by Lucy Lawless.
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
Lucy TV Alert for US |
27 October 2003 - Lucy is scheduled to appear on the Sharon Osbourne show. Please check your local guide for time and channel in
your area.
Many thanks to Alexis for the news
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
Lucy News / TV Alerts |
Sharon has added a new photo of Lucy from the New Mexico photoshoot - by Wendy Sparks
Sharon's comments about the pic are: "I think this was taken after dinner. Two sleepy people trying very hard to do an interview and keep our eyes open at the same time."
TV Alerts for Lucy (US)
Saturday Night Live
60 minutes- (CC), SS, In Stereo
Mon Oct 27 02:00P COME- Comedy Central
Tarzan Schedule - Please check your local tv guide for times in your area
Wages of Sin
60 minutes- (CC), N, In Stereo
After Jane and Sam hit a dead-end while investigating a boy's disappearance, she enlists Tarzan's tracking skills; Sam wonders whether he should keep a secret.
Sun Oct 26 05:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Oct 26 05:00P PIX- New York
Rules of Engagement
60 minutes- (CC), N, In Stereo
Richard fears his estranged sister, Kathleen, is harboring Tarzan to get his share of the family fortune and control of Greystoke Industries; Jane tries to keep the sole witness (guest star Tim Guinee) to
Michael's death from testifying.
Sun Oct 26 09:00P WBN- The WB, Warner Brothers
Sun Oct 26 09:00P PIX- New York
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
Xenaverse News |
The following is from Creation
We are happy to welcome TONY TODD (Cecrops of Xena, and many other genre roles) to the Official Xena Convention (January 30-February 1, 2004 in Burbank). The list of guests is already looking really good (Vicki
Pratt, Danielle Cormack, Ted Raimi, Gina Torres, Alexandra Tydings, Alison Bruce, David Franklin, Murray Keane, Missy Good, Charles Mesure, Steven Sears, Alison Wall, and Katherine Fugate) and we have many more
to come!!!
And, PHOTO OPS for the convention offering the chance to have a 8 by 10 full color posed photo with your favorite stars are now available to reserve at our site (as well as getting the best Gold Weekend Passes
we have left) at: http://www.creationent.com/cal/
Oxygen is having a Marathon this Sunday, October 26, 2003 starting at 8:00am.
Here is the schedule:
8:00am-10:00am: Hercules And The Amazon Women
10:00-11:00am: Prometheus
11:00am-12:00pm: Callisto
12:00pm-1:00pm: God Fearing Child
1:00pm-3:00pm: Hercules And The Amazon Women
3:00pm-4:00pm: The Quest
4:00pm-5:00pm: A Day In The Life
5:00pm-6:00pm: The Ides of March
Many thanks to Jessica for the news
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
The Bard's Corner |
The following is a Bardcon Literacy Project...
Just a reminder... our current charity endeavor... PROJECT: LITERACY is currently underway and needs your support.
We are asking that you find a beautiful, colorful picture postcard from your home state or city. Then sign the front of it in black sharpie marker. On the back of the postcard we ask that you PRINT your name
clearly and also indicate which of the categories you wish to be identified with:
Click here for more information
Updated: 23 Oct 2003
22 October |
I just want to take a moment to explain the new design of the site. Basically all the areas you have enjoyed in the past are still here - if you are unsure of where to access them from please go to the main
index page. Nothing much has changed in the way of content other than the way I update the site - the information is still here.
I will be updating the fanfic section with the next update - I've been trying to get settled back in after my holiday and that's why fanfic has not been updated. I am still updating the fanfic area.
If you are still unsure of where something is you can either do a search using the google bar search engine tool located at Main Page on the bottom of the page or you
can email me at webmaster@ausxip.com.
Updated: 22 Oct 2003
Canadian Tarzan News update |
As previously reported, Tarzan will not be shown on the 25th October on Global - they have replaced the show with the annual
Halloween Simpsons special. Tarzan will return on NOVEMBER 1 and picking up from where the series left off.
Many thanks to Jenn for the update
Updated: 22 Oct 2003
Lucy - KTLA Interview - 21 October 2003 |
Lucy appeared on the KTLA Morning Show - 21 October
and looked awesome as usual. No notice was given of this but the superfast Judi managed to get some grabs from the interview. - Check out the grabs!
You can also catch the video of the interview on the KTLA web site
http://ktla.trb.com/entertainment/news/Go to midway down the page and there you will find it!
Updated: 22 Oct 2003
Lucy on The Wayne Brady Show - 21 October |

Lucy appeared on The Wayne Brady show - 21 October in the US - Judi got a feed to it and she captured some amazing grabs from the interview. She also gives a mini review where Lucy sang a duet with the host.
Click here for the grabs and mini review (montage up the top by Mesh)
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Xenaverse News |
While I was at Bardfest I had a good opportunity to meet quite a few people. One of those made a huge impression on me because she
made me laugh so much, it hurt. Her name is Birda and I promised I would post the BEST poem ever written
- Well it had me laughing so here it is:
OK< here goes......
X is for Xena
E is for Ena
N if for Na
A is for A
maybe it would be easier to get the flow if it were presented as:
X is for Xena
E is for Eeenuh
N is for Nuh
A is for Uh
You just had to be there to appreciate this awesome poem!
or maybe it was the way it was recited. Onya Birda - you owe me a diet coke next time we meet up.
Here's something interesting - this comes from Mel
Remains Of Xena-Like Woman Found
Oct. 1, 2003 — The remains of a six-foot tall woman, buried with a shield and knife, were recently discovered in an Anglo-Saxon cemetery in Lincolnshire, England.
The body and artifacts, which date to A.D. 500-600, suggest that more women than previously believed may have fought alongside men during the turbulent years following England's Roman period.
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
21 October |
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Lucy TV Alert - 21 October - US |
Lucy will be on the Wayne Brady Show on Tuesday - October 21. The show is syndicated so you will need to check your local tv guide
for the time and channel.
Many thanks to Shawna, MET and Judi
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Many thanks to Mesh |
I want to thank Mesh for the amazing job she has done in the redesign of
The Lawless Files the entire site is just plain beautiful. Thanks Mesh! Mesh can be reached at mesh@ausxip.com
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Tarzan Screengrabs |
Added screengrabs for Tarzan episode Wages of Sin by Judi and review by
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Update for Canadians fans |
The following is from Jane:
Further to your update about the Toronto airing schedule, I want to add that over on the west coast, Vancouver BC, also does not get Tarzan on Global either starting next week. In addition to the contact email
you put on, I found another email that's specific for British Columbia:
globalbc.showinfo@globaltv.ca I recommend sending inquiries to both email addresses.
If Global really doesn't air Tarzan again, I recommend just subscribing to the WB stations for a very low price (for BC, it's $1/month with Shaw Digital) if the necessary hardware is present. Not sure about
satellite tv or Rogers.
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Lucy Images & Scans |
High Resolution Scans Updated: 21 Oct 2003
Warrior Women Update |
Lucy's bit from the Joan of Arc apisode are now available for download at:
Joan of Arc Episode Videos
The videos are in Windows Media Video (WMV) format, you will need to have
Windows Media Player installed on your computer to be able to play them.
Right click on the file numbers, click "Save As", download them to your
computer and play them from your hard drive. All files are between 600k and 2Mb larger, they may take some time to download if you're on dial-up.
The files contain Lucy's bits only!
Many THX to Jinx for the files.
Updated: 21 Oct 2003
20 October 2003 |
Updated: 20 Oct 2003
Lucia Of The Month News... |
The following is from Phil:
A couple of people have asked if we would be willing to do a "subscription"
to the Lucia of the Month Club, so that they could save on repeat monthly
I am willing to set one up, if the interest is there.
Read More ...
Updated: 20 Oct 2003
Message from MaryD |
The updates have been a little on the sporadic side because my webhost decided not to let me see my site over the weekend.

I'm back up and normal updates will resume
Updated: 20 Oct 2003
New promotional picture for Tarzan with Lucy |
Below is an image from The WB advertising Tarzan.

Updated: 20 Oct 2003
A model swings into acting, naturally |
... Eric Kripke, a "Tarzan" writer and executive producer, said his show
will revolve around a battle between Tarzan's uncle and his aunt (Lucy
Lawless) Boston Globe
Updated: 20 Oct 2003
Tarzan Information For Canadians |
It seems that Toronto TV is not screening Tarzan next week. You can email programming at
jrichardson@globaltv.ca to inquire as to when the show will be back on.
Updated: 20 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 18, 2003 |
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
Tarzan epsiodes repeat in Washington DC area |
For those in the Washington DC area - Channel 5, on Saturday (18 October) at 3 pm will be showing both parts of the series pilot
(part 2 is the one we are all interested in with Lucy). If you didn't tape it the first time, here's your chance. For those not in the DC area, check your local listing.
Many thanks to TNovan for the alert.
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
Ratings for Warrior Women |
From Sharon: Just heard from the Warrior Women producers and the show doubled it's audience from what previously aired in that time
Go Lucy!!
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
New photo of Lucy by Wendy Sparks on Sharon's page |
Sharon has posted a new Wendy Sparks photo - I must say these are awesome.
Check it out!
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
G'day folks, |
Hey folks, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk
Before I get into my latest visit I want to take the time to thank Mesh for the OUTSTANDING job she has done. You've all seen that tv show called Changing Rooms? Well that's how it felt like when Mesh suggested
the change to the what's new page and other sections of the site :) My first thought was..is this woman mad? Does she want to undertake this huge task AND do the updates? She must be insane
Mesh is a talented web designer so when she offered, I was thrilled. As many of you can see she has done a super super fantastic job and kept you all up to date with everything Xena, Lucy & Renee related.
I'm very pleased to come home and find my 'room' had been redecorated and made all nice and pretty :) It has given ausxip, TLF and TRF a fresh look which I'm rather fond of.
Thank you Mesh for all your hard work and friendship.
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
The Quotable Xena Release Date Change |
Due to delays in receiving some of the autograph cards, we have had to push back the release of "The Quotable Xena: Warrior
Princess" trading cards to November 5th. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for your patience and understanding. http://www.scifihobby.com
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
Entertainment Weekly US, issue is #734 (October 24, 2003) |
She's best known for playing a ball-busting warrior who- if you believed the scuttlebutt-engaged in hot girl-on-girl action when she
wasn't busy laying the smack down with a flick from her chakram. You really don't want to get on her bad side which is why it is so... odd to hear Lawless describe a peaceful life since Xena: Warrior Princess
ended it's six-year run in 2001.
"I've been doing mom stuff like growing a baby!" says the 35-year-old New Zealand native, who gave birth to a third child, son Jude, last year. "Getting healthy! Catching up with friends! Visiting my husband's
family in Michigan!" But everyone knows that you can't keep a good mercenary down- and that's why Lawless, who admits to "some nervous moments when I thought I would never work again," agreed to channel those
maternal instincts for her role as a newspaper magnate Kathleen Clayton on the WB's Tarzan.
She plays auntie to hunk Travis Fimmel's ape-man. "It's stylish and gnarly, and targeted to a demo that's not so bad for career longevity," she says, clearly aware of TV's econimic realities. "I hate to be
calculating, but I want to broaden my audience." And to think she didn't accept the producer's orginal offer.Unintrested in signing a multiyear contract, Lawless declined the role only to return-at the
producer's behest- after they nixed American actress Jenna Stern in late August. (The situation strangely parallells her Xena breakout).
She agreed to sign on for the first season of Tarzan and struck a development deal with the WB that could lead to her own show next year. Though not engaging in the sort of butt kicking for which Xena was
famed, Lawless admits she's trying to spice up her story.
Many THX to Jessica for the transcript
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
The First Annual Writers Workshop at The Official Xena Convention, will
be held Sat. Jan. 31 from 9 am- 1 pm at the Burbank Hilton.
Our distinguished instructors are Steven Sears (Co-Executive Producer
of Xena, Executive Producer/Creator of Sheena TV series, writer for
A-Team, Riptide and Hardscastle & McCormack) and Katherine Fugate (writer
of the acclaimed Xena episode When Fates Collide, feature film writer
of Carolina (starring Julia Stiles and Shirley MacLaine), the upcoming
The Price and Me (directed by Martha Coolidge) and a new project for
Jennifer Anniston.
Each instructor will present a 2 hour "module" with invaluable
instruction and advice to all would be and budding writers as well as current
professionals looking to broaden their knowledge of the field. They will
also discuss some of the business aspects of representation,
submission, credits etc. as part of their program.
The class is 119.95 and available in limited number by visiting:
Updated: 18 Oct 2003
The next governor of California: Lucy Lawless |
E! Entertainment News Channel had a poll earlier this week that included Lucy Lawless. The question was that if there had to be
another recall vote in
California because Arnold Swarzenegger didn't work out, Which action
actor would you vote to take his place. There were 5 names listed
including Lucy and Bruce Willis. I can't remember the other three. Lucy was
the only female.
The results were shown the next day and Lucy won with 36% of the vote. 
Many THX to Rebecca for the info
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 17, 2003 |
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
New Chapter of "The Growing" |
Added Chapter 34 of The Growing by Susanne Beck and Okasha.
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
Ratings for Tarzan #2 Secrets and Lies |
From LD: Once again they were up against a big US sporting event, Sunday night NFL football. I am sure they have become aware that
they need the drawing power Lucy brings to the table.
Look at the viewers. Age 18 to 49 and mostly women. That's Lucy's kettle of fish. It's still too early to say if the show will take off. They received a B- grade as a new show and that's not all that bad.
I would like to see the show format restructured more like "Dallas". That would be fun ... but then again, it's not my show. I also don't like the time slot but again ... it's not my show.
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
Screen captures of Lucy from Warrior Women episode |
There's a huge amount of screen grabs of Lucy from the Joan of Arc episode at Moonglo's Photo Gallery.
Click here to visit the gallery.
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
Review: Warrior Women - Joan of Arc - with Lucy Lawless |
Review by Grace Halden
Having already watched a lot of documentaries on Joan of Arc and
studying her at school I felt there was very little left to be said, so I was
going to watch 'Warrior Women' solely to see the loveliness of Lucy Lawless.
However the documentary offered so much more detail, things I didn’t
know were explained for instance the 'Virginity tests' to prove her visions
were from god and not the devil, and other such details I knew nothing
Lucy, without a doubt was exceptional, who better to tell the story of
'Warrior Women' than the woman who played the best fictional Warrior
Woman of all time. And also a warrior in her own sense... a working mother of three!
Lucy looked so relaxed and beautiful, wearing a stunning green jumper
(sweater), her hair dark blonde; looking radiant. She didn’t just deliver a
voice over, she demonstrated weapons and also rode a horse, I found the
documentary to be amazing, and so I watched it again on 'plus one'. I
can’t wait for the rest of the series, Lucy was truly magnificent, and the
documentary itself was truly unique and very informative. Yay Lucy!
The great thing is that the documentary was delivered in such a factual
but fun way, my brother only 13 watched it and enjoyed it, and hopefully
many of Lucy’s fans will watch just to see her but find themselves learning
something amazing about 5 incredible women.
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
Lucy Lawless Meets Tarzan! |
Actress Lucy Lawless concluded her six-year saga as Xena: Warrior
Princess in 2001. Where is she now? TV Guide Online rang up her celly to ask!
"At this moment," she says, "I'm having my hair done in Beverly Hills for
the show." She means the WB's Tarzan (Sundays, 9 pm/ET), where she plays Travis Fimmel's newspaper mogul aunt, Kathleen Clayton. Is this rich lady role easier than living in Xena's tough skin?
"It's very lovely," Lawless coos. "I'm luxuriating in comfort. Nobody's
telling me to 'Lie down in that pool of blood.' I could not be happier."
Still, the 35-year-old mom of three isn't committed to Tarzan beyond
this season. That's because she's signed a development deal with the WB to
find her own series to star in. Another action show? "No!" she scoffs.
"Possibly a combination of comedy and drama. I've turned down a slew of action television ideas. I've kinda done that. I will always be grateful for
the chance to play Xena, but how am I going to find a better action role
than that?"
Speaking of her old show, Lawless and Kevin Sorbo are currently suing
Universal Studios — the company behind Xena and Hercules: The Legendary
Journeys — for breach-of-contract. As previously reported, the stars
claim they've been denied their fair share of the popular action series'
profits. "What we're talking about is our percentage of the merchandising,"
she says. "It's just anything that came out of the Xena franchise. I
guess we haven't yet participated in any of the profits, if there are any
profits to be had. So that's what we're looking into. We're just having a
proper look at the books."
From TVGuide Online. THX to MET for the info.
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 16, 2003 |
Updated: 17 Oct 2003
WB's airs Tarzan ads with Lucy only! |
WB's airing ads for Tarzan with Lucy only! I'm guessing all the letters/e-mails/faxes paid off. Can't wait to see the raitings of
last week's show.
Updated: 16 Oct 2003
Renee at Austin Film Festival & Renee Movie news |
In an article by Emily Hummel for KVUE.com, Emily writes,
"Actress Renee O'Connor of Xena Warrior Princess fame has stepped
behind the scenes and into the world of digital filmmaking. The Texas native
produced and stars in Diamonds and Guns, which takes full advantage of
the new technology. O'Connor says the lower production cost speeds up
the whole process. 'It allows a producer to tell a story without
waiting for people in Hollywood to finance it,' O'Connor explained Friday at
a barbecue at the Governor's Mansion. She is currently in
pre-production on another digital film, Margaritaville."
We asked Renee about Margaritaville (which is the further adventures of
Diamonds and Guns' Ashley and Bria in New Mexico) and she wrote back,
"It is in development, with a goal to begin filming late 2003 or early
2004, but the producers behind Diamonds and Guns, and myself, are
currently in pre-production on another film with more details to come...
Many THX to Sharon for the updates
Updated: 16 Oct 2003
New Renee candids at Creation's website |
Check out the new candid shots of Renee that we have for sale (along
with some new Xena shots as well) at:
Scroll towards the bottom of the first page for the new candid
Updated: 16 Oct 2003
A message from Cavalier Press |
Cavalier Press extends its sincere apologies to Blayne Cooper and T Novan for problems related to the printing of Last Train Home
and First Lady. Due to Hurricane Isabel and the subsequent loss of power for five days, we were rushed to production to have product available for DC BardFest. As a result, quality suffered and we were unable
to check the final quality of the product from the printer. There were multiple errors in printing and formatting that must be corrected. As a result, Cavalier Press is withdrawing the current editions of
First Lady and Last Train Home and will be reissuing them shortly with the errors corrected.
Anyone who purchased a copy of either of these books will be entitled to a replacement copy, at no charge, upon return of the book to Cavalier Press. We will also absorb the cost of shipping the replacement.
Please include your name and mailing address with the book.
Cavalier Press
P.O. Box 6437
Falls Church, VA 22040
Updated: 16 Oct 2003
Third Discovery Channel advert for Warrior Women |
Jacquie put the 3rd up on her site that appeared for the first time late last night. (14th October) It's longer and with
extracts with Lucy from the series.
Updated: 16 Oct 2003
Lucy Lawless interview on UGO.com |
UGO: Are you going to be on more than the first season of Tarzan?
LL: There's a possibility I could come back for the second season. We're working on a show specific for me, but I don't think I will be sick of this by the end of the first season. I'm really just enjoying
myself right now, and I like the people I'm working with.
Read More ...
Updated: 16 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 15, 2003 |
Updated: 15 Oct 2003
MaryD's Lucy/Tarzan montage |
Added MaryD's latest montage of Lucy from Tarzan's "Secrets and Lies" episode - she made this while sitting on a plane
Click on the image to get to the larger version.
Updated: 15 Oct 2003
Warrior Queen articles mention the Warrior Princess |
Alex Kingston (“ER”) portrays Boudica, Britain's “Warrior Queen,”
whacking her way through Roman legions with Xena-like zeal in this brooding, fact-based drama. It's set in the 1st century, with Britain living
uneasily in a “client king” relationship with Rome. But that changes when
Agrippina (Frances Barber) poisons Claudius (Jack Shepherd) and Nero (Andrew Lee Potts) becomes emperor. He'll brook nothing less than total
subjugation, and battle lines are drawn. Screenwriter Andrew Davies, a “Masterpiece Theatre” veteran, also penned the adaptation of “Moll Flanders” featuring Kingston that aired on PBS in 1996.
Cast: Alex Kingston, Steven Waddington, Emily Blunt, Leanne Rowe, Ben
Faulks, Hugo Speer, Gary Lewis, James Clyde, Steve John Shepherd, Jack
Shepherd, Gideon Turner, Frances Barber, Andrew Lee Potts, Emil
Hostina,Claudio Bleont, Michael Feast, Kara Tointon
Houston's TVGuide The Chronilog has Warrior Queen on the cover, the article starts off like this: Think Xena. Think Braveheart. Think Warrior Queen.

Many THX to Lesley & Bev for the info.
Updated: 15 Oct 2003
Tarzan in Brazil in November |
According to the brazilian website www.paulinhakz.blig.com.br Omelete , Warner Channel has
anounced that the "Tarzan" series will debut in Brazil TV on November 3, 2003.
Many THX to Paula for the info
Updated: 15 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 14, 2003 |
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
Renee at Austin Film Festival |
From Sharon's page: Renee just phoned in. She's having a great
time at the festival and is participating in a panel on digital filmmaking.
The learn more about the 10th Anniversary Austin Film Festival (2003: October 9 - 16), visit their website.
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
Lucy, the reluctant warrior |
A kickboxing former Mrs New Zealand who cleans her teeth with baking soda, Lucy Lawless was the star of the cult television series
'Xena: Warrior Princess'. Now, she tells Sabine Durrant, she's presenting a programme about real heroines.
(...) I ask her if she feels she can ever leave Xena behind. She emits a trill rather than a laugh. Warrior Women aside, she has cameo roles in a couple of films, one by Dreamworks, coming up. "But people
always want me to play the female Frank N. Furter part, you know from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Because I have all that camp, bad girl stuff. People think I'm sort of a weird social deviant, and I'm so
tedious in real life." She leans forward to straighten the cushion on the chair next to her, and laughs nervously again. "See?"
Read More ...
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
Masterpiece Theatre: Warrior Queen |
What is this? "Babe-heart"? A "Xena" for history professors? " Conan the Estrogenarian?" All of the above, actually. As "Masterpiece
Theatre" host Russell Baker explains in his introduction to "Warrior Queen," Boudica, also known as Boadicea, was the female leader of Britain's Iceni tribe who led a revolt against her country's Roman
occupiers in the first century A.D. and did some serious damage. There's a statue to her memory in London, in the shadow of Big Ben, but where historical fact about her ends and legend begins is a hard
Read More ...
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
Lucy articles and images for Warrior Women |
Added some great scans of Lucy in Diva and in
Total TVGuide, two UK magazines. Many THX to Aries for the scans.
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
Lucy in the Aussie Weekly! |
This months Australian Woman's Weekly (NZ Edition) has celebrated
its 70th year of publishing featuring (70!) New Zealands best
loved women. Lucy is obviously included! It also includes other
famous kiwi women such as Rachel Hunter, Helen Clark, Anna Paquin,
Jane Campion and Hayley Westenra.
Lucy get a whole page in this issue (not many do!) and the picture
is a very sultry looking Lucy...(see attached) The commentry
discusses her fame and her status as a role model for women. She is
described as "the Herione".
If you would like this mag, the total cost is US$20.00. (it is a
heavy mag!) This includes shipping. Just let us know :)
Crispian Stewart
Kiwi Attic 2000 Ltd
PO Box 931, Napier,
New Zealand
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
"Capoiera Fight" music used in baseball promo, Lucy mention |
Well, not really Xena per se, but the "Capoiera Fight" music from CD number 2 and "Callisto" ladder fight music was used as a promo
for the Major League Baseball series game between the Cubs and Marlins last
week. Go, Joe LoDuca!
Also, a New York Times crossword from a few weeks ago had a theme of
celebrities reading appropriate books on tape. The answer to the reader of "Crime and Punishment" was none other than Lucy Lawless.
THX to Ileandra for the info
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
68 pictures of Lucy from Tarzan Episode #2 |
Judi made awesome screen captures of Lucy from last night's episode "Secrets and Lies". I added a few lines about the plot for y'all
to know what was going on in the scenes Lucy was in. 
Click here to see the see the pictures
Updated: 14 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 13, 2003 |
Updated: 13 Oct 2003
Write to The WB about Lucy on Tarzan + Trailer |
This is for all who saw Tarzan tonight, and for anybody who has a few minutes to kill.
It never hurts to send mail, fax, cards etc to The WB about adding Lucy to the regulars of Tarzan, or just to say how great Lucy is on the show.
Remember, it's about sending them positive thoughts - you don't have to comment on the quality of the show.

To contact The WB with comments about Lucy/Tarzan write to faces@thewb.com
If you want to, you can add your comments to Lucy's bio page, you can find it here. http://www.thewb.com/Faces/CastBio/0,7930,128016,00.html
The Official Tarzan message board is here: http://talk.thewb.com/viewforum.php?forum=52&353
Also, you can get the trailer of tonight's episode (Lucy's first on the show)
from here: http://www.thewb.com/Shows/Index/0,7345,,00.html
Transcript, review and images will be available shortly at "The Lawless File"
Updated: 13 Oct 2003
Xena Takes On A New Battleground |
Former Xena star, Lucy Lawless, is taking her fighting attitude to a new
battle ground - court. Lawless, along with Hercules star Kevin Sorbo, is
suing Universal City Studios over profits from the now defunct
television series. The role of Xena made Lawless a cult icon, especially
in the gay & lesbian community, but though Lawless was catupulted to
stardom - she didn't see all that much profit out of it.
Lawless & Sorbo claim that Universal Studios cheated them out of their
shares of profit from Xena and Hercules. Xena: Warrior Princess ran for
six seasons and was broadcast worldwide in more than 100 countries.
In the lawsuit, the stars claim that Universal altered the books for
both shows to make them appear unprofitable. This, according to the
suit, allowed the studio to take more of the profits for themselves -
and cut the stars out from the profits they should have been earning.
Lawless claims that Universal Studios owes her five percent of adjusted
gross receipts from each episode, while Sorbo is claiming eight per
cent. Both stars have taken their suit to Los Angeles court, though
legal costs for Lawless to pursue a lawsuit in the U.S. (she's a New
Zealand resident) are reportedly 'outrageous.' Both stars are asking for
a review of the accounts for the two television shows in addition to
unspecified damages. Source: GayWired
Thanks to Barbara for the info
Updated: 13 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 12, 2002 |
Updated: 12 Oct 2003
New candid of Lucy from Wendy Sparks |
There is another new candid from Wendy Sparks of Lucy from New Mexico. Check out
Sharon's Xena Page and check back to the page daily, Sharon's rotating the pictures.
Updated: 12 Oct 2003
Reward Offered For Your (Quotable Xena) Wrappers |
Rittenhouse Archives is offering a reward for your wrappers. In our continuing effort to enrich the entertainment card industry and
to thank you, the collector, for your support we have started the "Rittenhouse Rewards" program.
After last year's very successful 1,000 autograph card giveaway via wrapper redemption, Rittenhouse Archives has expanded the program. Starting with The Quotable Xena: Warrior Princess releasing this fall,
collectors will notice that each wrapper has a "Rittenhouse Rewards" point value printed on them. Simply save your wrappers, collect the points and redeem them for exclusive and/or one-of-a-kind items available
exclusively through this program.
THX to Arianne for the info
Read More ...
Updated: 12 Oct 2003
¡Atención! Atenção! Aufmerksamkeit! _ attention! _ Attenzione!
As you may know, BardCon's charity endeavor for the coming year (Project Literacy) is in support of the StoryPlus Foundation. Illiteracy has become a rampant problem here and around the world. This Foundation
(www.storyplusfoundation.org) encourages children to read and write by giving them the tools and opportunity to develop their skills.
NOW, what you may not know and what I am going to tell you is that BardCon has joined forces with...
to create the LUCIA OF THE MONTH CLUB.
The LOTMC will offer a series of collectible, limited edition prints and posters to help support Project: Literacy. These will be brand new images never seen before. They will be sold in very limited
quantities...once the edition limit is met, the image will NOT be available for purchase again.
When it's gone...it's gone.
And no amount of bribery will bring it back...
although I, personally, would like to see what you can come up with *bg*
There will be one new image per month. The images will be a series of famous literary pairs of characters as represented by one of our own... uhhhh...favorite pair of literary characters. *g*
Although each of the images will be a separate stand alone image, they will form into related series as well.
Perfect for decorating a kid's room or a not-so-kid-anymore's room. <.g.>
You will find these pictures irresistible and incredibly adorable...
Total prints available per monthly image (all 3 sizes combined) will be 250.
No more.
In addition to the limited edition prints, we also will have several other items with the image. These items will be available for purchase throughout the entire month.
You will find the LUCIA Of The Month Club here:
Project: Literacy / LOTMC or
I think you will find October's offering rather appropriate...
no ifs, ands or bats...ummm...buts. <.bg.>
And rather ghoul...errr...cool too.
This image will only be available until the current print edition sells out or October 31st at the very latest.
Get them while you can...you snooze, you lose. And wouldn't that just bite!
Get some great rare prints and support a terrific cause... think of it as...well...feeding a bard of tomorrow.
PHIL, BardCon Staff
Updated: 12 Oct 2003
Discovery UK' Warrior Women website |
The have a nice synopsis on each episode at Discovery UK' website, and they mention the host of the show, Lucy Lawless along with
some nice pictures.
"Don't forget to watch the Discovery Channel Warrior Women Series every Wednesday for 5 weeks from 15th October for a heady mix of historical sleuthing and provocative reconstruction shot on location in France,
Ireland, Britain, China, and the United States and presented by Lucy Lawless, star of the hugely successful, Xena, Warrior Princess."
Visit their website
Updated: 12 Oct 2003
Lucy mentioned in "Kill Bill" article |
Thrill kills
Uma Thurman stars as an assassin with a thirst for revenge in "Kill Bill, Vol. I," entering theaters today. Here are a few other he-girls who've kicked butt first, asked questions later.
Linda Carter - The original Wonder Woman with take charge attitude.
Michelle Pfeiffer - No matter what Halle Berry does with the role, Pfeiffer will always be the Catwoman we'd love to de-claw.
Halle Berry - What's better than James Bond? Berry's female agent Jinx in 2002's "Die Another Day."
Lucy Lawless - No, not for her starring role on "Xena: Warrior Princess" (though there's nothing wrong with that). Better still was her barnstorming tour through Spring-field on "The Simp-sons."
Updated: 12 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 11, 2003 |
Updated: 11 Oct 2003
Screen captures of Lucy from Warrior Women ad #2 |
Added screen captures from the 2nd Warrior Women ad of Lucy.
Click here to see the pictures
Updated: 11 Oct 2003
US TV Guide October 11-17, 2003 |
Lucy's in the recent US TVGuide. The caption reads: "Ai-yi-yi-yi! Xena's Lucy Lawless joins the cast as Tarzan's aunt Kathleen, a
publishing titan embroiled in a power struggle for control of Greystoke industries."
Many THX to Bev & Judi for the scans. Click on the image below to get to the article's page.
Updated: 11 Oct 2003
Jennifer Sky on Charmed this Sunday on The WB (US) |
Jennifer Sky (Amarice on Xena, Cleo on Cleopatra 2525) will be on Charmed this Sunday - just before Lucy's Tarzan episode

The episode is "The Power of Three Blondes" and it also guest stars Jenny McCarthy.
"When three evil sisters magically steal the Charmed Ones' identities and powers, Piper, Phoebe and Paige must convince Chris that they are the real Charmed Ones in order to get their lives back. Meanwhile,
Piper realizes that Wyatt needs time with Leo, who continues on his quest to find out who put him on the Island of Valhalla. " NOTE: The WB used the promo "Dirty Blondes" for this episode. (Mini guide from:
Updated: 11 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 10, 2003 |
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
Tarzan Pilot Ratings |
The Nielsen Ratings came out today and "Tarzan" did not look too good. Out of 115 shows ranked last week, "Tarzan" was 85th.
That's not good enough to make the winter cut on most networks ... however it ranked 3rd in The WB's lineup of new shows - and it's lead-in "Charmed" (now in it's 6th season!) is "only" 73rd on the list.
Tarzan faced tough competition from Law & Order: CI, Blessings and from Alias in its time-slot.
Program Viewers Rating Share Rank
Law & Order:CI (NBC) 14.3 9.4 14 17
Blessings (CBS) 11.7 8.2 12 33
Alias (ABC) 9.4 5.9 8 49
Tarzan (WB) 5.5 3.3 5 85
Make sure to tune in this Sunday for the 1st episode with Lucy as Kathleen Clayton! According to the promos, this is not a small role for her, so it's going to be worth it!
THX to LD for the info.
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
5th DeepCon with Alexandra Tydings in Italy |
It's possible at last to book a ticket for the 5th DeepCon, that for the
first time will host a Xena Convention in Italy! Every info is available on the
site www.deepcon.it
Read More ...
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
Return Of Dead Xena from "The Mirror" |
XENA Warrior Princess is to return after being killed off in the
cult TV show. Fans were outraged when Xena, played by Lucy Lawless, was killed in the last-ever episode. But Lawless, 35, has agreed to film a Xena movie. She said: "I don't want another multi-year contract.
I've three kids and it's not an option. A movie is short-term."
SHARON MILLAR, RETURN OF DEAD XENA. , The Mirror, 10-08-2003, pp
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
The Discovery Channel US did not pick up Warrior Women |
People contacting Discovery got this response to their queries about the air dates for Warrior Women.
"Thank you for contacting Discovery Networks. We appreciate your e-mail. Unfortunately, "Warrior Women" is not available on video or dvd. We also do not have any air dates for this program. We change our
program schedule quarterly (4 quarters per year) and have our completed schedules through December 2003. Please feel free to check back in January for our updated schedule. (...) Sincerely, Viewer Relations,
Discovery Networks
On her list, Missy Good recommended contacting your cable provider about picking up Discovery International (like many providers carry History International), that may indeed prove helpful. Check with your
cable companies!
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
The X-Files Season 9 on Australian TV |
Season 9 of The X-files has started showing on Foxtel Australia and it starts
off with the ep where Lucy guest starred in "Nothing important happened today". Its on fox 8 Tuesday 14th Oct and the second part is on the 21st.
Thanks to Maria for the info.
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
New stories at The Bard's Corner |
Post-FIN Fic
- Added I Won't Be The One To Let GoBy Irish
Synopsis: A Post-FIN story that involves a test of faith, new friends, old friends and enemies. It's time for Xena to come back, but can Gabrielle and friends pull it off.
- Added The Growing Chapter 33 by Susanne Beck and Okasha
- Added Something Else - Part 2 by Richard K
Synopsis: Xena and Gabrielle reincarnated into two very modern women that happen to have their looks. Except that due to unforseen circumstances of the modern world their characters are
slightly different to that of the actual X&G characters. Anyway - another rollercoaster ride with a surprise ending that shall be continued.
- Added The Strongest Tree by IseQueen - Classic/Alt
Synopsis:First-season story, takes place shortly after the episode “Hooves and Harlots.”
- Added House Sitting by Mavis Applewater - Uber/Alt
- Added Michelle's Chance by Mavis Applewater - Uber/Alt
- Added Blind Dates and Other Tragedies by Mavis Applewater - Orig/Alt
- Added Mavis' 100th PWP: The Bride Wore Blue, a revistation of the popular PWP, Here Comes The Bride.
- Added Whispering Pines - Part Two by Mavis Applewater - Alt
Synopsis:Every wondered what happened to Shawn and Faith from Mavis Applewater's short story Whispering Pines? In Whispering Pines, Returning to The Manor Mavis begins a new series
featuring the quirky pyschic Shawn Williams and the cranky reporter Faith Charles. This short installment is brief glimpse into what happened to Faith after her experiences that Halloween night and a
look into how Anna and Catherine met. Part Three is coming soon and be sure to check out the bookcover by Calli http://surf.to/calli
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
New Story at The Next Chapter |
Added Two Shorten The Road By Irish
Synopsis: Tressa Morgan, who has faced her own demons and come to terms with them, is a criminal psychologist and owns a successful investigative agency. While on vacation she agrees to help a young woman find
her way back home. Bryg O'Malley is a successful author who's just won the Pulitzer Prize but it means nothing compared to her recent losses. Based only on Bryg's intuition and frightening premonitions they
begin a journey that leads to friendship, a kidnapped sister, a betrayal, a series of serial murders and when the murderer is revealed Bryg's the only one who has the power to stop him.
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
'Tarzan' swings for the young |
And in a bit of timely casting, Lucy Lawless, known to many as Xena Warrior Princess, portrays Tarzan's aunt, a publishing magnate
at odds with Pileggi.
Maybe producers can create a scene where Lawless, dressed in her Xena garb can team with the loincloth-clad Tarzan.
Rocky Mountain News
Read More ...
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
Kevin Sorbo's Herculean Battle - Lucy mentioned |
Sorbo and Lucy Lawless star of Xena: Warrior Princess — are waging a breach-of-contract lawsuit against Universal Studios, the
company behind their syndicated shows. Hercules and Xena claim Universal has withheld their fair share of the series' profits. "Well, I know they have," Sorbo says. "I own eight percent of the back end on
Hercules, and Lucy owns five percent of the back end on her show. They haven't paid [us] anything."
Read More ...
Updated: 10 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 09, 2003 |
Updated: 09 Oct 2003
Lucy Lawless Presents "Warrior Women" on Discovery Chennel Worldwide |
News about Lucy's new series on DISCOVERY CHANNEL. It hasn't been scheduled yet on DISCOVERY in The United States, but will be seen
in other countries first, with hopefully a pick-up in The U.S. soon....
Read More ...
Updated: 09 Oct 2003
LOTS OF COOL NEWS from Creation Entertainment |
We have a variety of news items today to share with fans!
MURRAY KEANE (Hower), GINA TORRES (Zoe of FIREFLY, Jasmine of ANGEL, Hel of CLEOPATRA 2525, Cleopatra in XENA, Cas of MATRIX RELOADED, LaMayne in DARK ANGEL),
Read More ...
Updated: 09 Oct 2003
Warrior Women on Discovery in the US |
Discovery Channel in the U.S. has not yet optioned to air Lucy's Warrior Women specials.
If you have a second, go to http://www.discovery.com and find the small "contact us" link near the bottom of the screen to the right.
That takes you to a list of programming venues. Go all the way down and click on the part that says "viewer relations," near the end of the list.
Fill out the info. For the "question regarding box," I clicked "Network/Program Related".
On the next screen I clicked "Discovery Channel," and filled in the info requested.
On the next screen I clicked "Other" and "unknown."
On the last screen, I clicked "Other" and "Other," and comment was "When is the Warrior Women Series of documentaries, with Lucy Lawless, going to air in the U.S.A.?"
And ... um ... don't all rush over there at once, 'kay? 
From LindaC
Updated: 09 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 08, 2003 |
Updated: 08 Oct 2003
New picture of Lucy in New Mexico by Wendy Sparks on Sharon's Page |
This is for another photo taken by Wendy Sparks in New Mexico on Creation/Sharon's Page.
Click here for the large photo
Updated: 08 Oct 2003
Karl Urban (Caesar) playing nemesis in next 'Bourne' movie |
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - New Zealand-born actor Karl Urban is moving from Middle Earth to the middle of a spy game. Urban,
best known as Eomer in "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers," is in negotiations to play Matt Damon's nemesis in "The Bourne Supremacy," sources have confirmed.
The sequel to Universal Pictures' hit 2002 film "The Bourne Identity" is expected to begin filming at year's end.
British director Paul Greengrass ("Bloody Sunday") is shooting the sequel, which is inspired by Robert Ludlum's second novel in the "Bourne" series. The books for both films were adapted by Tony Gilroy; Doug
Liman directed the original.
Urban next stars in "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" and the "Pitch Black" sequel, "The Chronicles of Riddick."
Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
By Borys Kit, Reuters
Updated: 08 Oct 2003
Popmatters Tarzan Review - Lucy mentioned |
From Barbara "Some more complimentary comments about Lucy. Can't help
wondering what the reviewers would have been saying if the previous actress chosen to play Kathleen had still been playing the part!"
Regular airtime: Sundays, 9pm ET (The WB)
Cast: Travis Fimmel, Sarah Wayne Callies, Miguel A. Nuñez, Jr., Mitch
Pileggi, Johnny Messner
"And no doubt all tensions will heat up with the upcoming introduction of
Tarzan's Aunt Kathleen (the recently cast Lucy Lawless, surefire ratings
draw), a publishing magnate competing with Richard for control, over the
company and the nephew.
Full review
Updated: 08 Oct 2003
Tarzan mention in "Just Ask" in Australian TV week magazine |
In this weeks new tv week magazine here in Australia in the Just Ask
section there's a question regarding the Tarzan series screening in Oz:
Q: I've read a lot about Aussie model Travis Fimmel. Will we be seeing
his new show in Australia anytime soon?
A: Travis's new show Tarzan began in the US on Sunday (October 5), and
judging by the buzz we're sure to see it here in the not-too-distant
THX to Bradley for the info
Updated: 08 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 7, 2003 |
Updated: 07 Oct 2003
A contemporary Tarzan swings to the big city |
The WB, continuing its recent trend of updating classic genre characters for new series (Smallville), will monkey around with Edgar
Rice Burroughs' Tarzan stories in a new dramatic series this fall. Tarzan, starring former Australian Calvin Klein underwear model Travis Fimmel as the titular ape-man, will be set, not in the rain forests of
19th-century Africa, but in the present-day urban jungle of New York City.
Fimmel plays John Clayton Jr., who has been captured in the wilds and taken against his will to New York by his powerful billionaire uncle Richard Clayton (former X-Files star Mitch Pileggi) for reasons as yet
unclear. Richard's rival for John's affections is his nefarious newspaper publisher sister, Kathleen (former Xena: Warrior Princess star Lucy Lawless).

In one escape attempt, young John encounters strong-willed NYPD detective Jane Porter (Sarah Wayne Callies) and her by-the-book partner, Sam Sullivan (Miguel A. Nunez Jr.). Jane instantly senses a connection
with John and risks her well-ordered life to uncover his secret.
Tarzan swings onto The WB's fall schedule on Oct. 5 and will air Sundays at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The cast took a moment recently to speak with Science Fiction Weekly about the show.
They said the focus of the show is changing to be more about your character? [The show was originally called Tarzan and Jane.]
Fimmel: No, it's not focusing on me more. They dropped the name because everybody's going to say Tarzan anyway. But no, there's so many other stories: cop stories, stories about my uncle, my auntie , Jane and
her partner. It's certainly not all about Tarzan.
Updated: 07 Oct 2003
XENA : Warrior Princess - Season Two, DVD Talk, OR |
On a mission of peace, Xena (Lucy Lawless) and Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor)
return to the Centaur village that Xena's evil army devastated years before.
Updated: 07 Oct 2003
When Grainne ruled waves as Irish warrior pirate |
AN ancient warrior has been uncovered as Ireland's first feminist in a major new documentary to be screened across the world.
Fearless Grainne Mhaol (Grace O'Malley) gambled, divorced, had a string of lovers and led a brutal army of male pirates - despite living in the 16th century.
A major Discovery Channel documentary about her claims she was written out of factual history by religious male historians who believed she set a dangerous example as a woman who went too far.
The hour-long study on the legendary Grainne Mhaol lifts the lid on the fearless feminist who became the first woman chieftain in Ireland and exposes how she forced society to accept equal rights.
Presented by Xena Warrior Princess star Lucy Lawless the documentary is to be screened this month on Discover.
A documentary team spent weeks investigating whether she was myth or legend.
Legend tells of a fearsome, beautiful pirate queen who commanded a loyal force of men and gave the English navy a run for its money.
And say the documentary makers, Grainne Mhaol, born around 1530, was a
real life warrior for women's rights.
NICOLA TALLANT, When Grainne ruled waves as Irish warrior pirate queen. , The People, 10-05- 2003, pp 32.
Updated: 07 Oct 2003
Xena slideshow on Lycos Entertainment |
There's a very nice 22 image slideshow on Lycos Entertainment.
"The section is on top of the page, and it's called Xena Warrior Princess - Relive all the adventure..."
Thanks to Bev for the info.
Updated: 07 Oct 2003
Dutch TV alert for Warrior Women |
"So I emailed Discovery Europe for the Dutch schedule. And here it is: they will air the first episode on 5th November at 2100hrs,
with subsequent episodes on Wednesday nights at the same time. So... no panic, Dutch fans!" From Daniëlle
Updated: 07 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 6, 2003 |
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Lucy and Daisy in the Sunday Star times |
Lucy and her daughter, Daisy, are pictured on the set of Tarzan taking some time out. Lucy is in her hair curls! This is a similar
pic to that in last weeks magazine that was sent out, only this much larger, 16cm x 24cm.
The article discusses Lucy's role in Tarzan and the possibility of a continuing contract should the series be successful. If you would like a copy of this section of the paper, just let us know. The cost is
US$4 plus US$4 shipping.
Click here to see the scanned image
Crispian Stewart
Kiwi Attic 2000 Ltd
PO Box
931, Napier, New Zealand
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Screen captures of Lucy from Tarzan new promo |
Added 9 images of Lucy from The WB's Tarzan promo for upcoming episodes. The clips show Lucy's character, Kathleen Clayton in scenes
where she's trying to protect her nephew John/Tarzan from his greedy uncle played by The X-Files Mitch Pileggi. Many THX to Judi for the grabs.
Click here to see the images
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Lucy mentioned in Dallas and Houston papers |
In today's (5 Oct) Edmonton Journal there is a reprinted article
panning Tarzan by Ed Bark - The Dallas Morning News which takes up about half of the page and has a picture of Tarzan and Jane. The article was not too compilmentary about the show and more or less indicated
that is really
wasn't something you wanted to waste your time watching. All
inidcations cited in the article didn't leave much hope of the series surviving for more than a season. The saving grace to the article was the very last line - Future episodes will include Lucy
Lawless, which might help.
The Houston Chronilog, the local TVGuide of the Chronicle has Tarzan and Jane on its cover. The article on the inside mentions that "Reportedly the 2n. episode will feature Lucy Lawless - Xena: Warrior
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Message From Lucy + New Contest! |
Message from Lucy
Xena UGO.com feature...Check out an amazing feature/contest/slideshow for Xena: Warrior Princess at Ugo.com! Xena is the top story! Check out the great clips and interview
footage from Season Two, especially "The Kiss"!
Xena Posters...The Xena Posters have arrived and I will try to get those out to the winners this week. Remember, the first 50 people that joined The Xena Circle will be sent a poster.
Enter the Season Two Posting Contest (Members only)
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Xena mentioned in "The Core" & in "Big Trouble" |
In "The Core" a super-hacker named Rat agreed to hack into and try to control the WWW for an unlimed supply of Xena tapes and Hot
In "Big Trouble" starring Tim Allen and Rene Russo there's a character played by Stanley Tucci who enjoys watching Xena on his big flat screen TV. He switches to Xena action sequences over and over again until
his TV is blown up. 
THX to Jennifer for the info.
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Xena and Hercules are back on German TV! |
Xena is back on German TV. It will be shown on Premiere Pay-TV. For the
series start on October 13 they will show 7 episodes, starting with
"Sins of the past" on the channel 13th Street.
Hercules is also back on German TV. It will be shown on Premiere Pay-TV. For the series start on October 13 they will show 9 episodes on the channel
13th Street.
For more information...
Thanks to Stefanie for the info
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
Tarzan on TV in the UK |
Lynne emailed SKY about Tarzan, this is the response she received:
"Thank you for your email about Tarzan.
I can confirm that Sky One has acquired the rights to this series.
However, a date for broadcast has still to be confirmed.
Thank you for your interest in Sky."
Updated: 06 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 5, 2003 |
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
TV Review: Tarzan |
Fimmel has the requisite athleticism for the part, scaling fire escapes and smashing through windows with deceptive ease. His
dialogue rarely exceeds four-word sentences, but then, he wasn't tabbed for this role because of his way with Shakespeare. He handles longing stares just fine.
Lucy Lawless (news) is to join the series as Kathleen, Tarzan's aunt and a newspaper publisher.
Yahoo News
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
2 Fish Out of Water, and Both Stink (Not Lucy, of course) |
Reviews from Newsday about the new
shows. Lucy is mentioned.
"Additional conflict derives from the rivalry between Tarzan's uncle and his Aunt Katherine (Lucy Lawless), a powerful newspaper publisher who doesn't want the young primitive forcibly civilized."
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
Xena Adopts Tarzan |
Lucy Lawless returns to television for The WB. September 09, 2003 - Former Xena star Lucy Lawless has joined the cast of The WB
network's Tarzan, rejoining producer Laura Ziskin who produced 2002's Spider-Man, which featured a cameo by Lawless.
Read More ...
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
All together now: Xena and Tarzan sitting in a tree... |
Xena's warrior cry is about to make beautiful music with Tarzan's monkey holler.
Seattle Times
Read More ...
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
Lucy and Kevin Sorbo VS Universal |
AP News
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
Renee O'Connor TV alert - for UK viewers |
Tuesday October 7th 6.50am and again Tuesday October 7th 1.45pm
The Rockford Files : Blessing in Disguise
Sky Movie Max 5 (channel 312) - Times are BST
THX to Aries for the info
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
New Tarzan a he-man, but series looks weak |
Lucy Lawless ("Xena Warrior Princess") soon will become a series regular, playing Kathleen Clayton, a sardonic publishing magnate
battling Richard over Tarzan's future and control of Greystoke Industries. The first thing she needs to do is battle the producers for better scripts.
Read More ...
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
PLENTY of Kiwi stunt grunt New Zealand Herald, NZ |
Uma Thurman may look fetching but fierce in the Bruce Lee-tribute yellow tracksuit as she carves up a room of enemies.
But it's a New Zealander doing the hard work - Kiwi stuntwoman Zoe Bell was Thurman's stunt double in the film ,which involves many high-flying fight scenes. Bell travelled to Beijing for the movie shoot to
work under the Chinese fight-masters, whose credits include The Matrix trilogy and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Previously Lucy Lawless's stunt double in the Xena series with a background in martial arts and gymnastics, Bell suffered for Tarantino's art. Missing a safety mat on a stunt involving a hydraulic boost caused
her a dislocated wrist and torn ligaments, meaning her Kill Bill involvement was cut short as she recovered.
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
BILL Brioux on WB's Tarzan: Me no like Canoe News, Canada |
They've added Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess) to the cast
as Tarzan's babe aunt Kathleen, a newspaper publisher who'd like to put
her own leash on junior.
If the idea is for Lawless to strap back on the leather leotards and treat Tarzan as her kinky jungle boy toy, well, then maybe you'd have something. We can keep our fingers crossed at least.
Read More ...
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
Jungle 'Princess' |
Lucy Lawless on swinging from ''Xena'' to ''Tarzan.'' The former
''Warrior Princess'' star says she's happy to put down her sword to watch
over Travis Fimmel on the WB's new series by Liane Bonin
The second-season DVD of ''Xena: Warrior Princess'' hit stores in
September, but Lucy Lawless isn't strapping on her leather breastplate for a
reunion of the syndicated series. Instead the New Zealand-based actress
has signed on to a different action series, the WB's ''Tarzan'' (premieres Sunday, Oct. 5 at 9 p.m.) -- but as the Lord of the Apes' refined aunt Kathleen, introduced in episode 2, she's leaving the grunt work
to star Travis Fimmel. EW.com talked to Lawless, 35, about why she's happy
to pass the sword (for now), her plans for a new TV series, and all
those reunion rumors.
Now that you're on ''Tarzan,'' tell us: Could Xena whip Monkeyboy's
butt or what?
Read More ...
Updated: 05 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 4, 2003 |
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
Charles Mesure at Long Beach, CA convention |
We're happy to announce a first time convention appearance by CHARLES
MESURE: (Xena's "Archangel Michael" "You Are There," "The God You
Know," "Heart of Darkness," "The Haunting of Amphipolis," "Fallen Angel"
and in Hercules' "Revelations". In Xena he also played "Darnelle" in
"The Dirty Half Dozen" and "Mercer" "The Price")! Charles will join the fun at the Official Xena Convention coming to Burbank, California on January 30-February 1, 2004. Our gold weekend section and hotel room
block are filling up: please make your plans now to be with us by visiting our site at: http://www.creationent.com/cal/
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
Last Chance To Get FREE Xena Premium For Kit #7 |
Please remember to reserve your all-new Official Xena Fan Club Kit #7
by October 5th to receive the cool extra bonuses as below:
Your first special gift for ordering early is an exclusive PHOTO CD-ROM
(for PC) visit to our 2003 Official Xena Convention that captures the
stars and excitement of that landmark event! This product has a value of
$12.95 and it is included free if you order by October 5! Your second
free gift will be an exclusive collage candid of Lucy and Renee!
To order your kit visit: http://www.creationent.com/xena/
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
'Xena,' 'Hercules' Sue Universal (FOX) |
LOS ANGELES — Hercules (search) and Xena (search) are joining forces in a lawsuit against Universal Studios over pay.
Read More ...
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
Xena and Hercules sue over pay (BBC) |
The stars of cult TV shows The show aired in the UK on Five Hercules and Xena: Warrior Princess are suing Universal Studios over
Read More ...
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
Xena and Herc: Pay Up! |
Xena and Hercules have teamed up to do battle once more. Actors Lucy Lawless, star of Xena: Warrior Princess, and Kevin Sorbo,
leading man of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, have each filed breach-of-contract suits against Universal Studios.
Read More ...
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
Xena and Hercules Sue Universal |
The stars of Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules are suing Universal
Studios in a pay dispute. Actors Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless are claiming they should have been paid more profit when Universal increased distribution expenses and production costs, and allege they improperly
reduced the profits to keep money from them. Sorbo is asking for 8 percent and Lawless is claiming 5 percent. A Universal spokesperson said the company had not seen the lawsuits yet and had no comment. Xena,
which became a huge cult hit, ended in 2001. It was originally a spin-off from mythical series Hercules. Source: imdb.com, THX to Randi for the tip.
Updated: 04 Oct 2003
OCTOBER 3, 2003 |
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
No Simpsons Treehouse of Horror #4 Exclusive
We've recently learned from our supplier that the the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror #4 Exclusive, will not be available in the
foreseeable future.
It's possible that someone may be selling this item through Amazon.com
Auctions or zShops. We encourage you to search for it there if you're
still interested in purchasing this item:
THX to Evelyn for the info.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
'Tarzan': The WB's Noble Savage |
The second part of the pilot introduces Richard's equally powerful sister Kathleen, played by "Xena: Warrior Princess" star Lucy
Lawless, and the struggle moves from an internal one for Tarzan and Jane to an external one for control of the Clayton fortune and business, Greystoke Industries.
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Xena mention in the Daily Mirror |
Thought u might like to know there was a Xena mention in the Daily Mirror (UK newspaper) 30/09/03 About the UK version of Boudica
"Andrew Davies adaptation of Boudica was less Braveheart meets I, Claudius, more Xena: Warrior Princess meets Biggus Dickus from the The Life of Brain..." From GraceH
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
New ad for Warrior Women |
Discovery Channel aired a second longer version of the Lucy Warrior
Women advert 1 October 2003. You can see the video here.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Two new guests at 2004 Official Xena convention
Start planning now to be aboard Annual Official Xena Convention coming
to BURBANK, CALIFORNIA on January 30-February 1, 2004. Joining already announced celebrities GINA TORRES, DANIELLE CORMACK, ALEXANDRA TYDINGS and TED RAIMI we are happy to welcome ALISON BRUCE (Xena's "Kahina"
in episode: "Legacy", "Talia" in episode: "Animal
Attraction", "Queen Melosa" in episode: "Hooves and Harlots, Hercules'
"Postera" in episode: "Gladiator" and "Simula" in several Young
Hercules episodes) and MISSY GOOD: writer of episodes "Coming Home" and "Legacy" To get the very best Gold Weekend Seating still available please visit us at:
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Xena: Warrior Princess star Lucy Lawless and Hercules star Kevin Sorbo filing separate breach-of-contract lawsuits Tuesday accusing
Universal of withholding pay from the adjusted gross receipts of their syndicated shows.
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Remains Of Xena-Like Woman Found |
Oct. 1, 2003 — The remains of a six- foot tall woman, buried with a shield and knife, were recently discovered in an Anglo-Saxon
cemetery in Lincolnshire, England.
The body and artifacts, which date to A.D. 500-600, suggest that more women than previously believed may have fought alongside men during the turbulent years following England's Roman period.
Archaeologists made the discovery while working on a program for Britain's Channel 4 "Time Team."
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Lucy Interview bit about Tarzan |
Sharon Delaney has "a short clip that was shot in New Mexico of (her) interview with Lucy about Tarzan. This is a test to see how
our system for video clips works. I'm prepping some bits about "Warrior Women" and more on Tarzan to put up if all goes well.
Tarzan begins airing this Sunday, October 5, on the WB. Lucy is not in
the pilot. She will be in 10 of the 13 episodes the show is contracted for
starting with episode #2.
Sharon's Page
THX to MET for the info
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Travis Fimmel & Lucy picture on Tarzan site |
"I found this picture while surfing the web www.tarzantheseries.com:
http://www.tarzantheseries.com/gallery/?showcat=13 (middle pix on the
bottom row). Thought you might like to post that up for everyone to
see. I believe this is the 2nd picture of Kathleen Clayton." THX to Jane for the link
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Warrior Women air dates for Sweden and Scandinavia |
Here's the info I got from Discovery re the broadcast dates for Sweden and Scandinavia + the rest of mainland Europe:
The series 'Warrior Women with Lucy Lawless' is due to be broadcast in November. There are 5 episodes in the series. We have scheduling information for the first 4 episodes, which is provided below.
Episode 1 'Joan' 5/11/03 21.00hrs
Episode 2 'Grace' 12/11/03 21.00hrs
Episode 3 'Lozen' 19/11/03 21.00hrs
Episode 4 'Mulan' 26/11/03 21.00hrs
THX to Michale J for the info
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
TV Gal Gets Back to Business |
"Maybe things will pick up next week when Lucy Lawless joins the cast as Tarzan's aunt. A little Xena never hurt anyone. (One and a
half VCRs). "
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
New Starship Newsletter |
Lucy is on the front page of the new Starship Newsletter
and she also did another little drawing and put a note on the donation appeal page. Click here to see the scans. Many THX to Ann and Bev for the scans.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Xena/Lucy at #20 on Top 25 Fantasy Faces of 2003 |
Xpose Special #23 has a Top 25 Fantasy Faces of 2003. Xena/Lucy
was number 20. Many THX to Ann for the scans.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Lucy in two new magazines |
FROM KIWIATTIC: Lucy Lawless is in 2 of our weekly magazines this week. In the
New Idea she is listed among the sexiest kiwi stars in an article titled "Hot Stuff". There is a small picture of her and the article
only makes a
small reference to Lucy and her popularity. She is ranked the third most sexiest woman in New Zealand. Abit modest I would have thought! In the
Woman's Day there are 3 pictures of Lucy walking with her daughter, Daisy, on the set in hair curls! If you would like a copy of these, just let us know.
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Xena mentioned on Charmed, Xena actors on TV |
On the season premiere of Charmed, Piper and a group of Valkryies met up with a tough looking biker guy, when he saw them he said,
"What, is there a Xena convention in town?" THX to Randi for the info.
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Warrior Women ads on The Discovery Channel |
The Discovery Channel in England is currently running adverts for the upcoming series: 'Warrior Women' presented by Lucy Lawless.
The transcript of the advert is ( a woman's voice)
"In the battle for the place of Woman in Military History, choose a weapon that will compel men to fall at your feet, The ultimate Warrior Princess presents 'Warrior Women', Lucy Lawless, October on Discovery
Channel." THX to Jacquie Bouchara for the transcript. You can see the ad on Jackie's website.
Click here to see images from the ad.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
A note from Mary D |
Hi folks from the wilds of LA.
I am interrupting my holiday to post a message to some people - to those in the booth at Dennys - thank you for the kind words about the site and yes
Tarzan does look promising and yes Judi is doing grabs (and Mesh will do detailed episode reviews). My apologies for not turning around to introduce myself but I enjoyed the moment a great deal and you made a
muggy LA morning quite amusing.
Ta Ta MaryD
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Oh okay, Xena Warrior Princess |
Watching the movie "Monkeybone" starring Brendan Fraser and Bridget Fonda (2001) ... there was a scene in which Brendan's character
Stu was about to go meet Death (played by Whoopi Goldberg) and his cartoon sidekick/creation Monkeybone is scared so Stu says "Don't worry I'll protect you" to which Monkeybone sarcastically replies "Oh
okay, Xena Warrior Princess". From Karen O. THX!
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
'Xena' Meets 'Tarzan' |
"Xena: Warrior Princess"'s LUCY LAWLESS took a few years off from series TV to have a baby and spend time with her children, but now
she's back -- and, boy, does she look different! On tonight's ET, we go one-on-one with Lucy and her co- star TRAVIS FIMMEL on the Toronto set of The WB's new drama, "Tarzan," premiering Sunday, October 5, at 9
p.m. Full Story
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Xena’s Lucy hooks up with Tarzan |
Former Xena star Lucy Lawless will join Australian male model Travis Fimmel in the new TV version of Tarzan. Lawless will play
publisher Kathleen Clayton, aunt to Fimmel’s Tarzan. The series is a re-telling of the famous Tarzan story, but with a twist.
Read More ...
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Claire Stansfield's Company's doing really well! |
West Coast going gaga for chic C&C tees By Booth Moore, Los Angeles Times September 25, 2003. "Stansfield, 38, an actress who
grew up in London before moving to Malibu with her family in her teen years, played the villainous "Alti" on "Xena: Warrior Princess."
Full Story
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Added new chapter for LJ Maas' Conqueror Series |
Tale Three: Time's Fell Hand - Chapters 29 &
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Added Aftershock! & Touching by Felioness |
Genre - Alternative Fiction Continuing story Synopsis: Aftershock! is a post-apocalyptic novel that explores the social aftershocks
following a major catastrophic earthquake in Los Angeles. Aftershock! takes reality to the next level.what would happen to Southern California in the event of a catastrophic earthquake? The physical damage from
the main quake has undermined the city infrastructure to the point of near collapse and total failure is imminent. How can a city of this size cope with the loss of government, police, fire, utility and health
services? Add to that the failure of several toxic waste dumps, laboratories and the rapid spread of disease. Aftershock! follows the experiences of Dr. Reina Delgado and her brother Miguel; Abigail Sheridan, a
young computer programmer; and sisters Jessica and Claudia as they struggle to survive in a society controlled by gangs and contained by a Federal Quarantine order.
Aftershock! | Touching
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Lucy in New Mexico |
There are new pictures of Lucy on Creation's Page taken by Wendy
Sparks in New Mexico. Also from Sharon Delaney -- Wendy's (Sparks) photos of Lucy in New Mexico for the "Warrior Women" filming have just come back from the lab. Lots of great shots to choose from. I'll be
sending them off to Lucy for approval for sale. Just talked with the photographer of those glorious "Warrior Women" photos of Lucy with the sword. We're working out an arrangement and we will be able to offer
them for sale. He took some others as well with different outfits and sets. Can't wait to see. Lucy loved the session with him.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Star Magazine blurb on Lucy |
Star Magazine has a little blurb about Lucy and Travis Fimmel from Tarzan.
Many THX to Ann, Wendy & Judi for sending scans. Click here to see the blurb.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
TAKING ORDERS NOW!! With the Xena Fan Club Newsletter #24 now at the printers (which wraps up the contents for the 6th Fan
Club Kit) it is time to announce THE OFFICIAL XENA FAN CLUB KIT #7, ready for ordering! http://www.creationent.com/xena/
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
The Quotable Xena: Warrior Princess SOLD OUT! |
Rittenhouse Archives is pleased to announce that The Quotable Xena: Warrior Princess have sold-out directly from the manufacturer.
Their website
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Added Legacy by MaryD & Artwork by Lucia from |
Legacy is the fifth novel in the Intertwined Souls series - set after the events of Full Circle. Eva and Zoe are back from Europe
and starting on a new chapter in their lives. Having impressed the Foreign Affairs minister with her work during the European trip, Eva gets promoted to the position of assistant to the Minister much to the
disgust of the bigoted Paula Williams. Zoe deals with the issue of sexual harassment at the Gallery. Her plans to add to their family strikes a major hurdle but certain events overtake them both and destiny
takes over and the two women are faced with the realization that their lives have been altered once again.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
Added Rules Are Made To Be Broken by Mavis Applewater |
Added Rules Are Made To Be Broken by Mavis Applewater
In Rules Are Made To Be Broken, the follow up story to Mavis Applewater's Rule 47 from The Wednesday Afternoon Series, Rae & Sam are back for their final week of touchy feely camp and finding it harder to break
the rules.
Updated: 03 Oct 2003
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